ITEM 3.11Streets- Page Avenue Project0 tS Te F V MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner April 22, 2019 PRESENTER(S) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.11 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. 79th Street and 85th Street. City staff observed that rideability of this street section was extremely poor due Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. This condition occurs when water is trapped under the pavement and expands when frozen to push the Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a quote for crack filling maintenance on Page Avenue. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: City staff received numerous complaints this past winter season on the condition of Page Avenue between 79th Street and 85th Street. City staff observed that rideability of this street section was extremely poor due to a condition commonly called "tenting". This condition occurs when water is trapped under the pavement and expands when frozen to push the asphalt upwards at normal cracks causing an abrupt elevation change in the street profile. Once warmer weather returns, the ice melts and the pavement typically recedes closer to a more even surface. A combination of factors has caused this issue since Page Avenue was constructed in 2003: ■ The gravel material used as base was a mixture of crushed concrete and asphalt. The specific mixture used for Page Avenue consisted of more concrete than asphalt and provided a very solid base. MNDOT has changed the specification for recycled gravel material for use in street construction since Page Avenue was constructed to lessen the percentage of fine particles used in the gravel base due to this issue. ■ Very small particles within the recycled material high in concrete can seal any pores that allowed water to drain downward into the sand below the gravel base. MNDOT has changed the specification for recycled gravel material for use in street construction since Page Avenue was constructed to lessen the percentage of fine particles used in the gravel base due to this issue. ■ Salt used to melt ice on the street is also trapped under the asphalt and attracts and holds water much like a magnet such that more water is trapped between the asphalt surface and gravel base. ■ Without adequate drainage, water that has intruded through cracks in the pavement becomes trapped between the asphalt surface and gravel base. The trapped water will then freeze and expand, pushing the asphalt upward. The City has developed a plan of action to correct the condition of the roadway: Cracks will be cleaned out using highly compressed air to remove dirt, sand, salt, and other debris to provide space for a pliable adhesive sealant. The City is planning to use a higher grade of crack sealant due to nature of Page Avenue's gravel base to minimize to the extent possible the amount of water penetrating beneath the asphalt. ■ The City will drill 6 -inch diameter holes at each end of the cracks nearest the concrete curb at to a depth of at least 1 -foot to ensure the hole has penetrated the recycled gravel base. These 6 -inch holes will be filled with clean course sand and will act as weep drains to allow any water that does manage to get under the asphalt surface to pass through the recycled gravel base. The combination of sealing the cracks to and providing drainage through the recycled gravel base of the street will minimize or negate the trapping of water, salt, and sand between the asphalt surface and recycled gravel base to prevent tenting from occurring in the future. The City will annually reapply sealant to these cracks or any new cracks that form to minimize the potential for future tenting until the street pavement in need of reconstruction. A quote was received from Bargen Inc., to complete the repairs with assistance from City Staff in the form of traffic control and crack and street cleaning. The quote was for $3.55 per pound with an estimated need for 10,000 lbs. Due to the extra effort the project will need in preparation prior to placement of the mastic material, City staff is most comfortable working with Bargen Inc., due to past performances of their work. City Staff will work with the contractor to have the project completed as soon as possible as cooler weather keeps the transverse cracks wider allowing more mastic material to fill the voids. The Public Works Subcommittee was presented with this information at the April 17th meeting, and recommended the item be placed on the consent agenda for approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Quote — Bargen Inc. POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve the quote from Bargen Inc., for the crack filling maintenance of Page Avenue at $3.55 per pound of sealant installed. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 201— Pavement Management No; however, with the City's primary street maintenance projects receiving bids well under the CIP estimated amounts, there are budget funds leftover for this project. ARCYE' INCORPORATED - 606 County Road 1 Phone (507) 427-2924 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 Company C(- 1.1 oF D siAh Attention VLA' 1 Fax # Email: Email us back at bargen@bargeninc,com Total pages, including cover (V Messag Fax/Email COVER SHEET From \Jc— r{rw Date ` — 0 - :n Phone: 1-500-434-2924 Fax: 1-507-427-2697 Urgent For Review Please Reply Original is being mailed to you ARGE INCORPORATED 606 County Road 1 Phone (507) 427-2924 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 April 10, 2019 City of Otsego Attn: Kevin Lamson 13400 — 901h Street N E Otsego, MN 55330-7259 Kevin, Thank you for the opportunity to explain the asphalt pavement maintenance services our firm offers and to provide you with a quote for your city streets. I am confident that you will find the services beneficial for your roads. I would like to explain the procedures our service crew uses. Maxwell Mastic Gap Level and Fill (widened crack repair) The existing cracks will be cleaned of debris and/or moisture using a heatlance. We will then spray apply a tack coat. The Maxwell Mastic Gap is a revolutionary rubberized hot pour patching material designed to repair wide cracks, pot holes, rutting and depressed broken -up areas in asphalt and concrete pavement surfaces. It is also ideal for use around manholes, gutters and drains. When applied properly, Maxwell Mastic Gap creates a load bearing, weather resistant, durable bond resulting in a long term pavement maintenance solution. Project Prices - Our price includes all materials, applicable taxes and labor to complete the project as explained. Please note: The Customer is responsible for notifying the public that we will be working in your area. Pavement maintenance can be extremely dusty and dirty work and we strongly encourage the public to keep their Personal property at a strong distance away from our work zone. This will avoid any possible concerns for dust, debris or damage. A recommended distance would be 75 —150 feet away from the work zone. An insurance