ITEM 4.2 Rice CompaniesO OtSeTY goF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 22 July 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 4.2 — Rice Companies City Engineer Wagner STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: existing drainage and utility easements. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. Held by Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. 42). Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a Zoning Map amendment, PUD-CUP/preliminary plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Held by Planning Commission 15 July 2019 BACKGROUND/J USTI FI CAT] ON: Rice Companies has submitted plans for development of 18.436 acres with 6 commercial lots and 1 lot for an apartment building located at the southwest corner of 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP), and preliminary plat. The applications also include a request to vacate existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the application was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 15 July 2019. Mr. Tom Bruce of Rice Companies was present as the applicant. There was one public comment regarding screening for the anchor grocery store and apartment use. The Planning Commission discussed access to the subject site related to the CSAH 39 improvement project and integration with the Parrish Meadows development to the south. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the applications. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: j ■ Site location map ■ Planning Report dated 11 July 2019 ■ Engineering Review dated July 17, 2019 ■ Findings of Fact (Zoning Map) ■ Ordinance 2019 — 16 ■ Findings of Fact (PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat) ■ Resolution 2019-40 vacating drainage and utility easements POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to adopt Ordinance 2019-16 amending the Zoning Map, approve a PUD -CUP and preliminary plat for Parkview Retail subject to the conditions outlined in the findings of fact and decision as presented, and adopt Resolution 2019-40 vacating existing drainage and utility easements. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑t U Parcels TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 11 July 2019 ACTION DATE: 24 August 2019 RE: Otsego — Parkview Retail Development TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Rice Companies has submitted plans for development of 18.436 acres with 6 commercial lots and 1 lot for an apartment building located at the southwest corner of 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The proposed development requires consideration of applications for a Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP), and preliminary plat. The applications also include a request to vacate existing drainage and utility easements. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 15 July 2019 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ SW CSAH 39/CSAH 42 Comprehensive Plan ■ Preliminary Plans dated 06/26/19 (19 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. The unplatted portions of the subject site are zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the interim land use plan policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The portion of the subject site platted as the Friendship Addition is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District based on the requirements of the B-3, General Commercial District. Blocks 1 and 2 of the preliminary plat are proposed to be rezoned to B-3 District to allow for development of retail, service, and office uses. Block 3 of the preliminary plat is proposed to be zoned R-7 District to allow for development of multiple family dwellings. The developer is also requesting approval of a PUD -CUP to allow for the shared access arrangement of Lots 1-3, Block 1 and the City will also establish performance standards applicable to the development as part of the PUD -CUP specific to the proposed multiple family uses. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP applications is to be based upon (but not limited to) the respective criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F and 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial land uses. The proposed preliminary plat modifies the area plan adopted by the City to revise the street layout and provide for more developable lots to maximize the access and visibility from 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39) for businesses. The realignment of the street layout provides opportunity to include a multiple family use west of Parkview Avenue that will provide a transitional land use between planned commercial and low density residential uses, expand housing options within Otsego, and provide increased market support in proximity to planned businesses. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed commercial uses are consistent with the existing and planned business uses in the area. The proposed multiple family use will provide for a desirable land use transition between the commercial development within the preliminary plat and approved Parrish Meadows single family villas and future low density residential uses to the south and west of the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial PUD District Retail, restaurant, office East Commercial B-3 District PUD District Bank SuperTarget South Commercial LD Residential B-3 District R-6 District Undeveloped Parrish Meadows (SFV) West LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code. 2 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed via public streets including 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that are designated as minor arterial roadways with sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District, The City has planned for development of this intensity within this area of Otsego and has adequate capacity to provide required utilities, transportation, and other services required for the proposed uses. Site Plans. The submitted plans include site plans for the lots within the proposed preliminary plat. The plans are not complete as they do not include building elevations, building floor plans, landscaping, exterior lighting, and other required details. Development of individual lots within the preliminary plat will require subsequent application for site and building plan review or other approvals required by the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the following stipulations to be included as part of the PUD -CUP to be approved with the preliminary plat: ■ Development of Block 1 with shared access to public streets shall require establishment of cross parking and ingress/egress easements over Lots 1-3, Block 1 that are subject to approval of City staff. ■ The accessory car wash use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-77-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ The accessory motor fuel use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-77-6.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ The multiple family use for Lot 1, Block 3 shall comply with the following additional requirements based on its location within an area guided for commercial uses: The proposed exterior finish for the principal building and any accessory buildings must comply with Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The principal building is to utilize a flat roof design. 3. A minimum of 1 off-street parking stall per dwelling unit must be provided within an enclosed underground garage below the principal building. 3 Lot Requirements. Lots within the B-3 District are required to be a minimum 1 acre in area and be 200 feet wide measured at the setback line of the front lot line as stated by Section 11- 77-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot 3, Block 1 is less than 1 acre in area, but this is to be allowed with the PUD -CUP based on the shared access and off-street parking arrangement within Block 1. All of the other lots zoned B-3 District comply with the minimum lot area requirement and all of the lots zoned B-3 District comply with the minimum lot width requirement established by the Zoning Ordinance. Lots zoned R-7 District are to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet in area as required by Section 11-68-6.A.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11-68-6.A.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance further requires that there be a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit for multiple family uses. Lot 1, Block 3 is 151,456 square feet in area, which exceeds the minimum lot area requirement for a multiple family use within the R-7 District and would allow for up to 60 dwelling units. The lot area per unit requirement is subject to further allowances as provided for in Section 11-68-7 of the Zoning Ordinance: ■ For each underground parking stall: ■ Within 200 feet of commercial lot: ■ For each unit with more than 2 bedrooms ■ Maximum area reduction allowed: -300 square feet/dwelling unit -300 square feet/dwelling unit +300 square feet/dwelling unit -500 square feet/dwelling unit Setbacks. The table below outlines the setback requirements applicable within the preliminary plat for the B-3 District and R-7 District: ROW Side Rear Parking ROW Side/Rear B-3 District 30ft. 10ft. 20ft. 15ft. 5ft. R-7 District 35ft. 10ft. 20ft. 15ft. 5ft. The buildings shown on the site plan included with the preliminary plat all comply with required setbacks. The site plans must be revised such that the off-street parking for Lots 1-3, Block 1; Lot 2, Block 2; and Lot 1, Block 3 comply with requirement for parking areas to provide a minimum 15 foot setback from the public right-of-way as required by Section 11-21-5.6.