ITEM 3.2TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: REPORT DATE ACTION DATE RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 14 May 2019 29 June 2019 Otsego —Great River Centre; Edina Realty Building 101.01 ITEM 3.2 Arrow Companies has submitted plans for development of a 7,155 square foot office building for Edina Realty. The building will be constructed initially as 4,905 square feet with a potential 2,250 square foot addition. The proposed building is to be located at the southeast corner of Parsons Avenue and 87th Street within the Great River Centre of Otsego. The proposed development requires consideration of a PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary and final plat. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 20 May 2019 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Edina Realty Building plan set dated April 29, 2019 (10 sheets) ■ Preliminary Plat ■ Great River Center of Otsego Fifth Addition Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site within the Great River Centre of Otsego for commercial land use as part of the City's primary retail, service, and office area within the community. The proposed office use is consistent with the land uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan and will provide for day -time employment opportunities and market support for surrounding businesses. Zoning. The City Council approved a PUD District for the Great River Centre of Otsego on 13 March 2006. The PUD District is based upon the uses and performance standards as allowed within the B-3, General Business District. Office uses are a permitted use within the PUD District. The area within Great River Center bounded by 87th Street/Quaday Avenue/85th Street/Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) is designated as a Village Center where development is to utilize elements of traditional neighborhood design in both site planning and architecture. Surrounding Land Uses. The table below summarizes land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed office use will be compatible with and complementary to the existing and planned commercial uses within the Great River Centre of Otsego. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial GRC PUD District Target Retail stores East Commercial GRC PUD District Undeveloped South Commercial GRC PUD District Undeveloped West Commercial GRC PUD District Undeveloped Wings Financial Tires Plus Building Design. The proposed building is to be constructed of exterior materials consisting of a stone base, brick sections, EIFS, and large window areas. Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the proposed building utilize brick, stone, and glass for a minimum of 65 percent of the exterior surface. These materials comprise 65.3 percent of the exterior finish of the building and comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The building design features a prominent tower element at the northwest corner presented to the intersection of Parsons Avenue and 871h Street that also incorporates wall signage as a form encouraged by the architectural guidelines for Great River Centre. The architectural guidelines also encourage use of agricultural themed design and materials for principal buildings. To this end, consideration should be given to replacing the proposed EFIS material with a vertical or board -and -batten cement fiberboard siding and use of metal roof materials on the tower and dormer roof sections. The PUD District establishes height envelope limits within Great River Centre to preserve the view corridor of Target from TH 101 and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The subject site is restricted to a maximum building height of 24 feet. The proposed building is to be a single story with a height of 18 feet to the midpoint of the pitched roof, which complies with the PUD District standard. Landscaping. The submitted landscaping plan provides for planting of maple and linden shade trees within the yards of the subject site abutting Parsons Avenue and 87th Street at approximately 60 feet on center. There are crabapple ornamental trees provided within the parking lot area. Thera are also shrubs at the foundation of the building and patio perimeter. 2 We recommend that a hedge row of low growing evergreen or deciduous shrubs be planted along the top side of the 1.5 foot high retaining wall the width of the parking area along 871h Street to provide additional screening of the parked vehicles. The types and sizes of the proposed plantings comply with Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance. There are six existing trees along 87th Street abutting the subject site. The condition of these trees is to be evaluated and any damaged or diseased trees as determined by City staff are to be replaced by the developer. Trees of the same type that comply with the size requirements of Section 11-19-2.B.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance are to be required to be planted within the boulevard along Parsons Avenue. Section 5-2-3.C.2 of the City Code requires that commercial properties provide an inground irrigation system for all yards, parking lot islands, and boulevards adjacent to the lot. The planting note on the landscape plan indicates that an inground irrigation system is to be installed to comply with the City Code. Lot Requirements. There are no minimum lot area or lot width requirements within the PUD District. The only setback established by the PUD District is a 30 foot setback required from Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) The proposed building is to be setback 30 feet from 87th Street and 20 feet from Parsons Avenue to provide a more building forward design for that corner. The proposed building location complies with the requirements and intent of the PUD District. Access. The subject site abuts Parsons Avenue and 87th Street. The proposed access to the site is to be from Parsons Avenue at a location aligned with the existing driveway on the west side of the street. This driveway will be shared by the subject site and future development of Lot 2, Block 1. Documents establishing ingress/egress over the shared driveway are required to be submitted and recorded concurrently with the final plat. The proposed driveway is setback 152 feet from the intersection of Parsons Avenue and 87th Street. This distance exceeds the minimum driveway setback distance required by Section 11- 21-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed driveway is 30 feet wide, which requires approval of the City Engineer based on traffic circulation needs in accordance with Section 11- 21-6.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The width of the proposed driveway matches that for the commercial uses on the west side of Parsons Avenue and is appropriate for a multiple commercial use site. Off -Street Parking. The PUD Design Guidelines recommend placement of off-street parking areas to the side or rear of the principal building. The proposed off-street parking area is to the east of the building, which screens the area from view of Parsons Avenue consistent with the PUD Design Guidelines. The off-street parking area is setback 20 feet from 871h Street and 10 feet from the east property line. The proposed setbacks comply with Section 11-21-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance. 3 Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires office uses to provide 1 off-street parking stall per 200 square feet of net floor area. Net floor area is defined as a 10 percent reduction in the gross floor area of the building by Section 11-21-4.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The table below outlines the calculation of required parking stalls for the proposed use: The site plan provides for 43 off-street parking stalls exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. There are 2 van accessible disability stalls located adjacent to the front entry to the building to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The interior parking stalls are 20 feet deep by 9 feet wide. The perimeter parking stalls are 18 feet deep (with a 2 foot overhang of the curb) by 9 feet wide. All of the parking stalls are accessed by drive aisles that are 24 feet wide. The dimensions of the off-street parking area comply with Section 11-21-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. The off-street parking area is surfaced with a bituminous material as required by Section 11-21- 7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The perimeter of the off-street parking area and interior directional islands have a concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. There is no curb shown on the civil site plan along the south or east edge of the shared driveway. The need for curb in this location prior to development of Lot 2, Block 1 is to be subject to review by the City Engineer. Sidewalks. There is an existing sidewalk along 8711 Street abutting the north line of the subject site. A 5 foot concrete sidewalk is required to be added along Parsons Avenue abutting the subject site. The site plan must be revised to include the sidewalk and connections to the interior sidewalk along the east elevation of the building. Signs. The building elevation plans identify a 22 square foot wall sign located on the north and west elevations of the tower building element and another 22 square foot wall sign located above the building entrance on the east elevation. The area of the proposed signs is within the allowances of Section 11-37-5.