ITEM 3.1TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: ACTION DATE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Harvest Run East; PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat 1 May 2019 25 May 2019 101.02 ITEM 3.1 Capstone Harvest Run, LLC is proposing development 163 single family dwellings on 77.45 acres located east of Queens Avenue at 61St Street. The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD -CUP, preliminary plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the applications was been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting to be held on 15 April 2019. The public hearing was opened and continued at the developer's request to 6 May 2019. Exhibits: • Site Location Map • Site plan illustration • Harvest Run East development plans dated 3/26/19 (22 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District consistent with the polices of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan describes that rural land uses are to be maintained until such time as needed infrastructure is available for a property to be rezoned to allow for development planned by the Future Land Use Plan. The proposed development requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District, which allows single family dwellings as a permitted use, and R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District, which allows for single family villa homes as a permitted use. A PUD -CUP is also being processed with the preliminary plat to allow for lot requirements proposed within the preliminary plat for the single family villa homes. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan includes the subject site within the East Sewer District and guides the area for low density residential uses. The proposed density of the single family dwellings within the preliminary plat is 2.10 dwelling units per acre, which is consistent with the land uses and density guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses shown in the table below. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Land Use North Industrial A-1 District Farmstead/cultivated field East LD Residential A-1 District R-4 District Cultivated field Single family dwellings (Riverpointe) South LD Residential R-3 District Single family homes (Wokson Hills) West LD Residential R-5 District R-3 District Single family villas (Harvest Run) Single family dwellings (Harvest Run) Single family dwellings (Autumn Woods) The proposed preliminary plat is an eastward expansion of the existing Harvest Run development and consistent with the character of the existing homes in Riverpointe. The subdivision design reflects the natural characteristics of the site and provides for larger/wider transitional lots abutting existing one -acre lots to the west and south. The proposed development will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with all applicable development regulations except as specifically modified by the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 2 Comment: The subject site accessed primarily by Queens Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a major collector street. Access to Queens Avenue will occur over several paths via 611t Street, 591h Street, 58th Street. Access to CSAH 36 is also available via Quigley Avenue. These streets all have adequate capacity to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the homes within the preliminary plat. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District where the City provides for services in support of urban development as guided by the Future Land Use Plan; the proposed preliminary plat can be accommodated by existing City services. Access. The preliminary plat will be accessed primarily from Queens Avenue, which is designated by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan as a major collector street. Access to the preliminary plat will occur over 6111 Street through Harvest Run 58th Street and 59th Streets through Autumn Woods. A connection to Quigley Avenue at the southwest corner of the subject site will also provide for access to CSAH 36 through Wokson Hills, although the circuitous path required for this route means City staff expects it to be used infrequently. A connection is provided between Harvest Run and Harvest Run East at 62nd Street for intra - neighborhood circulation. The preliminary plat also provides for a future street connection to the east of the subject site. This street will eventually be extended through to intersect Radford Avenue and Randolph Avenue as development continues. The parcels to the north are guided for future industrial development. As such, there is no street connection provide to the north of the subject site so as to avoid separating the single contiguous tract and to avoid future mixing of residential and industrial traffic The plat of Riverpointe provided for right-of-way to extend 59th Street at the east boundary of the subject site and the abutting parcel to the east. However, existing steep topography and wetlands make this street extension not feasible. The preliminary plat provides for a trail connection in lieu of a street between Street A and 59th Street that will allow pedestrian access between the two neighborhoods and allow residents of the preliminary plat access to Frankfort Park. Streets. Local streets interior to the preliminary plat are provided with a 60 foot right-of-way consistent with the requirements of Section 10-8-5.13.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed local streets are to be 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter and a 5 foot concrete sidewalk is provided on 1 side of all streets. Street names will be established at the time of final plat approval in accordance with Section 10-8-10.13.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the Wright County grid system. All street designs and construction plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Lot Requirements. The minimum lot requirements of the R-4 and R-5 Districts are shown in the table below as applicable to the preliminary plat. The lots abutting existing 1 acre lots zoned R-3 District within Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills are subject to the lot requirements of the R -4A District in accordance with Section 11-66-8 of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer is proposing minimum lot widths of 54 feet for the single family villa homes on Block 1, Lots 1-24, Block 2 and Lots 2-26, Block 3 within the north portion of the development. These lot standards are consistent with the lot requirements applied to the Harvest Run subdivision to the west being constructed by the developer. Utilizing the same lot requirements under a PUD -CUP to maintain a consistent character of development between Harvest Run and the proposed preliminary plat is appropriate. Lots 25-28, Block 2; Lots 1 and 27-35, Block 3; Block 4; and Block 5 all comply with R-5 District lot requirements. The proposed R-4 District lots are all south of 61s' Street/Street A, providing for larger lots in consideration of existing environmental conditions and the need to transition with R -4A District lots to the Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills neighborhood. We recommend consideration be given to revising Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 to front to Street H so that Lot 1 does not have streets on three sides as currently proposed. Lots within Block 10 are double frontage lots to two local streets, which is typically not allowed by Section 10-8-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance except that the existing topography of the subject sites and location of Quenroe Avenue and Quilley Avenue dictate such a subdivision design. The preliminary plat must also be revised such that all corner lots within Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a minimum width of 100 feet as required within the R-4 District, Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family lots to be provided at least 2 trees per lot. A landscape buffer yard is also provided along the north plat line for Lots 1-9, Block 2 to provide screening from future industrial uses to the north and for the double frontage lots within Block 10. The schedule on the landscape plan indicates that there are 342 trees to be planted including yard trees and the buffer yard plantings. The schedule is to be revised to specify a minimum 232 shade trees plus those trees to be installed within the buffer yard. The types of proposed trees are appropriate and the sizes of trees to be planted comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. M Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front Side Rear Wetland Blocks 1-5 Interior 9,o00sf. 60ft. 100ft. 25ft. garage 30ft. house 7ft. Corner 90ft. Blk 6 Lots 1-22 and 29, Blk 7 Lots 1-7, Blk 8 Blk 9 Interior 12,000sf. 75ft. 100ft. 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 100ft. Lots 23-26, 28, 30, Blk 7 Lots 8-9, Blk 8 Blk 10 Blk 11 Interior 18,000sf. 100ft. 150ft. Corner 130ft. 150ft. The developer is proposing minimum lot widths of 54 feet for the single family villa homes on Block 1, Lots 1-24, Block 2 and Lots 2-26, Block 3 within the north portion of the development. These lot standards are consistent with the lot requirements applied to the Harvest Run subdivision to the west being constructed by the developer. Utilizing the same lot requirements under a PUD -CUP to maintain a consistent character of development between Harvest Run and the proposed preliminary plat is appropriate. Lots 25-28, Block 2; Lots 1 and 27-35, Block 3; Block 4; and Block 5 all comply with R-5 District lot requirements. The proposed R-4 District lots are all south of 61s' Street/Street A, providing for larger lots in consideration of existing environmental conditions and the need to transition with R -4A District lots to the Autumn Woods and Wokson Hills neighborhood. We recommend consideration be given to revising Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 to front to Street H so that Lot 1 does not have streets on three sides as currently proposed. Lots within Block 10 are double frontage lots to two local streets, which is typically not allowed by Section 10-8-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance except that the existing topography of the subject sites and location of Quenroe Avenue and Quilley Avenue dictate such a subdivision design. The preliminary plat must also be revised such that all corner lots within Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a minimum width of 100 feet as required within the R-4 District, Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family lots to be provided at least 2 trees per lot. A landscape buffer yard is also provided along the north plat line for Lots 1-9, Block 2 to provide screening from future industrial uses to the north and for the double frontage lots within Block 10. The schedule on the landscape plan indicates that there are 342 trees to be planted including yard trees and the buffer yard plantings. The schedule is to be revised to specify a minimum 232 shade trees plus those trees to be installed within the buffer yard. The types of proposed trees are appropriate and the sizes of trees to be planted comply with Section 11-19-2.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. M The landscape plan continues the street scape planting along 611t and 62nd Street into the proposed preliminary plat. The City allows trees to be planted in the boulevard along R-5 District lots where the 25 foot front yard setback limits area in the front yard for a shade tree. One additional tree will be planted in the yard of each R-5 District lot. The 35 foot setback within the R-4 District is sufficient for a tree to be located within the front yard outside of the public right-of-way. The trees required within blocks of the preliminary plat south of 611t Street/Street A are to be planted in the yards of each lot. The landscape plan is to be revised to indicate that the builder will install 2 trees per lot at the time of construction for Block 6; Block 7; Lots 3-9, Block 8; Block 9 and Block 10. Park and Trail Dedication. The Future Parks and Trails System Plan included in the 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition of park land from the subject site. As noted above, Outlot C will provide for construction of a trail in lieu of a street across the steep slope between Street A and 59th Street to allow access to Frankfort Park. This trail will also provide for a connection between Riverpointe, Riverplance, Meadows of Riverpointe, and Highlands of Riverpoint neighborhoods to the trail on Queens Avenue and the wider City trail system. The developer will receive credit for the cost of grading and constructing the trail from park dedication fees. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted grading and drainage plans for the proposed preliminary plat. Dwellings constructed as slab on grade as indicated on the grading plan must provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. There are wetlands and required wetland buffers within the subject site that are be preserved by dedication of Outlot A, Outlot D, and Outlot G to the City in accordance with Section 10-8-12. D of the Subdivision Ordinance. Outlot E and which encompasses an existing drainageways, will also be deeded to the City. There are a number of retaining walls within the subject site. Plans have been submitted for construction of these retaining walls, which are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer as are all grading, drainage, erosion control issues, and any wetland impacts. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the proposed lots. The developer will be required to pay the Sewer and Water Availability Charges in effect at the time of final plat approval. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Drainage and utility easements are shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of all lots and over stormwater facilities as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. There is an existing drainage and utility easement east -to -west through the subject site overlaying in-place utilities. These utilities are to be rerouted with the proposed preliminary plat to follow proposed street and lot lines. With relocation of the utilities, the existing drainage and utility easements no longer serve a public purpose and are to be vacated. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5 Outlots. The preliminary plat incudes the following outlots for the purposes stated: Outlot Purpose Ownership A, C, D, E, G, H Wetland/stormwater basin/steep slope Deed to City B, F Boundary line issue Deed to abutting property RECOMMENDATION The Harvest Run East preliminary plat is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District and R-5 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Vacation/PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and a PUD-CUP/preliminary plat for Harvest Run East, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. All street right-of-way, design, and construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The landscape plan shall be revised to: Specify installation of 232 shade trees not including the buffer yard plantings within Block 2 and Block 10. b. Indicate that the builder will install 2 trees per lot (outside of the public right-of-way) at the time of construction for Block 6; Block 7; Lots 3-9, Block 8; Block 9 and Block 10. 4. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the fee schedule then in effect. 5. Dwellings constructed as slab -on -grade shall provide for a storm shelter as required by Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues, including but not limited to retaining wall construction or wetland impacts, shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All drainage and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Outlots A, C, D, and E shall be conveyed to the City for environmental protection purposes in accordance with Section 11-8-12.D and Section 11-18-13.13 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 10. Outlot B and Outlot F shall be conveyed to the respective abutting property owner at the time of the first final plat approval. 11. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following requirements: 7 Lot Lot Lot Setbacks Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Wetland Blk 1 Lots 2-24, Blk 2 7,291sf. 54ft. Lots 2-26, Blk 3 garage Lots 25-28, Blk 2 Interior 7ft. 0ft 30ft. house Corner Lots 1, 27-35, Blk 3 9,OOOsf. 64ft. 131k 4 looft. Blk 5 20ft. 40ft. Blk 6 Interior 75ft. Lots 1-22 and 29, Blk 7 12,OOOsf. Corner Lots 1-7, Blk 8 lo0ft. Blk 9 35ft. 10ft. Lots 23-30, Blk 7 Lots 8-9, Blk 8 18,OOOsf. 100ft. 150ft. Blk 10 Blk 11 7 B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and/or Engineering Manual. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Stephen Bona, Capstone Homes Heather Lorch, Capstone Homes I II I I_ J Harvest Run East •_; - ; , :,� - _- k CAPSTONE I t 2 M E S - I II O f =, w 255 _hY + T' — "j 224 225 226 227 228 229 — I 256 _ d -1 I - JLor 25/ I / \ :236 254 v C � I, i- 221 22U .�I. J• .235 ..233 - 231 3 253 234 -- ...232- - - " 237- � I 219 259 I' } r'•B i.' ",,K - I 247 2AU 238 ' t 252• / I I _, i.' 1 _ - - - - - I !"� •� } % -�' I __ ` y��• _ _ — LD(2)'f 2601 3 i01 102 i lU3 • 1 na �j I7 , i. 111 239 R '.. t - ,,,i'•L.P�-{' '� v" I y� :+f g l.,' - 1 114 245 262 , 1 I•D '?! ; � �n M SOG I' 60G� \ '. d 115 I soar .i : .. I. •� t Lo ,e 241', _. 