ITEM 3.3B OHP 3.12.2019 Minutesr -rem 3_3g OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES— MARCH 12, 2019 Present: Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Cara Husak, Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Councilman Corey Tanner; Guests: Bob Lefebvre, Dan Lefebvre, Mark Lefebvre, and Nancy Lefebvre Fordahl. 1. Discussion with Lefebvre family re Lefebvre Creek Park/Greenway. We clarified ownership of the land and ancestry of the family landowners for this park. Mark Lefebvre brought a well- written summary of the land history and the family's intentions of good land stewardship. They also brought another picture of the family home from 1946 and a copy of a 1916 plat map. OHPC will combine this information with other pictures of this family line to create the park sign. That information will then be given to Dan Licht who will consult with the city's graphic designer to put together a mock up of the park sign. We agreed to let the family review that mock up. 2. Minutes from 1/18/2019 OHPC were approved without changes. 3. New officers were elected for 2019: Chair—Toni Seroshek Vice -Chair — Chris Wilson Secretary —Cara Husak Chocolatier — Chris Wilson 4. Discussion of options for Otsego history inclusions in the Otsego View and perhaps on the city website. Tami Loff had sent examples from Corcoran and Eden Prairie. We reviewed those as possible options for us. The Corcoran example was an actual narrative or history of the area that was available on a tab at that city's website. The Eden Prairie example was a shorter snippet of history that could be placed, in our case, in the Otsego View when there was a little space available. We would still periodically have larger articles in the View. Commissioners seemed to like the ideas though no assignments were made. Cara also discussed recording interviews of Otsego residents that could be part of a pod cast, maybe again being available on the city website. We would need to evaluate legalities and Jessica said she would mention it at an admin meeting. OHPC has some taped interviews that the original OHPC recorded as well. 5. Meeting adjourned Submitted by Toni Seroshek