ITEM 6.1 Hiring Finance Assitant II0. CITY OF 0 MItSSOTA f9 DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action F[ - G .. I1T1 C .. EPA RT I .. E .. IT; IEI.. .. 8 . Tol . G .. - E 1EEi11i: Administration Dan Jor het, ASD 28 October 2013 P E ENTEf (); REVIEWED BY: ITEM ff. Dan Jor et, ASD Lori Johnson, CA 6.1 Recommendation of Hire for Finance Assistant Ii AGENDA ITEM DETAILS It is recommended that the City Council consider adopting a motion authorizing the hiring of Nadean Inman to fill the vacant Finance Assistant ii position ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBL[C HEARING REQUIRED? No I No The existing Finance Assistant rI position was vacated September 6,, 2013 following the resignation of Susan Frisch. Staff received approval on September 23, 2013 to modify the job description and t recruit to fill the position at a starting wage of 20.24 per hour for 32 hours per week. Applications t fill the position were solicited through the League of Minnesota Cities, the State Workforce Centers ars the City of Otsego website, 45 applications were received by the October 1 , 2013 deadlin'e'. The applications were subjected to review and scoring on a loo point scale allowing for additional points if the applicant was a veteran or disabled veteran. Fire of the top scorers were interviewed on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 by a panel consisting of Kathy Grover, Finance Assistance Ili, Tarni Loff, City Clerk, and Dari J rdet, Administrative Services Director. Those interviews narrowed the applicant field to two. Mr. J rd t called references for both final candidates. Following th conversations lir. J r et recommended to Ms. Johnson thatth ouncil be asked to approve the hiring of Nadean Inman of Becker. Ms. Inman currentlyworks in the Finance Department of the City of Becker fr20 hours per week. A conversation with the Finance Director of the City of Becker indicated that Ms, InmaIn in competent and conscientious in performing her duties, enthusiastic about working for the City, creative in her efforts to improve systems and functions, and is well liked by the staff at the City of Becker. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business from Metropolitan State University. She has tern gears of bookkeeping experience and has owned and operated a private retail business in Elk Brier. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED x NONE POSSIBLE MOTION H f Please word motion as you would Bice it to appear in the m1nutes. Move that the City Council authorize the hiring of NadeanInman as Finance Assistant II at a starting gage of $ 20.24 per hour with prorated benefits on a 32 hour per week h u l. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED; X YES Provided through the Personal Services provisions for in the Finance Department for n ria the 2013 and 2014 Budgets. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS RE UESTE D DE NIED TABLED a OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: I TS: