ITEM 1 Budget meeting #60 OtCITY OF se a MINNESOTA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator & Finance Director DATE: August 26, 2019 SUBJECT: Budget Meeting 46 On Monday, Council and staff will resume the review of the draft 2020 General Fund budget. I have developed an outline of discussion topics below. Confirm Assumptions The draft budget document assumes a 2.75% cost of living adjustment to the City's pay plan for 2020. This assumption was reviewed at previous budget meetings and the Council concurred on May 281h to include this assumption for the budget review process. The three regional indices from the Bureau of Labor Statistics have all issued new reports since our first budget meeting. The consumer price indices are mostly unchanged, with the Minneapolis -St. Paul -Bloomington regional index showing a 2.20% increase from one year ago. The employment cost index for the Minneapolis -St. Paul regional area show an increase of 2.80% from one year ago. Based on this information, staff would recommend the Council continue with the assumption of a 2.75% cost of living adjustment. Budget Review Council and staff will be reviewing General Fund department budgets as outlined in the attached review schedule. Fund Summary The preliminary budget is being presented as a balanced budget, with both revenues and expenditures totaling $6,302,944, which is an 8.44% increase from the prior year. Property Tax Levy Attached with the packet for this meeting, is an updated summary. Staff will review and explain any changes that have occurred since the last budget meeting. City of Otsego 113400 90t1' Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330 1 Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 Next Steps There is one additional budget review meeting scheduled for September 9th. Staff is seeking direction from the City Council on whether this meeting is necessary. The Council will need to adopt the preliminary property tax levy, which is the maximum amount the City can levy for taxes payable 2020. This action will take place at a regular Council meeting, either on the 91h or the 23`d of September. It should be noted that the preliminary property tax levy is the amount used for truth -in -taxation notices that are sent to the taxpayers by Wright County. The final budget and property tax levy will not be adopted by the City Council until December. Changes to the budget can still be made between now and then, but increases to expenditures become difficult because the primary revenue source to pay for those increases is property taxes. The property tax levy can be decreased between now and then, but the levy cannot be increased. Staff is seeking direction from the City Council on how they would like to proceed. Materials Attached for Discussion 1) Department Expenditure Review Schedule 2) Property Tax Levy Summary City of Otsego 113400 90" Street NE, Otsego, Iv1N 55330 1 Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163