ITEM 1CITY OF ot 0 MINNESOTA g MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Ad in 11 n istrator DATE: October 18, 2013 SU BJ ECT: Budget and CI Included with this packet are the Community Development Building Safety, Water, Sewer, Storm Water (In and Out of District), and Street Light District budgets. The Storm Water and Street Light District budgets are new this year; in the past, even though there were planned revenues and expenditures, budgets were not approved. The Capital Improvement Plan for vehicles and equipment for discussion on November 4 is included as well. Additional CIP docurnents will be distributed before the CIP meeting. This memo will highlight the major items or changes in the budgets listed above. Dan Jordet and I will present the budgets in detail at Monday's budget work session and answer questions. Kurt Neidermeier will also be in attendance to answer questions about the water and sewer budgets. Water and Sewer Fund Budgets: These utility budgets have undergone a major change; on July 1, 2013, the long standing contract with PeopleService ended and employees were hired to operate the sewer and water systems. The People Service contract included staff., miscellaneous operating costs such as telephone and training, chemicals, repair and maintenance, and vehicles. The change to in house staff has decreased the Water and Sewer budgets substantially. The proposed budget includes five FTE. As your ay recall, when the analysis was done to determine whether it wi as cost effective to move operations n house, the estimate was for 4.5 FTE for water and plant operations. That is still the case. As Kurt Neidermeier explains in the attached memo, the additional .5 FTE is for additional tasks the utilities staff has recently taken on already or are proposing to add to their work load. The water connections inspections previously done by Metro West are now being handled by the utilities staff because of inspection issues that surfaced. This was shifted recently to ensure the inspections were completed timely and correctly. The additional .5 FTE will allow the utilities staff to complete locates. As you will recall, during the General Fund budget discussions, $50,000 was deleted from that budget for utility locates because the cost belongs in the Water and Sewer funds. Locates are currently completed by the HAA Engineers. Now that the City has trained, experienced staff that have been responsible for doing locates in other cities and for other corn pa n les for many years, staff is recomme ndi ng that th is fu nction be completed by utilities staff at a much lower cost than through the engineering firm. This was not an option until recently when well trained and experienced staff was hired. As in the past, the City is responsible for locating only water, sewer, and storm sewer lines. Electric, gas, and other utilities are located by the private companies. There is a small start-up cost of $3,000 for purchasing locate equipment which is included in the budget. The inflow and infiltration monitoring and repair program (I & 1) will be a major benefactor of the additional .5 FTE as 500 of the hours will be used to reduce I & I which is an important factor in the timing of a future plant expansion. Reducing I & I can delay the expansion, which if it is even for just a few years, is a significant financial benefit. The 2014 utility budgets include depreciation and bond interest which were not previously included. Staff allocations from other funds are no longer listed under personal services as a payroll allocation; instead, they are included in operating transfers. Included in the budget packet is a spreadsheet titled Administrative Allocation of Staff Time that provides the exact amounts of each of the allocations and the departments from which they originate. Finally, capital outlay is not included in the budgets as presented. The capital outlay requests will be included in the CIP information that will be included in the upcoming packet. Community Development and Building Safety: This budget is consistent with the past budgets with two exceptions: First, the staff allocation has changed based on the level of building activity. Second, a Vehicle Replacement Reserve has been added. The department's vehicle is scheduled for replacement in 2016. To ensure funds are available for the replacement, half of the replacement cost is proposed to be reserved this year with the second half in 2015 making the full amount available to pay for the replacement in 2016. Storm Water — In and Out of District: Although in previous years, staff time was allocated and projects were anticipated to be funded through Storm Water funds, a budget was not adopted. This year those costs are included in the two storm water district budgets. Street Lighting District: This is another new budget to account for the commercial lighting district costs which are assessed to the retail and commercial properties in this North East lighting district. 