ITEM 7.1 Pour ExpansionRequest for OtSCITY 0 2vP'O City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT T FOR ATIO ... n.....J..-._J.rw..__ , ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: - E E T : - - - MEETING DATE: - Planning City Planner Licht 28 October 2013 PRE ENTER(s): REVIEWED Br. ITEM pity Planner Licht CityAdministrator Johnson 7.1 #--• Pour! Expansion AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of an agreement regarding utility charges applicable to expansion of the Pour! restaurant. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL. OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED' Yes. NO. BAC KG R UND1JU TIFI ATION: The Pourl restaurant Is proposing an expansion into the remaining 1,333.8 square foot tenant space of the retail building located at 15704 90th Street. Sanitary severer and water utility availability charges previously paid with the initial construction of the building and buildout of the Bright Eyes clinic, Pourl restaurant and Pour! Bottle Shop have all been allocated to those spaces. The buildout of the remaining space within the building requires that the utility availability and connection charges be paid with the building permit in accordance with Chapter 6., Section 3 of the City Code. City staff has outlined the following considerations in calculating the utility charges due with the current building permit: Use. The architectural plans submitted for the proposed restaurant expansion include a calculation of occupancy for 89 persons (identified as Tenant 1.A). The restaurant owner indicates that the space is to be used as a gaiting area for the main restaurant, which does not have such an area within the existing space, and not used for dinner service. No kitchen expansion Is planned as part of the project. Utility chanes for the buildout of the remaining vacant space are to be calculated by establishing Residential Equivalent Connections (RECS) per Metropolitan Council Environmental Services criteria shorn below. The space would be defined as non -fixed seating but fined seating and retail calculations are also shown, O Fined Seating: 10 seats RE = 1.2 RECs o Nora Fined Seating: Dining area @ 1 sf. per seat 10 seats per REC = 8.9 RECs o Retail: 3,000 square feetRE = 0.4 RECs Availability Charge. The calculation of the availability charge applicable to the restaurant expansion is shown below: 2013 Fee Schedule lore -Fixed Seating Fixed Seating 8.9 RECs 1.2REs Water $11550/REC $13,795.00 $1,360.00 Serer $2,13#E $1.9,001.60 $2,7562.00 TOTAL $3,685/REC $32, # 96.50 $4,42 Connection Charge. The calculation of the connection charge applicable to the restaurant 2013expansion is shown below: Total Utility Charges. The total of the availability and connection charges applicable to the restaurant expansion is shown below: Non -Fixed Seating .9 RECs Fee Schedule Nen-Fined Seating 8.9 RECs Fixed Seating 1,2RE s Water $1,,550/REC $13,796.00 $1,860.00 Sewer $$57,004.50 $7,686.00 TOTAL $3,685/RFC $70,799.50 $9,46 Total Utility Charges. The total of the availability and connection charges applicable to the restaurant expansion is shown below: Non -Fixed Seating .9 RECs Fixed Seating 1.2RFs Availability Charge $32,796.60 $4,422.00 Connection Charge $70.r799.50 $9,546.00 TOTAL $103,595.00 $14,0034.00] At a meeting on 16 August 2013, the property owner's representative and restaurant owner requested consideration ofa reduction the utility charges duwith the building permit for threstaurant expansion. The request for the reduction is based on the intended use of the space as a waiting area and limited seating for 12 persons that would not include dinner service. When the calculation of the utility charges was made for the initial restaurant, City staff used the number of seats as shorn on the architectural plans, which after construction and operation of the restaurant is demonstrated to be a reliable indicator of the space utilizartion. However, the expansion space appears ire plan vier t underutilize the available area and seating could be expanded. For this reason, City staff recommends that the utility charges for the restaurant expansion be paid based on the fixed seating calculations above but that the property owner enters into ars agreement stating that the addition of any seating for .more than 1.2 people would trigger payment of additional utility charges. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: a A17A HED ❑ NONE A. Draft agreement POSSIBLE MOTION Tease word mokn as you would [Ike It to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve an agreement regarding utility charges for expansion of the Pourl restaurant at 15704 90th Street. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: 113UD ETED: ❑ YES NA ACTION TAKEN d NO a APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: CITY OF OTS GO COUNTY of WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND POUR? WINE BAR REGARDING UTILITY FEES FOR. EXPANSION OF FACILITIES AT 15704 "' STREET, OTSEGO AGREEMENT entered into this day of October, 2013 between the City of Otsego (CITY), a Minnesota municipal corporation and JLN, ITC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, D/B/A, POUR! Nine Bay; (POUR). WHEREAS, POUR, on behalf of property owner Protective Life Insurance Co., has applied for a building permit to expand existing facilities for restaurant use at 15704 90t" Street within CITY; and WHEREAS, said expansion includes an additional 1,333.8 square feet of building space to be used as a waiting area and lounge, and the project does not include expansion of the existing kitchen area; and WHEREAS, CITY currently has in place Utility Fees which include Water Availability Charges, Water Connection Fees, Sewer Availability Charges and Sewer Connection Fees which are charged to users ascd upon. Residential Equivalent Connections (RECS) as determined by CITY as provided for by Chapter 6, Section 3 of the Otsego City Code; and WHEREAS, CITY has calculated total utility Fees at current rates for the building expansion at 10.1 RECs, for a total amount of $103,595.00 including $32,796, 00 in Availability Charges and $70,799.50 In Connection Charges; and WHERE' S, POUR has indicated that at this time they are only going to provide 12 additional restaurant seats within the restaurant expansion, which would result In 1.2 RECs for a total utility cost of$14,0 4.00 including Availability Charges of $4,422.00 and Connection Charges of $9,546.00; and HERE' AS, POUR has requested that the utility Fees related to that portion of the restaurant expansion with lion -Fixed Seating (area of the restaurant expansion which will not serve persons) be deferred at this time and that they be required to immediately pay only the utility Fees gelated to seating as indicated on the submitted plans, NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES as follows; 1. CITY agrees that at the time a building permit is issued for the restaurant expansion it will only require the utility fees for the Fixed Seating 12 persons) or 1.2 RECS, in the total amount of $14,034.00 including Availability Charges in the amount of $4,422.00 and Connection Fees in the amount of $9,546.00. 2. The remainder of the utility fees for the Non -Fixed Seating or 8.9 RECS (currently $103,595.50 including $32,796.50 in Availability Charges and $70, '799.50 in Connection Charges) shall be paid at the time that any additional seats are provided in a pro -gated basis based upon the number of seats added as determined by CITY. The remainder of the CITY utility fees shall be adjusted used upon the City fees in force and effect at the time the seating is expanded. 3. POU. shall be responsible for immediately diately contacting the CITY to make additional payment when seats are added, CITY reserves the right o periodically inspect the premises regarding the number of seats being provided in the build out area. Additional payments are immediately dine to CITY, which may add interest at the rate of % per annum to any amount not timely paid (within 30 days) as well as City administrative costs,, Planning fees, Engineering fees or Legal fees. 4. In the event that POUR fails to make timely payment of any additional utility fees owed, POUR agrees that, at the direction of the CITY, it will immediately terminate any service or seating for which it has not paid the allocated utility Fees, In the event that CITY must tale legal or other actio. 2 to enforce this Agreement, UR shall be liable to CITY for any costs incurred by the CITY in enforcement ineiuding, but not limited to, Administrative costs, Planning fees, Engineering fees and legal Fees and costs. 5. POUR hereby waives any and all claims or causes of action against the CITY, of whatever mature, related to this Agreement unless caused by the willful, wanton or intentional misconduct of the CITY or anyone acting o behalf of the CITY, 6. To the fullest extent permitted by law, POUR agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of P UR's performance or failure to perforin its obligations under this Agreement. POU. agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Agreement, 7. As additional remedies, and at the sole discretion of CITY, CITY may assess any amounts not paid to the CITY against the real property or may lien the property. In the event that CITY determines that an unpaid amount shall be assessed against the areal property, POU. and the property owner,, Protective Life Insurance Co., agree to any such assessment in the amount determined by CITY and waive any hearings, any irregularities in procedure, and any appeal of the assessment including the right to appeal under Minnesota Statute 429.081. . This Agreement may not be amended except by written Agreement of both pat -ties. 9. In the event that any portion, sentence, paragraph or clause of this Agreement is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction the remainder of the Agreement shall be modified and interpreted to be as close as possible to the original intent of the Parties. Dated: CITY of OTS GO Jessica Stoekam , Mayor ami Loff, City Clerk Dated: LN LLC By: Its CONSENT Protective Life Insurance Co. as owner of the real property identiffied in this Agreement, 15 704 0t" Street, Otsego, Minnesota, hereby consents to and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Dated: PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ,. Its 11