Council Memo (8-12-2019) City of Otsego│13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330│Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator & Finance Director DATE: August 12, 2019 SUBJECT: Budget Meeting #5 On Monday, Council and staff will resume the review of the draft 2020 General Fund budget. This meeting is the second of three special meetings scheduled for budget and tax levy review. Please note that staff is seeking Council input during these budget review meetings in order to effectively and efficiently move the budgeting process forward. These review meetings lead into September, where the Council will need to adopt the preliminary property tax levy, which is the maximum amount the City can levy for taxes payable 2020. This action will take place at a regular Council meeting, either on the 9th or the 23rd of September, depending upon Council direction. I have developed an outline of discussion topics below. Property Tax Levy Attached with the packet for this meeting, is an updated summary. Staff will review and explain any changes that have occurred since the last budget meeting. Staff would be seeking Council consensus at each meeting regarding the direction of the preliminary property tax levy amount. Budget Review Council and staff will be reviewing General Fund department budgets as outlined in the attached review schedule. Materials Attached for Discussion 1) Property Tax Levy Summary 2) Department Expenditure Review Schedule