Otsego View Summer 20192019 SUMMER NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE! 03 On-Street Parking 07 Photo Contest 08 Community Spotlight: Norin Landing 09 PARKS & RECREATION Summer/Fall Programs www.ci.otsego.mn.us • cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us • 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego • 763.441.4414 YARD MAINTENANCE! Everyone is excited to get outside and spruce up their property after the long, cold winter. Here are some City Code regulations to follow to help keep Otsego an attractive and inviting place to live: • Lawns and boulevard areas must be mowed regularly so that grass is no longer than eight (8) inches except as allowed by the City Code. • Noxious weeds (and dandelions) must be eliminated before the plants go to seed. • Planting within the boulevard or public right-of-way (generally 16 feet behind the curb or street) is limited to deciduous trees with minimum clearance requirements for vehicles and pedestrians. For more information regarding specific property maintenance requirements, please contact City Hall or visit the City’s website. There is a property self-test on the Code Enforcement page of the website to help evaluate the condition of your property and your neighborhood. CITY HALL Address: 13400 90th Street NE Phone: 763.441.4414 Website: www.ci.otsego.mn.us Email: cityhall@ci.otsego.mn.us Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. & Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. PRAIRIE CENTER (Council Chambers) 8899 Nashua Avenue NE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Department of Building Safety: 763.441.2593 Utility Billing: 763.441.2310 After Hours Emergency Service: 1.877.274.6492 Parks and Recreation: 763.235.3148 CITY COUNCIL MAYOR Jessica Stockamp: jstockamp@ci.otsego.mn.us COUNCILMEMBERS Tom Darkenwald: tdarkenwald@ci.otsego.mn.us Jason Warehime: jwarehime@ci.otsego.mn.us Corey Tanner: ctanner@ci.otsego.mn.us Tina Goede: tgoede@ci.otsego.mn.us CITY STAFF City Administrator/Finance Director: Adam Flaherty City Clerk: Tami Loff City Planner: Daniel Licht City Engineer: Ron Wagner Parks and Recreation Director: Ross Demant Street Operations Manager: Kevin Lamson Utility Manager: Kurt Neidermeier MEETING SCHEDULE City Council: 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month. Planning Commission: 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month. Parks & Recreation Commission: 3rd Tuesday of the Month. Heritage Preservation Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month. Public Safety Commission: 2nd Tuesday of the Month. *Meeting dates are subject to change; call city hall to confirm dates and times. EDITOR Otsego View Editor: Tami Loff FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Call 763.551.3706 or email Community@PrimeAdvertising.com PrimeAdvertising.com © Copyright 2019. City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is a community service and the City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. do not make any warranty of any kind with regard to the services or products of the advertisers herein. The City of Otsego and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. do not assume any responsibility or liability for any of the content within this publication and for any errors or omissions to such content and reserve the right to not publish any material. The costs of the publication are offset by the advertisers. Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. is in control of the advertising content of this publication. ATTENTION PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS Irrigation restrictions will be in effect May 1st - September 30th. Addresses ending with an odd number may water on odd numbered days and even numbered addresses may water on even numbered days between 5 p.m. and 11 a.m. Restrictions include no watering between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Violations of the watering restrictions may result in a $50 code enforcement fine assessed on the customer’s utility bill. A 30 day exception is provided for newly establishing lawns and landscaping. Please visit the City Website, www.ci.otsego.mn.us, for additional details. Your cooperation is appreciated; water conservation will keep water rates low and help to ensure an adequate water supply is available. For more information about irrigation restrictions, please contact the Utility Billing Department. Serving the Northwest Communities for More Than Two Decades Dreaming of a Beautiful Lawn? Call Jeremy’s Lawn Service Today! Mowing | Trimming | Weed Control | Fertilizing Shrub Trimming | Ground Maintenance | Snow Removal 612.685.0392 JeremysLawnService.com Residential | Townhome | Commercial Maintenance Best Lawn Care Service! 