ORD 05-06ORDINANCE NO.: 2005-06 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN' ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND TRAILS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 6 of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 7 PARK AND TRAIL REGULATIONS Section 6-7-1 Application Section 6-7-2 Exceptions Section 6-7-3 Curfew Section 6-7-4 Prohibited Activities Section 6-7-5 Liquor Section 6-7-6 Animals Section 6-7-7 Picnics and Picnic Shelters 6-7-1: APPLICATION: This section applies to all City of Otsego parks and trails within the City. 6-7-2: EXCEPTIONS: An activity otherwise prohibited by this section may be allowed to occur under any one or more of the following circumstances and upon such terms and conditions as the City Council may prescribe: A. When the activity is conducted by a duly authorized public employee performing a necessary public function. B. When the activity is a specifically authorized exception granted in writing by the City Council. 6-7-3 CURFEW: A. No person shall be upon any City of Otsego parks or trails, nor shall any person park a vehicle upon any City park, greenway or parking lot within a City park or greenway between the hours of 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM of the following day. Minors shall be further subject to the restrictions of the juvenile curfew established by Chapter 5, Section 3 of the City Code. B. Use of City of Otsego trails directly adjacent to and within the right-of-way of public streets shall be exempt from the curfew requirement set forth in Section 6-7-3.A of this Chapter. 6-7-4 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: The following activities shall be prohibited upon or within all City of Otsego parks, greenways and trails within the City: A. Injuring Structures. 1. No person shall cut, break, scratch, mark or in any way damage or deface any building, fence, sign, lamp, flag pole, table, bench, railing, paving, public utility, improvement, facility or other structure, feature or property upon or within any City of Otsego park or trail. 2. No person shall move any bench, table or other equipment, structure or improvement located within any City of Otsego park or trail, except that portable picnic tables may be moved within the designated limits of the picnic area in which they are located. 3. No person shall install upon any City of Otsego park or trail permanent grills, tables, chairs, benches, volleyball, badminton, tennis, or croquet standards, or horseshoe stakes. B. Vegetation. Without specific permission of the City Council, no person shall in any way plant or cut, injure or deface any tree, shrub, or plant upon or within any City of Otsego park or trail. C. Refuse. No person shall deposit, place or leave in any City of Otsego park or trail any paper, rubbish, waste, cans, bottles or refuse of any kind, whether such material is offensive to the senses or injurious to health, except in provided receptacles. Garbage, trash and refuse from activities occurring outside of any City of Otsego park or trail shall not be deposited within any park or trail or any receptacles within any park or trail. 2 D. Signs. No person shall post, glue, tack or otherwise display any sign, placard, banner, advertisement or inscription upon any City of Otsego park or trail. E. Use of Bathroom Facilities. 1. No person shall fail to cooperate in maintaining bathroom facilities within any City of Otsego park or trail in a neat, orderly and sanitary condition. 2. No person over the age of six (6) years shall use bathroom facilities designated for members of the opposite sex. F. Commercial Activities. No person shall sell, rent, lease, or offer for sale, rent or lease any article, thing, service whatsoever upon any City of Otsego park or trail without prior approval of a permit by the City Council. G. Disorderly Conduct. No person shall use threatening, profane, abusive disorderly, insulting or indecent language or commit any act that is a breach of the public peace upon any City of Otsego park or trail. H. Gambling. No person shall gamble upon any City of Otsego park or trail. Fire. No person shall start, maintain or allow to burn any fire upon any City of Otsego park or trail except as allowed by Section 6-7-7 of this Chapter. J. Nudity. No person shall be upon any City of Otsego park or trail nude, clad solely in any undergarment or otherwise clothed in such a manner as to expose their buttocks or male or female genitalia. K. Traps. No person shall possess, place or set or cause to be placed or set any trap, trapping device or weapon or shall take or kill any animal within any City of Otsego park or trail. L. Weapons. No person shall discharge any firearm or conduct archery activities within any City of Otsego park or trail. M. Golfing. No person shall engage in golfing practice