ITEM 3.3A OHP 7.9.2019 MinutesITEM 3_3A OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING July 9, 2019 7:00 PM Call to Order 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson and Cara Husak. City Council: Corey Tanner. 1. Consider Agenda Agenda approved 2. Minutes Review Minutes approved for June with updates made. Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. 3. Otsego View Deadline for submission is July 22nd. Tami will pick the submission for the newsletter. Commissioner Chris will submit the Locust and Ginseng article and Commissioner Gail will submit the Otsego History Bite article. Commissioner Toni will ask if they will use the Lefebvre Creek Greenway article and park sign to commemorate the new park. 4. Otsego history for City Website Commissioner Toni will ask if they will use the Lefebvre Creek Greenway article and park sign to commemorate the new park. 5. Otsego Prairie Festival Location of booth: Approved to be located by the car show Theme: Put Yourself in History Picture opportunity: Commissioner Gail is going to ask to use the picture of Mae & Bob Spencer and have it on a wrap to have their images on a board to take pictures with. It was confirmed that they will let us use their tractor too. Councilman Corey will talk to the fireman to see if they know of someone that has an old fire truck. Commissioner Chris brought in a postcard size map of the city to use a giveaway to residents attending the festival. Councilman Corey will ask to see if there are new park maps available to use as the front face of the City Map Post Card. Commissioner Toni will come back to commission with suggestions for the back of the postcard. Commissioner Cara will visit Historical Society in Buffalo and take pictures of anything we can borrow for the festival. They have an Education Collection for borrowing that can be handled/touched including clothing/telephones/ect.. Commission Adjourned at 7:49 PM. Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. Written by: Cara Husak 2