2 | 2019 Summer Otsego View ON-STREET PARKING The City has adopted regulations for parking on City streets intended to maintain the roadway for through traffic and emergency vehicles. These regulations are in effect year-round and are in addition to winter parking and snow emergency parking restrictions. On-street parking is limited to licensed passenger vehicles only for a duration not to exceed 18 hours. Trucks, semi-tractor/ trailers, recreational vehicles and equipment, commercial vehicles with a Class-4 rating or higher, and vehicles longer than 25 feet in length are not allowed to be parked on City streets unless providing a service to the adjacent property. Also, trailers cannot be parked on City streets unless connected to a tow vehicle. Vehicles that are parked on City streets must comply with the following location requirements: • Vehicles must be parked within 5 feet and not more than 10 feet from the curb or edge of a street. • Vehicles must be parked so as to be parallel to the curb or edge of street, unless legally designated. • Vehicles are not to be parked on or obstruct a sidewalk, trail, or crosswalk. • Parking setbacks along the street include not being closer than: – 20 feet of an intersection – 10 feet from a fire hydrant – 10 feet from a mailbox – 5 feet from a driveway on the same side of the street The City Council may designate no parking zones on specific streets that regulate parking in addition to these general standards that are designated by signs. The complete text of the regulations for on-street parking are set forth in Title 7, Chapter 2 of the City Code. The City Code is available for viewing on the City’s website. Your cooperation in following these on-street parking regulations will help maintain Otsego’s street for the safe travel of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians and allow unimpeded access for emergency and service vehicles. DOGS Dogs are required by the City Code to be kept within the boundaries of their owners’ property or otherwise leashed or controlled by electronic device by a responsible person the same as if the dog is leashed. Owners must pick up and dispose of waste from yards and City parks and trails or otherwise be subject to enforcement of nuisance violations. To report a dog running at large; barking dog that is disturbing the peace; or a dangerous dog, please call the Wright County Sheriff by dialing 911. STREET MAINTENANCE The City has established a pavement management program that includes ongoing preventive maintenance such as crack filling, seal coating and overlays to provide for safe travel and extend the usable life for City streets. These maintenance activities are funded each year through general property taxes. Information regarding the location and schedule for street maintenance this season will be posted on the City’s website. biotanicaCBDstore.com • 9125 Quaday Ave NE, Ste 107, Otsego 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON Not valid with any other coupons or specials. NEW IN TOWN! • Stop Chronic Pain • Improve your Health & Well-Being 14188 Northdale Blvd., Rogers • Glass Shower Doors • Mirrors • Residential & Commercial Window Replacement • Broken Glass Replacement • Foggy Window Repair • Automatic Doors – Service & Installation • Commercial Storefronts jaglassinc.com • 763.633.9694 www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 3 WATER QUALITY The way you maintain your yard can have a large impact on reducing phosphorous, decreasing algae growth and promoting overall water quality for plants, animals and you. By following these techniques your lawn will look great and will not be harming nearby wetlands, streams, lakes or rivers. • Leaving grass clippings on the lawn provides the equivalent of one application of fertilizer per year. • Sweeping lawn clippings from sidewalks, driveways and streets will greatly reduce the amount of phosphorus that reaches area water bodies. • Maintain a 20 foot buffer of native plantings from any wetland or stormwater basins to filter out nutrients that cause algae and water plant growth – these plants will also keep geese from your yard. • Water lawns between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. to reduce evaporation and minimize the potential for diseases to harm your lawn. • Wash your car on the lawn using non-phosphorus soap to keep water out of the storm drain and irrigate the grass at the same time. • Use pesticides and herbicides only to the extent necessary and by following the label directions exactly. • Compost containers must comply with City Code requirements and be set back from water or drainage ways to avoid leaching phosphorus directly into the water. • It is illegal to dispose of yard and tree waste with household garbage – contact your waste hauler for a yard bin or visit the City’s website for information on compost sites. WHY ARE THESE COLORED FLAGS IN MY YARD? If you have ever asked yourself that, the answer is simple. These flags (or paint) are indicators of located underground utilities. Minnesota state statute requires anyone who will be digging underground to contact Gopher State One Call (GSOC) at least 48 hours in advance of doing so. GSOC is the on-call notification system that acts as a communication link between underground facility operators, homeowners, and excavators in the State of Minnesota. Paint or flag color indicator When a notification or ticket is received, GSOC contacts the local utility companies and asks them to mark any underground utilities in a given area. As indicated on the accompanying chart, each utility type has a color assigned to it. If you have hired a contractor for landscaping, driveway work, or underground digging, they are required to contact Gopher State One Call. If you are planning on digging yourself, you are also required to do so at least 48 hours in advance. The number to call is easy – 811 or make your request online at GSOCsubmit.org Gopher State One Call’s website (gopherstateonecall.org) has a lot of helpful information, including a way to look up ticket requests by city, street or date. WHITE Area of proposed excavation PINK Temporary survey markings RED Electronic YELLOW Gas, oil, steam, propane ORANGE Communication, CATV, fiber BLUE Water PURPLE Reclaimed water, irrigation GREEN Sewer FOR ALL OF THE PLOWED-IN DRIVEWAYS AND KNOCKED OVER TRASH CANS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! 2018-19 CITY OF OTSEGO PLOW CREW NICK B., NICK J., CJ, ROBERT, MIKE, PAT, BRENT, SETH, KURT, BRAD, STEVE, KEVIN, ROSS, MAC, REESE, TONY, and ANDY 4 | 2019 Summer Otsego View PEDESTRIAN SAFETY With the warmer weather and our citizens spending more time outdoors Sheriff Sean Deringer and the Wright County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone to be aware of pedestrian safety. Here are a few safety guidelines from the Minnesota Safety Council and The Department of Transportation for both drivers and pedestrians to be safe and enjoy the outdoors together. Motorists Stop for crossing pedestrians • Stop for crossing pedestrians at every intersection, even those without crosswalks or stop lights • Before making a turn, look in all directions for pedestrians • Leave lots of room between you and the pedestrian when stopping Watch for pedestrians at all times • Scan the road and sides of the road ahead for pedestrians • Look carefully behind your vehicle before backing up, especially for small children • Watch for people in wheelchairs and motorized carts, who may be below eye level Avoid distracted and aggressive driving • Put away the cell phones, food and make-up • Stop for pedestrians, even when they are in the wrong or crossing mid-block • Never pass or drive around a vehicle that is stopped for pedestrians • Obey speed limits and come to a complete stop at STOP signs Pedestrians Look before you cross • Make eye contact with drivers and ensure they see you and will stop • Clearly show your intentions to cross • Watch for turning and passing vehicles • Look across ALL lanes for moving vehicles before proceeding Make yourself visible to drivers • Stand clear of buses, hedges, parked cars or other obstacles before crossing • Cross in a well-lit area at night • Wear bright-colored clothing and reflective material • Mount a safety flag on a wheelchair, motorized cart or stroller Avoid dangerous and distracted behaviors • Cross streets at marked crosswalks or intersections; don’t cross mid-block • Remove headphones and stay off cell phones while crossing • Obey all traffic signals • Don’t solely rely on traffic signals; look for vehicles before crossing • Always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic • If intoxicated, don’t walk without assistance—a cab ride home may be a safer option Creating a point of interest. Your home! 5600 Queens Ave, Otsego (2 miles north of I-94 on Highway 101)763-497-4407 FocalPointFlooring.com 12550 W. Frontage Road, Burnsville, MN 55337 • 952-808-1412 Flooring • Cabinets • Countertops • Hunter Douglas Blinds • Design Assistance 10% DISCOUNT! IF YOU SHOW THIS AD www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 5 OTSEGO’S HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION - LEFEBVRE ROUND BARN The new Guardian Angels Riverview Landing retirement home holds links to the history of Otsego. Richard Lefebvre’s apartment overlooks the Mississippi River and overlooks the land that Richard and his family owned and still own. On the other side of the building lives his cousin, Eddie Lefebvre. From his apartment, Eddie can see the round barn and the property where he formerly lived and is now owned by his son, Kevin. The Lefebvres are an integral part of the history of Otsego, both old and new. The Lefebvre name in Otsego started with Ferdinand Lefebvre who immigrated from Canada to this area in 1875. He married Zerilla Bourgeois, the oldest daughter of an Otsego farmer (who immigrated from Canada in 1844) and his wife. They only had daughters and needed help to work their farm. Ferdinand and Zerilla had several children and these descendants have added much to our community. Most residents know about the round barn which is on the property opposite the Target store to the west. This land is the original home of Ferdinand and Zerilla Lefebvre. About 1915, Ferdinand had the round barn built by his sons, Johnny, Joe and Noel, with the help of some carpenters from Dayton. Noel’s son, Eddie Lefebvre, explained that the shape was very efficient for tending cattle. Hay was stored on the upper floor and it could be thrown down to the cattle whose heads were facing the middle. There was a corridor behind the cows around the circle of the barn. Manure could be shoveled through vents