ITEM 4.1 ADA Transition Plan0 Otsg TY o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner May 13, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.1 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: X Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Yes — May 13, 2019 Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. The City of Otsego is required, under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 28CFR35.105, Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. This self-evaluation will identify what policies and practices impact accessibility and examine how the City Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff is recommending the City Council hold a public hearing regarding the City's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes — May 13, 2019 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City of Otsego is required, under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 28CFR35.105, to perform a self-evaluation of its current transportation infrastructure policies, practices, and programs. This self-evaluation will identify what policies and practices impact accessibility and examine how the City implements these policies. The goal of the self-evaluation is to verify that, in implementing the City's policies and practices, the department is providing accessibility and not adversely affecting the full participation of individuals with disabilities. The self-evaluation also examines the condition of the City's Pedestrian Circulation Route/Pedestrian Access Route (PCR/PAR) and identifies potential need for PCR/PAR infrastructure improvements. This will include the sidewalks, curb ramps, and bicycle/pedestrian trails that are located within the City rights of way. Any barriers to accessibility identified in the self-evaluation and the remedy to the identified barrier are set out in this transition plan. As part of the creation of the ADA Transition Plan a public hearing is being held to receive any comments from interested parties. A Public Hearing Notice was placed in the newspaper (Star News) and the City Website. These notices advertised the availability of the ADA Transition Plan documents and the public hearing to receive comments. A copy of the ADA Transition Plan was made available via the City Website and will be offered at the Public Hearing. Information from this Public Hearing will be included within the adopted plan. A PowerPoint of the ADA Transition plan will be presented at the Public Hearing by the City Engineer. The Transition Plan is intended to be an evolving plan. As such, the City of Otsego will annually review this plan to ensure it is up to date with current standards. The plan will also incorporate improvements completed on the ADA features. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Resolution 2019-24 ADA Transition Plan (Due to Size, Not Attached) A Public Copy will be available at the meeting. It is available on the website at: https://Www.ci.otsego. m n. us/ve rtica I/Sites/%7 B5 E9 EA6 DA -857 D-4088-B396- 1EBOF2DBA26D%7D/uploads/PH 05-13-19 ADA Transition Plan(1).pdf • PowerPoint of the ADA Transition Plan will be presented at the Public Hearing POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Resolution 2019-24 adopting the City's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A RESOLUTION NO.: 2019-24 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) TRANSITION PLAN. WHEREAS, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, is a Civil Rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability; and, WHEREAS, Title II of ADA pertains to the programs, activities, and services public entities provide; and, WHEREAS, as a provider of public transportation facilities, services, and programs, the City of Otsego must comply Title II of ADA as it specifically applies to public service agencies; and, WHEREAS, as required by Title II of ADA, 28 CFR. Part 35 Sec. 35.105 and Sec. 35.150, the City of Otsego has conducted a self-evaluation of its facilities within public rights-of-way and has developed an ADA Transition Plan attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, the Public Works Subcommittee on 20 February 2019 reviewed the ADA Transition Plan and recommends its approval; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council on 13 May 2019 held a Public Hearing to receive comments and reviewed the ADA Transition Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the ADA Transition Plan is hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May 41] wo ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2 Council Meeting May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. n Plan ,mericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted ly 26, 1990, is a civil rights law prohibiting urination against individuals on the basis of iiity II of ADA provides that, "...no qualified individual with a ibility shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from ;icipation in or be denied the benefits of the services, jrams, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to :rimination by any such entity." (42 USC. Sec. 12132; 28 CFR. . 