2 capital Improvement Plan Vehicles and Equipment: Attached is the CIP list of vehicles and equipment. This is a complete list of City owned vehicles, mileage or hours, cost, replacement year, and replacement cost. It is presented in a new format that provides useful life, yearly depreciation, and funding requirements. The CIP requests have been revised slightly following discussion with the Public Works Subcommittee and department heads. A memo with an explanation of those changes will follow. Finally, although we are not discussing the General Fund budget until November 12, attached is a memo from Brad Belair titled the 2014 Street Department Seasonal Staffing Needs, The Council requested this information at a previous budget work session. As I stated earlier, the October 28 budget meeting will cover the enterprise, special revenue, and debt budgets, The CIP discussion is November 4 and the General Fund budget is scheduled for November 12. This allows time for additional meeting d ates prior to the December 9 budget meeting if necessary. Attachments 0 2014 Budget and Equipment CIP documents 0 Utility Staffing memo from Kurt Neidermeler 0 Locates memo from Kurt Neidermeier 0 Administration Allocation of Staff Time 2014 Street Department Seasonal Staffing Needs me from Brad Belair Fund 1 0 Account City of Otsego Water Utility Fund for the year ending December 31,, 2014 2011 Description Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget September 2013 'STD Actual 2014 Proposed Comments REVENUES 601 371.50 Water Sales 728,544 837,928 823,900 6711316 11026,830 2% increase 601 37155 eater Sales - Irrigation - - - 119F127 - Subtototak Dater Sales 728,544 837,928 823,900 790,443 11026,830 601 37165 Water Tower Leases - 55,168 60"000 75,238 60,000 currently being reviewed by City Attorney 601 36100 Special Assessments 55,050 79,O9O - - - 601 37170 DNR Fees Collected 14,299 - 15,900 16,422 16,500 partially offsets payments to DNR on line 375 601 31900 Penalties and Interest 10,331 12,226 - 20,417 25,000 increase because of 109/b on all outstanding balance 601 34302 water Meters 24,598 57,219 24,000 51,I191 30,000 sale of water meters; offsets equal expense in line 210 601 362.10 Interest Earned 27,618 17,226 - 15 - 601 34109 Other Administrative Charges 582 11684 - 21383 - 601 38990 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 7,322 6 082 - 2,r481 TOTAL REVENUES 868,344 1,066,623 923,800 958,495 1,1581330 EXPENDITURES 601 49400 101 l=ull -Time Employees Regular 29,619 27,826 34,495 250223 33,290 1 additional Utilities FTE, water pays 15/0, 601 49400 102 FT Overtime - - - - 660 offset by reduction in line 390, formerly 601 49400 104 Part -Tire Employees - - - - 180 PeopleService contract payments. 601 49400 119 Payroll Allocation 24,955 24,960 15,000 3,750 - 601 49400 121 PEA 21147 21008 2,500 2,815 2,461 601 49400 122 FICA and Medicare 2,128 11921 2,640 1,837 2,611 601 49400 123 Health 21577 21620 1,709 2,954 5,894 601 49400 130 Other Emplolyee Insurance - - - - - 601 49400 14+0 Unemployment Compensation - - - - - 601 49400 150 workers Compensation - 1,,575 322 11488 PERSONAL SERVICES 6 1,f426 59,335 57,919 361901 46,584 equals 15% of total Utilities staffing budget 601 49400 201 Office Supplies and Expenses 91 71036 10,500 71332 10500 utility billing and bank charges 601 49400 202 Fuel 515 202 1,000 162 750 for generators 601 49400 206 Postage 51345 41595 51500 3,177 6,000 for utility bills 601 49400 210 Operating Supplies 14,048 4.,061 25#000 64,524 98,100 meters for resale, treatment chemicals, lubricants 601 494010 220 Repair/Maintenance Supplies 2.,412 7,850 17,500 31802 16,000 hydrants, transducers, distribution system repair parts 601 49400 225 Uniform/Clothing Allowance - - - 1,163 1,475 601 49400 227 Safety Supplies - - 67.5 200 personal protective equipment 601 49400 240 Small Tools and Equipment - - - 7,715 41000 line tracer for locates, other small tools 601 49400 298 Fleet Expenses - - - - 9,000 vehicle fuel, repairs & maintenance, insurance SUPPLIES 22,411 60,744 59,500 88,450 146,025 C:\1Jsers\Dan\Documents\2014 Budget\Octvber 21 Distributton l ater 2014 2 10/21/2013 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 601 :' Users\Dan Documents\2[ 14 Budget\October 21 [ istribution Water 2014 .5 more cash coming from escrow agent 10/21/2013 Septelnber 2011 2112 2013 2013 2014 Account Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Pra osed Comments 49400 301 Legal Fees 887 232 10000 - 1,000 49400 302 Engineering Feses 17,128 7144 16,060 892 33,000 includes 20,000 for WHP amendment 49400 303 Planning Fees 470 750 500 175 1'F000 49400 306 Permits & Fees -- 71713 - 50 28,000 State DNR, Tier II permits 49400 310 Miscellaneous 10,297 _ - - - 49400 315 GIS Services 2,064 190 2,000 107 31000 49400 320 Telephone - - 1,120 11294 2,400 cell phones, land line 49400 321 Mileage& Travel - - - 54 - 49400 322 Utilities 52,689 50,368 55,000 34,925 57,000 49400 350 Print &. Publishing 21766 21559 31500 265 3,500 utility billing 49400 355 Dues & Memberships - 392 400 398 300 MRWA, MMUA 49400 360 Education[Training/Conferences - - 270 205 11700 MMUA allocation for safety, includes staff CEU 49400 361 Liability & Property Insurance 8,426 6,690 6#023 - 6,145 49400 375 Dater Test Fee 14,772 437 15,9OO 12,180 25,000 DNR testing fees 49400 390 Contracted Services 184,372 207,144 212,645 169,512 24,200 alarm monitoring, pump pulling,. meter testing 49400 402 Repairs & Maintenance Services 19,0+55 10,708 4,755 - 49400 410 Rentals - - 1,750 - - 49400 420 Depreciation 473,231 473,379 -- 354,927 487,580 wells, tourers, pumps, distribution systern, equipment CONTRACTUAL. SERVICES 786,167 756,998 320,816 519,739 673,825 49400 602 Bond Interest 641,232 424,914 - - 424,914 2009A and 20100 interest plus amortizations 49400 720 Operating Transfers 32,459 9 800 10,625 - 40 379 45% of Billing staff, 160 hrs Streets, Admin Allocation 673,691 434,714 10,625 - 465,293 TRANSFERS 49400 501 Equipment 18 871 - - 320 - 18,871. - - 320 - EQUIPMENT TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11562,566 1.r3111791 448,860 645,410 L331,727 NET OPERATIONS (694,222) (245,168) 474*940 313,.085 (173,397) Actual Cash Balances $ 3,090,832 $ 3,611,940 21397,155 :' Users\Dan Documents\2[ 14 Budget\October 21 [ istribution Water 2014 .5 more cash coming from escrow agent 10/21/2013 Account # 210 - Operating Supplies DETAIL Treatment Chemicals: Historical: 2010 $3,x,400 2011 $46..000 2012 $55,500 2014 62,000 laboratory expendables 200 Chem pump parts 500 Chlorine tubing 100 Chemical injection parts 200 Valve replacement 10000 Oils/ Grease /Filters 1,000 Preventative maintence 3.o000 Salt 100 Meters for Resale 30.p000 $ 95,100 Hydrant Repairs Distribution Repairs ZT[ansduceo Lawn Maintenance -Trees/Mu|ch Community Ed VVH#2Exhaust Heater replacement AE2SSZvisits 11O0 each Accurate Communications anssen/|ce Softronics Civic Systems 2Well Pump PUBS Electrician G3S Public Water System Testing 20x8x12 Bear Alarms Superior Lawn Spraying Fire Ext Inspections Meter Testing RPZ Testing Account #ZZO Repa|r/MainL3uppUes $ 2,,000 7,,000 Z,OOO 500 SUO 3,,000 11000 5 Account #3OO Contracted Services $ 21200 800 S,OOO 1,2OO G/OOO Z/]0O 11000 21000 1,750 200 50 1,OOO l,OQO DETAIL C:\Users\Dan\Documents 014 Budget\ ewer 2014 9 10/21/2013 City of Otsego Fewer Utility Fuad r for the year ending December 31,, 2014 September 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Fuad Account Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Proposed Comments REVENUES 602 372.00 Sewer Sales 11022,681 11019,258 1,158,727 845,066 L181,r900 2% increase 602 34000 Charges for Service 13,200 9,553 10,560 6,034 - 602 31900 Penalties and Interest 16,064 141519 31,154 35,000 increase because of 10% on all outstanding balance 602 36210 Interest Earned 19,505 12,279 - - 6,000 602 38991 Refunds and Reimbursements 14 854 11 347 11 000 - 11 000 11086, 304 1, 066, 956 11180F287 882r254 1,233,900 TOTAL REVEI UES EXPENDITURES 602 49450 101 Full-Time Employees Regular 22,135 22,840 34,495 22,543 188,646 1 additional Utilities FTE, sewer pays 8S%; lame dollar 602 49450 102 FT Overtime - - - - 3,740 increase offset by large reduction in line 390, formerly 602 49450 104 Part-Time Employees - - 11020 PeopleService contract payments. 602 49450 119 Payroll Allocation 49j507 24,960 151000 31750 - 602 49450 1.21 PERA 11531 1,647 2,5OO 21621 13,948 602 49450 122 FICA and Medicare 11544 1,539 21640 11632 141796 602 49450 123 Health 902 1,456 1,434 21710 33,397 602 49450 130 Other Emplolyee Insurance 136 161 275 243 - 602 49450 140 Unemployment Compensation - - - - - 602 49450 150 Workers Compensation - - 1 57'5 1r264 8F432 75,815 52,603 57,9119 34,763 263,979 PERSONAL SERVICES equals 85% of total Utilities staffing budget 602 49450 201 Office Supplies and Expenses 97 61878 10,500 7332 10,500 utility billing and bank charges 602 49450 202 Fuel 4,571 5,203 50500 31208 51500 plant generators 602 49450 206 Postage 5,345 4595 50500 31125 6,000 utility bills 602 49450 210 Operating Supplies i,464 - 5,877 530000 treatment chernicals, filters, seals, fuses, etc. 602 49450 220 Repair/Maintenance Supplies 24,476 29,334 68,000 231040 66,000 repairs to plant equipment and structures such as 602 49450 225 Uniform/Clothing Allowance - - 11063 11425 heaters, mixers, concret , I & I reduction 602 49450 227 Safety Supplies - - - 11867 300 602 49450 240 Small Tools and Equipment - - - 60600 11000 602 49450 298 w S Fleet Expense, - - - 9,000 vehicle fuel, repairs, maintenance, insurance 35,953 461010 89,500 52t112 152,725 SUPPLIES C:\Users\Dan\Documents 014 Budget\ ewer 2014 9 10/21/2013 September 602 2014 PrODOSI Comments 1,000 11,000 1F000 81000 for treatment plants 4,000 2,400 cell phones, land lines 165,000 increase of 35,Q0 if no peak shaving 3,500 utility billing 200 M WA, AWWA 11300 MMUA allocation for safety, includes staff AEU 2%205 76,300 effluent and solids testing, alarm monitoring, HVAC and - generator repair and maintenance services 35,000 843F252 plants, lift stations, collleetor system, equipment 1,172,157 755,400 2009A and 2010C interest plus amortizations 45,006 5% of Billing staff, 160 hrs Streets, Admin Allocation 800,406 49450 501 Equipment 22 107 - 320 EQUIPMENT 221107 - 320 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,r796;658 2,3460151 902,491 1,120, 586 2, 389, 2.67 NET OPE PLATION (1,711 ,354) (1,279,195) 277,796 (2381332) (1,F155*367) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual Cash Balances 4,288,671 4,564,143 10464,478 more cash coring from escrow agent CAUsers\Dan\Documents\2014 Bud et\Sewer 2014 10/21/2013 2011 2012 2013 2013 Fund Account Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual 602 49450 301 Legal Fees 2,182 652 1 r000 - 602 49450 302 Engineering Fees 181745 1OF405 MOW 50420 602 49450 303 Planning Fees 1,020 769 500 225 602 49450 306 Permits & Fees - 4,142 4,100 2900 602 49459 310 Miscellaneous 8,632 - - - 602 49450 315 GIS Services 7,991 190 2,000 57 602 49450 320 Telephone - - 10120 1,608 +602 49450 321 Mileage & Travel - - - - 6 2 49450 322 Utilities 128,145 124,947 130,000 98,571 602 49450 325 Garbage Service - - - 11203 602 49450 350 Print & Publishing 20452 2250 3,500 116 602 49450 355 Dues & Memberships - - - - 602 49450 360 EducationfTraining/Conferences - - 270 228 602 49450 361 Liability & Property Insurance 20,739 17,913 19,807 - 602 49450 390 Contracted Services 395,580 4821537 446,730 228,275 602 49450 402 Repairs & Maintenance Services 3.,289 74,070 73,488 602 49450 410 Rentals 1,750 602 49450 419 Sludge Hauling 61,942 2,500 39,000 - 602 49450 420 Depreciation 826,095 826r242 - 621 3 D 115040 12 1,472,538 733,847 1,0330391 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 602 49450 610 Bond Interest 11139,971. 