04-09-19 PS MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Meeting Date: 04/9/2019 Time: 1830 hours Call to order: 1833 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime Commissioners: Chairman Bill Abderhalden- excused Vice-Chair Dan Freiberg David Greeman Paul Fields Jim Breitbach John Braun - Vern Heinder Greg Hubbard Public Safety Officials: Deputy Eric Thole 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Jim Breitbach and seconded by John Braun. Approved unanimously 2. Approve meeting minutes from January 8th, 2019. Motioned by Paul Fields and seconded by John Braun. Approved Unanimously. 3. Open forum -None. Updates: WCSO - Deputy Eric Thole -working on getting a head of issues at the parks - Business as usual. - had a fatal accident on county 39. Elk River Fire Department - Mark Dickinson - 9 runs in March with no fires. - Chemical leak at target was the biggest call. - Fatal accident on county 39. Albertville Fire Department- Chief Eric Bullen - Calls slowed down in March - Had first grass fire - Two new fire trucks coming in June or July - ISO interview was last week report should be out by July. - Going through annual hiring process and the interviews are next week. - Signed the new auto aid agreement first call using it was a success. Ambulance- Steve - No reports available will have them next meeting. - They are reviewing adding a 3rd truck. - Had a discussion about the other ambulance services that service Otsego. Rogers Fire Department- Chief Brad - Quiet month with one medical call, 3 calls so far in April. - Got three bullet proof vests and helmets to add to their active shooter bag. - They now carry Narcan. Old business: -None New business: - Looking at having representatives from the other ambulance services that cover Otsego come to a meeting. - Are four wheelers allowed on snow mobile trails? (dep uty Thole answered no) - Road clean up next meeting (May 14th) at 6 and then meeting at 6:30. Motion to adjourn by Jim Breitbach, seconded by John Braun. Approve unanimously. Next meeting *May 14th, 2019 Prepared by: Bill Abderhalden