08-26-19 Special City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING
AUGUST 26, 2019
Call to Order.
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tina Goede and Corey Tanner. Absent:
Councilmembers Jason Warehime and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City
Administrator/Finance Director; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director; Ron Wagner, City
Engineer; Daniel Licht, City Planner and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
1. 2020 Budget Discussion.
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the department expenditures which
included Prairie Center, Park Maintenance, Recreation, Heritage Preservation Commission,
Legal, Engineering, Planning Commission and Planning. Parks and Recreation Director Demant,
City Engineer Wagner and City Planner Licht were present to review their respective department
budgets. The City Council concurred with the department budgets as presented, and requested
no changes at this time.
The City Council agreed to stay with a 2.75% cost of living adjustment in the pay plan for 2020.
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the draft preliminary property tax levy
summary. The City Council concurred as presented. The 2020 Preliminary property tax levy will
be considered at the September 9t" meeting.
CM Goede motioned to cancel the budget meeting for Monday, September 9, 2019
scheduled to directly following the regular meeting at 7:00 PM. Seconded by CM
Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried 3-0.
2. Adjourn.
CM Tanner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried
3-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM.
M yor Jessica Stockamp
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Tami Loff, City Clerk