ITEM 5.1 Harvest Run EastotS T Y F O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 13 May 2019 PRESENTER(S) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty City Engineer Wagner 5.1— Harvest Run East STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: easement, a Zoning Map amendment, and a PUD-CUP/preliminary plat. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Held by Planning Commission 6 May 2019 Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, preliminary plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS .RECOMMENDATION - RECON MENDATION:City City staff recommends adoption of a resolution vacating a portion of an existing drainage and utility easement, a Zoning Map amendment, and a PUD-CUP/preliminary plat. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 6 May 2019 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Capstone Harvest Run, LLC is proposing development of 163 single family dwellings on 77.45 acres located east of Queens Avenue at 61St Street. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, preliminary plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the applications was noticed for the Planning Commission meeting held on 15 April 2019. The public hearing was opened and continued at the developer's request to 6 May 2019. The developer was represented by Ms. Heather Lorch who made a presentation to the Planning Commission regarding the proposed subdivision and agreed with the recommendations of City staff. The Planning Commission discussed access to the development as well as storm water drainage. The Planning Commission added a recommended condition of approval restricting use of streets within Wokson Hills and Autumn Woods until such time as the second lift of asphalt is placed on streets within the plat. The Planning Commission also discussed storm water drainage improvements within the site that will have benefits to existing drainage issues in Wokson Hills and Autumn Woods. Storm water drainage was also a question made by Mr. Kevin Brenny, who lives at the house along the south plat line. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing. Motions were made to recommend City Council approval of the applications with the added condition regarding access to the subdivision. The motions passed by unanimous votes. The Planning Report attached hereto and the draft findings of fact have been updated to reflect the recommendation of the Planning Commission. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Planning Report dated 1 May 2019 ■ Engineering Review dated May 6, 2019 ■ Resolution 2019-25 vacating existing drainage and utility easement ■ Findings of Fact and Decision (Zoning Map) ■ Ordinance 2019-12 amending the Zoning Map ■ Findings of Fact and Decision (PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat) POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-25 vacating an existing drainage and utility easement, adopt Ordinance 2019-12 amending the Zoning Map, and approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Harvest Run East subject to the findings of fact and decision as presented. Rt]DGFT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE ACTION DATE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Harvest Run East; PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat 1 May 2019 25 May 2019 101.02 Capstone Harvest Run, LLC is proposing development 163 single family dwellings on 77.45 acres located east of Queens Avenue at 6151 Street. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, preliminary plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the applications was noticed for the Planning Commission meeting held on 15 April 2019. The public hearing was opened and continued at the developer's request to 6 May 2019. Exhibits: Site Location Map Site plan illustration Harvest Run East development plans dated 3/26/19 (22 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District consistent with the polices of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan describes that rural land uses are to be maintained until such time as needed infrastructure is available for a property to be rezoned to allow for development planned by the Future Land Use Plan. The proposed development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District, which allows single family dwellings as a permitted use, and R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District, which allows for single family villa homes as a permitted use. A PUD -CUP is also being processed with the preliminary plat to allow for lot requirements proposed within the preliminary plat for the single family villa homes. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses. The proposed density of the single family dwellings within the preliminary plat is 2.10 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the land uses and density guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses shown in the table below. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Land Use North Industrial A-1 District Farmstead/cultivated field East LD Residential A-1 District R-4 District Cultivated field Single family dwellings (Riverpointe) South LD Residential R-3 District Single family homes (Autumn Woods) West LD Residential R-5 District R-3 District Single family villas (Harvest Run) Single family dwellings (Harvest Run) Single family dwellings (Wokson Hills) The proposed preliminary plat is an eastward expansion of the existing Harvest Run development and consistent with the character of the existing homes in Riverpointe. The subdivision design reflects the natural characteristics of the site and provides for larger/wider transitional lots abutting existing one -acre lots to the west and south. The proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 2 Comment: The subject site accessed primarily by Queens Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. Access to Queens Avenue will occur over several paths via 611t Street, 59th Street, 58th Street. Access to CSAH 36 is also available via Quigley Avenue. These streets all have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the homes within the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City provides for services in support of urban development as guided by the Future Land Use Plan; the proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. Access. The preliminary plat will be accessed primarily from Queens Avenue, which is designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan as a major collector street. Access to the preliminary plat will occur over 6111 Street through Harvest Run 58th Street and 59th Streets through Autumn Woods. A connection to Quigley Avenue at the southwest corner of the subject site will also provide for access to CSAH 36 through Wokson Hills, although the circuitous path required for this route means City staff expects it to be used infrequently. A connection is provided between Harvest Run and Harvest Run East at 62nd Street for intra - neighborhood circulation. The preliminary plat also provides for a future street connection to the east of the subject site. This street will eventually be extended through to intersect Radford Avenue and Randolph Avenue as development continues. The parcels to the north are guided for future industrial development. As such, there is no street connection provide to the north of the subject site so as to avoid separating the single contiguous tract and to avoid future mixing of residential and industrial traffic The plat of Riverpointe provided for right-of-way to extend 59th Street at the east boundary of the subject site and the abutting parcel to the east. However, existing steep topography and wetlands make this street extension not feasible. The preliminary plat provides for a trail connection in lieu of a street between Street A and 59th Street that will allow pedestrian access between the two neighborhoods and allow residents of the preliminary plat access to Frankfort Park. Streets. Local streets interior to the preliminary plat are provided with a 60 foot right-of-way consistent with the requirements of Section 10-8-5.13.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed local streets are to be 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter and a 5 foot concrete sidewalk is provided on 1 side of all streets. Street names will be established at the time of final plat approval in accordance with Section 10-8-10.6.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Wright County grid system. All street designs and construction plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3 Lot Requirements. The minimum lot requirements of the R-4 and R-5 Districts are shown in the table below as applicable to the preliminary plat. The lots abutting existing 1 acre lots zoned R-3 District within Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills are subject to the lot requirements of the R -4A District in accordance with Section 11-66-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer is proposing minimum lot widths of 54 feet for the single family villa homes on Block 1, Lots 1-24, Block 2 and Lots 2-26, Block 3 within the north portion of the development. These lot standards are consistent with the lot requirements applied to the Harvest Run subdivision to the west being constructed by the developer. Utilizing the same lot requirements under a PUD -CUP to maintain a consistent character of development between Harvest Run and the proposed preliminary plat is appropriate. Lots 25-28, Block 2; Lots 1 and 27-35, Block 3; Block 4; and Block 5 all comply with R-5 District lot requirements. The proposed R-4 District lots are all south of 611t Street/Street A, providing for larger lots in consideration of existing environmental conditions and the need to transition with R -4A District lots to the Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills neighborhood. We recommend consideration be given to revising Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 to front to Street H so that Lot 1 does not have streets on three sides as currently proposed. Lots within Block 10 are double frontage lots to two local streets, which is typically not allowed by Section 10-8-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance except that the existing topography of the subject sites and location of Quenroe Avenue and Quilley Avenue dictate such a subdivision design. The preliminary plat must also be revised such that all corner lots within Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a minimum width of 100 feet as required within the R-4 District. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family lots to be provided at least 2 trees per lot. A landscape buffer yard is also provided along the north plat line for Lots 1-9, Block 2 to provide screening from future industrial uses to the north and for the double frontage lots within Block 10. The schedule on the landscape plan indicates that there are 342 trees to be planted including yard trees and the buffer yard plantings. The schedule is to be revised to specify a minimum 232 shade trees plus those trees to be installed within the buffer yard. The types of proposed trees are appropriate and the sizes of trees to be planted comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. M Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Blocks 1-5 Interior 9,000sf. 