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The subject site abuts 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan and 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan designate both roadways as minor arterial streets. ■ Wright County is in the planning stages to undertake an expansion of CSAH 39 between CSAH 42 and Odean Avenue to a divided 4 lane roadway that is not shown on the 4 submitted plans. The project will include reconstruction of the 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) intersection as a roundabout that will extend the project area south along CSAH 42. Right-of-way dedication for CSAH 39 and/or CSAH 42 is subject to review and approval of Wright County. Access to CSAH 39 is to be limited to a right-in/right-out only at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1. This access will allow for traffic looking to go west bound on CSAH 39 to exit the site onto east CSAH 39 and use the roundabout to change direction. No direct lot access to CSAH 42 is to be allowed. However, the developer, City, and Wright County have worked together to develop a plan for a 3/ intersection at Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 88th Street. The 4 intersection will allow for both left and right turns to 88th Street from the north and south bound lanes on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and right turns only from the east and west legs of 88th Street to Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The % intersection design will not only allow for access to the proposed preliminary plat, but will improve access to the properties on 88th Street east of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The subject site will also have access via Parkview Avenue to the south with development of Parrish Meadows. The first phase of Parrish Meadows includes construction of 87th Street west of the signalized intersection at Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Parkview Avenue to the plat line abutting the subject site with final plat approval pending. The preliminary plat includes extension of 88th Street to the west line of the subject site. Future extension of 88th Street and a connection to 90th Street (CSAH 39) will be constructed at the time the properties to the west of the subject site develop. Streets. The preliminary plat includes construction of 88th Street and Parkview Avenue within the proposed development. An existing segment of 88th Street was constructed west of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) abutting the Friendship Addition, which is to be removed and replaced. The proposed streets are to be constructed within an 80 right-of-way with a 46 foot width in accordance with Section 10-8-5.B.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A five foot wide sidewalk is to be constructed on both sides of Parkview Avenue and 88th Street as required by Section 10- 8-5.D.2.b of the Subdivision Ordinance, which must be shown on the plans. All street design and construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Street Lighting. Section 8-8-4 and 8-8-5 of the City Code outlines requirements for street lighting to be installed along Parkview Avenue and 88th Street. The required street lighting includes high mounted cobra style fixtures and lower level decorative fixtures spaced to provide vehicle and pedestrian scale lighting consistent with other commercial areas within Otsego. A plan for installation of street lighting is required to be submitted with construction plans with application for final plat approval and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer is required to pay for installation and initial operation of the street lights at the time of final plat approval. Trails. The Future Parks and Trails Plan designates construction of a trail along the south side of 90th Street (CSAR 39) and west side of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). These trails are to be constructed as part of the Wright County CSAH 39 improvement project in 2020. Dedication of right-of-way to accommodate the trail location along both 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County. Grading. The submitted plans include information regarding grading, drainage, and erosion control. There are no wetlands within the subject site. The proposed development requires payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area at the time of final plat approval. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utilities. The proposed preliminary plat is within the East Sewer District and sewer and water utilities are available at the property. The developer has submitted plans for extension of sewer and water utilities through the proposed preliminary plat to serve the development and provide connections to adjacent parcels for future development. The developer will be required to pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule in effect at that time. Utility connection charges for each lot will be required to be paid at the time a building permit is issued for each lot also in accordance with the City Code and City fee schedule in effect at that time. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 11-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots, over stormwater areas, and over public utilities. Drainage and utility easements are shown at the perimeter of all of the proposed lots in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and stormwater basins. Existing drainage and utility easements dedicated with the plat of Friendship Addition will be vacated and new easements dedicated based on the subdivision design and development plans for the lots and blocks of the preliminary plat. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The proposed platting of the subject site triggers park dedication requirements as established by Section 10-8-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Park dedication requirements for the area of the subject site previously platted as the Friendship Addition were satisfied at the time of final plat approval. The Future Parks and Trails Plan map does not identify acquisition of additional public park land from the area of the subject site. Park dedication requirements for the subject site (less the area of the Friendship Addition) are to be met by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of final plat approval. C7 RECOMMENDATION Rice Companies proposed development will establish new businesses within the City's primary commercial area at TH 101 and CSAH 39 to expand retail, service, office, as well as housing options within Otsego, create employment opportunities, and expand tax base. The proposed Parkview Retail preliminary plat is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and requirement of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map amendment A. Motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to B-3 District and R-7 District. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Vacation and PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to recommend the City Council approve vacating existing drainage and utility easement and a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Parkview Retail Development, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Blocks 1 and 2 shall comply with the lot requirements and setbacks of the B-3 District. 3. Block 3 shall comply with the lot requirements, schedule of allowances, and setbacks of the R-7 District. 4. Development of Block 1 with shared access to public streets shall require establishment of cross parking and ingress/egress easements over Lots 1-3, Block 1 that are subject to approval of City staff. 7 The accessory car wash use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-77- 6.A of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The accessory motor fuel use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11- 77-6.H of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The multiple family use for Lot 1, Block 3 shall comply with the following additional requirements: a. The proposed exterior finish for the principal building and any accessory buildings shall comply with Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. The principal building shall utilize a flat roof design. C. A minimum of 1 off-street parking stall per dwelling unit shall be provided within an enclosed underground garage below the principal building. 8. Right-of-way for and access to CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. 9. Right-of-way, section design, and construction plans for City streets shall comply with Section 10-8-5 of the Subdivision Ordinance and are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Section 8- 8-4 and 8-8-5 of the City Code. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer, and, a. Payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area shall be required as a condition of final plat approval. 12. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, and: Payment of utility availability charges in accordance with the City Code shall be required at the time of final plat approval b. Payment of utility connection charges for each lot shall be required to be paid at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with the City Code. 13. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. Park dedication requirements, less the area of the previously approved Friendship Addition, shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land as a condition of final plat approval. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Tom Bruce, Rice Companies SW CSAH 39/CSAH 42 Comprehensive Plan, NAC Approved Kes dUUU-7Z on Apri,G IU, 1000 DrdJtea: t�;e2vtember 77, GUUb � 7—.;" 6 W F' 1 Z s\ WATER ' T 3R A CE ROADIM _ `\ -gUfh STKtEf`J— 3� 3 t-� ., EL nem ACRES 1 �i r d o �,� ,m \' _ - -, 30 J221121 'w L5 �., no,e ,_ „� \ �: 'e,_..._ : • �, /� yam- ,....� �`' /,e» a,t Right bJ/�oun lout �_ zoo — vueuc r.Voyncam ER CENTRE xtTM yf FKV TO BE 'br D_ 2 .•, ; e� 7 _ 'LE1ED ne.•—an m, !2 3 By cn M, _L t n ' uortwExr rnaa r '• -� /r t,�l; _�_ I I — . — . ��\ � _ .1:0 T ( �'� STORLt.;,TFR mal , 0 _cinrt: 10, `� rA tooto To CEZI,l r.:rrc tc^-, _--. ,� " =: I '104 _ , ;� 420 PR E 6.PoRiT I_. PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR SITE, GRADING & DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STREETS, AND STORM SEWER FOR PARKVIEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT OTS EGO, MN PREPARED FOR: RICE COMPANIES 1019 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE SOUTH SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379 CONTACT: TOM BRUCE PHONE: 320-252-0404 EMAIL: TOM.BRUCE@RICECOMPANIES.COM PREPARED BY: Westwood Phone —1— —112.1-1—k-1.300 Few IJ201-2001 LL CIO.,-le— T— 1.0012760106 Wxtwwdp—e W.h—d Pmfudoml S.,A— he PROJECT NUMBER: 0021003.00 CONTACT: WILLIAM R. HUSTON CLICCT TNnCV Sheet Number Sheet Title GWO COVER SHEET c100 EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVAL PLAN C200 PARK VIEW RETAIL PRELIMINARY PLAT C201 PARK VIEW RETAIL PRELIMINARY PLAT C202 SITE PLAN C203 SITE PLAN C300 GRADING PLAN 001 GRADING PLAN C302 STREET PROFILES 0400 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C401 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C500 SANITARY AND WATER MAIN PLAN 0501 SANITARY AND WATER MAIN PLAN C600 STORM SEWER PLAN C601 STORM SEWER PLAN C700 DETAILS C701 DETAILS C702 DETAILS C703 DETAILS Vicinity Map osum PRELIMINARY PLANS FOa SITE, GRADING & DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STREETS, AND STORM SEWER wa PARKVIEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT OTSEGO. MN INMAL SOBMTTTAL DATE 06/25/19 SHEET, GOOD OF X% I IICNAIHwnORbnUIPofig� S '�-. or c 11811.com ,.x _kkda o sivp I �l •, :,w'� �r"• w i ...wAA. � ;aI' M,a.IRM 'I--#,'y1j1!'_'1� I 1 r S :"suk. ..., - 11 w..... " � ¢ a d 0 Qaz> o :. -----------�'-----------J f I _ I r--------------F-� v fin, r W— .._� .",. 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Quau<ro/IAa Ngrhagf QaZ o dnfvn<r x1310.13 /ref to rho actual poNf of brybnlrp; Ih<rc9 SauM B9 drys,l6mMdn 53 ,•<md, Wrtt, a dhfwn 6/70Ii6 het Nrnce North D depraa, l9minvW i8,n0nq WUG 10166f rtU•me North 0d.mf ml 18fnond3WnCodi,ranq o/309IG /nYwo Ynrpamllel xirh and dumnf 69111( ,wlh o/fhe r.W lM h—, N...... yvmrv/rAe Q'll w f —N ex,89&VMpony Me wnl Ilnr a/mld Northxw,r Qu—Ik Dr NgM<alt Quartrr IhrmrNWr d9 d<Dnn05 minutn —1d, 1.11 No 3vfdpgvlk/Me ad4mme 0/)01.66/serrorheev1 Ilne a/,alt We .1d rtar o/theNwhea,t-%f,,, 1. th,S t0 d<yrw, 49minvin Ie Jemnd, Ea,t 010/19 tale mrt Mq a dluance a1311561<ef 10 Mappnra/ brpMMnD. AND 1Ap part o/rhp NuNFwnrQugrno/rAa NortheoH Q,anna/SnYlwr ]], )wn3Alp I11, Range ];W aCeuptc 0th,N odHWQ—d th. erglnn 89 drew SaufMrttn S3 old Nort(. Quarte.ro Na-rnamf Quarter, rAenu SaNA 89 dQ. 16 mbufw 53,acwrdt 0dl,num•dneaMglalong Mrxavf 0d Vo/3qd 10rt1 Quortrd, W —.41 HQuprtr op,fonwa/1rlL 16 /era 53 Norte ldryNI di— totrcvnd, Wa,C li /e•C Mrn�r North d9degnrt I6 MIN 53 tecQ 1,thdiu0rue o/) d1 l4rfv Ihr eau 1 o/3aM nbrtM9nl Quartrr of Nr NorNngt Qwrt•C Ih•nrr Swrth 0 dryrtr, 99 mMmr, Id,ecmdt Eo,C alarrg mM<ou IMS o dluanca 0(]10.41 /•tt to M6pvinf albNMnMg. GENERAL NOTES \ 1 I'3a9NI atl Amp-V4ponrl/edr.DeH.WdxIl.IJ019m ppmmOmmf Nwnbm19J9N(19NN3: 1 S �r<uP'°I�ipWrOP<Nmy aN A9 f,euwwb �nµNn1A-t wFinr wmfdw 8..B 4'n..a nr e-3AB[n>xY1Lrr[[hw.nmpaare Now.mRre.3 flnabn[,haxn on fa,M upon NAro 6II and aN q ]-/oef ronmur 4wrrwLL a fWMpropMcamoim 603.00910. F[or Id136ann DEVELOPER Iw camppmn, ac � 5'G J0191ndmb1olONw SouU SauY Rvpldl MMnnofO 563 )9 - - Ph-(3]0)151-oaol SMEYOR/ENGWEER WnArovd PmfMHorwl Su.lt11 SeInc W 3)011]M Skerf North, s Ii16 SG Cloud, MMne,ga 56303 Ph -(3]0)]53-9495 PRELIMINARY re�44444 f; a n. o uu0 oS die � 3, a�g � Fyag$ 5 B�a �ee> F 3 Z Z W Y a O u K a > o 0 Ir 5�( � �6iddy xggd i ]1 fY �JZF— Y��g� 0 1 � o d COC Q 0200 08/25/19 ABER. 0021003.00 l � \ S 1 1 tenor u praauwwwwzznrmema[R 25 GII4BHmn MendiDDlrq. � � A 811 or caII811.com LEGEND • EXISTING CONDITIONS in PI evrn ea, --•-- urrt �--rr mwl.mlllmrrr,�rT I-.:� n1.An �pq ~' z S ? a aw s Ahl,wmnaea rcnnnaeae e—moor... u as a toll Blot 1, frceMMlp AddWaa WrIDMC°rnrly. lat2 BlwkJ, £deMMlp Addlttvn, W yM Cawy, Hlmneta N Oufb1AllendzMp AdditllM1 Wdyhl Cwny. Mlnnnala V G L Outbt&fdmdMlp Addltbq Wrcoht CUWy. Mfmnofa AND 3� �, �� N 311atpartI Nerthwszt Qulef—/ NartAmil Qulrter WSecdan ll, TewmAlp l;I, Range z1�6�yr 1;WIyht Caunly,fthe hltgdnenQ—,1Ymrc Cammerrlrg a1- re NonMxv [wnnajiald Lu NarthwnlQmrtrrl/fh, Narchemf Quarte0J.h North 89lQ38'Fau (anum,dbewlnq/ gi W dung lh[nanhfuno/zald Nwllmsil Quarte v/Ihc NwMenl Q. /eel lefhranmlpdM a/beglnnhgt lhencr SmMOIYSS £au 691.111 ClM1aneNMM1d9'M36 � C = Emt 314Alfet lh,mrNMh0'13'19'N4u692.11 /[n le the mrtb lMra/zdd NlNnxfL ft heetlMTQuarc[r, them Smtll89rog3a'Wnt Wvn'raW Em. 314A9 (xl All mIhh N alMpalnta ANDB�u . NartAwnl Qu°nnol Mr 11, 1°wnMlp ]S;Ran'[ 1lwfpIhl Comme0 S;h— F C.-,,f.U.—Qu—((Srnlon Lu County,Mhe Ah,thm(Q awthrc detell4the9S,,tww tmmreafzvld zlQwrcn;_h.f AOdegnn49 Mwrtn la samnds Wen W r...&lQ 'V). gthe (nzume wbgh,hIntsh-5,e/hAJIdg—Qwrtn,a .z 2 It H ef3ltA1fd hlAv mhel Pe dtslama a/31¢41(vn he the enualpolnl v/D,Dtnnlrp:Ihenn 5wMa9 de9rts16 minutes S3 J ` a0 x ds WIC l diet., o/)01.66/[uthmce North O drones 49 mbwtes l9 se�MS Wnt Y F � )01.66 feet th—North 0 drone!19—M IB znmd, West a dlvvnn a/30916 feet lea Ibep ffiel r,hh -d a— 0..Aet—haf1h,,-1, lbe°IsaM .—Quarter a/Ihe < NwtAmv Quvrtnas memuredvlorq the west ltnro/soWN h—1 Quorc ef"'Narchmsl y O Q rtxfhenx North Vd[yr[n OS minunr3Br[mnd, Fav, p(arq zvld p-111,line, a dknnx of MI" feet h, the east floe of -idNafhwnl Q-1 Me Neth—Quartet lhenx5ovlh 0 Q deyrxi 49 mbuni I9 snoods EosG'fang sold mu fine, v di -1)'31156 fen fe IhepoMta/ beylnnlny AND iM1vfplrt l/1At NertAwnt Qrnrtera/lM Nonhmif Quartell5[rtbnl; Tawndrfp t)1, Rerge � l; Wdghf Cmnly, Minrrewb deabrd 11 (glome aglnNny at Mr Smlheov comer°/zald NwOne,v Qmrtnl(M[Nweh[asl Quarte0 tlrenc, SaufA 89 d[pnn i6 minuns 53 snoods ) Wezff umedb<artrrgl along MelmM oro a/zald NwlMvnl Quarcna/Mr Nerth[av Quarcw, v dllfanx a/Xr1.66/eetlherce NlrM Oda9nn49 minunz tB,naWz Wrst 310.41 /ret therm j m Nerth 99 deynn 16 minuln 53 nrandz Eau vdivarcr v/)01.66 /ret la fM mufAro/zald Narchwev Ent 7 1 Q th—fMe--1 Q.— lhenx—Ode,;-49 ,1—..—ds °bog eeld my lb,, a dhnmeo/3)041 /nfla the 1.1 t- tviyivanlwe'`'enMaaeO:a>uuimi°ianonaimim"rwnlee.iJ'nlatt9lglno�w 1. nl wu':vaax Iyewe.f,Ruaunl.mws.Imryx.wemry;amrysM3� la,eu.eb nnedAl wrM ler 4 w11 M06nanII �4rck 6'nrzM.n mp'atan dexnpe6) } l4wllam Mwma[6owd vyon NAWYOMan nlymnmtuvbnew4 � Q 4 JWJulprnprrtY,anloW m;069 f0.. ft x1A4M1an ll.! Z I— DEVELOPER d Ake Cempenln Inc d O IOI91Mvzfebl0rht S1uM Sauk Mlnnewlo Sfi3J9 J d GCe 2())d PA (330NSF0401 °rn��rtmlv°Ai SHffT MIMtIR ��0inztlu'�v SURVEYQRiFNGINRR WnnvaadPro/ealonol Services, Ino ¢¢ a�w 3TOI II(h Sheet North Sulle 106 C201 St Cbud, Hlnnawfv 56303 Ph -(31D1153.9495 PRELIMINARY�Se Te 06/25/19 NUMBER 0021003.00 PROJECT crBeB Nwn B.Id.moBMc : ; ■ .m ■ SITE LEGEND m Q @ [ W ■ I MOI-ID 811 or ca11811m ■ inE1nn rr.�+r.iinn.•..., r,.. iurm-� � � _ IPMFRR DNE LOT IDR ■ -_ -- --_ - - - . - SEIIKt WiF ■ ■ ________ FMEMFNruNe r. n ■ -i -. --------------------------------------- .-.----------- .-I } - 1 _ Ir`11�11 I •r-r-rrr�.rrr-. —.— PL,wNDIGwALL . MN�F / I 1\•I :� ®I I I ��__ �I I �O I I �%I �� I I I I ! � O I I PO'MPIDL[ •} P nmrosm[m«ursrou 1 1 IalunD/rosr O� J HE-e]I.50 1 U P I S W Eli E O I I GENERAL SITE NOTES a � I 1 ,. eKKaWrrounaaw,roN wP,HRrlouamovmEo erwESFwaoD �I I � PROri59IXULRPVKI; R. LEWD, MNW SyiWIDU. 1 � � I I lO[AnDNSN]DREVAINNS01[MISIDKIONGMMIYMID VIMIFSAi •• 1 I A SNOWNONTMD PUN MFNrROMIMTE WN,MCTDP SHAILIIFIDVFRDY 1 I I srtfcDXDmoxzAxouram loaTmNz vwoPro 93 qS ® I I IXGVAIgNRONS,RLC,roN DANr DIf[eF➢ANOfi AM fOUND.IHF �h� ■ � � I I [NfJNf1RSNDULD B[NDIIPDD WM[ON1IlY. Eaa ■ �__ _ _____ _ __ _ _ __ _�"1 1 I it IIF � _ - � 35 I ; IFIGTOIWNOAPYR11YE1'IDP LOTIfM■1G; DIMFNSIONSAND AaG; a y ■■■ �________________________� I. I I a uLogEN9IXI5MLrorAQa<ullloPf%mWPlKiorMWIG � @@ ya 11 -ry ■ 1� _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ I i I I NMss omwwlsenalLo. 11. R I} r I I 1 1 3 ¢i C I ; WIRMAREMILDNRMMANBiW LYKTeUIlOVIGDIMPNLIOXSANO I IOGIIONGOf fX115, PAMP;AND i1D1IX WEKi. � 5'a - _ - _ _ I _ _ - - P P d - - - I I aow PwnME WAu eEMrefraorKE a<uPq uNL65oTaPw,R 45vI + f 1 I 11 I I 1 7. ALLNA AND gR,Ot SHALLILINUNI[SSD,IIOLWISLNDIED. r: W Ik- I 11,0,1411 ]E I I f ] Z a wrn<wNrnrn Dl\SC[S BUW MMI[rgllaDMgNGANOMAD1iAWWG u[ I�■ f�f... ____ ___________ ____ 1 I pPK,IONMEYJi;rVLGFPSAND UGNc�011[IIOLTNt MOVEMFNraf �M� I S■ VI I _ f.■ I L_ 1 1 I M/POYfDeY,1EOIYMDWGWRAtwaaTONAQMW,.1PNiC 5 S ■ P l I l I I "�� r--r-T. __ _ . ---_ T--- CWTRDLDMctS SHMLCON/ORM TOAMMOPNAIf MNWTRMDMO; Y r 9. OJ W N I IIII 1 I I I 1 —711—M MLNDATKINSOfMl6FOIFOIN- NGINFE0.PDMQ Q. a% O PIMI—R&N -TM1MM i 1 I I i II 1 C 10. <ON1RA[IgISINLLMADRAe1 MLKCLtSNADIAttMMON:PN[S I'me"WNSTP TO ANDTr ALLM[CMI1pXi NfQSSMYiDAWb I I�I 1 11 I II I PRDPM,Y RAMAGETD MIAEENr P0.0PNOF; � I I III I I I I III 1WPoSNTSPKe I IL SIRlGN1WD5H0WNWMNR WRPB[PW[[WLV. W[BTDUGN,WG � � I III I I N II III PRE•a10O0 i PI.YrI NI[PARLD eYDIHIPS fOPSRE WMINGORAPSAND NIDTOM[,N¢ a l i i 1 1 li I ° iO SITE DETAILS (SI-OXIQ i+ i �yyy 1 ■ I � L "III' I L IMtOPKIe NM ANDDIRRP � �' I I I I S DIRGMLNPIAHD WMK EONQLR [ADStcURFR yy? I ■ T I I I I I I � T LN,MN¢11UIU EMIAXDauRLR Er � I • I `''7 1 I 1 ' I I I I I 11 h I I. i I ■ [ PPNAR CDNCIRR SDICWMK I ■ � I ]s _ I I I I LI I . I i. y� 9 IIWARP[0[SiPYNNMeALfr ]e I 1 I 1 _ _ ' I °; I lee Q�AI�ISLLR[LDwGRDLST114N NRIRAM�I 1 ■ ,[ g 3 v ,MfrKAIPOW 1 ■ Ir-1 1 I I I 1 1 L----------/� ,e SIGN VIRAuwnaN 1 ■ __ ly___ _______________ ____________ __ --------- _________ L__r_____-__� 15 NMDIWKCISSRIFRGNKfANDSTNMNG 3 �! n mLseMWG1OE L IOILMD ■ PARRISH AVENUE NE v IuvLPruculB mB4O PI� LLj ■ Ln `s ■ !n O ■ o \ D D D [D 12D C202 PRELIMINARY — 06/25/19 PROTECT NUMBER 8021003.00 -------------------------1 ------- -------- -------- -_-- 1-1— & -eMWIlDW46 Q EI I } \\ I I 3s I V Q E I - I I }I 1 `� �\ SC PROPOSfDNNARMYY� pptt0plG � \ I � I Ij i� I----------I----------------------------------JI y PARKVIEW AVENUE i .,.., i I ice\' .�-�-- I-E--�-�--�- --1-■ II �I l I- II I I , II II I .I I �i l I I mop4seoRnAlwmcE I i I Mpm l li l 1 I I I ...............I I --------------------- EI II I I L I I ------------------ PARRISH AVENU9 NE nrm IN ImuurnDN -/ cpuNNom¢ 811 or callalca11811.c om SITE LEGEND —rte npmNc rRwDUD ---- ERREWE �I �I - _ _. CUNMA 4UTIFR 1I0.0UTD1p0 AND4UfRR —...