755,400 - - 602 49450 720 Operatinq Transfers 18,000 19,600 21,r225 1,1571971 7751000 211225 - TRANSFERS 602 2014 PrODOSI Comments 1,000 11,000 1F000 81000 for treatment plants 4,000 2,400 cell phones, land lines 165,000 increase of 35,Q0 if no peak shaving 3,500 utility billing 200 M WA, AWWA 11300 MMUA allocation for safety, includes staff AEU 2%205 76,300 effluent and solids testing, alarm monitoring, HVAC and - generator repair and maintenance services 35,000 843F252 plants, lift stations, collleetor system, equipment 1,172,157 755,400 2009A and 2010C interest plus amortizations 45,006 5% of Billing staff, 160 hrs Streets, Admin Allocation 800,406 49450 501 Equipment 22 107 - 320 EQUIPMENT 221107 - 320 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,r796;658 2,3460151 902,491 1,120, 586 2, 389, 2.67 NET OPE PLATION (1,711 ,354) (1,279,195) 277,796 (2381332) (1,F155*367) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual Cash Balances 4,288,671 4,564,143 10464,478 more cash coring from escrow agent CAUsers\Dan\Documents\2014 Bud et\Sewer 2014 10/21/2013 Ferric Consumption 7g/dayWest, Ig/day East Total gg/dayx$3/g=$U,9U0Ferric Contingency high phosp(500o)= Polymer 6barrels EWVVTF 8barrels \NW\NTF 12barrels @ $1,100/barre|=$13,2ODPolymer Chemicals Lubricants Lubricants'oil / grease / oil analysis Belts Filters ' blowers / compressors / furnace /dehumidifiers Seal kits / gaskets / shim kits fuses/relays/starters/motors UVbulb disposal Batteries - UPS / Equipment /Sensors Sampler Tubing E&VV Shop towels/cable ties/g|up/tapeetc Auger liners Disposable Gloves Preventative Maintenance Electrical repairs - ballast / lights /outlet Equipment repairs Process testing reagents/glassware/pads/pipets Process sensors-DO/pH Garbage bags/ mops/ soap Pesticides/ Herbicides Paint & Paint Supplies Restroom Items SaIt Lift Station Cleaning Floats Air relief valve parts �Sewer Plugs Community Ed Other Supplies Tota| 91700 1.,500 13,200 24,400 5 11,400 � 1/0OD 8,000 400 2/DO0 200 500 500 100 500 2,OOU 500 SOO SUO 500 ���NN41111 l Storage nozzle repair C000reteRepair$SeaUng UV repairs fans/ac/compressor Heater replacement Ferric room Bearing replacement Fine Screen Control Panel PL[/UPS/PrognamCard |nfchannel concrete repair 2hanging heaters Concrete Sealing Control Panel PLC/UPS/PrognamCard Collection System In house Lift Station Pump Repairs 21000 |&| Monitoring Equipment 6°000 Joint seal 9,500 Chimney Seals 15,000 Grinders Otsego Preserve 1,000 Martin Farms L5Soft Start | 5,000 ------- Subtotal: � Subtote|: 38,500 ToioI Account # 390 - Contracted Services DETAIL Generator System Services - Generator Maintenance E&W WWTF $ 31000 NR1- HVAC - Heating cooling maintenance/repairs 4,500 AUS - instrumentation services - 1100/day 6 visits 6,600 Softronics 1,500 Superior Lawn - Spraying Sites 2,000 BearAlarms 700 Civic Systems 4/700 Fecal 156 lS 2,341 Nielson Co - meter calibrations - permit required 2x/yr 1j300 Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspections 250 'Camera Inspections 1;500 Pace Analytical 'EVVVVTF CBOD 312 22 61865 TSS 312 14 41369 TPhosp 176 15 21642 HG 20 140 2,F801 Fecal 156 lS 2,341 NH4 156 17 2,654 UC Lab VVVVVVTF CBOO 104 22 2,289 TSS 104 14 11458 Fecal 32 15 481 SaIty 12 220 2,640 N 2 60 120 H6 1 140 140 Bioso|idsS03 Z 520 11020 Pathogen Reduction 14 45 630 Acute Toxicity 1 800 800 Priority Pollutants 1 1,,000 � Tota| $ 76'3OO ~ 102 Fund Account 220 31010 220 38990 220 49490 101 220 49490 121 220 49490 122 220 49490 123 220 49490 210 220 49490 220 220 49490 292 220 49490 301 220 49490 302 220 49490 396 220 49490 726 220 49490 506 220 49490 501 City of Otsego Storm Water (Out -of- District) Fund forth year ending December 31, 2014 ,qPnfPrnhPr Comments property to levy; part of the "limited levy" C:\Users\Dan\Docunients\2014 Budget\Storm Water (01)) 2014 1 10/21/2013 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Propos d REVENUES 57.1765 29,431 25,000 Current Ad Valorem Taxes Miscellaneous Earnings - - - TOTAL REVENUES 57,,765 29,431 25,000 EXPENDITURES - 8.f450 2,496 8,730 Full -Time Employees Regular PEA - 615 - 635 FICA and Medicare - 645 166 670 Health - 1,F055 - 1L205 PERSONAL SERVICES 10r765 21662 111240 Operating Supplies - - Repair/MaIntenance Supplies R pair Maintenan - - Culverts 51000 137 SUPPLIES 5,r000 137 Legal Fees - 319 Engineering Fees 2,000 21,333 - Cvntrated Services 40,r000 34,609 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 42,r000 56,261 Operating Transfers - TRANSFERS Capital Outlay Equipment EQUIPMENT - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 57,765 59,060 11,240 NET OPERATIONS (29,629) ----------------------- 13,r760 ---------------------------- 11 ---------------------- Actual Cash Balances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (30,583) Comments property to levy; part of the "limited levy" C:\Users\Dan\Docunients\2014 Budget\Storm Water (01)) 2014 1 10/21/2013 AU ers\Dan\Documents\ 014 Budget\ Corm Water 2014 10/21,2013 City of Otsego Storm 'Nater Utility Fund for the year ending December 31., 2014 September 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Fund Account Description Actual Actual Budget et YT[ Actual Prc used Comments REVENUES 222 37500 Storm Water Utility Charges 36,577 37,231 - 25,650 38,000 2% rate increase 222 36100 Special Assessments 33,237 31,770 - - 35,000 222 36102 Penalties and Interest 1,648 607 - - 300 222 36210 Interest Earned 269 793 - - 500 222 38990 Miscellaneous 27111 - - - 99,142 70,401 - 25,650 73,800 TOTAL REVENUES E DENDrMFEES 222 49490 101 Full -Time Employees Regular 4,546 11,470 - 81493 - 222 49490 102. FT Overtime - - - _ 222 49490 104 Fart -Time Employees - - - - - 22 49490 1.19 Payroll Allocation 26,555 19,960 - 2,500 - 222 49490 121 PERA 32.9 59 - - - 222 49490 122 FICA and Medicare 348 62 - 618- 222 49490 123 Health 914 164 - - 222 49490 130 Other Empl0l ee Insurance - - 222 49490 140 Unemployment Compensation - - - - - 222 49490 150 Workers Compensation - - - - 32,692 31,715 11,611 - PERSONAL SERVICES 222 49490 202. Fuel - - - - 222 49490 210 Operating Supplies - 1,395 .. - I,000 222 49490 220 repair/Maintenance Supplies 805 3,070 - 1,348 2,000 concrete, grout, seed, g+eote 222 49490 240 Small Tools and Equipment - - - - 005 41465 - 11348 31000 SPPLIES 222 49490 301 Legal Fees - - - - - 222 49490 302 Engineering Fees 9,153 3,793 - 51136 222 49490 306 Permits & Fees - - ` 222 49490 315 GIS Services 616 222 49490 322 Utilities - - - .222 49490 355 Dues & Memberships - - - 760 - 222 49490 361 Liability & Property Insurance - 962 - - - 222 49490 390 Contracted Services .. 