ITEM 3.9 LED Lighting for City Hall and Prairie CenterQt�cegoF DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Streets Street Operations Manager Lamson August 26, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.9 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: Center. Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. X Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. No Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. The 2019 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included an upgrade from the fluorescent lighting at City Hall to Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. Lighting and EAG -LED to completely replace the light fixtures, with Voss Lighting providing the low quote of Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of the quote from Voss Lighting for LED lighting at City Hall and Prairie Center. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The 2019 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included an upgrade from the fluorescent lighting at City Hall to more energy efficient LED lighting in the amount of $33,339. Staff initially obtained quotes from Voss Lighting and EAG -LED to completely replace the light fixtures, with Voss Lighting providing the low quote of $28,577.51. This was initially discussed at the June 19, 2019 Public Works Subcommittee meeting. During that meeting it was concurred to work with Voss Lighting based on the low quote. Further direction was provided for staff to seek quotes for a bypass replacement to compare with the full fixture replacement. Quotes were obtained by staff, and were presented to the Public Works Subcommittee at the July 17, 2019 meeting. The new quote provided by Voss Lighting for the bypass replacement was $19,327.90. The Public Works Subcommittee preferred the bypass replacement compared to the full fixture replacement due to costs. Further direction was provided for staff to seek quotes on the bypass replacement for the Prairie Center. Quotes were obtained by staff, and were presented to the Public Works Subcommittee at the August 21, 2019 meeting. The totals for both buildings, were: 1) 49,763.58 for the full fixture replacement; and 2) $36,648.83 for the bypass replacement. The Public Works Subcommittee concurred with the bypass replacement, and recommended this be placed on the consent agenda for full Council approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Summary Comparison of Costs • Quotes — Voss Lighting POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve a quote from Voss Lighting for LED Lighting replacements at City Hall and Prairie Center in the amount of $36,648.83. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund 439 — Building & Property Maintenance Yes City Hall and Prairie Center LED Lighting Project Synopsis 2019 Budget of $33,339 City Hall has 188 lights to replace Prairie Center has 133 lamps to replace New Fixture Option: City Hall all new Fixtures: $28,577.51 Prairie Center all new fixtures: $21,186.07 Total: $49,763,58 $33,339.00 $16,424.58 Over 2019 budget Re -lamp and bypass ballast option: City Hall bypass option: $19,327.90 Prairie Center bypass option: $17,320.83 Total: $36,648.83 $33,339M $3,309,83 Over 2019 budget City of Otsego City Hall Interior Ceiling/Shop Tuesday, May 14, 2019 R/R Fluor, ceiling troffers w/ LED fixtures, R/R Fluor, ceiling cans w/ LED fixtures, R/R Fluor, stairwell fixtures w/ LED fixtures, Add motion sensors in Individual offices, bathrooms, storage areas - where needed, RJR Fluor, lamps in strip fixtures w/LED lamps, R/R Fluor, wrap fixtures w/LED fixtures. R/R shop strip and storage lamps w/LCD lamps, Add occupancy sensor where needed, Tariffs could increase fixture costs up to 15%. Ensure proper function of new product, Customer is disposing of old product, Voss will facilitate rebate paperwork when project is completed - paid to customer, The products on this proposal are listed and priced on the State of Minnesota Lamp + LED Contract, [L-290(5)] ProjectI W11 *111 • Less Rebates $ 1,019,00 ,Net Project Cost $ ''27,558.51 ® ® 0" :S Project Price $ 28,577,51 Down Payment $ 11,431,01 NOTE If Project Quol,Uen Is opprovad 6y Cus,a,,r, Voss Ltyhting.' 'hen protide a centrad 'a Customer slgnelure, Upon your signature on IM1is aonuaG, product vAl bo mdared and Inslallavan achedulod. PROJECT CANCELLATIONS: Should prof ad tso delayed or cancelled, may bo pada (or any addWonal product rancellavon lees, IeslacMn� diatges, or price hueasas, Should 1116 projea W delayed beyond 30 days Inc. aiginsl quotation datb, Iho'"'a""", "'a" V","I'll, eonlra, Y,Ol becom,vo ,evrpdCIn9VAllbd reviosved foranynecossary adjustmntste ated to material and oxpenao costs, labor costa, and other costa vol may ho alfeded, ad. nwr conned prosanf,d lorCuslomar algnolure. PROJECT PRICE INC R -13I& Thla quolallon Is eased upon current WaduU prklrq and Installation related Coate, Quolallon Is guaranteed lot h0 days Lom quotation data. Attar 30 days, our pricing YM ba w1wed for any necessary adjuslmaols related to malarial amt ezpamo mals, labor code, amt other related costs that may be affected by an odended approval Padod PROJEOTWOW HOURS; Unlass noted olhen\ise above, ourquotation Is based on on0a Installation laking