244A :..�_ '.. ,'•j � II - - :SOG' IFF P a 6t17 - r I 216 4y�.: / O r ) \-: \ ' •.�Lo..(. 2/-)fi. .`' R. . - SIOSG O9 ! III B200 199 242 197 19a im 153 202 1-0 159 158 157203 192 151. 215 '�Y �'•. •! 1 I � J OUTLOT E � l Aa wo LO(2).�/ .. 205 �/J .1 1.4 186 v 1a�i .sob I soG" - I20.1:4 i�'?'1 Jt4 •two;: �i�187 i f. ... ... ,"- - ( /" JL+' ``. �/ � .. I w�.:. soc �-soc`` laA _ •w°.- �� /;:. �I�:: I•.y�� _ \�-� - •-: i-% Ie8 r LO; ;�1 I 165 142j -. .S' t�,, ,{ '� _ w -� I �.. ,.:: as soG soc ''� �•wo,, 1 ,� ' � � WD � 169 ✓'ll LO' 166 - T. — �-f f 1 L. �+-q.•WO. ` 20G , "l � -1 II ... - 5�:; _ C. 17 'G' IS >T I ••WDy 41 - I _ LO -J, 167 90G •• - •yI `.�i� •wo- ! �, 190 • E�1 `� ! ���.i II I LO� 16H /SOG. ^ I ..: WO. 4' � _ ^Sµ .. I � . •wo 2 191 �• � _tel zoa *��i�i..`: t wo "_ '6 l I I :T'I ao •.� soc � � - . _;; / • l , i 1 4.f 3/` IG9 +o i. ;•WD 184 vl o Lo 170> - , 18.. "� i�' -ate' _ :•W°. I�;( 0.� ,i i. �� WO: I. ,.. I �- f 133 � • -. .. l C OUTLOT A 172 f, Carlson 74 McCain . - - - - - 100' Wide SF -18 Units , - iT —OUTLOT U 75' Wide SF - 60 Units - - — — — - = - — — - — — — - - _. 64' Wide Lots -24 Unfits � zda Sao .t bjedt'to Change* Villa Lots - 61 Unfits scnl,r 1•• =loo' OUTLOT B I OUTLOT A If 11 /\ 4 OUTLOT= 28 3 ;' HARVEST RUN EAST 27 i \ 6g 26 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 1 � _ 25 24 !3 5 1ICINITY MAI (NO SCALE) :r y�a'v (QUEENS 'AVE NE– I' I `QUENfiOE�', AYE NE � City of Otsego. Wright County, MN Section 35, Township 121 N, Range 2J W \` v I I \ / / / Section 2, township 120 N, Range 23 W 21 — — 27- 4 O I r I X/20 18 19 28 / co 16 17 2 2 \ \ --- -- 24 © 29 6 15 14 J� 23 30 w 1 J 17 18 © I LL �r 12 13 .(��0 �� 22 31 5 16 19 I 32 STREET 21 4 20 f I o 10 15 17 21 3 © 15 2 •` g 13 14 18 19 20 33 1 2 � ��-\� 14 23 8 \ 13 S� SHEET INDEX 7 12 O 34 ;\\ OUTLOT E ��\\ 12 Q FFTF y, EXISTING CONDITIONS 111 g 8 35 ' � —_ _______� <v� 13 24 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT - 4-7. PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX . �6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 4 © 11 �� 8. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLANS 5 10 1 5 610 12 25INDEX 10-13. PRELIMINARY 7 8 9 GRADING & I . EROSION CONTROL PLANS i 4 14 EET C STREET D 11 I 14-15, DETAILS TR 16 & 17. RETAINING WALL PROFlLES 3 11 109 2 1 O 26 L1 — L5. SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN 2 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 15 4 9 - 1 ,�'-� O 1 g 16 27 UtOT 4 0 5 6 7 UJI F— — I . 18 w 3 0 Ilii I — ` I 11 5 W 17 28 DEVELOPERBONA, CONTACT. APSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC. 15 1 16 17 Z iwI!i 1 2 I l T�-' , \; �� — — 651-271-4951 / ® — 14 �__� w�i�f___=__ / 5 / ���\ \I� — iii I 10 8 6 2 94 23 22 21 20 r ---_ / 6 / ^�\ 16 Ali I — — — 25 19 29 30 13 I� ---- / 7 \ I — fit I 1 \ / HA U N/ /8 15 111 I 9 7 12 11 110 19 II I 6 /5 y\\\; / 9 iii�i — — — STREET G STREET G — — - D SD ,DG 200 / 0 / / '' /10 /® 14 If 8 --- �� / 4 / .` �. / IIIWI 8 S G��, / /2 / \F'v,�QO��. / 12 113 1INT — — — gLJ SLOT C / / 1 /;; �F�\; / �IINi 6 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 LlJ ""'1 oflA / /--------------�-----r I I ---� \ H OUTLOT of Elewtion=92062 sfast A(NGVD 29) for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility ' \ ;� / 2 1 r—__ZG ` ' (IN FEET) 1 2 BENCHMARKS N 1.) Railroad spike In the first Power I Pole West of Ouse's Avenue N.E. on OF, the South aide of 60th Street N.E. \ / Elevation=931.82 feet (NGVD 29) `( --- ___ ___ _ – – _ _CIVEME-- _– _ ––__—__— – 2.) Top Nut Hydrant on the first Hydrant �'� S South f 60th Street N.E., on the \ —� I - -- w t is The Subsurface utility Information shown on this plan is utility Quality Level D. ,his quality laud was dtarminad according to the guidelines of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled 'Standard Guideline 5 / / r` ; ; \ / / 4 / I I til ii 6 LlJ ""'1 / I / /--------------�-----r I I ---� \ H OUTLOT of Elewtion=92062 sfast A(NGVD 29) for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility ' \ ;� / 2 1 ;jl ( i t Data. �; . ;,:; �. ;;I l — — I— I I I I I�dI:, - ,nI r SII Carlson environmental 3690 Pheasant Ridge Drive Blaine, I•(N 55449 NE, Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my Print Name: Brian J. Krys[ofiak, P.E. Drawn: ADB Revisions: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC HARVEST RUN EAST —7 1 • •engineering �j I Phone: (763)4-7 andthatl Signature: 2 Designed: BJK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 COVER Of McCain surveying 5900 Fax: (763) 489-7959 www.carisonmccain.com Licensed Prfessi Engineer Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 license #: 25063 Dace: 3/26/19 Ramsey, M N 55303 OTSEGO, MN 17 is r:aoraysst-�ssoVsre-nett ,��n�arn�e,orY�,rawwme;.rVne m,sr.a.y II 1 � All,J 21 E b•' IS/a +C \_. �^-`q\\\ `` �.1� �\�La Me cT! a O•T���yu h'',aft \\-•`\\PY— -fN ,[: ytr1 \/li '��--may �� \I \ I` Quartero/$ec Sougleast-1 /1 \\ Q 7 3333J55555 ( ° th \ \ \ ` _ _nshlE '1`' 9 2 l c Jsdp0 \ ,a --� 11•, /'"\ \ > 1//i ill I, i _i -----N89•4 \\ 11�1J—+V \ b, b Ar A' s DETAIL A ��• alt path •\\ t-dppwa. bw •it Ii71 '.--r•N.r^ ph: 1S L 11 Z�;Q � rl ) 0 75 150 300 t i., J 'South u ryp,ertta � , / If.../ the North 265.29- ft. o/ the Southeast Quarter (SCALE IN FEET ) / s .\\ Se the Northeast Quortr of (� •� Section 2, Township 120, • \ \ Range 23 (also, North IMe of �Autum=Woods) -- _— -- (Not t=S=1e) �• // W. It \ 1\IIYLII�V/I •L�ry'h1I' A n 11rlr\10 \\ Y 1 IN •af wagRlr,Me T11�� �_- 'U\/ n6JtT-OaaaW 1 / moi.\\: (J/ire^L' `"rti r����\ J BENCHMARKS c` 1.) Railroad spike In the first Power Pale West of Queens Avenue N.E. on the South side of 60th Street N.E. Elevation -931.82 feet (NGVD 29) 2.) Top Nut Hydrant on the first Hydrant South of 60th Street N.E., on the West aide of Queens Avenue N.E. Elevatlon=920.62 feet (NGVD 29) x It I r 1 r acus-slT� J) �1 rev PARCEL At3YW/PNAV.• (Pr Schedule A of TIU. Commitment File No. 2009, with o crnmilmnt data of June 20, 2018 at 7:00 A.N., prepared by Old Republic National TTU. In.—. Company, issued through the office of Twin City Title Company, LLC) (PANT LY h' PR) m-5A?-j5,f2ogA. The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. (abstract property) ANO (P/0 116-602-1211MA' TheNortheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, Range 23, Wright County, Minneacto; EXCEPT the West 17 feet thuaof. AND The North 265,29 fact of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, Range 23, lying Eost of Wok,m NIIi., aaording to the recorded plat, Wright County. (abstract property) ft '\\\ I am,,&NOR&` N �� 1) Bearings shown hereon are based n the North line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section JA Township 121, Ronge 23, which Is assumed to bear N89'51'33E. \\ \ \ I 2) Surveyed property add—. - unasslgned 3) Surveyed property contains (3,37.;625 sq. N. (177.45 a ). (PANT A�/N 116-500-J50012) contain. 31,704,571 sq, rt. (1 39.13 avec): (PD 116-602-121WO) —fair, 11,669,054 eq, ff. (1311.32 care.). 4) Above ground ut9ffMa hero ben Odd located as shown. Underground .691H. ahem hereon am thwe which were field mrxed by uHrfy compnfe. responding to Cophr State Dr. Cal, Ticket Nos. 182113942 and 182113784 dated 7/30/18 or wore taxa frrn utilty plans provided by the City of Romney. All underground location. shorn hamar aro APPROXIMATE Prior to any —.ttn. or ., �.-�sre 1• I �(c �` digging, contact Cophr State One Call for on cn-aite l—U. (651-454-0002). 5) Wetlands shown harem ware aither field marked or pr 4daef and delineated by K,b9img EnHrarunentd Services, Ina 114•t��-1 I \yy9 — �t ol �\\ O % $ �c Irn2 of Oe West 17.00 fast a) (mi rd�a e b L� IL i the Northeast Wrier of the � 1 �W I / U �T1Z0 •s('� �\ L raj�F• Ir ro _EXCEPTIO PO &I, LEGEND p — `J)i timer. I West'I a of �Ae.Nrtheaat� Qua 1ar.of-the KFi- 1%/ 1 M Ou�rlar. o sacton pe$ 7.,,b / / b \ ( lab ;•bt\ /w / \ ` L �JI \1111 �1 1 TowAs6i�20, RanJ I I I /� I o<> Z_/ I' \ J l \� // / jfi riIL1/ I \)� O 2 13 0 0 0 w ®r® ant - Denote. Wright County Section Monument - Denotes Found Iran Monument - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 Inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 - Denotes Sanitary Manhole - Denotes Television Box - Denotes Gate Valve -Danotes Cleanout - Denote. Electric Box - Denote. Electric Transformer - Denote. Man Box - Denotes Telephone Box - Denotes Miscellaneous Manhole - Denote. Catch Basin - Denotes Existing Well - Denote. Watermain - Denotes Sanitary Sewer - Denotes Storm Sewer - Denotes Existing Fence as noted - Denotes Gravel Surface - Denotes Concrete Surface - Denotes Bituminous Surface - Denote. Delineated Wetland by K)olhoug Environmental Services, Inc. In 2018 - Denote. Existing 2 Ft. Contour - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC (� Carlson Suite 300 ]hereby certify that this pian, or under my Pnnt Name: Thomas R. eailuff, L.S. DRAWN BY: 815 Rev Bions: 2 .environmental Blaine, MN 55449 I report wa ify th aced by me or under my �yJ n 7 HARVEST RUN EAST • 1: s - Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervislonand that Iamaduly Signature: ,(lrir ,att � ISSUE DATE: 3/26119 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. S Otsego, Minnesota McCain •surveying Fax: (763 489-7959 LlcensedLandSurvey—rider , Suite EXISTING CONDITIONS o17 the laws of the state of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License #: 40361 FILE N0: 1555 Ramsey, MN, 55303 www .carison 89-79.cam T I n Al , �, HARVEST RUN EAST I (TTr I .�^.` L v 1 1 V IV ♦ , °oro T 1' I $ `s 1 , T n I A/ n l ^ 1 1 / •j 7 7 7 owner: o F H o l / South Ilna of the North 18.5 1 V YY I V ..: r1 I i 1 I, WaQUAS pQ,i,r f� A feet (1 rod) of the Southwest m Is E I \ 1 / --Quarter of the Southwest C` IA/ 4 / A /"\ L- T , , r- (� IA/ + / d o PROPOSED A Quarter of of Salim 36, .- YY 1 / h V I 1 fl I_ ., YY 1 cz=;rcz Township 121, Range 23 East line of the Southeast Quarter / A A 1 /� r r) ; «BN A� DRAINAGE AND UTILITY --of the Southeast Quarter of Section Soo`2o'25"W F\ n r v \N C_ $v,� e �J / EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: LEGEND _ _ —las ts433 Rls ta43e r 35, Township 121, Range 23 1300.63 \•� ,t; ' / 881.77 � 1 ,a. 1 0,4.9 - G�� ` ,�� 5-"1 - Z � 0 aennotedWght County Monument, BOff 4455 gg 77 _ _ • - Denotes Found Iron Monument N' \ N00`ZO'21"E ; 1 500.1416"E ` N01'1227 W / \n� V 1 I 5 80 1 0 240 O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch �� � OU TLOT B Part of the easSouthQuat Waiter 28 4 O I<{`v ail \ I ~ rebar, marked with RLS 40361 >�of the Southeast quarter rt U `` 1, n Al - Section 35, Township 121, Rangge 3 �j P V \ t __-�_-__J L - j'I' t1 - rbar,Denotes WoBande that were L V 1 I V I V \i `-Ia 23 affected and clear, In the l' , %� 1111 .(t applleatIon to register property �/. �� r \ t (SCALE IN FEET) .rt�rk. per Doc. No. 1340713 27 1 2 ,, ` (`t'4 , , delineated by KJolhaug Envfronmantal �\ :/,'. �.'L,, .(1 \J\ Services Company in 2018. +a• pp 2 , "i� '0A and10 feet(in width'and ad1o11ninggright .1 11 s, % OUTLOT A � 26 lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on " 0 �� /�/ this plat. `` -�-� SEE SHEET (n / / PAAtil1 M3b9 NC (Per Schedule A of Title Commitment Foe No. 2009, with a commitment date of $$ 25 June 20, 2018 at MOD A.M., prepared by rid Republic National ntle Insurance Company, Issued through w a --��_ A the Office of Twh City Tie. Company, LLC) $tel- 24 �, 6 $oma 5 � �,}�a'° ire _ \p v�^�,. / ' (Pro 118 -50e -J50%1• 22 ti5 $,� � arc E / ,p'p / �� �'� /T ' The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, =o Ag� t7H /7// p ,-� Minnesota. O$�N 4Q property) ZOOf / 2 21 27 4 coo t o )II /r-F),,1),ITr VTI I A r\r-'ITIn AI I ° / °$ $ ' (obstroc 19 20 `� o o� e \I V Ll ml/11 V I C- 1 rT r1VV1 11VI V ANO rr.. .E7FnEY 0 ! IaL.Y A BUSCN IA/ I 1 al i 7 26 N00l- pF'U East 1 11-400-001010 `\ " .i aa�� YY 1 V I 1 I 1 ?� East IIns of the Northeast Quarter I \ / � . (Pro Il8-8B2-I2I107}• F 28 , --of the Northeast Warta of Section SOOe13'58'W 25 2, Township 120, Ronge 23 1306.23 � � -- The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast puller of Section Z Township 120, Range 23, Wright County, / 1 7 18 2 _ _ Minnesota: EXCEPT the Wast 17 feel th .... f. t J 16 29 c"m'� AND !'I / 15 24 3 vC I 6 I� �) The North 265.29 feel of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, in // 1 /, `` A ( ^ r\ T / n n 1 7 ; 11 I Range 23, lying East of Wokeon HOIR according to the recorded plat, Wright County. 6 $d � d`/ 13 `Y ..� "S% 23 30 l 1 `ti. " f= I I V IV �, 17 L 265.29-_ __ I (abstract property) 3� m r ��• �. < 5 18 �g w 12 S •' r V I 1 6 1 8 CO1fAAt A10=1 LIQ _ � 16 :, 31 l I 19 c , g / 11 22 "i J'.[,t • J Wd 1) Bearings shown hereon ore based on the North Ilne of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast ♦- i ' Quarter of Section 35, Township 121, Range 23, which is assumed to bear N8951'3YE. (;) 10 15 17 `t� V 21 32 f 3 6 SEE SHEET 6 20 21 2) Surveyed property address - unassigned o �,� ,(11 2 I 3) Endo mel�he spa—„ ins either field ma,ked or p—lded and delineated by Kplhoug L._ 9 13 14 \ 18 19 20 33 1 ?_1 OUTLOT E 15 14 ,�� cl�\ S PID: 118 500-3 4200 23 A l 13 t o " $ _ (r) SITE DATA 8 12 34 1 ^ ` aaaN I C] I TOTAL SITE AREA 177.45 AC. T n IA/ AI 11 / 1 n 7 C� TOTAL ROW AREA112.08 AC. 9 8 35 I V rr 1 v r1 1 1 I L/, ,� 9". 1 24 U TOTAL OUTLOT AREA 13.44 AC. 11 7 c u OUnOT A 18.02 AC. 2 J 6 5 4 3 2 1 2; 3 7 11 (, ` 13 =cdA. I OUTLOT a +0.22 AC. - 1 4 `� i OUTLOT C +1.17 AC. 5 1° SEE SHEETS 5 6 �_ 1 OUTLOT D +0.28 AC. 10 12 0 a 25 I OUTLOT E +3.00 AC. 7 8 9 LIJ Vit. tt1'.),,,I, 1) i OUTLOT F +0.51 AC. 4 f� �.1. S'I'I(I?F,T C' PID' 118 802– 21100 11 :5 e 1 OUTLOT G +0.22 AC. 3 9 a� 114 I OUTLOT H +0.00 AC. (+183 SQ. FT.) 1 s TOTAL LOT AREA *51.93 AC. SMALLEST LOT +7,291 S.F. r 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 — 2 3 r ;1 a'; r 1, �� 10 15 26; \ LARGEST LOT +47,515 S.F. I AVERAGE LOT +13,881 S.F. 2 9 3 po V, TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 163 4 ` I X10 aLs4p-• 1 C 7 16 27 �- zalC `- GROSS DENSITY 2.10 LOTS/AC. InS znza 1 `\ 4 6 ` ,` _ ___266.29_______ 000 $5 `�o TING ZONING A-1 ---- IL44174a 5 SEE SHEET 7 a 1_ EX'S `\ west line of the Southeast SOU TLOT N 094'15 E Purls-317-awlao 60 'sante''']-ops°° 3 �` t ` �r� o� o o� N I PROPOSED ZONING R-4, R-5, PUD --Quarter of the Southeast — �,/ -o rNYY a - UTILITIES AVAILABLE $$' Warier of Section e5 omens-717-0000ra $.,. ` Township 126 Range 23 Puns-317-0000to \ ` $Z o u' S =. J _ 28 .65.5. \ 1 I 'lir .- t ISR8.2 I I A ) 1/ r T —"0 a r1 n F v L= -S I �' V iv I _ I L-zz 'j - U,. 2 + g 8 I I \ , - a $ € et I $ MINIMUM SETBACK DATA: $t� ° 6 n \ 25 24 -�� 55' k 64' Late - BLOCKS: _� 8 23 22 21 20 zz oonirc 30 1, 2, 3, 4, k 5 cn PRt1e-JI7-00af00I 1 29 3 1 9 I� aI€d FRONT (GARAGE) 30 FT. 11 I FRONT (HOUSE) 25 FT. iv- — J SIDE CORNER 30 FT 8 1t�REAR SETBACK 20 ZFT. / \ ,r�.�-F WETLAND 40 FT. L -- — / I I PUN° lir-suss J 1 ?_ 3 1 4� •; I� MINIMUM SETBACK DATA _ ry 75' Lots- BLOCKS: O 5 6 i 1 2 �^ :� I 6, 7 (lata 1-22), 8 (lots 1-7), k 9 �%► i OU LOT - Ea6 :-1.1I FRONT HOUSE)e F1) 30 Fr. 80 Pu11e-Jn-ooaom `. F ` J ., I---- --0U LOT H « SIDE 7 FT —� _ SIDE CORNERREASETBAK 35 FT. 20 FT. -EXCPTI0�1",?-_East------ oP Te €nitnma� WETLAND -�- I Ilne of the West 17.00 z A I r -EXCEPT10q; oPwr � �_ WOKSON HILLS (� 40 FT. I. - -Quarter line of a Nuri east Poefast of the Northeast 1 c 11 I v / n -quarter of the Northemt I \VtiL1 rl `�E^ n v E i rF p6. (ur sest:ne n.) - Quarter of Section 2, 66 rQuarter of the Northeast— I $$ Township 120, Range 23 I '� I Quarter of f SecOan$ YY/Vj�.:VI V 1111 1 4� I I I SETBACK s DATA: v / Township120, Range 23 r11L_L_.J aARaiieY Lots - .011 EY R f VOM L Id4[QR PR11s-f31-Oe70ro 7 (Iota 23-30), 8 (Iota 8, 9), 10, dC 11 ,�" FRONT GARAGE) 35 FT. I� Al I FRONT HOUSE) 30 FT. vie — SIDE 10 F7 51DE CORNER -35 FT. 6 I� I� I I, I II I WETLAND CK 40 FT. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive HE CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC �j Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification P lit Name: Thomas R. selloff, I.S. DRAWN BY: KCM Rev Bions: 3 •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my /y) �/ HARVEST RUN EAST • . engineering Phone: 763 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 3/26/19 McCain 'carve in ( ) Licensed land Surveyor under 10415 Sunflsh Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Otsego, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX of Y 9 Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License s: 40361 FILE NO: 1555 Ramsey, MIN, 55303 www.carisonmccaln.com Se.eelle=.a_3L3Jl9I:adaVa61-15e0Vsre-lancet rtnesslWec3eWnevbedMV.eelNkde dna I / PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOTHUS: LEGEND IA/ AI 11 1 q 7 .I [) A AI / I WN 1 - L_ V I I V 1 V ci v, 1 V VV 1 V F1 I I ,i 1 I, 1 \ 1 r -y-1 1 V \7 L_ ci j _ z -Q O - Denotes Wright County Section Monument, o_H / A J A `r I D noted a & I South line of the North 16.5 feet (1 rod) • -Denotes Found Iron Monument 4o:Y I e0 �_ 0 0 25 50 100 I I O - Debar, marked S 14 Inch o ° t / 116.-5�-1 of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest rebar, mare w LS 40361 E ' E 1 IV I I t, I ,' Quarter of of Section 36, Township 121, _—_�_—_—J L—_--_1—_ ^ T (� Range 23 A/ 7 / LA /, r- T I I r A/ 4 / A (SCALE IN FEET) - Denotes Wetlands that were o n a / v v I rl L — VV I / `t delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental g SIC / Services Company in 201X. o o CC tVt' A r being 5 feet In width, and adjoining aide lot Knee, ✓� East line of the Southeast Quarter I I / I I -- and 10 feet In width and adjoining right of way 1Y y 1, oIlnea and rear l f the Southeast Quarter of Section at lines ..lase otherwise shown on t 35, Township 121, Range 23 S00e20'25" rsarAs airiLtiC'r arorrw thio plat. rnn�. 