updated pages 13, 17, 18City of Otsego yy� ivry 1''y1• h, Storm Water (Out-of-Distflct) Fund for the year eliding December 31{ 2014 hiYM1 Y Fund Account Description REVENUES 220 31010 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 220 38998 Miscellaneous Ear���gs TOTAL REVENUES 5epte ber 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 Actual Actual Budget YTD Actual Prop COrmmen 57,765 29,431 25,000 propeq tax levy; part of the "limited levy" Y Y YY Y i -�j 57,165 29,431 25,000 C, Users`Dan\Uacuments120140udgetlStormWater(002014 13 ( -f "w) 10/28J2013 EXPEND 1 URES 220 49490 101 Full-11me Employees Regular - - 81450 21496 81730 220 49490 121 PEBA - - 615 R 635 220 49490 122 FICA and Medicare - - 645 166 670 220 49490 123 Health - - 1055 - 1205 - 10,755 21662 11,240 PERSONAL SERVICES 220 49490 210 Operating Supplies 22#y l I90 Repair/Main enance Supplies n rR s - - 220 y 41490 y2 j20 2 2 Culver y + 000 137 R 51000 � 13l Y SUPPLIES 220 49498 301 Legal l=ees - - 319 R 220 49490 302 Engineering Fees - - 21000 21,333 220 49490 390 Contracted Services w a 40 000 34 6O0 10,000 culvert repair/replacement Y y 42,000 56j261 10,000 CONTRACTUALSERVICES 220 49490 720 Transfers Y Y -Operating TRANSFERS 220 49490 500 Capital Outlay r R A - . 220 49490 ent 501 Equipment EQUIPMENT - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 57,765 59,060 21,240 NET OPERATIONS r!!R!R■}RRl�lITTT!!T*!!T!lrrRRlTR■!!RrlrlTlrrllr■ (29,629) ■rrlrrrrrrrrrr■■ri■rrrrr■■rrrlrrrrrrrrrra■■rrrrrrrara■■ar�arrarrarr rrrarrararrrararrrrarrarrrrrr 31760 rrrrr Actual Cash Balances - (30,583) C, Users`Dan\Uacuments120140udgetlStormWater(002014 13 ( -f "w) 10/28J2013 City of Otsego :'"'`' ■ Cvrnmunity Development & Building Safety Fund rhe for the year ending December 31, 2014 Fund Account uescription REVENUES 250 31000 Penalties and Interest JA 250 32130 Fire Inspections 250 32140 Rental Inspection Fees 250 32150 Public Utilities ROUE Perrmi� 250 32180 Other Licenses/Permlts 250 32100 Fencing Permits 250 32260 Building Permits 250 32261 Plumbing Permits 250 32262 Mechanical Permits 250 32263 Electrical Permits 250 32270 Septic Permlts 250 32275 Fire Inspection Request 250 32999 Assessors Fee 250 84207 Citations 250 36100 Special Assessments TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 250 42410 101 Full -Time Employees Regular 250 42410 119 Payroll Allocation 250 42410 121 PERA 250 42410 122 FICA and Medicare 250 42410 123 Health 250 42410 130 Other Emplolyee Insurance 250 42410 140 Unemployment Compensation 250 42410 150 Workers Compensation I PPIIIIIII-II"' "' 11600 211,270 PERSONAL SERVICES 250 42410 201 Office Supplies and Expenses 250 42410 201 Fuel SUPPLIES C,-\Users�Dan�Dccuments\2014 Bud et�Communit Development 2014 2011 2012 Actual Actual September 2013 2013 Budget YTD Actual 2014 Comments 62,431 46,187 46,800 39,171 49,275 1 FTE Permit Technician 21125 25,000 21000 450 - ever other year 17,390 19,420 11,600 17,550 18,600 for rental licensing program " 21450 600 21800 21500 11650 11700 11350 11550 11600 211,270 409,317 275,000 453,816 400,000 building permits and plan reviews 20,383 41,850 27,500 41,253 41,000 22,634 43,144 27,500 42,815 43,000 7 - - - done through State of Minnesota 41150 41050 21650 81800 31500 - 181 - - - 1,025 7,050 51600 71082 7,000 for new structures to be placed on tax rolls - 21165 - code enforcement violations 4 048 31,131 101000 - 330,817 562,461 353,700 571,116 517,200 62,431 46,187 46,800 39,171 49,275 1 FTE Permit Technician 138,800 25,000 25,000 01375 - 41550 3,334 31393 31747 31769 41248 31393 31580 21856 31572 12,184 61107 61323 61738 61716 509 467 354 448 355 11030 41326 - E Y M S00 382 350 223,752 88,904 85,950 62,717 64,037 11305 21019 11508 11925 21100 -31967 4 458 4 300 1301 4 600 for Inspections vehicle 51272 61477 51880 31226 61700 10/28/2013 1 Fund Account Description 250 42410 302 Engineering Fees 250 42414 303 Planning Fees 250 42410 315 GIS Services 250 42410 320 Telephone 250 42410 321 Mileage ravel 250 42410 335 AMsewr Fee -New Construction 250 42410 848 Miscellaneous 250 42410 350 Print and Publishing 250 42410 355 Dues and Membership 250 42410 350 Education jTraining/Conferences 250 42410 361 Liability/RC Insurance 250 42410 390 Contracted Services 264 42410 410 Rentals 250 42420 303 Planning Fees CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2011 Actual 4,353 8,952 5,997 3,559 1,535 2,286 257 87,438 27,684 142x102 2012 Actual 8,520 5,364 5,134 216 1,500 Y 175 2,334 785 77,974 3,772 8271 109,545 2018 2,500 10,000 2,240 150 5,500 500 50 785 288 90,400 51500 117,913 September 2013 YTD Actual 3,657 4,839 1,208 125 410 41386 2,557 77,182 2014 esed Comments 4,000 6,500 code enforcement activities 10,000 portion of implementation costs 2,600 R 71000 payment of revenue to Wright County 175 permit tech state membership and certification 785 safety training, 295 through LMCtT 108,400 Metro west inspection Services 51200 copier and plotter 144,955 250 42410 720 Operating.Transfers -821000 - - 21,104 CF administrative transfer TRANSFERS 82,000 - 21,104 250 42410 501 Equipment 1229 1000 16,000 vehicle replacement nerve EQUIPMENT 11229 - 11000 16,000 TOTAL. EXPENDITURES 454,415 204,925 210,663 143,125 231,692 NET OPERA ONS (128,598) 857,535 153,087 427,991 285,508 Community Development & Building Safety Fund i��a�a--a�aa�aa�aa��ararr.r.................■aaaaaaYfirr.................. ....................... D"■.asaaaY-iYaiY.i..............TRT Actual Cash Balances (686,480) (319,049) 140,171 CFIUsersIDaOocuments�2014 Budget\Commun1W Development 2014 IN 10128/2013