Budget Adjustment Summary Nov 12Revenues: Total September 9 Revenues Adjustments Increase for license revenue Operating Transfers Budget Adjustment Summary November 12, 2013 $ 31928,261 121100 based on review of actual revenue 143,736 transfer for pay charged to other funds Revised Total Revenues 41084,097 Expenditures: Total September 9 Expenditures 31928,261 Adjustments* Se t.9 Revised City Council 74750 74547 (203) adjustments to actual - insurance Administration 3921775 395180 21405 adjustments to actual - insurance add UB Clerk Pay - offset by transfer; minor adjustment to Finance 278939 324472 45,533 insurance Animal Control 13500 11000 (21500) adjustment to actual add pay hours charged to utilities - offset by transfer; adjustments to actual - gravel reduced 5,000, sand and salt Streets 644296 639980 (41316) reduced by 10,000 Transfers Out -14089 65911 801000 41049,180 Surplus $ 34,917 *All other department are unchanged.