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The placement of a wall sign on three of the building elevations is allowed by the PUD District. The site plan does not identify any freestanding sign upon the property. If a freestanding sign is proposed, it must be shown on the site plan with details provided. Consistent with the PUD District design guidelines, a freestanding sign must be constructed as a monument using materials consistent with the principal building, with an area not to exceed 64 square feet or a height not to exceed 18 feet. 4 Gross Area Net Area Stalls Required Required Stalls Phase 1 4,905sf. 4,415sf. 1 stall/ 200sf. 23 Phase 2 2,250sf. 2,205sf. 12 Total 35 The site plan provides for 43 off-street parking stalls exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. There are 2 van accessible disability stalls located adjacent to the front entry to the building to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The interior parking stalls are 20 feet deep by 9 feet wide. The perimeter parking stalls are 18 feet deep (with a 2 foot overhang of the curb) by 9 feet wide. All of the parking stalls are accessed by drive aisles that are 24 feet wide. The dimensions of the off-street parking area comply with Section 11-21-7.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. The off-street parking area is surfaced with a bituminous material as required by Section 11-21- 7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The perimeter of the off-street parking area and interior directional islands have a concrete curb as required by Section 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. There is no curb shown on the civil site plan along the south or east edge of the shared driveway. The need for curb in this location prior to development of Lot 2, Block 1 is to be subject to review by the City Engineer. Sidewalks. There is an existing sidewalk along 8711 Street abutting the north line of the subject site. A 5 foot concrete sidewalk is required to be added along Parsons Avenue abutting the subject site. The site plan must be revised to include the sidewalk and connections to the interior sidewalk along the east elevation of the building. Signs. The building elevation plans identify a 22 square foot wall sign located on the north and west elevations of the tower building element and another 22 square foot wall sign located above the building entrance on the east elevation. The area of the proposed signs is within the allowances of Section 11-37-5.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The placement of a wall sign on three of the building elevations is allowed by the PUD District. The site plan does not identify any freestanding sign upon the property. If a freestanding sign is proposed, it must be shown on the site plan with details provided. Consistent with the PUD District design guidelines, a freestanding sign must be constructed as a monument using materials consistent with the principal building, with an area not to exceed 64 square feet or a height not to exceed 18 feet. 4 Exterior Lighting. The developer has submitted an exterior lighting plan for the subject site. Light intensity measured at the west and north property line is limited to 0.4 foot-candles, which the lighting plan complies with. The specifications for the freestanding lighting fixtures shows that the light source is to be a LED with a horizontal shield mounted on a 25 foot high poll. The freestanding lights comply with Section 11-16-6.C.3.a and Section 11-16-6.C.4.a(1) of the Zoning Ordinance. There are decorative LED lighting sconces on the building at the entrance and on the north and west elevations of the tower element. The specifications for these fixtures must include a full horizontal shield as required by Section 11-16-6.C.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance. Trash Enclosure. The site plan includes a storage area for exterior trash and recycling containers on the east side of the off-street parking area. The trash enclosure is setback 10 feet from the east property line. The proposed enclosure uses materials consistent with the exterior finish of the principal building and is 7.75 feet tall. The proposed enclosure complies with the requirements of Section 11-18-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, Utilities. The subject site is to be served by City sewer and water utilities within the East Sewer District. The developer must pay sewer and water availability charges for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 at the time of final plat approval as these were not paid with the final plat approval for Great River Centre of Otsego. Sewer and water connection charges for Lot 1, Block 1 will be paid based on the area of the proposed building at the time a building permit is issued. The utility plan for connection to City sewer and water utilities is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the subject site. The proposed grading plan and all stormwater management and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. A drainage and utility easement is shown to be dedicated at the perimeter of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. A 32 foot wide drainage and utility easement overlays the shared driveway for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1. from Parsons Avenue. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The subject site exists as a platted lot. Park dedication requirements for the platted lots within Great River Centre of Otsego were satisfied at the time of final plat approval. No additional park dedication is required for the proposed preliminary and final plat subdividing the subject site. Development Agreement. The proposed preliminary and final plat involves public improvements and connections to City utilities. The developer is required to enter into a development agreement with the City as provided for by Section 10-10-4 of the Subdivision E Ordinance. Approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan, including conditions thereof, is also to be addressed within the development agreement in accordance with Section 11-36-4.D.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Development Agreement is to be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Edina Realty office building and site plan complies with the requirements of the Great River Centre PUD District, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a preliminary/final plat for Great River Centre of Otsego Fifth Addition and PUD Development Stage Plan for Lot 1, Block 1 subject to the following conditions: 1. The exterior materials of the proposed building are revised to provide vertical fiber cement siding in place of the proposed EFIS material and use metal seamed roof materials on the tower and dormer roof sections. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised subject to review and approval of City staff to: Plant a hedge row of low growing evergreen or deciduous shrubs that comply with comply with Section 11-19-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance along the top side of the 1.5 foot high retaining wall the width of the parking area along 87th Street. b. Replace and trees within the 871h Street boulevard as determined by City staff. C. Plant the same or similar species tree within the boulevard of Parsons Avenue as is planted within the 87th Street boulevard. 3. Concrete curb shall be installed along the south side of the shared private driveway for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 as determined by the City Engineer. 4. A 5 foot concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along Parsons Avenue abutting Lot 1, Block 1, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 0 The site plan shall be revised to provide concrete sidewalk connections between the sidewalk along the east elevation of the building and public sidewalks on 871h Street and Parsons Avenue. One freestanding sign constructed as a monument structure with materials consistent with that of the principal building having an area of up to 64 square feet and height of up to 18 feet shall be allowed for Lot 1, Block 1. 