10-08-13 HPCFIPc MINUTES TES 10- -13 Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Lisa Faha , Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, John Noll, Gail Anderson, Commissioners. Mayor Jessica stockamp, Liaison to City Council. Additions toagenda: A memo regarding park names from Dan Licht dated 1 - , yr s received and added to the Agenda under wNames for new parks. Chair Ton! called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. It was noted that the next meeting will need to he changed from November 12 because it is ars election day. Annul MeetsHP Chris Wilson, John Noll and Gail Anderson gent to the state Historic Preservation conference Sept. 12-13'hin Lanesboro N. A grant from the State SHPO paid for their expenses and attendance fees. They reported on some of their experiences and urged other Commissioners to consider attending the National Historical Preservation Conference which will he held for four days in St. Paull next year. Applications for scholarships can be submitted in 2014, due in March. SHPO will email information on this process, Otsego Festival The general consensus was that the Festival was a good success, even though it stopped early dine to a rain downpour. t the Festival Jamie talked with J a rr o d l� . Davis(otseqoborn2g,r ho . ,phone: 763 744 697 whose family has a long history in Otsego. Gail will talk with hire re= any possible historic pictures and Davis family history in Otsego. Chris suggested that the banner of schools serving _Otsego needs to be bigger x 12 ft.?and Toni stated it needs to be hung out front instead of behind other displays. Chris felt it needed a better hanging mechanism. Perhaps the bottom could be weighted to keep it stable, Jessica offered. Lisa questioned whether OHPC wants to have updated design covers of tsego's historical books* Her family r owns a hook bindery In coon Rapids and would bind the books as a donation to OHPC. Jessica will follow through with our graphic artist Kira Welter about this. Names for new., arks Dan's memo refers to two new parks to be developed* Davis Farm Park and Waterfront East Park, both of which need to be formally named. OHPC is being asked by the Parks and Recreation Commission to research the areas and history of these two sites and to suggest some possible names recommendations, Gail will follow through on the study and bring name suggestions to the next meeting. Remodeling Prairie Center Jessica reports the City is hoping that by mid to end of November we can get into the Prairie Community Center after its remodeling is completed. Next meeting will he held November 14, Thursday at 7pm at the Cit} Hall since election day displaces our usual meeting date and time. Submitted b Meeting adjourned, Gail Anderson, Recorder