Place on a normat 0 hour parday, 40 -hour porvteekvmk schedule, Voss Llghvng has Included no proiilon, for ohkl vurk or overUmp, PRICE; The quoted price does nal Indudn any lases or fees Ihal may be assoclalad YAvi this project, PRODUCT NON•fliOCIUTEAI$: Ram, produda Thal \\a o(f,r aro not deck Nems In our vatehouse and ora ordered no needed. Such hems nr,'e ,,,lot order' and hove ,trended bad Umeeand arpnen-returnable, PRODUCT DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION DATES; Upon oxecvlion of the Voss llghUng conlret� \sn Ultl aggraas}Y,ely po<aca and orpedA. your fsrajoal,Al that Umo, product delivery and onslla Inslollalian deals \dB b, ved0d. Voss Ughvng cannot ."apt to$ponstaNily for product pr. ttaodeloya, deWery lssuas sM ind tavealherlhalate bayond aur <onvoL DUE TO RECENT AND FUTURE TRADE TARIFFS ON CHINESE GOODS ANO GENERAL PRICE INCREASER, ALt. QUOTES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE ATTHE TIME. OF ORDER BEING PLACED. vols. City of Otsego City Hall Interior Ceiling/Shop Tuesday, May 14, 2019 oo� o • Relamp fluorescent ceiling troffers, stairwell fixtures, and strip fixtures with LED lamps, bypassing and removing the ballasts, Retrofit fluorescent ceiling cans with new LED fixtures. Ensure proper electrical connections and fixture performance, Provide all tools and materials to perform work, Work to be done during normal daytime business hours, Customer Is disposing of old product, Voss will facilitate rebate paperwork when project is completed - paid to customer, The products on this proposal are listed and priced on the State of Minnesota Lamp + LED Contract, [L-290(5)] p rC-�-•-r..Kn'e� -�, `�".. �"�z.',��--z' sem, .�--�. r,. �_- F.a ?`"�*'"'a '� � -.�., � ,s ��_� ,� .aa5w -cam.. -•-ems-- _:Y3'" � �. � „�_.= 3..-__•`_ .P-,-;�'�` � .e_,...'�a-.:��-F=c:�.r+ � - .�_ =is "< ..jam Project Costa • •, Less Rebates $ 1,200,00 Net Project Cost . $ 18,127;90,:1 Project Price .0 Down Payment7,731.16 NOTE: If PreJed Qualallon Is approved bl Customer, Voss Lighl4sg vA9 then provide a eenlract (or Cuslomer dgm(ura, Upon yevr stgnalure on thls con'racl, product vA1 bo ordelad and idalollallon scheduled, PROJECT OANCELLATION87 Sha.4 project be delayed or eancefled, may ba [able frit any addiUona{podu<l concellaUon foes, rastocNn� charges, or puce Increases, Should Na poJed be delayed bayond 00 days Imm orlBhtalquMaiIn dale,'ha executed Voss LighonU conlradmill bewmevo , our pricing vNil ht rods%d for anynteessary adjustments le ated to materialanderpxrlsawits,labor cosh, and oNer raUled coils Uel ma It OJE and anowcentradprevenicd lercustomeratgnalure. pR0lECY PRICEINCREIBhs, hisgUolaUonur6aaed upon cugenl product pddng eM InsieilaUal«lalad w:ta Ouolelton is gvannlaed for SS Jaye from quotation dela, Mer SS days,ow prRing vAi ba redewed (or any Wassail edprimeMs «falad to material and erpenso costs, labor Dosis, end other relaledcoils Ihel tnay bo akeded tr/ aq otlended approval padod, PROJEDT V1DRI<HOURS: Urdess poled olhensUe shove,ovr motallon bbasod on ambo Installation W4 plata onaoormd 6haur Wrday, Aahour par vmok v»rks<hedula, Voss LlghUrg has tnduded as prodslonsfor WA vmrk of ovadime, PRICE: The qualed pdee does not include any tares or (ees'hal may bn a"Odated vAh Ilds project PRODUCTNONSTOCK NEAIB; eonm productsIhe, ve olfat aranolstock pomp In ourx�arehosaeend ora adored as naeded. Buds kemte 1 pedal ordet and have axtended lead Umea and me norHelurnaWe, PRODUCT DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION DATE$: Upon exeallon of lho Vosa Uglding eonlrad, vv tNI aggrasINsiy ploceu and oxpedBe your (va)ect,Al that Unit, pmdud d0 ory and onsUo IndalWUori delta VAI be vardled.Voss Ughgrsg cannon" iss siblhiy for product production delays, delNeryissues, and IncUmala vRalhar ai a re bayoral aur em(rol. DUE TO RECENT AND FUTURETRAD TARIFF80N CHINESE GOODS AND GENERAL PRICE INCREA888, ALL QUOTES ARE SUDJECT TO CHANGE ATTHE TIME OF ORDER KING PLACED, L. 1 City Of Otsego Voss. Flat Panels i:.i;ii7Enir� i:5r:.slc;ii 5ert�cce., City Of Otsego Number of Fixtures 133 133 Lighting System Energy Consumption (kW) 9,743 4,146 Current Utility Rate - $/kWh $0,0939 �;vEpergy=& DetYland�Redtction _- - � _ Kllowatt-Hours (kWh) Reduced- - - 6� Project Cost $21,186,07 Less Rebates $0.00 Net Project Cost $21,186,07 Simple Payback Overall Simple Return on Investment (ROI) Net Present Value (NPV) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Monthly Cost of Delay 9,2 yrs 8,32% -$4,278,98 1,48% Friday, August 02, 2019 Quote #4827 - V6 Page 2 of -.----- Y g Cit Of Otsego Voss Ballast Bypass I.16.IT'IN,G I DrSIGN 4 H-V..ViIM,; City Of Otsego sGenerIScoperof Proposes( Work Existinc�'-zAffer Rotiofit LightingNumber of Fixtures 133 133 • Consumption Current Utility Rate - $/kWh $0.0939 Mergy:�& D,e"NtluctiKilowatt-Hours (kWh) on Reduced 16,377 111111, 11111a I III Energy MIMS $1,538 HVAC $175 Maintenance $484 First Year Total Savings $2,187 Project cost $17,320.83 Less Rebates $0.00 Net Project cost $17,320.83 Simple Payback 7.9 yrs Overall Simple Return on Investment (ROI) 26,64% Net Present Value (NPV) -$1,183,63 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 4m% Monthly Cost of belay $183.07 Friday, Augusl02, 2019 Quote #4826 - v10 page 2 of 5