4t Is— Rtsisus 1300.63 rarteao�aeuoo I i / i \ri ±9,571 a .ft. It1284.1 661.77 V _ NOOhO'21'E Part of the Southeast Quarter of the 103.4 31.3 31.7 ------150.6 -----� ie` 134.9 170.45 ' `I OUTLOT B Southeast Quarter of Section 35, 9 ---451.89---- \r Sip t —WETLAND- ) N0112'27'W Not ,Township 121, Range 23 affected and 82.5 I \ S described In the application to register ----, 30 \ \ SOO'14'I5'E m property per Doc. No. 1340713 �0, /----- \ \ ,1 / /16e`-��- z ±11,401 q.ft. 4 �•0 28 \\ P` \\ i'// �' '�� OUTLOT C \ 113,822 aq.ft. \\ , / Z ±50,973 q.ft. \ ±7.980 eq.ft. C7-0 T �rj �� x-11 0 \\ n i'� / \\sem \\ ?soJ/'/ 27 //// \\ ` IBB ! ,�/ / ±9,771 eq.1t. // / \ n flrlTI V\ rat` ±10.490 eq.ft. , / \,9 \ / ' �\ , \ OUTLOT A s�J rs� ±348,761 a .ft. \ ' ' 26 / / Drainage and Utility Easement \ //// ±9,950 sq.ft. \ (aver an of Oullot A) s0 A <' `\�./^'� b pO/"\\\ \\ �'e�4o ov'// ±16504 aq,ft. ) ` / \ oo 6 \ < ±10.014 q.ft. ±10,078 eq.ft\ 5•/ \ \ 3 a« r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 i4 raa % / \\ \ JS 23\ \ i L- oy k \\\ \� �\±6.24e aq.R\\\\ ���/ y, S�j �hpD �� \ 70 \ 5 \\ i I v -r� n nr i i w°v ±9,798 eq.fL 00 i V V NT'r1' n —WETLAND— r <\\ \ , 22 \\ 873 sq.ft. R. �� ,bti \ \ `o5p 1 \J YV IV IAI 7L ' it \ 21II o o'tn \\eJp±8,953 eq.fL \\\\ �/�/'/ \\0 /\ 27 I I I ±11.6.65 aq.ft. 5 / S °o «tV n I \ \ PI a \ \ .,a. 1, o\ ±,9.114 eq.ft I I /�` t o 0 20 \\\\ /9 / \ \ I l 470.5 1 - oo: `a \\\\�_-/ V \\\6\8 ±8.929 eq.ft. \ \ /6°• , ,/ Vie\ \ l I rn o! --rl G 1 fee oN� ra m r4 m rn `\\` \\\\ \ \v/ / -( 8 26 3�\`U \ -. r — �20 Ism �2 ugs \ \-- ------J I w I« o 19 \ \ \J ------- --I---- I Ion I^ `"o mea Sbi \ \ r 6 /\ \ ±,4,978 sq.ft. ?, , I I I 3 I n - w t \ J n \ \S ±8,994 aq.n. \ \ / 9 \ r---- I law I� \ L \ \B \ \ /t,'` q• / \ c+l ±11,833 aq.ft l �« z� e -nO1 n\ \ \ \ \ \ / e h/ \\ \ I I l a I�� 1 0o C480 �,o / rye" e>^\ \ I C \\ \\, 1 $ \ \ \ \\ I �1 28 11 �I n0.o I 10= I ' rnM / \ \n I \ \868±8.922 eq.tt.\\\\ \\ \\ 1 'al ±10.563 eq.it. ' L----------� -------- -- 500%3'58"W 10 Z \\ \\ \\ \\ y�ry \\ 6B \\ 25 \\ \\ Im L----- mm -----J �----------I r— n 1306.23-- 'L \. 111,737 a fL \ I2 l 1 I I II 168.1 R• \ � d i < \ y \ \s 17 \\ \ /� i' 1g// \\ \\ \\ \\ I I-------------� E �j ±11,20 sq.ft. I II jm \\ \�J±8,978 sq.ft. \ \\ / yg!L �yj \ \ \\ \ I W \66 16 \ \ \ \/ oo / > \ \ \J ql 29 I4 G1 I I I IL I" ro ±8,979 sq.ft. \ \ ' / / \23 \ I 'rr 'n 178 6 20 / \ \\ \ \ \\ \ �/,9� // // \\ \\ 3 el ±10.400 eq.ft Ie Flo l --------'-- L__� ^/ 15 \\ \ \ \\� %�° 5 <' ±,z 24q.rt / ,/ \ 9B \n--------------- i 6 \''---- / L------------- I x ♦ o / \ \S ±8.979 q.ft. \66J±8,979 eq.fl.\\ \ \ \' `� ue }o f '\\ /apo /� �\ of ` \ 9 I ±10,400 a ft. I'a l 0 0/ \\ \ �� / / ±1Q23e fl. .�\ 6 n 30 q �I ±18.352 aq.ft. �'jh �' 55 \\\\ \\vim / / \s ��\•, �o \ / / q \' I I �I a;/�' ±esss eq.rt. \ \ YJs / �� \\ \\ \\ \\ L----- �so.o -----J 30 l 3O �/ I o ^�\ w o / \ \ 12 \\ \ \� 2C%C ' 7�°, \ ? \ �� ,/ 1-------------� L--------ea.i rya°e / \ \ _ \\\\pS±7.960 aq.ft. \ \\ ° .J<1 / ,i \p 1' ,/ 1� 65.0 I /�/ P.y'�'66�/ \ \ (n 22 I� 31 I� o H 1I ' \\\ w / \ \ \\ 1'ry19 •/ / 16 ) m �\ ±14,374 aq.ft. el ±10.400 sq.ft I� i w STR@;ET 4.5 I ' \ w 11 \ \ J !i / ±14.568 eq.ft. I I 94.5 ` (n / i'. 60 L ------ -------J-_ \ \ / \ \\ e? ° �L---------------� I` lsoo as0 a=250.0 t6 i // s /� \ \ > No��\ \ i i �\ n/ C) n I, l /. r_ I 7 ti 6a w % 1 Q \\\ \\ 17 / I V V �_ o� L ci 32 to 65.0 31.2 r� = �\ \ \\ \\� ±13,030 aq.ft. k n vi 30 3o F-----_� \ \ / ry \ 15 21 ±10,400 aq.R a ±9,472 aq.ft. \ \ ±10,739 s JO � ±9,827 eq.ft. / /�\sly y,s /\ \\ ±19,409 aq.ft. \ \ \ < \ q / I I l I I I \ \ \ //\\\ \\ \ �\, / / \ \ I 160.0 I I I \ \\ 6 j \ / \ \ I, ,p \ A / / r 36.9 ( \ \\ L -------------'J I I I \ \ 3 \ / \� \ yo✓ / \ \ \ \ 1 l I I I I \ \o ±12,666 eq.ft. \\`� I — — — — — — — — — — — — —— I i / ^' \' �5 '\ / / ±12.018 J gn 9 ��\\� , $, \ \ 14 \ \o moo\ m , , \ \ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, /� m C Suite 100 herebycertifythatthisplan,specification PnntName: Thomas ft.Ballu,LS DRAWN By KCM Revisions: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine, h1IV 55449 direct report was prepared by me or under my/ HARVEST RUN EAST 4 • •englneering phone: (763)489-7900 LicensedL ndSuvision eyorunnd that lamaduly Signature: _.ft',Gew n,eW IssuEDA7E: 3/26/19 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 PRELIMINARY PLAT Of McCain surveying Licensed Land Surveyor under Otsego, Minnesota y Y Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws oFthe State of Minnesota Dale: 3/26/19 License 0: 40361 FlLE N0: 1555 Ramsey, MN, 55303 1 vnvw.carlsonmccain.cam sr.e axe. o3/1s/ts t:.ca1�s51-rssoirsie-tun�t,w eaWerxyuneyWre pacVs/e_rm.any ,a. ,a. ,a.. •a• ,� cfj' '\ `\ \ \ss `"\ 3'•' i / ±12,720 sq,ft. a` ±8,979 a ft. u / \ N q' \\ \\ /� Syn ISEE ±8,aq.ft \ \ \\ \\/ a wo \ / /!e7ry I 1 1 to 979 ed \Ss m±10,400a .rL I a r / \ \ ±10,055 sq.f. / / ♦ q ml ±,8.352 a ft. W J/ ILLJ ' t' \\ \♦s ±8.555 eq.Ft.\\ \\ i // \m �j'\ S f�i / /' // ` ' 1600 I I'D in 30 30 12 tC�`�UJ ±7sso aq.ft. \ \ / o ��1 / // w \ / 1^ I ss.o R yT'66�/ \ \ (n 22 31 16 J m\ eq.ft. q. ±14.374 a it. I ±10,400 s tl. m I 1 \\ s ' e `I7 ^\ \\ 11 \ \ / 114.568 eq.f. // ' 'ail I 1 1 / eA•/ \ \ \ \ / \ / I1600 - R.250• I B /^ \ ,a! / / / \\ \\ ♦ ±8,900 aq.f. \\\\ 3 6i//\�O \ // / g9 '' 60.0 L. ---------------J \ L_-------------.� r------ii2.e ------ F---------------`\ \ \ ±13,030 eq.tt. \ \i \�3 32 mm 30I wiI -6-5.0- - 31.2I I 1I r1I I 1 lu \\ III \\ \\\a 3017 21 nmI ±10,400 q.f. 40 75 ±9,q.f. \±10,3qf6 ±9,827 eq.tt. ±19,409 aq.ft. 36-9 L- X60.0- 4 3 /\ .\ /\ " 9 \ \\/ 6, \\\`\ I --------------- 56.7 J 14 18 33 73 aq.ff. 12,013 q.ft. m113,02±t0,OBe sq.fL\ 20 �I±9.458 eq.f. ±18,291 q.ft. \ ±10,400 q•ft / 116.631 q.ft.17 ./ , 1 \ \\ _1 / �\\ 13 q' \ \ \ / <548 �\ \ ` \ J /L----- iso.o / ±11.562 a ft. "00m %o/m / \\�\ �� \\\\'/<+`Op\t'1' �•� 5x1 a \\� / / \\\\ / ygoz°�a I- o ±11,823 eq.R. I i � � -19, r pea °mom` s9 I I m Lq I I \oa3 \yep L la ,� n / �\ . dose 5 9 \ /' 06 ,aI 34 Ie �I Imo/ amOr 179-2-__ 1 ^1 \� �� '� q5.5 I \ ` \:/ / \ \ / 09°0 ±10.800 sq.ft. ml ---------J ' 12 , 3 , �, 6i 7JJ , L--- L ---� of 111,708 eq.tt. ,n I- 101.8 /-------- _ f- ±1 n 1 N I , '") I 1 \ 54.0 ,14.0 224.3 I _- �, �., I �1 48.1 53.6 0 1 o I� 97.5 77.5 049.3 h <I 7 Im I I� C I V I v I I I I I I r---� r--- t-- +--------- J6.9 't1 1a szt ---� I 1 f---� 1 �----gym I--�;,Oralnage and F-------� r----- �tl lel ±11.220 eq.ft. I L----------- I I I 1 1 C7 ♦ n I --_-_-_- rl 1 4 , Ldl I r r l I h I I q I UtilllyEasement I I 761 _�---- --,I N I �� 35 L� L-----_ �7B.a -- -- I I I 1 1 ag ml Im --- I Ilm g �1 I 8 al j l I I I I I I owl 1 ±±0,800eq.f. 1 ua I I I i l y I I l - - - - 11 Iui±10,507 eq.tt� 11,350 sq.ft.1/ I -` 1600 (:) r- ------ la ml ±11,314 sq.ft �/ �I zo '" I 11 I I I I I I I I I I o«I L_ -------------J I Ej Im 1 po\ 1908 a1 I` I I I 7 �I 1 I NI I al I I I r 1 r------------- I �I nl I I I I r I I 1 .12.384 eq.f. �) \ o"I I I I It,o,,6, aq.rt._I I of I ml I 4 el I 3 I I 2 r- -I �I 1 NI I 2 I i I HI I 2 6 I I 5 �I I±9.116 a ,f.l 119,552 eq.Tt. I I±10,318 aq.ftl I 'I fl I ±12,237 sq.ft. I o 3 ±10,474 aq.ft. ±9,186 aq.ft. q I 115,357 eq.ft. At12,999 eq.tt. `..°i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Y !j' LI_ ml - 1926 o�I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 la I I I II ( i t 4 Ngl I I I 1 I I I f I I Ia I I mI 1 I'd I I I I I I I I ±12,237 eq.ft. ml ±,48688 s .ft- t 20 -_-J L-.__ JI I I T /1 IA /I h i C, 1} 1 C) 1 mI ±14,125 eq.tL I I I I I I I q 52.3 47.9 L� I f r I I I , I I I 1 5 /j \ ��� 17.4 'aJ��l 1 1 V YY v" I I I I I 110 A 1 11010 I I I I ±14,344 eq.f. _ p5a J L --------J L---- _ p \ \ s L`` I I� I I I IN I Ir J 1 H-_------- 7 30 1 \ b \ / // \•� ` // 0 4 _J J L___J r J4r as.7 ` s7s 3t.e 45.8 so.B 9x.7 30 / 199.x_ _� n sss--- �i ---- 7i.s - 1 I _ - as.1 s4.o ss.0 L l�C _ STREET D \ ,o\���' / 4 m \ "�' /' R STREET C 4s.e __ zfis.a _ � L ' q.ft./�\ i?' - Rej _ 108.3 _ _ 73.5 _ 52.5 _-_ 130.0 -�__ 159.0 1 -_ �L 11 0.0 113,065 s tt. /' n - 73.9 - R=350.0 R-50 - / /' / \ •.� `b 80.9 -1 r 50_4- 00.0 - _ - R=550.0 I ,9i I LIQ \ //// � a�9� 1 41 I ``1- ``` 49 � 47b / / 35.8 18.3 82.0 128.7 41.4 n 10101 r 8 49.2 1 r'-----------_-_, 3 11 I 11 11 I I IN---� r.5 _25.6 57.0 25.8 28.2 _ 1----, (-------1 3D 30 65.7 I 0mNaI11t�l '/ '/�/��/ �// /^ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ �2'\e1\ •\/o ' _ �-\-\w1 1 -\o\In \ \ \m \' \\ I I1,I 111CII.Oi, a /�JI l�ILI .am\1 Q _--- % m!iil -,-or,ty Eas9em e5n.±14.056 q.tt. j8.0yI '0 1±7,291 q.ft91 1 1 1 1 1 8t � 20\ m1 I 1 1 1 1 2 I -II I 7 I 1±7873 q.ft.8 ±7,682 q.rl. 7 6 5 ±16,976 q.rt 12 _ I [6.4sq.f.1 ±8,550 q.ft.1 1±8,647 q.fI 94 sq.. ,151 q.ft.±14,351 s 'ft.±11,506 eq.f. 1 , , 3 Utility Easement to °I of -Drainage and ±17,241 aq.fL Ig, 114.278 q.f. o L o--11----o-JIe m170.0I 1 0% ----- -- 20 1010L59 A C7 naga and uemsgr n t 41 w �- 1 I I I I 1 I I Drainage I I ml 1 1, 01-1x0.0--- os.0 so rl _--_ __-- Im L---�3s• /WETLAND'\ 591 l I I I 1/�' Eosementi m N _ _ --- ±14,916 aq.K. I o 54.3 OUTLOT D 55,3 L� 1 1 --- J I I ±12,751 aq.R I^ 1 I-- to.0 r Drama -�� --J L -___J I I �� ly I 0 ge and Utility Easement ,e� 93,3 19.8 57.0 i 30 JO ' �- >4 v all of Outlet D 112,257 ap.ft. ---J L ---J ��/ N L ------J I% I _ ` NL'---------------.- 10.0 O e! a �_ r 0 ---- , J0.0 / 30.0 70.0 ( ) 409.0 tea ` 76.8 70.0< / 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 82.0 30.0 30.0 170'0 L ---------------J � i ±11,550 aq.ft. e ZlTzo 1303.79 7 \ watt line of the Southeast Quarter tamer of the I I `--of the southeast Quarter of Section L- _ - - _ NOOi 415"E rullsan-opowo xu: ue-av-oaloo I southwest � �I �' / L- 150.0 _ _ _ _ _ � southeast Quarter of the--- ' I I Township 721, Range 23 Southeast Quarte! of Section o - - 60 35, Township 121, Range 23 Id \l 'V/ I- -- - - -I Hkife-al)-00aola �) /-1 L v 1 �\ ll I V1 \ \ I tV I I 3 101 I 5 I F- $ 1 m i ±,2.000 sq.ft. 100 PROPOSED \ I W I I i im r DRAINAGE AND UTILITY \ r I Drainage and F EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: \ - - - - - - - - Y L J� Ut lty Easement o J W 150.0 N o 2 1 I W Z LEGEND - 1 C 10 W 1--5 _ • - Denotes Found Iron Monument \ I I d o I 6 m 0 0 0 � I o`O m j � t12,000 sq.ft. ' 0 2s 50 100 O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 inch Q c ` `s, ` i i -aw= 1 rebor, marked with RLS 40361 \ I �ti ti r- --150.0 -_---J Denotes Wetlands that were 1 1 (SCALE IN FEET) �+4-+Iti el dfneoted by KJolhaug EnHronmental ------ 3 1 being 5 feet In width, and adjoining side tat lines, servfces Company In 2018. - i 11.5, and 10 feat In width and adjoining right or way ' linea and -or lot linea ..lase otherwise shown on this plat. 1 7 1� 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, C Sults 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Pnnt Name: Thomas R. Iaalluff, LS DRAWN BY: KCM Revlsi.n9: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Car son • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report %vas prepared by me or under my ��/ A HARVEST RUN EAST 5 • • engineering Phone: 763 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 3/26/19 McCain t"rye In () Licensed Land Surveyor under 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Otsego, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT of Y 9 Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1555 Ramsey, M N, 55303 www.carlsonmccaln.com MT n cazt\raC c3a\ '•vW� dxtVSlByp.ana % o oPROPOSED n DRAINAGE AND UTILITY d 4 5 / m a� oN EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: LEGEND ±77.655 eq.ft [ E d u ♦- .\ )11 /r --)[fin IA IT[- vTr r A nn/-rl/1A I I I I ♦,^ �, W - J/ 11 1 + >>o r y ai r\1 V 1-�\r vlr v I L 1 F1 �IJUI I IL/1V 5_� _ z�-$-� m -Denotes Wright County SectionMonume W -'---- 170.5 11 1 } $o'er oa `w _ I 5 o I • - Denotes nFound nIran dMonument -------- 1 201vt eai I mac use ___ _ _o D 25 50 too Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch mrr,ea: ' I ' rebaq marked with RLS 40361,1, W �e n Ji Ra-ne-nL.TA6aea1 _l_ -_-J L_ -___l-_ W I E t[7 N sv°, = n n `o retie-Ts4-ooI°r° Ea - Denotes Wetlands that were 8 j l o w 1 7 a7 - a ( SCALE IN FEET) v m. N 83 I e n N yv� $;- ' 1 delineated m any In Environmental .I ±11,833 sq.ft. I I o,w = oF, H Services Company In 2018. I cD I i being 5 feet In width, and adjoining side lot linea, 1 I "o" zc and 10 feet In width and adjoining right of way / 170.0 I 1 - ' East line of the Northeast Quarter linea and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on oxrcm: I ---------J L -J ---of the of - R I /, Section N2, tTownshp 120, Range 23 this plat. In rare aeFPQVA71aH tnnAe / / srs tsxaa (u., r 500°13'58'W I rile -lee -0000w ' F----------� r -tee; r _ 1306.23 1 I I wvN 40.4 n) ?1 22 166.1 i --214.9 -------- 752.5 / 40.4 216.5 /874 86.1 66.1 +� _88.1 +� I 1 I / --- 1 / -- ---_ _ _ _ 714.9 1 53.3 1 0 ±11,270 eq.ft. w / ,\ \--------__ _--_-_ /r-__ --__----' 7__-__-__�__----� / % 7 ��LOranaand --1 L _ - - _ na.e_J 20 L__JWETLAND UtilityEasement6±24,852 eq.ft. ±24.784 q.ft. ' '' / y/ / / / �___/ �__________________.-,c __ 285.29 ______t_ ______-_ AF 18 5 ,b\ ` ±18.047 q.ft/ / 0/ IF 65.0 ±14,013 q.ft. ±21,501 q.f.1N 95.0 _ 250.0 wo ' / �\ \ \ \ /,� o \ \ \ 50.3 / 19 r ±21,112 a ft. R= 1 6681 \ -/ \ \ /�. y•/ \\ \\ /,� \ / q• O �] \ . I C LIJ ±13.030 eq.f. ±24,280 q.f. I O550 31.2 2Oa* oabs I \\ \\ \ G A II 1 5 l�-�os.aC, >so\\ 21 3 \ \\ 6 / s1 n `r I ±18.678 aq.ft II Rz1g'S� 7' ±27.447 aq.tt I ( I \ \;r ±12,066 aq.ft. \ \ / ♦° A r k ) `M �\ / / / / / LI_ I I I II i \ \\ \\ \V., 3� n - v L I \\ �/ ' 'o >s�\ / / / / 22 18 2±13,073 eq.ft. \\ / ♦5 4 Y I i \ 7 56.6 ho 0 a ft. -1 ±16,631 eq.ft. 1 Iw \'\=60.0 r ^7?✓\^ '� `\ / / I / / // /� m I \ OUTLOT E 39.6/ Drainage Easement AI /' 1 I \ 53• 9e Y 14 Cove all or a net E) 2 Z I 1 1 �\ ±14.509 eq.ft. 23 ±47.515 aq.ft. Iao •\y° \ \ / /Ip-• ±12,396 aq.ft. / / r� / I 114.0 I J \ / /� / /� 12 / \ \ ' / / ±16,297 aq.ft. 224.3 97.5 77.5 I X49.3 3ss \v4 °'9a \\ / m ' �e\\ // // LIJ I --- 5 i I ----- -1110_�-__, 751 va ^� ° 24 \ ±24,165 s fL I I I I I ow I I I I 1 r `5.2 69.3 - - 388 1Hz:7���/ \ ±17,3213 aq.N. K I I I I I 14i.B o - \\ vrjl N n 70.1 71.7 ♦ \ `i \ \ \ I i°i\ ♦'13j' 1 11 ale« I - \♦o /v / \ \ /' I 37 o 3 n l I I I - �I ±15.357 sq.ft. I ±12,237 sq.fL II�- I 4±1293 eq.N. c l I I I I I i I i r-_---, r-----', �' \\ �-� 11 /e ��, / 40/ \\ \\ o° ,d`♦> I I I I I r( I I 4 el I I I I I I I I I \ k\;G o ±14.961 aq.ft. r II±1 ±12,068 ♦o \�/'09 /v�/ /,n /\ \\\\�\\\\\ \\\\ \\\/\j\ v±12237 q.ft. J5 ri I o / ' /3o 20±12,758 q.tt. El I to 10 6 ±1D3 q.ft. \o/L /i♦ o/' k�/or/a°°/�/°^ Ht,I \\ \r \Y\a 1 \ L �1 � II Ig ImNioyo° a cq 97.5 31.8 45.7 92 a ±18,337 a •ft 9 ±t,97 sq.ft. 25 c, ft±14,3o ±12,o6ea •rt n oaaooa a27z7eq.rt. I I±12,0q.ft STREET D hr < 159.° --- - L "0 7y,3 �_I - -IR-500.4 L I I I I I I / \ \ 11 \ ✓ oYo ro�.2 ao.s I I I I I I I I ��' /\ \\ ±13,s1eaq.rt. \> / 14 aozaoNi 1 L-------------1 12S 189.J J4.3J L--- I I 1 1 N�IS� I 93 / 69// \\ \ / ±16,350 eq.lt.`--mto$nl 11 I r--- 11 v°i rlroi 128.7 41.4 9 82.0 -J L--_---1 L ------R' I-- �'\3 16k�/ // ^\\ \ / ~onY�l F ----------, 65.7 47.7 33.0 72.8 _ 1%10ON°F 1 of 2 I 1 26 R �_ no.e STREET D rose 60i/^\ \\ \\ \\ / / ~c'w-- �I ±,9.03oaq.N 1 1v 1 30-' / 10 \ / / I �I 1 5 1 ±18,978 s .ft. I rO I 1 I q m '6 n 33.4 ±17,261 eq.lt. \ 15 I I ' to I 3 l a i I 119.5 614 6' �' \ 7` ` \ \ \ ±13,610 aq.fL Drainage and ±17,241 a ft m ^ \ `, \ I / L---.--- 178,J _ J g' l 58.2 19.5 75.0 56.8 1. \ / o \ \ ° I L- �Utillty Easement 1 a I 11 \ \ o / , r--------o-� / m W I 170.0 I l I n \ \ \ r e 'urn rr °e on _ _ _ a Drainage and l l I I I I I! 1 1 \\ \ \\ \\ // // /\ Is3g \°a'me r m o alb --- _-- -7 w � I I I I 1 1 \ / � \ V) --J--------- n m• 3 �_-o �-Utility Easement --J 4 I,o I I I 1 1 \ \ ±22, 51 aq.N. \\ \ / / \�� \\� h' J 30 LLJr 150.0 6.Ef< I ±16,753 eq.fL Im I I I I 1 1 \ \ \ \ / / \ o ' / o � ±1211 aq.rt. I� Ii r� J------ 30 l 3D 11 \ \\N \ \\ / / 16 ' / / 27 / N m - q I I I I p \ \ , I ±19,482 aq.lt. / m m 8`\ ±13,291 aq.ft. _____1____- 265.29_______________/-________ ' m I I I I <1 I I� h I l0 1 1� ±17,404eq.ft. \ \w /-m�--------- n i I 4 to �, L----- �5s.a ----- J I^ 5 I 1� 6 I 10 7 \ 1� L�------178:o-----�-nsalin 1. i ±ilssa aq.rt In r-------------� I� ±13,009 aq... I If ±12,779 aq.ft. I I! ±14.617 aq.ft. 11 11 \\ \\ /'/' _ --- -- -/ \�\\\ �s�°\\ l� i I I I aI I I I I I I I \ \ /� pea i.- / \\\\\ \\ / I ^o/ L_---- 2125---/ o - --- i L-_ 150.0 -_---J w' I I SEE SHEET 7 \ �/ / �\ \�/ I� /--______ . o9e cR`O 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, CSuite 100 heebycertifythatthisplan,specification Print Name: ThomasRRalluff,LS. DRAWN KCM ftevlslons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Car son • environmental Blaine, i•1N 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my /yJ HARVEST RUN EAST .engineering phone: (763)489-7900 dlrectsupervislonand[hatlamaduly 9lgnatare:,{!�Gm,¢st-/ ISSUE DATE: 3/26/19 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 PRELIMINARY PLAT/717 McCain 'surveying Fax: 763 489-7959 thelawsoaneStateofMinner under Otsego, Minnesota ( ) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 Dcense #: 40361 FILE NO: 1555 Ramsey, MN, 55303 vnv w. ca ri s a n m cca I n. ca m y,e. azte: a3/i6(19 I:ao6s\)501 ]550\IB]0 - Mrvest nr, nstvda c3]y,as'eyye pM\]0]Byp.ae9 I I I I R=519.9, ------ I I 112.4 112,758 q.ft.II o o Iron I/2' aim I SEE HE ET s1 \-°? o\ r 12 ` III I I J I1014 L / I 97 q.1t. 112,0°IfI I I o1 \o a / 5 II *12,003 q.1t. NIoUn 2510 *18,337 I --East - 1 WOKSON HILLS i vu uo-LH-ooloeo Quarter of Section 2, 31.8 . Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, .9 L iD el 1 ^SIII 3O.q.H. o0- q.fl.3_5 L - -------J I D n II I II 1 aq.ft. U *12,0775q.ft.S'IREE'P I I I I 112,068 q.(t.12,124 II \F \ o\`O\ �/ /♦°e /'o �a ��yIII,l I 1 OUTLOT /1 I V \7 L I LO I -IR=SDo.o �_ " -72.3 -J L I I 100.0 I I I I I I /� /r \ \ 11 �� \✓ / oiY000l t I F I I 1 _\, +Q.s �__� L I j I I I I �.' / I «o00N h// \\ \ ±13,618 aq.ft. > / 150 ao= \ I -Proposededge s -- W W = e.7-------41.; 65.7 o ro 1249 189334.3 ` 0 - 820 -J L------1 NI L- �� --t\' �3 I__--��\38. / 6°� \ / / 116,350 aq.N�ofoof o y a o \\ r I- (� r `'D 64'4 - 47.7 33.0 72.8 2 \\ L------- 9 �aoy=� I U a 4 W 1 I '-_ es.s -_-_ wetland location s� wa _-�_ '' R \ \ \\ / / ------ i --- I \\ w I �.-fumishad by Kplhoug 6 Environmental Services, N 2 I N I l 1 h 30 0�^ `� 170.8 R=750.0 �_'-_ STREET D 105.8 ��/ 9°//^\ \♦ \\ / / ~`_'�1- 10 ; 1183 aq.ft. pl 1110300 aq.ft. 1 it z 116.976 aq.ft. I 30 33. 117.261mmq.ft. \\\ \/ // / 15 Drainage and a *17,241 a -__ 119.5 66' 113,610 s ft. 1 9• Utility Easement -1 I 170,0 JI sq.ft. Im I 58.2 19.5 75.0 h1BOr 1783 - . o I I r _ /T I n n II 1 7 I I I I ^ \!Y j ��y 3•9 nt\I/m30 -- /L N ^/----------- --- -I� ormInaga and I Easement n - % .s}. o ±16,753eq.f. lm *22,41 aq.ft. ,TO o N q.ft. ______ , 30 I 30 1 I 16 *13,291 q.f. 27 19,48q.ft. - 00in112,751 Nm a0 v' \ a 4 8 10 *17,404 q.R. 7 ___________J---------2fi5.29______________/________ ^ro/-/-m--------- _ I q.lt. I 1- 114,617111,550 --1303.79 1,1001 5"E ------------- 113,009 a .ft 1279 q.ft. ,7 .tt. L 2-12.5----�J e/ I J q.8. � �49� j i`----3 ---- �s�17*12,419 ^ 3 I I I I I I I 112,805 eq.ft. /m / ^ o o E I 5 1 1 *12,000 eq.ft Io ro 1 --------------J 160.0 I L -__--J 74.1 L -----J 75.0 L--------, ,- L---�/ 102.1 -- 118.7 84.2 r\\��\ /yN �/ -1�p> 18.0 �'� I - / 1 28 0 H«q 1 (i) m o w Lu I Im I Drainage and I '"' cj I r'- ---_---- 1 ----.� 1 r'----_'� -- -_ -� F------'� 75.9 77.5 r--_--.� 85.5 I �� �� 30 / / .� �' I �\ �� Z r------ I ml `- - q 130 / 101 I I J� LI m 122.015 aq.ft. - Foca n o?oa _ -q- - L J i-Umlty Easement- J y 1 I I A l r I `f V 1 A I C- I I V I I,0 4 / A I �\- / m 1 o =Q c a« o 1150.0 1I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I r" N 8 :2:5 o _ 1------ L o� I n l 11z,00aa ic. q• j I I 1 I (y� 1 1 `� I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I « I v E I 8 I I I ±12.546 1 ft. / I 102.3 q' r---------� 148.8 o ~� o'ry I .zoa - pyooo a I I I 6 Im I I I L----- ,60.0 -----J 1 m1 �-- 155, (----1\ N -" m I 1 I 19 112,000 aq.ft' I I , ---------- --- 1 I I 1� I I^ I Im 1 la 11"• I 23 I Im 1 I'.° I 22 el e ^I a`a� 21 m 1 --___ --- / / - 1 Ig ZO ^I I __� _-J I 11-±14,167 --__7 1 I 1 \ I \� �oz� ` 1$ I `\L__150.0 �I ri I ml h 1 25 113,361 1^ 24 1 *13.181 sq.ft. 1^ I 112,982 sq.it. I 113.033 aq.ft. i~ , r' 113,592 aq.ft. 1 aq.R. 1 1 I , ' h`V/ I I - p -----J 30 ' 30 1 I aq.fl. I I I 1 I I I I 11 I ,t� I �1^ I I 29 I I I nm 118.0011 I aq.ft. 01 ml I 3O *22 002 a rt o� I q• W �• R_ b r_-____- -- ---- - - 11.1 I �\ *17,121 aq.ft, I I I I I / I I of , I 1 1 I 19 I Im I ^I 1II I LLIJ I I I r 1 A/ n l I II I Il l I C� I I I I I ` �/' 110101 I I I I 114.777 aq.ft. I h I I I a I 7 \_, \ \\ \.1' I I 1 YY IV I J I L-_--32.2 J L---- -J L_-73.1 ±14,552 aq.ft. \ 9\ d I- - J L--- 75.0 67,8 p L- I I I I I IN N o� I \ �\ \/ta, ----J 96.5 ___ 7- � 150. -----I 1 I ---_-- 7 30 30 -J _- L- -J sol .. .- I 243.2 2 4 110.1 I 146.5 - - -J c a ,9Oo� ' z69.7 S'PREfi'p G _--- -'------a=lsao.o ----__ STREE'P G ; o - - - - _ z� - Vim' \�� '�_ \ - _ 49.6-� 240.1 - o R 1e9.4 -�-- -�SI.O STREET G 256.7 ,1,11 C,. 0,IVIL.L.L 1 $$ v ti° 133.402 aq.ft. / / _? - `� I r --- al 33 I 33 123,15 sq.ft. *18,055 sq.fl. v^I \, / E- I 1 1------- d 33 33 s 1 / 1 107.9 184.1 33.0 33.0 103.3 100.1 100_1-----T -_- ___1 r-------.._ 44.9 55.6 -- r--- I I 110101 ,------- 1I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I« I I II II I I 2 i i 3 i i�E 4 1 1 nl l *18,332 sq.ft. ml I 118.959 eq.tt. IN I &8±19.044eq.ft. m1 I *14,5 aq.ft. ed 10 II II 1 Y II I I 110 101 - 33 I y 0 n 10J_9- - 1 I R=519.9, ------ I I 112.4 ------- o o Iron I/2' aim n Al A E. IYa1 F ----T_ 144.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 West eine of Northeast ` _ I East line the West 17.00 feet _ _ = Pa. tl�, ` line of -- / _ a Northeast .EFiREY R k oRw1A L XM.EGat `� Quarter of the I 33 33 I --East - 1 WOKSON HILLS i vu uo-LH-ooloeo Quarter of Section 2, I Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, tQ,/vFivRvF A �F A1� iD / Township 120, Rang. 23 Range 23 L - -------J L--------L --1--------J n o,vnex: 19,708 I WEI --Drainage and UlMly Easement--_- 1 OUTLOT /1 I V \7 L I I Drainage and Utilll 100.0 100.0 100.0 Easement r all of Outlot I y 0 n 10J_9- - 1 I R=519.9, ------ I I 112.4 ------- o o Iron I/2' aim n Al A E. IYa1 F ----T_ 144.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 West eine of Northeast ` _ I East line the West 17.00 feet _ _ = Pa. tl�, ` line of -- / _ a Northeast .EFiREY R k oRw1A L XM.EGat `� Quarter of the I 33 33 I --East - 1 WOKSON HILLS i vu uo-LH-ooloeo Quarter of Section 2, I Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, tQ,/vFivRvF A �F A1� iD / Township 120, Rang. 23 Range 23 nl I 6 PROPOSED n o,vnex: DRAINAGE AND U11UTY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I WEI I *12,550 aq.ft. I^ 1 II I\ /1 I V \7 L I I m 2 I I F, I all 121,035 aq.11. -1 I ±23,5 aq.ft. I I -Proposededge s J LJ U 110 I- I~ 103.3 c_ U II--------- 4 q wetland location s� wa '' w �.-fumishad by Kplhoug 6 Environmental Services, 33 I II 33 11 � �' SEE -Drainage and Utility Easement--�=2 -OUTLOT H 0�^ `� I / Inc. and was not fleld >4 'narked 162.4 's` 's' 33.0 Il 33.0 r { DETAIL -L-- -- ; 1183 aq.ft. it z -� 143.9 A e I , 66 I I I I I (,7 IBWAa L �IINAR a MaAAl1A K11E * WRY gfRl!!R K e t U L,aICE Ai1LY RassEL. 0.(9/ L Mol LI�1 I 5_ -1 I - .a Its fN OOme. I mlia_f -.o1.la I vn no -ll/ opxe. I vltne IJ4 oozavo I F VA LEGEND �nAI I III i I (n F Z�-� 1 jF I I • - Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 25 so ,00 O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch I ' being 5 teat In width, and adaide lot Ilnea, rebor, marked with RLS 40361 and 10 feat In width and adjoining right t way j'4� -Denotes Wetlands that were ( SCALE IN FEET) lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on v. >v' delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental this plot. Services Company In 2018. . environmental C 9 aaNe'") EXCEPTION 1herebycerUrythatthisplan,specification PdntName: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. arra otwas a db P pr pare y me or under my may/ '/•.engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature:/ ensedLandSurveyorunder the laws ofthe State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License M: 40361 ,/a opm 0.11111/11 1303.19 EXCEPTION o Iron I/2' aim p s oY _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 West eine of Northeast ` _ I East line the West 17.00 feet _ _ = Pa. tl�, ` line of -- / _ a Northeast .EFiREY R k oRw1A L XM.EGat `� Quarter of the � rt '- - t the Northeast Quarter of the I --East - 1 WOKSON HILLS i vu uo-LH-ooloeo Quarter of Section 2, I Northeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 120, tQ,/vFivRvF A �F A1� iD / Township 120, Rang. 23 Range 23 PROPOSED o,vnex: DRAINAGE AND U11UTY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I WEI I II A e I , 66 I I I I I (,7 IBWAa L �IINAR a MaAAl1A K11E * WRY gfRl!!R K e t U L,aICE Ai1LY RassEL. 0.(9/ L Mol LI�1 I 5_ -1 I - .a Its fN OOme. I mlia_f -.o1.la I vn no -ll/ opxe. I vltne IJ4 oozavo I F VA LEGEND �nAI I III i I (n F Z�-� 1 jF I I • - Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 25 so ,00 O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch I ' being 5 teat In width, and adaide lot Ilnea, rebor, marked with RLS 40361 and 10 feat In width and adjoining right t way j'4� -Denotes Wetlands that were ( SCALE IN FEET) lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on v. >v' delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental this plot. Services Company In 2018. . environmental C 9 aaNe'") ant Ridge Drive NE, 55449 3 489-7900 489-7959 7Fax:(763) n mccMn.co m 1herebycerUrythatthisplan,specification PdntName: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. arra otwas a db P pr pare y me or under my may/ '/•.engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature:/ ensedLandSurveyorunder the laws ofthe State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License M: 40361 DRAWN BY: KCM ISSUE DATE: 3/26/19McCam FILE NO: 1555Ramsey, 0.11111/11 CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLCCarlson 10415 sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 MN, 55303 HARVEST RUN EAST7 Otsego, MinnesotaPRELIMINARY PLAT oY OUTLOT OUTLOT A23 24 5 IE 8881 I ELECIRLC BOX Exlsnrlc PROPOSED FAE JACOBS MEMORIAL TRAIL ' SITE PLAN LEGEND / 'B qi+Z IE 89250 -SE IE 89280-N&W GAS METER O UNDERGROUND GAS -.-•-.-.-. STORM MANHOLE O � E 898.87 4 LµbUTLOT C - \\ IE 898.34-N EXISTING PROPOSED SERVICE o E 899.97 ®or® _- �� CONNECT TO EX. WM \ EIGHT POLE 22 / SOIL BORING/TEST HOLE 0 \•b• - (END E)L WM REMOVAL) \ RAIN GUARDIAN 1? RG FENCE -•-•-•-.-.-.- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -_--------- IE 800.37 Yl ��yl. +a'xeltµp 21 \\ SANITARY MANHOLE 0 RETAINING WALL ' e 3 28 2 ! T \ \ \ MISCELLANEOUS SIGN v WATERMAIN-:-I-I- -I-Ii- _ 27 I \*REMOVE 8: DISPOSE OF I WHATEVER BYPASS TEMPORARY EINES OR 07HER TEMPORARY I TELEPHONE BOX SANITARY SEWER ad. 27 s� St FFj TO EXISTING SAN SWR WITH E%IST NG SPOT ELEVATION o �' NEW NEW MANHOLE ADD OUTSIDE EXISTING TREE y STORM SEWER -»-»--Y PROPERTY UNE - - _ POND 26 .�•fp 1 � �"" ""' 1 ' e_rvF DROP CONNECBON. (END - III SANITARY SEWER REMOVALS) - TELEVISION BOX `°'' �" URUTY POLE - - - - - - SETBACK UNE -_-_-_-_--_-___-. CURB -_-___ ._.. - '� -' ------ as FIRE HYDRANT qP WETLAND _ I I GATE VALVE BITUMINOUS SURFACE r O 1 899.17 E27 6 DITCH -------------------------- tPEi IX IE 873.5° Fl VERT ( E�+ � CLEANOUT o • UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE -,-.-.-,-,- OUTLOT A23 24 5 IE 8881 I ELECIRLC BOX ❑ UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC -_---.-.-- 895.B0 / 'B qi+Z IE 89250 -SE IE 89280-N&W GAS METER O UNDERGROUND GAS -.-•-.-.-. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE �,- q� IE 898.34-N NOTE. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE CATCH BASIN ®«® ®or® UNDERGROUND FlBEROPTIC----------- +I'E+LA++D I I 22 / i I RBAOV"EPLACEMENT OF EIaSTING SANITARY SEWER IN 12' I RAIN GUARDIAN 1? RG FENCE -•-•-•-.-.-.- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -_--------- 21 I E 897.88 4 WATER MAIN, AND SHALL SET UP ELECTRIC METER O -•� i _ 27 E BB7.98 I WHATEVER BYPASS TEMPORARY EINES OR 07HER TEMPORARY I TELEPHONE BOX 20 IE 89}.OQ-,-,_ �' MEASURES REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONCRETE SURFACE 0 - - I SERVICE TO EXISTING HOMES. URUTY POLE .$ - '� -' ------ as '- - - 5 _ I FLARED ENO SECTION BITUMINOUS SURFACE r O The subsurface utility Information shown on this plan Is utility , / 1926 28 3 I rh Duality Level D. This quality level was determined according to �� 18 t / the guidelines of and lotion armed 'Standard ,f Utility in for To Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface UiBity �(�' 1] 44 IE 89 50 8 29 2 % IE 90B.4B - Z Data 0 �• 16 �F4` 24 1 e9s.o FRR 11I 15 25 < R - j/ 6 " m wo sE ave I/ IE 98.17 SE 0 50 100 200 �I IE B99.B0-E I 7 14 �� IE e.z7 eww 23 � IE e99.eo-w 1 y � 17 I L� j yd 30 IE 905.00-S /. ' 13\aje�e O as_- II 16 18 I 1- (IN FEET) •i 12 22 31 EEre�IX UK5 19 O BENCHMARKS 11 i 3��neoR -j Q 20 (� •. / J 16 sd l4 32 �I I / IE 907.85 `J OUTLET CONTROL y. 21 I 1) Pole We of Queens Avenue N.E. on I,11road spike in the fire( Pow" E 807.95 STRUCTURE the 901.69L 21I STREET N IE 907.25 4 15 e -!�\nom �2 Uewtlonh931.82 feeaid. of t (NGVD 2 th StreetjE E. I IE 907.35 AAT} 1+t- _ \ ' �. "' �4• 4n � 2.) Top Nut Hydrant on the first Hydrant 9 / 15 X01 33I e -a 2 IE 911.77 South of 60th Street N.E, on the �! 1 3 i 23 West side of Queens Avenue N.E E 897.88 18 11 tp�1 '� i \ Elewtion=920.62 feet (NGVD 29) IE 897.79 14 20 I I 8 - - J 13 19 34 ` 0 TLOT E 14 `SIE 910.82 IE BOB.7 NW �� IE 910.42 ' ] n/rr Itj a9B.39 12 0 ql I POND 13 IE 90SW E Q� c� I�P l 11 9 8 ] 35 I �! 1 12 a� 24 6 \ 1 900.37 6 5 4 3 2 3 P I 1 900.47 901. E I E 904.84 901.9 N,S 4 5 7 11 IE 907.74 13 I 10.92 5 10 .99 - 1 E9904 IX74 905.68 W ( INV.1 _` 6 ] 8 9 10 IE 907.84/ IE 917.02 i IE 08.09 --- - _ - I IEBOi'5 SS-. IE 8IE 907.23 / 12 25 I j4 $ sxv -- STREET r4 IE 905.95 IE BOD.BS IE 907.33 IE BIT. IE 811.6 1 L I 1 � I ax < ae•soESleAac _ 26 O • K J 11 10 NECT g (BEGIN WM EEX. WL) (g gNCEX SAN SWR REMOVAL) IE 805 `1" 15&W - /�, I $Z-$�-� - ,ver-d-� 10 O 15 2ET TO EX S '4' 12 MOVALg-•- 9 IE 91221 8 Iw LS 2 3 5 00110 m AIX � IE .12-211 1231 /\ b 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 a°M I I '"a ---- -- / 9 I 1 (1ETIANIJ•/q SS sr 1 i 1 IE 906.41 \ \� O '§I� 1 jr. 906.72 4 8 16 eT 27 1� 0 TLOT D 4 IE 906.82 s s ] CONNEC TO 18 ADJUST RE 10 921.77 EX. w i, j - IE 9°6.44 1 3 17 ay Ed 1 1 15 16 III ♦ Z f 906.49 E r (y 1 7 �1' 1 2 �I 11 ®5 al �_ / 28 i1 1--- 14 --� 3 4 ® 17 m Al 10 O 2 O 23 1 is y �3, -- I 11. __ c 'n i; 6 22 1 21 20 19 IE 913.31 SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE FAMILY SINGLE FAMILY �' 1 E9oa5o 25 24 ALEI.o 29 30 r t t IE 911.67 54 VILLA LOT DETAIL 64 LOT DETAIL 75 LOT DETAIL 100 LOT DETAIL _I 1E 9D&80 � SURE IE 911.77 I -- 4�--7 60 IE 908.02 19SS_._ - - -� 0450 (SEE DETAIL) m I WT STA --- --- --- --- --- _-- --_ IE 90(1.12 sneaIX tAIE sE7BApl I I _._ I I 20' REAR SETBACK 20' MIN. REAR SETBACK 20' MIN. REAR SETBACK 20' MIN. REAR SETBACK ] J I I L STREET G QUIGLEY AVE N SIDE YARD SETBACKS SIDE YARD SETBACKS SIDE YARD SETBACKS SIDE YARD SETBACKS 8 GARAGE 7 FT. GARAGE: 7 FT. GARAGE 7 FT. GARAGE: 10 Fr. __--�5'-fE�iT SEIBAIX. [PIE 4 -- = --'-- HOUSE: 7 FT. HOUSE: 7 Fr. HOUSE 7 FT. HOUSE: f0 Fr. �'L - --- CORNER: 30 FT. CORNER: 30 FT. CORNER: 35 FT. CORNER: 35 FT. ! I -r------_ g F p s ve l 2 3 4 as' (ACHY sE eAIX uxE Cll2` 6 - 5 � '" 111141 t aM 1 2 30' FRONT SETBACK 30' FRONT SETBACK 35' FRONT SETBACK 35' FRONT SETBACK vLUNo "� I scaj L G I 4E�1 E- TYPICAL SERVICES SHALL BE: TYPICAL SERVICES SHALL BE TYPICAL SERVICES SHALL BE: TYPICAL SERVICES SHALL BE WATER: 1' COPPER TYPE K WATER: T COPPER TYPE K WATER: 1' COPPER TYPE K WATER: 1' COPPER TYPE K I7. >r •- I__-------- SEWER: 4' PVC SDR 26 SEWER: a PVC SDR 26 SEWER: a PVC SON 26 SEWER: 4' PVC SDR 26 i9ti,_„ ,a CURB STOP TO BE PLACED 10' BEYOND R/W CURB STOP TO BE PLACED 10' BEYOND R/W CURB STOP TO BE PLACED 10' BEYOND R/W CURB STOP TO BE PLACED 10' BEYOND R/W r-------'�---------7--=--------=---� OUTLOT H 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: ADB ievislons; CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson I •environmental Stairs, MN 55449 drectsuwas islonaprepared dthatIamaduunder my HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY SITE & 8 • •surveying Phone: (763)489-790° directsupervisionand thatI r nduly Signature: Designetl: BJK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 Of .surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 licensed Professional Engineer under r OTSEGO, I"I N McCain www. carisonmccaln.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License R: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 UTILITY PLAN Ramsey,. MN 55303 17 v.. a o is r. vsat-TseoVs>e-n„•e;tM.3aWer3+w�P.�e+.uYc�e�.r«yvne_etea�.q -, \ ^\ e 1 1\ \ 1 / \ /� - 1 1 1 ` 1 / Av j I \\ \� %'-'// !\ \� = _--� _ _ ">` \ \ \ too ve arA - 09 9 ! (ar a I 1(\\ ! //- ��i/'%///� '�i ! \`< �` _ LEGEND //1/ \�' ) /— - EXISTING PROPOSED _ �� - \ \ \ // , '.,•. u1 '.kk / i✓/i// / PROPERTY UNE \ \ \ \ •;f:: T -�_ / /ii J / ! WETLAND FILL SUMMARY `�- / // / 7- `� EASEMENT UNE - ....______..... �,\���� �• ._ \�`�-_��\\\\� \\� / !� `\ \\ ` ,\\.\'*-� N _ V \ / /� �/%/�// /--1--\_-_._ i�//i % WETLAND FILL. 0 21.686E S.E CURB UNE BITUMINOUS L---- —) 0 1 21,885 S.F. 0.497 AC. ----.-�\ :•. , w 1.r �� \ __ , 1 '^,`1 �� ���b .\\� / •\, r� _�//�%%L X f/�- �_ TOTAL WETLAND IMPACT: ( ) CONCRETEa:_,. \ .I{•. ��� - --_� \• I \ \ r ar- f `. \, .i-� j %�/j. \ SANITARY SEWER---'--'-'--- 9.�y` ..� •\\�.. ` `. `' 1 v(/i/i/ S \\ _ ---_- STORM SEWER ---- ---»- ,.---' y IVT -- NOTE: WETLAND REPLACEMENT CREDITS TO BE PURCHASED _ \ \```=••- -- - - \ \\ \ ' F \� I 1 1 / - \ . Paon:cna, \ � � ' IN LIEU OF ONSITE REPLACEMENTWATER MAIN- ___,_____,- OVERHEAD UTILITY-^---^- �,: STORM CATCH BASIN �';� •: •• \ \ \ ,� 1 \\J� �2\) 1 i i _�rYI ' I STORM MANHOLE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE O MANHOLE WETL.eND/POND B>'1R SIUMARY RANT GA VALVE \\ I OUTLOT A `\ J ' \��\\ \\\\� ` �\\ \\ \\� REQUIRED BUFFERS TELEVISION BOX •�. •A3g./` �p % - 19\ \ \ \`\-\\��� \\\\ \� /r -I \\ . -�- TELEPHONE BOX 20' AVE.LANDBUFFER: 0.95 AC. UTILITY POLE 20' AV. (10' MIN, 30' MAX) RETAINING WALL FENCE - \ BUFFERS PROVIDED ---_ \ \ 10 / /!/ ! - ` i ' yam` .�8 • \\\\\�� \�C'���\C� _ ----- �~ \ \ ..ABED 10' CONTOUR - 2' CONTOUR - \ I .r'/.•,�;'.� .ek1�` '/! //J /: i , / , � \ .` � � ��..��\� ���� __--_ -`\\i �l� \ \ WETLAND BUFFER: ----__ {, •.:' 13 / ! /./, 6' 171 / Aj I I , / \\\�� ti=jyt\\..\\.\_-- _ �� /._'�\ \ --'--�'�'-'-•- 1.01 AC. • .� O / i'r .-, - •Y'- I s l ` \ \\\ _ --___ �� \ l/1) Jr% - .� FEMA FLOOD PLAIN WE7LAN0 LINE - i \ \__ WG o - l / \i \��Ill/ J/i//�- `J\ ���� \ . \ \ \ !