1,125 - 16,166 20,000 pond maintenance - brush & trues, dredging, disposal 222 49490 402 Repairs & Maintenance Services - - - - - 222 49490 410 Rentals - 10,016- 222 49490 410 Depreciation 17 758 17,758 ` - - 27,527" 33,654 ` 22,062 20,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AU ers\Dan\Documents\ 014 Budget\ Corm Water 2014 10/21,2013 September 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Fund Account Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Proposed Comments 222 49490 720 Operating Transfers 18"000 19,600 4 staff hours for pond dredging/maintenance work TRANSFERS 18'r000 19,r6OO 40,000 222 49490 501 EaUbment EQUIPMENT - - - - TOTAL EXPENDrTURES 79,024 89,434 35,021 63,000 NET OPERATIONS 20,118 (19,033) (9,371) 10.1800 ----------------------------------------- .............................................. Actual Cash Balances 49,483 45,714 36j343 C:\Users\Dan\Documents\2014 Budget\SCorm Water 2014 1 10/21/2013 it of Otsego Street Light District Fund for the year ending December 31, 2014 Note: Fund Should be reclassified as an Enterprise Fund with Fund Number 605 C:\Users\Dan\Docunients\2014 Budget\Street Light 2014 (4�) 10/21/2013 September 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Fund Account Description Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Proposed Comments REVENUES 225 34320 Street Light District Charges 23,492 24,r209 19,f448 25,900 district billings 225 36100 Penalties and Interest 1f491 - 61632 225 36210 Interest Earnings 481 692 - 800 225 39203 Transfer from Other Fund - - - 225 38990 Miscellaneous Earnings TOTAL REVENUES 25,464 24,901 26j080 26,f700 EXPENDITURES 225 43160 101 Full -Time Employees Regular 705 379 796 225 43160 121 PEA 51 27 - 225 43160 122 FICA and Medicare 54 29 225 43160 123 Health 141 76 - PERSONAL SERVICES 951 511 796 225 43160 210 Operating Supplies - - - - 225 43160 220 Repair/Maintenance Supplies 2,255 524 1,000 bulbs,, housings 225 43160 240 Small Tools and Equipment - - SUPPLIES 21255 524 I.F000 2 43160 322 Utilities 91761 10,,474 71O74 10.,930 electric power to district street lights 2.25 43160 361 Liability & Property Insurance 225 43160 390 Contracted Services 587 1,000 changing traffic light bulbs 225 43160 420 Depreciation - - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES C I TRA TUAL 9,761 11,061 7,0.74 11,930 225 43160 720 Operating Transfers - 950 to GF -Streets for Personal Services TRANSFERS 950 225 43160 500 Capital Outlay - 225 43160 501 Equipment EQUIPMENT - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,967 11,683 8,394 13,880 NET OPERATIONS 12,497 ----------------------------------------- 13,218 ------------------------------------------------ 17,686 12,820 ------------------- ­­­ --------------------­--- Actual Cash Balances --------------­-- I 39,142 52,360 60,r348 Note: Fund Should be reclassified as an Enterprise Fund with Fund Number 605 C:\Users\Dan\Docunients\2014 Budget\Street Light 2014 (4�) 10/21/2013 city of Otsego Community Development & Building SafetV Fund for the year ending December 31,, 2014 5eptember 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Fund Account Description Actual Actual 'Budget YTD Actual Proposed Comments REVENUES 250 31900 Penalties and Interest SA 11135 21125 2j000 - 450 - every other year 250 250 32130 32140 Fire Inspections Rental Inspection Fees 17,390 19,420 11,600 17,550 181600 for rental licensing program 250 32150 Public Utilities ROW Perrmits - 2,450 600 2,800 2,500 250 250 32180 32190 Other Licenses/Permits Fencing Permits 1g650 - I.F700 - 1,350 1,550 11600 250 32260 Building Permits 211,270 409,317 275,000 453,816 400fO00 building permits and plan reviews 250 32.261 Plumbing Permits 20,383 41,850 27,F500 41,253 41,000 250 32262 Mechanical Permits 221634 43,144 27,r500 421815 - 43,000 - done through State of Minnesota 250 250 32263 32270 Electrical Permits Septic Permits 7 41,150 - 4,rO5O 2,f650 3,800 3,500 250 250 32275 32999 Fire Inspection Request Assessors Fee - 1,025 181 7,050 - 5,500 - 7,082 7.fOOG for new structures to be placed on tax rolls 250 34207 Citations - 21168 - - code enforcement violations 250 36100 Special Assessments 49,048 31F131 10,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 330,817 562,461 363,,700 571,116 517,200 250 42410 EXPENDMJRES 101 Full -Time Employees Regular 62,431 46,187 461800 39,1171 29,275 1 FTE Permit Technician 250 42410 119 Payroll Allocation 138,800 25,000 25,r000 9,375 - 250 42410 121 PE RA 4,550 3,334 3,393 3,747 3,575 250 42410 122 FICA and Medicare 4,243 31393 3,580 2,856 31770 250 42410 123 Health 12j184 61197 6,323 6,733 6,716 250 42410 130 Other Emplolyee Insurance 509 467 354 448 355 250 42410 140 Unemployment Compensation 1,030 4,326 - - - 250 42410 150 Workers Compensation - - Soo 382 350 PERSONAL SERVICES 223,752 88,904 85,f950 62,,717 44,041 250 42410 201 Office Supplies and Expenses 11305 31967 21019 41458 1,,500 4y3OO 1,r925 11301 21100 4160 0 for Inspections vehicle 250 42410 201 Fuel SUPPLIES 51272 6,477 5,800 3,226 61700 10/21/2013 C-\Users\Dan\Documents\2014 Budget\community Development 2014 Fund Account September 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 C Description Actual Actual Bud et YTD Actual Proposed