7. All exterior light fixtures shall have a horizontal shield to cast light downward as required by Section 11-16-6.C.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The developer shall pay sewer and water availability charges for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1 at the time of final plat approval. 9. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, 12. The developer shall execute a development agreement, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Steve Fisher, Arrow Companies Russ Rosa, Rosa Architectural Group, Inc. 7 Great River Centre Fifth Addition Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑c ❑ t �❑ Parcels Main Office: Hdk4 O dnson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Anderson www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Charles W. Plowe, Plowe Engineering, Inc. 2111 Century Bank FROM: Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Brent Larson, P.E. DATE: May 16, 2019 RE: Great River Centre of Otsego 5th Addition (Edina Realty)— Preliminary and Final Plat Submittal Review We have reviewed the following information provided by Plowe Engineering, Inc, dated 4/30/19, for Great River Centre of Otsego 5th Addition: Certificate of Survey, by E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Preliminary Plat Final Plat Civil Grading and Construction Plans HydroCAD Report Landscaping Plan, by Rosa Architectural Group, Inc. The submittal is to be considered for preliminary and final plat acceptance and therefore must meet all requirements pertaining to both. We would offer the following comments: Preliminary Plat 1. The preliminary plat shall include the following additional existing condition information: a. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. b. Total area of the proposed plat. c. Location, size, and elevations (including inverts) of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. d. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. e. Locations and results of soil borings, percolation tests, etc. f. Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 115B.02, Subd 8. g. Geotechnical data. 2. The benchmark listed is 1988. Most projects and as -built plan in Otsego are based on the May 16, 2019 Page 2 1929 datum. Verify that any elevations used from any provided as -built plans are on the same datum. Provide an equation relating the 1988 and 1929 datum in this area. Final Plat 3. Additional hydrant coverage will be necessary for the proposed building. All hydrants and watermain shall be covered by 20' easements centered on the pipe. Civil Plans Title Sheet 4. Provide a benchmark and datum for the project on each plan sheet. See comments #2 for addition requirements. 5. Provide a contact person and their contact information for the developer. 6. Provide an approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, City Engineer. Civil Site Plan 7. The sheet tile is incorrectly labeled. 8. Additional hydrant coverage will be necessary for the proposed building. Hydrants shall have a maximum 300' (150' radius) spacing in commercial districts. 9. Label the infiltration basin's NWL, 2 -yr, 10 -yr and 100 -yr HWL elevations (all sheets). 10. A concrete valley gutter at the entrance to Parson Avenue is required (mirror west side entrance). 11. Concrete curb and gutter is required on the south side of the proposed road in to Lot 1. 12. Above Standard lights shall be installed on the east side of Parsons Avenue abutting Lot 1. Grading, Drainage, Esc & Utility Plan 1. Additional erosion and sediment control measure are needed (no silt fence or inlet protection is shown). A SWPPP is not required but the site still shall provide erosion and sediment control BMPs. The catch basins along Parsons Avenue shall also have inlet protection devices installed during construction of Lot 1. 2. The infiltration basin shall be protected from construction traffic. 3. Additional hydrant coverage will be necessary for the proposed Hakanson ■■ Anderson May 16, 2019 Page 3 building. Hydrants shall have a maximum 300' (150' radius) spacing in commercial districts. A profile of the necessary watermain shall be included in the plans. 4. Label the infiltration basin's NWL, 2 -yr, 10 -yr and 100 -yr HWL elevations (all sheets). 5. A concrete valley gutter at the entrance to Parson Avenue is required (mirror west side entrance). Connection to the existing street will require removal of existing curb and gutter. Prior to the final lift on the new entrance street the existing street shall have an 18" wide patch along this new curb to stagger the bituminous joints. 6. Concrete curb and gutter is required on the south side of the proposed road in to Lot 1. 7. Above Standard lights shall be installed on the east side of Parsons Avenue abutting Lot 1. 8. Verity insulation is not required over the sanitary sewer service. 9. It is unclear why so many different storm sewer pipe types are being used. Please clarify. 10. Infiltration testing results are required after construction to verify final results. Have infiltration tests been completed on site to verify design? 11. There is a low point in the middle of the north parking lot curb line but no outlet. Please verify and revise. Stormwater Management 1. The existing Great River Centre stormwater management plan accounted for the full built out of the entire Great River Centre. Therefore, only the new NPDES requirement of infiltrating the first 1.1" rainfall from newly created impervious area is required to be done onsite. The proposed infiltration basin appears to provide the required treatment volume. 2. A "draw down" calculation shall be provided for the infiltration basin. The water quality volume draw down time shall not exceed 48 hours. 3. A 5' wide broad crested weir is being modeled but does not show up in the construction plans. Please clarify as it appears this weir is needed for the 10 and 100 -yr storm events. Summary and/or Recommendation We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. 11]Hakanson Anderson EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROJECT TEAM DEVELOPER CIVIL ENGINEER ARROW COMPANIES PLOWE ENGINEERING, INC. 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N., SUITE 335 6776 LAKE DRIVE, SLATE 110 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 LINO LAKES, MN 55014 ARCHITECT SURVEYOR ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. E.G. RUD & SONS, INC. 1084 STERLING STREET N 6776 LAKE DRIVE, SLATE 110 ST. PAUL, MN 55119 LINO LAKES, MN 55014 SHEET INDEX ARCHITECTURAL T1.1 TITLE SHEET A1.1 SITE PLAN A2.1 FLOOR PLAN A3.1 COLORED ELEVATIONS L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN SURVEY CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY CIVIL C1 TITLE SHEET, NOTES & LEGEND C2 CIVIL SITE PLAN C3 GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN C4 DETAILS Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 SterkV Street St. Paul, Mmesota 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN kk ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763,424.7980 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TNI' PINI, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERd5ION AND THAT I AM ADULY UCETbED FROF65101N1 UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PVN PECIFICATAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY M�DER MY DIRECT SIAERJSgN AIA THAT 1 AM pS(T.(ENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF \` YY;NHESOTA 4/7 ua „� 18939 PROJECT NUMBER: 21909 DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN BY: KF CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: TITLE SHEET T1.1 0 COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP NE 87TH STREET I I I I I I I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 9 If 9 _ PATIO : 10 I 'I POSSIBLE IT _ FUTURE II ADDITION II I III - IS' -4• Y I f I I MATCH - I I I PROPERTY — I LINE a I I I I m I - MATCH I I 1 91TE PLAN � I� DR ILITY ,' rASM"E w 3/32" I'-0" EASEMENT NORTH N89042'53"E 240.00 18 28 39 19 29 40 20 1 30 41 21 1 31 42 22 1 32 — LIGHT POLE TVP. 43 SITE INFORMATION SITE AREA - 40,434 SF. REQUIRED PARKING = 4,905 SF. / 200 = 2453 STALLS BUILDING AREA = 4,905 SF. PROVIDED STALLS 43 STALLS Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St Pain "Wesota 55119 tet 851--739-7988 fax 851-739-3185 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763.424.7980 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPEIM ION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY LICENSED PROFTS901VL UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. aR. RED N�. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN.$PECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY M DER MY DIRECT SwERNSgN AND TINT I FH (. ED ARGfIECT UNDER THE LAWS OF1 6\ FYWjNNESOTA PROJECT NUMBER: 21909 DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN BY: KF CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: EXTEN EXTENSION SITE PLAN ------ Alil 0 COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP - � 230.00 - LINE i PRorERrr :Y -------i-- - - - - - - - . -------------------- / 9 Y DRAINAGE E UTILITY I 9 m y •O" O•'O' EASEMENT i I i - W .1211TAL BLOCK I I in RETAINING WALL SEE CIVIL DUGS. 33 I------------ I I I ----------� I 8 v I m 2 34 7mtm' I I --- 3 a <� o ❑, 35 EXIST, SANITARY � L SEALER STUB 1 3'•6• 1 I I I I I I q 13 23 36 I O O PRor ERrc LINE EXIST. I WATER eTUB PROPOSED + 5 � 14 24 3I I I BUILDING I I z g 15 25 38 3 Ito j 1 I Ln I tp ao ��b O ❑ L!Ln I+ ' 1 6 6 26--4-j I 'VA O - J r� to I TRASH O Irl IO 11 27 I zlI I 1 73'•6' 66'-b�j' T'-1✓T S'-0` 8 IS' -0• 24'-0• � 70'-0' 20'-0' 74'-0' W-9)" I I I I I I I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9 9 If 9 _ PATIO : 10 I 'I POSSIBLE IT _ FUTURE II ADDITION II I III - IS' -4• Y I f I I MATCH - I I I PROPERTY — I LINE a I I I I m I - MATCH I I 1 91TE PLAN � I� DR ILITY ,' rASM"E w 3/32" I'-0" EASEMENT NORTH N89042'53"E 240.00 18 28 39 19 29 40 20 1 30 41 21 1 31 42 22 1 32 — LIGHT POLE TVP. 43 SITE INFORMATION SITE AREA - 40,434 SF. REQUIRED PARKING = 4,905 SF. / 200 = 2453 STALLS BUILDING AREA = 4,905 SF. PROVIDED STALLS 43 STALLS Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St Pain "Wesota 55119 tet 851--739-7988 fax 851-739-3185 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763.424.7980 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPEIM ION AND THAT 1 AM A DULY LICENSED PROFTS901VL UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. aR. RED N�. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN.$PECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY M DER MY DIRECT SwERNSgN AND TINT I FH (. ED ARGfIECT UNDER THE LAWS OF1 6\ FYWjNNESOTA PROJECT NUMBER: 21909 DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN BY: KF CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: EXTEN EXTENSION SITE PLAN ------ Alil 0 COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 62'-1 1/2" Ib' -b• I I I I r-- – – – – – --- --- ---------------------------------------L —1 I t 1, I, I, OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE i, OFFICE II I, I I I I OPEN If\ /1I OFFICE I� OFFICE SERV, 11 6 OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE MECO-I./ OFFICE STOR. I I I I I I ill FUTURE ADDITION TITLE CONSULT I ul I O FZLLUr—F= I ill OFFICE 3I 0 °1 2r -m• I RECEPT. OA y:0 F ° I III 0 0 CLOSET I I III I I I I FIRE I It I I SPRINKLER ROOM CONFERENCE LOBBY I I IIII PA 10 I I I I III ® ® I ❑ ❑ OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE I I III I VEST. I I I IIL_– _ ____ __I__ =11 IT I I I II i ♦ 11 `--- -------.".t-- �-"-----------1-- --------- 1U .-------- --------------I--_..I.----------------- ---- I I I I L'-- ---------- J 26'-5" 16'.3 I/!' 19'-1 IR' (7) PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN o� 3/16° = II -w (ON 2436 SHEET) _�� PROPOSED BUILDING AREA = 4,905 S.F. 0 Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55119 tel.• 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN r ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763.424.7980 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS RAIL, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SWMSIDN AND O THAT I AU A OULY LK06 PROFESSIONAL UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FPRR ILNC Glr. HSG ip. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS RAN'rCIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY NE IDER MY OIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM SEE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF [ZN ESOTA. scAm ` ate, 4/2 xa w 18039 PROJECT NUMBER: 21909 DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN BY: JL CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN A2, 1 0 COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP r I COLORED ELEVATION - EAST A" 1/8" =1'-0' (ON 2436 SHEET) i COLORED ELEVATION - NORTH NT 118" =11-0' (ON 2436 SHEET) *141,04/12 11JA 142A7fry• Iri'I&1(11!35 HIC/A'.15J. /'3 COLORED ELEVATION - WEST A9' 1/8" =1'-0" (ON 2436 SHEET) s , COLORED ELEVATION -EAST A" 3/16' =1'-0" (ON 2436 SHEET) 6',, COLORED ELEVATION -NORTH 7 COLORED ELEVATION - WEST 8 COLORED ELEVATION - SOUTH A31 j 3/16" = V-0" (ON 2436 SHEET) A11 3/16" =1'-0" (ON 2436 SHEET) A3I ' 3/16'= T-0" (ON 2436 SHEET) Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Sterling Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55119 tel: 651-739-7988 fax: 651-739-3165 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763.424.7980 »YIM P" Idol I 14 A 0111 f 1._f14 V 1 1 1 1"AS Ci 1111 'I­ 4 IAil I' I 4l29. - - 18039. _ PROJECT_ NUMBER: __ 219_09 DAIL: _APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN EY: JL CHECKED D1': RR Ftr Vl tilt )IJS: COLORED ELEVATIONS A3.1 C COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP NE 87TH STREET EXISTWG TREE TTP. %.NIT UST: Sit. PlmlhS. iKK � bw F 1n• `SOD BOTH SIDES Cr- @FILTRATION b I nw= u SOD BASIN TO ELEV. 861 / SEE CIVIL 1-1K w RNU65 ELEV. ebl 4 SEE CIVIL DII.YsS. I D ObM. 1_1n M.Y w.e.M Mtn' =u/i Nw,wµ. MHM' WwM NM. 0 D INFILTRATION BASIN.norm BASIN .BOT. OF SOD I C I I l � n,r} mNnM, ,,.n YAm' MOa AMNw "E_�10Y' ua'n'A.1O_o nm`'� Nu.co=oil �uCO1�""O1vwr DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL ROFILTRATION o ma,., a• .mayA 3 I D PC I 3 D 4 I 5 am - Qa I D FEI> �(E] D I 3 C HARDWOOD 5 I 00 4 MULCH C 4 00 mi 6010 - ooPROPOSED FIR POSED EUILDINCs W I s z I o •, I G I i 3 TR SOD I p WARDD p 51 MULCI4 LLV BLACK VINYL EDGE TVP. I D fo4 I 3 Q I 8oD II PATIO: (� (n BOD FUTURE ADDITION D I Q I D 2 CIL 2 14ARDUJOOO 80D 3 SOD MULCH SOD BOTH SIDES OF I <❑ o ❑> IPFILTRATION BASIN TO EL V. 061 / SEE =. CIVIL FOR I SEED MIX • BOT. OF ABM PC .. INFILTRATION BASIN � I I ¢ 4 N89Y42'53"E -- -- -- -- - I I I - 2402- .00 -- I I I I I SITE INFORMATION SITE SOD AREA = IIJIJI SP. SITE SEED AREA = 3,233 Sr. n LANDSCAPE= PLAN Lu vire = v -v NORTH %.NIT UST: Sit. PlmlhS. iKK � bw F 1n• � b nw= u Fua. w.ww. A.N.A. aaw. 1-1K w RNU65 ELEV. ebl 4 SEE CIVIL DII.YsS. CAL h1 D ObM. 1_1n M.Y w.e.M Mtn' =u/i Nw,wµ. MHM' WwM NM. 0 INFILTRATION BASIN.norm I 'Y •w r l � 1 uosv�n sd I I l � n,r} mNnM, ,,.n YAm' MOa AMNw "E_�10Y' ua'n'A.1O_o nm`'� Nu.co=oil �uCO1�""O1vwr DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL o ma,., a• .mayA PIANTND NOTES F • aw►w1.Y ...r -,.1w 4 ...ww. lr,w y M 1. _ r wwr...nY P_Ya w.r,w. wYF � .AA w +w F.M wFN nw. vr. MYN�w Ar .,.atiw_(. a,wl 1, y •-r.l-i .M. � EwwrH M Irr '�iu.�. +mow _w= v,_wm�i Ian, � 1 tl�Y'�'p/••u rwn Ywww.nr y.r n,� . I iKK � bw F 1n• � b nw= u SOD BOTH SIDES OF INFILTRATION BASIN TO ELEV. ebl 4 SEE CIVIL DII.YsS. FOR SEED MIX • BOT. OF INFILTRATION BASIN.norm I 'Y •w r l � 1 uosv�n sd I I l � "E_�10Y' ua'n'A.1O_o nm`'� Nu.co=oil �uCO1�""O1vwr DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL N Imy SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Rosa Architectural Group Inc. 1084 Storing Street St. PaI4 Mmesota 55119 tet 651-739-7988 fax 651-739-3185 EDINA REALTY BUILDING OTSEGO, MN ARROW 7365 KIRKWOOD COURT N. SUITE 335 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 P: 763.424.6355 F: 763.424.7980 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT APERASION AND TNT 1 All A DULY LICENSED PROFES90tV1 UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FAM NYC salm I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS P PECFIGTION, OFT REPORT WAS PREPARED BY M 0 OER MY DIRECT SUPEFMSION AND THAT 1 AM (� ENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF \ IrNESOTA Haff .(\L r SA 9p11D 4R �a �, 10039 PROJECT NUMBER: 21909 DATE: APRIL 29, 2019 DRAWN BY: KF CHECKED BY: RR REVISIONS: LANDSCAPE PLAN Ll il ® COPYRIGHT 2019 ROSA ARCHITECTURAL GROUP CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY for- 21 ST CENTURY BANK -of- Arrow Companies Parcel VICINITY MAP PART OF SEC. 22, TWP. 121, RNG. 23 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - i Lot 1, Block 3, GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO ci COUHERBV 93rd Si. �• ,9Jrd CIR. SECOND ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. U= ST NORTH y 4F [. ..dry• �N _- NE 87TH STREET -'TURN LANE ONLY' AND NO PARK NG g6Y' SIGN LEGEND NOTES \ *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED - Field survey was completed by E.G. Rud and Sons, Inc. W 16] /m. }2�' nPST ADO*" O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED RLS# 41578 on 04/23/19. 