Certificate is available upon request. We will complete the Mastic Gap Repairs on Page Avenue from 851h to 79th and the balance of the Mastic Gap repairs will be determined once the crew is there to complete the project. Estimating 10,000 lbs. @ $3.55 per pound of sealant installed. The total project price is subject to the actual amount of pounds installed for the City. TERMS: Owner agrees that all payments required under this Contract shall be due and payable within 30 days of date of invoice. Owner further agrees that Bargen Inc. may charge interest at the annual rate of eighteen percent (18%), unless a lesser percentage is required by law on any sum due under this Contract which is not paid within 30 days of invoice date. If payments are not made when due, interest, costs incidental to collection and attorney's fees (if any attorney is retained for collection) shall be added to the unpaid balance. Bargen Inc. reserves the right, without penalty from Owner, to stop work on the project if Owner does not make payments to Bargen Inc. when due. This Proposal/Contract may be withdrawn by Bargen Inc. if not accepted within 30 days, or at anytime, subject to increases related to material prices as noted above. Acceptance of proposal — The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days. Date of acceptance Signature Purchase Order # Signature Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with information on the asphalt pavement maintenance needs in your community. I am confident that you will find the products used and the workmanship of our crew of the highest quality. I look forward to working with you in the near future. Sincerely, Jerry Van Dyke BARGEN, INC. JVD/mq Project for City of Otsego — Mastic Gap Repairs Our Mission Bargen, Inc. is commit- ted to excellence and, because of this, we take pride in our team of professional cratlsnten. Our primary purpose is to provide knowledge- able recommendations, quality workmanship and exceptional service. Our goal is satisfied customers who have received the most value for their investment. Website: www.bar,)enine.com Email: bargcn(rubargeninc.com ARGENINCORPORATED 606 County Road 1 Phone (507) 427-2924 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 April 10, 2019 City of Otsego Attn: Kevin Lamson 13400 — 90`h Street NE Otsego, MN 55330-7259 Kevin, Thank you for the opportunity to explain the asphalt pavement maintenance services our firm offers and to provide you with a quote for your city streets. I am confident that you will find the services beneficial for your roads. I would like to explain the procedures our service crew uses. Asphalt Rubber Crack Repair (Rout & Seal) Our service crew will: A. rout out cracks 1" wide by 1" deep for cracks that are 40 feet apart and closer B. rout out cracks 1 %" wide by 1" deep for cracks that are 45 — 80 feet apart C. if the cracks are wider, they will be routed accordingly D. the cracks will then be cleaned with high volume blowers E. as a second cleaning procedure, a heatlance will be used to clean out any remaining debris and/or moisture F. cracks will be filled three-quarters to full G. after a cooling period, the cracks are filled a second time using a banding applicator H. this does not include any allegated areas I. the debris will be blown to the side of the curb, where it will be the City's responsibility to sweep up Sealant Material The sealant that we will use meets and exceeds the Minnesota State Spec. #3723.2 and Iowa ASTM -D3405 and ASTM -D6690 type II Spec. with the following modifications: - 100% elongation at -20°F — Blow and Go procedure (Re -seal) The existing cracks will be cleaned of debris and/or moisture using a heatlance. We will then fill the cracks with rubberized sealant, installing an overbanding safety seal. Recently OSHA implemented new exposure levels for the Respirable Crystalline Silica law. We as a company are taking this serious and we want to protect our workers as well as avoid any fines that might be incurred by not following OSHA regulations. The OSHA standard (29 CFR 1926.1153) requires employers to limit worker exposures to respirable crystalline silica and to take other steps to protect workers. In keeping with the spirit of the law, we are doing everything we can to reduce our employee's exposure to Silica. This includes working towards a solution to suppress the dust at the point of creation, as well as using a Vacuum sweeper truck with a water system in the holding tank to suck the debris from the cracks. Project Prices - Our price includes all materials, applicable taxes and labor to complete the project as explained. Please note: The Customer is responsible for notifying the public that we will be working in your area. Pavement maintenance can be extremely dusty and dirty work and we strongly encourage the public to keep their Personal property at a strong distance away from our work zone. This will avoid any possible concerns for dust, debris or damage. A recommended distance would be 75 —150 feet away from the work zone, An Insurance Certificate is available upon request. The price to Rout and Seal or Blow and Go cracks for the City of Otsego will be $3.45 per pound of sealant installed. The total project price is subject to the actual amount of pounds installed up to the City's Budgeted amount. TERMS: Owner agrees that all payments required under this Contract shall be due and payable within 30 days of date of invoice. Owner further agrees that Bargen Inc. may charge interest at the annual rate of eighteen percent (18%), unless a lesser percentage is required by law on any sum due under this Contract which is not paid within 30 days of invoice date. If payments are not made when due, interest, costs incidental to collection and attorney's fees (if any attorney is retained for collection) shall be added to the unpaid balance. Bargen Inc. reserves the right, without penalty from Owner, to stop work on the project if Owner does not make payments to Bargen Inc. when due. This Proposal/Contract may be withdrawn by Bargen Inc. if not accepted within 30 days, or at anytime, subject to increases related to material prices as noted above. Acceptance of proposal —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 30 days. Date of acceptance Purchase Order# Signature Signature Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with information on the asphalt pavement maintenance needs in your community. I am confident that you will find the products used and the workmanship of our crew of the highest quality. I look forward to working with you in the near future. Sincerely, erry Van Dyke BARGEN, INC. JVD/mq Project for City of Otsego — crack repair Our Mission Bargen, Inc. is commit- ted to excellence and, because of this, we take pride in our team of professional craftsmen. Our primary purpose is to provide knowledge- able recommendations, quality workmanship and exceptional service. Our goal is satisfied customers who have received the most value for their investment. Website: www.bargenine.corn Email: bargen(u)bargenine.com