ommentsI 250 42410 302 Engineering Fees 4,353 8,952 3,520 5,364 zotow 10,000 .5005/ 4,839 -tfvuv 6,500 code enforcement activities 250 42410 303 Planning Fees - - - 10000 portion of implementation costs 250 250 42410 42410 315 GIS Services 320 Telephone - 51997 5,134 2,F240 1.F208 2,600 250 250 42410 42410 321 Mileage[Travel 336 Assessor Fee -New Construction - - 216 1,500 150 50500 7,,000 payment of revenue to Wright County 250 42.410 348 Miscellaneous 3;559 - 250 42410 350 Print and Publishing 11636 - 175 500 50 - 125 175 permit tech state membership and certification 250 250 42410 42410 355 Dues and Membership 360 Ed ucationf Frai n 1 ng/Confe re nces - 2,286 2,334 785 410 785 safety training, 250 42410 361 Liability/PC Insurance 257 87,438 785 77,974 288 90,.400 - 64,306 295 10 ,400 through LMCrr Metro West Inspection Services 250 250 42410 42410 390 Contracted Services 410 Rentals 27,684 3,f772 51500 2,F557 5,200 copier and plotter 250 42420 ninc! 303 Planning Fees. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 142,162 8r 771 109,545 117,913 77,162 - 144,955 250 42410 720 Operating Transfers 82,000 - GF administrative transfer TRANSFERS 02,000 21,104 250 42410 501 Equipgqnt 1F229 1.t000 16,000 vehicle replacement reserve EQUIPMENT 1,229 1"000 16,000 TOTAL EXPENDITJRES 454,415 204,926 210,663 143,125 211,696 NET OPERATIONS (123..598) 357jr535 ------- ---------- 153.r037 ............... ----------­----------- 427,991 305,504 ------------------ Community Development & Building Safety Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Actual Cash Balances (686,480) (319.fO49) 140,171 1 C:\Users\Dan\Documents\20.14 Budget\Comniunity Development 2014 10/21/2013 City oOtsego - Capital Assets m Vehicles Department) October 1 11,t ## DepartmentDescription Mille Jour Year Purchased Add Tota chedw le Replacement lace entAssignment D ep PW #28 utilities 2CO2 Ford F-350 light dutytruer ndfl td, crane love 88918 Purchased 2002 Cost Equipment Pur h Replacement t Useful L i f� PVV #8 UtIlifles 2005 h Erol et extended cab pickupM850 2005 22,080 - $ 22,080 2015 $ 35,000 PW #18 utilities 200B Cheverolet 1800 Ext. cab pickup 63867 1.3 20 19P706 $- 19,706 281 10 1 PVV#12 Utilities 2013 F250 4X4 vii lova 2136 80 2018 22,800 S 22,300 ,00 PW #44 AMMON Uti 1 ides Utilities 2010 Mack G U 713 Jet -Vac utilities Field Vehicle 1 260, 1 - $ 260,514 2025 S 400,000 15 $ ADDITION uNities 2014 Extended Cab Pick(jp w1equIpment boxes 2016 2014 74,200 350000 - 0 35,500 . -Pvv #19 utilifles Power Units - Facility Backup Generators 466,755 15,463 S 482,218 BD#17 Street 2006 Chevrolet extended cab pickup 70676 3585 2005 $ 19,706 - 1 ,' 25,80 0 1 P #1 Street 1999 Multi- ei VR -36H Asphalt F CI r 2005 31008 $ $ 39000 2014 $ 20,000 9 PVV #46 Street 2005 CAT 908 Loader 2689 2010 53,331 - 53o331 2015 $ 68P000 5 PW #2 Pvv Street 1995 International S/ Durne Truck, Row 47010 3738 2005 37,649 -373,649 #11 Street 2800 Int rriatien l Tandem Dump True, Piew 61348 4301 2008 11 P480 - 112,480 ,4 218 00,00 1 PW #24 Street 1970 Schmidt idt Snovvblow r PW #4 Street 2006 Ferri F-350,117ght duty truck w/dump body and plow 51168 8244 2005 $ 36,040 $_ - 2015 50,000 28 P#13PW#13 PW #21 Street Street 2806 Felling Trailer T14 2000 CAT I T28 Loader 2005 48 - S 41484 2016 $ 10,000 11 Pvv #1 Street 2007 Elgin street sweeper 8899 5594 1884 2000 2011 1492700 77,484 - 77P484 PVV #20 APV Street Atlas Copco Air Compressor 834 2011 10,270 - 1 0270 2017 $ 15-p000 8 $ #3 Street 2000 Sterling 7501 S/A Duni w/ low & wing 44458 4 440 2012 $37�433P S S 87,433 2018 180,000 Pvv #15 trt 2003 Sterling S/A Dump Truer, Plow 32884 1394 2003 $ 135,216 - 1 351216 2018 $ 180P000 15 PW 435 PW Street 2006 5425 John Deere Tractor, Mower, B rn ens7 2006 0� 132146 7334699 2018 70,000 12 #36Street 2808 4720 John Deere Tractor, Mower, Plow 2218 2006 49,908 PW #40 ' Street 1999 For F878 Boom Truk 10 704 2009 9P676 $ $ 9p676 2019 1502.000 10 $ P� ## 2 PVV street 0 02 Steri i L8 11 D u Tr , P low 16681 201 $ 52,983 $ $ 52,983 2020 190,000 10 $ #5 PW#10 Street Street 2801 CAT 143H Road Grader 2 013 Fo rd F 150 exte nded ca b 4X4 8880 2013 $ 118, 22 .. 116,227 2021 275,000 PW#52 Street 2013 Ferri F150 extended cab 4X4 2524 1 007 2013 2013 $ 283,60 0 28,900 $ S 253.600 23,900 2021 35,000 8 PW#7 *PW Street 2012 Ford F350 Pickup w1 low 91411.898 2012' 84 o 81 -$ 2021 35,1000 #31 Street 2012 WanWanco Radar/Speed Trailer 2012 10,313 $ $ 109313 2022 15,000 10 PW #39 P'�'' Street 2008 Sterling L8500 Dunnp I ruck, Plow 13086 210 2008 8 8, 028 -68,028 2023 200,000 15 $ �#28 #8 Street 2004 WILT Rubber Tire Roller$ 00 12,500 � - 12,500 2024 _ 18,000 18P P #4 Street Street � 1 T 8 Excavator 1 c 718 TanBern Du Truck, Plow 15402 824 887 2010 2010 55,286 197,809 550286 20 8 � � 1 PW #29 Street 1999 Felling FT20 Equipment Tralier - NO REPLACE 1999 103,428 - 1975,609 �200,000 15 _101428 - J# .p4041320 13,146 1 F4 1x',46.6 2,8 1,000 188.8% PVV #45 Parks 1 J ohn Deere Z925A Ztra k M owe r - zero to rn 682 2010 01 8 P#14PW#14 Parks 2010 John Deere 320D Skid Loader - singlespeed 430 -2010 $ 83,1 333.156 218 20000 PW#17 Parks 2005 Chevrolet 2500 8/4 ton crew cab pickup89242 228 2005 28)953 PVV #37Pa rks 2007 1548 John Deere Mower, Snowbiovier- wide are 8 1 1 2007 19,194 PW #38 'Parks 2006 Ford F450 true w/dump and pio "The Black Truck" 41702 2127 2007 32,500 2,80 2016 $ 45,000 PVV #41 Parks 1998 Ter HL4800 Lawn Sweeper 484 208 54 $ PW #48 *PW Parks 2011 John Deere Gator TX Utility Vehicle 419 2011 S 81416 8016 2016 $ 20,000 #22 Paris 2012 John Deere Z925A- zero tura 271 2012 $ 1 }2 - 1o,200 217 11,8 8 P#49PW#49 Pa rks 2006 Felling tandem axel mowing trailer 2011 5900 218 10,000 PVV#50 Parks 2018 GMC Sierra 3508 1 ton 4X4 vii low 2013 $ 81,985 - 10 81,88 2021 42,000 PW #47 Parks 2011 4720 John Deere Tractor 683 2011 36,011 36,011 2026 60,0001 8 P # 1 ADDITION Pa rks Parks 2012 Toro 41 %vrde area niowe r - Dump Bax Trailer 2018 64,885 - - $ 64,865 2023 -. 