ITEM 3.2A SCC 10.22.2013 Minutes1T1EM 3..2,Ak SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER October 22,, 2013 6:30 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica St ckarnp called the meeting to order at 6:35 Ply. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica t k rnp; C ur cilme bers: Vern H ldner, Doug Schroeder and Jason w rehime. Absents Councilmember Tom Darkenwald, Staff: Lori 3ohns n, City Administrator; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager; Daniel Licht, City Planner, Dan 3ordet,, Administrative Services Director and Tari Luff, City Clerk. Representative from Kinghorn 3ohn Studer was present. .. Prairie Center Reuse Project. Kinghorn Representative Studer reviewed the project stating that even with the additional the work they are still under budget due to reallocating some of the funds. There was a cost savings in the roof construction due to the overlay instead of tear out and reconstruction. There was discussion on the budget. The City Council asked for an updated list of costs. City Administrator Johnson said that will be provided at the October 28 meeting. Myr St ckannp questioned if the cost to replace the screen dividers in the council chambers is included in the project cost as requested previously. Kinghorn Representative Studer said it is not and estimated the cost at $16,,000 for the large section and $7,000 for the section directly in front f the dais. Mayor Stockap asked that Nor. Studer to pass on the contact info to City staff to see if the price would cane in less. The City Council agreed with the recommendations with the following notes: Dais: City Council agreed the logo on the dais should be vinyl instead of watermarked as originally planned, A proposal will be presented for review on the 28th= Mr. Studer said the lighting pian at the dais will be around 8 lights along the lid following the line ofthe wall. Front of the Building logo: The City Council agreed the building sign should read "Prairie Center" with City logo and sane font as the City Hall building. Kinghorn will give City staff sign options and contacts. Landscaping: The City Council agreed to wait until March. There was discussion on volunteer opportunities, Outside display: The City Council agreed to remove the outside display and to continue to use the inside display board as the official beard. Re-keyinginterior & exterior doors: The City Council directed to keep the keys as is with addition of a lock box or key pad for the Wright County Sheriff Department deputies instead of handing out individual keys to each deputy. City staff will contact Wright County Sherriff Hagerty to collect keys from the deputies that no longer are assigned to the city. Kinghorn will get City staff costs for the lock box /key pads options.. Millwork: Kinghorn will provide a quote for cabinet in the City Council Chambers behind the City Clerk seat and for cabinets and countertop in the the side of the Council Chambers. City staff will ging quote to City Council for consideration. Bathroom counter tops and partition: City Clerk Loff will work with Mayor Stockamp on color choice once samples are provided. Furniture: Furniture and window treatments will be addressed after the building is complete and final costs summarized. Prairie Center Rental Policy,: Proposed building rental policy will go to the Parks and Recreation tion ommission in November and for approval by the Council in December. City Council directed to bold off on rental until rental policy is in place. The City Council agreed on purchase of the AM100 A100Creston Air Media Presentation Gateway i the amount of $1000 for the sound system. IT Rob Snavely will install . Adjourn. CM Warehime motioned o adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:05 PMO ATTEST: Tamil Loff,, city clerk 2 Mayor Jessica Stoca p