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07-16-19 PR Packet
CITY of OTSEGO PARKS&4 Recreation otsegoparksrec.com 6:00 PM PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:00 PM Norin Landing The Commissioners will gather at Norin Landing for the Norin Park Grand Opening. (10599 Kadler Ave, Ct Rd 39 to Kadler north to river) Immediately following the Grand Opening, the Parks and Recreation Commission will meet. Call to Order Roll Call: 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda For Approval. 3. Consider the Minutes: 3.1 June 18, 2019 Regular Meeting. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business 5.1 Otsego Prairie Park Master Plan 6. Parks and Recreation Director's Update. 7. City Council Reports. 8. Adjourn. NOTES/ACTION 7/16/19 The next Parks and Recreation Meeting will be held August 20, 2019 at Carricks Waterfront Park at 6pm. "OTSEGO PARKSAND RECREATION, THROUGH ITSEMPLOYEESAND VOLUNTEERS, IS COMMITTED TO PRESERVING HERITAGE WHILE PROVIDING QUALITYAND INNOVATIVE SERVICES, PARKS, AND PROGRAMS TO RESIDENTS AND VISITORS," ITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Prairie Center June 18, 2019 7:20 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Kitty Baltos Travis Rittenbach, and Matt Killam. Absent: Commissioners: Angela Hilde, Derrick Stark and Doug Cassady. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and City Council member Tina Goede. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Nick Jacobs, Park Maintenance II, CJ Huettle, Parks Maintenance I and Connie Schwecke, Administrative Assistant. 1. Ogen Forum. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Baltos motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Meeting Minutes. 3.1 April 16, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chair Dehn motioned to recommend to the City Council to approve the regular meeting minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Rittenbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. 5.1 Otsego Prairie Park Master Plan. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented the Parks and Recreation System Master Plan and the Prairie Park Master Plan and requested the commissioners to review the concept plan and make recommendations for improvements. After the discussion, the commissioners agreed to proceed with the recommended improvements. 6. Parks and Recreation Director Update. Parks and Recreation Director Demant discussed Norin Landing, the rescheduling of the Touch a Truck event and reviewed new and upcoming programs. 7. City Council Reports. Mayor Jessica Stockamp gave an update to the commissioners. 8. Adjourn. ITEM 3.1 Commissioner Baltos motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant TV OF Q75FGO PARKS Recreation otsegoparksrecxom TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks and Recreation Director Demant DATE: July 12, 2019 RE: Review of the Prairie Park Masterplan Background: Item 5.1 The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed a conceptual master plan design for Prairie Park at their June, 2019 meeting. Additions to the splash pad, dog park, and construction of pickleball courts were identified as priority items during that meeting. The next step in the planning process, would be to identify a consultant to assist the City with planning and implementation of these improvements. In addition to Prairie Park improvements, other parks are currently identified in the Capital Improvement Plan for various levels of planning. These parks include, the parks that will be located in the Ashwood and Highlands of Riverpointe Development, Wilson Preserve, and Carrick's Landing. Following the same procedure that was used for the Parks and Recreation System Masterplan, staff has requested that HKGI provide a proposal for planning services for the beforementioned parks. In the proposed fee schedule, a cost for planning each is listed. If the parks are planned together, there would be a proposed cost savings of $9,500. This cost savings would be achieved through combining portions of the planning such as community input, Council, Commission, and Staff meetings and plan reviews. Recommendation: Staff is recommending that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the proposal from HKGI and provide a recommendation on how to proceed. Potential options include: 1) Recommend HKGI's proposed with or without modifications 2) Have staff develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) for planning services and conduct interviews at a later date. Attachments: HKGI Park Master Planning Proposal V I JLVrL lJr vvvnr\ .........................1 02 PROJECTTEAM 5 03 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE. 12 � 4 STEWART FIELD MINNEAPOLIS f a,7r ij It �9 u► } Landscape Architecture Planning Urban Design 123 N. 3rd Street, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-338-0800 Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director City of Otsego 13400 90th Street Northeast Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Proposal to Provide Park Master Planning and Design Services Dear Ross: We are pleased to submit our proposal to assist the City of Otsego in envisioning the future of several of its key parks: Prairie Park, Highlands of Riverpointe, Wilson Preserve, Carrick's Waterfront Park, and Ashwood Park. Enclosed you COLLABORATE will find the scope of work we propose to conduct for each park along with our LISTEN understanding of some of the key issues to be addressed at each park. This understanding is based on our experience developing the City's Park System Plan EXPLORE and on discussions with staff and community members. CREATE We have also included resumes for the staff members that will be assigned to this project, along with information about some of our relevant experience providing park planning and design services elsewhere in the region. We look forward to helping the City of Otsego with such an important community project. Please let me know if you need any additional information related to the proposed process. Sincerely, HKGi believes that design, when Paul Paige, PLA Gabrielle Grinde, ASLA, PLA inspired by the character of the people President Project Manager and the land, can create a unique and identifiable sense of community. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA .t tINV'i,';. ANDREWS PARK ti's ._ a •'. CHAMPLIN _ -VOL +J ` Fes' R" 1 FF99 r �r� - HKGi proposes to provide professional design and master planning consulting services to assist the City of Otsego with the process of envisioning the future of the following (5) parks; Prairie Park, Highlands of Riverpointe, Wilson Preserve, Carrick's Waterfront Park, and Ashwood Park. For all of the parks, the process proposed herein is intended to combine the findings of the ongoing System Plan project, input from staff and the park commission, and the expertise of HKGi landscape architects to create unique master plans for each of the parks covered in this proposal. The process will also ensure that the proposed final designs will fit the identified needs of the overall Otsego park system. We propose to accomplish the master planning effort with the following (3) core tasks: Task 1 - Understand What Exists To begin the master planning process we will develop park base maps, tour the park sites with staff, analyze the park's key features (natural resources, topography, soils, infrastructure including roads, park features, lighting, trails, etc.) and develop a map summarizing the findings and identifying the key issues and opportunities of each park in the context of their surroundings. Task 1 Meeting Summary: Site tour Staff meeting Task 1 Deliverables: Base map for each park Site Analysis map and list of issues/opportunities for each park Task 2 - Explore the Possibilities Based on the findings from Task 1, the HKGi team will develop a minimum of (2) conceptual master plan options for each park. The planning process will explore the integration of program elements in varied forms and will incorporate staff input collected in Task 1. The concepts will identify the park ideas in plan view and, where applicable, sections and elevations will be developed to better convey the plan ideas. Draft concepts will be reviewed with staff and the park commission prior to being presented to the public for additional input. One or two joint neighborhood/ community meetings will be held to review the concept plans. Community input will be summarized and delivered to staff in preparation for Task 3. Task 2 Meeting Summary: Staff meetings (2) Park Commission meeting Neighborhood/Community meeting Task 2 Deliverables: Two Concept Plans (illustrative) for each park Sections/Elevations (as needed) for each park Neighborhood meeting materials and facilitation OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 2 SCOPE OF Wuty Task 3 - Develop a Preferred Master Plan Following a review of community input with staff, HKGi will develop a draft preferred concept for each park. Additional detail and illustrations will be incorporated and initial cost analysis will be completed for all proposed elements of the draft preferred plans. The plans and cost analysis will be reviewed with staff and the Park Commission and comments will be incorporated. The updated plans will be considered the Preferred Master Plan for each of the (5) parks. As discussed, it is assumed that City staff will carry forward the plans for review and approval by the City Council. HKGi is available if needed for additional presentation support or to edit plans based on additional City Council comments. Task 3 Meeting Summary: Staff meeting Park Commission meeting Task 3 Deliverables: Preferred Concept Plan (illustrative) for each park Cost Estimate for each park Details and illustrations (as needed) for each park Project Understanding The following park by park list identifies the program topics and issues that are apparent today at each park. Other topics and/or opportunities are likely to also be identified during the design process, so the list is not to be considered complete. We will use the list as a starting point for the design process. Prairie Park - Key components to explore in the master planning process: 1. Integration of more play fields west of the current ballfields and recommended improvements to the existing fields - improved dugouts, concessions, spectator amenities. 2. Splash Pad improvements - updates and additions to the current facility. Explore phasing for future improvements. 3. Integration of 3-4 dedicated pickleball courts potentially near the Prairie Center building. Consider phasing for future expansion. 4. Explore possible land acquisition to the south of the existing park boundary. 5. Explore playground upgrades and possible integration with the hill. 6. Consider expansion of the dog park. 7. Consider future location of archery range. 8. Explore wayfinding signage options. Potential to develop a template for system -wide park and trail signage. Highlands of Riverpointe - Key components to explore in the master planning process: 1. Incorporate the planned Crow River Regional Trail route. 2. Explore alignments for soft surface hiking trails and potential ski trails. 3. Crow River access - canoe/kayak/fishing. 4. Natural resource management - shoreline and forest restoration. PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN Carrick's Waterfront Park - Key components to explore in the master planning process: 1. Incorporate interpretive components. 2. Explore river access - canoe/kayak/shore fishing. 3. Consider landscaping improvements. 4. Incorporate more seating, picnicking, accessibility for seniors. 5. Explore connectivity to the adjacent ongoing development to leverage the park as a destination for shoppers/residents. 6. Explore the potential of an entertainment venue on the river. Wilson Preserve - Key components to explore in the master planning process: 1. Incorporate interpretive components. 2. Natural resource management - wetland/prairie restoration. 3. Incorporation of a boardwalk component. Ashwood Park - Key components to explore in the master planning process: 1. Explore program options to complement other area amenities. 2. Identify potential natural resource management strategies. Proposed Fees HKGi proposes to accomplish the process described above for the following professional fee. As discussed with staff, we have estimated the fees to complete the master plans individually and also to complete the master plans concurrently. The cost for each park master plan if completed individually: Prairie Park $22,500 Highlands of Riverpointe $17,000 Wilson Preserve $10,000 Carrick's Waterfront Park $12,000 Ashwood Park $10,000 Total if done independently $71,500* Total project cost if done concurrently - all (5) parks $62,000* *includes expenses of mileage and printing Proposed Schedule HKGi staff is available to start the design process within (2) weeks and can accomplish the process described above in approximately (4-5) months. Project Assumptions The City will provide any readily available mapping and park site information related to existing and planned infrastructure. Services, related to wetland delineations, topographic and boundary surveys, and civil and/or electrical engineering are not anticipated and are not included in this base scope of work. If deemed necessary, those services will be estimated and authorized prior to any additional work being done. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA SPRINGBROOK NATURE CENTER FRIDLEY .� 'z v � FKUJC` 16 MLO Since Since its establishment in 1982, HKGi has helped communities create great fnplaces for people to live, work and play. HKGi's planners and landscape architects understand the issues communities face as they seek to grow and evolve because they have worked with city leaders, listened to stakeholders express their ideas, crafted strategies to capitalize on opportunities and address challenges, and produced tools to help clients build and sustain great places. 123 North Third Street Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 p: 612.338.0800 f: 612.338.6838 w: www.hkgi.com Est. 1982 Principals: » Paul Paige, PLA, President » Brad Scheib, AICP, Vice President » Bryan Harjes, PLA, LEED AP, Vice President Associates: » Rita Trapp, AICP » Jeff Miller, AICP Staff: » 6 Licensed Landscape Architects » 5 Certified Planners » 6 Planners/Urban Designers » 1 Communications Staff » 1 Intern Planning Landscape Architecture Urban Design Park and recreation planning has long been a core service at HKGi, and as recognition of the economic, environmental, and health benefits of well-designed parks, trails, and recreation systems grows, so too does our commitment to providing innovative service to our clients. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge about the programming, sustainability, community engagement, and operations issues that park and recreation planning and design projects must address. Our planning and design approach is defined by four core principles: Collaborate Community members, stakeholders, clients and consultants combine their creativity, passion, insight, and skill to build great places. Listen We use the ideas and knowledge provided by community members, stakeholders, and clients to develop plans and designs that help the community achieve its vision. Explore Our ability to explore potential opportunities and strategies with clients and communities allow the best solutions to emerge. Create We strive to create plans and designs that produce positive results for our clients, which allows us to achieve our goal: to create great places that enrich people's lives. Staffing The following pages outline the qualifications of the planning and design team that will be assigned to the Otsego project. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Gabrielle Grinde ASLA, PLA Landscape Architect 1 612.252.7141 1 gabrielle@hkgi.com Gabrielle will serve as the Project Manager for the Prairie Park Master Plan and will provide coordination of the HKGi on park planning efforts for the City of Otsego. Gabrielle brings more than eleven years of experience to this project and has helped numerous communities throughout the greater Twin Cities region address their park, trail, open space and recreation needs. Gabrielle is an experienced community meeting facilitator with excellent listening and communication skills. Her ability to engage community members in creative problem solving has been a key component in several park planning projects and she strives to ensure that parks resources reflect the community's values and needs. Years of Experience: 11 Gabrielle's park and trail planning and design portfolio includes designing athletic Education: facility and playground improvements at Countryside Park in Edina; hillside >> MLA - University of Minnesota restoration and other improvements at Lake Ann Park in Chanhassen; master >> Port Cities Study Abroad: planning for Northeast Athletic Fields Park in northeast Minneapolis; and park Lisbon, Barcelona, and Venice - planning and cost estimating for more than 18 parks in Duluth's St. Louis River University of Minnesota Corridor neighborhoods. She has also conducted master planning and design for >> B.A. - Political Science, trails and greenways in Dakota County, Duluth, and Saint Paul. University of Wisconsin Park and Recreation Planning Experience Registration: » Pickleball Facility Feasibility Study I Maple Grove, MN >> Landscape Architect, Minnesota » Lake Ann Park Improvements I Chanhassen, MN License No. 50416 » Robert Piram Regional Trail Design I Dakota County and Saint Paul, MN Memberships/Affiliations: » River to River Greenway Design I Dakota County, MN >> American Society of Landscape » St. Louis River Corridor Neighborhood Park Master Plans I Duluth, MN Architects- Minnesota Chapter » Park Features Cost Estimating I Minneapolis, MN Awards: » Countryside Park Master Plan & Improvements Edina, MN » 2016 Minneapolis Heritage » Lake Hiawatha Bluewater Rain Garden Design Minneapolis, MN Preservation Award - » Minnehaha Park Refectory Site Improvementsl Minneapolis, MN Minnehaha Park Refectory » Tamarack Nature Center Site Improvements Ramsey County, MN Rehabilitation, Minneapolis >> 2015 MN APA Planning in » Lake Minnewashta Rain Garden Planting Plan I Chanhassen, MN Context Award - Moorhead » Neighborhood Raingardens I Chanhassen, MN River Corridor Plan » Wargo Nature Center Master Plan I Anoka County, MN >> 2015 MN APA Innovation in » Cobblestone Park Concepts I Apple Valley, MN Planning Award - Lanesboro » Hartkopf Park Master Plan I Brooklyn Park, MN Arts Campus Vision Plan » Lakeview Neighborhood Park Concept Plan I Chanhassen, MN 2015 MNDOT Stewardship » Lake Byllesby Regional Park Master Plan Dakota County, MN Award in Transportation and » Lebanon Hills Regional Park Master Plan Dakota County, MN the Natural Environment - River to River Greenway, Dakota » Thompson County Park Master Plan I Dakota County, MN County, MN » Byllesby and Nielsen Preserve Park Master Plans I Goodhue County, MN » 2015 ASLA-MN Merit Award for » Northeast Athletic Field Park Master Plan I Minneapolis, MN Analysis and Planning - Parks » Park Master Plans I Olmsted County, MN and Recreation Master Plan, » Baker Park Reserve Master Plan I Three Rivers Park District, MN Duluth, MN » Lakewalk Strategic Plan I Duluth, MN » Fairmount Park Vision I Duluth, MN PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN Paul Paige PLA President 1 612.252.7125 1 ppaige@hkgi.com Paul will serve as the Principal in Charge and will mainly be responsible for providing quality control services. He will also play an advisory role as needed during the planning and design process. Paul has more than 28 years of experience in landscape architecture and has provided project leadership for many of HKGi's design and implementation projects during the past twenty years. His approach emphasizes client service and ensuring that HKGi's services generate valuable outcomes for clients and their communities. He also excels in design workshop environments where his ability to pose key questions helps participants generate creative ideas and solutions. Years of Experience: 28 Paul's project management leadership and technical expertise have been critical Education: ingredients in transforming paper plans and designs into built work. He has » Bachelor of Landscape shepherded numerous construction projects through to completion, and the Architecture - University of results of his work can be seen throughout Minnesota. Minnesota Highlights of his park, trail and open space planning and design work includes Registration: several playground and athletic facility improvement projects for the Minneapolis » Landscape Architect, Minnesota Park and Recreation Board; improvements to Andrews Park in Champlin; trail and License No. 23594 park improvements in several Chanhassen; Veteran's Park in Chaska; and Fernbrook Fields Athletic Complex in Maple Grove. Memberships/Affiliations: » Elk River Parks and Recreation Park and Recreation Planning and Design Experience Commission (former) » Andrews Park Renovation I Champlin, MN » Sensible Land Use Coalition » Countryside Neighborhood Park Master Plan I Edina, MN Awards: » Rice Marsh Lake Trail I Chanhassen, MN » 2017 MN APA Success Stories in » Lake Ann Stairway and Overlook Improvements I Chanhassen, MN Implementation - Downtown » Various Park Improvement Projects over 15 years I Chanhassen, MN Chaska Master Plan and » Veterans Memorial Park I Chaska, MN Streetscape » North Urban Regional Trail Design I Dakota County, MN » 2015 ACEC-MN Excellence in Engineering Honor Award - » Fernbrook Fields Athletic Complex Master Plan and Design I Maple Grove, MN Buffalo Downtown Commons » Victory Park Master Plan and Renovation I Minneapolis, MN » 2014 MN APA Planning in » Keewaydin Park Renovation I Minneapolis, MN Context Award -Chaska » Lake Calhoun South Shore Parking Expansion I Minneapolis, MN Downtown Streetscape » Cedar Field Neighborhood Park Minneapolis, MN Schematic Design » Levin Triangle Park Renovation Minneapolis, MN » 2013 MN ASLA Merit Award and » East Phillips Park Master Plan I Minneapolis, MN 2009 MRPA Award of Excellence - >, Bottineau, Currie, and Stewart field improvement projects Minneapolis, MN Rivers Edge Commons, Elk River, » Meadowview Park Master Plan I Farmington, MN MN » 2003 Mpls AIA Merit Award - » Hill Dee Park Master Plan I Farmington, MN Bloomington Civic Plaza » Silver Springs Park Master Plan Farmington, MN » 2002 MRPA Award of Excellence - » Middle Creek Park Master Plan Farmington, MN Normandale Lake Bandshell » Village Creek and Arbor Plaza I Brooklyn Park, MN » 1988 ASLA Honor Award for » Normandale Lake Bandshell Bloomington, MN Student Work » Bush Lake Beach Renovation Bloomington, MN » Veterans Memorial Park I Champlin, MN OTSFGO, MINNESOTA 8 Years of Experience: 22 Education >> Masters of Landscape Architecture - University of Minnesota >> B.S., Industrial Design - University of Wisconsin -Stout Registration >> Landscape Architect, Minnesota License No. 41472 Awards >> 2017 MN APA Success Stories in Implementation Award - Downtown Master Plan and Streetscape - Chaska, MN >> 2015 MnDOT Stewardship Award - River to River Greenway >> 2015 ACEC-MN Excellence in Engineering Honor Award - Buffalo Downtown Commons >> 2014 MN APA Planning in Context Award - Chaska Amy Bower PLA Landscape Architect 1 612.252.7121 1 amy@hkgi.com Amy will provide landscape architecture and design services for the Otsego parks planning and design projects. Amy has more than two decades of experience developing plans, site designs, and construction documentation for streetscapes, public spaces, wayfinding and monument signage, trails, parks, and recreational facilities. Her background in industrial design, combined with her experience as a landscape architect, has enabled her to develop the skills needed to transform planning and design concepts into built work. Amy is skilled at working with clients and stakeholders during the design process, ensuring their input and needs are addressed during final design and implementation. She is also experienced representing the client and working with vendors and contractors to ensure that design details are properly executed during construction. She provides clients with valuable cost estimation, landscape architecture, and construction administration services, and her award-winning work can be seen throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Park and Trail Planning and Design Experience » River to River Greenway Design and Master Plan I Dakota County, MN » Countryside Park and Ballfield Design and Construction Edina, MN » Village Creek and Arbor Plaza Design and Construction Brooklyn Park, MN » Veterans Memorial Park Design and Construction I Champlin, MN » Andrews Park Improvements Design and Construction I Champlin, MN » Rice Marsh Lake Trail Design and Construction I Chanhassen, MN » Springbrook Nature Center Master Plan Design and Construction I Fridley, MN » Pioneer Park Playground I Chanhassen, MN » Park Plans, Designs, and Construction Administration (multiple parks) Chanhassen, MN » Veterans Memorial Park I Chaska, MN » Fernbrook Fields Athletic Complex Planning and Design I Maple Grove, MN » Pickleball Facilities Feasibility Study I Maple Grove, MN Downtown Streetscape » Folwell Park Athletic Field Improvements I Minneapolis, MN Schematic Design » Minnehaha Park Refectory Renovation Site Design I Minneapolis, MN 2013 MN ASLA Merit Award and » Nokomis -Hiawatha Regional Park Master Plan I Minneapolis, MN 2009 MRPA Award of Excellence - » Currie and Stewart Artificial Turf Fields I Minneapolis, MN Elk River Rivers Edge Commons » Calhoun South Sustainable Parking Lot I Minneapolis, MN 2012 MN ASLA Merit Award » Lyndale Elementary Playground I Minneapolis, MN and 2011 CEA of MN Project of » 54th Street Playground I Minneapolis, MN the Year Award - Osseo Central » Levin Park Playground I Minneapolis, MN Avenue Streetscape » Cedar Field Playground I Minneapolis, MN >> 2003 MN AIA Merit Award - Bloomington Civic Plaza » Veterans Memorial Park Design and Construction I Mound, MN » Chester Woods Amphitheater I Olmsted County, MN » LIMore Park Athletic Complex Design and Construction I Rosemount, MN » Como Regional Park Wayfinding Signage I Saint Paul, MN 9 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN Years of Experience: 7 Education Master of Urban & Regional Planning and Master of Landscape Architecture - University of Minnesota Port Cities Study Abroad - Amsterdam and Italy, University of Minnesota Department of Architecture Bachelor of Environmental Design - University of Minnesota Registration Landscape Architect, Minnesota, License No. 53837 Memberships/Affiliations American Society of Landscape Architects Awards 2018 ASLA-MN Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design - St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail Master Plan 2017 MN APA Success Stories in Implementation Award - Downtown Master Plan and Streetscape Reconstruction, Chaska, MN 2015 MN APA Planning in Context Award - Red River Corridor Master Plan, Moorhead, MN Tim Solomonson PLA Landscape Architect 1 612.252.7137 1 tim@hkgi.com Tim will provide landscape architecture expertise and he will also provide visualization support for the Otsego parks planning and design project. Tim has provided a variety of planning and design support services for HKGi projects including GIS mapping, 3D visualizations and renderings, schematic and design documentation, and construction administration, and his project portfolio includes several park and recreation master planning projects as well as site and streetscape design projects. Tim's related park planning projects include an Athletic Field Feasibility Study for Maple Grove, which examined the potential costs and implementation steps necessary to reconfigure several athletic field facilities in a handful of Maple Grove parks; design for the Fernbrook Fields Athletic Complex in Maple Grove; planning and design for Andrews Park in Champlin, which involved new picnic and maintenance facilities, a realigned internal trail, circulation reconfiguration between ballfields and the rest of the park program elements, and a new splash pad; and the new Veteran's Park in Chaska, which also involved reconfiguring the park to accommodate new program elements. Relevant Planning and Design Experience River to River Greenway Master Plan and Trail Design I Dakota County, MN Lebanon Hills Park Master Plan I Dakota County, MN Mendota Greenway Master Plan I Dakota County, MN Lake Marion Greenway Master Plan I Dakota County, MN Veterans Park Design I Chaska, MN Downtown Commons Streetscape Design I Buffalo, MN Andrews Park Master Plan I Champlin, MN Wayfinding Signage Plan and Design I Duluth, MN Aquatic Invasive Species Best Management Practices - Lotus Lake, Lake Susan, & Lake Ann Deployment Plans I Chanhassen, MN Trailhead Site Design I Zumbrota, MN Morgan Park & Community Center Master Plan I Duluth, MN Memorial Park Master Plan I Duluth, MN Gary New Duluth Park Master Plan I Duluth, MN Downtown Wayfinding and Signage I Hutchinson, MN Athletic Field Feasibility Study I Maple Grove, MN Fernbrook Athletic Complex Design I Maple Grove, MN Robert Piram Regional Trail Design I Saint Paul and Dakota County, MN Moorhead River Corridor Master Plan I Moorhead, MN Menard's Corporation - Land Planning Services I Apple Valley, MN Civic Campus Master Plan I Bloomington, MN 2016 AUAR Update I Chanhassen, MN Downtown Vision Plan Update I Chanhassen, MN Downtown Signage Guidelines and Wayfinding Plan I Chaska, MN OTSFGO, MINNESOTA 10 Years of Experience: 1 Education Bachelor of Landscape Architecture - North Dakota State University B.S., Environmental Design - North Dakota State University Awards 2017 NDSU Dennis C. Colliton Memorial Award -Top Outstanding Design Thesis in Landscape Architecture Ryan Heid Urban Designer 1 612.252.7127 1 ryan@hkgi.com Ryan will provide visualization expertise and he will also provide design support for the Otsego parks project. Ryan is an urban designer and recent graduate from North Dakota State University's Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. With a wide set of interests including wetland restoration, water and timber management, commercial planning, and urban design, Ryan also brings a strong set of graphic design and 3D rendering skills to HKGI. Ryan earned dual degrees at North Dakota State University, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Design. In 2017 he received NDSU's Dennis C. Colliton Memorial Award for Outstanding Design Thesis in Landscape Architecture for his phytoremediation and wetland restoration design on theTCAAP site in Arden Hills, Minnesota. Ryan was also named to collegiate All-American Lacrosse Teams twice during his college career. Planning and Design Project Experience Athletic Facilities/Greenspace System Plan I Becker, MN PotlatchDeltic Land Controls Analysis/Concept Design Plans I Bemidji, MN City Square West Redevelopment Plan I Chaska, MN Park Master Plans I Elk River, MN Parks and Recreation System Plan I Hutchinson, MN Potlatch Deltic Land Controls Analysis/Concept Design Plans I Layden Lake, MN Fernbrook Athletic Fields Implementation Maple Grove, MN Federal Reserve Parking Facility Site Study Minneapolis, MN Redevelopment Area Planning I Onalaska, WI Comprehensive Plan I Red Wing, MN Kinnickinnic River Corridor Master Plan I River Falls, WI Bridge Street Redevelopment Vision I St. Francis, MN Sam's Club Site Redevelopment Analysis I St. Louis Park, MN Great River Regional Trail Master Plan I Wright County, MN *Breezy Point Community Center Update I Breezy Point, MN >> *Sundance Golf Course Re -Design Dayton, MN *Rush Creek Parkway Master Plan Dayton, MN *Sundance Woods Landscape Design I Dayton, MN >> *Industrial Boulevard Landscape Design I Rogers, MN * Projects completed with a previous employer 11 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN • m ' 1 • I • 1 a. I r~ L 1 T f, ry. z Ab Af k7, 4F IL f. ' t : • RELEVANT EXPERIENCE OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 12 13 Andrews Park Master Plan Champlin, Minnesota C The master plan focuses on addressing increased program needs and higher quality facilities. Clyde Andrews Park is a popular 44 -acre community park that provides a hub for community events and activities with a broad mix of active fields, picnic facilities, playgrounds, tennis, and an extensive walking and biking trail network. The existing building facilities and a portion of the site infrastructure no longer met increased program needs, prompting the City to hire HKGi to lead a design team on creating a park master plan to better match improvement priorities with projected funding. HKGi and Oertel Architects collaborated with City staff to develop several concept scenarios for evaluation. The final master plan concept included a new splash pad at the heart of the park, a new concessions building with ADA restroom facilities, a new community -scale picnic shelter, renovation of the existing program/storage building, improved and expanded parking areas, and an improved trail system. HKGi and Oertel Architects conducted final design of the improvements, including detailed cost estimates to ensure the plan ideas fit within the capital planning priorities of the City. After assisting City staff in securing $220,000 from the Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant to fund the improvements, HKGi and Oertel Architects assisted the City during the bidding process and helped the City administer the construction process. PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN � iiia fiaro Pwi• IY.ia�ArMw r...ac��i� i^ 11= W M r— -.— RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Downtown Commons Plaza and Streetscape Buffalo, Minnesota The Buffalo Downtown Commons is a strong gateway into the downtown area that also provides a fun place for families to gather and children to play. Water from the interactive fountain will be collected in a cistern and re -used for irrigation for landscape areas. The City of Buffalo has been making improvements to its lakefront area and has begun extending those improvements to its downtown district. The Downtown Commons, which HKGi designed in collaboration with an engineering partner, creates an inviting entry point into downtown and a new connection between downtown and Buffalo Lake. The Commons has transformed an unattractive, undeveloped site into an inviting urban park plaza that features a rainwater garden, seating with lake overlooks, an interactive fountain/splash pad, a multi-purpose plaza, entry signage, and arbors with shade trees and terraced lawns. Elements of the Commons such as pavers, lighting, and other urban design materials are extended onto adjacent downtown blocks, inviting pedestrians to stroll into the downtown. Alleyways have also become inviting pedestrian connections as they have been transformed into an art walk that uses paving elements, overhead signs, and other design features to tell the story of historic downtown Buffalo. The Downtown Commons concept plan also anticipates potential future projects such as an intersection enhancement at Highway 25 and 1 st Street, and a potential farmers' market structure on the southern tip of the site. American Council of ACEC Engineering Companies, Minnesota Chapter Engineering Excellence Honor Award, 2015 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 14 Roundhouse Park Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota HKGi planned, designed, and provided construction administration services for improvements to this scenic neighbourhood park on the western shore of Lake Minnewashta. Improvements to the park consisted of adding a tennis court; several pickle ball courts, and relocating a half -court basketball hoop to another area of the park. Because of the park's location, stormwater and watershed permitting were important components of the improvement project. HKGi also worked with an engineer to design storm water treatment features on site. 15 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Lions Park Off -Leash Dog Area Chaska, Minnesota - ---... P ' Ili lls [rlltl Ire11G - ' bC + 0!11451§ Ili,Fsl ., i Irr! 1 crrlWo r 4rilrfW artr n IN � M1 a4 Lf IIhR MkYPtis4 N3N Is 14 # '.ems. �JIM� r�llti,. - Y# � •.. 7 t Ifr ! ¢ - First phase concept (top) includes a 1/3 -acre fenced off -leash area. The second phase concept (bottom) features a 4+ -acre fended wooded area with a clearing and trails. HKGi provided planning design services to the City of Chaska for the addition of an off -leash dog area to Lions Park. HKGi's work on the project included researching dog park best practices and precedents; methods for mitigating impacts to adjacent neighborhoods; community engagement; concept development and schematic design; and GIS analysis of topography and landscape context. Both the smaller, 1/3 -acre and the larger 4 -plus -acre off -least areas are open and improvements such as a drinking station, wash station, and upgraded restrooms were completed in spring of 2019. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 16 Countryside Park Master Plan Edina, Minnesota � � e 6_4 a - Improvements envisioned in the master plan were made to the basketball court, baseball diamond, and the playground. The Edina Countryside Park Master Plan establishes a park plan that responds to the changing recreational trends and desires of today's residents. HKGi developed two alternative concepts to explore and outline a variety of potential changes for the park, introducing new recreation uses in coordination with the preservation of the well -used and desired current park uses. The plan also encourages cooperation with adjacent users, taking better advantage of the existing parking lot that is shared with the neighbouring church. Both concepts developed by HKGi included a trail loop system and a large open field space that improves accessibility and provides increased recreational opportunities. The City used the preferred master plan concept to identify and prioritize improvements to the park and retained HKGi to lead the final design and implementation phases. Improvements were made to the warming house, an upgraded playground area, and improvements to the ball fields and basketball court. 17 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN RELEVANT EXPERIENCE St. Louis River Corridor Neighborhood Park Plans Duluth, Minnesota �. .-�� �-:;: -,;=„heti-r'�p":,3:•aup.'�,�:;t r -a .L# 0 IWI -W)r''_`�1V7 �YI '�yltuwll .moo - • ICrws...,� osse•4aM�,q��. Y r. rm iFwn...,.. We- s 4•. af'4F u. e '�W+�'�� '�tilir Ny514brrt1 e: When HKGi developed the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the Trail and Bikeway Master Plan for the City of Duluth, one of the City's objectives was to upgrade its park system in order to attract recreational tourists as well as new employers and residents who share a love of outdoor recreation. The plan acknowledged the St. Louis River Corridor as one of the city's more underutilized natural amenities, and since that time the City has increased planning and investment along the corridor. Because parks and recreation are important components of the corridor's outdoor experience, area parks qualify for up to $50,000 of tourism tax funding. HKGi and EOR have collaborated on the mini -master planning process for eleven neighbourhood and multi -use parks in the St. Louis River Corridor. Each mini -master plan includes an overview of existing conditions; a needs assessment; an inventory of strengths, opportunities, and issues; a concept master plan; and short -and long- term phasing plans with cost estimates for each individual improvement action. Each park is unique in setting, context, use, issues, and needs. Some offer active recreation, others offer passive recreation and scenic vistas of the river. Combined, the mini -master plans constitute a long range plan to meet the recreational needs of the St. Louis River Corridor and the City as a whole. In conjunction with other parks and recreation initiatives in Duluth, these mini -master plans will create the recreational infrastructure necessary to make Duluth a regional recreational tourist destination. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 18 19 Downtown Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan Hutchinson, Minnesota Final Entry and Interpretive Signage Concepts Yf I Districts and Destinations Map As part of Hutchinson's ongoing downtown revitalization, the City retained HKGi to focus on designing a master plan to emphasize identity, place making and wayfinding. The master plan lays out a framework for the implementation of a unified signage and wayfinding system designed to aid, educate, and orient local residents and incoming trail users to downtown Hutchinson's history and destinations. The plan establishes two districts around downtown and the Crow River and identifies key park, downtown, and historic destinations within each district. Key to the success of the project was the establishment of a design aesthetic for signage elements which unified the city's existing system of streetscape elements with the historic and architectural features of the downtown and Crow River districts. The plan specifies critical sign design details, sign location and orientation, and provides a phasing plan enabling a timely and cost effective roll out of the system. Following the creation of the master plan, HKGi created construction documentation and conducted construction administration for the implementation phase of the project. PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN a STATTa � 9. 9 River District Directional Sign El Crow River Trail System Map Kiosk RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Wayfinding Signage System Chaska, Minnesota HKGi conducted a citywide analysis to identify Chaska's wayfinding needs for signage targeted towards vehicular traffic, trail users, and signage needs specifically in the downtown area. After conducting an analysis of current conditions, HKGi identified key destinations, specific locations throughout the community for new signage, and also identified what type of signage (Gateway, Directional, primary, secondary, Trail head, Trail) would be most appropriate for each location. HKGi also designed signage concepts and sketches for each type of sign as well as potential thematic concepts to help organize the signage system. Information delivered to the City by HKGi also included unit cost estimates for each sign type, design guidelines, and phasing for implementation. Do—tm-SYgn Types_ OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 20 aal f JM ly2 j q I _ � r, 01 J' Jj r r j 12 ) li.� SAI%I ,y+, r� r -Ni L Ar ' I t 11AIriLa'�R'�"r�r}5ti � 4�1 FL1MF.iI Ik rY�gst••. Intl �ala*1/ If 1 45.. L. :. h�po:.s6's�4'+r a 125 ® �iS Rsw»4s�4'6r�Y HKGi conducted a citywide analysis to identify Chaska's wayfinding needs for signage targeted towards vehicular traffic, trail users, and signage needs specifically in the downtown area. After conducting an analysis of current conditions, HKGi identified key destinations, specific locations throughout the community for new signage, and also identified what type of signage (Gateway, Directional, primary, secondary, Trail head, Trail) would be most appropriate for each location. HKGi also designed signage concepts and sketches for each type of sign as well as potential thematic concepts to help organize the signage system. Information delivered to the City by HKGi also included unit cost estimates for each sign type, design guidelines, and phasing for implementation. Do—tm-SYgn Types_ OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 20 Gate, Wayfinding and Signage Plan Duluth, Minnesota PRIMARY IDENTIFICATION ■ Signature Park Signage MATERIALS: . Bluestone base . Anodized aluminum ar —ted stainless steel hartlware • Treaietl cedar limber . Treated cedar sign face could substitute coated metal panel) HKGi recently worked with Visual Communications to create a gate, wayfinding and signage plan for the City of Duluth's park and recreation system. In addition to the plan, which includes potential sign locations and implementation strategies, the project also includes the design of a set of clear and consistent signage elements for use throughout the park system. The project draws heavily on HKGi's experience with the City of Duluth and the firm's knowledge about the community's parks and recreation needs. HKGi's work on the project consisted of providing planning and mapping services, including an existing conditions analysis and inventory, as well as landscape architecture services consisting of entry planting options, and signage placement guidelines. HKGi also led design work for park identification monument signs, which involved developing alternative concepts and refining them into a preferred concept. 21 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN n,srr r a• sa,wsa+ ��Iexana �YwY BcrrPx• LP*AR PAA %C+04A PLACEMENT &AmP1E PA 14 r,oyrr�:.anai.+�SR +f16i1: .oar .wwai. *. ul4 4 r,lt.i +��iar:.leYra xtx RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 54th Street Playground Improvements Minneapolis, Minnesota In 2014 HKGi was hired by the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) to create a master plan for Nokomis -Hiawatha Regional Park. As part of the project, HKGi was also retained to redesign the 54th Street Playground, which serves as a neighborhood park for the surrounding residents. HKGi worked with a 15 -member Community Advisory Committee through a series of three hands-on workshops to design a new concept for the park and play areas. Engagement activities included working with local schoolchildren from nearby Hale Elementary to inspire their imaginations and encourage them to dream about what they would like to see on the playground. HKGi's design for the park preserved the grove of mature trees that screen the playground from all of the activity at the nearby regional park and provide a sense of calm for casual gathering. After a preferred concept was agreed upon, HKGi prepared final design and construction documents and is currently carrying out construction administration for the park improvements. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 22 Levin Triangle Park Improvements Minneapolis, Minnesota HKGi worked collaboratively with MPRB staff and project stakeholders to develop a master plan and subsequent construction documents for Levin Triangle Park, a small but popular park near the Chain of Lakes. This park consisted of dated equipment that did not meet modern standards for accessibility and playground safety. This need to replace this equipment, in combination with the park's proximity to multiple high traffic residential streets, meant that the project's primary objective became executing improvements that addressed issues of safety, accessibility, and diversity within the play environment. HKGi led the public participation process, conducting a series of public meetings and online surveys to collect a substantial amount of input from stakeholders. Community members shared their ideas and preferences, and HKGi incorporated that feedback from the community and park board staff into the final park designs. One of the items to emerge from the public participation process was the community's desire to replicate some of the older playground equipment in the new park's design. HKGi worked with a manufacturer to design a playground with custom designed elements, and also incorporated into the park an open lawn area for community gatherings and picnics and a shaded deck area for community gathering events. 