86,900 1 , 10 ADDITION Parks12014 814 tori extended cab I 1 UWI IOC 2014 - 12.800 - � 2,88 1 � 1 8 18 1 ee� ee� r ■ a n _ � 1 � �e ��� - �� � � � � � t`3 15eO City of Otsego - Capital Assets - Vehicles (by Year) I October 2013 I Unit # Department Assignment Description Mileage Hours Purchased Year Purchased Cost Add Total Equipment Purchase Scheduled Replacement Replacement Cost PW #1 Street 1999 1kj uld-Quip VR -36H Asphalt Roller 2005 $ 3.000 $ - $ 3.000 2014 $ 20.000 ADDITION Parks Durnp Box Trailer 2014 $ 12.000 $ - $ 12.000 2029 $ 16,150 ADDITION Parks 2014 314 ton extended cab plickup ve/plow 2014 $ 37,0DO $ - $ 37,000 2024 $ 49,750 ADDITION WiUes 2014 Extended Cab Pickup w1equipment boxes 2014 $ 35,900 $ - $ 35,000 2024 $ 34,300 2014 $ 120,200 PW #14 Parks 2010 John Deere 32010 SW Loader - single speed 430 2010 $ 33.156 $ - $ 33.156 2015 $ 20,000 PW #45 Parks 2010 John Deere Z925A Ztrak Mower - zero tura 602 2010 $ 9.862 $ - $ 9,862 2015 $ 12,1 t3 Pw#11 Sireet 2000 International Tandem [gum p_Truck, Plow 61348 4301 2000 $ 112,480 $ - $ 112,480 2015 $ 200,000 PW #2 Street 1995 International SIA Dump Truck, Plow 47010 3738 2005 $ 37,649 $ - $ 37.649 2015 $ 180.000 #4 6 Street 2005 CAT 908 Loader 2689 2010 $ 53.331 $ - 531331 2015 $ 68,000 -PW #24 Street 1970 Schmidt Snowblower - $ - 2015 $ 50,000 -PW BD#17 Street 2006 Chevrolet extended cab plckup 70676 3585 2005 $ 19,706 $ - $ 19,706 2015 $ 25,000 PW 96 Utilities 2005 Chevrolet extended cab pickup 81850 2005 $ 22.080 $ - $ 22.080 2015 35,000 2016 590,000 BD#20 InspecUons 2006 Ford Explorer 2006 S 20,153 $ - $ 20,153 2016 $ 30,000 #38 Parks 2006 l=ord F450 truck w1d u rnp a n d plow "T h e Blank TrucV 41702 2127 2007 $ 32.500 $ - $ 32.500 2016 $ 45,000 -PW PW #17 Parks 2005 Chevrolet 2500 314 ton crew cab pckup 69242 225 2005 $ 23.953 $ - $ 23.953 2016 $ 35.004 #41 Parks 1998 Toro HL4800 Lam Sweeper 404 2009 $ 4.499 $ - $ 4,499 2016 $ 25,GOO -PW PW#48 Parks 2011 John Deere Gator TX Wity Vehicle 419 20,11 $ 8,416 $ - $ 8,416 2016 $ 20,000 #21 Street 2000 CAT IT28 Loader 5594 2000 $ 149.700 $ - $ 149.700 2016 $ 160,000 -PW PW #4 Street 2006 Ford F-350 light duty truck w/dump body and plow 51168 3244 2005 $ 36,040 $ - $ 36,040 2016 $ 45,000 PW ##13 Street 2006 Felling Trailer T14 2005 $ 4,484 $ $ 4,484 2016 $ 10.000 ADDITION Ufllitles Witles Field Vehicle 2016 $ 74.200 $ - $ 74.2130 2028 $ 105,800 #28 Utiliues 2002 Ford F-350 light duty, truck w1flatbed, crane & p!ow 68918 2002 $ 32,955 $ 14.963 $ 47,918 2016 $ 50,000 -PW PW#18 Midas 2006 Cheverolat 1600 Ext. cab pickup 63867 1.3 2006 $ 19.706 $ - $ 19,706 2016 $ 30,000 2016 $ 545.800 #37 Pads 2007 1545 John Deere Mower, Snowblower - v4de area 811 2007 $ 19.194 $ - $ 19.194 2017 $ 30,000 -PW I3D#19 Parks 2006 Chevrolet extended cab pIckup 73109 2005 $ 21.361 $ - $ 21,361 2017 25,004 *PW #22 Parks 2042 John Deere 2925A - zero turn 271 2012 $ 10,200 $ $ 10,200 2017 $ 11.000 PW #1 Street 2007 Erin street sweeper 8899 1854 2011 $ 77.484 $ - $ 77.484 2017 $ 180,000 PW #20 Street Atlas Copco Air Compressor 04 2011 $ 10.270 $ - $ 10.270 2017 $ 15,000 2017 $ 281,000 PW#49 Parks 2.006 Felling tandem axel mowing trailer 2011 $ 5,009 $ $ 5,000 2018 $ 10,000 `PW #3 Street 2000 Sterling 7501 S/A Dump w/plow & wing 44458 4440 2012 $ 37,433 - $ 37.433 2018 $ 180,00 PW #15 Street 2003 Sterling S/A Dump Truc!K, Plow 32664 1394 2003 $ 135.216 - S 135,216 2018 $ 180,000 #35 Street 2006 5425 John Deere Tractor, Mower, Broom 2073 2006 $ 60,553 13,146 $ 73,699 2018 $ 70,001 -PW 2018 $ 440,000 PW #40 Street 1999 Ford F578 Boom Truck 104704 2009 $ 9.676 $ - $ 9.676 2019 $ 150,(}001 PW #36 Street 2006 4720 John Deere Tractor, tolower, Plow 2218 2006 $ 49.1908 $ - $ 49.908 2019 $ 40,000 2019 $ 190,000 #42 Street 2002 StedIng L8511 Dump Truck, Plow 16681 2010 $ 52,983 $ - $ 52,983 2020 $ 190,000 -PW PW#50 Parks 2013 GMC Sierra 35001 ton 4X4 w1 low 2013 $ 31.985 $ $ 31.985 2021 $ 42,000 PW #5 Street 2001 CAT 143H Road Grader 5330 2013 $ 116,227 $ $ 116,227 2021 $ 275,000 PW 10 Street 2043 Ford F150 extended cab 4X4 2524 2013 $ 25.600 $ $ 25.600 2021 $ 35,000 PW#52 Street 2013 Ford F1 0 extended cab 47 4 1007 2013 $ 23.900 $ $ 23.900 2021 $ 35,8131] PW#1 2 Utilities 2013 F250 4304 wlpllow 2136 80 2013 $ 22.300 $ $ 22,300 2021 $ 35,000 2021 $ 422,000 PW#7 Street 2042 Ford F350 Pickup w/p!ow 9141 598 2012 $ 34.516 $ $ 34,616 2022 $ 40,0011 *PW#31- Street 2012 Wanco RadarlSpeed Trailer 2012 $ 10.313 $ $ 10.313 2022 $ 16,000 2022 $ 55,000 P W#51 Parks 2012 Toro 4100 v4dde area mower 2013 $ 64,665 $ $ 64,885 2023 88,900 PW #39 Street 2008 Sterling L8500 Dump Truck, Plow 13056 210 2008 $ 68,028 $ $ 68.028 2023 $ 200,000 2023 $ 286,900 #23 Street 2004 WRT Rubber Tire Roller 2006 $ 12.500 $ $ 12.500 2024 $ WOW -PW #43 Street 2010 Mack GU713 Tandem Dump Truck, Plow 15402 8157 2010 $ 197.609 $ $ 197,609 2025 $ 200,000 -PW PW #8 Street 2010 CAT 3050 Excavator 324 2010 $ 55,286 $ $ 55,286 2025 $ 80,000 PW #44 Utilities 2010 Mack GU713 Jet -Vac 4650 2.010 $ 260.514 $ $ 260.514 2025 $ 400,00O #47 Perks 2011 4720 John Deere Tractor 683 2011 $ 36.011 $ $ 36.011 2026 $ 50,000 -PW #29 Street 1999 Felling FT20 Equipment Trailer - NO REPLACE 1999 $ 10,428 $ $ 10,428 NIA -PW PW ##19 Utilities Power Units - Facility Backup Generators Beyond 2.823 $ 748,000 TOTALS 3.84 B.900 C,\UsersTan\Docurnen1W014 BudgetWehIcle CIP 2014 10/21/2013 CITY 0 ot e F ;0 MINNESOTA TO: Mayor & Council City of Otsego FROM: Kurt Neidermeier DATE: October 21st, 2013 RE: Utility Staffing Background: Current