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. house 30ft. garage 7ft. Corner 90ft. Blk 6 Lots 1-22 and 29, Blk 7 Lots 1-7, Blk 8 Blk 9 Interior 12,000sf. 75ft. 100ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 100ft. Lots 23-26, 28, 30, Blk 7 Lots 8-9, Blk 8 Blk 10 Blk 11 Interior 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. Corner 130ft. 150ft. The developer is proposing minimum lot widths of 54 feet for the single family villa homes on Block 1, Lots 1-24, Block 2 and Lots 2-26, Block 3 within the north portion of the development. These lot standards are consistent with the lot requirements applied to the Harvest Run subdivision to the west being constructed by the developer. Utilizing the same lot requirements under a PUD -CUP to maintain a consistent character of development between Harvest Run and the proposed preliminary plat is appropriate. Lots 25-28, Block 2; Lots 1 and 27-35, Block 3; Block 4; and Block 5 all comply with R-5 District lot requirements. The proposed R-4 District lots are all south of 611t Street/Street A, providing for larger lots in consideration of existing environmental conditions and the need to transition with R -4A District lots to the Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills neighborhood. We recommend consideration be given to revising Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 to front to Street H so that Lot 1 does not have streets on three sides as currently proposed. Lots within Block 10 are double frontage lots to two local streets, which is typically not allowed by Section 10-8-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance except that the existing topography of the subject sites and location of Quenroe Avenue and Quilley Avenue dictate such a subdivision design. The preliminary plat must also be revised such that all corner lots within Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a minimum width of 100 feet as required within the R-4 District. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family lots to be provided at least 2 trees per lot. A landscape buffer yard is also provided along the north plat line for Lots 1-9, Block 2 to provide screening from future industrial uses to the north and for the double frontage lots within Block 10. The schedule on the landscape plan indicates that there are 342 trees to be planted including yard trees and the buffer yard plantings. The schedule is to be revised to specify a minimum 232 shade trees plus those trees to be installed within the buffer yard. The types of proposed trees are appropriate and the sizes of trees to be planted comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. M The landscape plan continues the street scape planting along 61s' and 62nd Street into the proposed preliminary plat. The City allows trees to be planted in the boulevard along R-5 District lots where the 25 foot front yard setback limits area in the front yard for a shade tree. One additional tree will be planted in the yard of each R-5 District lot. The 35 foot setback within the R-4 District is sufficient for a tree to be located within the front yard outside of the public right-of-way. The trees required within blocks of the preliminary plat south of 611t Street/Street A are to be planted in the yards of each lot. The landscape plan is to be revised to indicate that the builder will install 2 trees per lot at the time of construction for Block 6; Block 7; Lots 3-9, Block 8; Block 9 and Block 10. Park and Trail Dedication. The Future Parks and Trails System Plan included in the 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition of park land from the subject site. As noted above, Outlot C will provide for construction of a trail in lieu of a street across the steep slope between Street A and 59th Street to allow access to Frankfort Park. This trail will also provide for a connection between Riverpointe, Riverplance, Meadows of Riverpointe, and Highlands of Riverpoint neighborhoods to the trail on Queens Avenue and the wider City trail system. The developer will receive credit for the cost of grading and constructing the trail from park dedication fees. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted grading and drainage plans for the proposed preliminary plat. Dwellings constructed as slab on grade as indicated on the grading plan must provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. There are wetlands and required wetland buffers within the subject site that are be preserved by dedication of Outlot A, Outlot D, and Outlot G to the City in accordance with Section 10-8-12. D of the Subdivision Ordinance. Outlot E and which encompasses an existing drainageways, will also be deeded to the City. There are a number of retaining walls within the subject site. Plans have been submitted for construction of these retaining walls, which are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer as are all grading, drainage, erosion control issues, and any wetland impacts. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed lots. The developer will be required to pay the Sewer and Water Availability Charges in effect at the time of final plat approval. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Drainage and utility easements are shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots and over stormwater facilities as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. There is an existing drainage and utility easement east -to -west through the subject site overlaying in-place utilities. These utilities are to be rerouted with the proposed preliminary plat to follow proposed street and lot lines. With relocation of the utilities, the existing drainage and utility easements no longer serve a public purpose and are to be vacated. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5 Outlots. The preliminary plat incudes the following outlots for the purposes stated: Outlot Purpose Ownership A, C, D, E, G, H Wetland/stormwater basin/steep slope Deed to City B, F Boundary line issue Deed to abutting property RECOMMENDATION The Harvest Run East preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District and R-5 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Vacation/PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and a PUD-CUP/preliminary plat for Harvest Run East, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. All street right-of-way, design, and construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The landscape plan shall be revised to: Specify installation of 232 shade trees not including the buffer yard plantings within Block 2 and Block 10. 0 Indicate that the builder will install 2 trees per lot (outside of the public right-of-way) at the time of construction for Block 6; Block 7; Lots 3-9, Block 8; Block 9 and Block 10. 4. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 5. Dwellings constructed as slab -on -grade shall provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues, including but not limited to retaining wall construction or wetland impacts, shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All drainage and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Outlots A, C, D, and E shall be conveyed to the City for environmental protection purposes in accordance with Section 11-8-12.D and Section 11-18-13.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 10. Outlot B and Outlot F shall be conveyed to the respective abutting property owner at the time of the first final plat approval. 11. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 7 Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Area Width Depth Blk 2 7,291sf. 54ft. V1k2-24, 2-26, Blk 3 25ft. house 30ft. garage 7ft. 25-28, Blk 2 Interior Corner os1, 27-35, Blk 3 9 o00sf. 64ft. Blk 4 100ft. Blk 5 20ft. 40ft. Blk 6 Interior 75ft. Corner Lots 1-22 and 29, Blk 7 12,OOOsf. Lots 1-7, Blk 8 100ft. Blk 9 35ft. loft. Lots 23-30, Blk 7 Lots 8-9, Blk 8 18,OOOsf. 100ft. 150ft. Blk 10 Blk 11 7 B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and/or Engineering Manual. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Stephen Bona, Capstone Homes Heather Lorch, Capstone Homes ■f�?Ai�i`V^U�PJ°J,JaJ�3 f'I ��` rL1.=j,,� r `� P �� ILLLLLLI ««fffffffi Li E LLLLLI'Id'•I 'LLLLLLLI "Illff[fr L�j -rv= - lila- :i_ � o Pw IN ' A j CF - r � 'W .yam 1 +�'tr � „\ �^ � � A�i IF �f) m 7 OUTLOT B 4 '-_: OUTLOT 28 #' �^ HARVEST RuN EAST VMAP ICMTY 3 g`s —\ 27 I � OTSEGO, MINNESOTA26 25 6 24 OUTLOT A ) 23 i 5 22 21 27 4 O20 19 28 2 17 29 16 2 G 24 © �^ 15 14 23 30 w 1 J 6 17 18 © LL % �F� 22 31 5 16 19 l 11 � STR T 4 20 21 � o ( 10 15 17 21 32 3 © 15 2 9 14 18 20 33 1 9 , 2I _ 23 13 i -- 14 8 34 12 - /% ` _�` OUTLOT E 13 `\\� S 12'F� ' STIEF.T INDEX 7 © 35 — --� (V F 2'4 L noNs 3. PRELIMINARYPLAT INDEX • 11 9 8 7 I — ______ 1 W 13 4-7. PREUMINARY PLAT S. PREUMINARY SITE k �6 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 4 ®^ 11 UTILITY PLANS 5 10 19 —A LEROSION I 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 25 GRADING 10-13. PRELIMINARYECRAOING d4 4 EE T C TREE 11 14 CONTROL PUNS 14-15. DETAILS 3 11 10 9 2 1 U O 26 16 & 17. RETAINING WALL PROFILES Lt — L5. SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 15 I — 2 1 1 4 g 9 16 I 27 4 cD 5 6 7 L J 3 17 DEVELOPER CONTACT: W 18 `` \ I o 1t—j F \\,s 1,s /� '�.• IWIi' 1 2 T ` o� Jr -17 11 /--- 5 V) 2B STEVE BONA, CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC. 6 51-271-4951 I 17Z llOve 2 0 18 �I 14 .--� --IN _-= — / 5 / ! it 16 ---„ I 10 ®6 25 24 23 22 21 20 30 -- i / 6 / n. i� 1 I I --- 1 19 29 -- 13 /-------- y A -- U N118 \�..' 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MT awD Pwe..m xWpn Dxev xr, 2 (Carlson pn .nbl N MxaN.D rt"'oNm wn'."w d=" w"rx...: ..mom'" °"w«`n N` "wM` CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC mm.«.nnp..mr y HARVEST RUN EAST nnp rne�.: (7 . papoD ^'"�'L e� e:°"'" "°,'�"'neeu" pro""""' �'�'•'P'S�'/�'z" °" 10a15 SunFlsh Lake Blvd., suite 400 EXISTING CONDITIONS of n e D ". .. Otsego, Minnesota McCain °Mrmp n ow). o->psp W dN. ime iMmmwu u<." Ramsey, MN, 55303 17 .mx..nmrmin.wm f y i I S E v T 1 v IN 3 &, 1� rT A i i Seuq m. e1 Ina xmq,as T v iiY it S H 11 p , 2 '. ,�, ,,,^+'t•° •r rat�Ur q. sw.m.m / ,w m er SwiwCbe, w „ r c n � Taa°"nmr,x,. Rma•xD•_ri u�sWie n. am ia.n.. v i n E Sn"i.'�^�E L 3 I e m.t aegmw°.r .wtlm soD zD'v^w R .. ,a SE' T f -rx 35, IMeUpn to w OUTLOT A lie W - �_.�., SEE 28 3 4 oG Z 27 2 �OT 26 a 1 0 r 4 25 26 W / 1'• 27 1/ s 29 16 15 24 A 14 ` •t�� 23 V 3 I 30 W ke = 12 �;ct-' t 6 'h 5 22 31 f y 10 17 'tk 21 32 15 tl_ 9 13 14 e,m..18.19 t20m 33 7 35 ` 2 6 fh 7 6 5 4 3 2 5 10 SEE SHEET 5 ' 4J 4 c'`�'".r s•race'r c 3 11 1° 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 � 12 , c � 1 i 7 D 1303.79 ° fipM. er swum 1x \ tn•Me 131. .Onpt xJ H„ RV S r \\RJ I �E tont Nape DnYt Xy , CarlsonMCCdol SOIL W [mNienm NI o Olny MN SH.. ° •.urvev on1 F.w no)rea•7.5a n• ,..-,,. w....,......1– ..N.,..nm,,,....u�.nmtux.tem -- HARVEST RUN EAST as RIYERPVfPTE BTH vv1:%-N E �, I'N. er u. xpnmm� awr PROPOSED 51308 2 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS LEGEND A C S --I `\ J ` • - ai01n'o1iEW'1h! Ceun1Y MwOmml, �; r`AV V x/ �5 e I L D • - Dmelm Fwna Iran 4anumenl O- Omoln 5/5 InG, b Z 14 ober, meMtE ♦M RLS .OJ.1 �1\ rix SxMcn°CaamP nY In 10th nmmld 22 LJ a.q. a a! a .N.4 a..aMnMr •u. le! IgtA 1 2� 11 i rsl �' IgMI tp.L rw Ipl INv pnlw.q 11 s fq enl° ut noo ,w. w•e... �Y tla rtµelbl,�N,md nY• grvmnu c°mp°nY. e,u.a uv.ipn �2�IA5. as RIYERPVfPTE BTH vv1:%-N E �, I'N. er u. xpnmm� awr 51308 2 1 `\ J ` T 1 Y' 17 7 x11'0 ^rRT:eT ' 5 16 18 � 19 0 2° I 3 6 SEE SHEET 6 21 1 2� 11 OUTLOT E t5 4y 22 14 23 13 12 , d�x .' A` S T v r 24 I c� q b 11 4 56 S 7 8 9 10 12 vi- 25 Rt0 fie eoz— z100 9 �a�ael 14 I Srttf•.Lr u; 226 3 sT:r;ern 4 10 %id 15 4 7 9 16 /'I\ — a_ Y $aOW 1 4 s SEE SHEET 7 -e 3 $$ =x5 %m dk B 5 y1 j 28� yzao 5kfl�-1; 86 2 9 18 T 25 24 23 22 21 20 . 1 19 29 30 �� 9 7 ad= tiTl;tilr'f f. $ .ti I'I:lil•:f 1; 3 A R .' E 2 .•,p,.2 QUILLE' A,'E NE 112- mm lall 9 j 1 2 1 0 4 5 6 y l ' 7 m . n�•• f OUILOT ___ ,i I OU LO ' T HJ"� n Fjl I Tq �O 1 W.Mt q NwlFnt M eta; ITr �ol N. wut"..N00�]Dp�2pg9¢E t R ml :`, NE m�(. CF}�L.�n �_� _-!- '•�oN NI°IT15 ` nr wwgw.i I a'eenn.:'s _�__.$.E.�_ enn er u. —b•. ::nnn:n.,— �M.TitGf/It iJma el swum 2 I; Cnnl pt II - im I R9 --1J----- I ad q, q.0 el T.a alY T., Cxnpmn LLC, "q aw r q. nwq.m, ann..r s..v., o°. T..n.na ,xl. nme. u Wnent cmmr. (.b.xwt pmp.lr) !� no-an.mrenk T°°nuM j °c:lvixu.°t'wi ti°i twin. w°A• °' 6ie110 x. retnglp uA nmw v, wnel,t ra.ntA m. omN., er q. x.gwM aw .r a..la, x Te.wue nq �°� � WemY.bii ws.,n Mrvn °eeamne ,. q. ,o,ea p.4 Wnent armx Mw•x.nt ,mn.NW ,7 � ot�w : � xmm •. M,M m qr HtM IN. °r q. ae.gwM a.Nr .I q..,uq.tA wt.r m.0 rem.na m, n.,e. xA .nxn I. mnm.a q h.., x[nrs•c >t smp.a w[ptNY.aaw - untel�w SITE DATA TOTAL SITE AREA '77.45 AM TOTAL ROW AAEA '1208 AM TOTAL OUTLOT AREA --------±13.44 AM OUTLOr A 'SO2 Aa 0 T -OT G :a.2z Aa OUROT C 61.17 AC OUROT -- B Aa .VT -OT E-100 Aa OUILOT F�t Aa OUROT O= 22 Aa OUTLOT 14-20.00 AC (2183 SQ. ".) TOTAL LOT AREA 1.93 AC. SMALLEST LOT 27,291 IF. LARGEST LOT�7,515 IF. AVERAGE LOT -*13.881 SF. TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 183 GROSS DENSITY 2.10 LOTS/AC. EMS ING ZONING A-1 PROPOSED ZONING R-4, R-5, PUD UTILITIES AVAILABLE MINIMUM SETBACK DATA: 55' ✓1 84' L*U - BLOCKS: 1,23.41 a5 FRONTGARAGE) 30 FT. FRONT &CE -3O FT. SDE 7 FT. SIDE CORNER 30 FT. REAR SETBACK 20 FT. WERM 40 Fr. MII IIMUM SETBACK DATA: 75' Lao - BLOCKS 8, 7 Qat. 1-22), E (IDt. 1-7)• k 9 FRONT (GARAGE) 35 FT. FRONT XWS� 30 FT. SDE 7 Fr. SIDE CORNER 35 Fr. _ REARSEMCK 20 FT. WE0.AN0... Fr. MINIMUM SETBACK DATA: 100' L.L - BLOCKS 7 Q.T. 23-30), 5 Qat. a, B). 1% & 11 FRONT GARAGE) 35 FT. FRONT MOUSE) 30 Fr. 51.E 10 FT. SIDE COflNQt35 FT. REAR SMACK 20 Fr. WETLAND 40 F7. CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC HARVEST RUN EAST 3 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 4100 7 PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX or •,..y a•o awl..•. •_ rne,ro Ramsey, MN, 55303 Otsego, Minnesota 17 i I PROPOSED 1 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS LEGEND f f Y 1 f • 1 ` r, n 41n ,df a f I p C . 53, r n 1 J V l I V I1 v , V YY IN C ri 1 P l 2 , Il n iV G L .. CwmlY s.mlw Mwumm4 '� I I • - M. Frond ]--My.— ron 4mummt o— I 9wN INr of Nr Nwx 143 Yrl (, red) 4m6,rr ! N. bY 11 Nen 6 I abet, .11 Mlh X15 14,4, F W lerl✓f ` / # 1 H 11 •f (T ./ f .r I %" 6.n61.. w.evM. Rrn6r 2, IV ' 1 C / (9CYf 6i 12T) U-9 i al ±bY n,O. 1-0 ,]t.i1 T --- ----J L—_ ---I-- �aelineole"' N n EnNronmwiDl �� 1 ! 'Y V r1 SrMdrr CamDmY I b.x4 ° Irrl In widN� and d MdeN6 rldr 1"1 Mrr, i'� / / `V� ' $ Ixn Ix. m u. 9wu."u weN.r a 141..1 N .lax and pgg6 aYm.l .ey AH I I x'121 WMrr e19r,llm INrr Ona rmr lel IN.r uNm 6xwNu x6m m �A 6s. Tem.M1q Pm6. v 566'26'25'2 5 / j ®�\ . 1300.83 -� "` w� '--OUTLOT B ou.9wwoi`9I�n.r.lx. �-----,•aTr--- n`,0., rtrn4• a' u0. 'y4 \ 4,.44--- \�k � ` •'•lW'ETLAND \ / \ d."n xi mir.l ma SbC'I,Ye'c 3,L4 Y/ 28 OUTLOT C u�mwa < � 310./66 w14',; \40. ♦\ � , \\ � j (l \ \\\ \ i!'26 OUTLON.aA 7., •�� °r YN wdl ,0.Y el Uel Q —• le \`♦\!y\ `�-.�"-\ - ;P ,^``\ /� 3122 6 \\ `�310.6 wh i .6.IL ♦ \ � S'(R$ �° � \ T 5 \ >. ♦ `\ V-4. v`i gg Rn � � nn, ,✓ �1 ``� -WETLAND- <' \ 22 2 ) In \ 21 \ ♦ ,y> /1 `w1 1 1 1 y / 6Ti ^<\ 27 11 1. nm 26 �� `\♦\ � \ \�a4ro, wM1 \ . / ,/\`\ \ atu,4 ryAL • 1 r—�------- ( I 311.431).41L I 1�,77§77 1� 1, 2 `\ `\`\ irf' rDj I I I ��11it 1 tX H8 ' o < n\ \ ♦ \` ♦ f .yYhy,: \`\ t c\`\\. 18 \ \ \ v ! `\ I I 28 la I-------'-m6_J ( .� r r m a \ \n I ♦ `!@ a466Y wdL ♦ \ > / ♦ ♦ \` I S1306.2'W 1 1308.23— m� `\`\ Iyy i4D.4 1 I r___------1 r_�^ < ♦ A ` \° \ \ /7/C� \ ` \ \ ` ` \ \ / r s / \ 25 8 L___�______-_J `\ `. u4, 1- % < `` � �`. `v 17 `\ `\ a / � , .♦ `\\ \\; \ I r --------------t s� 0.° ` \S♦43ans w .,. W ..� ^ ` ` \ �d�, \ wIL ♦ \ / /i n ``w \`\ 71 na+29 ma I z i L------ 66wa\`\\ 24 i / `\°Z>``____J ' Ni / _______________ V'S W 3,irm.wm / ♦\\�J , q a4m wn.\♦``` \\ iN �/ \\\\ �� \\ ip l� `\` v F ` W `\ n 3e,61f64q.°`,\`♦ 5`.� .. i > / / / 23 `\@ I 31aw�.4.rt. I� °I 316,xx wILn , < `\ \g34'4n'4'^'`♦`♦ 0j �6, E5. �, v; �. ` �i : ♦1( L----- r_______ _______ 4 31,644 \\ yC' / `♦` rglL ♦ s�4� \ ;\` Rai 31 22 iK �i 3,0.,0.6 wn 31A61. w4 a I STREE �tl o au,ew6w•IL i 1 I / +^50 � 4 _____J ,,. / ! ; ` \ 34966 md4 \ ♦ /� p•`/^, \ i V 0.0 __ _ -----1 R / `\ ` ri'v i v G r<. .. I 3u.6444.0..e. I 446 m `\ 32 10 \: `. *' / \ `\ \\ �/ 17 i <\ 21 31 ala b6 w 0.6 r------'1 '- \\ v i s% 15 i 'a-' 30.{12 wM \` V ( \\ \3,0.1]6 q•M\ 0.0n wIL /\dl`> 'P'//\\ \\ 31426 wIL ( I 1 1 I i \ \ \ \ I \\'I---------------�nae3e v\ I I I 18 SEES 5Dn 9 14 \<� 6 \ i i AA I I jq 2 " (� Carlson mm 4N. am ,466 —N eVN�100� e.ln.,NN m„6N row.: cis»,4,.,644 m m yr aa..mr Mttwrvl,„e ° W w 64 CAPSTONE CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC soars sunnsh lake Blvd., Suite aoo HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY PLAT t} or McCain Drvmn nom: p4,1 w-6696 m:ie mu. w4 m ,nnne u Ramsey, MN, 55303 Otsego, Minnesota 17 �..m�,ln.mro m s , _ R \ ♦> '6 'P ,\\ �, '�` 0Wh .\ ♦ 13\`♦ `\ \\ i / nEn \ i/i 31ams3.aa 4. yl ma �y \ V / \� / / / \ I °. �' i L --------------I . �• ';' `: ♦ > " \tF� \ �' 11- I 1 �o ,� j ,►;. .� ,/ .� ♦, i>.pila?we.� i IS I ♦ R nawol n.R \ 'b kl/.be wM1 41 I I I STKEN.:As�1 I (/ 11\ `♦� `\L----- --- -----J ' \\`\ \ R I1 ^� ;�e ♦w .6 ' \\ i i _______-__-_� C ' � `\\\ o ebo 1 32 ' I tll 3,asm.aM1 \ 3Iv1N \`\`v//pP Oi�� \� \ 15 \\ \'' n,i74 b N r------; \ 3es10.aM1 .� Wn mao 1 ' \ T4s i ♦ `\ \ I 1 1 I \ o -------------- 14 ! + �..� 9 �•� `° ^' \ \ :taon WM1\ \ \ \ ' 3,zma .aR I l \ \ 20 3 to rtI 1 IL klaon Wnl \\ \ i %3 % I-•.���_. %n , / \ \ \\ \ )° -a'13 - w M1 is flea L i w -n 1 ^I 34 R C �/ �. of 1 �� � _________ �\ � 1i� J I , ---•___ �� I --__� Le --1-_------- _ f I Iq.e .- eM ,Np --'-__--__� I IR ' a- Rr-------� sa>lee�aR n nll � j1 1 I I^ C /` , v I I J D, 1 1 1 I r-sbi ma L-- g _ -- o E v f I v a l I 1 r ----I r---� r 7 r----� r--�-L�,p .—mp -='T nJ I 1 f 1 1 la I .q F I m na ns r----- 1 3n.u7o L_-_____- I I I 3 Ell 1 1 I l s L- l r; : 1 1 I I it I btri'..•nml I i 1 i 1: =n i I 11' pl I I I gel .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r--------------, I � alnaevi ----------"-1 i 11 9 '1 el r r I 1 1 11 � I 1 r'--' 1 alau+ah 1�31alm q•Ia p,l,alp8wa_r 1 1 11 I I I I 1 1 3f 1 I I II 1g� 1 1 I,I I;7 1 /J �1 m I 6 1� b\ �p ��� �' I 1- I1 1 11 7 ^I I 1 I I i +I I 1 I I r____...________., 1 I 'bl 1 1 1 µ,gml WR�I 1 I 71 1 4 dl I 3 1 1 2 t- I n it FI FII I,I nzNs .r•a �� 1 2 rY ♦(� I 6 .-�i 5 1 '��- u$i y 1 f i10.A>4 Wh1 �30,IN .ahs �3ttls WICI I3sAN WR i 'Nagle wM1l 1 I i 'e T \\ J'-2"\ `Ae 1 I -1 uaaa .ah -I I k1z>2, I I 3 �' 1 1 l 1 1 1 I�• !'a Wh 2� I 4, rvl 1 '- /�' 1 I / r ' r 1 1 11 I I ' I I •1 y` 1 1 p 1 1, 1 d1 ns,,u •p.n. I/Y 'All Iy ly I l I 11 Ii I j azan.art I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 5 J • \ �� �- 11 1T v rri V -- I I I I 1 1 pp � r'1 M \ MI,lH.aM1 �'\d Y+ \ /os• w l,�- I Ips I I 1 1 1 1'3 _i ea! -I J - %%____—__-iai '- J L- J ° ao ao i I 11 I 1el j l I j L__ ria __J it--_Tbe 1 L-.- I I I 1 T.a -J \ a - e'ae R L..-_ j 1 R STRCL"C ' sae I i w1n / R >aa R STRRET C !a! n_ilae �' ___ lao,o" L 1lbe Lnap -_- R azo ��� �•-�i�' \ s� Iat1 I 1 gl I a w, 1 I i I I , a--�° �a —a>.o zaa - '_31 r---�I I I I I -- I 1 r----1 R lur' ° I I r--'-••� �- 3 edo I 3tieN wR 'i%' a WR I I 10 1 I I I n l I I If II II �I 13z>n wrt I I I I 1 I 1. I 1 T( �I I I 1\ I I I II 11 zeWM1I tI1 IIlI11 ' 1\ R 8 11 1 1 3 2 7 �` \\ I1 II II ''� \\fI 1134>q a h R'I1 3,a 29 n WR iblpe WRIl \m ' 3ena wRIIl ,. �a-'� � \ kiblN .ah 1 t I 3MQ•1•MI wM1Il 39,1!1 Ikl,{2>•,JI,1 j avail Wn, to ' _I 1 1 �'� 312 1 p,�,p, ,,,e 1 l � � k1AlN +W,• -j ri y u\ 1 1+�i 1 1 I 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 nl .�I I RI I I j -� 1 �I �I 1 �1 W UIaIY G+mml 1 1 f,>,Kt WR 1$ uI j I I I 1 _ V�.�' \ 3° Lag•L--'"',._•-�'^ l ` 1 ppr V '�-\� �Lam` j l I I I I I I I I I n it 1 Y> E- I I v I 1 ____J________c ulpilr4m.°n_mml 1 II I I ��� _ •" _ �-.•-- Im 1 M1 tl,.. W . ��J L- 11 - 1 q __ eat S -'f'----- =-I �Lr--�-,�-•-" gar - I -i �� I I I I I 1 1 L_,-` 3ua,l via. eM /OUTLOT 1 1 1 I I ,-I klzml wh I r � ,r. D�. _� _baa ----1 a L__ --J I 1 r-�-_ la • ,aa , wpxp . •M ulrnr cp+.m.ni �� W 'rb' 5>a J J Imo-'- jr � I I 13L_—_-__-_____± _____________ ago ago ,np,..m el am, o) sppa':fzsn .p•M1° -- >ea a eza 1303.79 1303.79 A,I.0 r ronanw„ a° 1 I I �o L_______________J of WR � 1 .,4 e. nwi I I ab >pm.aa lr, evnp. >, '�- I , _�� 00 a vpu:w vn�i5« f L__Jwa ----- J nmp•v I wvr•.vr.mnn n v i U IN ` n ft> v i f\> W I p,a, n- r__________J 7� l i 1 — o 5 8 i R 1 3,Y.om w.a i'g n DRAINAGE OS \ DRAINAGE \ \ _ — — — — _ — � — "r ---'-- EASET1EN75 ARE SHOWN THUS: In �- S „pao 0 D 1 - LEGEND \ I I H � ;ia i ' I--! • - 4+noG. FauM epn Npnumml o�I I I x m 1 O - U+npl++ S/4 NNE 14 Net \ \\ _ E oPr 1 Maem WM1 I>3 p 5' yypp t`\, 8 I I '. ____J L_____L__ rpppfi mpkW MU PIS .mef I I , E p l S S+Mn+ CwnpmY In 30,4 aYYm+Np p,F I — — — — — — rI- ---- --- nt«at mle pa .I°Fy• NN ..NIJaN mmp .a°JppxnxNp nWIn. Zt U 7 qoN Wnou' (�Carison a "'.mpem mpvc onv+np' iicii eaaem I�.�eyaroNtp.t npNmr.p+naanv" r a;M.tl , ^n.m: apIIN. '•°cps"n°"1 einieory'w ""' "•'P �'E04 p. ner "°°"° CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC 10415 SunFlsh Lake Blvd., Sulte400 HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY PLAT JC of rvYdno McCain I mei:: rw: oml4-1 t�ll`«Lgmm+s°ot�::rlsm :.pu 0 n "•" Otsego, Minnesota 17 1L Ramsey, MN, 55303 ----- 17 � � / `11 16 J 1 —S_-- _' n.�v � I '\<\ �.� \\ \ /1. •/ �` / ! / it1.112 NM1 / / / j j 3/ � i O e p15 'p �.``\/d�1p.M1 22 0 UTLOT E 2$ L-------zau12 N+ 2e.4.n• j maaa..n. `:+ �• \\ � � 'I .I gl I II I� I I 1 1 r 1 s a` � ° i`: `.� ♦♦\ I � 2;\ � r3>� ' nl 1 cl I 2 I1&3 3 I I 1 , I , '� ,-____ e ,p., ' >,.> ,�` \♦ 1 _I zuw>NdL `I I d12.rifaslL � I dd2..LLwrt� i I , 1 , 7 � 1 -� r-----� r------1 f- ♦` �- 11 ,• �r� e/ �`\ `` \\ ++� +\ \\ .� I I I I' ,( I , +um N•rt. 1' 1 5 1 ' 1 1 I 1 I I I I � ♦`� � / % `• � / � �, \•ice ' �f a§ I I I I I i i i{ uaxsa+,r..1 { 1 r 1 1 I I 1 i \. ♦ ,� / �, <. 12 Pin I I 4 Id I I 11 nzvn art s`1 1 I I l i 10 ♦ \, i �r�` az- wn \ ': i w 25 i g; L_______ , L_—__ l L_�- , , 11 1 1 1 r 1 I I I I I zla>R2 N.rt ` ♦ / / / / y \ '� 1 Y10i25 I �b -1 1 7 -1 I 8 _7 I 9 J I ♦♦ \ id7' / \` i / 9cE3$AI 1. $, i a 6B I I 1, 1 1 le;IM a+IL I I I I k1;wp .+n. I I `` R STRECT D ' '>v7 --J L� 1 1 I I I I zezon .wrt I I I I ♦\fid`\,/ / '�/ / , ga maxSl i” 1 I J - , I2n> _i � ♦` v \\; ` i /r-________ -J I 1 26 I� �' 9 if 2 >v nao Y ♦ 10 \ zl''°>m.. ane Iii 3/♦♦\\il>.2v, NdL \`� / <- IiE1`'ar.41L !7 I umtr�..n.nl I I .,>,2q .L.a ,g I 71 _nu _- u r_ nv _� ♦ _ °' ='1 C� \ /' `\ ♦ // o u I / I L___-__ ne'=-__-_-/ R :la>w •v.a I� I I I I I 1 {I \ \\ ♦ \♦ j l o 27 •Izn, .am �U r•1______ _, >v I w �1 I I 1 I 1 I {11_ g \\�\� !� zl>ays N•rt` `�%� / nv,wx N.rt / I I o I ¢ le I L__ ----"gam -----J » I� I I� 7 I IR 1 1t n>.du•L.rt \\ \\ �..�' "`. �`\` - �+, �. '!� wE.w-----� __— i La_____ypa___{r k 1 zu,wv .art IR vl _-_-_ I' �y�p n I I'z,x,>aprt I I` z,abN.rt at2v f (� .aa,anmamaan.Wpmm Re CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC HARVEST RUN EA ST 6Carlson 1o41S Sunfish Lake Blvd. SOtsego, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLATMcCain Ramsey, MN, 55303 of 17 OM AGE AND U71UTY ,_ 5 EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS LEGEND z,w>.vn• I I• I: ;I I sy - r ----------I r--;' 1_ / :„.2E I I w{ V • — panoln Found Irm Nonumant r � / ----- 17 � � / `11 16 J 1 —S_-- _' n.�v � I '\<\ �.� \\ \ /1. •/ �` / ! / it1.112 NM1 / / / j j 3/ � i O e p15 'p �.``\/d�1p.M1 22 0 UTLOT E 2$ L-------zau12 N+ 2e.4.n• j maaa..n. `:+ �• \\ � � 'I .I gl I II I� I I 1 1 r 1 s a` � ° i`: `.� ♦♦\ I � 2;\ � r3>� ' nl 1 cl I 2 I1&3 3 I I 1 , I , '� ,-____ e ,p., ' >,.> ,�` \♦ 1 _I zuw>NdL `I I d12.rifaslL � I dd2..LLwrt� i I , 1 , 7 � 1 -� r-----� r------1 f- ♦` �- 11 ,• �r� e/ �`\ `` \\ ++� +\ \\ .� I I I I' ,( I , +um N•rt. 1' 1 5 1 ' 1 1 I 1 I I I I � ♦`� � / % `• � / � �, \•ice ' �f a§ I I I I I i i i{ uaxsa+,r..1 { 1 r 1 1 I I 1 i \. ♦ ,� / �, <. 