ITEM 5.2 Outlot D-AshwoodF Otsego MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Planner Licht 12 August 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty City Attorney MacArthur City Engineer Wagner 5.2 — Outlot D, Ashwood STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: of a portion of the property acquired by the City for construction of a future fire station. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. X Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. X Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. 2019. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a Request for Proposals to solicit offers for acquisition and development of a portion of the property acquired by the City for construction of a future fire station. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROU ND/J USTIFICATION: The City acquired Outlot D, Ashwood on 15 July 2019 for the purpose of constructing a future fire station in accordance with the final report of the Fire Services and Response Time Model study dated October 22, 2019. The property is approximately 20 acres in area. City staff, working in consultation with the Albertville Fire Chief, developed a preliminary site layout for a fire station facility on the property generally defined as the area of the property east of future O'Day Avenue with an area of approximately 9 acres (City Retained Parcel). The remaining parcel of approximately 11 acres is intended to be sold by the for development to a private entity (Development Parcel). City staff has drafted a Request for Proposals to solicit offers for acquisition of the Development Parcel that outlines the following: ■ The development is to consist of single family, single family villa, or two family dwellings developed in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the R-5 District. ■ Proposals are to include a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision design, example building plans, and references to similar developments. ■ The developer will be responsible for preparing plans and processing applications for a Zoning Map amendment, preliminary plat, and final plat that will separate the City Retained Parcel from the Development Parcel. The developer will also pay all development fees as required by the City Code related to the Development Parcel. ■ The developer will be responsible for construction of streets and utilities within O'Day Avenue from the north property line to the south property line abutting the City Retained Parcel. ■ The installation of utilities by the developer within O'Day Avenue is to include sewer and water connections such that the City Retained Parcel may be further subdivided in the future with single family, single family, or two family lots (based on use of the Development Parcel) along the east side of O'Day Avenue. There is also potential to subdivide the City retained parcel with additional residential lots along a future street extension west of Odean Avenue abutting the south property line at such time as the property to the south is developed. ■ The RFP does not state a minimum requested price for the Development Parcel. ■ City staff proposes that the RFP be posted on the League of Minnesota Cities website, City Website and distributed to the following developers directly based on current development in the area o Benzinger Homes o Christian Builders o DR Horton o Lennar o M-1 Homes o VHF Investments LLC (Henry Hanson) Responses to the RFP are requested by 17 September 2019. City staff will review the submitted proposals and provide recommendations to the City Council at a closed meeting on 23 September 2019 as to whether to proceed with one or more of the developers to negotiate a purchase agreement. The purchase agreement would again be presented to the City Council at a closed meeting to determine if it is acceptable or if a counter offer is to be made. Final approval of a purchase agreement would occur at an open City Council meeting after which closing would be scheduled. The City retains the right to reject any and all proposals at its sole discretion. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: ■ Site location map ■ Request for Proposals POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve a Request for Proposals to solicit offers for acquisition and development of a portion of Outlot D, Ashwood and authorize the City Administrator to distribute the RFP accordingly. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: NA aj 4<, CITY OF t ego MINNESOTA Request for Proposals Sale and Development Of Residential Property PID 118-326-000040 Proposals Due: September 17, 2019 By 4:00 PM Request The City of Otsego is requesting proposals for the sale and development of the property located west of Odean Avenue and south of 75th Street within the City of Otsego, Minnesota. The City seeks a qualified developer to purchase and improve the property. To be considered, interested parties must submit a purchase offer and concept development proposal in response to this Request for Proposal (RFP). City Overview Located at the northwest corner of the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the City of Otsego covers an area of approximately 30 square miles. The City was incorporated in 1990 after being an established township since 1958. Since incorporation, the City has experienced significant growth and is the fastest growing City in Wright County and among the top 10 for new development within the greater Twin Cities metropolitan area. The City has averaged 265 new residential dwelling units per year for the last five years. The City issued 300 building permits for new residential dwellings in 2018 and is on pace for at least 300 building permits again this year. The State Demographer's most recent population estimate is 16,605. Current growth forecasts anticipate the City's population to increase to 25,000 within the next 20 years, and anticipate a final build -out population in excess of 60,000. Property Description The property is identified as Outlot D, Ashwood, PID 118-326-000040 with an area of 21.06 acres. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service Area. The property has historically been used for agricultural purposes, including a farmstead that was razed approximately ten years ago. The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan guides this property for low density residential uses. Location/Neighborhood The property is located at the southwest quadrant of'Odean Avenue and 75th Street, both of which are major collector streets. The property is located within the boundaries of the East Sanitary Sewer District. Public water and. sewer utility infrastructure are located nearby and are expected to be available to the property in 2020. The property lies within the boundaries of Independent School District 728, with elementary and middle school locations within Otsego. The property is surrounded` with single family residential uses to the north and east, and agricultural uses to the south and west. The property will be served by a future neighborhood park, approximately mile to the north and west, with construction being included within the City's Capital Improvement Plan. The property is well served by the City's trail system, with paved trails along both 75th Street and Odean Avenue. Background & Project Goals In 2018, the City Council commissioned a Response Time Improvement & Fire Service Model, in part to provide a planning tool for use in determining the number of and location of future fire stations within the City. As a result, the City acquired the property in July 2019 for future construction of the City's first fire station. The City is also currently undertaking a Water System Master Plan to determine future infrastructure and service areas for the City's municipal water utility. The City has made a.oreliminary analysis of future water tower locations that may be required for expansion of the lwater utility system as development