23 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Park And Recreation Planning Chanhassen, Minnesota Hoisington Koegler Group and its principals have been Chanhassen's park planners since 1977. Since that time, HKGi staff has completed two updates of the City's Comprehensive Recreation Plan and a detailed community -wide trail plan. Altogether, HKGi has completed master plans for 25 parks within Chanhassen totalling approximately 500 acres. In addition to master planning, HKGi has been responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications for park and recreational facilities including ball fields, tennis courts, playgrounds, hockey rinks, boat accesses, park signage, picnic shelters, paved trails, nature trails, parking lots, landscaping and irrigation systems. Recently, a new stairway and hillside restoration were designed and installed on the edge of Lake Ann. Years of foot and bicycle traffic had degraded and worn away the top layer of soil on the slope, which was restored with structural stabilization and native planting material. HKGi also assisted the City in completing the Rice Marsh Lake Trail loop and recently implemented improvements to Roundhouse and Bandimere Parks. In the past, HKGi has also assisted the City of Chanhassen with park funding, including the process of attaining a $4.8 million bond referendum that was used to acquire park and open space land and make significant improvements to existing neighborhood and community parks. HKGi designed and administered construction for several projects in Chanhassen parks including Rice Marsh Lake Trail (top left), Lake Ann Park (above), and eandimere Park (bottom left). OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 24 25 Veteran's Memorial Park Chaska, Minnesota 0 HKGi worked with the City of Chaska and VFW Post #1731 to develop a park concept that provides an appropriate tribute to service members yet also respects those members' desire for the park to be a place where people come together to celebrate, relax and remember. HKGi's concept includes several remembrance -themed features including a Service Plaza suitable for ceremonies and an interactive Coin Check display that will allow veterans to share their stories. The plaza and the alley connecting it to the parking lot and the park entry would also be ideal locations for permanent or temporary interpretive elements. A Memorial Grove of Serviceberry trees leads to the Remembrance Clearing, whose dramatically lit sculptures will be visible from Fireman's Park, across the water. Play elements include a picnic lawn, horseshoe pits, archery range, and an obstacle course -themed play area. Following development of a final concept, HKGi worked closely with the stakeholders to create the final design for the park, and provided construction administration services. Because of the unique nature of several of the park's furnishings, displays and features, HKGi conducted a substantial amount of research, worked closely with vendors to custom -design and fabricate memorial and display elements, and coordinated closely with construction and installation contractors to ensure the final product remained true to the initial concepts and spirit of the park. The VFW Post and the City officially opened the park on Veterans Day, 2018. PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Athletic Field Design & Construction Administration Minneapolis, Minnesota HKGi designed and administrated the construction of multiple athletic fields in the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board system. After assisting the MPRB in grant applications for various athletic field improvements, HKGi developed and facilitated the improvements at the parks that were awarded grants. Various field layouts were studied and reviewed with the community at East Phillips Park. The existing conditions and lack of available open space made for layout strategies including overlap of uses, variations on league sizes and tight grading parameters. Bottineau ball field improvements included an improved layout with removable outfield fencing to allow for seasonal soccer use. All new vinyl fencing, dug outs, bull pens, batting cage, back stop, and irrigation improved the playability of the field. To maximize improvements funded by the grant, the bid was organized with alternates to allow MPRB to choose the features that came in at the best pricing. The Currie and Stewart field improvements transformed the existing overused, compacted, injury -prone dirt fields into a full-time playable field for youth soccer. These two fields were the first artificial turf soccer fields located in neighborhood parks and open for community use. Design and construction included community meetings, reviewing artificial turf products, and site soil testing. Detailed grading plans where necessary to fit the artificial turf and underlying drain fields with a balanced cut and fill and minimal disturbance to existing trees, lighting, and trails. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 26 Wore Park Ball Fields Rosemount, Minnesota HKGi was part of a multi -disciplinary consulting team that completed a comprehensive master plan for this 5,000 -plus acre master planned community in Rosemount. One of the initial implementation steps was to design and build the 26 -acre Wore Park Ball Fields, which would help alleviate high demand in the community for athletic fields and large park shelters. HKGi was retained by the City to facilitate a planning process and prepare a concept master plan for the site that would accommodate youth and adult ball fields, a stadium venue, concessions areas, and a comfortable and spacious viewing experience. The plan incorporated sand -based fields; children play areas, and a regional trail greenway corridor to help create a multi-user experience for all in attending sporting events. HKGi's role on the project extended from the concept master planning to the development of detailed designs, construction drawings and construction administration. 27 PARK MASTER PLANNING AND DESIGN RELEVANT EXPERIENC Fernbrook Athletic Complex Maple Grove, Minnesota Following completion of a feasibility study, HKGi provided landscape architecture expertise to the engineering team retained to lead site design for the Fernbrook Athletic Complex, which will provide Maple Grove with a regional athletic field complex suitable for hosting tournaments. Because of its key location near the high school and its stadium, Fernbrook is also being designed to accommodate overflow parking needs and will also serve as a potential community event space. In addition to providing landscape architecture services HKGi's role on the project has been to provide the design team with insight into park and recreation space and programming needs and to bring creative problem -solving and placemaking expertise to the overall design process. The development concept for the Fernbrook Complex includes an enhanced entry plaza and concession area; community event space including potential accommodations for food trucks and small festival -style setup; a team warm-up area; picnic shelter and play area facilities for family and team gathering; and improved drop-off and traffic circulation. OTSFGO, MINNESOTA 28 Creating PLACES ArAA■ / that enrich I'CVf'LC�J lives ®© 8n