ORD 02-18SUMMARY PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 02-18 As authorized by state law, including Minnesota Statutes, section 412.191, subd.4, the City of Otsego has approved the publication of an ordinance - the "cable ordinance" - in summary form. The full text of the ordinance is posted, and copies are available for inspection, in the office of the city clerk. The approved summary of the ordinance follows: CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 02-18 The cable ordinance governs the City's grant of cable television franchises. Such franchises will authorize the use of rights-of-way in the City to construct, operate and maintain systems to provide cable services. The cable ordinance generally sets forth requirements for cable franchises consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter238, including requirements for the operation of such systems and delivery of cable services in the City. The ordinance shall be effective on the date of publication of this summary. BY ORDER OF THE CITY OF OTESGO B I ayor ATTEST: By Clerk Published:. Elk River Star News 11-20-02 Posted: Otsego City Hall 11-13-02 Cable ordinance summary.co