08-13-19 PS MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2019
Time: 1830 hours
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime. Commissioners: Chairman
Bill Abderhalden- excused, Vice-Chair Dan Freiberg- excused, David Greeman, Paul Fields, Jim
Breitbach, John Braun- excused, Vern Heidner, Greg Hubbard.
Public Safety Officials:
Deputy Eric Thole
Call to order at 18:37
1. Approve Agenda: Motioned by Vern Heidner and seconded by David Greeman. Approved
2. Approve meeting minutes from January 8th, 2019. Motioned by Vern Heidner and seconded by
Jim Breitbach. Approved Unanimously.
3. Open forum
5. Public Safety updates:
WCSO - Deputy Eric Thole
-NNO went well there was a lot of parties.
- Have had more thefts from vehicles.
- The burglary ring is still being investigated.
6. Old Business: None
7. New business:
- Selling off part of the land at 75th and Odean, and we are keeping the section in the front.
Motion to adjourn made by Jim Breitbach seconded by Paul Fields.
Written by Greg Hubbard