around the floor to a waiting wagon to be taken to the fields for fertilizer. The original barn was red and made of wood. It was refurbished by Eddie’s brother, John Lefebvre, to metal and painted white. Also, the barn was reroofed in the late 1960s or early 1970s. According to Wikipedia, round barn building peaked between 1880-1920. However, George Washington built a 16-sided threshing barn that he designed himself in 1792 at Dogue Run Farm in Virginia. The Shakers built the first known round barn in Massachusetts in 1826. In 1918, Sears and Roebuck offered a kit for an octagonal barn for $1627. Kevin Lefebvre and his wife Benita have lived at the round barn property since 1997 and the barn is now in their care. His great grandparents were Ferdinand and Zerilla. Noel Lefebvre’s youngest son never married and continued to farm the original land. When he died, the land was passed onto Eddie’s son, Kevin. Quality • Selection • Pricing Friendly Knowledgeable Staff Family Owned and Operated Since 1975 No Appointment Necessary! 763-425-9666 | osseovacuum.com Try Before You Buy! Do you have a special memory or photo of Otsego that you would be willing to share? The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission wants to hear from you, whether you have been here most of your life or are new to the city. What brought you here? What do you enjoy about living here or think makes it special? We believe we are all a part of making history and look forward to hearing from you! 6 | 2019 Summer Otsego View OTSEGO PHOTO CONTEST The City’s annual contest opens MAY 30th! The Otsego photo contest is a great way to show how special Otsego is and showcase the talent right here in our community. Last year there were 66 entries with 302 votes cast. Everyone is encouraged to participate; residents, businesses, and students. Contest Guidelines: • All photos must be taken in Otsego • Submit up to 10 of your own photographs • Participants will be required to sign a waiver • Contest runs until August 29th, 2019 The contest winner will be invited to a future City Council meeting to receive their recognition and prize. In addition, the winning entry will be published in the Otsego View newsletter and on the City Facebook page. All photos submitted may be used on our website, newsletter, and brochures. Submit your photo and waiver to the City Clerk at tloff@ci.otsego.mn.us Park Nicollet Clinic—Rogers 13688 Rogers Drive Internal Medicine and Pediatrics appointments: 952-977-0300 parknicollet.com/rogers Same-day appointments available. “Your Total Floor Store Since 1986” 763.441.4181 9310 Parrish Ave NE, Otsego www.LefebvresCarpet.com The most durable, easiest to clean carpet on the planet.™ Carpet | Wood Floors | Laminate | Vinyl Luxury Vinyl Tile | Ceramic Tile | Countertops 10% OFF Carpet Purchase Excluding promotional products, labor and stocked items. Coupon must be present at the time of the order. www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 7 NORIN LANDING PARK Countless outdoor enthusiasts enjoy the lush landscapes and recreational opportunities available in Otsego with the nearby Mississippi and Crow rivers. This summer, the city will be unveiling the newest addition to its park system, Norin Landing. Situated in the northwest section of Otsego, the three- acre park will feature a boat landing, parking, fishing opportunities along the shore, and a gazebo with a scenic overlook of the Mississippi River. Just off the shore are three rustic island campsites and the Mississippi River Islands Scientific and Natural Area (SNA). Each park in Otsego has a historically significant name, and Norin Landing is no exception. Norin Landing Park was named after Elaine Melin Norin (1917-2003), a notable Otsego historian and prolific writer. She lived with her grandparents, Albert and Justina Melin, in a home that still stands at the corner of Kadler Avenue NE and County Road 39. Albert and Justina purchased the land in 1898 for $10 per acre from the Netherlands American Land Company when they immigrated from Sweden. Norin Landing Park sits on what was once Elaine’s farm. Plans for the park began in 2005 with the goal to provide safe, open, and attractive facilities for recreation and encourage people to enjoy the natural beauty surrounding our community. Otsego received a $150,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for its construction. The city is hosting a grand opening celebration with a ribbon cutting ceremony, games, and free food on July 16 from 6-7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Visit www.ci.otsego.mn.us or call 763-441-4414 to learn more. 13855 Rogers Dr. Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-6464 Primary care for every age and every stage With family care, OB/Gyn, pediatrics and internal medicine, we provide care for infants to seniors – and every stage in between. To learn more call 763.684.8300 or visit stellishealth.com. dojokarate.com Summer Camp Special 4 Self-confidence 4 Respect 4 Self-defense 4 Discipline Registering Now – Space is Limited Elk River 763.441.2467 • Rogers 763.425.2900 Buffalo • Maple Grove • Medina • Monticello • Waconia $1495 Exp. 7.31.19 2 WEEKS OF TRAININGWITH FREE UNIFORM! 8 | 2019 Summer Otsego View 2019 SUMMER & FALL PROGRAMS To register, please visit www.otsegoparksrec.com OTSEGO FARMERS MARKET Come out and join us to celebrate Otsego’s first farmers market! Farmers markets are a great way to enjoy healthy living while supporting local agriculture. Tuesdays June 25-Sept 3 4:00-7:00 p.m. LOCATION: 9050 QUANTRELLE AVE. (NEXT TO NYSTROM AND ACROSS FROM COWBOY JACKS) OTSEGO TOUCH-A-TRUCK ALL AGES What a great way to kick off the summer with this chance to crawl inside and interact with all of those really cool trucks you see everyday!! You will get a chance to see a K-9 demo by Wright County, helicopter landing and take-off, fire trucks, police cars, dump trucks and much more! A huge thanks to the Wright County Sheriff, Albertville Fire, Elk River Fire, Vision Transportation, and Collins Brothers Towing. Tuesday June 4 6:00-7:30 p.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK OTSEGO REC ON THE GO ALL AGES This summer we are bringing the fun to you! Come out to your local park and join us for some fun-filled activities! Activities will include sports, science, games, arts & crafts, and reading! Wednesday will be always be at Prairie Park and Thursday will be out at the neighborhood parks. Wednesdays June 12-August 21 10:00-11:00 a.m. Free Not meeting July 3 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK, 8899 NASHUA AVE Thursdays June 13-August 8 6:00-7:00 p.m. Free LOCATION: JUNE 13 FRANKFORT PARK JUNE 27 BEAUDRY MEADOWS JULY 11 SCHOOL KNOLL PARK JULY 25 ZIMMER PARK AUG 8 NORTHWOOD PARK SPLASH AND PLAY TUESDAYS ALL AGES Come down and enjoy some free entertainment while you cool off at the Otsego Splash Pad on Tuesdays throughout the summer. All performances will take place at the Prairie Park Shelter. If there is inclement weather, the entertainment will move to Prairie Center. TUESDAYS AT 10 A.M. June 11 Raptor Center Birds of Prey June 18 Kidzone Entertainment Dance Party June 25 Circus Manduhai Mongolian Circus July 9 Jolly Pops Fun Music Group July 16 Kids Dance Interactive DJ Party July 23 Schiffelly Puppets Puppet Show July 30 School House Rocks SOAR Theater August 6 Heebie Jeebies Comedy & Music August 13 Brodini Magic Show August 20 Zoo Mobile Cool Animals LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK SHELTER THEATER IN THE PARK ALL AGES The Otsego Parks and Recreation Department is again teaming up with the regional art group and TAG Teen Advisory Group to host two nights of Theater In The Park. Anyone 13-19 is invited to audition, go to soararts.com for more information. You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Tuesday July 23 7:00 p.m. Free LOCATION: CARRICK’S WATERFRONT PARK School House Rocks Monday July 29 7:00 p.m. Free Tuesday July 30 10:00 a.m. Free LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 9 TASTE OF OTSEGO City of Otsego, The Pour, Drake O’Neil’s, and 101 Market are putting on a night of fine food and spirits while raising money for Gift’s Anonymous and CAER Food Shelf. The event will take place at the beautiful 101 Market. Saturday November 2 LOCATION: 101 MARKET OTSEGO PARK GRAND OPENINGS The City of Otsego Parks and Recreation Department would like to celebrate the grand opening of two parks this year, Lefebvre Creek Park and Norin Landing. Residents and visitors will have a chance to interact with City Council members and Commissioners. Both celebrations will start with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 6:00 p.m. and include games and free food. LEFEBVRE CREEK GREENWAY (15189 75th Street NE) Tuesday June 18 6:00-7:00 p.m. NORIN LANDING (10599 Kadler Ave NE) Tuesday July 16 6:00-7:00 p.m. DRIVE IN MOVIE ALL AGES Let’s go back to the 50s when drive-in theaters were all the rage! Join us in the Prairie Center parking lot in the comfort of your car as we bring you Mary Poppins Returns (2019). We will have our inflatable screen set up and equipment to stream the sound to your car radio. Concessions will be available. Friday July 19 8:45 p.m. Free Saturday, October 12: Pumpkin Patch Halloween Double Feature Hotel Transylvania 3, Rated PG (Family-Friendly) 6:45 p.m. Insidious, Rated PG13 (Teens & Adults) 9:00 p.m. LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER PARKING LOT, 8899 NASHUA AVE. BASIC DANCE 3-5 YEAR OLDS Young dancers will learn ways to stay active by being taught basic dance movements in an interactive and musical atmosphere. Thursdays June 6-June 27 6:50-7:20 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE CHEER AND DANCE LINE CAMP 4-7 YEAR OLDS Students will learn basic motions, tumbling, jumps, and dance moves. Our instructors show how to have fun while staying active. Students will have a chance to show off their skills during a flag football game. Each child will receive pom poms and t-shirt. (Registration Deadline July 10) Tuesdays July 23-August 13 6:00-6:45 p.m. $40 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE ELK RIVER YMCA 13337 Business Center Dr., Elk River, MN 55330 (P) 763 230 2800 (W) ymcamn.org/elkriver YMCA Summer PassMemorial Day – Labor Day $199 Adults - $329 Families | Offer ends June 30 19 - B M 5 1 SUMMER FUN AT THE Y Splash Deck opens Saturday, May 25 for the summer! 