� // E.O.F. 1 \- zo Aato99u.9n---Ino L `s_- ------ _ `�1�!ll ii!//��� _� ��� -� �\ \ \Ia©3� dvERFLow a da -// M a � • \ 'SIL 7R€E FFEENNCCESHEET 11 69 7REEUNEE rwm ............................... III i J / . //�� 3tX� BORING 0 SHEET 10 _--_ - ............ ,(T�;/ /' � \ � I � -- o' /, I ,! 18 ( i' / 191 `" /� //��/ /!! - \ r � � \ \\�\ ''� \� �. ' --� ':-- ' / \ / los - \ \ 1 / / I <'1 { �/ ., � 66 r I I � !/ !/ '1 \� �Y / ! \\\\ �\\\'\ s- \ `-:r , \ 1 D�II NFFER SIGN , �' . 61 � "� \ L _ _ I '� / � _ � ' / � > � 1 / -•%iii//i/i !/ % .a � .--r \ ` \ \ \� ` T � I / ", 3 \ f• '✓ T` �� - 141 i I --- .i / /. / \\\I I � 6�/%j✓�%viii/// \, , , � \r h \\\\ r� � �� \\., � \ o \ ` .\\ , .. ` • / \/ / � � 0 \\ x o �7 �/ 190 `l > / 1 ✓ii , /r O 7 \ r \� \ � � \\ \\i' ��� \ \\ owo,cs Posy dP �I / , % '� /~ I) I /y'�G// ' • F- k' r �_ r \\ � �. �\\ �\ \ � pi o �owares sar \\ \ `,. 486' \ yam•---• � •v r V V \\.�� `� \\, \\� �\ \ / S A91(•r r. j1 S. 'br I LOr '�I .: �� \\� \ \ 't42 0t o so roo zoo ✓ -�� \�\\\ ��� J 1 1 0 ` �4 , ' 45J `\ \ \ `� y� ' 164 c II --L -- 1 ' ! / • r� w 05`x„ ' r (p(�?J/ ''r , A 1\b ` ``T\ .-` �� \� (IN FEET) \\\\\\\\\\� ' - _ w 6h `\ 15 '' \ \ _ \ 66 1 9'0 ! , '-c____.\`aa 1r--- $r---- , I 761 t63 li It yy �. � / r , 194 , r T � � _ r� i \< \ � ' , 2 / ••; I \ NC \ _ ., `✓ l / 1 i/ -1 r--- 'Lie, r }\ , / iv \ �� ,. - .y, \ � \ 152J „ \ i r___ ______ - ' � / I / 5 I, wr �- - -°•-__ ✓ - - - i , 1� %p , / I BE HMARKS \ \_-_ \ �-4 ' � 9 Gr_ � ` ',SOG SOG r 1 \ r \ i 1 r_ _ ' / 1 jr7`r�-i r - � 196 - i i ,2f�'j -- �a' \( \ �d ,` ♦ Jt .� I �•` �� , \ �1p°' '_" i i SpG 'i 1 i i 1 i ✓ i '-�.3 t 1 , _ r--- t"` , / '` �` ! �T \ y I 1.) RaeMood spike In the first Power PdWatt of a of 6 Avenue t N.E.on6 1 \ No ' a� '°" y i dqa , •4• '_ ' ' WO(2) 4 \ r 196 I I 199 1 1 00 1 % ` �� i I ♦♦ / "r.� 2/ : �\ Y� ' ' ]ti, I the South aide of 80th St at N. / -_~` tfc - -� lam- m' -. , � 7Q• ; i R ,N Elewtlon=931.82 feet (NGVD 29 ) • ``` _ '\\ \ _ - ` __ I 1 .-y ______J - 1 t._ __ ' ' '�'.`' " / !` ! j `t`, ,, �o x'216 i 2.) Top Nut Hydront on the Brat Hydrant an the El wtl.n 9 a a�atA Gia N.E. Elevation=920.62 feet NGVD 29 I Iii � / i � '- 'L+ �� •h• •°'{ ' '< -1 1 1 1 1 1 L � I i _ __ - - -�- '�- / / t ' 1 r �___ _ _ -- - ' � /!/ • 1 I I I / I I I ' S � N, v •""'' \ soG 1 or ..m. as �.✓ raw aA, � SOG SOG� I' I io ` , �` _+ + � -i - -T- - J--- i `` , 240 I / 1 / 1 j I I 1 �� C so0 I \ sot sot sot" sot sot sot I I \i\ 2sg I y LIII!!!//I'i////!!! / ! / �/.I �� ,\„}__, � � �, .\ � �. - � '\709 i `'-i - I 1 I � r 267•` crol v 1 11 R �5, ! r �' - �� / - - _ _----' �Q- �.1� `�1 III' /��( (( / ( \ \74 i- , , 1U' i � a I �� � •.� <t l i / 7 I I t l r `�_� I 11 t i l 105 1 i I 1 1 o I _ • y 25 "^6 1 , R , % `\ ( ?ri I l ) !t \ \ C\ 1/ 11'1\1l� \\\ \ 1 1 702 ,q 13 SHEET 12, ' � /���\ \ `ice .� - - C•= •ii.l:.._,1110MNIL••9�NMXa •r �) \\...�----� ��` - --_-- I 1 � o� -- - - i i 1 / / j, - � l �T � ; , 111111 \\\\ � \\ ” o'»' 1 \ � � n - ` ` .. y s \,_. `..�_ _- / /( \ ( 1 w \ J w.:.. 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Drawn: LC Revisions: Carlson •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared bylmeorunder my CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC HARVEST RUN EAST 9 gh • • engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duty Signature: _ /L Desi ned: B7K •surveying9 Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under g 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO, MN INDEX of McCain I www.cadsonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 32619 License #: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 17 Sa Dne:9 619 V56r-1590,ls)e-I,aaxv,easek.acnaq.c�n9•ya»nen.ryvs)e_v-1.ax9 \ a • • , Mpg ; �� ji , r > i i % t : \ / V % o I I •� / r� s? — � I e-�,r_....\� 1°, 20' AVERAG \ _ Vt�ETL4ND'BUFFE R--- (.. 0q'i• \ \ o`�•y° O/ ! � 0 0, / � / I 1170 / mm •J I I � L --tas- _ �� 28,480 SF ` �� 12 0'0° \ �j \ %r. / . 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R°groad epB a In the first Power \ \ I W t \moo g-\ I Q_' \ 0016 ,'" � \ r \ % / Km \\ 1 I o \ the Pde South of a of 60th Street Avenue N.E. . 1 1! o I I o .82 €f EDB�f \1i ��� i 10o YR HK = 918.3 \� ` r i I o I I I jl I a ! I \ i J, 2 w I 1- I .--- oZ-,1�/�,/ \� � '�� !��>� � w I I o Elevalion�931.82 feet (NCW 2B)N.E. �OS III I ! II ! I a� �/ m-iS'Ll6) �S'tls W S �(��r aK B i . -\ \\ a j on / d i _ ___� N! I ! ! ! \ e ♦ !n I V _ m OZ I �lj'��"(��� 8f \ / \\\ �1 --- I �j /t; I 2) Top Nui Hydr°ni on the flnl Hydrant n c� R ! `_ \ � • , lOo / ! ' --� \, ! I \ " I O ' N • x� I t Bide of Ween. Avenue N.E II' •JO`s I { N /I / Ol 1 1 ~_ % _ 8ls% )� /' \ R SOZ 'I:�i \` ----o_� .�/1 I ♦ South d of Street N.E.• an the 111 I / / \ x / \\� Cj ( \ I 111 0 S'9Z5 II ! l I 1 I O IZ / \ ��3 b \ �\ -+� 'I I �o rn 1 / o Devotion=920.62 feet (NGW 29) 'at 1 I > (o / \' �\ F. t \ r ! o O I I ti 8 \( //l /sl. x�// ip e%\ \\ \\ ao", CJIt� 1� I I� — ! to /\�t�\G Xi1� \ 111\. / J�Ie�I aeav !� osas!�I _ !,/ O7 ! /��. 7//:�\�\"" / ./ S%1>� \ �` 1Y .8 g'OZ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, suite 300 1 hereby certify that this Ikon, speciFlcatlon Print Name: Brno 3. Krvstaflak, P.E. Drawn: LOC ievislons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC �Carison •environmental Maine, MN 55449 or reportwaspreparedbymeorundermy HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY GRADING 10 • • engineerin Phone: (753) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly signature:_ /t Desi ned: B7K McCain I g g 10415 Sunfish Lake 553 Suite 400 of •surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 Llcensed Sonal fMineerunder OTSEGO MN &EROSION CONTROL PLAN wwW.carlsanmccaln.com the lawsafthestateofMinnesota Dale: 3/26/19 licensee: 25063 Date: 3/26/39 Ramsey, MN 55303 ' 17 sa.• ox•: olxa ,s r.NasVsex - rssaysre - Iw.0 v.•anwa rsawwI�owdm�+nVsxe_a. ___��\ I I I 1 1 c WETLAND 20 1,00 YR HWL = 89R.9 I ,,`-����_ -1 \�-• \ \ \ / Gt , t - ° RETAINING a,•. '� \\\ \ \ \\ °�` \ \ \ '•;lt \ WALL N7 /•:�.;:,: �-• �\\\ �_ �`\\\\\_�—.ice\ \ \� \ \ \ � ' -'' / / \ �\ , 1 \\ �\\ �� �� ` n\ • 1t�.•: ,,.` _ \ \ • • \ INSTALL SILT FENCE \ \ \ \ \ _ _ — ' I� \ I /� \` — \\ \, •90*\ \� �/ / \ • • • • _ AFTER GRADING 15 COMPLETE \ - — _ .-•- / ++ I T — / 7 \ t "�•°.° J \ \ •d• ��°°°°°o°o�u o 030 °�'`S°°°s°° / \ \ _ \ : \ �j,� 1•. ° ro r3o°a�`uva°aovo °°ago � T- — \ \\ \ � \ _ '�e�S-O , \\\\ �q \ \�\� \ .c \ m j �" \'i \ 1 •e< 8 7°"���°°tl ou00000coo°0000°ou°o \ •�� � \` � 2 °°����:.���� ��� `;;tai° o�o�a - � — --------\ �\\\\ \ � —•o `\ `\ \ � 4 � � �$ � � �os4rs J ie• - .. - � \ �•, 136 �� �05� /' �e I � \\\\�- °, 5%r y INSTALL A DOUBLE ROW OF SILT FENCE •\`".•!�• ' AB • \\ I $/ \ iV° \�// OS \ h \" J r ` r/ /Z1 AROUND ETOSIINC BETI.ANDSBUYitFN THEitE '• \ I /9ry \ 0�0 \ / I I I / I� �` IS NOT A 50' 4EGE; VE FFER (TTP). I POND 100 \• \�I '� \I 9p�No y�0 \� '���;dzo ��'� � r0 0� j` i\ NK681.0 �\ ••• r 9° \ * / �'�j ,rQ�•� %0�5• •°�+ I r�'\ . 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Tap Nut Hydrant on the f nit H tont 1 6 Y / / Wethelde6D Oueane Avenueth Street .e 143 > I j a I I t T � / Elewe--920.62 feet (NGVD 29) �• - IN 164— _ C9 / �� � �i� \� f2n 2n L `\ \ i' r//V •"� I / & I I Sy \I' . i 'ice .•. \ • r . t—__ — J, 444- 3.110 e N g I °' n / SEE SHEET 0 4— 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specintatlon print Name: Brian 3. Krystoftak, P.E. Drawn: LOC Revisions: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC �jCarlson I •environmental Blalne,MN 55449 or report was prepared by me orunde my HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY GRADING 11 • .engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly signature: �_ /� Designed: WK 10415. Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 Of McCain 'surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under OTSEGO, MN &EROSION CONTROL PLAN www.carlsonmmain.com the laws of the state of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License.: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, M N 55303 17 Ser am:o Mt9 f.1,�V861-)580\)5)e-M1areY ru,ee4yad caEhgn°�.94+.rn<rrrVS)8_R.auB 'r -j-; is t-- r • � \\\`—^7`�\\�`_.�-��_ _--\\ 1 N / �-."--- L 4.5 - • \ _ �l f / /� �.�\ /'-� \ \ �� \_�\\tee\ \ \ \� _ I to 1 ••. _ I / 1 ., 9x �/.' I II 111 // $ 184 \'� I I I SII I I �I �//. 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Top Nut H`*Q't - the first H:-' L I �l / meq/' 1 / I \ CW i -- --- I L .}. t_. South of 80th Street N.E.. on the r / / dj / h/ (• I SEE SHEET 13 weet aide of Oueene Avanua N.E ♦�a i9.o\ �'1 I , / / N ._E_ Demotion=820.62 feel (NM 29) -��L ` I f �� \ o / �Ct// // / • / Y:° 219 , /• (^�j 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Pint Name: Brian J. Kryston.k, P.E. Drawn: LOC ievisions; CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Btaine,MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY GRADING 12 J1 • . 2 Ineein Phone; (763) 489-790D direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: `r _ /L Desi signed: WK . surveying g Fax: (763) 489-7959 ticensed Professtonal Engineer under i g 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO MN Of McCain www.carlsonmccaln.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3!26!19 LJcensew:25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 17 Sa»DNa 0 2619 f:\) s\7561-7660V5]a-na at Ment\aEc35\vyrealm2\pMmawyV�`]a_Q.a�9 �-x 199 I I 914.0 I f I I I _ - I a2 .5 I 914.5 I '1---•- I I I I %r vv d I I // `�-✓S/� � / .a• � j��l, ! r �' .�' / \ 1 / �\ o `l ,�� 11 �� 1 ry I I N� L - - I _ I � � I914.5 I I T T �T I f%g\3 5 / / •� � / � O n \ ' \$x \ / t°� 1 216 � I WO 915,0 914.05 ,U 1 gte.90 (too. vG� -__� a 2.5 N/p / •o `\,i / � L43 \\\ o t 1 � � � J /J -ST_REE T G 922.01 41 IyG 244 \/ / �} I II 1 N � l��^ � __ � '�} f. � -� _ e+ao SIR CJI D-' --- -� 6 •///`�iR, / Q'� ♦ \♦ I / / \ �� - --_- 2;t¢ I/' O a�daOd I/ a 1i� 240 rsS,�t / _ ' o rnm /-fit I O rdad / � r � .- 1 ^a � :..... ✓ 19.8 � t9.2 // , / 4. g \ I �/ �� I m � � 1 / I Li J --� I � I � � r --J- ''^ _ '. r_-___ •..... .... ,.. ,., / _ _ � ,/ '4' y / � w c4 \" // � o � JI � m/ , J 1 / I°tit I 26 I k I 1\¢ ' r'd :j : II -I 1�I -r -,t}v--� J �/� -r'JrI1I /•--r-•-i/jr II 1 r �1I --aondiefon� o`cV/ _ 0°a' 2%5v -J o o - ----O/- /- ji!w-i \ \0 � Gc / °' o 63 i 25 218 °°260 I 1 /,_, �• w/ I / 15 C Ir / yl/ • ,/ Z' 7E3 -- m I I I mSi O � rr -- - - --t / (�"�'r / / ^ 8.0•--� / I M ./ r j' / / / � •� I GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION- I ENA NE e1 Otic s� / III I I 1 1 247 m �rn-- Jia g2 / 1 24s /'/ o� / 1 1 / < ' �`�� h ' � I '•L /� / v I \I �" 2�9 501 I \249 / 1 / r % '-- 1- I • I t3a` O m. 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I l..--.- ' 1 / / / \ Sou of 0th S eet N.E., of the / � / / I / I / / / I /' / I � J 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this pian, specification Pdnt Name: Brian]. Krysto6ak, P.E. Drawn: LOG Revisions: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was Prepared b me or under m / (�Car son Phone: 763 489-7900 directsu eivise and that y Signature: HARVEST RUN EAST PRELIMINARY GRADING 13 • •engineering ( ) p Y_ /L Designed: B1K Fax: 763 484-7959 LlcensedProfesslonalEn Engineer ��> � 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 of McCain 'surveying wwwtarlsonmccaln.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 ucensei: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 OTSEGO, MN &EROSION CONTROL PLAN 17 See Oafe 0386/19 :\ \]561-]Sm\]5]6-beat nneffibd[}1Wioreenn9 or,+imrr\]5]a_atliw 1001 LOTS LOTS 214 - 229, 255 - 256 WALKOUT e NO SCALE 35' 50' 1(FRONT SETBACK) 25' 1 N wo 1 I 1 � -- ------ - - -- - I n 1 I 2.0' 0.5' TOPSOIL LOOKOUT 1230 O LOS OTSLT4/162 LOTS 186 - 212, 254, 257 - 263 -185 WALKOUT WALKOUT Q NO SCALE (, NO SCALE LOTS 101 - 161 Z.1 50' (FRONT SETBACK) 25• � 1 I I (FRONT SETBACK) 25' 60' II I I I o MADE� I I w10kDE-FINISHED 4DE t0' GRADING RADE -u• TOPSOIL L I GRADING 0.5' MIN. I 1 0.5' MIN. I I 'z I ` 1 TOPSOIL 20' _- TOPSOIL 2To I 0.5' TOPSOIL EM I 1 LOOKOUT 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED WALKOUT MODIFIED WALKOUT e e NO SCALE k e NO SCALE I -35'50'- (FRONT SETBACK) 25' -►I I 59.4-------1 (FRONT (FROUT SETBACK) 60' 25' I I I I T1ED GRADE 'R ING GRADEI I �{ 10'_ : -------- I T 1 TOPSOIL I i � i� to' '� 1 N m 1 I ` � -__ � 0.5' MIN. I I 1 ♦ _-- 10' ZO, TRSOIL 2.0' 0.5' TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT LOOKOUT LOOKOUT e NO SCALE NO SCALE R e NO SCALE _0So. ��� IIIIII R1IiIII __ 50' so' (FRONT SETBACK) 25F(�25FRONT SETBACK) 25• FINISHED RADE FINISHED ADE GRADING GRADE 10GRADING GRADE O 70' o TOPSOIL i 0.5MIN. TOPSOIL +6 0.5' MIN. ' 1.50 I 0.SOIL 0.5TOPSOIL 5 � - I t TOPSOIL e RAMBLER e MODIFIED LOOKOUT RAMBLER NO SCALE Ii'� R NO SCALE ' a NO SCALE '' ( FRONT SE'IBAgL) 50 �' FINISHED GRADE I I�35' 50'I 1 (F1 10' CK) 25 60' GRADING RADE i (FRONT SETBACK) 25• I i 1 1 - I LO ,2) I o L_I 0.5' MIN. v' FINISHED RADE I + 10' 7 TRSaL 1 GRADING GRADE -- - -- - ---- ------ ------ JI ------- -- - - I in i 10' 1 I 1 i1 TRSaL 1 I in 1.50' ' E..5'TOPSOIL I I 200' 1•5w I 0,5' TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT Riw �D-st7« a RAMBLER 30' S0' I �• NO SCALE LNG GRADE i 54' VILLA LOTS I td GRADING FINISHED GRADE LOTS 101 - 161 Z.1 0 I 10' �- 1 + 0.5' MIN. I °a O1 -u• TOPSOIL L I GRADING PLAN LOT KEY COYER c tet -x- ut WALKOUT -- 2.50' 1TOPSOIL � -- TOPSOIL 1 R I I 1 LOOKOUT BV-1:OV5 2.50' e NO SCALE e NO SCALE I a 75' 25' 59.4-------1 60.5 GRADE RADE Rnv SLAB ON GRADE NO SCALE • �• 30'75' SETBACK) 25' 1 FINISHED RADE I DRAINAGE 8: UTIUTY EASEMENT i- 128--4 I S G 10, z' TOP o SOIL RREFERENCE NUMBER 1 1 I I TEMPORARY IN. TOPSOIL I LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION IED RADEI I(FRONT I SatE 1 SURFACE DRAINAGE - HOUSE TYPES LNG RADE 1 I Tn FINISHED RADE g; ,,,,,,, i0)1" STANDARD PLATE N0. 108A R -RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY I RADINC RADE ROUND ELEVATIONLO O BUILDING -RAMBLERLOOKOUT R SPLIT ENTRYWALKOUT WO -RAMBLER WALKOUT n Is I 1 _______ _ ___ _ S� 1�.' o in RECOMMENDED GARAGE SIDETOPSOIL ISEWO-SPUT SE -SPLIT ENTRY ENTRY WALKOUT 1 10' a MIN 1 IO SOG-DENCC-CUSOTESTOM RSLABNON GRADE TOPSOIL FINISHED ELEVATION2.50' LOT CRNER a5___-, 164.4 DENOTES STEP CONDITION (IN NO. OF 6- STEPS) 0.5' TRSOIL MODIFIED WALKOUT9sTREET e NO SCALE e -_______-___-__ 30' 75' I (FRONT SETBACK) 25' 1 TED RADE I I I LNG GRADE i -,-s *WP I td GRADING FINISHED GRADE RADE Z.1 0 I 10' �- 1 + 0.5' MIN. I °a O1 -u• TOPSOIL L I I tp• 0 �� 0,5' MIN. I COYER c tet -x- ut -- 2.50' 1TOPSOIL � -- TOPSOIL 1 o.s' TOPSOIL I I 1 LOOKOUT BV-1:OV5 2.50' e NO SCALE I I GRADE I 30' 1(FRONT SETBACK) I 75' 25' II I I I GRADE 1 FINISHED GRADE o I 0.5'PSOIMN. 1 0 I 10' �- 1 GRADING RADE 1 TO I •� SEPDUTE OOWraM 91�IL IN. COYER c tet -x- ut � -- TOPSOIL 1 I I I 1 BV-1:OV5 2.50' I 0.5' TOPSOIL • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED e GRADE RADE Rnv SLAB ON GRADE NO SCALE • �• I (FRONT SETBACK) FINISHED RADE 0.5' MIN. ' I GRADING RADE 1 rorsaL I S G 10, z' TOP o SOIL to' 1 6, o TEMPORARY IN. TOPSOIL (FRONT SETBACK) 25• I_-NTSE 50, I SUBGRADE CORRECTION 75' & 100' LOTS SUBGRADE CORRECTION 64' & 54' LOTS II I (FRONT SETBACK) 25' SEWO FINISHED GRADE �yIYY i I GRADING GRADE -Al NOTED AS NOTED "? FINISHED GRADE R y0 70' i GRADING GRADE I o _ __ t0, MIN. 0.5' 1 � � TOPSOIL 0.5' MIN _ . _______ _ __ ____ ______ ______ TOPSOIL 1 1 T n i I 0,5' TOPSOIL I I E rL 7.80' ' 0.5' TOPSOIL TYPICAL STREET SECTION F0.5' TOPSOIL FO*5' TRSaL ARIES GRADING RADE ARIES GRADING RADE 60 R/W - Zsr B/B 2. 3.0' D. PROPOSED FINISHED RADE 2• 3.0' PROPOSED FINISHED RADE R/W R/t'Y I IF I /S EXISTING RADE E � EXISRNG RADE � � i:;: s:•i::: �.. 16' 14' 74' 18' _ iii vrs.°eAii i;;%%iibiiiiii:;•'.(`;(R!!, ixcuw•, i"z': - ;3?!.,�,,,i„wt. 4•'f`5'r} SLOPE 1/3' PER FT 2.RX MIN_ _ tt• ;:....•.• ,,. ;; ;• �,�. - ��� EXCAVATION Sl1ECT BACKFILL MIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION SELECT BACKFILL �/ MIT OF SUBGRADE /FXCA 6' 6' 0Ut1f�'E MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL LE \P 5' SIDEWALK 2' tY CONCREtE CURB MATERIAL \ 0\Y \P MATERIAL APB 4' CONCRETE R APPROVED -,17, COMPACTED BAgCFlLL �' Tr: UNSjP N`P�,� � N VNS MP WITH 4' RAVEL BASE O - 7/ COMPACTED BACKFILL Oe - (SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION) �'7 ! NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL ,et• Ik PAVEMENT SECTION NON -SELECT MAS I 3 ! NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT X. - 30' ��IIII��\\ COMPACTED BACKFILL BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL MAX. 1.5' -TYPE LNYE450308 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE MAX. 10.0' V-TYPE TACK COAT COMPACTED BACKFILL 10.0' COMPACTED BACKFILL Y -TYPE L5 AGGREGATE BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE MIN. MIN. 6' CLASS 5 AGREGAIE BASE, 29' WIDTH 18' CLASS 3 SUBGRADE, 30' WIDTH R APPROVED EQUAL BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL # RECOMMENDED R -VALUE - 10 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: &Ian J. K sto6ak, P.E. Drawn: K80 R.NRI.FR: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 orreportwaspreparedbymeorundermy 1 F HARVEST RUN EAST • . en ineerin Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that t am a duly Signature: Desi ned: BIK i •surveyingg Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineerunder ��� 9 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO, MN DETAILS Olt McCain www.carisonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License a: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 sn.<w:co :s iB r.VdaVsst•isaovsTa- ce enessrt�wk�0�mbw,emierYVna_ ROW UNE RaMF FINT BY IVIN I •� SEPDUTE OOWraM 91�IL COYER c tet -x- ut eErwm OFl0 msxr-of-wAr AY B.cx or 4� 1 BV-1:OV5 \ I I [BB Or >D' C "C -E cea, I B tl B TEMPORARY CUL DE SAC URBAN SECTION E it SatE a g; ,,,,,,, A� OLpnO1 j7 6JG STANDARD PLATE N0. 108A (FRONT SETBACK) 25• I_-NTSE 50, I SUBGRADE CORRECTION 75' & 100' LOTS SUBGRADE CORRECTION 64' & 54' LOTS II I (FRONT SETBACK) 25' SEWO FINISHED GRADE �yIYY i I GRADING GRADE -Al NOTED AS NOTED "? FINISHED GRADE R y0 70' i GRADING GRADE I o _ __ t0, MIN. 0.5' 1 � � TOPSOIL 0.5' MIN _ . _______ _ __ ____ ______ ______ TOPSOIL 1 1 T n i I 0,5' TOPSOIL I I E rL 7.80' ' 0.5' TOPSOIL TYPICAL STREET SECTION F0.5' TOPSOIL FO*5' TRSaL ARIES GRADING RADE ARIES GRADING RADE 60 R/W - Zsr B/B 2. 3.0' D. PROPOSED FINISHED RADE 2• 3.0' PROPOSED FINISHED RADE R/W R/t'Y I IF I /S EXISTING RADE E � EXISRNG RADE � � i:;: s:•i::: �.. 16' 14' 74' 18' _ iii vrs.°eAii i;;%%iibiiiiii:;•'.(`;(R!!, ixcuw•, i"z': - ;3?!.,�,,,i„wt. 4•'f`5'r} SLOPE 1/3' PER FT 2.RX MIN_ _ tt• ;:....•.• ,,. ;; ;• �,�. - ��� EXCAVATION Sl1ECT BACKFILL MIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION SELECT BACKFILL �/ MIT OF SUBGRADE /FXCA 6' 6' 0Ut1f�'E MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL LE \P 5' SIDEWALK 2' tY CONCREtE CURB MATERIAL \ 0\Y \P MATERIAL APB 4' CONCRETE R APPROVED -,17, COMPACTED BAgCFlLL �' Tr: UNSjP N`P�,� � N VNS MP WITH 4' RAVEL BASE O - 7/ COMPACTED BACKFILL Oe - (SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION) �'7 ! NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL ,et• Ik PAVEMENT SECTION NON -SELECT MAS I 3 ! NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT X. - 30' ��IIII��\\ COMPACTED BACKFILL BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL MAX. 1.5' -TYPE LNYE450308 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE MAX. 10.0' V-TYPE TACK COAT COMPACTED BACKFILL 10.0' COMPACTED BACKFILL Y -TYPE L5 AGGREGATE BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE MIN. MIN. 6' CLASS 5 AGREGAIE BASE, 29' WIDTH 18' CLASS 3 SUBGRADE, 30' WIDTH R APPROVED EQUAL BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL # RECOMMENDED R -VALUE - 10 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: &Ian J. K sto6ak, P.E. Drawn: K80 R.NRI.FR: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 orreportwaspreparedbymeorundermy 1 F HARVEST RUN EAST • . en ineerin Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that t am a duly Signature: Desi ned: BIK i •surveyingg Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineerunder ��� 9 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO, MN DETAILS Olt McCain www.carisonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License a: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 sn.<w:co :s iB r.VdaVsst•isaovsTa- ce enessrt�wk�0�mbw,emierYVna_ OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE POND 100 AW GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4'X4' OPENINGS 694.4 72' DIA. 691.6 NWL POND 100 = 891.0 1' MIN. FLOW 36 R 36' RCP mv.o mao TYPICAL POND SECTION 4 44 �1 tl 3 F'-3 _ BOTTOM I 10 Imo--VARIES-�{ FILTRATION BASIN POND 100 GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP ''"� •,* UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED SOIL IoK's PLANTING MEDIUM 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15X ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST PLANT W/ MnDOT SEED MIX 33-261 W/ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET I � 2' OF 1/4' CHOKING STONE 1.5' WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE INFRASAFE - 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS i HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS f REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS Z, 11 I 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F 'STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT- - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE POND 200 TYPICAL POND SECTION w/FILTRATION BENCH q (POND 100) 10' FILTRATION BENCH (SEE DETAIL) 10' FILTRATION BENCH (SEE DETAIL) FILTRATION BENCH OUTLET EL= 906.3 _ _ _ _ _ e;� _NWLLBENCH EL - 906�VARIE SEE PLAN)_ Ili -_-- POND/FOREBAY I- 2' CHOKING STONE-"- % '' J ' \-ONSITE GRANULAR MATERIAL 1.5' WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) J/// (VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12' DEPTH PRIOR TO PLACING PLANTING MEDIUM INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS_ COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS (- REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 1 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT i" EMERGENCY �...-..... OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F 'STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT- - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING LOT BENCHING DETAIL 0 0 0 0 LOT PROFILE .. > .1. .. , . _ _•. D RR,FtCT10N'DF;fi10W. _STREET PROFlLI=_•';._ .•....— — DIRECTION OF FLOW (STR O 5' 0.5' TURF ESTABLISHMENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL APPLY TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND SHALL BE ACCORDING TO MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION) EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OCCUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 7 DAYS. SEED: MnDOT MIXTURE 25-131 AT 60 POUNDS PER ACRE DORMANT SEED: SHALL BE APPLIED AT TYACE THE NORMAL RATE AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST. MULCH: TYPE 1 AT 2 TONS PER ACRE (DISK ANCHORED). FERTILIZER: TYPE 1 10-10-10 AT 2GO POUNDS PER ACRE. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CURB CUT 3/4• PER F -T �18'�1 .-- P 10 I ri Ir 36'-y BACK OF CURB J,• � M qk qg•'' MATCH EXIST. SRF00j GRADE Mry Rfa LEGEND A RM 11 PROPOSED GALVANIZEDGRATE (SPUT) a10.3 4'X4' OPENINGS ------ 72' DIA NWL POND 200 = 906.0 _ Wa.3 V MIN. FLOW CY i5 36' RCP TO STMH 2O0A TYPICAL POND SECTION w/FILTRATION BENCH q (POND 100) 10' FILTRATION BENCH (SEE DETAIL) 10' FILTRATION BENCH (SEE DETAIL) FILTRATION BENCH OUTLET EL= 906.3 _ _ _ _ _ e;� _NWLLBENCH EL - 906�VARIE SEE PLAN)_ Ili -_-- POND/FOREBAY I- 2' CHOKING STONE-"- % '' J ' \-ONSITE GRANULAR MATERIAL 1.5' WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) J/// (VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12' DEPTH PRIOR TO PLACING PLANTING MEDIUM INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS_ COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS (- REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 1 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT i" EMERGENCY �...-..... OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F 'STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT- - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING LOT BENCHING DETAIL 0 0 0 0 LOT PROFILE .. > .1. .. , . _ _•. D RR,FtCT10N'DF;fi10W. _STREET PROFlLI=_•';._ .•....— — DIRECTION OF FLOW (STR O 5' 0.5' TURF ESTABLISHMENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL APPLY TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND SHALL BE ACCORDING TO MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION) EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OCCUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 7 DAYS. SEED: MnDOT MIXTURE 25-131 AT 60 POUNDS PER ACRE DORMANT SEED: SHALL BE APPLIED AT TYACE THE NORMAL RATE AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST. MULCH: TYPE 1 AT 2 TONS PER ACRE (DISK ANCHORED). FERTILIZER: TYPE 1 10-10-10 AT 2GO POUNDS PER ACRE. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CURB CUT 3/4• PER F -T �18'�1 .-- P 10 I ri Ir 36'-y BACK OF CURB J,• � M qk qg•'' MATCH EXIST. SRF00j GRADE Mry Rfa LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY UNE — — EASEMENT UNE ------ ------ CURB UNE =__=_= BITUMINOUS [ CONCRETE SANITARY SEWER ----->- STORM SEWER -----»- >>- MAIN-----�- WATER MAIN OVERHEAD UTILITY STORM CATCH BASIN STORM MANHOLE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE O MANHOLE O HYDRANT GATE VALVE DG TELEVISION BOX ❑ TELEPHONE BOX Fi UTILITY POLE > RETAINING WALL FENCE -•—•- 10' CONTOUR - - 2' CONTOUR - -- -- -- FEMA FLOOD PLAIN 1! WETLAND LINE ---- SPOT ELEVATION -�COxA s 00.0 E.O.F. EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 4-4- x 000.0 SILT FENCE • • • ... - TREE FENCE ....... TREEUNE J SOIL BORING TTT SILT FENCE �'�/ILTER FABRIC (36' MAX. HEIGHT) ,R ANCHOR W/ METAL OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 pm AIN.) T- POST OR WDOD o 2'X2' STAKE N MIN. TRENCH DIRECTION OF FLOW UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. DIG A 6'X6' TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE. 2. DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6'X6' TRENCH. 5. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 6. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 k 3886. TREE FENCE ANCHOR W/ METAL T -POST OR WOOD 2'X2' STAKE LYMER BARRIER FENCING HEIGHT) -UNDISTURBED SOIL NOiEs: 1. TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CALIPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED. 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this Ian, s ReNslons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC 15 y p specification Print Name: erfan J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: 1, (� Car son •environmental Blaine, MIN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my F HARVEST RUN EAST • •engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly SignMure: 2 Designed: BJK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 DETAILS Of McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under OTSEGO, M N www.carlsonmccaln.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License #: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, M N 55303 17 924 922 920 918 900 898 896 894 11190 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 10D L hereby eery that this Ian, Re°"'°"� CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Blaine, I.1N 55449 y h P r under my Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: 1, J 6 (j Carlson • environmental or repo t was prepared by me or under my HARVEST RUN EAST 1 engines ng Phane: (763)489-7900 dlrectsupervlslonantlNatlamaduly Signature: /J Designed: B)K 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 RETAINING WALL PROFILES of McCain 'surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under OTSEGO, MN www.carisonmccaln.com the laws of the State of hilnnesota Date: 3/26/19 Ucense N: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 / 17 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #1 ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... (1,130 SF) .................................................... ................................................................................................... ..... :..... ..... � ............................................... . ........ MODULAR RETAINING WALL #2 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #4 914. ::TDP:OF:WA.L :::: :::::: :: ::::: .............. ................ :::::: . . . 914 370 SF ( ) 755 SF ( ) ........ 912 ......: ... .. I ...... ..... ....... .:-:::' .. ....... .......-:::... ....... ..... :' :: .: .. ...... ....... 912 ....... 1 .... .... .: -.:.. ::...: ....... :'A' T aP :aF W LL:: ....... 914 ....... 9 24 ... .. ... .. .. ........ .. . ...... ....... ... :...:. �' .. ::.: " :1:.. ...... ': ":'::: ...... ....... .: " .... :::::" .... .... . :... ..... ....._. ....... :i : ' i::':: :..:..: ....... ....... ..... .' :.. :. ....... ....... ....... 1 :I:: :::' :::'.' :: :(:::':. 910 912 ... is .... .... 912 922 .. ...... .. ..... .... i.. .. • •� : :` .... .. .. .. r: ' :�.. .. ... .:i: .. ::cRou'd N GRADE .. ... ' •O FACE OF ALU W .. ' .. ....... ... . . .. . .. .. ... ...... .. ... ... .....` ' \' .. ) ......... 908 ....... ....... ... .... .. - ... .. :L:: .. ....... ...... .. ..... ... ... .. Y .. .... ...... .. .. ..... ..... .. .. .... ....... ...... ::/.... ....... .... ..... .... ... 9 8 ..... .. 1 .... ... ... �:: .. .. ..... ..... ....... .... .. I::. 0 920 .... .. GROUND GRADE' ....... :0 FACE bE WAli:. ....... ...... ..... ...... : ..GROUND GRADE . . l : • 'O ; .:. • •i • .. ::�. ...... :�.: FACE OF WALL' .... .. •�• • 1.6'• BURY. . ..... ....... ....... ....: ... .. .. ... .. .... 1:: :X:: .... :%::....... .. - ....... .. ... .... ... ..... .. .. .N.. .. .. ... ' �' ' :: :1.5':6URY:: .... : r::.... ... �' -J--:: -:� ..... ... ..... ....— — — ...... .... .. .. .. .. J:: .. . .. .....-. 906 ....... ....... ......... ..... ....... .. ....... ....... ........ :/:: ... 906 908 ....... .--. .. —. - ... -..... --- . .. ..... 908 918 .. ...... ...... .. .... .t: ......... .. ....... . ..... ..... .... ........ ..... .... .- : 1::. ::7.5: BURY.: ,. .... ... ........ .... ........ .... ....... .:/ :.... .... .. .. ........... N ....... ..... "IP ..... .... .- .... ... ...... .... ..... ...... ..... .. ...................... N - ... . ....... .. .. ....... .... ..... ....... ... ..... ... ... .... ....... ....... -... .�.. ... ::: - -- -------.-.-.. ... ... ..,. - ....... ..... ....... ..... .. .. ... ... ....... ... . ....... -... .'iv ...... ...... :0: : - .. :.....: :....: ,-20. ' :0: :20: _ :40: ... ..... .... . .....: 20 , ....:: 0 66- 80:.....:100::...::20: ... ' 1 .. ' S 60: 80 ...... :.0:: ..... ..... ..... ..... ... . :20: :40: :60: :80: ::100:. ::120:. MODULAR RETAINING WALL #6 (840 SF) ............................................................................... MODULAR RETAINING WALL #3 ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... (2,265 SF) 900 ::::::: :::.... riP:DF:WAL(•...... ...... :":':: 2 90 . .... .... 920 898 :i: ... .. .... is ... ..... ....... ....... ........ • •TOP •OF• WALL � ... .... .. ..... ..... .. .... .... .... ....... ........ ......... .. ...... ....... ... ......... ....... .. ..... ..... .i.. ... .. .. .... ... ....... ... ...... .. .. ....... ..... :::::: .. ..:1: .. .... .... ..... .... .: :.:: ::'. .. ... .. .: ::' J..::::: 918 ... - ....... .. ..... .... .. ....... ....... .... ....... .. -. ...... .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. ....- .. .. .. ...... ... ....... 8 896 ....... ...... ... ...... ...... - :5:: ........ ... ... ....... .. :l::....... ... :�: �: ... ...... ....... ..... .... l ::'.::: �: ....... . ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ... .... .. .. ;......... :" :': ::: ::: :�:::: 96 89 4 .. ............... :5:: .:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: . : :GRLI(IEID .GRADE : ....... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ...... - - . - - ....... ... ... ... .... ...... ........ .. ... - .. .. .. .... ...-. .. ... i.. ..... .. .... ....... ....."�' ... .. FACE OF WALL •/ ... .... ....... ...... ... .... ..... .. "y 1 9 4 .... ::: ..... ... .. .. ... cROBnD GRADE: : ::4 F CE: OF. WACL:: .... ........ ........ ..... .... ....... ... �• 914 p 2 89 .;:. ..... .- \'. ......... ... .... :�.. • : {.5':6U12Y: : :: .... ... ...... BURY•• ....... ..... .. ..... ....... ....... .... .... 'y ::: ...-. ....... ..---- _ _ 912 .. .. ... .... .... ,:. ..�: ----.--------.---------------- ....... ....... ... .... ..... .. ........ ... ..._ —.-------.-----. .....: ..: ... .. ....... ....... ..... � J' .. .... . .. -' .. ....... .. (V 912 890 ...... .... .. ....... .. .... ....::: .... ... .. ... ....... .. ... ... . ...... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .-. .. :::::::0:::::::: ... .. .. ....... ... .. .. .. :::...: .. ... .. .. ..... .. ...... ....... ....... .. ... .... .. .... .... ..... .. .. ....... .. ... ... - ... � �20U� � � �220� � � �240� � � �26U� � ::fi0: � �1130� .. .. ..... ....... ..... .. .. � � � �300� � � �32U� � � �340� � ..... ..Il. ..... ..... � �36 ....... ....... - ... .....-- .. .... .... ...... .-. ...- .. ..... .... ... iV .- =2 20 40:.....:60:.....: 80:....::1U0::... 20::...::i 1 O..... • ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 280 ....... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... • �0� � 20 � � 40 � � BO � � 80 � ... � �'IUO� • . 120' 1 924 922 920 918 900 898 896 894 11190 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 10D L hereby eery that this Ian, Re°"'°"� CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Blaine, I.1N 55449 y h P r under my Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: 1, J 6 (j Carlson • environmental or repo t was prepared by me or under my HARVEST RUN EAST 1 engines ng Phane: (763)489-7900 dlrectsupervlslonantlNatlamaduly Signature: /J Designed: B)K 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 RETAINING WALL PROFILES of McCain 'surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under OTSEGO, MN www.carisonmccaln.com the laws of the State of hilnnesota Date: 3/26/19 Ucense N: 25063 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 / 17 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #5 (2,390 SF) 898 896 894 892 914 912 910 908 914 912 910 908 914 912 910 908 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 1. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: Raviswns CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine,l•(N 55449 or report was a aredb derm HARVEST RUN EAST 1177•. en ineerin Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct su ervisPonpand that I amra dui y Signature:/L Oesi ned: B1Kg g Fax: (763 489-7959 LicensedProfessional t y 9 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 40o RETAINING WALL PROFILESMcCain surveying 9neerunder OTSEGO MNww�v.carisonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 ucense k: 25063 Date: 3/26/19Ramsey, MN 55303 SEED MIX LEGEND (FORALLSHEETS) SYM. TYPE SEED MIX ORNAMENTAL IAEES NEISNT HEIGHT WO NATIVE WET PRAIRIE MN SEED MIX 34-371(Olaewsawa( 2.5• WETLAND FRINGE MN SEED MIX 33-261(OWMSau6( 1'. COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHIANDSOD RB MNDOT 260 MN SEED MIX 25.131(OLDMNooT260) & SHILOH SPLASH RIVERBIRCH ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY BB 28 CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 'g jo SODDED, OR RETENTION BASINS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) Gleditsla tdaonthos var. Inermis'Shademaster' MESIC GENERAL ROADSIDE MN SEED MIX 25-131 BB FOR GENERAL STABILIZATION (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 50' OF PAD AREAS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) Amelanchier x grandiBora 'Autumn Brilliance' HARDWOOD MULCH (NATURALCOLOR) BB SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH g' d 1/2" CRUSHED GRANITE CRUSHED QUARRY GRANITE - _ - -- T- _ - DECIDUOUS TRErS HEIGHT HEIGHT ORNAMENTAL IAEES NEISNT HEIGHT The subsurface utility Information shown on this plan is utility Quality Level D. This quality level was determined according to the guidelines of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled 'Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data.' HARVEST RUN EAST OTSECO, MIL` NESOTA OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN I L1 COVER L2 NORTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L3 NORTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 SOUTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN NEEMENEEN CITY of OTSEGO LANDSCAPE CODE • OVERSTORY/ EVERGREEN TREES •• TWO TREE FOR EVERY LOT ON SITE (163 X 2) =326 TREES =326 TREES TOTALTREES ON SITE INCLUDING SCREENING TO THE NORTH =342 TREES • BUILDER/OWNER SHALL INSTALL I TREES ON BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON PLAN. OWNER SHALL INSTALL 1 ADDITIONAL TREE OF THEIR CHOOSING ON THEIR LOT. TRFFMIIRTRIF R'TAII IF MNIFFRnIIc ANn 2" nRH IF ncriri"nllc LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheets) KEY SOTANKALHAME COMMON NAME SRE ROOT QTY. AN.KEv SOTANKALNAMF C0MMONNN4E SR6 I ROOT Qtt. L DECIDUOUS TRErS HEIGHT HEIGHT ORNAMENTAL IAEES NEISNT HEIGHT WO quercus bloater SWAMP WHITE OAK 2.5• BB 9 1'. yp' � RB Betula nlgra'Shilo Splash' SHILOH SPLASH RIVERBIRCH 2" BB 28 8 25 'g jo HL Gleditsla tdaonthos var. Inermis'Shademaster' SHADEMASTERHONEYLOCUST 2.5' BB 18 10' 50' SB Amelanchier x grandiBora 'Autumn Brilliance' AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY 2" BB 39 g' 2p' cs Eo " SS 0�--�0 Malus K'Spdng Snow' SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 2" BB 12 8' 25' BL Tllia amedcana'Boulevard' BOULEVARD LINDEN 2.5' 818 31 IS' fH)' utz TL Sydnga Reticulata IAPANESE TREE LILAC 2' BB 6 1 8' 20' HB (' ��1 Celtis occidentalis NACKBERRY 2.5• BB 43 15' S0' EVERGREEN TREES D c o SM 0 1 Ar.r ccharum SUGAR MAPLE 2.5° BB 27 14' SU BH Picea'[Sure var. Densata BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 6' BB 39 rcc o 9 � H 11 CH -..acanadensis CANADIAN HEMLOCK 6' BB 9 G' 40' RM Acer rubmm`Nothwoods' NORTHHWOODS MAPLE 2.5" BB 49 14' 50' SP at Pinus sylvestris SCOTCH PINE 6' 88 22 6' S0' CE � Ulmus'Cathedral' CATHEDRALELM 25" BB 14 14' 10' BF Abies ealsamea BALSAM FIR 6' BB 13 6' 401 11 QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. PLAN 8' 2 -PLY NYLON STRAPS DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WARE PAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGE WHITE FLAGGING (TTP.) TREE WRAP 4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCH 4 NCH DEEP SAUCER S! STEEL TEE POST- S REQUIRED AT 120 BACKFILL MX UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL REMOVE BURLAP i ROPE FROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL NOTE SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE 11 a IIOUS TREE PLdNTING OETAIITRRS PLANTING I=AL H Nor m sura 1. SCARIFY 501`1Q -i AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING 2. TRAP OUT DEAD aY)OD AND WEAK AND/QR DEFORMED TUGS DO NOT CUT A LEADER DO NOT PAINT CUTS, S 6ET PLANT CN UNDISTURBED NATIVE SQL OR THORCLIGHLY COMPACTED BACKFILL SOL INSTALL PLANT SO THE ROOT FLARE IS AT OR UP TO r ABOVE THE FLUSHED GRADE 4. PLACE PLANT IN PLANTING HOE LITH BURLAP AND URE BASKET, OF USED), INTACT. BACKFILL Wm i;N APPRI I IM TELY 12' OF THE TOP OF ROOTBAU- WATER PL4Nt. REMOVE TOP N3 OF THE BASKET OR THE TOP TWO HORZONTAL R44GS, WHICHEVER IS GREATE REMOVE ALL BURLAP AND NA1 FR TCP 113 OF THE BALL REMOVE ALL TUNE 6. PLUMB AND BACKFLL LITH BACKFILL SOL b. WATER TO 6ETTEE PLANTS AND PLL vans. 1 WATER WDHN TWO 1IO/R3 OF INSTALLATION WATERING M T BE SUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SATURATE ROOT BALL AIA PLANTING HOLE S. PLACE FILCH UTHN 48 HOURS OF T . THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SCC MQSTURE 18 E ES E. CONIFEROUS TREE IED m scvl NOTB GUY ASSE LT OPTIONAL BUT CONTRACTOR ASSUI­tES FILL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MANTAINNG TREE IN A PLUMB POSITION FOR THE OURAT.N OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD GUY ASSEMBLY -la• POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 M.11-112. UDE STRAP (TIP) OOIBLE STRAND 10 GA. WERE, 2-1' ROLLED STEEL POSTS 01ABOT 3481) a ISB'O.C. (SEE ISTAKNG 01,43RAM0 COORDINATE STAKP'G TO INSURE 2 12 ORIENTATION OF GUT 12 S AND STAKES STAKING DULYMAI GUY URE U .1 WEB6KNG FLAGGNG- ONE PER URE 4'-e' SHREDDED BARK (-TSE)C�'N. GRADE I'a-VII112 UDTH OF ROOT BALL PIAMNr 9OL N9XNRE (bEE bPEG) UUgSTURISM OR STABILIZED SIIBSOL PLANTING NOTES 1. ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS AND DISEASE AND BE CONTAINER GROWN OR BALLED AND BURLAPPED AS INDICATED IN THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. 2. ALL TREES MUST BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED AND FULL HEADED AND MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. 3. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER INSTALLATION. 4. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5. ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 'AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK,- ANSI -Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MATERIALS, 6. EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED TO THE DRIP LINE FROM ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, STORAGE OF MATERIALS ETC. WITH 4' HT. ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCING ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BY STEEL FENCE POSTS B' O.C. MAXIMUM SPACING. 7. ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES, SHAPES OF BEDS AND LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ALL PLANTING BEDS AT SPACING SHOWN AND ADJUSTED TO CONFORM TO THE EXACT CONDITIONS OF THE SITE. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE THE STAKING LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. & ALL PLANTING AREAS MUST BE COMPLETELY MULCHED AS SPECIFIED. 9. MULCH: SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, CLEAN AND FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIA4 IN ALL MASS PLANTING BEDS AND FOR TREES, UNLESS INDICATED AS ROCK MULCH ON DRAWINGS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO DELIVERY ON-SITE FOR APPROVAL DELIVER MULCH ON DAY OF INSTALLATION. USE 4' FOR SHRUB BEDS, AND 3' FOR PERENNIAL/GROUND COVER BEDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 10. PLACE LANDSCAPE FILTER FABRIC UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE 100[ INTERWOVEN 5.1oz NEEDLE PUNCHED POLYPROPYLENE FABRIC MANUFACTURED BY DEWITT. USE PRO 5 'WEED BARRIER' OR APPROVED EQUAL 11. PLACE EDGING BETWEEN ALL PLANTING/ROCK BEDS AND TURF. EDGING SHALL BE POLY. 12. THE PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST. THE SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE PLANTING NOTES AND GENERAL NOTES. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHOWN ON THE PLAN. VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. 14. LONG-TERM STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENT$ PLANTERS AND BUILDINGS CLEAN AND UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT OGNSTRUCRON PERIOD. ALL WASTES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE ANY PLANT STOCK NOT PLANTED ON DAY OF DELIVERY SHALL BE HEELED IN AND WATERED UNTIL INSTALLATION. PLANTS NOT MAINTAINED IN THIS MANNER WILL BE REJECTED. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITES SHALL BE REPAVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING W TH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE WORK. 17. LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL UTILITIES, INCLUDING IRRIGATION LINES, WITH THE OWNER FOR PROPRIETARY UTIU71ES AND GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 454-0002 (TWIN CITIES METRO AREA) OR 800-252-1166 (GREATER MINNESOTA) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGES TO SAME NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS TO FACILITATE PLANT RELOCATION. 1B. USE ANTI -DESICCANT (WILTPRUF OR APPROVED EQUAL) ON DECIDUOUS PLANTS MOVED IN LEAF AND FOR EVERGREENS MOVED ANYTIME. APPLY AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. ALL EVERGREENS SHALL BE SPRAYED IN THE LATE FALL FOR WINTER PROTECTION DURING WARRANTY PERIOD. 19. PLANTING SOIL FOR TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS FERTILE FRIABLE LOAM CONTAINING A LIBERAL AMOUNT OF HUMUS AND CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING VIGOROUS PLANT GROWTH. IT SHALL COMPLY WITH MN/00T SPECIFICATION 38177 TYPE B SELECT TOPSOIL MIXTURE SHALL BE FREE FROM HARDPACK SUBSOIL, STONES, CHEMICAL% NOXIOUS WEEDS, ETC. SOIL MIXTURE SHALL HAVE A PH BETWEEN 6.1 AND 7.5 AND 10-0-10 FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 3 POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. IN PLANTING BEDS INCORPORATE THIS MIXTURE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BED BY ROTORLUNG IT INTO THE TOP 10 OF SOIL 20. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING SEASON APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. THE GUARANTEE SHALL COVER THE FULL COST OF REPLACEMENT INCLUDING LABOR AND PLANTS. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 3 DAYS PRIOR TO PLANNED DELIVERY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BEGINNING PLANT INSTALLATION. 22. SEASONS/nME OF PLANTING AND SEEDING. NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR MAY ELECT TO PLANT tN OFF-SEASONS ENTIRELY AT HIS/HER RISK. DECIDUOUS POTTED PLANTS,• 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 DECIDUOUS &8: 4/1 - 6/i; 9/21 - 71/1 FVFR REN p0 O PI ANTS: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21-11/1 EVERGREEN BAE: 4/'/" 5/1; 9/21 - 11/1 jHE _:SEE., 4/1 - 6/1; 7/20 - 9/20 NAt�]�1 ,. SE I))Nt� IX SEEEDINGSEEDING'. 4/1 - 7/20; 9/20-10/20 23. MAINTENANCE SHALL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH PORTION OF THE WORK IS IN PLACE. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL THE INSTALLATION OF THE PLANTS IS COMPLETE, INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE, AND PLANTINGS ARE ACCEPTED EXCLUSIVE OF THE GUARANTEE MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE WATERING, CULTIVATING, MULCHING, REMOVAL OF DEAD MATERIALS, RE -SETTING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADE AND KEEPING PLANTS IN A PLUMB POSITION. AFTER ACCEPTANCE, THE OWNER SHALL ASSUME MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUTES. HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE TREES PLUMB THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. 24. ANY PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES, TURNS BROWN, OR DEFOUATES (PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK) SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND REPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF THE SAME SPECIES, QUANTITY, AND SIZE AND MEETING ALL LANDSCAPE LEGEND SPECIFICATIONS. 25. WATERING: MAINTAIN A WATERING SCHEDULE WHICH WILL THOROUGHLY WATER ALL PLANTS ONCE A WEFT(. IN EXTREMELY HOT, DRY WEATHER, WATER MORE OFTEN AS REQUIRED BY INDICATIONS OF HEAT STRESS SUCH AS WILTING LEAVES. CHECK MOISTURE UNDER MULCH PRIOR TO WATERING TO DETERMINE NEED. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR WATER. 26. CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST IN WRITING, A FINAL ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION. 27. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE TURF SEEDED, ARE TO RECEIVE 4' TOP SOIL. SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. 28. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE NATIVE WETLAND SEEDED, ARE TO RECEIVE ENGINEERED 5014 SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: James A. Kalkes, RLA Drawn: )AK ;eCAPSTO N E HARVEST RUN LLC IT Carlson ' environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my HARVEST RUN EAST •.engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that l am a duty Signature: Qe.w,n. A: Designed: YAK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLANfMcCain I •surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 th elaws of the S ate of innesota rOTSEGO, MN www.wdsonmccain.com the laws of the state of Minnesota Dace: 3/26/19 License t: 45071 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, MN 55303 5 20' AVERAGE..-. WETLAND BUFFER T•'.' 28,480 SF (28,434 SF REQUIRED) '� r / . 126 7 l2E 1', VING'214 L SEED MIX LEGEND (FORALLSHEErs) LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheets) I WTAHKALNAME ICOMMONIMIE SYM. TYPE SEED MIX KEYI Ism I ROOT Jill NsT KEY I I WTANKALNAME lCOMM11HAME Isla I ROOT I Q,Y. ' NATIVE WET PRAIRIE MN SEED MIX 34-371 IOU)8Ws8 w31 J`--� DECIDUOUS TREES HEWHT NFWNT 01UU EIUALTREEs HFWHT HEWHT ,M_ WO / \ Quercus bicolor SWAMP WHRE OAK RB Betula nigra'Shllo Splash' SHILOH SPLASH 2" 88 28 8' 25' - 2,5° BE 9 15' S0' RIVER BIRCH �o V WETLANDFRINGE MN SEED MIX 33-161,oto 8ws8 US) Gieditsia tdacanthos oar. inermis'Shademaster' SHADEMASTER HONEYLOCUSi 2.5' BB 18 10' S0' SB Amelanchler x grandl0ora 'Autumn Brilliance' AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY 2" BB 19 8' 20' ,au HL .•, COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHLAND SOD(PEATSOO ISUHACCEPTME) o > MaIuSx'SprinElSnow' SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 2" BB 12 W 25' %='�•'S5 MNDOT 260 MN SEED MIX 25.131 (oto lnxoor2soJ & BL Tula ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION NOTINTENDED (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET americana'Boulevard' BOULEVARD LINDEN 2.5' BB 31 15' 6lY O o w, TL ✓y (' ; Sydnga Reticulata JAPANESE TREE LILAC 2° BB 6 8' 20' SODDED, OR RETENTION BASINS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) £S z ^�, a}•• �? 'cri1,7 Celtis occldentalis HACKBERRY 2.5° BB 43 15' S0' HB \••/ MESIC SEED MIXNTROL EVERGREFNTPEES FOR RGENERAL STABILIZATION FOR GENERALSTABILI7ATION OF PAD AREAS EE (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) z v Acer saccharum SUGAR MAPLE 2.5" BB 27 14' 50' BH Picea glauca van Densata BLACK HILt55PRUCE 6' Ba 39 6' 40' HARDWOOD MULCH SM (NATURAL COLOR) SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH C CH Tsuga canadensis CANADIAN HEMLOCK 6' BB 9 E. 411 ❑ oLL 1/2"CRUSHED GRANfTE CRUSHED QUARRY GRANITE RM Acer rubrum'Nothwoods' NORTHHWOODS MAPLE 2.5" BB 49 14' S0' �o LL f - 1pO � / '•'/•\�'. S COY Sp 14 G Pinus sylvestris SCOTCH PINE 6' BB 22 6' Sty BF � CE � � � // ^yi moi(„ T Ulmus'Cathedral' CATHEDRAL ELM 2.5° BB 14 14' S0' ( SEE"TYPICAL STREET SECTION" ? Ables Balsamea BALSAM FIR 6' Be 13 6' 40' \ �\ ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN TNx• i^pi'• 2 f fr/�'` * a° \ _ �/ \ \ 1'• FOR SE w -D IN THE BOULEVARD \�') QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. / / '� 0S t T '\•• / / �\ �G ���OC7 \ /� A,, . ((,l 6T\ �,^ \'.• '•�,,�\ �� o-h(� i 166 J m I i.• I I I G,\ \\ h V'O�. i\ \ V G 1�4. ,2,�', /J �- - _ - - - - J _ - - I iiI •I � -�'1 1 ��'_I �\ \ \•1/J8 am%80'.WALL #10 w,ao • v 165 14oG �_18;7 ,), 186 I f/ ��x r i _ t .... � � fir. / � �`•, I,,( 5= / />� 1\g ` ��a 164 �5V =� l \J 1 \ Be - h i I ,I;I �I .a•`` ;o;:, r —� r --14d - �- - ---- n v) _ I� 151 ' 154 1 I 155 I i _ -i-- = :- i1 r - 1 •I: 1 _ �__ l�l,= I 1lr 156 rr I r� 11 ! 1 4,163 163 '- 02I 1 Ila I I1`9 2 �I —193 x/ 157 58 160 + (� — ------ r I —1 '6t I 1 n0x75 I 40x75 rr r � 1 - - - - - c�1- � I - - .- I •� - I -j- ----- � j I T — - to H cl �, '1,• - ' � \�\ � cT - - 15y� G I r r OG r I I I I I I I I I � I — — � ---- --- 1 I, r - _ •�: \ I 1 SQ I I I I I 1 1 I L1 I �' LO 1 —LO— :-1 — �' �:•' r G cry SOG WO(2)-�+ 1 ��G I ��(J I I JVG 11 I 162 �n I 5DX60 J� I r '` G 1 aDx25 I I 40x75 I 40X75( aox75 1 1 n0x7s I G 1 I svxco WO( ._ I , ) . -�`'�- �n y, \\ J � ' \ (�'\ �'s � ��� � � ,`l n 1— J L J J ---� 1 ���i -�• I ---='t' I G .�_ I .—.. 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SF REQUIRED) ``� 1, 100_ YR HWL = 916.312 9 DB' NORTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLANo 6D 100 168 I I _ 1 � 'I iD .o\ ���_.l A --------- �L �— I —� L2 SCALS = ll' ® _ O' 10 r� 1" fi ,I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, spetlOcation Pdnt Name: James A. Kalkes, RLA Drawn: JAK Revs tons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN, LLC f, Carlson I •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or reportwas prepared by me cr under my • •engineering Phone: (763) 489-1900 direct supervision and that I am a duty Signature: �n„r'u A: ,a.hty� Designed: ,AK. HARVEST RUN EAST McCam 'surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 UcensedL.ndscapeArchitectunder z 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd., Suite 400 OTSEGO, MN SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN 72. www. cadsonmccain.cnm the laws of the state of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 license x: x5071 Date: 3/26/19 Ramsey, M N 55303 S Sam DAlo: ovasna :vdaysas-rsaovsre- n,n •sstwacavarararoVsra_wa,mma"s ( — — _ — — — — — — TVI/!c SFREQUIRED) YR HWL 8%.q ,3 1 i 4 f EQUIRED) ' `�'-• � o RETAINING •;'•• •-� `'' �, s�-y- � / `o=:` ,mac,` ��'' t •\ - Q - tear`�Y�:. `�:,>a,�' `v''r>cS>•-;r'.;ra,'r ;�..tecr,., c�i;�i'.a,rr>=r'.