ITEM 3.2A 10.14.2013 MinutesITEM 3.2,Ak OTSE O CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSE O CITY HALL October 14, 2013 :oo P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pik. Roll Call: [payor Jessica t ck p; Councilmernber : Vern Heldner, Jason l arehirne and Doug Schroeder. Absent: Coun ilmernber Torn Darkenwald. StaffsLori Johnson , City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director,, Brad Belair, Street Maintenance ance and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Sto ka p led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum_. State Senator Mary Ki 'r eyer was present and gage an update on the 1-94 expansion. . Consider acienda approval; Mayor Sto ka p requested to add iters 6.5 call a Special City Council Workshop to review Prairie Center Remodel Project items= CM Herdner motioned to adopt as amended,. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor,, Motion carriledS 3. Consent Agenda. Non -controversial iterr� , 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutest A. September 23, 2013 Meeting. B, September 23, 2013 Special Meeting. 3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. HIPC September 10, 2013, B. Parks & Recreation September 11, 2013, 3.4 Approve Resolution 2013-52 adopting assessments for unpaid utility bills. 3.5 Accept resignation of Heather Eldern from the Planning Commission and Benjamin DeBoer from the Police Commission. 16 Pay Estimates/Requests: At Approve FInal Payment in the amount of $37,,430.75 for the 2013 Trail and Pavement Surf=ace Maintenance Project to Allied Blacktop Company. 33 Call a Special City Council meeting on October 28, 2013 at 6:30 Pfd, 3,8 Approve Resolution 2013-53 authorizing preparation of Plans and & Specs for Jalger Avenue. 3,9 Approve 2014 Health Insurance Renewal. 3,10 Consider Resolution 2013-54 Needham Avenue Assessments. CM Heldner motioned to approve, Seconded by CM SC roedert All In flavor. Motion Carried. . Public Hearing: .1 Proposed Assessment for unpaid Administrative Fines and Service . Charges related to Code Enforcement. , A. Ci &Ierk attests to le al notice. B# Comments by City Staff. C. Presentation of proposed agsessment roll. D, Open Hearing for Public Comments. E. Close Public Hearing., R Consider Resolution 2013-55 adopting s s ment for u aid administrative fires. City Clerk Loff attested all the proper noticing, posting and publication was completed. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the process. City Planner Licht presented the staff report with the six properties= Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at :19 PIVI. Hearing no public comment Mayor Stockannp closed the Public Hearing at 7:19 PK CM Heldner motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-55 adopting assessment for unpaid administrative fines and abatement charges related to code enfor emeft, Seconded by CM Schroder. All in favor. Motion carried], t Public Works: .. Campus Slag City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heldner asked ghat the contingency fund included in the project cost is for. Street Maintenance Supervisor B lair stated for engineering, electrical and landscaping, Mayor Stockamp asked when the signage will be installed. Street Maintenance Supervisor Blair said be was originally told -6 weeks but if approved he will contact the contractor tomorrow and ask for it to be expedited. M Heldner motioned to approve the Campus Signage Project for the amount not t exceed $24,765 including the lour quote from Vinyl Graphic for sign fabrication and installation for $16,515, and electrical, engineering and landscaping no to exceed $8,,250, Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor, Motion carved,, y 5,2 70th Street Proect Update. A. Removal of Bike Path rtion. B# loth Street Agreement. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report on item A. CM Heldner motioned to change the western termini point for the Street Project (COP 13-01) to be Martin Farms Avenue rather than lambert Lane thus removing the portion of the project that is trail only. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor* Motion carried. City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report for item B; reviewing the V h Street Agreement, CM Heldner asked what the speed limit will be on this road. City Engineer Wagner said 55 MPH and on the urbanized section 40 MPH, There was discussion on the number of years of maintenance to input in the Agreement. The City Council agreed to five years. City Attorney MacArthur will also change the Agreement to clarify the section to be maintained to state west of Odean Avenue and to include language that the City is not responsible for any incidental damage during maintenance such as sod and mailbox damage. 6. Administration: 6.1 Consider RiverRider Transportation Agr ement, City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. Mayor Stockamp said the 5 hours of service listed in section of the agreement should be changed to 10 hours. City Administrator Johnson said the Agreement Is correct; it should be 10 hours for two days and that the five hours was used as an example by RiverRider staff to estimate the cost of service. City Administrator Johnson said that once RrverRider and MnDot confirm that service has been approved, information on this new service will be added to the City website and the Otsego View and that at a date yet to be determined, ars Informational Meeting informing Otsego residents of this option will be held. Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve the RiverRider Transportation Agreement between RiverRider and the Cities of Albertvillle� Hanover, Otsegb and St. Michael,. all in Wrightand Hennepin Counties,, Minnesota,, Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor, Motion carried. . LBex Avenue Trail update. City Engineer Wagner gave an update,, 63 Budget and CIP Schedule. City Administrator for Johnso presented the staff report. CM Schroder motioned to call budget meetings as listed in the 2014 Budget Schedule -October to December dated October 7. 2013 and Calling November 4 at goo PM to review cIP,, seconded by Mayor Stockamp,,.ill in favor. Motion carried. 6.4 Aporove claim list for Metro Appliance Rei clin . Mayor motioned to approve. seconded by CM Heldner. Motion carried -o. e Warehime abstained. 6.5 Call a Special Cily Council ori she to review Prairie Center Remodel Project. Mayor Sto ka m p motioned to call a s pecial City Counc11 Wor sbo for review of the Prairie center Remodel Project on Tuesday, October 22 at 6=30 PM to be held at Prairie center, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. City Council Reports and Updates,. Mayor Stockamp gave an update on the Otsego Pumpkin Patch. 81 Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson presented a drafted Cotter for support of the Corridors of Commerce Project; the City Council signed the letter for submission to the Corridors of Commerce selection team. City Administrator Johnson said she also received a call from a reporter from the Star Tribune who may be writing an article on Otsego Development. 9. Adjourn. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. Adjourned at 8;13 PM. ATTEST: Tauri Loff, City clerk 3 Mayor Jessica Stockamp