ORD 00-11CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT ORDINANCE NO. 00-11 WATER USE ORDINANCE SECTION 1. WATER AVAILABILITY AND USE CHARGES. The City Council has determined that in order to pay for the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, operation, and use of the City water system; the cost of State and Federal regulations; and the principal and interest to become due on obligations issued or to be issued, it is necessary to impose just and equitable charges for the use and availability of the Municipal water system pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, Subdivision 3. A. Usage Charge. From and after hookup of any premises to the City water system, the owner or owners of said premises shall pay for such water service and usage at rates fixed by resolution of the City Council, and any rates so established may be amended at any time by duly adopted resolution of the City Council. B. Penalty Charge and Interest on Unpaid Bills. The monthly water consumption charges shall be deemed delinquent if not paid on or before the due date. Bills will be mailed approximately two weeks before the due date. All delinquent accounts shall be subject to penalty calculated as follows: 1. A bill paid in full within 30 days after the due date shall pay a penalty of 10% of the balance due. 2. Beginning 30 days after the due date all unpaid balances shall accrue interest at a rate established by resolution of the City Council. Said interest will be on top of the penalty charge. C. Availability of Water Service. Owners or users of any property within those areas where City water service is available may not use a non -municipal water system without specific written agreement with the City. SECTION 2. WATER LINE CONNECTIONS. All connections to the municipal water system shall be in conformity with the following rules and regulations, except that the City Council may, by resolution, waive the same upon showing of special conditions justifying such waiver. A. Separate Connection. Every premises served by a water hookup shall have a separate connection and a separate meter. B. Permit Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any water connection or meter to the City water line without first obtaining a permit therefore from the City. The initial connection and turn on operation for any water system connection shall only be performed by a City employee or authorized agent. C. Licensed Plumber Required. No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service, or assist therein, any water line connected to the City water system, unless such person, firm, or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City. D. Connection Charge. The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup of premises to the municipal water system shall be set by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. E. Residential Equivalent Connections (REC) will be established for non-residential users. The number of REC's per use will be as per the current version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual. F. No person shall connect to the City water system without also connecting to the City sanitary sewer system, except by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 3. METERS. All water shall be measured by a City provided meter. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can be installed. The customer shall pay for the meter from the City, pay for all costs of meter installation in an approved location, and pay for any maintenance or replacement costs of the City. For the purpose of reading or maintaining meters, shutting off or starting service, or other emergency situations, duly authorized employees or subcontractors of the City shall have authority legally to enter upon any premises at a reasonable hour. SECTION 4. ACCOUNTS IN NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER; DEPOSIT; LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. A. Account Name. All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner who personally, or by their authorized agent, shall apply for such service. Said owner shall at all times be personally liable for water consumed upon the premises whether they are occupying the same or not. B. Deposit. The City also reserves the right to demand of each and every customer, before the said service is turned on, a deposit with the City Administrator in an amount established by resolution. 2 C. Lien on Property. All accounts, charges, and interest imposed by and pursuant to this ordinance are hereby made a lien upon the premises served by the water hookup. All such accounts and charges which are, on the 1st day of October of each year, 30 or more days past due, and the same having been properly billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served, may be certified by the City Clerk as unpaid and delinquent to the County Auditor by the 1st day of November of each year. The City Clerk, in so certifying such accounts and charges to the County Auditor, shall specify the amounts thereof, the description of the premises served, and the name of the owner thereof. The amount so certified shall be extended by the County Auditor on the tax rolls against such premises in the same manner as other taxes and shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION 5. TAKING WATER WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Any person, firm or corporation who takes water from the municipal water system without complying with the provisions of this ordinance, or without other authorization, or who assists any other person in so doing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. Violators are also responsible for the City's costs for prosecution or in seeking injunctive relief. SECTION 6. RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE SERVICE RESERVED. The City shall have the right and authority to discontinue water service to any property that is delinquent in payment or is in violation of water service rules or other City ordinance. A. The City or its subcontractor shall notify each sewer and water user/owner who have sewer/water accounts thirty (30) days past due. The notification shall include: 1. The amount owed the City including interest and other appropriate charges. 2. Date by which the account must be paid. 3. Service shut-off date. 4. If the user/owner does not contact the City within ten (10) days, the City shall hand deliver a shut-off notice to the delinquent party. B. Shut-off. Services will be discontinued to the accounts who have not made arrangement with the City regarding the payment of delinquent account. The City shall also have the authority to shut-off service immediately without notice pursuant to any action against the property. 3 C. Charges. The City shall charge service fees as established by resolution to discontinue services and to reinstate services to a delinquent account. Any charges incurred by the City in discontinuing service shall be assessed to the property. D. User/Owner Shutoff Request. The user/owner may request that their water be shutoff. The City will then shutoff the water with a service fee as established by resolution. Turning on the water and reinstalling the meter will cost an additional service fee. While the water is shutoff the owner/user will be billed for the minimum charge as established by Council resolution. SECTION 7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS. The cost of all repairs and replacement of any plumbing between the residence or structure and the municipal water main line, shall be borne entirely by the owner of the premises affected, and if such repair or replacement work is performed by the city, the cost of time and material shall be assessed against the owner of the affected premises. SECTION 8. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its publication. SECTION 9. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine not exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty and NO/100 Dollars ($750.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day the violation shall continue. The City is also allowed to seek injunctive or other relief and assess penalties as part of that process. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26TH day of J„nP , 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry; urnier, E aine Beatty, City C64rk Publish: July 19, 2000 - Elk River Star News Post: July 10, 2000 - Otsego City H&11 4