ITEM 3.5 The Planning Company contractTY OF 0 t e Ml"11�50TA g Request for City Council'Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION... ............ _ :_.::::...... ........n _............ .......................................... _...... ... ... ..................... ::: .......n .......................... .............. ............ ........... ............................ f lllAT11 DEPAf `11 E 1T: RE UE TOR: NG DATE: Legal Andy Ma cArthur, City Attorn ey., November 1 , 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM M City Attorney Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.5 FMnA ITFm nFTAIL RECOMMENDATION: Council approve a revised contract between the City and the Planning Company, LLC including additional insurance protection for the City, and which more accurately describes actual services rendered.. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEAR IN REQU] ED" Yes No BA E E U DIJU TIFI ATIO The City entered into a contract in 2010 for Planning services with the Planning Company,, LLC shortly after the companywra organized. The original contract references traditional tasks undertaken byth City Planner. Since that time TPC has taken on additional roles with the City, serving as the Zoning s. Administrator, Code Enforcement officer, putting together th Otsego View and various other tasks. The reprised contract creates more insurance protection for the City, and expands the description of tans to more clearly describe what role TPC actually has and will have with the City of Otsego. The current rates for services are unaffected by the reprised contract, except for a small increase in the pass through fee to developers which does not affect City payments. Since TPC serves as ars independent contractor, it is in both the City's and TPUs best interests to clearly spell out in writing the range of services available and those being currently delivered and paid for. SUPPORTING TIN DOCUMENTS: xii ATTACHED NONE 0 Revised Agreement between the City and the Planning Company, LLC. MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear 1n the minutes.) Motion to approve the reprised Agreement between the City of Otsego and the Planning Company, LLC as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: W ACTION TACE BUDGETED: a YES Emil, •. ci APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED u TABLED o OTHER List changes) COMMENTS: AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING G SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, dated 12 November 2013 and entered into by and between the CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNES TA, hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality" and THE PLANNING COMPANY LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant". WITNESSETH; ARTICLE I. AREA of SERVICE That the Municipality does hereby agree to employ the Consultant to render professional technical planning, development and other assistance services to the extent and kind described in Article 2 below in and for the City of Otsego, Minnesota. ARTICLE 2, SERVICES of THE CONSULTANT The Consultant hereby agrees to render the professional services as follows after receipt of a written or verbal work authorization by the City Administrator or City Council. A. Provide general assistance and consultation to the Municipality, regarding the Municipality's planning and community development, and related functions and activities. The Consultant will be available to assist and advise the Municipality on the administration, structure, forms, procedures and processing of development ordinances and requirements. Services shall be rendered on an a needed basis to be determined by the Municipality. B. The Consultant will prepare written reports, complete with planning considerations, concerning Planning Commission agenda items which deal with rezoning, conditional use permits, variance and subdivision plans, etc. as directed by the Municipality. C. The Consultant shall attend staff, advisory committee, and/or City Council Meetings or other special public meetings as directed by the Municipality. D. The Consultant shall maintain and store files, naps and graphics of projects in which it has or is currently involved in until such time as the City requests the relinquishing of these materials. Upon request by the Municipality, the Consultant shall return all such files, naps and graphics, whether in paper form or stored on other redia, to the Municipality at no cost to the Municipality. City of Otsego Page 2 E. The Consultant shall advise the City on community deVelopment and shall supervise and direct City employees within departments related to Community Development, specifically including the building department. The Consultant shall provide input to Supervisors regarding the evaluation of employees in departments related to Community Development and shall assist In employee reviews. F. The Consultant shall complete other tasks from time to time as assigned by the City Council, including but not limited to developing, writing and formatting a City newsletter, attending meetings on behalf of the City as its representative, and drafting agenda iters for City Council and Commission meetings that are not specifically related to Planning. G. The Consultant shall serve as the City Code Enforcement officer, shall issue citations on behalf of the City, may resolve enforcement matters by written Agreement, and shall appear on behalf of the City at enforcement Administrative Hearings and at district Court if necessary. H. The Consultant shall serve as the City Zoning Administrator and shall respond to citizen and developer inquiries regarding the City zoning and subdivision ordinance, shall attend meetings with Developers and others related to zoning matters, and shall be responsible for reviewing and processing development applications presented to the Municipality. E. Any services performed under this Article will be billed on a monthly basis as per Article 4 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3, SERVICES of THE MUNICIPALITY ALITI The Municipality hereby agrees to furnish to or make available for examination or use by the Consultant, without charger the following: A. Agendas for all Planning Commission and/or City Council meetings when attendance of the Consultant is required within a reasonable time to allow for review of each item on the agenda. B. All materials and documents applicable to all Planning Commission and/or City Council agenda items, including those that are required by Ordinance for the consideration of various applications. These materials and documents shall be submitted to the Consultant within a reasonable period of time before any meeting at which time they are to be considered. City of Otsego Page C. Materials and documents, as determined by the Consultant, that are necessary for the services to be performed. ARTICLE 4, PAYMENT The Municipality here r agrees to pay the Consultant for professional services included in Article 2 of this Agreement as follows: A. The work described in Article 2 of this Agreement will be charged to the Municipality on a time and materials basis and computed in accordance with the rate schedule included in Article 7 of this Agreement and the following specified hourly rates: Private initiated development projects shall be undertaken at the rate of $125.00 per hour for Principals. 2. City initiated projects related to official controls, zoning administration, special studies or other activities not identified in Section 4.A.3 and Section 4.A. shall be undertaken at the rate of $100.00 per hour for Principals. 3, Consultant worts related to code enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and City Code including field surveys, preparation of notices, citations and other correspondence and preparation at hearings to consider appeals shall be undertaken at the nate of $60.00 per hour for Principals. 4, Consultant work related to c.odification and maintenance of ordinances, policies and resolutions shall be undertaken at the rate of $40.00 per hour. B. All meetings, as stated In Article 2.0 of this Agreement shall be parable at a fixed rate of two hundred fifty dollars $250 per meeting. C. The Consultant shall submit a statement of services rendered under Article 2 of this Agreement on a monthly basis payable by the Municipality upon receipt of an invoice shoring worts completed. D. If the Municipality finds It necessary to abandon requested work, the Municipality shall notify the Consultant in writing and the Consultant shall be compensated for all work completed and materials expended. ARTICLE 5. OTHER PARTIES City of Otsego Page A. The Consultant shall refrain from undertaking projects for public or private clients that may represent a conflict with the City's interests. Prior to the Consultant undertaking any work which holds such potential, the City shall have the right to approve or Preto this activity. B. It is mutually agreed that this Agreement is not transferable by either party to third party without the written consent of the other. C. The Consultant's reports and other materials prepared in the performance of this Agreement are instruments of services and remain the property of the Municipality. ipality. -loner, any further distribution of these reports by the Municipality 1pality must note the Consultant as the source. ARTICLE 6, TERMINATION A. This Agreement may be terminated by either party delivering to the other party mitten notice of termination in which case this Agreement shall be deemed terminated as of 9:00 AM on the thirtieth (30th) day following receipt of said mitten notice. B. In the event of termination by the Municipality, the Municipality shall pay the Consultant for work completed prior to the termination date on a time plus materials basis, such payment to be made within thirty 3 days after receipt of Municipality of a final invoice shoving work completed. All materials shall be retained by the Consultant until all payments due from the Municipality have been received by the Consultant. C. In the event of termination by the Consultant, the Consultant shall forward to the Municipality on or prior to the termination date any unearned fees or retainers held by the Consultant shall be returned to the Municipality within thirty 3 days of termination date. D. This Agreement shall be effective as of November 12, 2013 upon execution by both parties hereto and this Agreement shall supersede any precious agreement established between both parties. ARTICLE 7, CONSULTANT RATE SCHEDULE (effective 12 November 2013) Staff Member Rate Per Hoerr Principals Directors......t....,..r...a ...............s..#..49* *#* * *$1 # to $150.00 City of Otsego Page 5 Associates...... *sr*t*at■$l t00 to $150.00 Senior to $130.00 Planner ■ ■ t t ■ t t ■ t ■ t ■ • ■ ■ t ■ ■ ■ ■ a a ■ i ■ ■ ■ a s ■ ■ ■ ■ r . s s s ■ s ■ r ■ ■ s s ■ a ■ r ■ ■ s ■ ■ s i ..$40.00 t $90.00 TV I ■ s a ■ s t r • ■ r ■ ■ ■ a • • t ■ ■ r ■ t ■ ■ ■ a r ■ r ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ a r ■ r r ■ ■ $25.00 t $50.00 Expert Testimony .........,t.tr.ass■s.ar.r■■■r■at■■srr■s■.tt.t■Hourly rate Outside Consultants ststtrt■t■tat■■ ■...........■ ■t■trr■■ ■■t■■a■rtr Per job basis Supplies .a..i■fiaia..a■fraa.aaiaii...a..................s*sttj.......... Actual Yost + % Mileage ■■ a■■ s■■ a■ s■■ s■■ i s r■■ s■ f■ s a■ s■ i r s■ s ■ars ■. s■ r■ s. s .. s. s s. s■. s■ s■. s. s Per mile rat as established established the IRS ARTICLE ISC LANIOLIS Ar In providing services hereunder, CONSULTANT shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. B. CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work or services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. C. CONSULTANT shall. defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and CONSULTANT shall hold harmless the Municipality from loss or damage resulting therefrom. D. Insurance: r CONSULTANT shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect CONSULTANT from claims under automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: City of Otsego 'age a. General Liability; $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate b. Excess Liability: $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate C. The Municipality shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability policies. 2. CONSULTANT shall secure and maintain a professional liability insurance policy. Said policy shall insure payment of damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services for the Municipality, 1pality, in the insured's capacity as consultant, if such legal liability is caused by a negligent act, error or omission of the insured or any person or organization for which the insured is legally liable. Said policy shall provide minimum limits of $1,000,000 with a deductible maximum of $125,000 unless the Municipality agrees to a higher deductible. 3. Before commencing work CONSULTANT shall provide the Municipality a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to Municipality. The certificate shall provide that such insurance cannot be cancelled until thirty 30days after the Municipality has received mitten notice of the insurer's intention of cancel this insurance. E. The [Municipality hereby retains CONSULTANT as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. CONSULTANT is not an employee of the Municipality and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. CONSULTANT T shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. CONSULTANT T shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for C JS LTA T's performance under this Agreement. Municipality 1pality and CONSULTANT agree that CONSULTANT shall not at any time or in any manner represent that CONSULTANT or any of CONSULT NT's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the Municipality. CONSULTANT shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for CONSULTANT's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, ardor self-employment takes if any such payments, amounts, or takes are required to to paid by lair or regulation. City of Otsego Page CONDITIONS HEREIN AGREED To: THE PLANNING COMPANY LLC D. Daniel Licht 12 November 2013 Chief Manager CITY of OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Jessica L. Stlr, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk Date Date