06-11-19 PS MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Meeting June 11, 2019 6:30 PM Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime Commissioners: Chairman Bill Abderhalden- excused, Vice-Chair Dan Freiberg, David Greeman, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, John Braun, Vern Heidner- excused, Greg Hubbard Public Safety Officials: Deputy Eric Thole, Albertville Chief Bullen 1. Call to order at 18:35 1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Jim Breitbach and seconded by Paul Fields. Approved unanimously 2. Approve meeting minutes from January 8th, 2019. Motioned by Jim Breitbach and seconded by Paul Fields. Approved Unanimously. 3. Open forum -None. 5. Public Safety updates: Albertvile Fire Department- Chief Eric Bullen - Busy month in May. - 192 calls so far this year. - Leave to go inspect the two new fire trucks tomorrow WCSO - Deputy Eric Thole -There has been a lot of thefts from vehicles, make sure to lock up your cars and take valuables out. 6. Old Business, - Dan checking on ambulance updates 7. New business - None Motion to adjourn made by Jim Breitbach seconded by Paul Fields. Written By: Gregory Hubbard