— PDM IgWAIWARAIME �_ r._cP MNNW4 WALL a MCE O NCAnE 1AVEM[M y Ryp I CDNCREIESIDDNAIK Q Q ® NUWDNTMNMINODSPAVFMENi --.Qi�r MAEDIITYYNMWDUS PA NW Q Mpf0. iPAN]NG STALLS W / TMNSIMMER mR.Eurc4N11NG z Q v4 T N§ • e'°�uAro`°LLll @ I3 O 577E DETAILS (SI-Ox)c) V a� I 3 uu op EEu cEmAND cunER fMIE411ALCDNANO WMr CDNCRETECR05f W1i1G [NRUNC[THNQIRp ANO4DnE0. S,� a I r■vArz<aNauTcv4cwAltt s s $ B$ j —.PEo PE=RAM' 1pp PMVAIEPAM3IRPEDFSLIWW CU0.p MMP 11 CROSSWAILSERWW4 19 iPM11CMPOA' [� i SS ' M 94N WSTAIIAIIDN 15 HANDIW ACC[nIEIE SIGINGEANDSTNPWG 1) 1YIE)oAmGD[ It pD1WED puWRTAttcw■Eul]I 2 �DRy EEAAj f°9s Y� 3£ Wz Z J � � Z c �n T, - all ! I: 1 z --- � w a W t -- v)% 's 7777 x SNEETNWWER a C203 PRELIMINARY — 06/25/19 PROJECT NUMBER 0021003.00 o TRIR TIQN RA, ODROM=KtB IN 1 ) O- i I fr J9 1 1 %� IWMSWOgKIgI STgIC ,I ' fl4B)W �B6.fA I`3 BE WAMPUM I I SH PARRISH AVENUE NE AR;: ?5 2 1 O CN At HRUN--"IBMs 3 S GRADING LEGEND 5 § 811 of CD11811.com ° — vnoruR UNE � � BSB_ + WDFR CONTWR M1 °M--- —,Q— wRP CRETWR URBANDGURTR Cl.00 � PoND NOpMAI WARTS LEVfI ---,w—� —� STOW SEWER ISE p FIMW WOSECIION IWIm MPRAP) I )DD —n..— �� WwATN MAW R I m-�r_r_T-nPFTAWING WAIL it -------- MDGuwS I —�— GRADINLums •SER.0 SPOT fWVATION ° NOW DIRETED. [NEI II IOr ANO BOROM Oi PfTAINWG WALL Q �� EO.—* [MfRG[NROVNNOW 01 0M.I° SOILIOPWG LOCATION G GRADING NOTES o V V a� L l0[AlON1 AND EUVAtON50t WSTINGTOIOGPAAMY ANO UIRRI[S AS LEOWNONIHIS PLWMEAPPIlO1 TLCONf ORSHALLFIMDVEPDY 1 SECSDIISWOKfORM AMPITTOCW[SRSANDHOWD-6. I SRECOIIDIIIONSAND URUR IOUTONS PPId1 TO EACRVAEON/CONSTRUCTON. THEENWHEERSHA'L INOTTRID IMMFONIFLY R ANYNSCRIPANCI—IOUND. 10. CONIMROASINLL OWOSF Of ANYGCfSTSOR WRRVOIINT fDER A RTHESDEGM NGANDURICIYCONSTRUR10NMCOMMfRD.THF CONTRACIOA SHALL—CF ALLEKESS SNL MARRW INAMANNER } ]. COOK[ fORSSINILRRER UOPEfCWR.LL NANSPoROEEIS.NNIIONS AND OIMfNSONS Of VImOIRE, SIOPF➢PAVWFM.FATPOKH[; RAMIE, KCEPTNIf iOTNE OWN[R ANOTMF KLUTATNL AGFNCI[S li CONTRACTOR— 0.FTNNWGWKlOE51W1 S� 3� S i INTRANOIX CAT I- EBNWNGDIM ATIRNSAN. IMMNG VIIUIY [NTMNUIOGTON; ANDLNAti lOORTIONS WONUMEFR Of CLRTIH[OOYAIKWS[D PRORSSIONAI FNGINE[0. �9 ff ,1 0 DOWNSPoUfS CUPR[HT [OI1ON Of 1. ALL FRCAPD •EA--i�NDARDvf t). ALL<ONfT0.UC11ON SWLLLCONfONMTO LOCµSTATCANfo i[D[RAI PULL• DKWDWGTHE NATIONAL PoIIUTANT DI FLIM TION SYSRM WPDCUPERNRRIQUPfMFNIi a y i y„Y 4y SCUHALLNINDA RENCHE ATIO RESTONSFD-ASIRIEKIDERT. ND PRIPARED DY iH[CIIS'WLWFfPi ll. ABORIOPIACWENE ROW Ai dtl C 1 I _ NOFMINiOMTION'wi ASSOCNTION Of MINN[SOTA A NLPEDDISWRB[OUNPANDNESCA AX—=AXTOPIOR UIRNYSTRDESU.OR PRD0;APR00f 1"NIMH.ESIRONRIONG TNM—CCIANUTOP ROWNLSNALLK WLLOMN�[D OAND[MMU WMPM Of2COMKRFPA55[S DIEM OT - TAU C MPROVLDCpIA4 W EACH OF yB �SaF OF4RASSISOBTAIN[O. SFPELAN 1—PIA.—FRANTINGANITURF ESTASUSHMENT. =E THCWO[PWDCNTRT GNWRATO AFEASINFAUNKSHAULB[�ONOf [A[AVATED ANO K -COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN �ptl9S a�B 1 I W S THE COMMRM SHALL BE RESIGNSIBLL FOR PRONNNG AND MNMANING TRAFFIC CONTROL—ES SUCH AS 0ARNCID[;—LNG SIGN; EA [MEANW[NT RNRgW PLK[D BENATH BNIDNM AND STWT OR I... AKAS S— III COMAREDINKCORMNtt WITH THI SPECDFD ~ Z 'I j=� SS.fEALMEN AND UGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT Of DIRECTIONALpSN 1RAIRC WNERENECESSUIY. PUCE—OFTNESCDMCESSHAILBE L R0. WIN DFNSIEYMETHODASIUNFD MNDOT210S.Y1 AND THE REQUIREMENTS OFTIRGDERCHNICALWGIN[ER W 2 J •`• DMESSNALLCONfOIWMWMN DOTSTAND— TOPROPtf 1S. f.—INTANRRNLNOTfuCEO IN THE BURDEN. PAD, SIBEFTS OR M ARM SNAIL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PEQwKMENTS Sas 6 E�•. G B INU. 05HAU..E,MDED TO S:l OR iURER UME11—ONISE ll OF THE ORDINARYCOMPACTION METHOD AS OUTIN[D IN MNOOT 2—Fl. F SCHUS AND 11NLSHNI IFCOMPLRFDtYAN INOEIWDEM d W O s I N ) CONTEAROR NALLUNBOWLYGRADFARfASWmEINWARSOf GRADING ANDPA MOE ASMOOTHFRBSHEO SURFAC[ UNIFORMSLOPfSBFTWEFN FONTS WHERE EIFVATONS ARE SHOYM OR BETWTEN SUCH POLVISAND —PIGGRAD. GELLO T[OIM[AL [NGEAIX CA ATION FOR THCNRPOSE OF RUING UNSTABIEORUNSURATSORSLMLL BF <OMPIFTFDATKQNKO DY MF GEOTECHNICAL ENGNEFR INE CONTRAROR 1M. E=% SIB'E EOR COORDINATING ALL ACQUIRED SOILS TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE 1 L SPOT 11.1—IONS SHOWN INDICATE FW6HED PAYEMINTF4VAl10NS BE METOFw'SH[OHEUKACAGMOCWIEENOTED. PROPOSED -RED-11 4EOICHNICAL ENGIN EER ; iA • FILTRATION/INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES { a. FjF LI y�AA L IRANf%GVATIALL—PIPFINSTAt—C71AY TAKTINAI BENTEL. N IN—. AIL OTHER OASw<INSTRUCTONMUSTWMWTIOONAL �r y .1 RTFIAHOXMING KMOVES—SA{ROMF ORVEWI—.1. IN TO PIMWRP Of ...TOEM PLRUNTEL tAGSORSIMIWIm Ed DN EAS WUTSPOTOPKURLTERSTORMWATERU STRUJTS INEESfMWHEDW MSINS NIEirRORCnON ON OOVMSTREAMINLCTS UNRBASwEAK i �ggx IV/ rvl ON INE. y�7{a R6R EXCAVATION SHALL OE WITH TODTIrtD-NO—TO SUNfY THE BORT_ 3. CONSiRUCIION AROUND IASINS AS SHOWN NNIERKIELY MER BASIN 3 !!2 MOA0=M TlATDESUTAEO�wMTRhRQ RATEAFTSRTOTALSM 0.0MFn0. DNI' 0E USED iOq R SING W WRLTMTION RATE ISO B NCH PER HOUR IF BASIN DOES NDE MER W %TMnON MR CONTMROR MUST TAO CORR[RM ACTION UNTIE • MR `o"`-` ""CINEMY'a"" WNIMUA wnLTRAITON MR "'ET RE NG IRUGINDRAIN TBL ALLTESTINGANDCORKCINEACIONSHA' Z Z ,I^I� nIERISPoNSIMMCFTHECOMMRd OSHALLOEINCIDIMI THE CONTRACT,— NODIKRCOMPWSAGON DIOL 0 I n. L7 rFVMUR C300 �SHESEE "�---- D D EB D PRELIMINARY re 06/25/19 Z Z �g Z a 0 2i C301 DATE: 06/25/19 n PROJECT NUMBER0021003.00 cA1RNwn Mond199Mw i w.]mwRnlwnMnon eAax roPresu onn I 811 or ca11611.com GRADING LEGEND — onooEnr uNE Wrf04•RFiO � WOCCCONfoU0. m'0.!]—� WR0.VAl WNTWM1 __—__.... _ ... roND NNO GUTnR ORMAL WAT[M1 4VLL Z,. — 11 �RR�� SfElMFRO W f ' �•. \ /�-' -_. -_ _ W - �\ i �i _ _ � � � . � _ r--�_ M� ■S ���/ .• il]R FNDE [CII ��— —�i— WATIR NNN ON ryAIH PwRMI qqqq PRMOSEDA➢A.(fMEM RUIImNG �+ W1RAM1r SEWER f �'•T II pgyg — u I Q.6 .� ________ NDLFLWE L ` BI '^ ms I 8� 0=mm srorFLFv,Lnon � EFwEowccnoN EsoRnoNaovFnELow w p ..,. wuc L ON g 1 �— �� rRaosmwrutF4urtamarc \ \ - _. �• ..� Re.RroaD PA EVJ')Ci/ENUE ailjl: ) SdnHEAfTWRUMlIONR � r � I I � V 5 i lIIOMSEm P� in4 IIId06m�MIDKNMICf I I 1I � II ` R[EMUN3rA�UM d --- ) ..•h.-.-•. _.. PARRISH AVEN NE27 g"8 PRELIMINARY Z Z �g Z a 0 2i C301 DATE: 06/25/19 n PROJECT NUMBER0021003.00 88TH STREET ,:a'T a m — GG SWI Gi 2`d --------'-- a; ---_ -- Norouu -------- ° GRIINI[ ) 6 s l ] 1 0 PARKVIEW AVENUE c a --El.[, a a 811 or ca1181Lcom _ n u �I3p 3�� Q a su Iw Isv PRELIMINARY �A c ? o ? yW aN tis a� it ;9 a 3T ax 3w a rwrasfo ---- - - 1 1) 11 10 9 ! ) G 5 4 1 t 1 0 �a F 3 W Z ��a o J y W O 0 a f— W W J c Q � 1Nffl NUMBFIL a C302 store 06/25/19 G.II,RH Ras�I om - EROSION CONTROL LEGEND B. or .118call8ll.com� a .+. rRlmkc. PRDP o —Ia WOucaNrWa �']FD-- IMERVAICONtWR ■ .na u....,,.n„„n,.. n,.,.-n,.�.n., I I illl n I ' _. - CURT AND cun[x -PONCH- 1-FENCE --+�,�-` - I�1 •.-..� -m- PENCE NCE ,\ ------ �- H DI —•,— oAnr MaW SRT co S�T1II I I W .__._.._. I R^ ® {TARED ENDSECAOH NAIH RPRA% „ I �_ -I I 'L__ � .._. ._.. is-. .•.. -I- WAItR MRV! a.D _ _ Is nRRnlWcw.0 f I I + I I I Rau caxtiRurnDN[MRAncF Zm I 1 / CROSION CC- TUNER Q I 9 M0M®GOCI Ynd[ �, 1 C ® uu RNMOR<FMFMnuT 0 ~ � I EDA. � [MFRcrnRovu%vW a O �_ � - •• - :^. `:. 03.1. StlIDOWNG l0UT10N qr V 9� IxIRIROTERION 6 7d GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES (NE COMMCigl65H[I%CALLY CAV[IONFDTINTMFIOGIIaN AND/O0. TNF Srt[MUSTD[SiAMIR[DI[RTNE R[pRRFMFNR O[TN[MPU MDq 93£ ELFVAMNOf F1051PY0 UI11111r3 A55NOWN ONTNFSFPWISARF MS[OON R NNDOT.ANO CITY. y� RECO oFEHE VANG-ESASSNPANRS NTH-P MUSURERs¢MS i i - -� -- -I �� TAR[NWIH[FI[l0.M[INMRFMNON SMLl NOII[NUED ON ASICH”, A T[MPoMNY MRUTG MRH I-YPMISEEDSMLLIE MNDOTSEEDMIX 3� 4 • u AI� b , _/ _ I I [%ACTORCOMPIETETHECOMMROR-HA NFYEtlSNNO CONDIf10Ns 33 SlLKl0.5-PWNOS Pf0.ACAE VE, aW 11 I YG RE -1 STRU[TON ANO NOTPI'THCOV/N[Rgl[NMN[CROF R. FE Sipg gSCREPRNCIES. 10111'DE1(lPIC NINEUCCOSIWL HOSPIRACRE mt31-113 giDggg7 a R -- s'• • ._. _. — _ � 1 I nD� '�" I - AusarrwaRNo oMu uosMN corona PuruREs sluus[w LFRus DI u.vllspNNwsuMMEN nr lao-IWNMRR Ana apP� C pnNlaro%wruuvnimN2WmRIRN]N ANO9uuU[MNxrRWF Gt` c INraiMnoluFRlpwIION DA9N SIuu ecMNWTsuDMu.0-3a Ar 99YY I G3� • u R UNIRVWIFNRF a0.GPDUlDCOVFa MAf I[EN ERAIUSH[DS f%ISTPiG SILT 1LSPoUNOSIGKRE $gp R C +` ^ Cqqj r J M • - Nv,N R4 •O '� .O I _� CONSID[PfD I... PISHAl T TO TTO THF1oM01NG CO RNIMR. RISMF%iR[MF -111 D. POxDSLOMS5HALL 0[MNDOTSCD MIX Is-3EIAT 35•IOROSPNL yggqy®{®{Y g . -- - -• - - - - -.. - - - - .- - -- •• __- - - _ _I - _ nAi - - - - WPORTRMETOFFAWRREOPCURRIT'HEIDCONDRIONS VTNRFSP[R r0 KPt dO IEAOSEON CDNTRW TEIRPCRMYPON=aDD:q HAYYM "" REWIRED .1-1 SMLLREINCINNTKTDINEGRAOWGCOMRKT. E GGUEHER-SFEDWGS-1.RE MND- SEED MIX]YESIAT]6PWNOSIFA ECR�'MNANDSI-PICONTROL-THLCONDMCTDIISMLLAS-1 r MULTN SHAU IEMn ~ I� F••. 4` -�- •- •.^ i- 3u - "•. �� i Z MEPROIf<RSPoNSIMYPORCONTILOIIDIG EWMrIVE MGNNV.ION Oi OOTTYR IARUF0 AT 3-TOMRRA0IE W ' "' - -'�-�I.I-- •• -� Yu ---' - - '1 -- Y 1 N[C65MYTOAC N� 7HEEROSIDNMD`9lTAT INCLVOWGIUTNOf fORAWSW1W 5lOFF Op 310RORGTq RFSIOMNON W11115000R J v+ •�S MITFOTO GTM WSBECTS, EO¢OTNUCNO. w cm OAON EROSION CONTROL -RET IS REQUIRED, Q EL u I A�ocaWNr ET`Ri!•noµuiHOITF[FMEPRo1ERuxm.MCEPuxCaFME"' R I Saw FSMUST.-SV NDICE NSTAum ARWNDMEM O Wn - - -•- • �/[ -- - BE_ 0-MTHECOMRKTM'SR[SPoNCIRI-EN-11 ALL a TO-SPD. = W I I __ IMpLLMEMRTION AS R[QUIMOTO FIRIVENTEROSION-THEDHINSVIING-H. IS. ALLRNAANF a W O PSILT.MFOWNE0.MAY ORUR MFCEMER OA'SMCMODSRSDUn1FDFRPokDSUS[D ASTFMPoRARYSFDIMFMIANS--ID It I ✓' M101051DROAp1.01I VRF'M - ,.C•• ✓v„✓-', S MTONHWORMRA[YNIDIMPROV[M[H2RNY0[Pa511[ONOr SRTM CO BEINE ENMEDEDRIC-11-14SITE 11L SrRDDII[OTO 0 q S-Ell LW SEEN TNG IAV[M[MORINEraTINGSroRM SEWFAS OR RFStORETM PDNDTO THE PROPoSCD IOROM [LLVAOON TRS I]Ln RE 1USHIOTHE OVFO ONOFHRNNEVEM.MFECTEDMFnSSNRLL WELUN[OLOiNFSAIiSFACDON Of TNEOWN[0.ALLKME[RPWYOF I ALLCONSTNICIION SMLL<ONFpUA TO IOGLMIDSTATERN[S WCWpNG III. 3TI V J• ! N O M giiMR00.ALLi[MPOMRY[aOSMNCgRRO11-11ERMOKDRY 3 ME MI'IOMLPoLLU 1 DISCIRRGE EUMWATON SYSTEM WPWA PGM ^ Y I p 1 M>b ME CONT-R,AFTIRMETIIRI5LITMUSHM. R[WIRFMENq _Y' I`',••i II I l ALLSTRE[r MR3tDDURWGWOMNGHDURSMIISTKCLGNEDATME ll. OR SOCMUSTMRRIN AWELL-DRAINCDCOND[IIONATALL MTHE 'I I; I3 III 611f !`�,� I �•I j S ENPRO-ESACCORING TO ACOS TWKECRICETRFUlRAS11 roM MUST OTHER M- SMLLIERgPoNORRRORRMRAIN DITOING fl%NGOR • I IC%MSTREEm O0.DING iOORAR5 TO0.EW[f1M[F]NOq IXRi ONTO CONST AxSaE-11 I-POINTS. PROPER 0RN.1-1 WG II -� %IIDC STREETS PnWIWD VAM ALPOSONEOUfitOW. AYt00.IURgkG PADS MUST RC ijII SII P I]� PoNOING DUNNG CONSThURION�i[D MSi ANON 14. PUIUCSTRC[TS SEDW0.H MG SH-RC IDET-E OF SOIIAND DEI0.IS �3 Y .r STRIRSWCE%NGSHALIIECONCUnnFM IrTI.- Ei t WHFNWSTAWNG END-0LINE-WEND-S,111011} n • !