ITEM 5.1Item 5.1
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Parks and Recreation Director Demant
DATE: June 13, 2019
RE: Review of the Prairie Park Masterplan
With the process of the Parks and Recreation System Masterplan coming to an end, a logical
next step would be to start prioritizing projects that were identified as high priorities as a result of
the process.
Otsego Prairie Park was not only identified as one of the most popular parks in the parks
system it is also the location where many of the most popular activities like the Otsego Prairie
Festival and Entertainment in the Park occur. For these reasons we will be reviewing the
Otsego Prairie Park Masterplan in order to identify locations for future amenities.
The 2019 Capital Improvement Plan identifies $22,500 for planning and design services for
Prairie Park. Providing the company that will be providing the planning and design services with
a concept of the park will expedite the planning process.
After the Lefebvre Creek Grand Opening which is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday we
reconvene at Otsego Prairie Center to review the current concept plan.
Staff is recommending that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the current Prairie
Park concept plan and make recommendations for improvements.
Draft Prairie Concept Plan