05-28-19 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING
MAY 28, 2019
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 9:12 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Corey Tanner, Tom Darkenwald, and
Jason Warehime. Absent: Councilmember Tina Goede. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City
Administrator/Finance Director; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Ross
Demant, Parks and Recreation Director; Kevin Lamson, Street Operations Manager; Kurt
Neidermeier, Utility Manager; and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
1. 2020 Budget Discussion.
Council Roundtable; City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty stated this is an opportunity
for the City Council to express their current view on City services and programs. During the
council roundtable Mayor Stockamp spoke on an article she read about on a potential economic
recession. She asked that City staff bring back recommendations on potential budget cuts if
that were to happen.
CM Tanner spoke on the need for signage (entrance) and commercial marketing for the City.
There was discussion on the City official newspaper, Star News, not being delivered to all
Otsego residents. City staff has attempted in the past to get that rectified with no luck. It was
noted that residents can pay for a subscription through Star News or they can pick one up free
from City Hall.
There was no other items discussed, the consensus was to maintain services and lower costs
where we can if available.
Assumptions; City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed information he had
gathered. He stated he will bring back surrounding city info once available. The City Council
concurred to start with 2.75%.
2020 Staffing;
Street Operations Manager Lamson said he is not requesting any new staffing for 2020. He said
he will continue to evaluate with the addition of the Maintenance I position this year and
possibly bring back a request in 2021 as they are looking at adding an additional snow plow
route in 2021.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the request for a Part-time Recreation
Coordinator; he explained with Amy Stemler leaving they re-evaluated the position and are
requesting it be replaced with the Recreation Coordinator which would include around 7
additional hours per week. He spoke on some of the off-site programs the department is
working on with Guardian Angels and the 728 School District. CM Warehime asked for the Parks
and Recreation Director to evaluate the current programs and fees and bring back.
City Clerk Loff reviewed the request for a Deputy Clerk, she noted that when she took over the
City Clerk position in 2010 the Deputy Clerk and City Clerk duties were combined and a new
Deputy Clerk was not hired. She stated that worked fine for many years but now with the
additional duties assigned and as the city is continuing to grow there is a need for additional
staff in the Clerks department. She also noted there have been changes made the last couple of
years that she appreciates to help with Planning Commission meeting minutes and now this
year the addition of Planning Commission packets. She reviewed statistics she gathered with
some of her job duties from the past year showing the increase from year to year. She noted
some of the items that have been added to her job include website, Otsego View Newsletter
and the cities social media accounts. There was discussion of the addition of the Presidential
Primary elections in March which will add additional work.
The City Council discussed the possibility of taking on the absentee and early voting for Otsego
residents from Wright County. City Clerk Loff reviewed information she gathered. The City
Council generally supported the concept; but agreed that additional information and discussion
would be needed. CM Warehime worried about adding on the addition of absentee voting when
he is hearing we are short staffed.
City Planner Licht said Casey will be back again this season for Code Enforcement.
CM Darkenwald left at 11:00 PM.
City Engineer Wagner spoke on future road projects; he spoke on the wave of road projects
from the early 2000's that will be entering the 10 -year capital improvement plan in the near
future. He also spoke on the need for the City to complete the sanitary sewer design plans for
the whole City as development is approaching these areas very quickly.
Utility Operations Manager Neidermeier reviewed the utility request for one additional full time
employee with the addition the new Bio Solids Building. He stated we also will have the painting
of Water Tower #2.
City Engineer Wagner and Utility Operations Manager Neidermeier reviewed past costs gathered
on city locate services with Hakanson Anderson Engineering. City staff is recommending these
services be completed by the Utility Department for 2020. Utility Operations Manager
Neidermeier said he would recommend an additional position for locates; this position would
handle operations when not doing locates. After discussion the City Council consensus was to
continue locates with Hakanson Anderson for 2020 and bring back data to 2021 budget
2. Adjourn.
CM Warehime motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion
carried 3-0. Adjourned at 11:44 PM.
Mayor Jessica Stockarnp
Tami Loff, City Clerk