\ / a. JJJ UItl OV[ UPSTREAM IRENOFN`I <JMSCllO S-11 VF-111DEN�FNANRCT I II I I w E d [MSTAIkifDONM[dSNnv[OSDIIS D J+F RRCLLRUORI[ADMA N_ W SEED [TSOOD MRO 9J0.FKF VTIRN 3rtRS�CO<.OPExRFSOASOMVCNTO`IOONNIXATRRMMI6rn.M.U.S0T 0.IC0C �j CTHC� ccei- i L:F 5 PARRISH AVENUE-NE'^h'=•��I�- • Lu U EST N-111 C400 PRELIMINARY wre O6/2S/19 PROTECT NUMBER 0021003.00 EROSION CONTROL LEGEND811 or caII811.com A rnmxc — — — PRovlRn uNf ._---Pu__� �94� WTfAVKCOMWR O ' � �—' LNjp� � <URBAND GUTIEA — 4TW CEPIP C —�-- A DVIVSRT{WC[ C $ I I -� 11W—NWNTRLT GOMMI PRorosLDMu1� wRoda —•--� n sLwce n � 'W � nAnm lNDslrnox (vmHRVMPI y� WARR AWN 4,QQ QI C � rl. -2� � � SANRAM SWR DRAWN" GI NO IMm o � ROCKCONSERUrnONEINMECE Z EROSIOPOONTROLRIANRET Q y 6� • • BT�—C� �} ® NRE RuxropcEMWf MAr x N \ i •%s .R EqF fMf1pWEYDYIMLDW O a . P u o, SgLeORrvGEOMTwN � �ulI QO IN. —I -- GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES '�. s � vRoroswMARITAENr IIRLowc I R 3,i I 1 ws,a iR•IIODv 6 L THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECDICALIYCAUTIONED TNATIHE IOCOON ANDron THE STF MUn eERMIU2FOPFR THC PEplIP(MDTSDi THE MPGR NPOFT 3E a _ [EEVATWN OF WONG WIILHES M SHOWN ON THESE PLW5 ME MUD ON B. MNDOT,AND— pECOPOSOF THEVARRI—IIWYCOMPMIi[S ANDUMND.—ItIMfMSGETC a 3 \��_�•"'yam--�/ .� (� El—rillNrORMATMNE SNALLNOie[PEV[D ON AS BONG APARI[MFOMAY(GRM1FP iNM 1YMq R[OBMLLOF MNDOTRCD Mq 1 } S. EATREET, WLLRTNCON ORSNALLVLwYWTTWGCONDEGON5 MITI AT 1.—.S PER.. ISIVINCII ucnONMDNDnd TxEDWWcecR[uquEcl or gSCP[PANCIFS. V[ ,OR .T(R. L-YEAAj SHALL M_1 SEED MIX11-112 1 p L AW SLLTrWC[MDDIFW [ROSbN[OMRW r[AnR[SSHALLeC WJM<L IfAW 00.35-111 (SPAINGISYMMDOAL I. FWEmSP[RKn[ q RpRTOMYEKGVArIONICONSTRVCTONANDSNALLD[MAIMAdI. C. I—IMII0N11RTMrION BASIN 5NLLIN MIGHT RED Mq H 62 AT a b ti — VNI0.VUBLf NRi ORGwUNO<OV[RHAS eFFNFSTAel15HFD. fRSSTING TIET iISPOUNDT PMACRE tl' B C CONSIW R[0��'LLO[MNNTMNlDMDO0.RWOVTDMOSHALLO[ Da^# g PAR EW ENUE AB NODIMALTOTNEGRAOINGCONTMCT.RROIFKmIMI D. PWD ROPES SHALL BE MNDOT TED MIX 11161 AT 1 CRINOS FER DAGUoWC TOIEAWARF OFCURRENTFIELDCONDITIONSWTINRESYECTTO ACRE \ Ep I -2 --ISI I NIOSION COMIroL LL MDENTAL PONDING. qPE; ML YbUEL ETC. REQUIRED B}B 6 vYTNE CITY SHABE TK TOGRADING CONTR GEEN[M.SUPING SNALL BE MNDOT RED MIX 25-i51 AT Po-PWNDS PER 1. LROSION AND1RTATpNCONTROL—DREODING—ORSHALIAS-1 ~ \ \ \ f • y.e2.1/1 COMPLEnRCS SNWM1 RCONIROWNGALLRLTATONMDER0 ON0r I MULCH SHALL Bf MNDOT M[ I APPUFOAT—NSPERKRE \ f THECONT CT0RSHALLWEWHATEVERMMNS 3 H 'I IT ESSMYTOCONIROLIHLEROIIONMOLL 0NENCWDINGepTNOT D. FOR ARM —SLOPf Or11OII.—REROMTIONWEMS, qH J i _ C-ID-GTCN MSW WSO11i CONS1R11C110N [NIMNC[S GOSKKI OLW COMRW eVNR[TR R[QVNID. S Q 6 CONTROL VIANY1T,MpRLi FFNC6.F5C SHALL COMM[x[f'MIN Wu01NG Y (� O w AND CONM'VE IHROIIGHOIRTME P0.01CCTUNI6K<FITANCEOf 111E WgIK 10. ALLTEMPORARS'STOCKPIL[SMUS NAVESUFNCEWSTALIBOMWNOTH[M K w m �� eY.1-NEG. INf COM MCTORSRESPONURTTYWCEU0E5ALL TOTMPUDMWT, Q� I •I yl �11l--I— BAPUAUNTATION M p[QUIRfO TO PREV[M EWLON AND THE DEPORIWG Cl 0 �' Z IIT _ OF SRT. THE OWNER FAY GEE THE CIXOMRORS METHODS M MMEDR 11. CLL rtMAMENT FONDS LISW AS TEMPORARY SEDMIENT DASWS WMIG 0 . I / _ FR TO PROE[CrPRO PIRIN MD IMPR ETVAGS. MY IT PO TION OF SILT OR OM GNOTION SHALL BE DREDGED AFTf11NC SN HAS BEEN STAB GREG TO MWONNMGROVSTING PAXINTORINOBSTWGST011MSEWEFOOR R[nOPC—PONOTOTHEPROPOSm00ROM[INATRIH II q y \ r -I SWALLS SHALL O[0.FMOVFDAfR0.FKN wNEVFM.AHfCI[O MFRS SHALL �I 5(CLLPTI—OTHEMTIYACTONOr THEO[ MALLATTNEERPENROF 12. ALLCOxS1RVrnON SHPLLCONFOPM TOIOMl MO RARRAEtdCLUOWG �/j Hb TN[COHTMCr ALTEMroRMYE GNCONTL VMLIER[MOV[DDY THF NAnOHAS FOLLUTAM gXNMGC EUMINATON SYTICM O1FM51 F[RMD ' J / I EAD ' TNl <ONTAROR AR[R1N[NMR[nMIEN[0. 0.[QIpRCM(NTt. +a ALLSTR[CiSg51UMfDWMNGWORCpIGHOVMWMECLMNEDATTNE 1. ITIESREMIISTIEKLPTWAWCLLARVNEDCONDIIIONATAUT ME i ENDOFEKNWORBCHGDAY. ACONSTRUC 11MCEM NTOESDEMLKr CONfMROR SHALL BE RESPONSOLL AOR TEIAPOMGf DRICINK MING OR [ IEPO DEDKCORgNGrOORAIISTOUDUCETMCIONGOFDMONTO 1 OTHER MFMSR[QUIIIEDRI WAIPE %WpEROPAINAGE WNNG i ..0 RPlETI CONSTRYOITON.LOW ro1NRINROAOWAVTORwI10WG—ABOTBE M10�6gF IROVIO[D WTHA IOSRfYE OVmOW. i 17j R94N00 I �.j� I II S PROPOiD IONOSSHALLIESITON. DNn M0U5fDA51[MPOMRY PROPOSED PONDWGWRING CONSrIII1CIlON. IA. IUOUCSINCER IISFOFO0.1W1UNGSHALLeL HIM iPff Of SOIL MOD[OP¢ I \ RE*FEEE— r I EF WEEP NG SNKLBE<ONCVpKM WTIH mWOM } WH[NRRTAUWG FNDEND UCrIMCO —R DIO URVIDA ME 9TH RIP [ MP OVERTNf ILARFDlNDSErnOMhCOVERgSNRe[DOOFGrRIB TITIONIDAMFIM DED SOR[rnONSSHM HAVE W000 NFA BMNKFi � EB• I II INRAWDON THE DISN1e(O SOII: Q I ISI ; T. ALLUNMWOAAIAS ODDIJERICWSTRVCITONACTIVTIIESIIVRIE al; ^ RESTOREDWLMSUDMD MULOI. SOD, EROSION CONTRWeMNIGETOR BE MDSUNAOIAETHW2 WFtKSOFCOMPE[TIONOFCONnRUCTON. �. e r 1 i — )A rat _ - _ 0 Z g 7 PARRISH AVENU NE'�• - w O V o ...RRA_ P PRELIMINARY 2 C401 MTD 06/25/19 PROJECT NUMBER: 0023003.00 i C—HwrtbNe,PeRIp . S' �. B11 or cDII811.com SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN LEGEND ; Y SAHRARYSTUp.]A _'ubon.u.,.va.,,,,nn•aaR v.vwuw'n:. I POS¢O 3 I[-M6511U 'tit — - - — IP."-LWE _ _ _ �I —.HE McAND— _ —R� SANRNIY 5FWE0. o _INEIALLSALWGED-WOEIKI—,•— SANTTAN SEWS 11MNN GRNDELEV.103 —1 O kU-r OP I I —r— vurzn MAIN r•arml, 1 wwlNco �. _ _ • 1 I ,. "N'. A.A. nttmR 5 pAOK - a0 - •-..---.. .. :a+——EADIL[CRIC liTDl I I a0 __ 0-'I -.—._ ,«— ONIXRLRWHOn1EPNONF • -_ :I �R¢pCMM4'pMEAaEIjj$AlI 99E] IWSI I / �E;J$§ EANR"I Q° ®OTDCM[VIS0.LP[NNiUOENLO[Ln VTnY[.IOtFOEHRNIOOPIIC �Q OATIV DRE {IMEDx—m —m L00 s I_j 6hh Wm�_ GENERAL WATERMAIN & SANITARY SEWER NOTES ex a ¢•e1a wq I p + 1 1M<oNrnKraalssPlgncNLr<wlloNroiMrIHE LoalloN u+DioR PRovIDfwAnR MNH 1HPVST REs1R.uNrs PCRcmnANOARo EN[H110{CkSTIHG V1111nCSA55NONN °N N[ PUN MFEA DON RFWI0.FM M5 Sp lf-p�IVCp A _ RICOROSO TNEVAPIOUS COMPANDSANDUMREDMUAIREMEMS .DAWL. I [7 rI,[NRARISIUF•OROCMY 9-WATWNAW SlU9 I TAIRNWTNf iQID.M[WfdllMibN EMIL NOT pER[lpD °N AS RONG ARGN0.IUA VER¢ LSVAMTIONO{IFWLHESRREWIRSDATALLWATE0. •` FRAR.c.—FtETH,cON, --SNALLVFN�Y FApiWGCONDEIIONT A UNECROSSINGSWRHSANRMVSEWf 90W5LWERTNEWATFRUNE E m ]Nlfi•DIPI I PRIORTOCONST—ONANDHOt DICOWNERO== —NOi HAVL10WIS °fl<ONN[CRON Wrtf9N 1pf[R Oi INf �N4 ?A _ ` �'^R II SCWANCIFS aIUn CAOSANGSVIRN SiONASM90. � Z AUUNRMYSEWERA WATFRWINi ERMLANDWST,LLU110NSLULL 30. VIIIIIYSF0.Mf1•.1YPIGLLY i[RMWATFYOVMpF eNLMNOWALL UNL[55 !3S pLLLv- IWtl-a'PAL - I � AE Q�YEFgpP[MENra MWNf10IA ttUMNNG CODEAND INC OTNF0.WtiE SHOVRP OR NOTED. 5 } ISEIfi'g1 O]Op% IM lli'DIP II KCOPDANCE WTN TNIORUH 110111- F—DARDSPFOFlAIpNS t I I r_ _ 1E9 _. WY- • _ — _ _ _11r_1T!_ I •- — IF _ -- _9' _•D �_. Y1•I IYYY' 4 _ — — — _ III III l fIfOEROMMWRMAlSSCgMiN0STAiRNMUONICHfLNbOECN]AOL1TNAPEF1RC—OMIMNSLTAlIOLHLRAE5PD1IU-LOlRLADONYE—TDNWNIOffTRHK[°NR[V[W[ESgSfMYAYND In11 . COfVISTFRW[AWNNEWCEUNANCYSpSONMKIID MINSTKW);IE•OMeEPINFnMAUWM.1VC1AOPCV1WORl]IWIHF5,]1I9IAOCW11F1D0pnY 1RCIM51Y1 IXUpOPRWRNMEIYPE[PFR-11e. PVCWTESA. M A•C-ORFNWtE0.THATI`MIXFFNONRRLL1EDfWSUAEDWS11AD—HIeMN WD fESK—RF NEWRHIxCHRSOFTNICS L M pIPMOFCORUNLSOHWF ID—TIO 0g1S�6 Zll EEE r Il. tANRAN SLWUIPEOU190ETHF pUpDWG [NVUOIFSMLL9E POLYVPiYL CSIHIµIONIX PVµ5O1t PIAASrMDMEf AINTENIC NCUI [W[R f W � n9 "p Q�1_ ... I H+ ! S� 4 COMMROP SHALL R[ttRTOMCNRECNMI PUNSf00.[MR10uTON I. SOLVIM vrtlDlNNiS MUGTINClVIXUSf of � W ,.��.+ .,, .. __ .. DWENMN90NSOf Do•ORWAVS PN.IPSTN NL ON(FREC6EWMWG AMM[R WNKH 50fACOHIMSTNG COIORTOTNE %PFAND CFM(NT.ALL z. "�.. _ _ pw[NSIONS AND F]NC)FURO NG URUrv<ONNECIIDN IOGnONi �� CODE PMfSfWFR SMLLpETESiFOACCOflDIrvG 10IAMPESOTAPWMlWG F " I C p ]OtH•W S ALLPPNARiITEITI NALLRICTIN5111UCRDWKCORDMiCEWSRIIHF O LL p W zi a �. , I c wnAusRLVAa pl{YOIE[M " •' •+ rl,w„m' , TEr AAD fIE�'• 1 I F• SNALLC..WATETNESERVIRLWECO14 CRUC110NWRM IHE UIMYDR U. ALL N°NCONDURIVf PpE SNA4 eE1NSTALIID WI1NAlOCATF ESMCfA)WIRE Q' � -I N i I I I. I S VI COMPANIES. PFR MWNFSOTA PWMe NG COD(PMTEW.9. Q EAT i O _ tl'e-� I 1 A{¢R ,0ZIUCTONISCOMMLETE THECONTRACTOR—MI—INIHE Q DID E 1• I I PROPOS[D FRARA�STAUMM I 111f-A'MS 1 r 1 a CONDNN[R�RIONS ANOUn.. AWLFIL IN NECTID AND ANROV[.111— S _L, µAS"WRTRtC01m0{UIIlNYCONSIRUCII—THEASDNLT a pp 1'\ I lF lli-NCO W�nR _ i I Cm. THE CMSMLL eE NOnR[DII HOU0.5PpOR TO COMM[NONGWIIH 1 IKKWDE LOCAn°N AND LENGTH DLNATWNS OR CHANGES TO THE TE 2 •p[ E I 1'I T-1--ItUCTON ORANY REOVIREO TFSlIN4 CONTRACTOR SMML NIR,RRWITOWPGYWIIH0— M NGINEU HODDRAPUN PPOPoSEDF.1 I NOL OPfMTE IMfPIfPF VRIN CONNERANY PPE OR HOSE TO.ORTMANY YArN POSTiONMPUCrpN NENA1pNil5 RFOIMED. I I Op IfYOI TENANTSPACE I WATE0.MNNpLLONGING RY UNI[L•DULYAVINd10DlODD SODV fiF•A)O.pG TI[CiIY. ANY ADYIKS CONSLgTO TNf CWI-.11M10U[OORUNSMEOUL. IR ALLMANHOILCASIINGENPAV[O MEAS S.—IT-1PEDUSIT-10 THECOMMR00. I110NSOi5[RM<E TOTHEPUOLECARE10pf MEP15PONSINUw Oi EIEVATONS ON IINI Ptl¢R THE SD.W[D[LNATONS III ¢ M195 N11 r -If pMp 'a � - i THE �^ >I I I 61 Ui' I I f ). WATE—NLIFIG[IISASAIDWNAPEAPPROIOMATEHOMOM UNGRIS. 1 AILDVY{O0.ACHR110 A 1 04RISTA—GONSL°PEEORWHEN I I I I DERFCDONSAR MgL11PEO.MEIg DIFUC NSSHAUNOTEYCEIDME A r I II • - / MA%OAVM RKOMMtNOLOpYT16 HILMANV/ACNRUOPNIOME C jL ' � • I GOVERNING SI[OMATEONSFITTIND—WRO.H. CONSiRUR WATR MNN d y - ,> YI II I I a•SANR f i Fl)A 1. SHNL pE INCLUDEDIN—MAENCONSMLICIIOH. SANITARY AND WATERMAiN KEYNOTES?E A CONsrnucr s.wRAm MAMIaE OYTIIwmHcr wcsAxmursLPWa I nEMovEANDsuvAccrnsm¢flroMNrANDUPHroMNrIrAOAT it 11- _ -4111]¢E-D-171 MAW. G¢LOYTRRYIounoN,mEANDam Y TIT AN.EALVAO[f]pSTNGHYDMNT oH.,LTTOfR . I II—ENTSTINGS—RFANNSNNEANDCMA-0111OW— ` p WATEWNN VRM E-GATEVMVEANDEATENDMSHOWN.OIEIOVEWY LCCA1pN i]i ANDS¢EL LOunDK LYPEATE-0. t PARRISH AVENUE NE R R[MOV[ANDS,LLVAGFFIpS1WGNrND—E) NF%I—O IG �. a < PW[EAMIE PSANRASRYERSiU1 ANDUPAT MNN.IfR1DVFIpfY V/IXAAIEMWN E'.A�VKVEANDFI[I[NO AS SHOWN6IUDVFPPY I.IJ ,I. t iw Tn 5¢E µDI my E �I 1 .. -: � �• '•.. - D `[OG1wUpS i-WAILRMNN=BMDC ATMNH.WFLDVFNN L CONS TDExSTR rSANRARYSIWFIIMVNWIINAHr.--E Q Q :.. �'..�. ANDS¢El AND ND S WN. GI ID VUDY LOCAroN—Zk ANDiNVE0.T. i. �' • �'�.:• E rSµrtMYSlWFP MAW NTIHAH F'IVC WR AND M CWNERTO ENSRNG r WA¢RMAW ANDM M. 6'rzFANO FIt¢NDM E .a � Z FRRNDAf NONN WEIR WCIOGTON TYPE S¢[.ANO WVFRry SHONN. tTRLD VEPDY LOUnON MEAND SRq. Q � i OrAmNGE-wA OMNTYH,ANDS¢p. WN NAN E1 r TEE AND DRTND AS SHOWN. WfIDVERIfY IOCAT� �. Q L !J" —ar / RTOWSTNGrS CO HAINd0.2rNpARTIEND IDMSHOWN. 0 ap p IFV 0 +_ D C-NVDR—ETING.1HE3¢LS—R-IT SHEET NIIMpfR H CONNER iO[NSTNGY WAL[WNN SNpANO FM[NDKSNOWN WEIn K W RIfY LaunoN, rvPEMD sIrq. C 5 00 PRELIMINARY DME: 06/2S/19 PARRISH AVENU9 NE ({� � JI <.li 9eFwnn.r«. eA19N9: F `; 811 or U11811.com SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN LEG— D ­­ 3 — r4DP[mr UN[ -------- USEMENTUNE SANTMYSCWN0. SAMTARY SLWdfOACFMAW I --•.— �•.— —�•—.. —�— WAR0. AWN � • • � g � a ' ®« PMAOSFOMAM1IMFNi 9NlDttlO rlNIRMWSTRiA ift•fNDO ' 1z r warzwu —xn —�a OYf1WFAU RUPXOHE rr0. N WTE VAIVF C ¢•enA)RI r WATDIMaN STN e O � U TPOLE s vp W V V' a I nIF- IF wl a 4y�y g VMD 91rlwU46• ISlF1•DV .. —..� � a •Ow c �g CCj63 q 9 �Z sW zoz v) o w W NUMwca C501 PRELIMINARY DA1L oBRsne � PROJECT NUMBER: 0021003.00 �\ ¢An�aM7 rwATeFwMnm�¢ i ¢• lwrotmAlAUI.FENrunFDd4 +� ga \ ftf• N.W I!a u rM � I ww• a PARKV/E AVENUE • _ � rarTn AmDIlxm F uer�r dP , ; sl v -rd \ '•� 4RND WV•K)! 1351f-rOV NY W/MIK VAIVe \ 1916-rdP Ar 40.x0 ¢EVA!).! 16U -r DIP 1 I I - _ i! OLeDY , 59 USP t I I \♦. � W � I'I� . ®OAO% 139 [i -r NK r wAT a ]I reMmAlersruweA I V i 9-45- BEND - IE•ISed01Nl E NWA f111r I H Iti 1. tE"Dexo 0 -95 I rwATea.Aw5Tu4 I { I 1p01pSlOMWrALV!¢Q 'lAWOSED0.�—Kpm- f[•e15 I I � « 51 I 3D lE.e'Dm M-e•PVDO I RF• DAOK ♦ I[•9A.w 151 RETMUNlSTADRANT KF•eILW i I i S A i 1 I I 5 5 I I .. I Kt PARRISH AVENU9 NE ({� � JI <.li 9eFwnn.r«. eA19N9: 3 h `; 811 or U11811.com SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN LEG— D ­­ 3 — r4DP[mr UN[ -------- USEMENTUNE SANTMYSCWN0. SAMTARY SLWdfOACFMAW --•.— �•.— —�•—.. —�— WAR0. AWN y —.. —«,— D�D[0.GWUNDIULIRIC —rw--- —i.• IX FADUEC)0.K —,.— —..•— UN crouNDT.— I 1z y —xn —�a OYf1WFAU RUPXOHE rr0. N WTE VAIVF s ® sfrnaN nmxlmlAn e O � U TPOLE s vp W V �s a a 4y�y g F- 3 iSC�O � a c �g CCj63 �Z sW zoz v) o "�� �• W NUMwca C501 PRELIMINARY DA1L oBRsne � PROJECT NUMBER: 0021003.00 ■ ■ ■ Z f� f N F STORM SEWER LEGEND [.MYNHn Men dlDgfq: 811 or caII811.com , Td P"D" AMak,WMuvw+uPO NePUDW2A a --- !R[F[0.R MNE GSWFM MNF CUNANO GVFM -____i„__ ten— SANOAl1Y5FWF0. FORCE MAIN a _.._-e,.___e �M�■ ST¢IM SIWW a FnAR SfPAMTOM1 1 —e.•-0 �I�y NY09AM . .. • . • \ , J'PtrweMRN'�`"GN11u�-bI��jp0LI"n)bMl I /'. �� ���O- _- _ _—O,� .IA� OiO7 ®¢o•• ' WL__IIIII1i Ii � I1 II I II�II z x..a�xP.iwn.xrxx.un L TEDLMIFX¢VCARNOIfApWNAFN,MNOREfTOO. 0R5b,IN9GFM<IIfIroIMCARFLLfSMYANCSAOSWNNOISOWHNAN[LLOONNNOTMTHT[NWIXHNI[lI,IUIA[ODNGMSM,GIOTFANUISNAAONTOfMF(—D—NIOFO/NGOONRRNS i••,W•-•.••� —t SA F¢RGI----MGOSVA[WWNDEUR N.►H•rxmu.a.PGD".I- PIA-- —EEGNfNIEYtM. YNIUUO¢GfNLNYaSLW¢D0FTFR,A{nMINHNpWvIGEFAOAwRRtDNDDWWWEVOM1IRmtNNSF¢1FDO1CuC1PITIANNLaWoM[O[CLmN NINIFWDc KMO (o CmcTft 0N AWIW R[•IMOG!I L 4i 1SBp 3 i1 QZ IIOUOGIXY 69 GENERAL STORM SEWER NOTES NbOFwOUaOMPAND ORM.TF'NMKWpCA —TpOOMONDNFYTmWNRORWORWIOOCONRP04MCUTro0.PWE0MP QauQ yy(o L �yL*� ANOSIMLLN,CIA52)1p0. NP[OMMR[RS]1'AfDLMGFRUNIER� .•• .•. I I OwERWRENOTFO,PMASTM OE WIw R -A Gl3ali . — _ — . — — . — . � . — . — . — . � - 1 UI E 1 ALLSIpRM S[WDI MATGMI AND WSTALLATONTSHAILN NRNY IroPFSTWW P11E4. iD 1h-INCNFSW DWAfi[0.5NALLM[Ei �S� g T T R[WIRUDIFI MINNESOTA %DAINNG CODE ANOINA¢ORDANCCWON C NOUONMFNRpf MTMO W5I HDP[STORM qL n-Rl N4NDOSIN pV� I iNENRNMF01TI0N 0f YTANOMDSPfCWG1 FO0.WATOIAWNAND pMM¢fR51WtME¢N[IUWFtIFNR Of AfLM i]]D4 m,WGf SNMIN 3 q I I SLRYKEIINLINS,AW110NANDSwbF(I!FI MOSTORrOh1OP PMAAM WLn AlIDWSTAWDPM ASTM W)]L Q� 1 INSfALUIMkL• AT P�MFD OYIHf COY WGWf[IIS ASSMMT¢IO[ 99 rI MWNfSO,A D. PVCS,OMA SDNt,I gFANDfO,PiGS5gLL9EXN10ULL40lIrt PFA p4� _S.I C Wu. I _ � ASM O)NSANO WSTAWDPFR ASTM OnLL FS�a aa• i •. �:... ) I ]. FUD—.CONSIRUCRON.IHFCOMRALTDASWIt OOTMN TM H[CnfA0.Y L [ORRIIMRO M¢ALPD[KMFl f0R9n53LN 1]p�VKHANDANO �i AA ♦ O• d ♦ d 1 ifDfRAC SIAIE ANDLOCALIot—T RIMPROPEDEEN0 1N[DPEY M[fi AS,MA]NIOR AS]M A]96ANONINSTALL[D PFRASM A)9l [MP — — — — — ♦ — — — — — — — — _ — _ — 1 VI,IHTHE OWNMO0.FNGW{MTNAT YOIMOSIMVEIFFNONMNN.I¢MR IMYNOT IE WSTAWOYIIIHW IOiNTOfAWNHWAW. WAT(R Ya6h — — — - — — — iEFS SNML If 1MRf5roNNMlmpIMf CONTRACI0RUN1E5SOlNFA'h15E S[IMC[, ORA WMWG I _ I MMNOFDWIfH,NF ONTi[R LLSTOAMSL—OMSMDS,RUCI—.10,1LC110N55NAt115 GfINM OR WATERIIWRATNWINDWMNNFSOTA PWMIWGCOOC F" r u AI I A • • _x -n �•,-- _n m -_x -n --- __- I a • a- ..• w r ne I� I Z DIMENUOFIITFAONMO[OM{NDOIIADIN G UTII-CONNN CONto-- !MT)O)SSTORIA SflYUtOGI[O WIf11W ]O.N¢OfAWIIOWG Z ;�D�WAR0.UNf PINI I[RSROlMMWMSOTA PWMIWGCODC 3 J W � 411 I S ALL IRNAR Ui001Lt5MLL0[NNSrRVLTLD WA[[Op[MN¢WOH,Hf ]0. ALLNONNNdKrM PD[wALLNWSTALLLD WOMAIOGRORAC[q WIN LL O D• L K T)[OOGIN1MOi MEAlPROHMIF WYIIY[OMIAM.M[C[WIMCfOR EAMNNFSOFAPUII—ODDLPMTEDit F O W I I I � � 1 TNALLCOOPOWAlF1HE5FIM¢lWF CONSIAUCNON WONTNf VIDIIY �^ COMPAM[t IL M IOR NS,R000ONISCOMPLFDOF CONIRA¢O0.SHALLPROV 4— a O CPNM0.V0W MAS-WLTRfL:Oq Of WIIfIY CONS,RUCIIONINLAS-IWLT 211ALL W[UAX IOCOMDLLNGw OREN IN CHMGISft E I rRorouDRLt�IIYREsrAUAwr I I t coMAA¢pasuuortAWAUNE¢sMRrcm nwAm f¢IWnm =00 -TOW- RD"wuNnRWHFrHMAPMN � ffE1 Im I [N CONNCCICTV ANOUOMIRTIfD4—SSI—`TOMPROVFDNTH[ )OX;ONSIRU¢pN WVATIONib R[QIIIP[0. 11 Cm. MECm SNML N NOONID44NNRKD7 tt1 COMMWCMGVT,1 8; I ���NpTOlFMTTK—COMN WEN WRH CONH[RAMq[OA MOSETO.ORTNAM ]i ALLGTN MSW Gf)NGSWNRE SIULL Y[SUMP[DOn i[[TAEID 15p RNAM SPACE I WARRMNNITLONMNGT071f U0•IWNSSDULYAWHO DTOWO BY MANHOLE GSONGSW lAVIDMFM WALLIF SUMIm DOS I[rt. RW 1 II I III f{F�rt11p0 I I wF¢b. AMAWnS[CdLSFOVwC[SOP SOIfOMED ORUNS[IODUMD FIfVAIU]NSON PUN NM1FRTHF SLIMPFO FL[VNIOM. I I I I DWWIfIOM Of XRW¢TO wE NIIUCARITD1E mf R[SPOMHNIYM iIi I I I ° i i HENMMC g �� I �up --^••• J I I I 1 ). AMHOIMMWROGI—TION 0i 3[W[HESbUW— ATALL WAIq 1 I u I I I I UM00.O29NG5 WfM STORM SfWF0.w[WAtt0.UHESNALLNOi i � x•x I I NYNRO0. CONMCilON W1WW10•{!¢OPR1E (0.0251N41NSVUR aj la` I I 1 GOSSWGSVIIMSlORM50VE0. I I I I dad \l .a 'III I ii I I %yi a' ��O�RWISE�SIIRWMORNpIfORMDlA1CSOUmD[EURDWG WAIIUM[55 �l[�Eg�['� E _ DDI o, Y1 , s E E PARRISH AVENUE NEZ a Ln �o 0 MrNUMNR � x. D PRELIMINARY LD DMe 06/25/19 PROJECT NUMBER 0021003.00 ■ ■ ■ Bll or callRll.com STORM SEWER LEGEND ■ ■ WmNc — mpm IWE - <DMMID4UREM1 I MDODSEOAOMIM� eun3M1uc 'I �c - 0, i... ■ �� I EW I - � I —..—. —"^-- —m— IINDFA4PWND,EU%IDNE —, »--- —+ wnwuD,F1FPHONE ID � iuiofNDSF.E,ION DMN11pM>I Q LKIR fWI! 0 V �C S,M3F. I I I F•Ke. IF•K} 'd7 0 43i-IY S1M fi �� W � - SSI VM}OSNNMIM�NT WttOW4 A4R IKf•K1301 ifF.e C1etlF-305 � IE• 1St} u ' U � O0TA5 II.eOi.)]I N-10{ I[b6}MI D:•K].}]Iq pf•e6).V Ml t< -]Y S,M IF46L41jfl IF.K2)S IA yKSm INWI M1 IF•K]M W n-KIA9 " I : � I Dorn ,51f-10•S,M \ VIIFl6•S,M ■ . \\ �\3\` � 1`9 V-l1'� 5l li•11•S1N ■ BppySp5�°j e}uw sM� PARKVI AVENUE ra�o u -esus KEi-3l•slM „V, 1 �O FOLD I e'.w. t`1s "OFvQ, a�W o j esecuroassswM1mun, I ��n K e , 1 R•eeem — _ j O Tt v SIMM- { ■ ° V i I j I I I ] ■ W VRDPOSfDRErMI/Of3R M AO,OSfDM�01f.M/Dr11R � � ■ �. rt[.emm y{G I ■ I j rif•I I KrNunrornuSnNr ■ j j � I i iio-nuo I � I °° I n I I J.J,.1J.J.1�J� u�..I�JY ■ :� I L ■u . ■ r .�.. PARRISH (AVENUE NE B • + .110-1 3 Bll or callRll.com STORM SEWER LEGEND WmNc — mpm IWE - <DMMID4UREM1 sl --�•"—O �e—y SN•arMYSfWFR .._-n, —.._.— W}I3ARYSEWFM1 WM1Cf MNN ---w—� —M�■ Sf411M SEWl0. —•., — ----------ire HYOMNr 0, ___"•..— —.u— UNDIM14M1DUND REEIIIK —"^-- —m— IINDFA4PWND,EU%IDNE —, »--- —+ wnwuD,F1FPHONE ID � iuiofNDSF.E,ION DMN11pM>I Q LKIR fWI! 0 V 'd7 0 fl1 3;� 4 BppySp5�°j ra�o W J � � �O FOLD a�W o 0 I i 'a 1t S 0 yy ED 1 g3e fill Z �g ow G3 o w N u— 'a " Y q W In C601 PRELIMINARY U06/25/19 NUMBER: 0021003.00 ITPJCALRE4ILIEM�YEDGE VALVE k SOX INSTALUTION ID• k DNDER WATERMAIN STANDARD PUTE NO. 205 ��Y�:�.,.J q nr,pRe . Ig ® Ne ��_� 1 rclmlru.a .w>NA,>timmN �r °� Tsu[IL_ronc�pcuu NnnuNT_— s[cua�Wrn �M,pY k �•I ",J' STANDARD DQUTE N0. I7 G STANDARD PUTE N0. III � nr.u� um. • r uu MANHOLE STANDARD PUT[ N0. 100 R.N,NNI.NA, y �y LIAIL'M' wm. mrm.v / Ilsau I SIANDM=O�UTE N0, I 1PC.T 7::C'S� 9+ 1 r: rlQwiRSiSS" ww wr STANDARD PUT[ N0. 301 4111 Nvn b°len dlpRbq 811 or or cI81ra�1,� ..[Na MRNr.R�Nu.I Y{AIERNAIrLCONCqCIE_OEOCI(06 _4UANRIES 4 1 L.:r"' STANDARD pUIE N0. W 302° I I- F7 -�I: � R 4.D a1RUA R INSULATION rOR WATER a SANITART_SEfYER_�P.Lt3ERYlGCS k' "i JIANDAR30,lATC H0. r� rn .o.w wmrwr[ wl CTONG� 1p Y� URRAN STREET�GS 10.19" � [ .•\ STANDARDP TE N0. D t? iumEN ITPJCALRE4ILIEM�YEDGE VALVE k SOX INSTALUTION ID• k DNDER WATERMAIN STANDARD PUTE NO. 205 ��Y�:�.,.J q nr,pRe . Ig ® Ne ��_� 1 rclmlru.a .w>NA,>timmN �r °� Tsu[IL_ronc�pcuu NnnuNT_— s[cua�Wrn �M,pY k �•I ",J' STANDARD DQUTE N0. I7 G STANDARD PUTE N0. III � nr.u� um. • r uu MANHOLE STANDARD PUT[ N0. 100 R.N,NNI.NA, y �y LIAIL'M' wm. mrm.v / Ilsau I SIANDM=O�UTE N0, I 1PC.T 7::C'S� 9+ 1 r: rlQwiRSiSS" ww wr STANDARD PUT[ N0. 301 4111 Nvn b°len dlpRbq 811 or or cI81ra�1,� ..[Na MRNr.R�Nu.I Y{AIERNAIrLCONCqCIE_OEOCI(06 _4UANRIES 4 1 L.:r"' STANDARD pUIE N0. W 302° PRELIMINARY IN F� H oe/zs/ls dBER 0021003.00 4.D a1RUA R INSULATION rOR WATER a SANITART_SEfYER_�P.Lt3ERYlGCS k' "i JIANDAR30,lATC H0. PRELIMINARY IN F� H oe/zs/ls dBER 0021003.00 JI ILS^ I STANDARD RUTC NO. .. I {JLJGOYL/ om cm � Ewa 0 .;.:rte .... ;. UII,q Naunblendlogkq. 811 ar callBll.com T nT+w.d- .I JI ILS^ I STANDARD RUTC NO. .. I {JLJGOYL/ om cm � Ewa 0 .;.:rte .... ;. UII,q Naunblendlogkq. 811 ar callBll.com T nT+w.d- ' STANOAHU STORM MANHOLE-YARQ INLET '.TANDAR P-1 N0. I NN�MgIa a C701 PRELIMINARY wrz 06/25/19 PROJECT NUMBER 0021003.00 uq �J J ,i NF � �.....� y�YY Q Ey O�NT 5[u L♦`�I�ly{_j[uNHY aTMIOARD PUTE N0. a.. ' STANOAHU STORM MANHOLE-YARQ INLET '.TANDAR P-1 N0. I NN�MgIa a C701 PRELIMINARY wrz 06/25/19 PROJECT NUMBER 0021003.00 uom� SCCllONA-A rw ...oe wn. Ir 2RECA$LCAjCL-A51N YARD INLET STANDARD PUTE NO. OB ,m? T 5TA«L B B�1a Rn irnmnr axs SBCK runic) � f� m o.L NOH UrHOK ABL �WBOxf. o io',�win Acwxuunnl a ,n ra sax xoaxr wsr rt SIL SOCK STANDARD PUTNO. 508 STANDARDPUTE NO. .10 mori,—_�111.wY� BPkI> a ": Nn UMAL ZR!SCVIIER STANDARD PUTE NO. ]02 STANDARD PUTE NO. .1. (RriC RURAL URBAN� ovq xrx bn� 1 Ir 4�g n wBAS 1-1 s ^) LATERAL OFFSET•ANO VEMA"LEARAH E R 0 R N NT.RO�N$ STANDARD PUTE N0. 800 slt.__ cE STANDARD PUTE NO. 501 oB.BNwn wlOn aiBBxa all Or ca 811.com row p—,"""x ..w WOODFIRER-DUPIKETJNp7TLLAIlON-TLA CVLSLOPE STANDARD PUTS NO. 502 �TTEMPORARY '-CUL DE SAC &STREET WILL BE TERNDED IN FUTURE NMI— iR LRRNxN ax GR M MCRR.OUND rt�iiw°Cuixi nio or ALriwaeurxCui°-of_.C. OR LS�ITANDAR�GUTC 110ITANDAR�GUTC 110. O v SxfLT NUMOLR 0702 PRELIMINARY — 06/25/19 I.0 YAl w N 9 nor ,nr n°..rN /_\ iu; nw .rruiNL n• ni,,.. ww.w.� n.Yn,.rr n. °��� � wn c°xx,n n,e'ii.ux°wM-` r �rwuo Oona nu i �eecce..vu�[ caul rone . - nMn_noi _ ssST..MO PUTS NO. 209 wN.w umsne-e Y"wnr. wuwuo rot /r, NO cwx•[rz �' � r.awr<uxnn V=" PARI(IRG LirJ� ACCESB AISLE �o- Y .,nttra.xM axn���� w rr rpm � -�- x o[f nnnu nNxx°m u. uru[a D E,?- mn h r w uY r.Yx m .Y Y`mw 4`r r.rr 1Nrl•i j nw.S1GN rO.T MST L—ON Or. �N.Nq AN.t�i� c510NINGFxro O1t eo,rYu°N. anon ren �..uw oc' �o Y 1 ) ••amu Inr,) ry i ....°xx ca..nw• °. nr.Y.n. ,n, �.r STANDARD PUT[ NO. 415 rV J� �Y sr�ru a ru wao, u[c �, n b1wwA 9i 51n[Oua➢Ary vo. r..Ynrr,M.,nn.� ,wnxr..M9 c.n.n,wne.unuc9e.>: ell or ca11611.com .�Y°iu wumi n ru uw°, we mr r.0 xo.,nu x,m.,. wr mex mrrr°m a,mn wrt o� nrro N.ivwrinlstDMM nW N42 1wnt Rvx.rAaw[ro YtaoNM. Yn.c,m,..mclrolfuwnmttxaart..un w.ww.w cRosswAununND IA1iA.n.V iRNWCARROYI `4 ':nvo 9n �o SiAl— Q�!u iuKnARCM° PRELIMINARY Ln W 0 T NUMO[R a C703 e 06/25/19 ABER: 0021003.00 Review No. 2 Hakanson ■■ Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tom Bruce, Rice Companies William R. Huston, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: July 17, 2019 Proposed Development: Parkview Retail Street Location A portion of the NW'/a of the NE'/a of Section 22, T121, R23. of Property: West of CSAH 42 (Parrish Ave) and South of 90th Street Applicant: Tom Bruce Developer: Rice Companies 1019 Industrial Drive South Salk Rapids, MN 56379 Owners of Record: Timothy & Susan Neibling Karen Anderson Irrev Trust Sandra McChesney 8763 Sim LLC Purpose: Parkview Retail is a proposed 17.3 acre, 7 lot commercial development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY PRELIMINARY PLAT/STREET/TRAFFIC PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 SAMunicipal\Aotsego23xx\2348 Parkview Retail\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Parkview Retail Development, dated 7/15/19, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hydrology Calculations for Parkview Retail, dated 7/15/19, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 SAMunicipa1\Aotsego23xx\2348 Parkview RetaAA-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Benchmark(s) and datum shall be clearly called out/listed in the plans. There is a survey shot on a benchmark on sheet C200 but unless you know it is there, it will not be seen. 2. The following existing conditions shall be shown in the plans. Some of this information is shown on the Preliminary Plat sheets but is very difficult to read or interpret. a. Total acreage/area of proposed plat. b. Locations and results of soil borings, percolation tests, etc. Removals along the CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 will be subject to Wright County approval. SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 4. No comments. PRELIMINARY PLAT/SITE PLANS Verify sufficient right-of-way (ROW) is being provided along CSAH 39 and 42 per Wright County. The County's concept plan for the CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 plan for the proposed roundabout may require revised ROW in this location. The ROW at the 88th Street intersection and along CSAH 42 south of 88th Street does not appear to be sufficient to cover the proposed street and sidewalk/trail. 6. The proposed plat contains many existing easements from previous developments and CSAH 42 projects. These easements shall be vacated and re -platted with the new plat(s). Easements dedicated as "roadway easement" shall become right-of-way. 7. Staff will continue to work with the Parkview Retail development and the Parrish Meadows development to ensure the connection is coordinated. The street/driveway connections to CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 are subject to County approval. 9. The 10' bituminous sidewalk on the south side of 88th Street shall be replaced with 5' concrete sidewalk. The north side of 88th Street shall also have sidewalk along the entire length. 10. Lot 1, Block 3 is a proposed high-density apartment building. The proposed zoning for this area is commercial. 11. Provide Lot and Block #'s on the site plans. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 12. There is approximately 14.4 acres to the west of the proposed site that drains to the south half of the site that is being blocked by the grading of the apartment building site. This PAGE 4 SAMunicipal\Aotsego23xx\2348 Parkview Retail\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx drainage shall be accounted for and allowed to retain the existing drainage pattern or diverted to a storm pipe that can provide proper drainage. Staff will work the Developer's Engineer on this item. The storm water from this area may be able be directed to the 36" trunk storm sewer along 88th Street but the addition of this water and capacity of the downstream pipe and system must be verified. 13. The private driveways appear to have curb extended across them. All driveways shall have curb cut out or a concrete valley gutter per Otsego Standard Plate 702. Concrete valley gutters will be required across all intersections that provide grades of 1 % or less across the intersection. 14. Final plans shall include Erosion control quantities and a concrete washout area in the plans are required as part of the SWPPP. There are a couple catch basins and FES along CSAH 39 that will also require inlet protection. Protection of the infiltration basins will also require protection from construction traffic once they have been graded. 15. Provide Lot and Block #'s on the grading plans. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 16. A temporary "blow off' at the end of the 88th Street watermain will be needed for testing purposes (or a temporary hydrant). 17. The sanitary sewer pipe inverts are not called out for the service lines to the buildings on the north %2 of the site. 18. Note "G" calls out connection to an 8" PVC stub but the pipe size is 6". If an 8" service pipe is needed for this building it may be necessary to make a connection at the existing manhole just to the west of the building. Verify and revise. 19. All watermain tee's and/or crosses require x-1 valves where x is the number of legs. Also, we recommend installing new 8" valves at the connection to the existing watermain stubs along 881h Street. A new valve might be needed at the stub in Lot 2, Block 1 or the contractor will have to be ok with testing against an old valve. 20. Note "M", this connection could be done with a wet -tap. This would eliminate the need to do a bacteria test and retesting of the existing main. The 6" hydrant valve would need to be moved to the wet tap instead of next to the hydrant. 21. Move the watermain services to the upstream side of the sanitary sewer service to Lots 1 & 2, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 3 buildings. 22. Final plans will require profiles over all public sanitary and all watermain lines. 23. Provide Lot and Block #'s on the grading plans. PAGE 5 SAMunicipa1Wotsego23xx\2348 Parkview Retail\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx PRELIMINARY STORM SEWER PLAN 24. Within City streets the minimum pipe size shall be 15" except the first structure in a run may us 12" pipe. 25. The private storm pipe and catch basin information of the site is missing from the plans. This information will be necessary with the final plans to verify minimum cover, vertical separate between storm sewer and water and sanitary sewer is maintained. 26. Final plans will require profiles over all public storm sewer lines. 27. Pond 201P cannot be an infiltration pond as it receives runoff from the fueling station area. This pond shall be a wet or filtration basin and shall be lined so it cannot infiltrate. The developer's engineer has addressed this issue and has presented a couple different options. Staff will continue to work to provide the appropriate solution for this area. 28. Call out proposed pipe material types. 29. Label existing storm pipe sizes along CSAH 42. The south storm basins both discharge to the existing CSAH 42 storm sewer. Need to verify that this existing pipe and downstream system can handle the discharge rates. Details 30. No comments. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 31. Submit existing drainage area maps and calculations 32. See Comment #11. This area does not include the 5 -acre parcel directly to the west on the north % of the site). The plans and stormwater calculations do not appear to account for this additional runoff. The runoff from the existing conditions of this area needs to be accounted for. When this area develops in the future it will be limited to pre development discharge rates but an outlet still much be provided. 33. Storm sewer calculations; all pipe shall have a minimum of 3 fps velocity at full capacity. 34. The downstream storm pipe for the Pond 100P outlet was designed to receive 5 cfs for the 10 -yr storm. The proposed discharge is 5.8 cfs from this pond. 35. The north %2 of the plat contains runoff from the fueling station area which is not allowed to be infiltrated per the NPDES permit. This pond will need to be lined so that it does not infiltrate. 36. The drainage area, impervious area and WQV in the table on the drainage plan for Pond 100P do not agree with the hydrology model. PAGE 6 S:\MunicipaRAotsego23xx\2348 Parkview Retaii\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx WETLANDS 37. At a minimum a "level 1" Wetland Determination that no wetland impacts are proposed by this project is required. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 38. A geotechnical report is required. The report shall recommend a street section and R - value to be used for the site 39. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 11513.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above items being addressed. PAGE 7 S:\Munidpal\Aotsego23xx\2348 Parkview Retail\A-REVIEW PHASE\OT2348 RVW2.docx 1 1'� O t�c T TY F o MINNESOTA APPLICANT: Rice Companies 16 Jul 19 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for a Zoning Map amendment for land included within the preliminary plat of Parkview Retail. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 22 July 2019 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service Area; the developer is requesting a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the property to B-3, General Business District and R-7, Residential High Density District. D. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial land uses. The proposed preliminary plat modifies the area plan adopted by the City to revise the street layout and provide for more developable lots to maximize the access and visibility from 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39) for businesses. The realignment of the street layout provides opportunity to include a multiple family use west of Parkview Avenue that will provide a transitional land use between planned commercial and low density residential uses, expand housing options within Otsego, and provide increased market support in proximity to planned businesses. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed commercial uses are consistent with the existing and planned business uses in the area. The proposed multiple family use will provide for a desirable land use transition between the commercial development within the preliminary plat and approved Parrish Meadows single family villas and future low density residential uses to the south and west of the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial PUD District Retail, restaurant, office East Commercial B-3 District PUD District Bank SuperTarget South Commercial LD Residential B-3 District R-6 District Undeveloped Parrish Meadows (SFV) West LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via public streets including 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that are designated as minor arterial roadways with sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District. The City has planned for development of this intensity within this area of Otsego and has adequate capacity to provide required utilities, transportation, and other services required for the proposed uses. E. The planning report dated 11 July 2019 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. F. The engineering review dated July 17, 2019 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 July 2019 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2 Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of July, 2019. Tami Loff, City Clerk 3 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ORDINANCE NO.: 2019-16 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PARKVIEW RETAIL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally by Exhibit A. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to B-3, General Business District and R-7, Residential High Density District designations as described by Exhibit B. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2019. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of July, CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A 0tsTe F O MINNESOTA V APPLICANT: Rice Companies 16 Jul 19 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP/PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION: Request for a planned unit development — conditional use permit and a preliminary plat to be known as Parkview Retail. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 22 July 2019 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the properties is attached as Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the East Sewer District and is guided for commercial uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is B-3, General Business District and R-7, Residential High Density District. D. The developer has submitted a preliminary plat for 6 commercial lots and one lot for development of multiple family dwellings. E. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is guided by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan for commercial land uses. The proposed preliminary plat modifies the area plan adopted by the City to revise the street layout and provide for more developable lots to maximize the access and visibility from 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39) for businesses. The realignment of the street layout provides opportunity to include a multiple family use west of Parkview Avenue that will provide a transitional land use between planned commercial and low density residential uses, expand housing options within Otsego, and provide increased market support in proximity to planned businesses. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject site is surrounded by existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. The proposed commercial uses are consistent with the existing and planned business uses in the area. The proposed multiple family use will provide for a desirable land use transition between the commercial development within the preliminary plat and approved Parrish Meadows single family villas and future low density residential uses to the south and west of the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial PUD District Retail, restaurant, office East Commercial B-3 District PUD District Bank SuperTarget South Commercial LD Residential B-3 District R-6 District Undeveloped Parrish Meadows SFV West LD Residential A-1 District Rural Residential 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The proposed preliminary plat will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site is accessed via public streets including 90th Street (CSAH 39) and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that are designated as minor arterial roadways with sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic that will be generated by the proposed development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District. The City has planned for development of this intensity within this area of Otsego and has adequate capacity to provide required utilities, transportation, and other services required for the proposed uses. F. The planning report dated 11 July 2019 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. G. The engineering review dated July 17, 2019 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 July 2019 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice; based upon review of the application and evidence received, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. Blocks 1 and 2 shall comply with the lot requirements and setbacks of the B-3 District. 3. Block 3 shall comply with the lot requirements, schedule of allowances, and setbacks of the 2 R-7 District. 4. Development of Block 1 with shared access to public streets shall require establishment of cross parking and ingress/egress easements over Lots 1-3, Block 1 that are subject to approval of City staff. 5. The accessory car wash use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-77-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The accessory motor fuel use within Lot 2, Block 1 shall comply with Section 11-77-6.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The multiple family use for Lot 1, Block 3 shall comply with the following additional requirements: a. The proposed exterior finish for the principal building and any accessory buildings shall comply with Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. b. The principal building shall utilize a flat roof design. C. A minimum of 1 off-street parking stall per dwelling unit shall be provided within an enclosed underground garage below the principal building. 8. Right-of-way for and access to CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. 9. Right-of-way, section design, and construction plans for City streets shall comply with Section 10-8-5 of the Subdivision Ordinance and are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Section 8-8-4 and 8-8-5 of the City Code. 11. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer, and, a. Payment of a stormwater impact fee for the North Mississippi drainage area shall be required as a condition of final plat approval. 12. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, and: a. Payment of utility availability charges in accordance with the City Code shall be required at the time of final plat approval b. Payment of utility connection charges for each lot shall be required to be paid at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with the City Code. 13. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. Park dedication requirements, less the area of the previously approved Friendship Addition, shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land as a condition of final plat approval. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of July, 2019. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor RESOLUTION NO.: 2019 - 40 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING VACATION OF EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN THE PARKVIEW RETAIL PRELIMINARY PLAT. WHEREAS, drainage and utility easements were dedicated with the final plat of Friendship Addition; and, WHEREAS, Rice Companies has requested approval of a preliminary plat to be known as Parkview Retail; and, WHEREAS, the drainage and utility easements to be dedicated within the preliminary plat of Parkview Retail make unnecessary those drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, Rice Companies has applied for vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 July 2019 to consider the vacation, preceded by required published and mailed legal notice; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission heard all parties interested therein and closed the public hearing; and, WHEREAS, the drainage and utility easements described by Exhibit A serve no useful public purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council having considered all information received related to the proposed vacation finds that vacating the existing drainage and utility easements as described by Exhibit A would be in the public interest; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego hereby orders: 1. That the existing drainage and utility easements located in the City of Otsego, 1 Wright County, State of Minnesota described by Exhibit A are hereby vacated. 2. The City Council hereby determines that the vacation of said public right-of-way shall cause no damage to any abutting or nearby property owners and therefore no damages are awarded to any such property owners. 3. The vacation shall be effective upon approval of a final plat for Hansen Heights. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22nd day of July, 2019. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor 2