35.130) oal of the self-evaluation is to verify that, in menting the City's policies and practices, the -tment is providing accessibility and not sely affecting the full participation of duals with disabilities transition plan is intended to be an evolving plan ransition Plan must cover the following: -Evaluation cies and Practices rovement & Implementation Schedules blish ADA Coordinator lic Outreach vance Procedures 18, the City of Otsego conducted an inventory Jestrian facilities within its public right of way pedestrians ramps at street crossings that include and sidewalk facilities were evaluated ition to the pedestrian ramps the City has miles of sidewalks (not evaluated at this time) miles of trails (not evaluated at this time) SECONDARY AX 2 LANDING SECONIDARY RAMP alW MANX 8.3 'SECONDARY LANDING -,---- LANDING MAX 2% AND 4' 'WIDE � IN ALL DIRECTIONS r" a RAMP FLARE ��� � TRUNCATED DOMS ��� FLARE GUTTER 'SLOP'S i. Pedestrian Access Route sated Domes exist and are compliant with nt standards slopes do not exceed 2.0% itional slopes do not exceed 8.3% ngs, if required al discontinuities less than 1/4" Pedestrian Ramps # of Compliant Ramps 20 278% of N'on-Compliant Ramps 699: 97.22% Total #: of Ramps 719 Total Miles of Sidewalk of Ramps W/ < min 4' PAR 5 O.70% 4 of Ramps W/ complaint PAR 711 98.89% # of Unknown 3 0.42% of Ramps W/ Compliant Truncated Domes 54 7.51% # of Ramps W1 No or Non-Compliantruncated Domes 663 92'.21% # of Ramps Unknown Domes 2 01.28% of Ramps W1 Trip Hazards (Vertical Deflections) 394 54.80% # of Ramps W/ No Trip Hazards (Vertical Deflections) 290 401,33% # of Unknown 35 4,87% # Ramps W1 Complaint Cross Slopes 408 56.75% 4 Ramps W/ Non -Complaint Cross Slopes 276 38.39% 4 of Ramps Unknown Cross Slopes 35: 4.87% Ramps WI Complaint Transvers Slopes 614 85.40% Ramps W/ Non -Complaint Transverse Slopes 69: 9B0% # of Ramps Unknown Transvers Slopes 36 5.01%j Trip Hazards TBD Cross Slope 2% or Less TBD Cross Slope Greater than 2% TBD Slope Unknown TBD Total Miles of Sidewalk 33 miles Traits Trip Hazards TBD: Cross Slope 2% or Less TBD Cross Slope Greater than 2% TBD Slope Unknown TBD Total Miles of Trails 33 miles 8 'ransition Plan sets the following goals for ►ving the accessibility of its pedestrian ies within the City jurisdiction: sin 10 years all facilities that are not ADA complaint and sidered non -serviceable, identified as an existing hazard, or of Otsego staff believe need of immediate attention will be ressed in conjunction with adjacent City Capital rovement Projects or as Stand -Alone Projects as necessary ilities that are considered serviceable and not in need of iediate attention will be addressed in conjunction with scent City Capital Improvement Projects Areas Schools Commercial Buildings Received Housing stimate costs associated with providing ADA ,osibility within the entire jurisdiction is iximately $2,800,000 I ramps will be redeveloped during reconstruction or aim improvement projects as outlined in the City of Otsego arranted existing facilities may be reconstructed in junction of other City projects or with Development driven ects. ;ordance with the requirements of Title II of mericans with Disabilities Act of 1990, City of jo will not discriminate against qualified duals with disabilities on the basis of ility in City's services, programs, or activities s public hearing and any comments will be included ,he Transition Plan )rmational Flyer and ADA Transition Plan will be iilable at City Hall and on the City's website. mplaint should be in writing and contain information about ,ged discrimination such as name, address, phone number of iinant and location, date, and description of the problem mplaint should be submitted by the grievant and/or his/her Be as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days e alleged violation to the ADA Coordinator: vin Lamson y Street Operations Manager 400 90th Street NE sego, MN 55303 i3) 441-4414 imson@ci.otesgo.mn.us Pedestrian Ramps # of Compliant Ramps 20 278% of N'on-Compliant Ramps 699: 97.22% Total #: of Ramps 719 Total Miles of Sidewalk of Ramps W/ < min 4' PAR 5 O.70% 4 of Ramps W/ complaint PAR 711 98.89% # of Unknown 3 0.42% of Ramps W/ Compliant Truncated Domes 54 7.51% # of Ramps W1 No or Non-Compliantruncated Domes 663 92'.21% # of Ramps Unknown Domes 2 01.28% of Ramps W1 Trip Hazards (Vertical Deflections) 394 54.80% # of Ramps W/ No Trip Hazards (Vertical Deflections) 290 401,33% # of Unknown 35 4,87% # Ramps W1 Complaint Cross Slopes 408 56.75% 4 Ramps W/ Non -Complaint Cross Slopes 276 38.39% 4 of Ramps Unknown Cross Slopes 35: 4.87% Ramps WI Complaint Transvers Slopes 614 85.40% Ramps W/ Non -Complaint Transverse Slopes 69: 9B0% # of Ramps Unknown Transvers Slopes 36 5.01%j Trip Hazards TBD Cross Slope 2% or Less TBD Cross Slope Greater than 2% TBD Slope Unknown TBD Total Miles of Sidewalk 33 miles Traits Trip Hazards TBD: Cross Slope 2% or Less TBD Cross Slope Greater than 2% TBD Slope Unknown TBD Total Miles of Trails 33 miles SECONDARY AX 2 LANDING SECONIDARY RAMP alW MANX 8.3 'SECONDARY LANDING -,---- LANDING MAX 2% AND 4' 'WIDE � IN ALL DIRECTIONS r" a RAMP FLARE ��� � TRUNCATED DOMS ��� FLARE GUTTER 'SLOP'S