continues. The property has been identified as a potential location fo a future 1.5 million gallon water tower. The City's goal is to retain a +/- 8.80 acre outlot at the northeast corner of the existing el for public safety and utility purposes, while selling the balance of the property with the intent of developing a residential subdivision complimentary to the surrounding Uighborhoo.ds end consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Development Process & Requirements Any development or subdivision of the property jdentified as the Dev opment Parcel will be required to pay all applicable application fees, development flees, and utility connection charges in accordance with the fee schedule and the standard City of Otsego development review process to obtain the necessary recommendations and approvals from the Planning Commission and City Council. The development of the p"Ywillquired to,,in�lluude the following: • Developer, at their cost, r- , eliminafy and final plat(s) including the outlot being retained by the Cit' • Developed with single family, single family villa, or two family attached dwelling units subject to the lot requirements of theRS, Residential Single and Two Family Zoning District. • All lots to be accessed by public.streets and served by City water and sewer utilities. • Developer, at their,cost, construct all public infrastructure within the plat. • , beveloper, at their cost, provide water and sewer stubs to the eastern right-of-way of O'Day E 'Avenue to allow foripotential subdivision of the City retained outlot, should the City determine the,fire'station or piility needs do not require the full +/- 8.80 acres. BackgroundInformation Available The City has conducted a wetland delineation, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and geotechnical explorations of the site. The City will provide this information upon request. Proposal Format Proposals should include the following: 1. Transmittal Letter — The transmittal letter shall include the legal name of your firm, address, contact person, telephone number, email address and proposed purchase price and terms. 2. Development Concept — a sketch plan indicating the proposed lot and street layout of the property. 3. Project Approach — Provide a brief written description of the general, approach that the developer believes will best achieve the objectives specified in this RFP for the project. 4. Financial Capacity — Provide qualifying background experience with housing development demonstrating sufficient financial resources to complete the purchase and project development. 5. Project Schedule — Include a preliminary time -line for the development of the site, including application for preliminary plat and final plat approval. 6. Statement of Qualifications — Include descriptions of relevant examples of housing projects completed within the past five years that are comparable in scope to the project. Selection Process and Proposal Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: 1. Purchase price 2. Terms of the purchase offer 3. Proposed manner and quality of development of the property 4. Capability and experience to accomplish the development 5. Schedule to complete the development 6. Determination of which rproposal will be most beneficial to the City of Otsego Following the opening of the proposals, the City intends to select one or more proposers to discuss their submittal in more detail. Next, the City will present to one of the proposers a written purchase agreement for the sale, purchase and development of the property which, if accepted by the proposer, will be submitted to the City Council for its consideration and, if acceptable, its approval. If the City determines that a purchase agreement that is mutually agreeable to the proposer and the City cannot be entered into, the City would present to one or more of the other proposers a written purchase agreement for the sale, purchase and development of the property until a purchase agreement that is mutually agreeable to the City and one of the proposers is entered into. The City reserves the right to: (a) accept and reject any and all proposals and/or any part or parts thereof, (b) negotiate modifications of proposals submitted, (c) negotiate terms and conditions with proposers that are different than those specified in this RFP, (d) discontinue, suspend or abandon the proposed sale, purchase and/or development of the property, (e) amend or withdraw this RFP at any time, and/or (f) terminate this RFP and proceed with the sale and/or development of the property in some other manner as the City determines to be appropriate. The sale of the property is subject to approval of the Otsego City Council. No purchase or other agreement shall be binding until and unless it has been approved and authorized by a resolution of the City Council and a purchase agreement has been signed by the necessary officials of the City. The closing on the purchase agreement shall be subject to the buyer applying for and receiving all necessary governmental permits including but not limited to a preliminary and final plat and entering into a development agreement satisfactory to the City of Otsego. No municipal financial incentives to assist with land development are included with this RFP. This will be an arms -length transaction with a willing seller and a willing buyer. The City will not consider a proposal from anyone who has a perceived conflict of interest. Each proposer shall be responsible for understanding the terms of this RFP, the conditions of the property and any other factors that bear upon successful purchase and development of the subject property. The proposer's failure or neglect to review any stipulationsoVa purchase agreement, development contract and the provisions of this RFP will not relieve,the proposer of, any contractual obligations contained in a purchase agreement, a development contract or requirementsunder the RFP. The proposer shall have no claim for relief based on a lack of knowledge of the content or legal effect of any such provision. All Proposals and other information submitted by a propose�`shall be treated as non-public data until the proposals are opened for review by the City. Once theyibposals are opened, their content will become available to the public as provided by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act except for information that the proposer claims at of its submittal\to be a trade secret and it is determined as such. The City of Otsego shall not be liable for an pe Inc rred ,by a proposer in relation to the preparation or submittal of a proposal; including but�not limited to expenses incurred by the proposer in preparing a proposal or related informat`on in response to the RFP, negotiating with the City on any matter related to the RFP, and costs) associated wit interviews, meetings, travel or presentations. Additionally, the City shall. not be liable for expense 'urred as a result of the City's rejection of any proposals made in respo.to this Rip , This RFP is intended sol development of the -prop( obliF a pu resu as a 'request for proposers to submit proposals for the purchase and This'RFP is not a tender of, nor an offer by, the City, and there shall be no the City to, consider a proposal or enter into negotiations for, or enter into e sale, purchase and/or development of the property with any proposer .this RFP. Questions Any and all questions relating to this request for proposals should be directed via email to Adam Flaherty, City Administrator. Email contact information is indicated below. Proposal Submission Complete responses to this RFP can be submitted electronically (PDF format) or in a sealed envelope to: City of Otsego Attn: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator 13400 901h Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Email: aflahertv@ci.otsego.mn.us PROPOSALS DUE; Septe er 1.X2019 By LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED