Biosolids Facility SummarySummary of Biosolids Building City of Otsego, MN P05409-2017-003 Memorandum: Biosolids Building Progress Update Otsego East WWTF Biosolids Building To: Otsego City Council and Staff From: Scott Schaefer, PE AE2S Date: May 23, 2019 1 SUMMARY The purpose of this memo is to provide some background information ahead of the May 28, 2019 Special Council Meeting. Additional detail will be presented with further discussion at the meeting. The project team has continued to refine the layout concepts of the Biosolids Building for the East WWTF. The process layout has been solidified, and the building elements have been arranged around the core biosolids processes of the building. The building structure has been developed based upon the full projected biosolids capacity at full development of the City of Otsego. This Biosolids Building will dewater and stabilize all waste solids from both the East WWTF and the West WWTF The following characteristics are included: • Biosolids processing and handling equipment/facilities with full redundancy o Centrifuges are recommended; capital costs were very close between centrifuges and screw presses; centrifuges have slightly better performance and smaller footprint o Chemical stabilization equipment approach was updated to two trains at buildout instead of three due to economy of scale of the larger units o Half installed now (1 duty plus 1 redundant; 3 duty plus 1 redundant at buildout) o Full stabilized biosolids loadout garage o Associated ancillary chemical systems (lime silos, polymer dosing equipment) • Truck bay for interior unloading of West WWTF thickened waste stream (TWAS) • Centrate and TWAS storage tanks and pumping • Storage and maintenance garage • Locker room with showers • Break room / office-controls space • SCADA (controls) upgrades Summary of Biosolids Building City of Otsego, MN P05409-2017-003 • Odor control (Biosolids Building and equipment replacement at Pretreatment) • Electrical/HVAC/Plumbing • Civil/site work 2 BIOSOLIDS DISPOSAL Long term disposal will be at the Elk River Landfill (Waste Management) with an option for disposal at the Vonco Landfill in Becker. The team has been in contact with both landfills to determine pre-disposal requirements. The stabilized Biosolids can also be beneficially used as an agricultural fertilizer supplement, and the selected process provides a Class A designation with a likely designation of Class A, Exceptional Quality (Class A, EQ). The Class A, EQ designation allows land spreading and/or field stockpiling outside of the typical late fall land application window, which has been one of the constraints of the current Class B land application program. The Class A designation also opens up additional agricultural land that did not meet the requirements for Class B land application. No biosolids storage is planned for the East WWTF site, but the Biosolids Building is currently configured to allow truck hauling to opportunistically use land application while appropriate agricultural land is still available within reasonable haul distances. This near term land application is intended to reduce near term costs of trucking and landfill tipping fees while retaining the reliability of landfill disposal during years with poor weather or during the growing and winter seasons. 3 NOTABLE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES Several design concepts and building framing options were examined, and a practical building structure to fit the functionality of the Biosolids Building is being recommended. The following features are highlighted: • Flat roof structural system with minimized corners. Primarily precast construction for construction efficiency while allowing for finish choices. • Current building concept includes a green roof system. This is similar to typical ballasted membrane roof in that the waterproof element is the same, the gravel (ballast) is replaced with a modular tray system pre-planted with low maintenance species. Generally, this green roof system will save energy on cooling costs, but for this application it would maintain a lower summer building temperature because much of the Biosolids Building space would not be air conditioned. • The building also includes Kalwall translucent panels, which allow natural lighting during the day while also being thermally efficient. • Landscape: continuation of the site “screen” tree line around the perimeter as well as low maintenance planting between the existing tree line to reduce mowing and a “bee lawn” to reduce mowing to zero to two times per year for the area around the Biosolids Building. Landscaping around the Biosolids Building is also included. Summary of Biosolids Building City of Otsego, MN P05409-2017-003 4 GREEN ELEMENTS In addition to the green roof and Kalwall systems, a geothermal heating system was considered. Unfortunately, the payback period for the geothermal was 25+ years, which makes the system difficult to recommend. Accommodations are planned for a future reuse water system by having a “split” water supply system in the building. All water will initially be supplied as potable water, but a reuse system is anticipated for future installation. The reuse water system is recommended for deferral until the Liquid Treatment Expansion project (EL1 in the Wastewater Master Plan) to better quantify reuse water demands. A solar system was considered, but this was pre-empted by the green roof system. Solar could be reconsidered in lieu of a green roof. 5 COST AND FUNDING The inflation adjusted project budget is $13.9MM, and the updated opinion of project cost is currently tracking approximately $1MM above the budgeted amount. Areas of cost increase and potential cost mitigation measures including bid alternate approaches and/or scope adjustments will be a focus of discussion for the May 28, 2019 Special Meeting. DESCRIPTION Mobilization / General Conditions $737,000 Site Work / Civil Work $862,000 Landscape Architectural $190,000 Dewatering Equipment $1,055,000 Chemical Stabilization Equipment $2,015,000 Pumps, Piping, Conveyance $478,000 Odor Control $190,000 Structural/Architectural Building System $3,751,000 Electrical/Instrumentation and Controls $1,199,000 Mechanical $795,000 SUBTOTAL 11,272,000$ Tax*$282,000 Construction Contingencies $1,127,000 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL 12,681,000$ Engineering, Legal, Admin $2,254,000 TOTAL OPINION OF PROBABLE COST 14,935,000$ OPTIONS Upgrade to Geothermal $320,000 Pretreatment Odor Control Replacement** $145,000 **Separated due to anticipated cost through Rehab/Replacement Fund. OPINIONS OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST - BIOSOLIDS BUILDING *Tax is estimated based upon total project; biosolids equipment is exempted, but other materials are still taxed. Summary of Biosolids Building City of Otsego, MN P05409-2017-003 The project was submitted in 2018 for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) low interest loan consideration to determine our initial project priority list (PPL) scoring. The 2018 score was 19 points, and the funding cut-off in 2018 for 2019 construction was 44 points. Discussions with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) have improved our score to 24, which is unlikely to be in the fundable range. The state funding statutes are written around liquid stream projects because that is what most of the statutory permitting is written around, so this biosolids project categorically does not qualify for many of the potential points. Improving the score would likely require adding a significant liquid stream project element to score enough points to access an SRF loan but would increase overall costs. 6 SCHEDULE The project schedule is staying on track for construction in 2020. Next steps are to complete the preliminary engineering report and move into final design. • 2019 – Final Design • January/February 2020 – Bidding • Operational Start-Up – Late 2020 • Substantial Completion – Spring 2021 • Final Completion – Summer 2021