19-BM51 Otsego Residents Guide - Elk River_1/8 pg ad_May 2019 .indd 1 5/1/19 12:43 PM plaistedcompanies.com | 763.441.1100 Outdoor fireplaces & fire pits Mulch, compost & black soil Pavers & stepping stones • • • • • • Retaining wall systems Landscape rock & boulders Edging, fabric & supplies FURNACES • AIR CONDITIONERS • WATER HEATERS • IN-FLOOR HEATING ZONING • INDOOR AIR QUALITY • DUCT SEALING • GEOTHERMAL SPECIALISTS 763.428.3677 heatcool2.com MN Lic# PC691106 Visit HeatCool2.com/Spring for an A/C Tune-Up Checklist & Tips $50 OFFTUNE-UP OR REPAIR SAVE MORE When You Sign a Planned Service Agreement! Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon at time of service. Not applicable toward diagnostic charges. Exp. 8/31/19. OTNLSUMMER2019 Call today for the Latest Savings on a high-efficiency, variable speed, Bryant Evolution home comfort system. Financing Plans Available 10 | To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com To register, please visit www.otsegoparksrec.com ARCHERY CAMP 8-16 YEAR OLDS The professional instructors at Archery Country in Rogers will be teaching young archers the archery safety and shooting techniques. Archery is a great lifelong sport that parents can enjoy with their kids. Thursdays June 13-August 13 10:00-11:00 a.m. $45 LOCATION: ARCHERY COUNTRY, 21135 S. DIAMOND LAKE RD, ROGERS, MN ARCHERY LEAGUE 12 YEAR OLDS AND UP New, coming Summer 2019! Otsego Parks and Recreation and Archery Country are working together to offer an archery league which will be hosted at the archery range in Otsego. This league will allow all of the participants the convenience to shoot whenever they can weekly. There will be prizes for everyone who participants and hands in all eight weeks worth of scores. More information is posted on our website at www.otsegoparksrec.com Mon-Sun July 7-August 31 Sunrise-Sunset $30 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK ARCHERY RANGE, 13355 90TH ST. NE YOUTH GOLF CAMP 6-16 YEAR OLDS Golf pros at Riverwood National in Otsego provide professional instruction and supervision in the basics of golfing which includes proper golf swing, chipping, putting, and etiquette. Wednesdays June 12, 19, 26 6:30-7:30 p.m. $50 Wednesdays July 10, 17, 24 6:30-7:30 p.m. $50 LOCATION: RIVERWOOD NATIONAL, 10247 95TH ST. NE. YOUTH TENNIS CAMP 5-12 YEAR OLDS Our tennis instructors are experienced in teaching kids the fundamentals of the game of tennis. Instruction will progress players through basic shot techniques to shot placement and basic terminology. 5-8 YEAR OLDS Mon-Thu June 17-June 20 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 Mon-Thu August 12-August 15 9:00-10:00 a.m. $50 8-12 YEAR OLDS Mon-Thu June 17-June 20 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 Mon-Thu August 12-August 15 10:00-11:30 a.m. $60 LOCATION: SCHOOL KNOLL PARK TENNIS COURTS, 15501 83RD ST RamseyBicycles.com | 763.323.6666 6825 Highway 10, Ramsey GET OUT AND RIDE! Ramsey Bicycle $10 OFF Summer Bike Tune-up $5 OFF a $25 Parts and Accessories Purchase www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 11 JUMP JAMBOREE ALL AGES It’s all about jumping and having fun. Jump City will be setting up oodles of bouncies, obstacle courses, and knockerballs in Prairie Park for a day of unlimited jumping. For inclement weather, please check website. Saturday August 3 12:00-8:00 p.m. $15 all day/ $10 half day LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK FALCON SPORT CAMPS 2 YEAR OLDS These camps help your child with developmental milestones like running, kicking, throwing, and interacting socially with other kids. PARENTS AND/OR GUARDIANS PARTICIPATE WITH THEIR CHILD DURING THE ENTIRE CAMP EXPERIENCE. FALCON SOCCER CAMP (2 YEAR OLDS) Players will start to develop their soccer skills through fun and interactive games and challenges. Wed June 19-August 14 6:00-6:30 p.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK FALCON BASKETBALL CAMP (2 YEAR OLDS) Skills that will be worked on are: dribbling, shooting, passing, and team work. Mon & Wed July 22-August 14 8:30-9:00 a.m. $35 Tue & Thu July 23-August 15 8:30-9:00 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT THE PRAIRIE PARK B-BALL COURT FALCON TUMBLING CAMP (2 YEAR OLDS) You and your little one will love this camp, packed full of activities that are great for developing large motor skills, coordination, strength and balance. Thursdays June 6-June 27 5:30-6:00 p.m. $35 Thursdays July 11-August 1 5:30-6:00 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER (8899 NASHUA AVE. NE) EAGLE SPORT CAMPS 5-6 YEAR OLDS These camps teach different sports, and social skills like taking turns, cooperating, playing fairly, and being a good sport. EAGLE SOCCER CAMP (AGES 5-6) Coaches focus on basic drills while providing the players a fun workout. Your player will start to develop a basic understanding of soccer while scrimmaging with their friends and future teammates. Tue & Thu June 18-July 18 9:50-10:20 a.m. $35 Tue & Thu July 23-August 13 9:50-10:20 a.m. $35 Wed June 19-August 14 7:15-7:45 p.