9MIIE4 ❑ DENOTES CATCH BASIN - Bearings shown are on Wright County datum. Iv © DENOTES CABLE PEDESTAL JJJJ ST N1 �- J ] .w sszYf DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION - Parcel ID Number: 118252003010. r 3.l + •e6] 0a 6?t® 0'186 6®�� < `5 xa DENOTES HYDRANT It 87TH STREET " ST. z _ O DENOTES LIGHT POLE - Curb shots are taken at the top and back of curb. nE 0110PPD1 AT-J- PC Os DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE This survey was prepared with the benefit of title work. �013EO6 < - DENOTES SIGN Title commitment File No. 55709, prepared by ��\• w STR�Ef DENOTES STORM SEWER APRON Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as Issuing agent for Old I 04 DENOTES WATER VALVE Republic National Title Insurance Company, was used to 06up9fA supplement this survey. n ip DENOTES 6 INCH CALIPER TREE .,_...'230.0 ... .. ,... DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS i > DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 663 0 .. -__ DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER -___ _._.- ....... ......_......_.__. __-- I DENOTES EXISTING WATER MAIN 63.2 T- - DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE 'I T- •'7 L' - - J DEN OTES CONCRETE SURFACE :•863.0 . abzz ,86}J 86x3 efiy6• VICINITY MAP PART OF SEC. 22, TWP. 121, RNG. 23 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA (NO SCALE) `197 Professional Land Surveyors www.egrud.com 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361-8200 Fax (651) 361-8701 . uu , 1. ii is:lozl iri.i ,.l a.nc; J � jJQ86i31 1 oz �aq UNIQ S i 94th SL ci COUHERBV 93rd Si. �• ,9Jrd CIR. - U= ST e =90°090]]'00" y 4F [. ..dry• �N _- NE 87TH STREET -'TURN LANE ONLY' AND NO PARK NG g6Y' SIGN msom rn Ra r p IA •Y \ \ I �wsr 9011, 5T. NF k'ir '104 . W 16] /m. }2�' nPST ADO*" -H3 9MIIE4 �, .. .,.• C. SA 9 a 89th 8T. IIE I LLL';88th I 0•t ��j JJJJ ST N1 �- J 88th �T R�[r 1`- a f1£n y lRfll 9� d ST. i r 3.l + •e6] 0a 6?t® 0'186 6®�� < `5 xa Z 9.P,i o It 87TH STREET " ST. z _ ! THE SHOPPO ATS y Rnsn axes _ at� a tt nE 0110PPD1 AT-J- PC � 2yulnr v �013EO6 < - ItlE-<- �H ��\• w STR�Ef IS - 1 wo Li e6f} .4- : b 49, 2:.:6 -:;: 4 ,... µ PA6 9 . • N' :.� A P dd' ..••861 d• ..:.' --1 .) > WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA (NO SCALE) `197 Professional Land Surveyors www.egrud.com 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361-8200 Fax (651) 361-8701 . uu , 1. ii is:lozl iri.i ,.l a.nc; J � jJQ86i31 1 oz �aq UNIQ I I BENCHMARK ELEVATION: 862.984 (NAVD88) le .96ze •�� I `. •�� DRAINAGE AND LMLTrY EASEMENT _ ---- 4- •862.2 1 PER PLAT OF GREAT RIVER CENTRE WA P . . OF 075EG0 SECOND ADDITION 10 I.i i j me 15 • __________________ I 1 - I _---_--•662.2 tnJ ) •661A L______________�,71_-- --___ btb__ 26 6}0 is -_- 6�--_-- _-y5 y e 6 589'42'53"W 482.87 •96x.6 - p'Y GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 Is 30 60 120 I INCH = 30 FLET I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1A50( N E. RUD Date: 04/25/19 License No. 41578 'JJ a6] ae I.. S 966 dA ed• 61 ab]' � oM .: ..41• 1 e =90°090]]'00" 864 NE 87TH STREET -'TURN LANE ONLY' AND NO PARK NG g6Y' SIGN / R=IO.Oy................ f 15,71 N89"42'53"E 472.87 1�1� 6eA.,..n �2 2 I # 4 4 I 4B6]A 066.5 ... .............. 4! �IU 66 ®0 06 f�B61.8 O$# e6A> .1 �e61 3.l + •e6] 0a 6?t® 0'186 6®�� < `5 xa 86].00 - 4 !STOP S GN -= - �f' 'U 1 \ S� ' V- '4} . ' 7.: .662.] ��\• i e6f} .4- : b 49, 2:.:6 -:;: 4 ,... µ •, ey 9 . • N' :.� A P dd' ..••861 d• ..:.' ..'. ib ..'� i. 66.°.. \M" ab> ,�'9. A6 \ t� .: j60 •• �. 961p6 •_..dt 06up9fA 86616 n `-- .Ja r .,_...'230.0 .. ........ 4287 .... ...-� .... ... 28962.06 i 663 0 .. -__ 664...... __ -___ _._.- ....... ......_......_.__. __-- -------- _b�, �b6}Z--- .662.1.- •e6Ll bi.0 '� •0641 63.2 66}90 'I ,(66}.6... .e6}A •661.1 :•863.0 . abzz ,86}J 86x3 efiy6• .... ............._.:....._.. ............ .... 6 41.g0 n 863x6 10 _..... a61n LAND FOR SALE SIGN g63....."- P6;L............. .861.6 +66].51 6166 863.M I ....._..................... •'} eti � I $ ; 6 � •961.1 461.1. :;B�e'a6.4'; •461.1 •861A fiefiib •464] •46},9 •863.2 �� .861.2 43 - 861.21 .662.6 I •e iJ ` •e62A •6fi1.b •862.2: � x4640 -- ``�� 6 � � I PROPOSED LOT 1 � JF ems 40,434 S.F. _ '`,.... -.0 61J i' (0.9�ACRES) .Qp ...., Il _ 1 I I •862.6 •961A •8649 g .6648 .a6z1 •4p.9.., ` KoK 6 •661.1 •86}.2 662.x2 � n G .962.9 •862.9 .862.1 •861-3 861.5 11 1 m n 8628. I •. 0625 862.s9 N69 -42'33-E .661,1 .661.2 •e61.6 •es1.s '661.5 i •.e6zo ID - O 240.00 1 661-3 .861 5 .0611 c y , I.961.6 •86x.9 •96].0!f1 -162.2 .961.2 .061.1 I PROPOSED DIVISION LINE E 66� I to < 662.66 -Qwafi PROPOSED LOT 2 153,684 S.F. . I� 96x6 I e5z.i _ e 9 ae' JI 1 (3.53 ACRES) •e61.e .9619 •661.] 061.0 i C tri 661.5 I n % � � I .': .061.5 •061.6 .0616 •861.5 � x� ` u I I •OGAt 9862.6 •e6}A •961.9 I .8616 t. b .66:A I •6622 i z ... W Z\ 4 a .... .. ......... •861-3. .661.2 ' _..- .e611 +16x.6 r ().1 ar �Bro v I ..., �.•.. � ..... ....... ....66t..... •eso.e '� I - n .86x6 �.e65 •66x8 .e6z9 •461.1 ... •2601 • e6a 9 .8629 ••. 0609 .460.9 .................... ..... ...................... ... ............................ ......... i ; I I to Z I 96663.0 3 I -qt. •9611 ' rOr��� �L I n �� as •8611 •6626 1' `l I I y ........... .... ...................... ...... .861.9 li.R K1.9 _.... 06]0 .963Q.:...... _ '._ '. 864xx 466}.) •.. I •e6i.e ,86:.6 i ....:........ •862.9 i163A •...�l:r ... ......... B6}•x .662 • ....... .... .............. 862.8. .66:A I;•.t �^ ®80.22 -: 1 Iv�2 I 663A2 II I ��. ( .8649 xeu9 +ws9 e62A .es:.: .i6i.a .962.9 •46}:! „YO........ �3......._.. .e6z.91 •66z2 I I BENCHMARK ELEVATION: 862.984 (NAVD88) le .96ze •�� I `. •�� DRAINAGE AND LMLTrY EASEMENT _ ---- 4- •862.2 1 PER PLAT OF GREAT RIVER CENTRE WA P . . OF 075EG0 SECOND ADDITION 10 I.i i j me 15 • __________________ I 1 - I _---_--•662.2 tnJ ) •661A L______________�,71_-- --___ btb__ 26 6}0 is -_- 6�--_-- _-y5 y e 6 589'42'53"W 482.87 •96x.6 - p'Y GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 Is 30 60 120 I INCH = 30 FLET I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1A50( N E. RUD Date: 04/25/19 License No. 41578 EDINA REALTY TITLE SHEET, NOTES & LEGEND OTSEGO, MINNESOTA MENU —i— alw EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - —ra— EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE — cet EXISTING UNDERGROUND CABLE PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE' ® EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TEL E EXISTING ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE ® E%[STING CABLE PEDESTAL Q PROPOSED FLARED -END SECTION EXISTING UTILITY POLE PROPOSED GATE VALVE {I EXISTING LIGHT POLE 0 »— EXISTING STORM SEWER PROPOSED CONTOUR —930— EXISTING WATER MAIN )4920.60 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING SANITARY SEWER (GURERDH E, -- DUHINOUSSURFACE, OR GROUIID SURFACE SU FACE, EH EXISTING FORCEMWN —S— ®EXISTING STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE ❑ m EXISTING CATCH BASIN O ( EXISTING FLARED -END SECTION PROPOSED RIP -RAP tz EXISTING GATE VALVE OPROPOSED INLET PROTECTION EXISTING HYDRANT PROPOSED HEAVY-DUTY PAVEMENT ® EXISTING WELL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ............. 9l0 ............ EXISTING CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION x y! EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION (MATCH INTO ELEVATION) D EXISTING BITUMINOUS D EXISTING BITUMINOUS (TO BE REMOVED) EXISTING TREES EXISTING TREES (TO BE REMOVED) oxo EXISTING RETAINING WALL EXISTING FENCE —WET— EXISTING WETLAND —i— PROPOSED WATER PIPE —�� PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PIPE —JPS PROPOSED STORM SEWER PIPE — PROPOSED DRAINTILE AND CLEAN-OUT — ELEC — PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE' —GAS— PROPOSED GAS SERVICE' TEL PROPOSED TELEPHONE SERVICE ' PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE ❑ PROPOSED CATCH BASII Q PROPOSED FLARED -END SECTION I:g PROPOSED GATE VALVE PROPOSED HYDRANT 0 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE —928— PROPOSED CONTOUR —930— )4920.60 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION (GURERDH E, -- DUHINOUSSURFACE, OR GROUIID SURFACE SU FACE, VNLESS OTHERWISE IRDICATEU) —S— PROPOSED SILT FENCE 4.111, PROPOSED DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE D PROPOSED BITUMINOUS O PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED RIP -RAP O PROPOSED FILTRATION MEDIA OPROPOSED INLET PROTECTION PROPOSED HEAVY-DUTY PAVEMENT PROPOSED ENKAMAT atntIM HuM THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS CONCERNING TYPE AND LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HIS OWN DETERMINATION AS TO TYPE AND LOCATION OF UTILITIES AS NECESSARY TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THESE UTILITIES. CALL "811" FOR EXISTING UTILITIES LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SIZE, ELEVATION, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND WATER MAIN AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO THE START OF INSTALLATIONS. INSTALLATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL PLATES. TME CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE INTERRUPTION OF ANY SEVIER OR WATER SERVICES TO EXISTING HOMES OR BUSINESSES. STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON PUBLIC STREETS OR WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTIFY CITY A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE LINES SMALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS. ALL UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. GO Know whars below. Call before you dig. VICINITY MAP URAWN BY: UESIUN BY: C.M. C.W.P. CHCKD BY: PROJ. NO. ORIGINAL DATE- APRIL ATEAPRIL 30, 2019 SHEET INDEX C1 TITLE SHEET, NOTES & LEGEND C2 CIVIL SITE PLAN C3 GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN C4 DETAILS EI aA� ngo �0 v m Z OOEiIc t 7 3yw� a m N � r a O SteveFischer �71 SITE PLANNING h ENGINEERING PLOWS ENGINEERING, INC. 6776 LAKE DRIVE SUITE 110 LINO LAKES, hIN 55014 PHONE: (651) 361F210 cl EX. 18" RCP 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 3.39I :I 3I r - < ,If t+n ryj'y.. ..