12 Pin I I 4 Id I I 11 nzvn art s`1 1 I I l i 10 ♦ \, i �r�` az- wn \ ': i w 25 i g; L_______ , L_—__ l L_�- , , 11 1 1 1 r 1 I I I I I zla>R2 N.rt ` ♦ / / / / y \ '� 1 Y10i25 I �b -1 1 7 -1 I 8 _7 I 9 J I ♦♦ \ id7' / \` i / 9cE3$AI 1. $, i a 6B I I 1, 1 1 le;IM a+IL I I I I k1;wp .+n. 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FRPOIN-7 6TH ADDiT iviv \ / I Ns • — panoln Found Irm Nonumant r � / amr v mir° mml d.IN by llyNmnm°nIM LT1t4 dCompa, 1.11 q b.Np s iwl N ,MN, wd °epxNv Jd. ial M.a d,v r«tx.leu $aMw° ny N 2p I \�// ��p we aepNxvdnl °I.ar �w' � al �R� E.aK wan.. ar pNL sop,a'se'w I f ,zo6.zs ----- 17 � � / `11 16 J 1 —S_-- _' n.�v � I '\<\ �.� \\ \ /1. •/ �` / ! / it1.112 NM1 / / / j j 3/ � i O e p15 'p �.``\/d�1p.M1 22 0 UTLOT E 2$ L-------zau12 N+ 2e.4.n• j maaa..n. `:+ �• \\ � � 'I .I gl I II I� I I 1 1 r 1 s a` � ° i`: `.� ♦♦\ I � 2;\ � r3>� ' nl 1 cl I 2 I1&3 3 I I 1 , I , '� ,-____ e ,p., ' >,.> ,�` \♦ 1 _I zuw>NdL `I I d12.rifaslL � I dd2..LLwrt� i I , 1 , 7 � 1 -� r-----� r------1 f- ♦` �- 11 ,• �r� e/ �`\ `` \\ ++� +\ \\ .� I I I I' ,( I , +um N•rt. 1' 1 5 1 ' 1 1 I 1 I I I I � ♦`� � / % `• � / � �, \•ice ' �f a§ I I I I I i i i{ uaxsa+,r..1 { 1 r 1 1 I I 1 i \. ♦ ,� / �, <. 12 Pin I I 4 Id I I 11 nzvn art s`1 1 I I l i 10 ♦ \, i �r�` az- wn \ ': i w 25 i g; L_______ , L_—__ l L_�- , , 11 1 1 1 r 1 I I I I I zla>R2 N.rt ` ♦ / / / / y \ '� 1 Y10i25 I �b -1 1 7 -1 I 8 _7 I 9 J I ♦♦ \ id7' / \` i / 9cE3$AI 1. $, i a 6B I I 1, 1 1 le;IM a+IL I I I I k1;wp .+n. 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IXCEPiION,.r re. 1303.19 EXCEPTION a """"`•' �� �auwr N N° MnrUvvY $ �— I Nv NmNwvl Warta el Nv 7 I NmrLnN NILLS I amlw z , „nl amw nr an,lw z CU£AY20E Al,E t4E I / � ,mu.orolon ianwaN ,a; rtnnv as I ro too, rtwa• ss PROPOSED.r-------T-------7--------j DRAINAGE AND UTILITY I �ee I I I EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I DETAM .a,w"".°:.r."^" I �e4? I' fnw °..'"""wmam> rrwua. r LEGEND I I HP.L n I I 1 11 a f 2 - °n'a"a:'maM a .lu°>nts ias`haI I n "e v OUTLOT H °i1d°IO root M Man, vna ;a)IMMa vlav Ivl IInv4 Ivvt M vlaN ana u a rluWn�� wY y. — d -t Wrtlwd. Thal nn ala a ! INvv wa r.m I.M. w • °.In aminw w S eNMwled nY IGdaalp FnNrmmwlal Svnirn Compm y N 2016 NW�e"19 E C°vrp Carlson CAPSTONE =°�'° ° t ^«wmumm�nap°m.rbomnw mmxm.: n lm. s CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC 7 .nNiranmanm el.Inv.NN am.nr"na.rmr wWNO HARVEST RUN EAST nv�ui yraiae. arnnet vmvauM sgmm�: �.�.,.Q .t%/ ml, 11114 -11 °0" 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 PRELIMINARY PLAT oP I McCain °�" "00 ° 1-.; 1>6 )1°°' °i° mai.mxm.zaurmwn nm m: ,nu,e unnn nuNc: n Ramsey, MN, 55303 Otsego, Minnesota 17 .nd.anmmaln.mm j ru )Dos NagD 1 nwL I � % \\\ SITE PLAN LEGEND EX=NG PROPOSE) Ext" stORu uANH9LC Q a G PROPOSED • j OUTLOT B a �0 UTLOT C I 1 I / v v0.% � °. b —��9CT )Oap„� YGTPO¢ (a0 ar WY RaOVAI.)\\\\ SAN AT' YMHgL � $ • SqL ODPWO/16T P_ nR�u�WALL I m.Uln 28 " 2y' 3 \11Ra0K M OIH— W\ YI9Ca.1N[gH SWN �04xNOml:q ., asnxo spm gcvAnq, m, 9MI)MY S[Y.R ---»---�—� —+�-�— '�+a�x�.t� 1 '�•�:)l ,� yy..�C� 27 'ro ~ _ � iw sxR wm NM MMNdt MO Wiso[ CninNo m¢ ''x'• glop OwN[rnat (a0 - I'°�� sm+u srom — pRWeAtt YN[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 POND 26 { , _� :.WRMY S_[MIX Pa0VH5) Rl1tlAg1001f 1 II s Aqt UNC axclu — I ,p +, 'rte nnc mnRMr :if --�5. IL O u 6 On —m gIANDUT M i ....... On. lefPHg2—•--_.--.— c�DEFaaEraao OUTLOT A 23 24 5 IC'vE0.0C6°0 I gcemlceDx I 0 s YmwM nxemle —.�---� Y:mmmwxq cAs 1 V °DnLTeIM°OlN1°CNI°L¢� Ooxm 22 =� IL Gv604N�x Wrna j#NIDD Pao49UW,IdTW PNH 4VARDIM ®r® IIrp YM1q [R gIWNO nOg10P11C �---- ONIWCAO .� Hnow. what', belOW. �.. 21 Mn' ,m 27 c em.9e 4 t MAIGtx Y RAWMtYSN%111Lr Iib m_YCIFR 1 ""®'SDR om m,vaum°P°°r mCPNONF Dox g RO 8 6[C1,tlC — Call before you dig. 20 I ��¢ ro w Inxc xaui r'0N U_ , 5 i nAPm eNo seem a gmvlxcu, mnrAx 0 O wd i"nnn.... r Wrpa:wu., b9m .P IAY 91m I. alntr /'� 19 26 28 3 H _ rw• �: ei°".o..xM �,e wlaR i oa.0"9 mnw m.:"umiir17 , 6 � ` Dm> 16 OG 24 0.00 25 29 < 6 15 14 Ic ai 23 3 IN t 30 ii °aaiooa 17 O Y9 O 12 T+a.. 22 37 �•- s 19 BENC A S 0 11 16 �* v1°"m ILLS © Dunar aq,Tl,al 20 I O t.) .aI .pa.a N, nn, Powi 32 sm 9w:9S1RI,Di1:R 4 21 rlwi I f 10 17 L 15 Sap a.w 01 ei M�cw 21)Z 9 15 J3 e ` 14 18 1 A t 3 I 23 D•wRm-9xnm .L jxcw i9) 19 20 e i �� � t3 34 0 TLOT E 14 a9loax ¢909: "A"R bJ� : R„mu g I 7 12 11 9 O 6 7 35 PDxD 13 24 I 6 1 mow 6 5 4 3 2 I 3 11 4 5 77 , 13 I j 10 5 �� le i _PN I I iau9 ws Ixv. +� 6 8 10 9 1C 000.. s eoiw 9; 91t.o: 12 25 I I O I 4 Z�$ le 9D09s p9p ° I I 1 -- , f i I 11!� L'ss 10O 26O /�J�♦ • j 2. 12 to 9 xrer (xc oLiAlisxR as (9mx pu .aim 2 _ wrco�0w'' 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I� 1 I O A _ U---.,,� I Aqumxm9nn 4 5 6 7 w . t oc 15 16 16 I aN. 3 17 •" ze14 t 17 �72 4 17� 10Q 2 23 s os'r lgg I I SINGLE FAMILY SIN' GLE FAMILY c® SINGLE FAMILY l SINGLE FAMILY 6 t 24 25 @9D�9 22 21 20 79 29 30 54' VILLA LOT DETAIL 64LOT DETAIL 75' LOT DETAIL 100 LOT DETAIL C004°° c91un ma nA weo ITI _—____ RFAa scmAa D• ax. IrcAR scmAAx ___ ___ xD wR RPAR umAa m uIN. RFAR xcleAat 7 f I A S pj— (S¢vCTAIU — auan•AM — AOD rAnD scmA)CrtKAoeW rwo amAas a ox rM9 eneAaD Fs. XiR a o< rAno vm9Agty 1. • m h r ---- i C_OmRNpi: _ 9n mLwr RFreA« ea ,P9m scm"DK xr pR011T AAena ]rt. R s,• moxT scmA« g 1 2 9F p � al e 3 4 5 6' 1 O °{ � k t � 1 � F I rirciL.dm l m mmlaL mmm aAu On RmICAL swWWs Auu 90 WAlOM1 1• COPPG TPF K WAt¢: 1• CWP¢ TP[ K TneAi Am°mvpsm"'`LLTxrc°OK WAIgD 1• mlaL ADmms A,Au v0 WA)xR 1• DWPrA M[ K —.— ..—.. P - . +_ - li 'I --'--_--- 1� ,---_—..—. ZNLIP 4• Pw IDD xv AM 4• Pw AIR x0 P. SOP m ee PU¢D m' .— R/W CNN —11. DC MACm Iq DFmND P/YI 9FAFIT 4• Pw IDR 11 CIptO STOP TO 8C PLACID 10' OLYvl:O R/YI ,FWDL• .• Pw SDR x0 mm SIW 10 eC PUQO IC ecmm R/W — — � r—��'---f—�---�—T--_____ q �� �—��1 I I I I I OUTLOT H i (/Carlson •m•;nx�°°W DR90 pxsumL NO9e IXIva NG SNIe )°0 muPawx Hx9u°�np,mw ,x,nw..:upm,Lml, 91,°, •pR,Rn9.R M m•°,."...mY :N "n' °"'" M CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY SITE & $ I McCain I IDD„ R ,,,°,,,pw0° ro9RP: (9eii9moo90 )ss: wm>eeo-)9s9 w. m°P,9a.m.x9,a , A —lY ,n:i a"91�...°.a.� 0.1— rm, sYv9ru0R..9n a+• u •a:) o�I" DN•: _ 10415 Sunfish lake Blvd., Suite 400 Ramsey, MN 55303 OTSEGO, MN UTILITY PLAN of 17 � l � I 1 is \ � .. ,5n __ \��_�==- � _ -__ �� IJII�///� tr/�//,� --_ `.,��'��\\��-�_ �= \ ` \��\\ �`\ \ I \ / �'`•~'` `=!/ j/ II1111IIIIl)II1�I1�1�l1/�//�i.7.=`;-�Er T1g4 Xr• ; .ow'�- n . 1 � / � / \\ )1 I I I I I) I,� J J1 Jr11J 1///' i �� 1 r'�. �YIALL�f — � i�. � 1 \ \fit' y \\\\\\��,' \\ \ / i •+.._. 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C vire\\� �� \�` ��� 198 IT - 1 199 1 216 Fl IV IV 1111 ti.I_LI/022 �/ R _ :P, BENCH ~ e�CRAVEL CbNSTRU0110N-.�, $ 1 L ««' —� -� "•' I / I I / I I ` � dP 7 1 � / I _ / / 1 AI1 ' �1�•RrA � _ gy I1{ \\V �`II �_, -' -2 t -I1 2.5 5 13 Iu" swoow,.,wy. un..e.,". -umoum aeuz•uy'...d.°i �xt..x.e=nc,.w .m xzqcn` ,a ^"� -,.tc. �'II I P I / /r i /•f J11 249 o SHEET 5 f/ 1 / Y' 219 - j ,^•�j� xoa rnw•ne weo•Pm•nonm,.,aa ,x,„,%,«ugw,un, wro.nen�n«, ..«w."« •w^...".,«... ^,.. .,,«_ ”" CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC numixx s a. „«.^,.^e ", HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY GRADING 12 Carlson a +o+A.S� ° �u•„•«•e ..• , e 1oai5 sunfish Lake Blvd., 5ulte a00 &EROSION CONTROL PLAN �� l :'” t o of v ,...rom mei^••..^e« �'—ter— OTSEGO, MN C� McCain l o o n•=«� m �« "K «w^^.w o.,•�� u wn�� Ramsey, MN 55303 17 >o ` / x111 , r'\ �T ,ee' cl __ - -J WO WO ✓,� / / / j°T�'� t _ 1 p I / // I I - - R � '� • TR '` X11 _ - _ 1§'A--/-7 rds �-/. \.� , 240 �. , • I $ ,� u / I >s I \ � -"' I 267,. 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J 5.IZ / �'� } `� / I II I II �AI I-----.-.- v ' "'"C.-..-..•\ L.,... -' _/�--•\ ' .,.��. \ ^` ` / / / i i \ \�- 1 \ ¢ Cry _ \ I � I / I € I �v 1 �- —., —. / 1 / \ I I �"_---• I I/ 1 \ 1 y i �\\ I / _ al � i '' \ ,�a. zn. eni .. — }'I�I Carlson, . .weT �m (� mne )giro Ph•eny alaoa arM Ne, Sunv iW mm.,xx suv vn•m: nn,oneoa7m Pm• in.nnyamM urtuu• ,mninuuen mn x.mn om.vw.awn.w re. �wm n.. • • ° °•�• •� ,�M.= mnn •ucnni°e :na ma,.m.emy "" �: ' 0 j^n�0"•: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Sulte 400 HARVEST RUN EAST OTSEGO, MN PRELIMINARY GRADING &EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 °r McCain 0 w0v nan.=nmv.lnswm mat es nrti :ui nm0m .::u w,a engine u"n...; ieoei onus Ramsey, MN SS303 17 100' LOTS LOTS 214 - 229, 255 - 255 WALKOUT —y—NOa]r lMIONT y—Acp aAIDIND —It BMOC � I d m�Pml"i Ia]iranaL LOOKOUT It NO 51" • ! �'SxOHf 3EmAIX) ]r roN P=ax � •L.r 0.3' mP]OIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT No ]Glc ! ]r LO IS'RCNT ]LIDAat) �2� winxmc «we TOP ,ar ' loran ! RAMBLERNO III ! �]S I (TONT YflApS L.�Se` �IImD GM E •ae'TOP]w. ar SPLIT ENP WALKOU ! N nHYDIm a1AOE L aPAaxo cwoL L n]tl#re a � ' sL LOTS 155 - 212. 2�3D - PUNA• 237 - 203 �WAL]KOUT -{ _DN)1 O alI➢INNNO GLAD[ , M,; Ia]s'msclL roPAaL MODIFIED WALKOUT ! No— ! r *WF bad NSE 0. Lr D' IOPSDIL LOOKOUT ! tP.T��� dam OT w';L MODIFIED LOOKOUT I LO(2) 2 — r "• � � Ear wN I raaaL ar'mPxa ! RAMBLER �ss• (mart --ON) o. . caU°— � a I a '2 r.— DON. a 3;P L TYPICGAoL ST EE28SB 8ON PM RW r if �A• ON YIN '-1-5'�-'J� [PC t/l• PFR Ft � OqUNTA�B E r ap[WA� al PROMD ] 1>•- TO 4.f]N NN TO (TL PWI TOR LOGTNJ 'tl MPAVEMENT SECTION m'-RTPC LVA 1— _N_ — [WRAC 1YwNWA TAa COAT 2-MyCLYiM5000OOIRI vOAACCNRSC e• 0u 3 osY"`�OmmA% 30 WDDTTN ON ANPROwn E"L • N-.-DPO "-VALYL - 10 La, 1 o? WALKOUT NO (mart s[mA¢)I�,se1 a � IaLo cPAOE PAyyOIHO LAAOC i n' d� i sr ar 1DP]aL MODIFIED WALKOUT PONT -DO r '2 I "IKL ]w' ar mPaaL LOOKOUT On NO ° I(matxmAG) y yo 5 I "auD"w An Ir T� a3�YI� d I 1N � L ar Os —L ! RAMBLER O pnNr SLIBACN) zs AC -7 a I ar''To— WALKOUT I 5p W ss' xo T]� I cmNr anoA "p nNRIm .1.1 I b�—GAOMO DR- -T - MODIFIED ERAOC , d IainsGL MODIFIED WALKOUT NO.- 4 I].Cr1OA�TA'-�-I 71 t -I - ,r d � I i ! I - TOPBp t] ° vsaL LOOKOUT SO• Tr !(�]EmAaO��p� °w wN o]naL teo�1 L .uxLcs orxERwAL xOlm S A9 ON�6RADE RM' ,PRO. an°Ano DR—l yIl nx�swm ,� SbTm]aL to � wx. rmsaL SUBGRADE CORRECTION 75' & 100' LOTS �AR NO1CD� E D rml�L DR., au¢ NO— NO Axm a ¢ atADL (\ isuff T O LL l -I TV— A­ ucANtrnP°AIKcaO xOCANIXP5 VS6AILOOxrAOL�iA1rLYNAnCLL TF,p, Ne yO-EA]�Nael[[ CCO fOG,A� WC� wpILLtDLLI�. 5 0A s � NLL4A—OACxLL N� A(Tw At uwxPµwun NPI. 80TTN p YNSrAOLL YAIGDAL yia t I— p UNIT- I cPADap¢ xuuom wPrAa DnAwna I 128 ` I Loxsm naN nrvAnON f� tLLVARON I LO-AkHDD5W1 ON ePltl o ONLLPNO G7V, i WO _PAYBYA WAu(OYT SC -A DIIPY RCCOY¢Ydp[D I CAO�NSPT �ar111Y WMxart c A c I I :ao—ow°m. eR1puel"a+l auoe 1___L DG Das — e°NDm°x D. Na eP A• D—) SUBGRADE CORRECC11 ON 64' & 54' LOTS 4 �ar.Tw,_ --cawNc mAa SaLR RA LL J YAIOIIPl CNPAeIm II—D. - 1NIT -ON alttt SACxi1LL uAlaOAt � �51 eM �W p "�4, - NM -nicer eAaaxt uATmu, �'�• CGPACtm OA[Ia1LL OOr1OY OI IMSrAWL YAIOGL No m...P"caleD. on.. xeaYn. LOD , M,aviN.cml. p...P.wN.xw, m"cx.m.� w"..IR.,wl.a.r. "�_ ""•. CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC 14 /� Carlson wNn I•'" '"x �D ," • o,.P' =..w.Av w o HARVEST RUN EAST : "„ v"D a �TeoD wLL•m•nmv a � 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 DETAILS F PAe •DT>x a H::e°norr...w IGMPowYnwD.. OTSEGO, MN 17 McCain . NwDaRAln am G. a..,Y� �3g[!t Ramsey, MN 55303 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE POND 100 TYPICAL POND SECTION y N— LOOimu I' d� /wNnOM BEER ula W/ GOY MMR¢ BLWeET --------- lL i- LI-� iLll l_I cw.s PR ERT 9TMP j, ..,ifs r . } � r.,..•I uxmsnwED, m, Ba MurnMm Bat ',- _ �', t;.t• t_ J --I T wua u �L __ L I T Or 1/,' wpNNO SNNC JSMB �B• LB• wA]Nm aroxc UGmu,) 1. pRNRAMC - MNPTAT PER-- —B -B. INFRASAFE — 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANN[UUF�IFAGRR�R0 BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS SOK IHB.i BA]XCTC OWN W/WiUFl�RB BAC pA� m• xoPE rnwc war �� fYi - uEcl] ux M BKGRGnw a - �G[ERM— PERR H-. - ER fi 0>DO SG [� OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE POND 200 TYPICAL POND SECTION ^/FILTRATION BENCH 1 tram lao)t�K N7 �.—\ Ill tl 1 1j I 111I 0¢ BLw1y eolnl _ ,rjfl I I II I I FILTRATION BENCH IC xxlLTaw a_pop.o ___ vuuc.(Ba Pux) -- M Pw0/TGmAY -IT- ��L f�� I -I •V_y 1� � N, .mow. Ln m III-1,�, f L.LI _I T--� � — I I— I- dI � tl-II`I'I I-7 -TI- T cxoMxc ]raa `� -T- _m_ .mc GMUIM NATEmu. ,r wATlm z1pxL BBxE rnBR wr ¢ME.MCAL ERpGWI) 0®III PWORBEARrn10 PL ONC PLUITNO YFpWN INFRASAFE — 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACMRM BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SEROTC65 r. �� KWBF/RWTT A•KPJ 910VM.WG1 ITIFCRBAW� RCW�mIO INflp[ BAMCb Do ]Na NOPE FPME INSERT � �Vw(OICT ND1Y P.R - FErs NNATM BPEMGnG -1.1 w.Y .Nx I- PRp1CCREN -BLT. RAo I—V -�wGmp EwM R -J]!0 -A pM1 R-l]Bp-1 /NM.T mi) LOT BENCHING DETAIL 9 9 MT PPRII gR[MI ._ksOx K ROw1-7nBN:k:n;K-c_%C_=._'=' • •• — � 0.5 NRI' EnADtRHYENT GULL MP LY T9 ALL GB.— MGS MO — BE E]c...I1. -EW.- BPE--.B TG —11. (LA- Emn9H) T ASPNioRGE mTMMi > o�RSExi. '� acWM1 As aopn M PasNc Wi w xo cAac B n —M AT 10 PWNBS PER AG6 COPUMT = SH = BE MPUM AT MEM Nc x.uu RAEE -ER wuN: TTPc 1 AT ] —1 m A- -11 GEME1 10-10-10 AT ]M PWHOS PER AGB: :!-mmm)13llw1L7JzI�iI-,III [d CURB CUT k-�" 1/TPGI �aJ IM PER r7t'�jh I 0C�•I / ow CP - •L LEGEND 9S$MNO PROPOSM KGS, Imc EM ImE ---- ------ G,Ro rant 6u :.`.7 aA �AQu avm --e D —•Aa— �N SipW GTw DASH Grua mvlmL slwciune O YMHCIt NITRMT B OAT[ leLwaw BGBE � M ..d maPxwc 1IRIl1'r POLL miAMU10 Will td COIITOUR — — — PLCA ROC WLM1MD .TMEL --p� YM GLVATION -� • [NGOwM awxmW f�L��♦ 1RmIMC � f mL 0.x0 0 IgA B•%0• ni[NGI Al.p M IM.pm GLT PEPEE GxE z oM1s Au Mw. PDac BRD TRE GDU. At THE BDWnxRL GBE G E mww. A4LL O[ OPAtm A NA1puUY . e E¢T MMT. 1, - Ev aLT FM¢ AL.O TIE UPMl ADE G TIE Mw. PO.T. MB OAIX PILL 1— 1RDVw. B. BcamaYAnAw ; r Pw¢ To Mw. PMTB w/ NNwuN EF Txlac AnAcxuwTs PER Pan. a. sEc uxoor mcalGn.a ]nB a pme. iBIES: I. fmPO¢111�P pH0 ]HALL DEP —PMR. 0P 1 POM PG CMPG Nw . Te¢ OIM[Im C(B) MAT la/M[ t0 BE ]A.M. t M.OR POn MAY BC SPACER UP TC IO IaT MMI. R¢Y AifAw TP6 -EE N N. P— W/ YI.— . lW0 ATIACNUFNm PG PCT. 1. +¢ NH00T SPCGBGTG ]B)2 I (r}Carlson u ooryMme...nowaB.9n.°xE,;.n.foo uo eP„Rn"n �AL ,., , N.pP. Bo;N.m o^,ro_ CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC HARVEST RUN EAST J klny NN 5 19 w• rp.n E m V ;wM: opBml Fnen.: n9D)1e9a9W Pa�a.u:m.a�n ERY "n: ^ 104155untish lake Blvd., Suite 400 DETAILS of McCain n ” uTrhmlmm]N. m a. LW. Ni .BNu °i°M 1L Y•rL Ramsey, MN 55303 OTSEGO, MN 17 Carlson "°� "veiintR1e°°ox xq:°"r"rom.°�.a. °oHe°°"°" m - CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC "m em.,ex ewo� a"wm.°."e°i.mr .re.m.� "".°r.K".:a,.°.>r ..m� HARVEST RUN EAST 16 I} McCain �' "" "°rvw r,°� w aav a .m. " „t 1pme 10415 sunfish Lake Blvd., su¢e 400 RETAINING WALL PROFILES .: n ) OTSEGO, MN .on°° n.:� u°.., n.. ,neL Ramsey, MN 55303 17 900 898 896 894 892 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #8 (920 SF) MODULAR RETAINING WALL #9 (475 SF) 1�Carlson I : Nm.ma �noo.n., s.Hwao,o�.a,a,s.�coc n.°. mm mrm:,a.,' an..c,. r.m ....,.n„m :.. m CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC �.�car,n �cwrm.,..m.arm, HARVEST RUN EAST 17 . ncn,co.�oao ,m. m��- c •.�_t+: _ 1oa15 Sunfish Lake elvd., sul[e aoo RETAINING WALL PROFILES of :�nn.c c pwl,00amo OTSEGO, MN McCain n.nmmin m voimm�w 'r ti's uu Ramsey, MN 55303 / 17 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #7 (655 SF) ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... .........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......... 904 = 904 ............................................................................... ................................................ ............................................... . .......................... ..... 902 902 ............................................................................. .......................... 900 .................................................................... :: to matt ::::::::::::: 900 ........................................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......... ........ l.h: .... .... ......... 898 ::::I ::::::::::::...........::::: __ -___ ___-_-_;- ::.....I:........:::::::::::::::::::::::: : 898 896 896 . 0........ 20 ....... ....... 60 ....... 80 ....... 100 ...... i z MODULAR RETAINING WALL #8 (920 SF) MODULAR RETAINING WALL #9 (475 SF) 1�Carlson I : Nm.ma �noo.n., s.Hwao,o�.a,a,s.�coc n.°. mm mrm:,a.,' an..c,. r.m ....,.n„m :.. m CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC �.�car,n �cwrm.,..m.arm, HARVEST RUN EAST 17 . ncn,co.�oao ,m. m��- c •.�_t+: _ 1oa15 Sunfish Lake elvd., sul[e aoo RETAINING WALL PROFILES of :�nn.c c pwl,00amo OTSEGO, MN McCain n.nmmin m voimm�w 'r ti's uu Ramsey, MN 55303 / 17 HARVEST RUN EAST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN V r \ \ ®PIP1 \ % WJE \j1\ Lq'✓y./ h R I _ }vti4 @ HARVEST`RUN EAS' EI SEESHEETL3FOR \� ' \ I //�} '•� •l HARVEST RUN EAST N' MORE INFORMATIO \✓'/i '. R / - -//,�. ���` J/. SEE SHEEP L2 FOR 11 t>.al 9 n> •e 0- L2 L2 NORTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L3NORTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 SOUTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN CITY & OTSEGO LANDSCAPE CODE OVERSIORY/EVERGRECN111EF5 •• 1WOTREF fOREVFAY LOION SIVE I14f%]) �3]GTRE6 i TOTALTREFSON SITE INOIUdNG SOIfENINGTO1HE NORfX ,v2UVES11RE6 • DUIIDER/OWNnI SHALLINSTALLSTRETSONEOUu-NIGASSHOWNONPIAN. OWNFRSNALLINSTAlL1A0O1[I.ONALTREE OFTHEIR 61001dG ONTHFMIOT. T SEED MIX LEGEND j—K[sxrarsl Iv[ SYK TYPE SECD MIK NATIVE WCTPMIRIE MN SCFD MIX3Nril.m•x•+n+l "IN i3• a is' m WCTLWGrG.GC MN SEEDMI%99.M[IunR BB ,•, ; faMMERMITURi•S00 HIGMUNDSOD Nl NB"— 6D MN SEED MIX 9519E Impuxpm]rR& `t,Y ALL ,,"u.NNOTINt Alnuux e smYltt°mO,m 1• sRNcsNDww.RMR[ 1 —DED, OR XENMON WINS Po(USRESNOOPEs.ERN9tOP)OLOwWNET MESICGENEG-10.RI0E MNSEEO MI%IS-191 6 c PORG' -E pSSTABI---N GIIPD�HAflOW000 � ��POHSIOPEISOV—G L0—REE uEtxmuuc 1•VAN 2' MUl[x Ne sxnmomxAftow000 .u..WATUMALCOtOR) Sa• e v WsN 3/T'CRUSMEp OPANItE CRUWFDOUARWGRANDE HARVEST RUN EAST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN V r \ \ ®PIP1 \ % WJE \j1\ Lq'✓y./ h R I _ }vti4 @ HARVEST`RUN EAS' EI SEESHEETL3FOR \� ' \ I //�} '•� •l HARVEST RUN EAST N' MORE INFORMATIO \✓'/i '. R / - -//,�. ���` J/. SEE SHEEP L2 FOR 11 t>.al 9 n> •e 0- L2 L2 NORTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L3NORTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 SOUTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN CITY & OTSEGO LANDSCAPE CODE OVERSIORY/EVERGRECN111EF5 •• 1WOTREF fOREVFAY LOION SIVE I14f%]) �3]GTRE6 i TOTALTREFSON SITE INOIUdNG SOIfENINGTO1HE NORfX ,v2UVES11RE6 • DUIIDER/OWNnI SHALLINSTALLSTRETSONEOUu-NIGASSHOWNONPIAN. OWNFRSNALLINSTAlL1A0O1[I.ONALTREE OFTHEIR 61001dG ONTHFMIOT. T LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheetsj runp Iv[ rImRNSPY3N WO ' vay.htralvr sWAMPVMR[OAN "IN i3• a is' m RB mrjuMnitn fNbsquK 1. TS tl Nl d.anrl..x.onaw rnoNn SM1WmRMRM ia' m v stl w 6 S0 S`' Anuwax„mnan.n 'Awomn nlYn.� M,hnNYPNB[[neW Alnuux e smYltt°mO,m 1• sRNcsNDww.RMR[ 1 T0' yy �D Bl UINARUDNOW nh.,m., nn. eppw.Na s B n +v D 6 c f t \�•^J�, ryXnF•R.rNvhu uEtxmuuc 1•VAN 2' N} °� Ne C:�t m,nM.m•D. fnnv y®, Sa• e v WsN Nous SM uH { [ Mk. 01.uuv+r. D.nul, IXNRLpfPRYtt 6' —N -G, cARMMIt iS DS fl 1,' s CH mrll' Tunur"e-1 AO AN M[MIOIX a C b �� eye RM rvhrvm XTNNWDD A,. xmnw.naY mMuln ]s• R[ 1,• m SP Nlu"RNUWr D f 9D• \� G �' dmup YxlM1NnY 1NmRAl[IM BF Rbbm.. NRR 6'EG E, / \ 1 x1 R l \`' l l /• PPS REG Nir.T DONG e E HHF�Xnrc. •ncmwG YAr[N.u. XG Du AxOGGn-D IB.LL— oR APPRDYm [pIALC) W iNgGRO IMT It°TWIW[APC 16NCeym AµYrNL APPLYb PER N.WUfALNn[R'S vALLAxRL�P PP°�2CTIX�uD NNCW�ITM M[ \\ V. 1 pm 1RUNNm AND mLL HUBm 5 I xl Z 9 .T r _ I�/�,j1L `I AND CW RN�n J[tln[a 1 1 Ap JL 1, I "Q+Q Q_ 4r. l ,f 1 UNOK A[ OR "R GO UNG nl[ E to R[Scr tGO L icR rR6OUNINO AND a1W1ND NHI6 ��•`i`^•�'r-'"'••°"•'•3” .. r r4 .I ;( N "I¢ U'°T°rvna^"a I."''Nr�a. uNcnrcGL-ImrA�P,m HGGGG AxD cAPADt G' GG- Na ncm°LRALgI1Y1P41 RT °P .B`GEGGnimnm.>a N r°mnlxn w do uvosrwvE --Ir-�I�f. .� a°'ariHAPo�u e,DPLwI�'RBxni�atw:DRP..nMw I I i ��Wf'J .SPIFFY l3 31t e i� P 'xwuon°D "oR mRDm sLLD°rno°N 0°"a Dzeacu t°mmp, mwmGAW aPH s TE ' AN ODs, µ 9a 0 VRt awu AAVD A PH D[mml e,t SHEET 72 I I I' ' `C c F ---•) - _ Dr N'os ° clnx: vARD. xc - GRG- As - \' GN_carGG u'1S°..GN ww, NB—. i tr i S xLrN R a Rn a P[ xP r . m[ wnRt em Br Par°nwNe i4 SIfF.'ET [ 'T` merrppAANH�� a Daae wrtc a45"N °m�'m TM[DDnalnu ,nrmawW x aNALL ee Sa N'D TMc Tor +r a mL PIIWPBBarNT oPANOe a P Arnq —' y uArvnAV M MG --GN ixr. ¢NXct adWxc yml (Aopc NAPANr® rDlt �l�ev�NYR1ft I I I I I I I ° y 1Jl '•, d T® a� ` _ ��` USllc R -.G AD W mY 3 PPDRRo HY S b [GOP-. IN-E. N-E i U2R Nt Of P[PLMYl1Wi NCLDDpIc.E ANO ETAT. R M •tea° ^P' = rD e• aq Y B YY �AaxD. SI. -, oR PRI xDnPr rzt GG P[ MaR[m AT r.R I I a rleta wRM T. AIL PUM u nTlk�aI�P11�R xgYA MfGO ema A"D CON—E rS PMdI rD PI THxm DWvrnr. y� G GO—G— - —EN LN N HO dO I wO GR An T AT 0 � I,�e—p Il �" r �-•I ! I ' ` '.. .raxi0l'' %r A iNCNCB NARDLLr, tLIGN o �RnLVWONA a rqt cDYPIF.R COYLArVZ p ALL PWIro D IE1iT ]{ HmIG IN ADYANCc OF—GR PLWT M[ OMc n Mm= a ENE 9°ie' m NnAUAnw t • ' ?- — I Id ". e' Bl1:eLTm rM • TI'jgrg � B[AOD IH 1C. ABWILmT RIALL APPROK nIC GTAMNG ALL DW1H �0-1 PA"IA° 1—I-R'ANOCDxs 1N r - - - - - - - - - - - � - - 1 , - ----. 1 •r � eeaNRu Hpx a "A�LLc�n'wc onus uun a�°fAccu`ui•li nr uuLCNcO As °'n I ✓ 7 HARVEST RUN EAST 1 �^ i DxgaNRDID MIDepL wD: J muro IpVlONOm uuLW, arAx AxB rNf� ar SEE SHEET LS FOR / nc uncmDNO wrzuu IN Au r •I I t l •ry . ° . • • ... RunwR wNw• T Rare P iva; P -EN. Dms AxD r°P mom, uxlty IN.— AT MORE INFORMATION PI]OM TOr ND or sue NAu. A".B°IX uuBW w Dwwxo. NBYIT -P. TD LM -1 u ,a 11 °•m ---D ,°D°°"""' W &I.N. n APPRDYu. I I I I i � I LRa y, R `S Nora oQ rl.•SRIDIo Hmee POR tuc Trrc a naso IvmlBa.ro we oAr or NsrAUAnpu. uB[.• EDR /]IM _ +I/I t D• mB PNBxM GRNND m m B[Dq n., - e,l: p i N dr n nncmaoos iii ruNm c DET 6 a "„o CAPD" Pwot : ea u "Neo n wH g -ono HARVEST RUN EAST �( / VI"'"�` e�ANuixen'am Dr - p no-to/1 �' a / A�_ DCMR. W"C PRD s'MID DMN[R' PPWID CWAL 1; YNN 9.' 91NL BEGIN IYN[RA16Y NICU GOs I I SEE SHEET L4 FOR y / / D pR o.w+p w n. Pu E Da �G ° "� LL RANilNG, DmG ND d RE . I: N r T W nu Wo MOR'INFORMATION' � *T ,.A.t�wro.A" .e,xAwwR +s miP °Ala: P`ll.....Y'—XNE""E [ILGWD lA�`'mN. �': EGGENHAs BEEN—u+D w°' as rn P o xD R —TU IN. E —G, Nr aAP x� \ . q NLnYA+Wq _ earn cxc nW ovN'H'L. r uo wmuA[z u :zmxc „Nv wL to MD PP N`C ""L^"ADIIUAlmn[l lD°N[ elt PDP Au uuLw6 NSA -VNO Po^PRDPvt GRADt µ PIxD PUM+a IN A �• °""'"14C wnr w..,Nu-rC9"1"` TMorn+ Dx me nAN. Au ai nArrn o �oM�Oti ax ' moa,.ua IIePDxamun[sml: oM1W TMALIL ,� Y: r X \•y ,r ' DA Tm Hp+ 1t ON IFP°N mN\mGa°'°w' MAl[mw OR mPUG oN-91c N—.G Gm[ -PCO... m�aaiim: EHC°NAw:Piq,¢ 10. M GEN. LM BULL NGP �AVW[NStmPf1 E[1C AIID ],..WY PtIM YAIENAL MNW N[a NANi OROML ON G11LBffq�EYW DKL - _ � Na^AN°'° •usoc tosvuuwo waw MLL NOT BE ALloN40. PCMm. aiA mDe wwuxm Twa-11 ID oi6 nouPar'nwaY`lmnamrm�trs i.'"wo Bn"IO tt GDYPLLY cm AMVO Y¢nN0`L.xl°rLWa�'C f[D`L�[ls0t; NAxsltt. _ _ ^• . - r• `°'i•L~e� \ ru.uM r` " ROrld , nli9� r vii axmal x'1Lwm •ND assn va I�`� JI. _ / I' _R'S, _ _ _ \ \ um •, nL IrnrMw:enai. AnAr°roANxiuxm Ix"m� ]D. AxP. uriNrux A rurrnlxD ramuli was Mu Ets 91A11 O[ RGAVm AT 1N[ m''C°NIPMIOkS° CRs° GG- HOT BE, GCMG, wpm uoNc aPrNW A+ Nn°w whot's below. —r'-I'j- �' \ \ ,,,,,,,,,,„, AND nq Wim Dr Il.mlan°x9 ar xur sdEnB wW AS MLnxc '1 ` Q1 \ +e. MTMCOHIBMIgt 91ALL DK BE9PDNNBLC FN COI —Nc OOLIX N�ndONM� �MULrzAMc SDR ra CBII6efOreyou dig. i tV t 9, °®w^ M xArPNGmc Gohm• BEEB-1 AND P.- sou u RE T� Txc nwuL 1O0NE"ci-.sn¢r Aawµ`cawr. M wATm _ 11 lacArz AVD vNpn AlL G.G. IXaGONc IRPoCATNI 9a cW1RAcfaB sNML BEO•JEni N xBIRHq F'iWAt I. �fl� L n WIC;GMiH �[ ONNG fpl PRDPnIRMY `Glom NN ANFTrAx PBPO. - ut NN s[m[Dr APG 1D B[O]K 'G. u1N1Y inbnnvDur acorn an NI. plvn Iv vlwlY I I r —1 — — — j ` _ `.BI�DD(rMN OnLs x[iPD •° >ow =MI L.+,° a.,mm.a ....reap m . • Q 'I c y ( EN n.r n�P m ran. La AND enrzB uxm A xolmr M n4� eccao uunwwln..0 un cR..Apuae BE GIIYJ 6ptdl+ln°ALY°AGiLL GE RrC E IL %�° _G EX L IS DBNNEE. wenvhi-"w°" _ Ra"i:.B ° .. dnxP ] OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN B zoo DD a o® R m NLn aware Dmmuen .r muMp suhwNB NnemaRe.p.Mre II.._. YA.NN. U WD°IIIY iHe IANOSCAPC A OII1LtT AVY c'p11LCTJ M ]a B`m°LA°RRC�YEAe°GI4lzxfB Om BE IDM°LRANM. NID�WARX Ll scone 1^ =zoo' D � cotaTRnaus 99hBR runrn%c DEGIIr incRnAre nANr naoGnW, J.O.xA 16AlTxr srAxO a mAc a aemxm. B R, (Carlson Yw'B9°PRR.MMxp.orwenes.RR+DDtM1mhwmryNrtlN.plAryRwMab -N.m, w.ARB A CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC i owl BI.IM.HN BB 49 ,.PPN.r.,pnp.r.eDYm.pr.ne.rmY r HARVEST RUN EAST Ll Nn.n.: nnw7xep-TpN u.a aumaeR.ne wa Lm.INIr Mpn^.nl -2.'n-,',•�D nwri_ 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN of McCain ^'YI"0 p aN o+eo-uDsp ." .... OTSEGO, MN mwae.w D.wl�y_ u ao��Lre Lam. Ramsey, MN SS303 J 7.0' AVERAGE 1:•r SEED MIX LEGEND IFORAus"eenl LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheets) VETLANO BUFFER / �'.JC:, SYM. ttPE SEED MI% 28.480 SF / ''cv,.pr:. Fr,- ' m wrN�N,.rr.ms W,e. m w n'v'„ NmwPmR .n • vNATNEWETPMIRIE MNSEED MBf Ie.Slsla¢ewnvnl sMILaNSPWM (2B.434 Sr REQUIRED) �,+ wo ar.r«]M1bel¢r svAMPwxITEaA% is• B ° ss• nx•r RB .me Nsm'fnn.sPu+n• uvaBlna ]' °' if' o c Ie u /' „+ •�'�` / WaMOFRINGE MNSEEOMRt]]3G],m¢rmAufl a nmRlvn oNRenndnler° AONMx u¢Mx¢e r'''�`� �'.} � EMII,h M.mnNo, R8 Autumn Mxnn' suM[[IURY 2" 10 Y e• ]°` b \ NL 10 1 vv wrml,•sn.dvm.n.r' sHADEMAtmxaNivlONSi ].s• D f1 sa fa 126 ...—ALTDRP•SOD HIG"UNOSOOanT¢¢NmruamoOl Aj MNDOT]60 MNIEFA MI%IflfllPwuu¢n]mla BL SS M,MRYpdnBfneW fMINEENOWOWAPPI[ ]" 11 ]] M �' ALLAPFIS 0151ORBEDBY TM1eAmulnnebeulrvue' BWI1VAnBNNDp I.S' IB it 1S 10' S ]f� 00—MON NOTINTENOM IOSEERO,I WMPOL0UU(KU O O '12J.i'1� S000ED,08RETENTIONOMINS FOR>LOPESOY—) _ C R { . { sYdM.PRUm4u lu'ANErtTKEDLK P ]P' N/ MWCGENEnAI POgO510E MNfEEO MI%]e,.r NR uM14avfe,nn4, M/aleuRY LS ¢B e] 1A eP o �•/ u FORGMEMLiTANIRATION IDSE EPOSION CONIROLBIANNEF 1/ OFPAOMFAS 2FOR>EOPFSOVER D:II SM AwrnWwm anMAME ]s• B U 3,' la MI �(''er.uuvvr.Brnmv MusvnuEG e• e0 RET " INCA' /G �� s NAROWO°O MUICH (NATUMLC°lON a ; SHPEDDEOHARDWOODMUICH CH .,u. .v, wNxfvLaat a Be ��� 14 a O ] \ ,' 1/1"[PUSNE➢GMNIfE CRUS"ED OuARRYGMNIIE 0.M rmbmm'Nufhxo^d,• rtTNNw00p5MAPII U' sa ' ' \ j \ •K' �: j♦ /. : �� % Epi lP T� !;� N° >.>' SP nnu.nxeY,N lfA1AP[rX ]3 la /••'� • // � l �'•' .. Y/ �� ^I. OE y.J'�.j OImu,Y�IbenY GTI[DRu,E1M ].3• ° BF AbInB.B.mu f] e' ,¢' lEE'fYPIML-n TSEITON' i',, t .ti . ✓.r' —' v •♦�• �' - \ ' \` ONTNEGMOING OETAILSPLAN 'lT, ':; WANTI .SN.WNINTNEPU MGS[HMUMAREmnR EWHM ORSMMKIEN[EC°NTMCEORTOVERIFYOVAMITESSN�°el\EWN• °NTHEPM. l• ` �' 8 !•;': ' � J 'FOO SEED/`A IN THE 000lEVMO "yyL1. / �,%/l ��{^� n0 \ r. .��66I:.i"\fir: i�(�G}— C �O! v . SOG o ,c^ G `\ \1` ---- j- L . * � � \ '' AG'" o ����:" % i �• T "'< � ----- - -- � � I DBa¢ Ili YJO.-J '^ ♦\♦ •• • �� ♦ ♦ yOG RETAININ , ♦ �' \ A �1' r+ \ \ I f I J SIJ ' LO — ... �: T Vi C s / /f'• / wnLL w�a T r/Sp]' / r a G \ `\ 142 4165 }�;� _---t. (* S � / ,a^ G ♦♦♦ 48 \ � l y i i SQG T T i 1 20/ 9-166 r. 149•I J .- L y ..... �\ T T 143 ` I I � S I- - i � •./7 �,,y�. , o " = ' I I • L v / �. 164 I III -� .�' ,;,b.' ,: l vT s i 4 - i\ I Lj co 151, 154 4+ -- -`• o" 11 ----fit 155 t t ..r 161 \\ ' i ;ii I j 192 1 x _ - F._ 163 c� II i;�i _-�-, i 156 I 1 1 I I I I I L r I 194 - 19 ----" I- ' •, ; a -'a»'------ . , 1 152 r ��-..'..... N :. :I• ,AS LD '� !� i I I I I I I I I — — ____ �: I r_'—__•1'f, � I _ SOG , SOG !( I J';"" OC' W0O2)-- -SOG 1 SOG 1 I SII LP � I -� / ,at]s I Aan> I 162I 4• � >um � >nuo �I ,( � i •W (: 1. rM �`-�� \` f .. e\♦�\ �OGT��� �I _J 4. � j'I `� � I roi> � � l�l I \ \ �%. �� _L-L�-- Lam-�' - r:•_...�-�r:�%•'••:"•:'•'•."..�: -----= Lr _-_-� I \ \ _STREET .•D < \ 1�.•�% EP @ \. ♦�..; T � ! .-...I I � �-. _ Tom..- -- i ii I�=- ,�---- F ---�`' '�:f � yr . S � ,m°e I I wwG I , --. I I I I _ _, .-. ._ • Il, � I ..j � �f `(^-�\ ' f \ SOG SOG j ij11 iJ �� SOG I , +B%]> .ov> ,¢Rm wRf> I 1 1 I (� I�i SOG SOG SOG SOG SOG eE�nncasmEE scrnor j IL ' , j 262 I I . Y C / ,'' I 1 °NTNeGMDINGOErAILSPMN I ;Ee' __ __ _ �______ I R r r ��_1,.- •, f' 110 I I I 1 �I I I 1 WPSEED/SOOINTHEBOW&MD I,' •r 261 051 ..•. -�'♦'- I L. _o 1 4 ``� •- ^ - n r. " 108 ' ` —5 `---- -r, „1' ^ R TMNINC'. p j I I 1 • I I I I .. 1 1 "' \ L 107 106 105 102 101 -" 1 63 I -r=- 1VIETi AND In ITTLOT D --- 10 - — I §( wnLLA4- - -j-� ;�1"^�',�,�, _ ]yx -i _ o _ n ,e RE y____�_--__— I i Ofi 7 - _ ' RAVEL CONSTRUCTION v " A NHHC E',RANCE L___ r WETLAND HO I / , — j (•' I —_ — ..\ \ I '.(5,762 EF REOUIRCD) ` .. (\OI YR H\NI. 918.3g. ----- I NORTH WT LANDSCAPE PLANS DD Inc LS j +\` S .� — •:j ADB? -------- L SCAM 1' . no, i ? _- ."'Vc.� lam - I�.___ _ ..'f t u FAA -1:,"k. oBBD Pe....,rz RNB. DH.n xe,amM TBD ,mm�nnnow] a'er R°:="f°nr.¢w MIN— ].m..R. R,R., RM °"" CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC L2 Carlson Nrnnmmul ;; ; u.uw wfi.m:e . 2 a Bne. f HARVEST RUN EAST SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN of :;rvin.�on¢ a °---;-.s''�= ° 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO, MN McCam ° °r . N.nmmmin.nm wil : a"' ar t1-u.n. m: v]u.= Ramsey, MN 55303 $ OUTLOT B OUTLOT A 133 74 100 VR HWL . 696.9 (3.0.13 SF REQUIRED) RETAINING •„P:• ,�`':yF..,1'�Y`• WALL ii'a e 1-1, f/c;`.� 131�='��%� .. \ * 8./i .r:;•/�: i •tt �\ 171 I '�S I\ .lilj i)L_l"c •. � ��(/ fail —*T�^. LY ••.. .• . o'' 13 \ �. �yE' � // ,��///!•„ t \� �...m _�»._.'i t�•: i ..•• '_"k..� .-1>_"1 I I 20' AVERAGE �.•.. \.�i” >:.k�a � � ` ! / .. /'��� / ' ♦ ::' / / � ` I I _ 1 O � I 4 I I "u 1� 1 `i _� .'.• ">Q: ,.o'o \ \1.29 - \ i WETL±.ND B , UFFER "' ��i.•'aa•1 s'/ ' '�/ �O r . 'a ;• 'ti I 170 }'I°' I li h 28.48D SF .,Y. •' REQUIRED) 12$, /C� ••"::'• � •C / y: J :x : •/ 'I�'oo w ` 137 � ____ ` / JREQUIRED)R„�„�t ` .. ,✓ a•.�'`�': .` \ �O„ ' �:, eli -i' ,� ; •:. - , / _ ' w - i\E::: I , I LEI �- <: `i' • �• >t•�a�' :�39 ;� ,.' \ tN a� I I I I : t 4:' ----- -- - l �:'::�t / 1 1sa em � -''� ,I •• '•M1< �1 � 185 AL RET .DING /•.; ':. _ ��,ry �i `a \� ..J „i' \\��r :?:`.;: �.. /ii�� _____ __J f' i Lam-•- 1.�,' �P %r W' d5 >� � S' "� ..•• i:: _-_ _ _ \•{', I _ ...% ” .jl���• moi/ w / / ,. f.- 12�•� o /' y' \ \` N 141 o I I \/.o-./ r . \ qy ;; ;z ;;: • 190` .°' �•\/. 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P McCain raN.aamwla<am in:iw.mw wr.w Nma.w. .:N .,.a�G, a•w >n„� Ramsey, MN 55303 5 I \ � ' i \ Sl GRADE TO GRAM i\T / EXISTING CULVERT \ TIE I I I I • -- ° \; SEED MIX LEGEND(wRuuNE¢rs1 LANDSCAPE LEGEND (FarAll Sheets) 1 wr.xwwN� .ewux� Mr ¢. wsww ..n w.r SYM. TYPE SLEOMI% \ I an n,ul 95 1 'a.�.0 v7 _'_ .• nww '"""'"""" uRL0u 5PYsu t„ 7 Y IAiq♦ip�il9k t I _ L �ly]I 194 i �SµNy�L x���l'��,�!�,f1y�1--__________ -• NATIVEWETPMIRIE MN SLED ML't]I.I]]IvurwYr,l WO v.rw.pkeler TVAMPWNIrtoA% sy. M, RB lul.nyn'SM1W]v4d ,yLRpn[N y� �,� \\\\1111 f�r•(I I`� I y1� `�f'�L �j WfT1AHOEpiNGE MN SEw MIX]S.]6](up.MnW om.�ndvM VAnnIM¢a AI]NMN pMW.WCL cLaM.w.¢pdPE yy ne Ut FXIIYnvO ]rnMcmLAm I 1 ,1.----- 1 I xt ,,. ,,.,mR sh.a.m.n.,• swoeMAmpxOxm9 w• sc 'Aua \ , r-----I I , 1 ( k +..�_- LVMMFRCMLTURF-SOD HIOHUNOSOOIPu]favuuwtarrnq) tl 197 I 1 \� r----_ /,,� �• ss M.IwpY,nxisxml AwOsxOwwRAPn] r a ]a r MNDOT 169 MN SEEOMI%iill]gpwpw]gi '� -WO(2)-�I�1._--` r'"-•t1I I I 198NNSTRULTION aI.N RpfoDrOTINn:cow-pL no..m.mw °.m...rc n°mEVAmux°ro ]a• pn ]L ys• 5 rAnoeEpauue } I 1 I I NNOfD (USf GnU OSION N%FT g R /"1 y,x.<y p.,ANI.Y M 3• m i' ]tl� 199 1 ;,,% s000fD, opnETENnon eAslxs wnswPLs avenxp �,_,J SEE "IYPIGl11REET5EC1I0N"- He C.ry C.IInuNmYpr NAapeppY ]S yB 1] ]Y ]4 '�-�• I I 1--�-fIN TNIGMDINOOEFAILSPUN I MESICGENFAALROAOSIOF MN SE[O MI%351]] CyI.M1$' rnaw,rw I // WO'-` •r wasem/soDINTNEoouuvAllDs"===s i wRGFNEMISTARItIU.TION 1USE EROSIOry cONiROI BtANNET �•'^H� �„- r _- OF PADAnFl3 LORSIOPM OVER 311 r an j [ rn¢.tlwYum°.vuY BUOtNLLIFIrMKL 4 ° ]0 4 M SM n¢hnum ..A ... i) 14 w ° �♦T ' -'I - , I I ]p v `'� V' T NAROWOOD MIIl01 (NANMLtAIOIQ ,fug, 3 •.1.;:; :•: ;.:..-�-, U + WO— WO- SHRFODEO NAROWOODMULCH LH ill6 Twa¢nwem, axAw,w xEMttltlt 4 M 9 p Itl $ �_I "'"�': ;• N•: ` yJ. 0 -�0 Rao -I ]/YGUSHFOORANITf GOSNLO gUARRYOMNOE RM rwprvm MPlMuwd.' 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I I .LAI ii:; I L___-_J � 1 -/1- , , \ \ / ) •• 1 I I I I I I----.J I I I •' V 9-\` I I I �\ \ V / ``� J A! tl •r0•'�'• 1 I .,,229 III 228 I 1 227 I I 2Z6 I I Z2S a �I~ I F- �•' I .z.- ,-...J/ I IL-----J/_ - L---J /• 255aarr�fi_�1 222! 'till 7 7. WE LAND — -- —s 5.272 SF 1 SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN o co Loo it; a".. n 'I I SCA83".a0' —�-------T-'' ADB -------------- S�i� r--- I I (�Carlsonl.]pR9Mvn.MRIaR.DmnNR5wYa99eNmP�wpq.�.a¢p Gn^r,m.,.m.%M.r,p .m= CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC R Iwpmmtl &tlnyNl SSN9 „.. Pas Mm., N ¢ HARVEST RUN EAST L4 -pxn�..nx9 P^ c 1+R9->9p0 ' ^ �ax.o..._ °i'Mm1i= 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Sulte 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN al ,,,° rpp: u0»+e9-]959 �� OTSEGO, MN McCain m w9 mm m i. er aYr.awm.wYax wY=t;M„ u� 1 ¢ ] Ramsey, MN 55303 5 --------------- - - - - - - - RETAINING -- ...... .7 JG - - - - - - - �'G r r # 208 185 19 0 0 0 212 zu 189 213 L its 4ZO 186 X.• T E WN 115 196 202 -WO(2) 197 198 242 ic Y-fi 199 \ \, ,,' > '•.\•'.' A ��/ �c \ 11 MUWSODIK�EPOULWMD� -- I I------ .......... -LREE _ REE 77 — ------ 1217 fff �LANDSCAPE LEGEND M (ForAIIS 245 wo 59 HL 21 NAMEWUPWRIE MN$EE0MJXJ44n`�w !�. /� a.�,Tp ~ ` // I � 33� / // j=--- IL —0-1 MNMMMW.J4U--.,, Ha 6-SEm A iu I 33 . /'! p 6 1 Ip ;/� (®R N (USE EROSION M—MON —N—DED WSCM0SJ0NC0MM0:'K'U 00DEVARRUENTIONUMINS M.WMWM3;�) MMJCGMMLR=51D "UCDMW�l 91' MRGENEMLaMIUMTE OFPAO—S A.. UREDU cl D OF s r LANDSCAPE PL&Na 50 is 11 .. . " ic alrm.� W�NM ausmuffGW LS THEP—N—MUL-RE MKTHEM�MW—NYENIINM C—M—WAIR AWMUSHOWN ONTHEPUN. SCALE 1' v W Z- UN, LLC HARVEST RUN EAST I HA LS Cadsqn 10415 Sunnsh Lake Blvd. Sulte 400 OTSEGO, MN SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN oP CAPSTONE HARVEST R Ramsey, MN SS3�3 5 McCain Review No. 1 Hakanson I-AlAnderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Brian Krystofiak, P.E., Carlson McCain Steve Bona, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC Heather Lorch, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Cody Sylvester, E.I.T. Date: May 6, 2019 Proposed Development: Harvest Run East Street Location A portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 35, T121, R23 and a portion of of Property: the NE 1/4 of Section 2, T120, R23. East of Quenroe Avenue NE and North of 57th Street NE. Applicant: Steve Bona Developer: Capstone Homes, Inc. 14015 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Ramsey, MN 55303 Owners of Record: LTH Three, LLC Purpose: Harvest Run East is a proposed 163 lot single-family residential development on approximately 77.45 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Harvest Run East, dated 3/26/19, by Carlson McCain. Storm Water Management Plan for Harvest Run East, dated 3/26/19, by Carlson McCain. Geotechnical Report for Harvest Run East, dated 10/3/18, by Haugo Geotechnical Services. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 SAMunioipa1\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run EastW-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.doex COVER SHEET 1. All Right of Way and Easements shall be rounded at intersections (all sheets). 