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK !! Through community support, area youth experiencing homelessness are now receiving critical services to help them find greater stability and well-being. July Summer Camps jumpngymnastics.com | Ramsey, MN WEB | MULTIMEDIA | PRINT | COMMUNITY 763.551.3700 | PrimeAdvertising.com | 6450 Wedgwood Rd N #100, Maple Grove Ask about our COMPLIMENTARY Marketing Consultation or Website Evaluation 12 | To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com EAGLE MULTI-SPORT CAMP (AGES 5-6) Coaches keep your child active and show them how fun playing different sports can be. Sports include soccer, t-ball, flag football and basketball. Tue & Thu July 23-August 15 10:00-10:40 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK WILDCAT SPORT CAMPS 3-4 YEAR OLDS Wildcat Sport Camps help build your child’s confidence by refining their physical skills and abilities and teaching them how to work together as a team. WILDCAT SOCCER CAMP (AGES 3-4) Players refine their soccer skills alongside their future friends and teammates. Our coaches create a fun and challenging environment while focusing on soccer fundamentals and teamwork. Mon & Wed June 17-July 17 9:10-9:40 a.m. $35 Tue & Thu June 18-July 18 9:10-9:40 a.m. $35 Wed June 19-August 14 6:40-7:10 p.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK WILDCAT MULTI-SPORT CAMP (AGES 3-4) Coaches focus on introducing players to the sports of soccer, t-ball, flag football and basketball through interactive drills and games. Tue & Thu June 18-July 18 10:00-10:40 a.m. $35 LOCATION: OUTSIDE AT PRAIRIE PARK WILDCAT TUMBLING (AGES 3-4) We help your child refine their large motor skills by incorporating gymnastics through mat exercises, low balance beam, vaults, and tumbling. Thursdays June 6-June 27 6:10-6:40 p.m. $35 Thursdays July 11-August 1 6:10-6:40 p.m. $35 LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE RECREATIONAL LEAGUES 3-6 YEAR OLDS Our recreation leagues are a great way to keep your young athletes active without committing your entire summer to just one activity. All teams are led by volunteer parent coaches. All players receive uniforms. EAGLE FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE (AGES 5-6) Registration Deadline July 15 Tuesdays July 30-August 27 6:00-7:00 p.m. $45 6900 Wedgwood Road, Suite 200, Maple Grove “Understanding Your Needs, Protecting Your Rights” 763.560.5700 | hennsnoxlaw.com Individuals & Families Businesses & Non-Profi t Estate Planning • Probate Family Law • Custody Personal Injury Workers Comp Conservatorships Litigation & Dispute Resolution Business & Corporate Law Real Estate Nonprofi t Law Employment Law Laurel Academy Early Learning CenterNow Open and Enrolling! What sets us apart? • Lower staff to child ratios • Exceptional, in-house curriculum that will be implemented daily • Highly qualified staff • Variety of nutritious and fresh meals prepared on-site “A superior education experience for young children” 6558 Laketowne Place, Albertville MN 55301 763-269-5003 | LaurelAcademyELC.com Nicole@laurelacademyelc.com Like and Share our Facebook Page @laurelacademyelc Laurel Academy Early Learning Center is located in Albertville, MN and provides childcare for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Our hours of operation are 6:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 13 14 | To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com ADULT FITNESS CLASSES GOAT YOGA Goat yoga is making its way to Prairie Park. Trained Instructors will guide you through a yoga class, while using breath and movement while interacting with the goats. All ages and ability levels are welcome. Guaranteed to be fun and one of the most memorable workouts you’ve had. One to mark off your bucket list. Please bring your camera and a yoga mat if you have one! Saturday June 22 11:00-11:55 a.m. $40 LOCATION: PRAIRIE PARK REGULARLY SCHEDULED MONTHLY CLASSES 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER These classes feature a punch card system. Register for just the classes that work with your schedule. 5 classes for $25.00 or 10 classes for $40.00. A schedule is released for one month at a time. TUESDAY – FULL BODY SCULPT CLASSES: 6:00 p.m. Each class brings a new experience. From HIIT training, dumbbells, slam bags and battle ropes, there is something to help challenge you and reach your most extreme goals. WEDNESDAY – ZUMBA: 6:15 p.m. Ditch the workout and join the dance party. Zumba™ is a fusion of motivating Latin and international music with dynamic, FUN and effective cardio dance moves. These easy to follow routines incorporate interval training – alternating fast and slow rhythms – and resistance training. Level: All. Equipment: None SUNDAY – CARDIO DRUMMING: 6:30 p.m. March to the beat of your own drum with one of the latest and FUN fitness trends! Cardio drumming takes a simple movement – drumming – and turns it into a full-body workout that will leave you smiling, sweating, and feeling great. Come feel like a rock star! NEW to group fitness at Otsego? Mention Code Summer2019 and receive $5.00 off your punch card. LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE NE fmsc.org Turn hunger into hope with your own two hands Make a meaningful dierence in th e lives of children around the world. Join us to pack nourishing meals. It just takes 2 hours! Kids 5 years and older are welcome. Sign up today to pack meals in Chanhassen, Eagan or Coon Rapids. UGANDA CSMF retfa azuaL MannaPack™ meals Before MannaPack WE’RE HERE TO BRINGYOU THERE Great for schools, churches, daycares, businesses & more! Buses VansNOW HIRING BUS & VAN DRIVERS Big Lake, Elk River, Rogers & Zimmerman • Flexible hours & Competitive wages • Paid training provided to acquire your CDL GIVE US A CALL TODAY! Big Lake 763.263.7900 Elk River 763.441.4420 CONTACT US TODAY FOR CONVINIENT TRANSPORTATION! TRANSPORTATION To register, please visit otsegoparksrec.com TINY TOTS OPEN PLAY TIME NEWBORN-5 YEAR OLDS WITH PARENTS/ADULTS Kids bring your caretakers to this super fun open playtime. Come meet up with your future classmates and learn skills. We will read stories, do crafts, and play. Wednesdays & Thursdays, Starting September 25 & 26 9:30-11:00 a.m. (Please check the website for days that we are not meeting.) LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER, 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE $3 EACH TIME PRAIRIE FESTIVAL Otsego Parks and Recreation is looking for sponsors and vendors for the 2019 Otsego Prairie Festival so come join the team and make this year a huge success. COUPLES CANOE TRIP Couples will park at Carricks Landing (next to Cowboy Jack’s) and be bused to Norin Landing. From there couples will be guided down the Mississippi River with views of the beautiful fall foliage and wildlife. Canoes, paddles, and life jackets are included. Saturday October 6 10:30 a.m. $50 per couple LOCATION: CARRICK’S LANDING PARK ACTIVITY CENTER 55 YEAR OLDS AND OVER All new and better prizes! Enjoy Bingo Every Monday of the Month 1:00-3:00 p.m. | FREE! LOCATION: PRAIRIE CENTER Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please see website (Recreation 55+ tab) for more info Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Overnight Boarding 1st dog $32/day 2nd dog $26/day 3rd dog $15/day Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Grooming Self Bath $15 Staff Bath $25 Nail Trim $7 Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Doggie Day Care 1/2 day (1-6 hrs) $15/day Full day (6-12 hrs) $23/day Open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. Call 763.441.8102 or visit RinTinInnKennel.com Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! Ask about our Doggie Day Care Packages! FUN ALL DAY! FIREWORKS AT DUSK! SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 14 WEB: otsegoprairiefestival.com @otsegoprairiefestival 10 a.m. | Prairie Park – 8899 Nashua Ave NE SEE YOU 21695 ELK LAKE RD NW, ELK RIVER, MN 55330 VISIT ROLMN.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION ROL KIDS PROGRAMMING FOR BIRTH – 6TH GRADE JOIN US SUNDAYS AT 9 & 10:45 AM AT ROL!SUNDAY www.ci.otsego.mn.us | 15 WRIGHT COUNTY CSAH 38 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Work on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 38 in Otsego, from Odean Avenue to TH 101, resumed in April and CSAH 38 is closed to thru traffic from just east of Odean Avenue to Quaday Avenue. The posted detour route will utilize Quam Avenue, CSAH 39, and Odean Avenue. The roadway will be open to local traffic but depending on construction activities, access may not always be open from each direction. The contractor (Fehn Companies, Albertville MN) should be coordinating and communicating with residents, schools and the City. Construction operations during the 2019 season will include work such as installation of storm sewer, curb and gutter, turn lanes, shoulders, stormwater retention ponds and correction of poor subgrades. It is planned for a September 2019 completion date. Part of the work will include the installation of a traffic signal at Quaday Avenue NE. Many privately-owned utility changes will be taking place throughout the project. Buried cables along with overhead lines must be relocated within the new highway right-of-way limits. This work will be performed by the individual private utility companies or crews they hire directly.   The Wright County Highway Department greatly appreciates your patience during construction on this important improvement project. Questions or comments regarding this project can be directed to the Wright County Highway Department at 763-682-7383 (ask for the Highway Department). Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Proud sponsor of the FARMER’S MARKET PRAIRIE FESTIVAL & TASTE OF OTSEGO! Otsego Office | 15800 88th Street NE 763-441-7700 www.thebankofelkriver.com | Member FDIC The Bank of Elk River is honored to support these popular events that highlights the best of our Otsego community! What’s protecting your eyes when the wind is in your hair? Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. 6450 Wedgwood Road N., Suite 100 Maple Grove, MN 55311-3649 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PRIME PERMIT NO. 2 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER