ITEM 3.3 Riverwood Inn Conference Center- Liquor LicenseC1TY OF ot go MINNESOTA Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INF RMATI N :........ _ .................. . _ .................. n....._ :.:.:::: v ..:........ x..........."..,.."........................__.._._......................._............ _ I......._..._......._......... ... ............................... ......... .......... ....... ........ ...... .......... .. R II ATI i DEPARTME RE uE T : 1Et=Tll DATA: Administration City Clerk Loff November 12, 2013 PRESENTER(S) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Jos n 3.3 River rood Inn & Conference Center Liquor License Ar.,FKInA ITFM nFTAIL RECOMMENDATION ENDATION City staff recommends approval of the attached new liquor license for Gene & Sakae Property Management, LLC; DBA River r od Inn & Conference Centerfor November 12, 2013 to June 30, 2013 ARE YOU SEES IN G APP OVAL ole A CONT# A T IS A PUBLIC HFARIN G REQU]RED? na na BAC SCG o U DIJ U T I F I CAT Io lel: Gene & Sakae Property Management, LLC; DBA River rood Inn & Conference Center -On-Sale and Sunday License The new owners of River rood Inn & Conference Center have submitted a Liquor License for their establishment located at 10990 95th Street. The City has received all the paper work and the background check has been completed. d. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE 0 Gene & Sakae Property Management, LLC; DBA Riverwood inn & Conference Center MOTION: (Please vrord me lon as you would rite it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve the attached new liquor licenses for Gene & Sakae Property Management, LLC; DBA Riverwood Inn & Conference Centerfor November 12, 2013 to June 3 , 2013. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES No ACTION TAKEN n APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED o TABLED a OTHER (List charges) CJ° �C�LI �PC�LI�� _LIQ CACP LI��C.nLI�L�C.IC�� �PLJ 5 5 5 5 5. $ 4q5OO,OO State of Minnesota, tounty of Wright Liquor License — "On Safe" No. 13-2013 Wunicipahty0 of otse yo PURSUANT TO APPLICATION THEREFOR, payment of a fee of $4,600.00, and upon investigation and satisfactory evidence f the qualification f the licensee .,. , herein named t receive the sane and that the lace of sale hereinafter and legal place therefore des r�lOed . � pr ier a LICENSE IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Gene & sa ae ELopprjy, I1ana ement LLC DBA Ri v r good Inn & Conference Center for the herrn from the day of November, Year 2013 to June 0 ,Year T SELL. INT XICATI LIQU Rs as defined lair � AT R TAI L ! LY FOR C JS PTIO �tTHF PREMISES,t described s 10990 95th Street N Oise MN 553 MUNICIPALITY OF OTSEGO in said county and State, at which remises said licensee t.. control(s)and o Daae Fro erfi Management �.�._ operate(s) a ,erg,., ement LLC a defined y lava subject, however, to the laws of the United States, the laws of the state of Minnesota, the regulations and ordinances of said municipality, and the rules and regulations of the LIQUOR CONTROL COMISSI NER, relating to the sale and distribution of intoxicating liquor's, hereby made a art er'eof, ars subject according to laver for violation thereof. � revocation This license is non -transferable except by consent of the authority issuing the same. WITNESS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF OTSEGO and the seal thereofthis 12th' day of November, Year 2093 The City Council of the City sof Otsegp Attest: Tari Loft, City Clerk a Jessica Stoc am , mayor 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ❑°�PCnCCJ�LI�LI�LI�L.I LLI�C�LI�L�C�GnC.�C�LLI�C� LLI�CJ�LI�LI�LI�LI�Ln ❑° ❑° ITL�C��C..f � C� C� G� C�Alm . =fffi � State- of JVlinnesota, -- -County of Wright Specia[Sunday Liquor License -- "On Safe' No. 13--2013 ,VunicipaCity of Otsego PUBS ANT TO APPLICAT[ 0 N TH E R E FO R, payment of a fee of $20 0. 0 0x and u pon investigation and satisfactory evidence of the qualification of the licensee...., herein named to receive the same and that the place of sale hereinafter described is a proper and legal place therefore, SPECIAL LICENSE IS HEREBY GRANTED Gene & Sakai Propertv Management LLC DBA Riverwood Inn & Conference Center — f r ,the -term frorn tha IP day of N civem er, Year 2013 to June 3f , Year 20 14 TO SELL4 INTOXICATING LlQU0 RS as define law AT RETAIL ON LY FOR CONSUMPTION "ON THE PREMISES" described as 10990 95th Street NE, Otsego,MN 55362 on Sundays provided - Lai, 1967, Chapter 691, IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF oTsE o in said County and State, -at -which remise! Said licensee control(s) and operate(s) a Gene Sakae Pro ert Mara ernent LLC as defined by law, and- hj h 1ilities for serving not less than 30 guests at one time; subject, however,. to the Tags of the United States, the raves of the state of klinnesota, the regulations and ordinances of said municipality, and the rules and regulations of the LIQUOR CONTROLCOMMISSIONER. rely ing to the sale and distribution of intoxicating liquors, hereby made a part hereof, and subject to revocation according to lave for violation thereof. This license is non -transferable except by consent of the authority issuing the same. WITNESS THE GOVERNING BODY OF TH EMUNICIPALI`fY OF OTSEGO and tete seat thereof this 12tH day of November Year 2013 The City Council of the City of Otsego Attest: Tauri Loff, City Clerk Jessica stokam, Mayor EPLPL 1313