defined staffing levels for the Utility department are as follows: East WVVTF 11/2 operators West WVv7F I operators Water Facilities 1/4 operators Collection/Distribution 3/4operators Supervisory 1 Total: 41/2 Current Staffing Level: 4 Staff has reviewed the following contracted and additional services in preparation for the 2014 budget and staffing requirement, Locates : Services include routine and emergency locates for water/wastewater and storm sewer. Staffing Estimate: 250 hour year Inflow and Infiltration monitoring and repairs: Service includes flow monitoring, source identification & collection repairs. Staffing Estimate: 500 hours/year Inspections: Water Sewer Connection Inspections for Municipal Services — Staffing Estimate: 100 hours/year Fog Program - Grease Trap Inspection 2--o-( Staffing Estimate: 20 hours/year Snow Plowing assistance: Assistance, for park, bike path and cul-de-sac snow removal. Staffing Estimate: 120 hours/year Well Head Protection Team Member addition: Staffing Estimate: 20 hours/year Additional staffing considerations: Increased unscheduled maintenance & repairs Staffing Estimate: 40 hours/year RPZ program fulfillment Staffing Increase: 20 hours/year New development review & inspections Staffing Estimate: 20 hours/year Water Conservation monitoring/enforcement Staffing Estimate: 30 hours/year Storm Water Pollution Prevention requirements Staffing Estimate 20 hours/year EW\AfTF new permit sampling requirements Staffing Estimate 10 hours/year Recommendation: Staff recommends adding a full time utility operator to complete the additional services and fulfillment of the current 1/2 staff deficit, I T Y 0 ot Ce F 0 MINNESOTA TO: Mayor & Council City of Otsego FROM: Kurt Neidermeler DATE: October 21-5t, 2013 RE: Locates Background: Staffing analysis for locates: * Locates emailed to City Hall o Building department — permit review conducted. * Location assessment o Verified within city limits. o Locate work may not require action — No Locate Required — outside of service area. o Locate required, * Work assignment o Locate response forwarded to the utility department for marking. Frequencies 2012 thru current: o December, January and February less than 100 locates per month are reviewed. o March through November average between 200 — 300 reviews per month. o The highest month May 2013 - 437 locates. Consider 3 min per review at 250 reviews per month = 13 hours per month. o Locate average 5 per month, average I meet request per month, highest locate month 24. o Consider 3/4 hr per locate at 15 per month = 12 hours per month. Additional considerations: Records - Filing / Equipment / Emergency locates / population increase 0 mo c 3 LL (L) V) Lm CL Lo Qj +J a LLI m c CU c 4e EJJ m V) 0 0 P r m Q so 0 > W. (L) ra C Lm MEN* E C) 0 0 0 u9 0 0 a c LD 0 0 0a 4 Ln ro a) CY) a) ur) N N CL 0 ai 0 0 0 (U N Ln CL 0 0 C 0 LI) 0 r-% N 00 r -I 0 00 QD N V) ro N r -I r -I Lr) Lo 1:* 00 lqt "1 C0 V) 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0a 4 Ln ro 4-0 u Q) CL ai 00 r -I 0 00 QD N V) ro N r -I r -I Lr) Lo 1:* 00 lqt "1 C0 m .(n (n VT ai 0 0 0 R* N Ln N 4-J 0 a 0 d ko 00 r-% N E 0 +-i 0 NO -01 00 N 0 0 0 R* N rn 0 C) Lr) 0 UD 00 H 41D (-D Rzf (U (A � %-Na NO -01 NO -ON 00 lzt C-4 Kt w lqt 00 0 0 lqt N rn 0 Lr) C3 r -I w QD CD N H Lr) N r%% R* R: 4Z 1% N %. T-1 1% rq V-4 H H H N ko C) 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N 4-J t%% I r%% I r4-1 I r%-. I u m 0 0 0 0 0 C L. 0 U) m 0 LA a) 0 u 0 u N CF) u 1�c u r E m m N 0 rA C: r_ 0 0 N Ln 0 L.L u iz N r -I m CITY 0 ot e F 0 M11IN1250TA g TO: Lori Johnson,, City Administrator FROM: Brad Belair, Maintenance Supervisor DATE: October 10, 2013 RE: 2014 Street Department Seasonal Staffing Needs Background: At the August Budget/CIP meeting with City Council I was directed to provide detail to justify the request for an increase in general funds for an additional 500 hours of street department duties performed by seasonal employees. The 2013 budget for all seasonal employees (winter and summer) is $12,000, with the proposal to add 500 hours of summer seasonal staff, the 2014 budget would increase an estimated $6,900 to $18,900. With the structure of the Public Works Department separating responsibilities, staff, and equipment between street and park departments, the street department has experienced a shortage of labor staffing to perform certain services. This results in using permanent highly skilled employees to perform less skilled duties. 2013 2013 Budget Budget Hours Dollars Snow Plowing 200; 21800.00 Summer 1,O o, 91200.001 1,.200:: 12,000.001 2013 Actual Hours to 30 -Sep z.s 17& 835: 1,013' 2013 Actual to 30 -Sep 21588.25 9,005.75 2014 Budget Hours 2014 Budget ne%lkre 200i 2,900.00 500 6750.00 5W 41750.00 5001 41500-00 110594.001 107001 $18,900.00 2013 Budget Hours Blacktop Patching 400 Storm Water 100 Signs 50 Other Activity 450 Snow Plowing 200 L20Q 2013 Actual Hours to 30 -Sep 350. 85: 25! 375. 178: 1,013 2014 Budget Hours 2014 Additional Budget FIOUrs 575 175 180 80 200 150 545 95 200 -0 1,.7 00 5001 For 2014, the 500 hours of proposed additional summer seasonal help requested will provide: 0 An estimated 175 hours replacing full time employees performing labor related duties to blacktop repair. The full time hours gained will be utilized to perform skilled sign, fleet, and storm water duties. 0 An additional 80 hours will provide assistance with inspections and maintenance of the storm water system. An estimated 150 additional hours towards completion of the comprehensive sign program including inventory and blanket replacement of street and regulatory signs. The remaining 95 hours of seasonal hours requested will be assigned to miscellaneous duties.