ITEM 3.2E SCC 11.4.2013 Minutes1TaM 3.21E SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL November 4,,2013 6:00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at ■ 1 P I r Roll ll: Mayor Jessica St cka p; C ndi rnb rs: Vern H idn r, Jason Warehime and Doug Schroeder. Absent: Councilmember Toni Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Daniel J rd t, Administrative Services Director; Kurt Neidermeier,, Utilities Operator Supervisor; Brad Belair, Street Supervisor; Ross D mant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Tani Loff, City Clerk. 1, CIP Presentation. City Administrator Johnson presented the Capital Improvement Plan IP for fiscal years 2014- 20181t City Engineer Wagner reviewed the Public Works projects In detail. There was discussion on street seal coating; it was recommended by CM Heidner to bring the older reads up to standards; The City Council would life documentation of the evaluations of the roads including photos if possible. City Administrator Johnson said there are policy decisions the Council reeds to make which will be addressed through the adoption of a pavement management policy. She recommended that the preventative maintenance project not proceed until the Council Inas adopted the pavement management policy. City Engineer Ron Wagner stated that he could have a policy ready for the Council in three months. City Administrator Johnson n and City Engineer Wagner said they will prepare a draft policy and schedule a worksession for the City Council to review. There was discussion on CSAH 39 Service Road project. City Council recommended moving the project to 2018 with a note that the project will probably happen with Wright Counter's CAH 39 expansion or if there are more resident complaints. The City Council agreed to move the Nashua Avenue Realignment t t CSAH 39 to 2018. City Administrator Johnson stated that there has been discussion about an extension of Nashua Avenue to7oth Street. The Council stated the extension of 85th is a higher priority. There was discussion about the $75,.000 programmed for the Stormwater Collection System (Otsego reek.) City staff will bring back further documentation or a revision to the December meeting. City Administrator Johnson and Utilities Operator Supervisor Neidermeier reviewed tine Public Utilities projects in detail. There was some discussion on Yater Meter r r pl cement; City staff will review other options including battery replacement instead of replacing the whole meter.. CM Heidner noted item Util-1 -001- Well Hoose #4 Sc da is missing the funding source- should note grant. The City Council agreed with the Public Safety Projects as presented. Parks and Recreation Manager Dernant reviewed the Parks and Recreation tion projects in d tally There was discussion on Prairie Park Ball field water and electric project programmed for 2014. The Parks and Recreation Commission is recommending upgrading the water- and electric services at Prairie Park baseball fields due to requests from the athletic associations that use the fields. The City Council agreed the associations should cover some the costs and directed City staff to propose a per user fee amount and bring back to the City Council for review. Council directed staff to contact youth sports associations to help pay for the water and electric improvement. Mayor Stockamp requested Mississippi Cove Park be added to the CIP. The City Council agreed to add it in 2018. There was discussion on ice rinks as follow-up to discussion at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting The City Council agreed that only two rinks will be flooded in 2013-2014 because of the staff and costs involved= The budget includes funding for only two rinks. City f=acilities projects were reviewed with no change recommended t City Administrator Johnson reviewed the Administration projects. After discussion the City Council directed City Staff to remove the current project titled City Entrance Signs from the CIP and allow Councilmember warehime to propose a different signage project at a future .meeting. The area discussed for signage was the retail area. The Council directed City Planner Licht to review the sign ordinance to address the unintended growing use of trailers for advertising events with the City logo, Administrative Services Director Jordet reviewed the 2014-2023 vehicles and equipment. Parks and Recreation Manager De mint responded to questions on the need for an addition pickup. Street Supervisor Belair discussed the use of the asphalt roller and stated he will bring an hours report to the next t Public works Subcommittee meeting for review. There was discussion on leasing anted of purchasing. Administrative Services Director Jordet presented the Debt Service Plan for 2014. City Administrator Jhas n stated additional research and analysis will be donne on the City's debt; that analysis will be presented to the Council in the future. Administrative Services Director- Jordet reviewed the water and Utility Funds and the City Council agreed with the budgets as presented, Utilities Operator Supervisor I leidermeier reviewed utility staffing for 2014. The City Council agreed. There was discussion on ADP account codes. The City Council asked for a copy of all job codes be provided to then and recommended additional codes per department to trach hers for implementation in January 20141 Y Prairie Center Pay Estimates and Project update._ Mayor Stockamp thanked City staff for detailed information provided. CM Schroeder motioned to approve pay estimates totaling $143,090.86 to various contractors for the Prairie Center project as stated in the Prairie Center Estimate Summary dated October 28,, 2013. Seconded by CM Heid r. All in favor. motion carried. Parks rid Recreation Manger Demant reviewed the quotes for additional alternatives for Prairie Center remodel. Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve mill work in the amount of $2,524.00. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Matron carried. City staff will bring back design for the logo at the dais on November 121 Parrs and Recreation Manger Demant reviewed the quotes for the accordion doors in the Council Chambers. After discussion the City Council agreed on new doers with Kinghern funding the removal and disposal of the existing doors. Mayor Stockarnp motioned to approve purchase of new accordion doors in the amount of $24jr146mSS to SI I. Hall Company,, Secondee[ by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. 3. Authorize Finance Assistant II hiring. M Heldner motioned d t authorize the hiring of Rhonda Thilelen as Finance Assistant II at a starring gage of $20.24 per hour with prorated benefits on a 32 hour per week schedule. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Ad'err. CM Schroeder motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10.40 PM. TrEsT: Tara! Loff, City Clerk Mayor Jessica stokr