<1 . _%... W. ,5 15 <1 9.W ,) 1'�, lI,�. ' I 605 'p. •14 CURB & GUTTER --MEbIANI C (TYP) . . ]I 90i0f]ry0 ol uo.00 Itl 3' WIDE CURB PROPOSED DIVISION LINE --' . G _-_- WAS a •Bns •861.5 ------------------ -'.11 -i<I e -- -_I.-< - -" - -- -- B n.a.1x6 -9 •.<. e -A' -. �F 66].0 •ens 1.3 •e5x1 ' - ---------- aUS------ __ _. - NE 877N STREET PROPOSED LOT 2 R-10.00 N894253"B 472.87 'TURN LANE ONLY'AND'NO PARKING' SIGN OP GN I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 3.39I :I 3I r - < ,If t+n ryj'y.. ..<1 . _%... W. ,5 15 <1 9.W ,) 1'�, lI,�. ' I 605 'p. •14 CURB & GUTTER (TYP) . . ]I 90i0f]ry0 uo.00 Itl 3' WIDE CURB PROPOSED DIVISION LINE --' . G _-_- 664 -__--. DRAIN OPENING •Bns •861.5 ------------------ -'.11 -i<I e -- -_I.-< - -" - -- -- B n.a.1x6 -9 •.<. e -A' -. �F 66].0 •ens 1.3 •e5x1 ' - ---------- aUS------ __ _. PROPOSED LOT 2 _._ _;r- _1. _•8_6.2t".1{2i 153,684 S.F. A.1A3q I 10' --�---_--_w ' EX.C6MH 3WIDE CURB DRAIN OPENING RAIN GUARDIAN RE 66k.5 IE 85x.25' • .. :-' RETAINING WALL Bels .esL6 W/ SHEET C4)(SEE DETAIL ,�, I '. .853.5 es1A ,� 9 •1616 •ax.e 1 � •ef3.e � •e62.] _ - q I � I 1 •162.51 I �t62.1 •161.] Bfil .es..B .eslo .ssl.l .6s�.� < lI . 6 •<IU.t .1 ..e. 1_616.66 ._1 �S .IiI 1'6 PROPOSED BUILDING 8612 CONC.- CURB &GUTTER iI 3•.P5!7 FFE 864.00 1i1 •��o1_ 0 . � PRO40,434 r9.,3 w e63.3 8.0 S.F. (0.93-A yAAAIII W 3.5 66L<3.0. ENCLOSURE .•1.51-] ILA 0. 8_.24.0 20.0 24.0 18.0 •rscIl a�m1� � i�III oIzQzQn�l' Ij 1 6 . x•1.865 p l.V 1J •G6:O; �ti� 12 SO ` 3WIDE CURB DRAIN OPENING - m' W/ RAIN GUARDIAN ._.•._-8.•.6B3...B. (SEE DETAIL - SHEET C4)0 .c. REMOVE EXISTING CURB (60') REPLACE WITH CONC, CROSS GUTTER (SEE STANDARD DETAIL 702) O i Know what's below. Call before you dig. DRAM HY: UESIGN BY: C.M. C.W.P, CHCKO BY: PROJ. NO. C.W.P. 19-1840 ORIGINAL DATE APRIL 30, 2019 �''�0Lp,� PREPARED FOR SITE PLANNING E ENGINEERING PLOWS ENGINEERING, INC. 6776 LAKE DRIVE SUITE 110 LINO LAKES. MN 55014 I II CINCH -20 FEE I T I GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN �� EDINA REALTY 8612 CONC. CURB & GUTTER (TYP) uo.00 3' WIDE CURB PROPOSED DIVISION LINE --' u2s1 I I DRAIN OPENING •Bns •861.5 'AlL•B6i.9 66].0 •ens 1.3 •e5x1 L •esi.o I I EDGE OF BITUMINOUS t. PROPOSED LOT 2 _< <�„F;5 153,684 S.F. - I (3.53 ACRES) + EX.C6MH U! RE 66k.5 IE 85x.25' .e6�.5 esi s Bels .esL6 ,�, I '. .853.5 es1A ,� 1 I •1616 •ax.e � •ef3.e � •e62.] _ - q I � I 1 •162.51 I �t62.1 •161.] Bfil .es..B .eslo .ssl.l .6s�.� DRAM HY: UESIGN BY: C.M. C.W.P, CHCKO BY: PROJ. NO. C.W.P. 19-1840 ORIGINAL DATE APRIL 30, 2019 �''�0Lp,� PREPARED FOR SITE PLANNING E ENGINEERING PLOWS ENGINEERING, INC. 6776 LAKE DRIVE SUITE 110 LINO LAKES. MN 55014 I II CINCH -20 FEE I T I GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN �� EDINA REALTY EX. 18° RCP vYY1111 Y O X A A = 90"00'00 rr '%�R=10.00 15.,71 s Y STOP S GN JI/ok_1 SEE SHEET C4 FOR CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAILS U ,W7..` DtBIGN tlY_ C.M. C.W.P. CHCKD BY: PROI. NO. 31umm 3EMN NUiE3 c.1916eo ORIGINALNAL DATE FIELD VERIFY SIZE, ELEVATION, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER AND APRIL 30, 2019 NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ANY INSTALLATIONS. -- MEDIAN WHEN CALLED OUT AS PIPE, STORM SEWER SMALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 2 (RCP) ANSI C76 WITH R-4 GASKETS OR, IF ALLOWED BY CITY, HDPE PIPE MAY BE USED. ' + • IP'.' M (SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS WHERE RCP IS REQUIRED.) HDPE PIPE SMALL MEET THE REQUI0.EMENT5 OF AASHTO M294, TYPE S WITH WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS. USE < < < < < < < < SAND/GRANULAR MATERIAL FOR SACKFIWNG AND COMPACTION OF HDPE/P7C PIPE IN 451- ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM 2321. STORM SEWER LENGTHS INCLUDE THEED LAYING LENGTH ENT E LENGTH OF PIP SECTION. LAYING LENGTH OF APRON TO BE DE WCTED FROM PAYMENT LENGM OF PIPE, NE 8ITN STQEET ALLPORTIONS OSTORM SEWER SYSTEM LOCATED WITHIN IOFEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATERTER SERVICE UNE MUST BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 864 MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715,2820. N89"42r53'rE 472.87 'TURN LANE ONLY' AND'NO PARKING' SIGN - .. - - •� - .... L MORTAR CONSTRUCTED WITH SUCH JOINTS. FOR REPAIRS AND CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING 0 ' STORM SEWER PIPES TO BE ]DINED TO THE CATCH BASIN MANHOLES APPROVED LINES t RESIDENT RUBBER JOINTS TO MAKE THEM GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT. CEMENT • -• ' MORTAR ]DINTS ARE PERMITTED ONLY FOR R b >. d .m •Ifxe '� �ea.7 K 4xa• : f ��«3L .... eeel� .7 eab.b � fS.S 03'B U 1 ew ox I M4y O�....... 884 5 , e6x.ib ISx.B{ •efx.b If eun i IAII In.xb �� 4Lae I I I CONNECT �TO I �) I EX. SAN. SWR SVC I 45L5x ( eaxM 6 , M TY :.I < - OF DRAINAGE TRANSITION Y I FROM 0" TO 6" 1 - •uzf CURB HEIGHT I PROPOSED BUILDING _ INSULATE I t•1 FIFE 864.00 W WATER SVC u.xl I Ml EXTEND SAN. & WATER z.0% Z CONNECTTO SERVICES INTO BUILDING W EX. WATER SVC 7 AT LOCATIONS 31862.60 DETERMINED BY OWNER 86 I TRANSITION GUT.42 FROM 0" TO 6" GUT fm LU CURB HEIGHT m > I TDP 863.18 eax.bx I GUT 863.50 Z i . SAX'. ' TOP o 860.00 ,^j GUT Bcxs I . 4i' •aBLe J I .SBSI? 8be�0 Bala SPT CB (27"0) 'eaxs " Q _ 862.00 NEENAH R -434211Q CL 90 bh 'Lq 16 e a:.sa IE 861.20 IRE 58.00061` gfol` 001'' Qjo1� pjoti• 861.40 p - _ p X862.45 SOF_\ g d RIP -RAP 861.50 862.85 861.86 g ■ DEPRESSION BOTTOM p 6O. 1.53�11• B6 e6' • I ti� I� ?tel ?2� f�0 CO (2X3) • ^ 421- 12" HDPE - - - RE 861 ca 15 C lb 0 0.5 3p - �� IE 858.14 3' WIDE CURB O� % X 16lBF DRAIN OPENING t3`O C 0 q) O 000 O 240.00 30'- 12" RCP - '000 Oe O 00 01.0"/0 aF310 0 O O moo,, '+ 205' - 15" PVC 0 0.20 �� •. I I 5 5 5 5 •Bfl.b S 5 •B6x.I S 5 • S 5 5 Li 5 5 5 COMM ROCK CONSTRUCTION J, RE 862.47 ENTRANCE L �EX. 15° CP « _ I TE 857.43 (SEE STANDARD DETAIL 505) SILT FENCE (NP) rt" < I SUMP 853.43 (SEE STANDARD DETAIL 501) OFp EX. C IMH e6Pcc2'S5 34' - 15" HDPE RE 8 2.5 - 0 0.21% IE 855.72{S,N I Imo$ efx.x CONNECT 15" HDPE IE 857.112-E 1, TO EX. CBMH RE 4 8d2.5 IE IE 857.36 -NE O - IE BST.2T.25• .Bfl.s CI - \ I "FlELDVERIFY PRIORTO .eaLb I START OF INSTALLATION •cite •If1.1 I I 0 � •IST.) I � I ' � I It .ss I •Iu.e •Bbxs .eSLa .BfLx .Bs a zsl £ , O I I I 3 I Know whars below. E Call before you dig. 8 50.00 3TTOM (TYP) CBMH RE 861.15 IE 857.84 .151.5 861.5 •161.5 efil ,ssos PROPOSED LOT 2 153,684 S.F. (3.53 ACRES) BS PREPARED FOR: SITE PLANNING & ENGINEERING PLOWS EN6INEERINB,INe. 6776 LAKE DRIVE SUITE 110 LINO LAKES, MN 56014 u 0 10 20 GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN EDINA REALTY .... . aaD.aD Aga s s_s S -...----- ------------- 0 N_ IG ..ISI" 7 .Bbx.l . ax0 K d ... T=862.5 B 31 ?!O . - o ' e62 . B=861.0 6_861.0 SO 860.00 :' B612 CONC. 861.90 (TMP) . CURB & GUTTER 1N 863 fifl(TMP) � E - 4 \ _ -;2P TOP 863.18 4�ry I- nSN V ` o �/ '7 O G, rrz 863.68. B6� BSI x •eSLI .BSL u IN 3 U f%OP 3 o w E -- 0 7 dull X863.23 n Im n - W WATER SVC u.xl I Ml EXTEND SAN. & WATER z.0% Z CONNECTTO SERVICES INTO BUILDING W EX. WATER SVC 7 AT LOCATIONS 31862.60 DETERMINED BY OWNER 86 I TRANSITION GUT.42 FROM 0" TO 6" GUT fm LU CURB HEIGHT m > I TDP 863.18 eax.bx I GUT 863.50 Z i . SAX'. ' TOP o 860.00 ,^j GUT Bcxs I . 4i' •aBLe J I .SBSI? 8be�0 Bala SPT CB (27"0) 'eaxs " Q _ 862.00 NEENAH R -434211Q CL 90 bh 'Lq 16 e a:.sa IE 861.20 IRE 58.00061` gfol` 001'' Qjo1� pjoti• 861.40 p - _ p X862.45 SOF_\ g d RIP -RAP 861.50 862.85 861.86 g ■ DEPRESSION BOTTOM p 6O. 1.53�11• B6 e6' • I ti� I� ?tel ?2� f�0 CO (2X3) • ^ 421- 12" HDPE - - - RE 861 ca 15 C lb 0 0.5 3p - �� IE 858.14 3' WIDE CURB O� % X 16lBF DRAIN OPENING t3`O C 0 q) O 000 O 240.00 30'- 12" RCP - '000 Oe O 00 01.0"/0 aF310 0 O O moo,, '+ 205' - 15" PVC 0 0.20 �� •. I I 5 5 5 5 •Bfl.b S 5 •B6x.I S 5 • S 5 5 Li 5 5 5 COMM ROCK CONSTRUCTION J, RE 862.47 ENTRANCE L �EX. 15° CP « _ I TE 857.43 (SEE STANDARD DETAIL 505) SILT FENCE (NP) rt" < I SUMP 853.43 (SEE STANDARD DETAIL 501) OFp EX. C IMH e6Pcc2'S5 34' - 15" HDPE RE 8 2.5 - 0 0.21% IE 855.72{S,N I Imo$ efx.x CONNECT 15" HDPE IE 857.112-E 1, TO EX. CBMH RE 4 8d2.5 IE IE 857.36 -NE O - IE BST.2T.25• .Bfl.s CI - \ I "FlELDVERIFY PRIORTO .eaLb I START OF INSTALLATION •cite •If1.1 I I 0 � •IST.) I � I ' � I It .ss I •Iu.e •Bbxs .eSLa .BfLx .Bs a zsl £ , O I I I 3 I Know whars below. E Call before you dig. 8 50.00 3TTOM (TYP) CBMH RE 861.15 IE 857.84 .151.5 861.5 •161.5 efil ,ssos PROPOSED LOT 2 153,684 S.F. (3.53 ACRES) BS PREPARED FOR: SITE PLANNING & ENGINEERING PLOWS EN6INEERINB,INe. 6776 LAKE DRIVE SUITE 110 LINO LAKES, MN 56014 u 0 10 20 GRADING, DRAINAGE, ESC & UTILITY PLAN EDINA REALTY STEEL POST PAINTED BLUE HE MY OF VALVE BOE TO BE ADJUSTED TO FIIBSHED GRADE EXTENSION ROD u� VALVE BOX - REACTION ALIGNMENT DIP DEVICE STUB 6.0 PT YIN IS t' I•'1S'��_rTT-_ PILO [[tel DIP TEE SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK TE VALVE BACK NIN 1' THICK NIH VALVE LOCATION ON NIOPCRTT UNE WHERE POSSIBLE OR IN SOULEVM0. Mill. 2 aEET FROM WALK OR CURB GREATER THAN 2" SERVICES WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SCALE �I MANHOLE INVERT SHALL BE OtEAGo< STANDARD PLATE NO. O STANDARD STORM MANHOLE — CATCH BASIN J-u-le uJerA WnDOT 2573 MACHINE SLICED OR - PRCASSE4BLED WN. 2 1/2' /!!ABOVE OROUND OPTION AS APPROVED BY THE CRL' ENGINEER. 6"XB' EARTH DLL- TTTIP SII —�—FENCE MATERIAL 6' APROH S' POSTS - B' VAX. ON CENTER YIHIUUM 2' PENETRATION REF. Yn00T 3846 SILT FENCE NO YALE �. I J -SQ P17 STANDAR50PLATE NO. 1 -10 -OT .aTA I JIIO GUTTER INS�Ul11T ILL W1111104 1-1 — PIPE .1.1 — J' C1 ITO. SPP IR I.E. NE MNR nm arc PLAN b I2CIMFtR D IIISw1ATNlUT TV TATO l[vOIN _L.oI .• I—NIII x �, ail%QCR JQNIT PROFILE INSULATION FOR WATER & SANITARY SEWER PIPE & SERVICES S NO SCALE 9 ¢ $ $I s " tpn F O STANDARD PLATE NO. a 304 p, R ECTOR PLATE RFLOVYENTEROF FILTER -111481Y NERFLOW(-C-TOP OF CURB BOX 10' FILTER ASSEMBLY HIGH-FLOW FABRIC MIRAFl FF301 NEENAH R -3067-V WIMCO INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE HARD SURFACE—, PUBLIC ROAD \O• /_ 6' . NINIYUU 1--2' WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE Otse� BOTTOM OF BASIN NATIVE PLANTINGS GIANT BUR -REED WOOL GRASS SEDGE CORD GRASS BLUE FLAG IRIS SWAMP MILKW ED TAMARACK JOE-PYE WEED NEW ENGLAND ASTER PRAIRIE SLAZINGSTAR BONESET BLACK WILLOW STANDARD PLATE NO. o 505 e SIDE SLOPES NATIVE PLANTINGS BIG SLUESTEM BLUE 30 NT GRASS SWITCH GRASS BLUE VERVAIN PRAIRIE BLAZINGSTAR TAMARACK NEW ENGLAND ASTER REO -OSIER DOGWOOD SANDBAR WILLOW BLACK CHOKECHERRY BLACK WILLOW 1. USE LOW -IMPACT, EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT (WIDE TRACK OR MARSH TRACK EQUIPMENT, OR LIGHT -EQUIPMENT WITH TURF -TYPE TIRES.) 2. NO MINING OF SANDY SOILS ALLOWED IN BASIN. 3. FINAL GRADE ONLY UPON STABILIZATION OF UPSTREAM AREAS. 4. BASIN TO REMAIN UNLINED. S. PROTECT BASIN FROM RUN-OFF DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. EXCAVATE BASIN TO FINAL GRADE ONLY UPON STASWZATION OF CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASIN NOT TO SCALE GLOW BOTTOM TU SLOPE FORM 1/2 PIPE SECTION OF6"GROUT LARGEST VAYETC. PIPEI�IOTTOM 10 SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHORN SECTION A -A BY ARROWS CASTNO NEENAH 3067 OR EQUIVALENT WITH DL 01 DR GRAZE ADIU$IINO RNG(5) LAT T • OF URB 1 PER 610 PE 41{ FLOW UNI'Q COVER SUB t �Mn/DOT 4022 MAXIMUM DISTANCE STEPS AS FIR f' RECAST SEGMENTS AS FPOM RIM i0 MH/DOT STANDARD REQUIRED IN 1 FOOT FIRST STEP li N". ( -LES PLATE 4100 MULTI 316" O'C. PRECIST LOWER SECTION A L SEAL PIPE A MIN16UU 36" HIGH MAXIMUM WITH GROUT 40" HIGH YD/OOT PLATE 4003. LONER SECTION MIN. 6' PRECAST OR INTEGRAL CONCRETE • • y -p•••• I4ANFOLE BASE • PER VNDOT 4011. �I MANHOLE INVERT SHALL BE Holm- StOPEO TO PROVIDE SMOOTH MANHOLE S'EEL REINFORCING FLOW FORM INLET 10 OUILCU SHALL BE PER ASTM C410. (SEE SECTION A -A) STANDARD STORM MANHOLE — CATCH BASIN MINIMUM COVER FLOW ONE - TO TOP OF PIPE = 2 FEET NO SCALE ^' ObSTANDAR408LATE NO. S-le-te MIYMl40TA A �YAAIABIE 6X62 10/fO WWY 2.8' N DNEP OF CONCRETE SHALL BE DETERMINED BY TYPE Or CUR] AND GUTTER SECTION AA it t A �. I � • d OFANS-ON JOINT TNI •1RAU •-" ' I A 41 CONCRETE CURB I JIIO GUTTER TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER NO SCALE P�aT / µgn°F STANCAR70PLATE NO. 1. USE LOW -IMPACT, EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT (WIDE TRACK OR MARSH TRACK EQUIPMENT, OR LIGHT -EQUIPMENT WITH TURF -TYPE TIRES.) 2. NO MINING OF SANDY SOILS ALLOWED IN BASIN. 3. FINAL GRADE ONLY UPON STABILIZATION OF UPSTREAM AREAS. 4. BASIN TO REMAIN UNLINED. S. PROTECT BASIN FROM RUN-OFF DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. EXCAVATE BASIN TO FINAL GRADE ONLY UPON STASWZATION OF CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREAS. INFILTRATION BASIN NOT TO SCALE GLOW BOTTOM TU SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN I BY ARROWS. A I/ TIPS TOP VIEW CASTING NEENAH R-4342 OR EOUNALEHT STOOL TYPE GRATE TGONG ETC FRAME PER Mn/DOT PLATE N0. 4143 ARAN ORION. BRLCK OR CONCRETE BLOCK MASONRY MAY BE USED. FOR MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION T METHODS SEE MN/OOT PLATE NO. 1002CME SECTION DETAILS OF 4002 DO HOT APPLY. MANHOLE STEEL REINFORCIHO SHALL BE PER ASTM 0474. �• MIN. 6' PRECAST OR INTEGRAL CONCRETE 40' CIA, .I MANHOLE BASE PCR YNDOT 1011. SECTION A -A 27" PRECAST CATCH BASIN YARD INLET GO SCALE J I (,J.�n I STANDAR 409 LATE N0. !y I�-Ia-iBe—II IMJIMMIF'EOTA` ®BUNKER NA..k.�° PDNCA TYPICAL DETAIL :! - I •L aA SLAS D:/EN51 DISTANCE DION CURB, ANDCNAMSER ELEVATION MAY VARY WITH SITECONDITIONS. THETOP OF THE NETALGRME, HO%hErdt, SHOND eE 1.5-- 2' BELOW THEOVERFLOW ELEVATION MID TFE CONCRETE SLAB SHOULD EXTEND WELL BEYOND THE FILTER WALL TO SERVE ASA SMASH DISSIPATER. PLANT MATERIAL TOLERANT OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT (NATIVE PLANTS RECOMMENDED - SEE TABLE AT LEFT) OR USE MDDOT SEED MIX 31-261 (APPLICATION RATE=3S L&S/ACRE) _ NOTE: MIX IN SALVAGED ON-SITE TOPSOIL INTO TOP 6' (MAX.) OF INFILTRATION BASIN (MIN. 70% SAND) -SITU SOILS NOTES: NO MINING OF SANDY SOILS IN BASIN AREA NO BURYING OF SILTY MATERIALS IN BASIN AREA DO NO OVER -EXCAVATE BASIN AREA -GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE . J TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS. A / PIPE TOP YIEAY CASTING NEENAH 3067 OR EOUIVALENT WITH OL OR OR GRATE ADJUSTING RINVI PER STO PLATE !I4 \ WALL TO BE PRECAST SECTION OR CONCRETE L: t4' X Se• SEYIER BLOCK Y SEAL WITH, ySETE0111REDNINGS GROUT GROUT INVERT AS ' 1.11 ABOVE �3 I� RECTANGULAR E SECTION A A S ROTES: 1. COHCRETE BASE SMALL BE 6- POURED) IN PLACE OR 5' PRECAST SUB 2. MANHOLE STEEL REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM d cue. B 2' x 3' CATCH BASIN NO SCALE fl� d" sy I -o -1e STANCARLATE NO.d- O 410fiG 1.5' WEAR COURSE ORDINARY COMPACTION METHOD TACK COAT, MNDOT 2357 2' BASE NON -WEAR COURSE ORDINARY COMPACTION METHOD 6' CLASS 5 AGO. BASE MNDOT 3138 SPECIFIED DENSITY COMPACTION METHOD APPROVED GRANULA SUBBASEAS DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PAVING SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF MNDOT'S STANDARI SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY'S STANDARDS FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION. PAVING SECTION SHALL BE RENEWED AND APPROVED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANY INSTALLATIONS. BITUMINOUS -LIGHT DUTY NOT TO SCALE PROVIDE 4' CRASS 5 UNDER CURB (TYR) I/2 -R 3'R / 1/2T M3, 3H7PF. Iz• NOTE: FOR MECHANICALLY LAID CURB, SHOE MAY BE TILTED. 0612 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER NOT TO SCALE PROVIDE 4" CLASS 5 UNDER CURB (TYP) 1 I 1 3 1/2 /FT. e• u• NOTE: FOR MECHANICALLY LAID CURB, SHOE MAY SE TILTED. 8612 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER ITIP-oun NOT TO SCALE DETAILS EDINA REALTY URAWN by: UIESM UY: C.M. I C.W.P. CHCKD BY: PROD. NO. C.W.P. 19-1840 ORIGINAL DATE PREPARED FOR: Steve Fischer A.—I IMAOAADCC SITE PLANNING 6 ENGINEERING PLOWS EN6INEERINGEIN0. MIT LAKE DRIVE SURE 110 LINO LAKES, MN 55014 PHONE (651) 361A210 C4 PRELIMINARY PLAT __ -for- 21ST CENTURY BANK -of- GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO FIFTH ADDITION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Wit 1, Block 3, GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO SECOND ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota, VICINITY MAP PART OF: SEC. 22, TWR 121, RNG, 23 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA (NO SCALE) I hereby certify that this survey, plan or reportEwas prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Land Surveyor under FSTei Professional Land Surveyors the taws of the State of Minnesota. 