ITEM 3.2C 10.28.2013 MinutesI T EE M 3 w 2 TSE O CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL October 28,, 2013 7:00 P Call to order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PSR Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St kamp; Councilm r b rs: Vern Heldner,, Jason Warehime, Doug Schroeder and Tori rle'nrld. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur,, City Attorney; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director; Ross Dernant, Parks and Recreation Manager; Kurt N eldermeler, UtiIities Operator S u pe rvisor and Tauri Lofi~, City Clerk. Pledge of Alleg an e; Mayor Stockarnp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. r Open Forum. Otsego Rod and Custom Representative Ben Ames was present and thanked the city Council for their support with the Otsego Festival. . Consider aclenda approval. CM H ldner4 motioned to approve as written. seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor,. Motion carried. r Consent Agenda, (Non -controversial iters). 3.1 1 o l ims List. 3,2 An r ve City Council Meetina Minutes. A. October 14,2013 Meetinci. B. October 1 , 2013 Special Meeting. 3.3 Pay EstimatesLRequests.: A. Final Payment in the amount of $543.50 for well room plumbin -Soccer Fields t . , Mechanical. B. Final Payment in the amount of $15,445,62 for the booster station _ u np- Soc er Fields to Central Irrigation.. ems. C. Final Payment for installation of the Quilley Avenue Stora Sever in the amount of $,"4 870.00 to Dave Perkins Co n t ra cti n Inc, Car Pgy. Estimate #1 in the amount of $29,251.45 for Needham Ave Drains a to have Perrins Contracting,Inc. E. Final Pay Estimate in the amount of $1,500 for soccer Fields Tree„ Removal t Duke Tree Care Inc. F. Pay Estimate #1 in the amount of $48,405.45 for the LaBeaux Ave m rover ent to Fehn Companies, Inc. G. Final Payment in the amount of $1,454.95 Soccer Field Pond- Clay Liner to Fehn p , conn anis Inc. 3.4 Acknowledge temporary use of holey boards. CM Heidner r t1 rj _ _= r r . writtem Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried . Public Hrirr .1 Caldwell Drainacie and Utility Easement vacation A. Mayor will open the Public H . B. Ci!y Clerk attests to notice mquirements. City.Attorney present Reauest for Action. D, Any public comments, E. Mavor will close the Public H It F. Approve Resolution 2013-57. Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at 7.05 PM, City Clerk Luff attested all the proper noticing,, , posting and publication was completed. City Attorney presented the staff report. Hearing no public comment Mayor Stockamp, closed the Public Reaming at 7:07 PM, CM D renw ld motioned to approve Resolution 2013-57 vacating an existing Drainage and Utility Easement on Lot 2, Bloch 2 Autumn Woods. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 1 Public works: A Resolution 2013-58 70th Street Trail Grant. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CSI Schroeder .dined to approve Resolution 2013-58 indicating teg' intention to fund the local share of 7011 Street trail project estimated to be $35,000 and to instruct staff to complete the Notice of intent and send into MDT pursing TAP funning. Seconded by CM Warehime. dation carried 4-0. CM Heldnerr abstained. 5,2 Martinson Lease. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heidner motioned to enter into a lease with Chad Martinson for 2014 allowing the planting of crops on a Portion of Lot 1, Block 2,, Otsego City Campus, Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor, Motion carried. r Administration: 6.1 Recommendation for hire of Finance Assistant Il. Administrative Services Director Jordet presented the staff report noting a start date of November 121 CM Schroeder motioned to authorize the hiring of Nadean Inman as Finance Assista nt II at a starting wage of $20.24 per hour with prorated benefits on a hour per week schedule. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. motion carried. 6.2 Approval of the 70th Street Agreement. City Attorney MacArthur and City Administrator Johnson reviewed the proposed agreement. CM Darkenwald asked who was responsible for the framework f the agreement. City Attorney said he was based on input from the ether cities. CM W rehime motioned to approve Agreement between County of Wright and Cities of Albertvilie, Otsego and St. Michael regarding portions of County State Aid Highway 37 and 701h Street in Otsego with the attached Exhibit A. Seconded by CM Heidner. Lotion carried 4-0. CM D rl enwald abstained. 3 Consider Action on Nextera Lease. City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report. There was discussion on access to the water tower. Utilities Operator Supervisor Neidermeier stated the instrument maintenance staff was present Inst week t his direction. CM Heidner motioned to direct City staff to initiate procedure to correct non- compliance on- or pll n e with current lease (including sixty day notice of termination if defaults not corrected), and to initiate modification of lease to address issues railed by City staff in this memo. Seconded CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carriedl It .4 Advisory Commission licatien. City Clerk Luff said the City received an application from lire Breltlach for the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr. Breitha h is currently on the Otsego Police Commission, CM Hef ner questioned if it is allowed by the City to be on two commissions stating he thought in the past it was net allowed. Other City Council members ers did not see an issuer CM Schroder motioned to appoint Jim Breitbach to the Parrs and Recreation Commission until February ry , 2014 Trlste Freeburg"s vacant seat.) Seconded by CM 1larehime,. All in favor. Motion carried. The City Council approved the 2014 application schedule. 6,5 Prairie Center PIL City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. CM Hei ner questioned if the City is protected against lien waivers. City Administrator Johnson said she believes City building projects are exempt from lien wavers but she would confirm before releasing payment. City Attorney MacArthur rthur concurred. There was discussion on pay estimates provided. Mayor Stoclarp gave an update on the curtain wall that was originally supposed to be in the bid but is not. The City Council census was they were not comfortable approving these pay estimates without more information. City Administrator J hn on said City staff will be coming back to the City Council with that information and recommended City Council add it to the Special meeting already scheduled for November er 4, 2013. M Heldner motioned to table this item and add to the November 4,, 2013 special City Council meeting agenda Prairie Center Pay Estimates and Project update. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. 7. Community nity C evelopr ent:, A POUR Expansion. City Planner Licht presented the staff report noting one change to lower the total utility charges now due from $x.4,034.00 to $13,968.00 due to a math error. CM W r hime motioned to approve an agreement regarding utility charges for expansion of the Pour restaurant at 15704 oth Street NE changing the utility charges to $13,968.00, seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 1 City Council Reports and Updates,, M Heiner gave an update from the 7W transportation meeting he attended. 91 Staff Reports and Updates. City Engineer Wagner gage an update on the Needham and LaBeax projects. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update the Eagle Scout interested in volunteering on the Prairie Center landscaping. 3 CM Darl a ald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehi ee All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 5,23 P K Mayor Jessica Stoclamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, city clerk