within any City of Otsego park or trail. N. Motorized Vehicles. No person shall park, drive or move, or cause to be parked, driven or moved, any form of motorized vehicle over, on or across any portion of a City of Otsego park or trail other than on a driveway providing access to or through the park or trail or within a facility designated for parking. l:3 O. Watercraft. Except at designated public accesses, no floating devise, boat or other form of watercraft or structure shall be placed on, or rolled, dragged or pushed over, or moored to any structure within any City of Otsego park or trail. P. Fireworks. No person shall fire, discharge or explode any squib, cracker, firecracker or any other thing containing powder or other explosive material upon any City of Otsego park or trail. Q. Swimming. No person shall swim, bathe in or enter any waters upon any City of Otsego park or trail, except in areas designated for such activities by the City Council and posted by signs. 6-7-5 ANIMALS: A. No person shall take or allow to be taken upon any City of Otsego park or trail any animal except as provided for by this Section. B. A Domestic animal license issued by a responsible government agency shall be required and permanently affixed to the collar of the domestic animal in such a manner so as to be easily seen at any time that the domestic animal is within the City of Otsego park or trail. C. The domestic animal shall be under restraint and not permitted to run at large at any time within any City of Otsego park or trail. A domestic animal is under restraint when at heel beside a person having custody of it or obedient to that person's command, but not necessarily physical restraint. D. Any female domestic animal in heat or season shall be prohibited from any City of Otsego park or trail. E. Any person having custody of the domestic animal shall have in their immediate physical possession a means to collect and sanitarily dispose of and shall immediately collect and remove any and all feces deposited by the domestic animal within any City of Otsego park or trail. F. Horses shall only be allowed upon City of Otsego parks and trails specifically designated for such use by the City Council. Any person having custody of the domestic animal shall have in their immediate physical possession a means to collect and sanitarily dispose of any and all animal fecal matter and shall immediately collect and remove any and all feces deposited by the horse within any City of Otsego park or trail. 4 6-7-6 PICNICS AND PICNIC SHELTERS: A. No person shall use any portion of the picnic areas for the purpose of holding picnics to the unreasonable exclusion of others, nor shall any person use such areas and facilities for an unreasonable length of time if such facilities are crowded, except as may be allowed by the City of Otsego Park Shelter Reservation policies. B. A fire used for culinary purposes may be started and maintained upon any City of Otsego park or trail only in a grill or inside a fire ring designed for such purposes within a designated picnic area. No person shall leave a picnic area before any fire has been completely extinguished and before all garbage, trash and refuse has been place in the receptacles provided. Where no receptacles are provided, all garbage, trash and refuse shall be carried away from the park and shall be properly disposed of elsewhere. C. No person shall leave a picnic area before all garbage, trash and refuse has been place in the receptacles provided. Where no receptacles are provided, all garbage, trash and refuse shall be carried away from the park and shall be properly disposed of elsewhere. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and publication as required by law. ADOPTED this 9th day of May , 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO .• • ATTEST: Jud s n, oning Administrator/City Clerk 5 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.: 2005-06 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR USE OF CITY OF OTSEGO PARKS AND TRAILS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Chapter 6 of the Otsego City Code is hereby amended to add the following provisions: SECTION 7 PARK AND TRAIL REGULATIONS Section 6-7-1 Application Section 6-7-2 Exceptions Section 6-7-3 Curfew Section 6-7-4 Prohibited Activities Section 6-7-5 Animals Section 6-7-6 Picnics and Picnic Shelters Section 2. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its adoption and publication as required by law. ATTEST: - i 9t�' day of May, 2005. CITY OF OTSEGO ministrator/City Clerk urnier, Mayor Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the amended Otsego Zoning Ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the Zoning Administrator/City Clerk, Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota 55330. Published: Elk River Star News 06-01-05