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 www.egrud.COM Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361-8200 Fax (651) 361-8701 Date: 4/30/2019 Uc.nG. No, 41578 S:\RUD\CAD\19PROJ\192liP?\19211PP PRE F1ATDWG LD.. . ....... IF: A=90 *00'007. .......... . ............... NE 87 TH R� 1000 . ...... . . .... 663 §,TRE T 'TURN LANGONLY- AND; -NO PARKING" SIGN N89*42'53"E 472.87 STOPS GN -7 B6xn.. . ............ .. . .. .......... --------- ........................... . B64 . .... ... ... - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 561.,-- - - - - - - F- . . . . . . . . . . . .4M I ................ - . . .............. . ...... 10 OR SALE SIGN�,,�Z . ........... . ....... 65 16 4� . 1 IPv� IT r LO 1 �34 5 F, 0 -J G-3 __C 43 ACRESL— NORTH T ........... N P -42-53-E 1 II LOT 2 1240.008615 �l.x 04 t3EASEMENT' PESS EGRESS LEGEND NOTES *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED Field survey was completed by r.G. Rud and Sons, Inc. YYY *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED RLS# 41578 on 04/23/19. 0 DENOTES CATCH BASIN Bearings shown are on Wright County datum, 0 DENOTES CABLE PEDESTAL DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION Parcel ID Number: 118252003010. V DENOTESHYDRANT * DENOTES LIGHT POLE Curb shots are taken at the top and back of curb. II (9) DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE This survey was prepared with the benefit of title work. — DENOTES SIGN Title commitment File No. 55709, prepared by -( DENOTES STORM SEWER APRON Commercial Partners Title, LLC, as Issuing agent for Old M DENOTES WATER VALVE Republic National Title Insurance Company, was used to DENOTES 6 INCH CALIPER TREE supplement this survey. OF OTSEGO SEcQND ADDITION DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS Site plan provided by Rosa Architecture. DENOTES EXISTING SANITARY SEWER DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER I DENOTES EXISTING WATER MAIN MISTING ZONING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z7 DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE U............... DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE Property is currently zoned: 'PUD - mJ ea uea9oaoz9 DENOTES ADJACENT PARCEL ID PER WRIGHT COUNTY GIS Planned Unit Development Dlstrlct" VICINITY MAP PART OF: SEC. 22, TWR 121, RNG, 23 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA (NO SCALE) I hereby certify that this survey, plan or reportEwas prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Land Surveyor under FSTei Professional Land Surveyors the taws of the State of Minnesota. 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 www.egrud.COM Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361-8200 Fax (651) 361-8701 Date: 4/30/2019 Uc.nG. No, 41578 S:\RUD\CAD\19PROJ\192liP?\19211PP PRE F1ATDWG LD.. . ....... IF: A=90 *00'007. .......... . ............... NE 87 TH R� 1000 . ...... . . .... 663 §,TRE T 'TURN LANGONLY- AND; -NO PARKING" SIGN N89*42'53"E 472.87 STOPS GN -7 B6xn.. . ............ .. . .. .......... --------- ........................... . B64 . .... ... ... - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 561.,-- - - - - - - F- . . . . . . . . . . . .4M I ................ - . . .............. . ...... 10 OR SALE SIGN�,,�Z . ........... . ....... 65 16 4� . 1 IPv� IT r LO 1 �34 5 F, 0 -J G-3 __C 43 ACRESL— NORTH T ........... N P -42-53-E 1 II LOT 2 1240.008615 �l.x 04 t3EASEMENT' PESS EGRESS LOT 2 —I 063.82 153,664 S.F. (3.53 ACRES) 66L9 86x9 •6629 _ 062.4 Ii\ 1 06x.0 q LQ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER FLAT OF GREAT RAI OF OTSEGO SEcQND ADDITION to G,- .. I - - (vi B6v]61 •- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z7 �j U............... .......... . ..... . . . ... . ....... S89*42'53"W 482,87 c, . . ... . ................ 661 ........ .......... 41 . ...... ........... . . ........ j .66x9 ............. . ... ...... . ......... . .................... ... . ............ ... ... ... .... . ........... . .... ....... . ..... . ............ . ...... BENCHMARK 3o D is 30 Go Izo MNDOT NAME! FIELD MINOT GSID STATION: #50367 ELEVATION: 862.984 (NAVD88) nw.e ..... . ...... • DRAWN BY: cNo jos No: 19211PP DATE: 4/30/20I9- ..........._...._a62-.......•..._...... . ............. . ........... dE6i] 86x9 -21 —I 063.82 86x9 86x9 •6629 _ 062.4 Ii\ 1 06x.0 86x8 .863.0 96x.9 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER FLAT OF GREAT RAI OF OTSEGO SEcQND ADDITION to G,- .. I - - (vi B6v]61 •- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z7 �j S89*42'53"W 482,87 41 GRAPHIC SCALE BENCHMARK 3o D is 30 Go Izo MNDOT NAME! FIELD MINOT GSID STATION: #50367 ELEVATION: 862.984 (NAVD88) I INCH = 30 FEET DRAWN BY: cNo jos No: 19211PP DATE: 4/30/20I9- 4-30-19 NEW a M ro ca ccU L 4 a k�Yg No'z 'Ugam ® m'mr� ❑6 . -,iv � jZdiW I vQi�Gl� 126 2 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That 21st Century Bank, a Minnesota corporation, owner of the following described property situated In the County of Wright, Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1, Block 3, GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO SECOND ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO FIFTH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public way and the drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said 21st Century Bank, a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by Its proper officer this _ day of 20_ SIGNED: By: , as STATE OF COUNTY OF This Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by as of the 21st Century Bank, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. GREAT RIPER CENTRE OF OTSEGO FIFTH ADDITION A =90'00'00" _ The North ilne of Lot 1, Block 3, GREAT RIVER (signature) / / 6.70.00 �- CENTRE OF OTSEGO SECOND ADDITION '(Print Name) Notary Public, County, Minnesota — My Commission Explres I Jason E. Rud do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor In the State of Minnesota; that this plat Is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this _ day of 20 Jason E. Rud, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 41570 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF M The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this _ day of 20_ by Jason E. Rud, a Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 41578. (Signature) I ' (11 (Print Name) I -_ Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires •D' CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA I •=- This plat of GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO FIFTH ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this_ day (-) or 20J and said plat Is In compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd, 2. City Council, City of Otsego, Minnesota BV Mayor By Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _ day Of 20_ Steven A. Jobe Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes;.Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land herelnfore described and transfer entered this _ day of . 20_ By Deputy Wright County Auditor WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable In the year 20 _ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this_ day of 20_ By . Deputy Wright County Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this Instrument was Flied In the office of the County Recorder for record on this_ day of , 20_, at_ o'dook_.M. and was duly recorded as in Cabinet No. _, Sleeve No. , as Document Number Wright County Recorder DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 110 II I II I BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND BEING 10 FEET IN WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT. �----------------------- i----------------------- I II I II I G�AV, � T (_ ,' tV _ m I � ' N89°42'53"E 340.00I 04 ''OT" " r- I 8 iw I I� I I o I I Dl I I I I I I I I DRAINAGE AND UTILITYBASEMEN PER PIAT OF GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF DTSEGD SECOND ADDITION I j I I I i I L----------------------------I------------------J1 )UTLOT H — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NORTH GRAPHIC SCALL' so 0 25 so too 200 I INCII = 50 FEET For the purposes of this plat, the North line of Lot 1, Black 3, GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO SECOND ADDMON Is assumed to bear North 89 degrees 42 minutes 53 seconds East. 0- DENOTES WRIGHT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT. 0 DENOTES SET 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MARKED BY RLS NO. 41578. 0 DENOTES 1/2 INCH IRON FOUND, LABELED RLS NO. 23968 45 E. Professional Land Surveyors