2. Streets shall be named according to the Wright County street naming system as follows; a. Street A — 61St Street NE b. Street B — 62nd Street NE c. Street C & Street D — Quimbee Avenue NE or Quin Avenue NE d. Street E — 59th Street NE (59th Street NE shall continue to East where "Street G" is shown running west to east) e. Street F — 58th Street NE f. Street G — Quilley Avenue NE g. Street H — 61St Court NE h. Street I — 62"d Court NE EXISTING CONDITIONS 3. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2.) 4. Existing NWL and HWL 100 -year flood elevations (for existing storm basins and wetlands) shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.9.) Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150' shall be provided. 6. Final plans will require any salvaged hydrants are to become the property of the City of Otsego. SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 7. A storm basin will be required in the area of Lots 27-30, Block 7. Currently there is a flat swale proposed in this area in the grading plans. This flat area will not be allowed. A storm basin will provide treatment of the storm sewer from Quilley Avenue as well as provide much better rate control before discharging to an existing 36" culvert under the driveway to the south. PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC The intersections of 58th Street and 59th Street at Quenroe Avenue shall be adjusted so that 58" and 59th Streets are straight through. The current curves into a rounded intersection will not be allowed. 9. A tangent with minimum length of 100' is required between reverse curves. 10. Provide vertical curve information for all streets. All curves shall meet 30 mph design speed requirements (min K = 19 for crest and 37 for sag curves). PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx 11. Final plans will require a profile with vertical curve information shall be provided for the proposed bituminous trail. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 12. Provide sanitary sewer and water stubs to the eastern property along 61St Street NE (Street A). 13. The geotechnical report indicates there are some locations within the project area with water table elevations relatively shallow. All hydrants and sanitary manholes within the water table shall be identified in the plans. The hydrants within the water table are to be marked with a metal strip, nozzle painted black, and their drain holes are to be plugged. Manholes within the water table will require gator wrap around the manhole joints. 14. Provide storm sewer pipe sizes and inverts. 15. A storm sewer catch basin will be required to capture the drainage in the rear of Lot 2, Block 11. Currently storm water is being directed off site to the rear yards of existing houses south of the project. Storm sewer catch basins are also required at the south end of Quilley Avenue (Street G). PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSI.ON CONTROL PLAN 16. Lot and Block numbers shall correspond to the proposed plat (all sheets). 17. All cross drainage between lots shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. The grading shall be revised to direct the drainage along lot lines or additional easements will be needed to cover the cross drainage. 18. Retaining walls over 4' require a professional engineer to sign a design sheet for the construction of the wall. These retaining walls typically require fencing as well. 19. Final plans shall include erosion control notes that indicate the contractor is responsible for dust control, maintaining silt fence and other erosion control devices, and sweeping streets daily if they are being disturbed. 20. An average 20' wetland buffer appears to be maintained in the plans. 21. Pond 100 Maintenance Access is not needed around the entire perimeter of the pond, but shall still provide access to both the Outlet Control Structure and Culvert. 22. Inlet protection shall be installed on all of the nearest existing catch basins and culverts located downstream from the construction entrances 23. See comments #7 and 15. PAGE 5 SAMunicipa1\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx Details 24. Final plans will require all necessary City Details. 25. Typical street section shows bituminous mixtures using Asphalt Grade `B", this shall be shown instead as Asphalt Grade "C". 26. Final plans shall show draintile hole locations shall be shown in the Outlet Control Structure details for Ponds 100 & 200. Also, please include a note stating that the weir wall shall be poured with the base of the structure. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 27. An existing drainage area map is missing from the information received. 28. The Stormwater Plan states that infiltration is not feasible for the site due to the clay present in the soil borings. The Geotechnical Report also states that type D and C hydrologic soils existing onsite. Per the NPDES permit, infiltration is not allowed for Hydrologic Group D soils. Please refer to the D Type soils as the reason for not providing infiltration rather than clay in the soil borings and provide more explanation why the type C soils are not being considered for infiltration. 29. The preliminary utility plans do not contain any storm sewer information to be reviewed and compared to the design calculations. 30. Runoff coefficients of 0.30 and 0.45 are being used for rear yard and front yard drainage areas, respectively. Typically for I/4 acre lots we have seen values of 0.20 in rear yards and 0.55 in front yards for type D soils. WETLANDS 31. A Wetland Notice of Decision was issued on 10/11/2018. The Notice of Application dated 4/22/2019 for the Wetland Replacement Plan is currently under review. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 32. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. 33. The geotechnical report soil borings showed 3 borings hitting ground water but no ground water monitoring was done. Due to the vicinity of the numerous adjacent wetlands and utilities within these 3 borings, additional testing will be required to determine the groundwater elevations within the development. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed. PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx Review No. 1 �Halcanson Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Brian Krystofiak, P.E., Carlson McCain Steve Bona, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC Heather Lorch, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Cody Sylvester, E.I.T. Date: May 6, 2019 Proposed Development: Harvest Run East Street Location A portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 35, T121, R23 and a portion of of Property: the NE 1/4 of Section 2, T120, R23. East of Quenroe Avenue NE and North of 57th Street NE. Applicant: Steve Bona Developer: Capstone Homes, Inc. 14015 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Ramsey, MN 55303 Owners of Record: LTH Three, LLC Purpose: Harvest Run East is a proposed 163 lot single-family residential development on approximately 77.45 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Harvest Run East, dated 3/26/19, by Carlson McCain. Storm Water Management Plan for Harvest Run East, dated 3/26/19, by Carlson McCain. Geotechnical Report for Harvest Run East, dated 10/3/18, by Haugo Geotechnical Services. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipa1\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx COVER SHEET 1. All Right of Way and Easements shall be rounded at intersections (all sheets). 2. Streets shall be named according to the Wright County street naming system as follows; a. Street A — 61St Street NE b. Street B — 62nd Street NE c. Street C & Street D — Quimbee Avenue NE or Quin Avenue NE d. Street E — 59th Street NE (59th Street NE shall continue to East where "Street G" is shown running west to east) e. Street F — 58th Street NE f. Street G — Quilley Avenue NE g. Street H — 61St Court NE h. Street I — 62nd Court NE EXISTING CONDITIONS 3. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.2.) 4. Existing NWL and HWL 100 -year flood elevations (for existing storm basins and wetlands) shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.9.) Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150' shall be provided. 6. Final plans will require any salvaged hydrants are to become the property of the City of Otsego. SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 7. A storm basin will be required in the area of Lots 27-30, Block 7. Currently there is a flat swale proposed in this area in the grading plans. This flat area will not be allowed. A storm basin will provide treatment of the storm sewer from Quilley Avenue as well as provide much better rate control before discharging to an existing 36" culvert under the driveway to the south. PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREETS/TRAFFIC The intersections of 58th Street and 59th Street at Quenroe Avenue shall be adjusted so that 581h and 59th Streets are straight through. The current curves into a rounded intersection will not be allowed. 9. A tangent with minimum length of 100' is required between reverse curves. 10. Provide vertical curve information for all streets. All curves shall meet 30 mph design speed requirements (min K = 19 for crest and 37 for sag curves). PAGE 4 SAMunicipalWotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run East\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx 11. Final plans will require a profile with vertical curve information shall be provided for the proposed bituminous trail. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 12. Provide sanitary sewer and water stubs to the eastern property along 61St Street NE (Street A). 13. The geotechnical report indicates there are some locations within the project area with water table elevations relatively shallow. All hydrants and sanitary manholes within the water table shall be identified in the plans. The hydrants within the water table are to be marked with a metal strip, nozzle painted black, and their drain holes are to be plugged. Manholes within the water table will require gator wrap around the manhole joints. 14. Provide storm sewer pipe sizes and inverts. 15. A storm sewer catch basin will be required to capture the drainage in the rear of Lot 2, Block 11. Currently storm water is being directed off site to the rear yards of existing houses south of the project. Storm sewer catch basins are also required at the south end of Quilley Avenue (Street G). PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 16. Lot and Block numbers shall correspond to the proposed plat (all sheets). 17. All cross drainage between lots shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. The grading shall be revised to direct the drainage along lot lines or additional easements will be needed to cover the cross drainage. 18. Retaining walls over 4' require a professional engineer to sign a design sheet for the construction of the wall. These retaining walls typically require fencing as well. 19. Final plans shall include erosion control notes that indicate the contractor is responsible for dust control, maintaining silt fence and other erosion control devices, and sweeping streets daily if they are being disturbed. 20. An average 20' wetland buffer appears to be maintained in the plans. 21. Pond 100 Maintenance Access is not needed around the entire perimeter of the pond, but shall still provide access to both the Outlet Control Structure and Culvert. 22. Inlet protection shall be installed on all of the nearest existing catch basins and culverts located downstream from the construction entrances 23. See comments #7 and 15. PAGE 5 SAMunic1paMotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run EasRA-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx Details 24. Final plans will require all necessary City Details. 25. Typical street section shows bituminous mixtures using Asphalt Grade `B", this shall be shown instead as Asphalt Grade "C". 26. Final plans shall show draintile hole locations shall be shown in the Outlet Control Structure details for Ponds 100 & 200. Also, please include a note stating that the weir wall shall be poured with the base of the structure. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 27. An existing drainage area map is missing from the information received. 28. The Stormwater Plan states that infiltration is not feasible for the site due to the clay present in the soil borings. The Geotechnical Report also states that type D and C hydrologic soils existing onsite. Per the NPDES permit, infiltration is not allowed for Hydrologic Group D soils. Please refer to the D Type soils as the reason for not providing infiltration rather than clay in the soil borings and provide more explanation why the type C soils are not being considered for infiltration. 29. The preliminary utility plans do not contain any storm sewer information to be reviewed and compared to the design calculations. 30. Runoff coefficients of 0.30 and 0.45 are being used for rear yard and front yard drainage areas, respectively. Typically for 1/4 acre lots we have seen values of 0.20 in rear yards and 0.55 in front yards for type D soils. WETLANDS 31. A Wetland Notice of Decision was issued on 10/11/2018. The Notice of Application dated 4/22/2019 for the Wetland Replacement Plan is currently under review. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 32. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. 33. The geotechnical report soil borings showed 3 borings hitting ground water but no ground water monitoring was done. Due to the vicinity of the numerous adjacent wetlands and utilities within these 3 borings, additional testing will be required to determine the groundwater elevations within the development. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed. PAGE 6 SAMunidpal\Aotsego23xx\2345 Harvest Run EastW-REVIEW PHASE\OT2345 RVW1 Prel Plat.docx RESOLUTION NO.: 2019 - 25 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING VACATION OF EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS DEDICATED WITH THE PLAT OF HARVEST RUN EAST. WHEREAS, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC. has received preliminary plat approval for Harvest Run East; and, WHEREAS, easements were acquired by the City for public drainage and utility purposes as described by Exhibit A that are within the plat of Harvest Run East; and, WHEREAS, the preliminary plat of Harvest Run East includes reconstruction of the existing utilities within the preliminary plat based on the approved subdivision design; and, WHEREAS, the preliminary plat includes dedication of drainage and utility easements required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the dedication of drainage and utility easements with the final plat of Harvest Run East will supersede and make unnecessary those easements described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, Capstone Harvest Run, LLC. has applied for vacation of the drainage and utility easement described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 April 2019 that was continued to 6 May 2019 to consider the vacation, preceded by required published and mailed legal notice; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heard all parties interested therein and closed the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A serve no useful public purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council having considered all information received related to the proposed vacation and easement dedication finds that vacating the existing drainage and utility easement as described by Exhibit A would be in the public interest; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego hereby orders: That the drainage and utility easements located in the City of Otsego, Wright County, State of Minnesota described by Exhibit A are hereby vacated upon the recording of the final plat for Harvest Run East. 2. The City Council hereby determines that the vacation of said drainage and utility easement shall cause no damage to any abutting or nearby property owners and therefore no damages are awarded to any such property owners. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May, 2019. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2 0tsF TY o MINNESOTA APPLICANT: Capstone Harvest Run, LLC 7 May 19 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for a Zoning Map amendment for land included within the preliminary plat of Harvest Run East. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 13 May 2019 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service Area; the developer is requesting a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-5, Single and Two Family District. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary plat of 163 single family lots subject to lot requirements and performance standards established under a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP); single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R- 4 District and R-5 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-25 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses. The proposed density of the single family dwellings within the preliminary plat is 2.10 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the land uses and density guided by the Comprehensive Plan, 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat is an eastward expansion of the existing Harvest Run development and consistent with the character of the existing homes in Riverpointe. The subdivision design reflects the natural characteristics of the site and provides for larger/wider transitional lots abutting existing one -acre lots to the west and south. The proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site accessed primarily by Queens Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. Access to Queens Avenue will occur over several paths via 61St Street, 59th Street, 58th Street. Access to CSAH 36 is also available via Quigley Avenue. These streets all have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the homes within the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City provides for services in support of urban development as guided by the Future Land Use Plan; the proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. F. The planning report dated 1 May 2019 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated May 6, 2019 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 April 2019 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; the public hearing was continued at the request of the applicant to 6 May 2019; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May, 2019. CITY OF OTSEGO 2 Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: 2019-12 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HARVEST RUN EAST. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District designation as described by Exhibit B. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May, 2019. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A CITY O OtSe F O MINNESOTA V APPLICANT: Capstone Harvest Run, LLC 7May 19 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP/PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a preliminary plat to be known as Harvest Run East. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 13 May 2019 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for low density residential land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-5, Single and Two Family District. D. The applicant has requested approval of a preliminary plat of 163 single family lots subject to lot requirements and performance standards established under a Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP); single family dwellings are a permitted use within the R- 4 District and R-5 District. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses. The proposed density of the single family dwellings within the preliminary plat is 2.10 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the land uses and density guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat is an eastward expansion of the existing Harvest Run development and consistent with the character of the existing homes in Riverpointe. The subdivision design reflects the natural characteristics of the site and provides for larger/wider transitional lots abutting existing one -acre lots to the west and south. The proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site accessed primarily by Queens Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. Access to Queens Avenue will occur over several paths via 61St Street, 59th Street, 58th Street. Access to CSAH 36 is also available via Quigley Avenue. These streets all have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the homes within the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City provides for services in support of urban development as guided by the Future Land Use Plan; the proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. F. The planning report dated 1 May 2019 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated May 6, 2019 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 April 2019 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; the public hearing was continued at the request of the applicant to 6 May 2019; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. All street right-of-way, design, and construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The landscape plan shall be revised to: a. Specify installation of 232 shade trees not including the buffer yard plantings within Block 2 and Block 10. b. Indicate that the builder will install 2 trees per lot (outside of the public right-of-way) at the time of construction for Block 6; Block 7; Lots 3-9, Block 8; Block 9 and Block 10. 4. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time 2 of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 5. Dwellings constructed as slab -on -grade shall provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues, including but not limited to retaining wall construction or wetland impacts, shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All drainage and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Outlots A, C, D, and E shall be conveyed to the City for environmental protection purposes in accordance with Section 11-8-12.D and Section 11-18-13.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 10. Outlot B and Outlot F shall be conveyed to the respective abutting property owner at the time of the first final plat approval. 11. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 12. All construction traffic shall be restricted from use of streets within Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills until such time as the second lift of asphalt is placed on streets within the plat. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May, 2019. Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Wetland Blk 1 Lots 2-24, Blk 2 7,291sf. 54ft. Lots 2-26, Blk 3 25ft. house 7ft. Lots 25-28, Blk 2 Interior Lots 27-35, 131k 3 30ft. garage Corner Bok 41, g 000sf. 64ft. 100ft. Blk 5 20ft. 40ft. 131k 6 Interior 75ft. Lots 1-22 and 29, Blk 7 12,000sf. Corner Lots 1-7, Blk 8 looft. Blk 9 35ft. loft. Lots 23-30, 131k 7 Lots 8-9, Blk 8 Blk 10 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. Blk 11 12. All construction traffic shall be restricted from use of streets within Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills until such time as the second lift of asphalt is placed on streets within the plat. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13th day of May, 2019. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor Attest: Tami Loff, City Clerk