�:x``r c � ,� � '-�. ' •:\` ,sie ��\,.�• \ \Y \''�.0°�y\Tv��oyAL:L._ #7 OUTLOT B V" .' •d•.•. . c o •/ iii I � i \" \ \ `�`- �<z> ;A vc �rt'�r � �c:�.,.,�. r r, c \ \' '•' J INSTALL SILT FENCE L -C, AF R WING IS COMPLEIE -r c t s - 7 ,`�2• ` f 3j. � V Vin. L \ s .r 1 , i I %,\ o%�cou ao `� \` \ \ '•\ ''1� `\ `e '.\���•'•\ \\ \�/' '�L- \ ii i � pI '1'.0 : \�':` 00 oo°. ,\ ' I /,r �, \ �' C % \ , 1/,' •�.:, ',` \ `, Ili ` � .° �°°° �\'• s \ GRADE TO DRAIN T%i . ♦ �. ,�0� 0 000 .__.. � \r/ °,r. ; \ / ' O // A. 00000 oou000 ,`� \ 00000000. 000000°00 �- %�1 Lf \� J L. �• ';,:aEXISTING CULVERT 00000°°o°0°0000000.0 O.—C,0o9Y '\ '��:-. :}� �/i ,�, . \;`, a � � ` � � i }• •\, `:�:.\ 174 •\ � _ �- > -�-' > -- - e--- ��-�z�'��;'>'�,.,`;>>,'��;.?�L.�`�`,.•-''a�, ..`z',``'�''��•\v �. \ ` 173 ��p \ \ '':•:•:'�\ �1 �, , yt, 136 \ _ \ Jp INSTALL A DOUBLE. ROW OF SLLi FENCE �/ ' \ v '- _ 1 �� �� AROUND E%iSTING 14ETLANUS lY:1EN THERE '' `-�\\ \� .._ � \\\\ />/ _ '//�•�\ ` \ � C I IS NOT A 50' VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TY?). , ` �`� / \ n \ \-<�!/,I °off \ 35. �' �\ \ � \->� �� h \\ ,�' \ 172 - : � � : � A'\ \ I 1, :-=•"� � • POND 100 \ NNL 89,.0 �' / 13e \ \ \ , ,� v+ \ \ �,'-- .. y .. J, `• � .. 116\ \ •, G! � ,. � f �.. OUTLOT A ,sky.^ I 2 YR H 8926 ,0018 H111 894.4 /.; ' i \\\\ J,: \ \ w \ _ _ \� �..._ t '� •)' ``"u• cl ETA T` 182 12 a 39 �R�.: � _ :�. �•� � <\ 131 � \ '\. `; ,.� `: � \ 1 171 ::a � 1 ; ;_ _ -a- �' _ _ -- _ -- �' _ _ � �_ c3 t � • •r ay �`�^``>'� ° \ / - \ G r' J r � \ � , n° V - -'•- �\ � ' I\ • � �\83 I I _ x,4.3 ��' 20' AVERAGE. °+ f=Y\\ //, Ox •'.' :`` \ 1.29:1 �a : R f,:•:•:•' n.0 \ \ I __j WETLAND BUFFER (• ;` c G . f��� ,I y \ \I - 29,480 SF��/12$: 1170 (28,4- 1118 28,4- ,. \ \ )• ..� \ \ -.j' •7 .ii, \ RETAINING\� -- 4• -- z-�.� -- -- , � -D :'y L - I - - - \'WALL 8 x — ♦ \ f t o 12 /3 I f 184 i D. p 138 \o\ 169 �r \ ' \ � op, �� 126 :,;. �\\ ® `I 2iJ,:• \ r , ' /'` \ .;C�v+ \ �: ... r 1 {.�C; /: = 7� �' rw 14.0 —7--- 1 �i •< /' '. \_ �� 7 •� o� \l it / n J ��/ / .' - \ \' \ \ . • '-J.. \ �/a j1V/ 14.0 185 /' \� '/�, .1J h \ \ \, •\ ;;psi:•' f � 'i/' �ti � �.1� \\ rJ � ! I I � i 1 1 -:I` , � j.. .//� � 1 <<, \ RET i'VING•/ �y \ \G ,•/�>.. \ \ :a•. \ --� c� __ - _f �"�618 / �-� LI \ •• .�� � � �r '\\ 'i�' 141 I � { \. / �'�':'-:�'•:` � �' •-�.—.-rte \ / �•. \ wo+A� •� s �, I �' a I ::[;: E::::H > .:''';'` �1, '� f / , 190 1 '167 t � \ SEE "TYPICAL STREET SECTION" K• 1'. i1 j� / �.+�� t,-\\\�' v \" \�� ON THE GRADING DETAILS PIAN \ 9 --------/ �---- --- — - — t tW 2 1 J � % j � \ � \\ FOR SEED/SOD IN THE BOULEVARD ��•'• � —� - 1 I � .�• I — _ _ _ - - _ G \ `� �/ �; � y 7 f f/ f \ \\" J ' • �� \ �+(%" �y \ k3 \ � `� f %? �T \ I I O x I I = � _ — � I r \ �� x6° ,� // 166 �� j r`I \ Q ��� 189 / ' -' l _ _ 1 :•� `� , /Jrr, \ p+�5 \ \\ 54 TW 1i .O :-" \ :\ \ I\ ------ - -- - - ( C i ,ax6o h 50x60 ' � � \�.• •'''•' \ \ t:O \ �� \ \ _ I � •:� I+ � i� �• \ ! �' \,' > \ RETAINING'. \ ",ri c_.� \ A' °+y \\ \ / I •J \ Lo 1 �' WALL X10 \ = S // / 0 \ 1 n \ \ \ 142 , O ! I I \ 7 .: \ \ 188 .< 1 e• / �y 'o / // 4ox75 \ \ �� \ \ \ 1 65 ,J I } }1� / r°t 148 120: /' '� ; = i:: r �. 149 186 �a� 164 -jo �/�` B p �I I .. :-� NORTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN o 6o 100 i6o 1— ._ 1-44 '— _ I L3 = i4 1155 , --- -_ - '� SCALE 1" 60' �, 1 . I 163 \ 1R1 `� \ Q9 111 193\ 11 I ,^...- C 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 1 hereby cemfy that this plan, specification Print Name: James A. Kalkes, RLA Drawn: )AK Resons:CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson I • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my HARVEST RUN EAST L3 • .engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatIamaduty Signature; A- '&&&— Designed: 3AK 10415 Sunflsh Lake BIVd. Suite 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN of McCain 'surveying Fa%: (763)489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under OTSEGO MN www.carlsonmccaln.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 License b: 45071 Date: 3/26/19 r Ramsey, MN 55303 ,5 SaeO%co a3a f:gete175e1--0\7515-Frvm[nnuAV+4 �'�RVe]a_W,%2pad" r _ _ app YR H -- WON I\ \ JttU MIA LIVU LI (FORALLSHEETS) LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheets) SYM. TYPE SEED MIX xfl'I I BOTNiMNAME ICOMMONHU E ISM I ROOT I QTY.NsT­MATUAF XEY I I BOTANICLMME ICOMMURME Is- IR00T QTY. V t I 194 ` , ^-- _ -t-`_ ---.__ DECIDUOUSTREES HEIGHT HEIGHT ORI ,NTALTREU HEIGHT HEIGHT - ~ �` _ NATIVE WET PRAIRIE MN SEED MIX34-371 sHILOH SPLASH 2-2 �I Y� (� -- -- WO quercus bicolor SWAMP WHITE OAK RB Betula niga'ShlloSplash' 2' BB 28 8' 25' r I ( I 195 j j : 2.5" 88 9 15' so,up RIVER BIRCH �S WETLANDFRINGE MN SEED MIX 33-261 MBWsn us r ` ( ) Amelanchier x grandiRora AUTUMN BRILLIANCE 196 , �+_- t! Gleditsla tdacanthos , $B 2' BB 19 8' 20' 'Autumn Brilliance' x '• }'�-� I HL SHAOEMASTER HONEYLOCUST 2.5' BB 18 10' S0' SERVICEBERRY sc, If `tet' _(-_ - _ - COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHLAND SOD (9EATsooaurucaerMlF) var, inermis'Shademaster' o Q I _ "# 1 97 I I t- - -- - -- "•_` 55 Malus x'spdng5nox� SPRING SNOW CRABAPPLE 2' BB 12 8' 25' u _ - `. _ MNDOT260 MN SEED MIX 2S-131 On MNDQT260& -_---- �•�• '' t ' Tula americano'Boulevard' BOULEVARD LINDEN 2.5° 88 31 15' 6°' WO(2)- �.. --- I �— I I I I 198 ) -I._ ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY BL to SUx6U '{-- WO(2)_ L - I I ' I 199 T rr.%'!` CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TL Sydnga Reticulata IAPANESE TREE LILAC 2• BB 6 8• 20'� ' G I d-- _� - # > r'�' ' ' ,!!, !! SODDED, OR RETENTION BASINS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) 5OX60 SEE "TYPICAL STREET SECTION" ���tttjjj��� ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN HB : �y Celtis occidentalis HACKBERRY 2.5" BB 43 15' 50' —vV�--- ' MESIC GENERAL ROADSIDE MN SEED MIX 25.131 uL ` ( - - FOR SEED/SOD IN THE BOULEVARD = - - _ — FOR GENERAL STABILIZATION (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET EVERGREENTREEs 5"60I - OF PAD AREAS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) ac $M BH Picea glauca var. Densata BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 6' BB 39 6' 40' ( G I 0 ,• - j� ---" HARDWOOD MULCH (NATURAL COLOR) 0Acer saccharum _ gp; _�_- SUGAR MAPLE 2.5" 88 27 14' 50' �'� ' ss w0� -♦I� �- — SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH a Tsuga canadensiz o k60 1 CH CANADIAN HEMLOCK �,,{ G '0x60 I 1/2"CRUSHED GRANITE CRUSHED QUARRY GRANITE RM Acer rubrum'Nothwoods' NORTHHWooDS MAPLE 2.5" 88 49 ib' S0' �' 6' 88 9 s' 40' �� _mac ....•,,_•,• ;�/J 1 1 I / vUG Pinus LLo ,� <�-. • • i / , I A - / SP i sylvestris SCOTCH PINE 6' BB 22 6' S0' `V 1 --� �.L — \ < •'' )- L .. - -- -- - - / / (4 CE \��C Ulmus'Cathedral' CATHEDRAL ELM 2.5" 0B 14 14' 50' A6les Balsamea BALSAM FIR6' 401 I_, I�_ _�--� �-^� n # < •��� . •����� \ •- \ `�. h°t) QU Thl'IEyOWNIN THE PIA_ G/ [REDUCE R@-FORTAF ' RA- 3.'QQ IE. C N qC[ ftITOV FY 4URMTITI SF{O EP -_._ •.`, d � , 240 # � I I 1 • II r I N o I r 261 I '� I I � I J I N n I �I 2§9 ^ 4 II J 0 I ' L ' C r I 258 I �# I ! O I I I / �/ J 1 245 �� 1 / '` I 239 ,� / o -7 ` 2-1/8 � L h /- 238' 219 i r I i 237 / _ '-� LL_ 235 ' I / = I -s � � � r-----� I f — �'_ �- I' � .•.1. ,f' ��220 �� 2L1 236' I� 0x60 I , I 1 �.111 ' /( I IL.� _ J { . ,I LO(2) SWXbU 8ux j ,I 5° I I I SEE"TYPICAL STREET SECTION" I — _-L-I ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN SEED(SODIN THE BOULEVARD 4 �- — A —_ CT .CURQ CUT G 5 :•�. T T ^ R E •a - 4 y E S •< � I / < "�--c:•I.:.:•'•J�..•:•:.:.:.:•:.:..•:�:�:�••: �:�:�. �: �:-: -.t... 15.0.. .: —! - ,_ -_ -- - %• .............. I I I t 1 :`�• I` ` r I�r•A11 r � I I p. , \256, \ // G —G I f G — I I 60x6n I 60 60 I I G I I^ — \ \ \ ( s s7x6p I I 60x60 LO(?) I LO(2) 1 �soxbo I I G v; ' / atto v•. I 111 R I I :! .:. _LO(2)— —LO(_)_ \�'L_ >I I—LO(2)— I 5 5?�— %% : C (• I + sDX60 I I 60X60 L -----J —J I I •'� I --- i I� LC�(2_)_.. I. SEWO L---- I 11\ v/ `2�28 - 2-27 - .L 2 2_6_ r /rI 225 ---_ —_{IL---- I lii�• f i L-_- --I 229 '-224' 255�_- J2— 2 2J _ L ---J rr •' -- —•-.-- •' � G TLOT 0 -- 1� -- I`- �=� `�'�'�'•''' � ----- ----- -- E�w WETLANDr+ L = - j-----��--------- -a ------- -- I -------- ' WETLAND FE d ---- - 72) SF SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN o 60 100 150 aB9,e. <.rwt '' ' s,� IN D) b 11 x � I ADB I IO,91 �T"� 09HMM a. 0 4I 1 SCAM 1' - i I � I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification PrintName: lames A. Kalkes, RLA Drawn: 1AK Revislons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my qn HARVEST RUN EAST L4 • .engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that l am a duty signature: va...Y�A: �'.-14, Designed: 3AK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN Of OMcCaini •surveying Fax; (763)489-7959 UCensedLandscape Architect under D r OTSEGO, MN www. cadsonmccain.com the laws of the state of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 license #: 45071 Date; 3/26/19 Ramsey, MIN 55303 5 s9 r:v"e, Tsst-2seaVs2e-I„rvae,,.�ds �xy,buceVns u+.s:m9eu"9 25 � I 11 6oz6o R IR G I 5OX60 R I I 1 1 \\ II I \ \) - I 252 i. I I 247 ` 248 3M D250 J_-- i i 249 - ' `1 253 I J I 230 I, - 231 1 233 234 1 ` f'./L C�--- \I 1✓. I -LO— SDX60 �' 50x60 I f` 1' I SOXBO I r---- -— 254—LO— • I o J I % LO SOX60 J �! soxsD I G G- __... j G--- I I �/ J 1 245 �� 1 / '` I 239 ,� / o -7 ` 2-1/8 � L h /- 238' 219 i r I i 237 / _ '-� LL_ 235 ' I / = I -s � � � r-----� I f — �'_ �- I' � .•.1. ,f' ��220 �� 2L1 236' I� 0x60 I , I 1 �.111 ' /( I IL.� _ J { . ,I LO(2) SWXbU 8ux j ,I 5° I I I SEE"TYPICAL STREET SECTION" I — _-L-I ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN SEED(SODIN THE BOULEVARD 4 �- — A —_ CT .CURQ CUT G 5 :•�. T T ^ R E •a - 4 y E S •< � I / < "�--c:•I.:.:•'•J�..•:•:.:.:.:•:.:..•:�:�:�••: �:�:�. �: �:-: -.t... 15.0.. .: —! - ,_ -_ -- - %• .............. I I I t 1 :`�• I` ` r I�r•A11 r � I I p. , \256, \ // G —G I f G — I I 60x6n I 60 60 I I G I I^ — \ \ \ ( s s7x6p I I 60x60 LO(?) I LO(2) 1 �soxbo I I G v; ' / atto v•. I 111 R I I :! .:. _LO(2)— —LO(_)_ \�'L_ >I I—LO(2)— I 5 5?�— %% : C (• I + sDX60 I I 60X60 L -----J —J I I •'� I --- i I� LC�(2_)_.. I. SEWO L---- I 11\ v/ `2�28 - 2-27 - .L 2 2_6_ r /rI 225 ---_ —_{IL---- I lii�• f i L-_- --I 229 '-224' 255�_- J2— 2 2J _ L ---J rr •' -- —•-.-- •' � G TLOT 0 -- 1� -- I`- �=� `�'�'�'•''' � ----- ----- -- E�w WETLANDr+ L = - j-----��--------- -a ------- -- I -------- ' WETLAND FE d ---- - 72) SF SOUTH WEST LANDSCAPE PLAN o 60 100 150 aB9,e. <.rwt '' ' s,� IN D) b 11 x � I ADB I IO,91 �T"� 09HMM a. 0 4I 1 SCAM 1' - i I � I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification PrintName: lames A. Kalkes, RLA Drawn: 1AK Revislons: CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC Carlson •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my qn HARVEST RUN EAST L4 • .engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that l am a duty signature: va...Y�A: �'.-14, Designed: 3AK 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN Of OMcCaini •surveying Fax; (763)489-7959 UCensedLandscape Architect under D r OTSEGO, MN www. cadsonmccain.com the laws of the state of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 license #: 45071 Date; 3/26/19 Ramsey, MIN 55303 5 s9 r:v"e, Tsst-2seaVs2e-I„rvae,,.�ds �xy,buceVns u+.s:m9eu"9 U LY .... _ - .............. - 1 aN� ---- , -----. �-- �-_' --- —7RETII11I84 7WALL #1 61! ....•.. ------- _ } r. — "•::•:•:' ,� / G\�` / ' --� �.:tt ��s �n�- RETAJT r � ' I _... � / /f F vy / as ty�5�WALL �\` \\ 208 I j 185 YV 91 /j\�Lo �,/ 207 r — _—F ••/ ,` i �ti��,��P- / n i'�y-"S!�-- —� -� / 209 / �y. f: r/ / \ % re°rr /r, \` fr 0\�4 .•.L •.•� ,.•'% 5OX60 ✓_ \\ \� / / `\\ !! !! `'/ I // t/ / I' I ~O 4 __-_ _- ::I{•' % \ fI / �G\t / / < G \ \ /!J ���\ ! !r 210 190 !, ti� '; ry I�.•.: "' \ by %,\ \ �� \ V `\ BB / / \� Ir r 212 ....... \ / o a 206 r:•: _ — �gl \ �/\�. / /! k'�l\1\ 213 189 I. 50x60 I vi .� ii \ \ ._.i/ �l L. j ' eH �J'••'''''•�'•Y `� % /J Lo 14187 \ -- "� / \ -" �' •'-"-�� \u ::\ /"- SOIoU., .\I f` j 186 \\� �\ �� 10 J !\a% j /J f�j :ti• '\� , / i' °f° U\'' `�/ may` . C,_.i" 1 / ( i ` ,..:}' .•J •. �\ \ i i�' `` I i OUTLOT E z xt Htw ooze ` I / \_ !•. J ::: 1 .I:: - _r ._� \ �—�_ - --_. 10 YR HNL 008.4 `\ �`�\ � I / �� \ ... ! �\ `\�`%,�. � � .• / \\ \ c \. -- 100 YR HVri 010.3 \ �� / ��� 1 �./ • ! `\ �.-., \ C - '� �� I r -, \ 204 192 3 21194 5 / I 203L-- ( I ' 195 ���.��^�I i �-----� 1 lr----, t'•I g `�' I 196 j1k I f 1 I6 y �, ;-: < . 1 \ G 5DX6D iT�f\EGE— 7-5Dx6D—Q I I _»_ .<X6• .0 Nu.LQ II �-- -�W-5.� -o-. x\(s-�o.-')- )-G- �1� II I I `6+0n xs0o B9B ,�I'� � I r1-'fJ/- r� ��-�1_9F7OR y4}' I IsXeE1Exfi0D E—CO�N "� I I —LO— -WO(?)- It )-'r- _—_ W -=O— -- 1- L--. F.--..-2_W00-O _—� I It III/ �',%,_ - We•.o.x �-6 -\, \ x.\ -,"\\�"\c \•r �r;j, f f !j' �• f r.,.. �L//./•/. "amj. • / / �` ` 6�o /. ! ! �i. �\ ! �' 24 2198 201 199 SEE"TYPICALS11151I ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN : / �'•\'\/-•` `%\ ' 1I\ •'=: 1 15 \"r �\ +`'•' 1 ��11 a - I1SEED/SOD IN THE BOULEVARD216 '24350S—G . Q 50X60 I 50Xg0 'I p :'1•: I <• __/ , -- _ `--- - — - j` 244 1 - ' ���� - - -- ,� � •/ I � 1 � .l ��'•,-� ^ �.• '�. ° ,- �01 217 I I — --�f _-_Ln, T I7 yl f � I r- �240 I / : I 0 —LANDSCAPE LEGEND (For All Sheets) BcnrmxAINAME ICWWNNAME SNE I RODT I QTY.NUM KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME sRE pOOT QTY. - (L}I 1-. DEODUCUSMEES HEIGHT HEIGHT THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. OaNAMENTALTREES HEIGHT HEIGHT TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. L5 SCALE 1" = 50' ( • 1i Carlson McCain I. environmental •engineering I ' surveying 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive HE,Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: James A. Kalkes, RLA Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my Phone: (763)489-7900 dlrectsupervision and that Iamaduly Signature: ia', :'k Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under �— www.urisonmccaln.com the taws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 Dense k: 45071 — RB ;ea' Betula nigra'Shllo Splash RIVER BIRCH HARVEST RUN EAST OTSEGO MN r SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 Of / 5 WO Quercus bicolor SWAMPWHITEOAK 2.5" BB 9 IS, SO' Amelanchier x grandi0ora AUTUMN BRILLIANCE 2° 08 - HL HL 2.5' 08 18 10' 50' $g Autumn Brilliance' SERVICEBERRY 19 8' 20 �i �+ � lnealdawnthos var. inermts'Shademaster' SHAOEMASTER HONEYLOCUST $$ Malus x'Spdng Snow SPRING CRABAPPLE 2° BB 12 B' 25' c M�' BL Tllia americana'Boulevard' BOULEVARD LINDEN 2.5" BB 31 15' 60' F t - a TL j L Sydnga Reticulata JAPANESE TREE LILAC 2' BB 6 8' 20' o �t� HB (' COIN occidentalls HACKBERRY 2.5' BB 43 15' S0' MRGREENTREES l4LN� 0 rc SM 0 Acer saccharum SUGAR MAPLE 2.5° BB 27 14' 50' BH Plceaglaucavar.Densata BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 6' BB 39 V 40' t t;uO- CH TS.- canadensis CANADIAN HEMLOCK 6' BB 9 6' 40' cc s RM Acer rubrum'Nothwoods' NORTHHWOODS MAPLE 2.5' BB 49 14' S0' 50 Sp ` - �� Pinus sylvestris SCOTCH PINE 6' BB 22 w S0' u BF Ables II.N. ea BALSAM FIR 13 6' 40' CE � ( Ulmus'Cathedral' CATHEDRAL ELM 2.5' BB 14 14' SO' 6' BB 245 ' / -/ SYM. TYPE SEED MIX / ! •:•� o / � 3 NATIVE WET PRAIRIE MN SEED MIX 34-371 (a0elvsa wa) J \ WETLANDFRINGE MN SEED MIX33-261 COMMERCIALTURF-SOD HIGHLAND SOD (PEATSOU¢ UNACCHPTASLE)- =�'— — NDOT 260 MN SEED MIX 25-1311OMNDOT260) & / �•- •1 J M1D ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY / \J CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SODDED, OR RETENTION BASINS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) MESIC GENERAL ROADSIDE MN SEED MIX 25-131 FOR GENERAL STABILIZATION (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET �J -G / r" ''�I^ ..::;)� �G 219I— OFPAD AREAS FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) �!!!- :•!- J �- 1 / I L ADB / HARDWOOD MULCH (NATURAL COLOR) � l/ `��� :''(n C� SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 1 SOUTH EAST LANDSCAPE PLAN o 60 100 150 a 1/2" CRUSHED GRANITE CRUSHED QUARRY GRANITE Z NTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. L5 SCALE 1" = 50' ( • 1i Carlson McCain I. environmental •engineering I ' surveying 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive HE,Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: James A. Kalkes, RLA Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my Phone: (763)489-7900 dlrectsupervision and that Iamaduly Signature: ia', :'k Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under �— www.urisonmccaln.com the taws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/26/19 Dense k: 45071 — Drawn: )AK Designed: JAK Date: 3/26/19 ;ea' CAPSTONE HARVEST RUN LLC 10415 Sunfish Lake Blvd. Suite 400 r Ramsey, MN 55303 HARVEST RUN EAST OTSEGO MN r SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 Of / 5 [c D3/26llal l:\j t N7661- OX75M-Nu .a \aral d Vabss X7S76_­oa do