ITEM 3.3A OHP 5.14.2019 MinutesITEM 3-3q OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING May 14, 2019 7:00 PM Call to Order 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson and Cara Husak. City Council: Corey Tanner. 1. Consider Agenda. Agenda approved. Note: Office should be locked when no-one in in the office. Councilman Tanner will check in with Ross to ensure. 2. Minutes Review. Minutes approved for March 3. Park Signs. Commissioner Toni forwarded Dan's draft sign of Lefebvre Creek to commission on Jun 17 at 10:38 PM. 4. Otsego View Options and City Website. Articles needed for Elk River Star News. We will discuss next meeting. Commissioner Gail will ask the Star News reporter, Beth Balmano if they would like bigger articles or snipits of Otsego history for the Historical Years section of the newspaper. Otsego View: Commissioner Toni will talk to Tami Loff about Otsego View would be available via search in the City website. Otsego history for website will be a narrative history of town that will be posted on website. Commission is to check up to ensure this is accessible via app. Commission will write history snipits for Otsego View to have on hand for next meeting. Commissioner Chris will write a Grass hopper snip -it. Commissioner Cara will write a Murder Mystery snipit. Commissioner Gail will write tbd. Commissioner Toni will write a Round Barn — Summer Addition snipit. 4. Otsego Prarie Festival Location of booth: Request to be over by car show through Jessica or Ross. Theme: Put Yourself in History 1 Picture opportunity: Commissioner Chris will see if Ron Black will allow us to use the fire engine. Commissioner Cara will call Historical Society in Buffalo to see if there is anything we can borrow. They have an Education Collection for borrowing that can be handled/touched including cloth ing/telephones/ect. Email or call for more info/to see if they have items of interest - Lori — 763-682-7322 - lori.nohner@wrighthistory.org — contact Lori before last day on July 29th Can go view the collection @ Address: 2001 MN -25, Buffalo, MN 55313. They are open until 8 on Tuesdays. Adjourned at 8:14 PM. Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion Written by: Cara Husak 2