ITEM 3.3A Planning 7.15.2019 MinutesITEM 3-3A OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER July 15, 2019 7:00 PM Call to Order: Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: Aaron Stritesky, Vern Heidner, Richard Nichols, and Alan Offerman; Absent: Commissioner: Dave Thompson and Jim Kolles; City Council: CM Tom Darkenwald; City Staff: City Planner Dan Licht and Administrative Assistant Kelly Thelen. 1. Announcements: No announcements. 2. Consider the Following Minutes 2.1 June 17, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Offerman motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing Item: 3.1 Hansen Heights: A. Zoning Map amendment rezoning from A-1 District to R-4 District. B. PUD -CUP related to lot requirements. C. Amend the preliminary_ plat of Hansen Heights to include additional property_ City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Applicant, Scott Dahlke, Civil Engineering Site Design, was present and agreed with report. Mr. Dahlke said he thinks the revised preliminary plat is an improvement to add this parcel and provide a more complete project. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM. Susan Oelke, 7330 Wean Avenue Northeast, stated no agreement has been made between the developer and party. City Planner Licht said the development approvals cannot recorded before the agreement is made. Chair Black brought the discussion back to the Commissioners at 7:08 PM. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 2 Commissioner Nichols commented the addition of the property helps and makes sense. Chair Black agreed. Chair Black returned to the public for comment at 7:09 PM. No comments were made. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:09 PM and brought to the Commissioners. Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-2 District to R-4 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Offerman motioned to recommend City Council approval of a vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and a revised preliminary plat/PUD-CUP for Hansen Heights, subject to the 11 conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2 Rice Companies: A. Zonina Map amendment rezoning from A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District to C-3, General Commercial District and R-7, High Density Residential District. B. Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development- Conditional Use Permit for 6 development of commercial lots and one multiple family lot. C. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements and public right of way. City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Applicant, Tom Bruce, Rice Companies, was present and agreed with report. Mr. Bruce mentioned they have worked with Coborn's for five decades and are excited to start on this project. Mr. Bruce added it has been great working with City and County staff. Mr. Bruce said the store is around 45,000 square feet similar to the store size in Isanti and there are 75 locations in the Midwest total. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:25 PM. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 3 Kathy Coles, 15613 90th St Northeast, stated she is directly west of where the store is going and inquired about the type of screening that will be provided. City Planner Licht replied the City will require screening along the west property line the loading dock and back side of store. Ms. Coles questioned if there will be screening for the apartments also. City Planner Licht answered that there will be shade trees required along 88th Street. Chair Black brought the discussion back to the Commissioners at 7:28 PM. Commissioner Heidner asked how many tenants are involved in the development. Mr. Bruce replied only one tenant which is Coborn's, but they have talked with staff and close on two other tenants. Commissioner Heidner questioned the lot to south and entrances to it. City Planner Licht said that lot is part of Parrish Meadows and that the right of way and driveway accesses will be adjusted to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Offerman asked if the screening requirements could be more aesthetic by mixing in some nice maple trees besides evergreens with recommendation from a landscape architect. City Planner Licht said that the landscape plan is required to be prepared by a landscape architect. Chair Black returned to the public for comment at 7:32 PM. No comments were made. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:33 PM and back to Commissioners. Commissioner Stritesky asked how the construction of the development would line up with Wright County's construction plans for CSAH 39. City Planner Licht said the developers discussed with Wright County and the City so the store is planned to open with the construction ending. Commissioner Stritesky wanted clarification for the condition requiring underground parking for use by residents or commercial. City Planner Licht responded the underground parking condition is specific to dwelling units for residents. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to B-3 District and R-7 District. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 4 Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend the City Council approve vacating existing drainage and utility easement and a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Parkview Retail Development, subject to the 14 conditions. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.3 Unique Otsego Apartments: A PUD Concept Plan for development of a 72 unit apartment building. City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Applicant, Samuel Herzog, Unique Opportunities LLC, was present and agreed with report. Mr. Herzog stated he likes this site for the good transition from the homes and future commercial lots. Mr. Herzog continued he will be working with the City to remove the parking stalls and other ideas with the final aesthetics moving forward with accurate renderings. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:47 PM. Peggy Lauseng, 7323 Kalland Circle Northeast, stated her concern with her home value decreasing. Ms. Lauseng shared the apartment would be an eyesore from her house from back corners and is not enthused about the building being setback 20 feet from her property line. Ms. Lauseng worried about increased traffic. Ms. Lauseng did not believe the concept fits in the development because the apartment looks cheap and wants to know about the maintenance. Judith Adams, 7320 Kalland Avenue Northeast, remarked she does not appreciate looking to the parking lot. Ms. Adams was bothered by the idea of renters and increased crime. Ms. Adams shared her concern with traffic between the 30 plus townhomes being built, school traffic, and the rest of the neighborhood. Ms. Adams would much rather have a commercial building with people stopping there during the day or would like to be developed in a different way that the parking lot is to 70th Street. Kimberly Rose, 7329 Kalland Circle Northeast, commented her biggest concern for traffic on west 70th Street. City Planner Licht said Otsego, Albertville, Wright County, and MNDoT are working together to reconstruct Kadler Avenue west to 70th Street. Ms. Rose said it is like a funnel with all the traffic coming into the neighborhood. City Planner Licht explained the City's transportation plan for Kalland Avenue to extend to CSAH 19 at 73rd Street and at 77th Street. Angela Klebe, 7325 Kalland Circle Northeast, said this does not fit our community and their children no longer will be able to just go play at the park. Ms. Klebe commented Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 5 about the possibility of an increase in crime. Ms. Klebe was concerned there is no infrastructure to support traffic and is surprised there are not more accidents already. Ms. Klebe said it will be an eyesore for her looking out to the back of building. Travis Gruba, 7345 Kalland Circle Northeast, shared this is not why he recently moved here just to the north of where they are building all the townhomes. Mr. Gruba said with the 72 apartments going in and out that 70th Street will be destroyed and damaged quicker. Mr. Gruba stated it should not happen. Brian Tutt, Kittredge Crossing townhomes 7301 Kalland Circle Northeast, said he did not feel it is a good mix to put rentals so close to owner occupied homes. Mr. Tutt added when he bought the townhomes, the office use was intended at the time and if he knew of the apartment that he would not have bought land for townhomes. Ben Krsnak, Hempel Companies, stated this parcel was acquired from the bank and they struggled to know what to do with the property. Mr. Krsnak shared he is not looking to combat with community; he wants a project good for the neighborhood and community. Mr. Krsnak added many apartments are being built throughout communities because this is part of the life cycle; not everyone wants to own a house and worry about maintenance. Mr. Krsnak specified the diverse living in apartments and will not turn into low income community; residents can rent a house in Otsego. Mr. Krsnak said he prides himself on doing the right thing and does not feel good to have the abrasive feeling from the community. Chair Black brought the discussion back to the Commissioners at 8:01 PM. Commissioner Nichols inquired the intended use for the area. City Planner Licht answered housing to the north, offices to the south, commercial to the east, and park to the west. Commissioner Nichols asked will there be change to access point when 70th Street is redone. City Planner Licht replied it will be the exact same way as today. City Planner Licht added other improvements joint project on CSAH 19 and CSAH 38 roundabout at intersection, but is delayed until next year. Commissioner Offerman shared that he lives in the neighborhood and was at a recent City Council meeting where a similar apartment was not recommended approval from Council because it did not fit community and was premature. Commissioner Offerman continued many undeveloped commercial sites along 70th and CSAH 19 so this area is currently not ready for development. Commissioner Offerman described it as the egg before the chicken and maybe sometime in the future an apartment building could be appropriate. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 6 Commissioner Heidner questioned the developer about the three properties they own. Mr. Krsnak said we would be open to the south parcel for the buffer to the neighborhood. Commissioner Nichols wondered how many units would be if all three parcels could be townhomes in comparison to the current parcel. City Planner Licht said the subject site is the only one I have area for is up to 39 townhomes based on gross area of the site minus the wetland. Under current commercial designation of the property, it could be four story buildings, 30% building coverage, 70% impervious parking lot, the other comparison 50 ft setback from residential use to the north. Commissioner Stritesky commented on the commercial bigger building and maybe undermaintained. City Planner Licht 10 feet setbacks for townhouses the way the configuration of the lot with the front on Kalland; 30 feet setbacks if residential site. Chair Black returned to the public for comment at 8:07 PM. Ms. Adams said the new townhomes right across from where the apartments would be are not selling well. Ms. Adams stated this is not a good fit because the townhomes' residents generally are 55-80 years old and children in other areas would have concern about the safety of everyone. Ms. Rose asked if there is a date or projection when Kalland Avenue would connect with Labeaux. City Planner Licht replied it depends on development east of Kittredge Crossings for the street to be extended. Mr. Herzog clarified that it is market rate apartment with the cheapest rent would be $1000. Mr. Herzog added with other similar apartments are for high school grads and millennials with no increases in crime rates, which is similar to demographics of the townhomes. Mr. Herzog stated he is willing to discuss moving the plans to another lot if community would be best for them. City Planner Licht did not believe developer mentioned the preliminary floor layout that structures have almost 60% of two to three bedrooms, 40% one bedroom; there are no efficiencies. Ms. Klebe commented concerns for maintaining apartment and onsite management and wanted to know the application or background check procedure. Ms. Klebe added if 70th is improved, there are still only two ways in and out of the neighborhood and might as well give extra 45 minutes to leave. Mr. Herzog replied on site management is included and the building well maintained with snow removal within hour and lawn care. Mr. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 7 Herzog continued it is not income based but must be over $20 per hour; rent is $1,000- $1,500 per month and tenants have high expectations. Ms. Lauseng said there is no guarantee of what kind of renters; for example, kids out of college with three roommates with parties speeding and not a good fit. Ms. Lauseng added there are other lots or the bigger lot by Kaleidoscope for other people to choose to build houses; we do not have a choice. Ms. Lauseng commented no one will want her corner lot looking at apartment building. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 8:15 PM and up to Commissioners. Commissioner Offerman asked if there are other apartment buildings out in the middle of a development; Riverbend North off 101 is next to manufactured home park with tonight's previous item of apartments next to Coborn's. City Planner Licht mentioned the history of not having sewer and water utilities before 2000; Guardian Angels is the first (senior) apartment building and Riverbend North the second. This proposal with a vacant parcel next to residential development is similar to Riverbend North. Commissioner Offerman replied that frontage of off TH101 is different from 70th Street; in the future it might work, but 3 -story unit totally changes the characteristic of the neighborhood. Commissioner Offerman reminded that Council previously denied the income based apartment unit in this area. Commissioner Offerman stated there used to be sign stating `Kittredge Crossing is the finest housing community" on Kittredge Parkway; if the master plan was to have apartment building adjacent to school, is there a reason we wouldn't look at that more. Commissioner Stritesky said the use is already for commercial, which is not as appealing to what is proposed tonight; lots of traffic could come with commercial depending on the specific use. Commissioner Offerman stated he never has an issue getting in and out of the neighborhood due to traffic. Commissioner Stritesky commented that Commissioner Heidner had good point moving towards 70th if it is better for neighborhood. Commissioner Heidner mentioned the business office complex when first proposed was small warehouses that were not as nice looking as this proposal. Commissioner Heidner inquired if Kalland Circle is a City street. City Planner Licht replied a private drive. Commissioner Offerman asked if there is way to limit to two story building. City Planner Licht stated the Commission could add it as condition. Commissioner Heidner said with fewer number apartments would make the parking lot smaller. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 8 Commissioner Heidner asked about the City's discretion in making a decision on a land use change for this property. City Planner Licht said the concept plan stage is an amendment of PUD and the City has maximum discretion. Commissioner Stritesky commented since this is a concept review, the public and Commission have made lots of comments, but developers are getting input and asked do we have to make motion to support or not support. City Planner Licht said the developer is looking for feedback so this is helpful; the Commission could move to a motion of no comment. Commissioner Heidner asked on that on some actions, if turned down, the applicant cannot come back for year. City Planner Licht responded it does not apply here. Commissioner Nichols said lots of developments come in and people have expectations of what comes in, developer does a good job telling what is across street. Commissioner Nichols stated his objection would be it is not what was originally planned; the use and traffic pattern are different. Commissioner Nichols supposed if the project moved to 70th Street he would object less so the opportunity is known for people moving in later. City Planner Licht the Commission could table for more information on locating the use to a different property. Commissioner Offerman said the developer stated he wanted to work with the community and wonder if we notify larger area of development over 350 ft. City Planner Licht use 350 feet for requirement by statutes, but could encourage the developer to have a neighborhood meeting to present concept or this plan or for additional opportunities. Commissioner Offerman added if the developer wants to be a part of community and neighborhood that he might be able to find an alternative. Commissioner Heidner asked the developer how would they would like to proceed. Mr. Krsnak said he would like answer one way or another because his intention is to break ground this fall and he would like to know to get permits in place. Mr. Krsnak added would be happy to meet with residents and is open to moving down to 70th St. Commissioner Offerman suggested the need for a resident meeting; this has been empty many years and another season is okay. Commissioner Heidner motioned to not support the concept plan based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Kittredge Crossings PUD District and PUD Master Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Black called for a five minute recess. Chair Black resumed the meeting at 8:41PM. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 9 3.4 Insurance Auto Actions, Inc: (Continued form April 15, 2019) A Concept Plan for development of a 100 acre auto auction facility. City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Applicant, Jay Bajgert, director Insurance Auto Auctions, shared a presentation and video. Commissioner Stritesky asked how cars are moved within the site. Mr. Bajgert explained the loader picks cars and moves it to sale pad area where it is auctioned off. Commissioner Stritesky asked how get the third spot in. Mr. Bajgert explained pull the other two cars out to get to the third and the repark the two cars in. Commissioner Nichols inquired about the covered cars. Mr. Bajgert said when further investigations are needed, they wrap the car and put it in a designated place until inspector comes in. Mr. Bajgert introduced Peter Doder of IAA, Heather Nelson and Pete Willenbring of WSB, and Jim Waters owner of the land. Chair Black announced this is for Planning Commission discussion only since the public hearing was previously closed. Commissioner Nichols commented on the alignment of the cars it looks like a junkyard or can be well organized, but wondered where the runoff goes for leakage. Mr. Willenbring said a stormwater management plan has been prepared for the site with stormwater basins on the south side and northeast corner. Mr. Willenbring added another pretreatment pond in front of those basins. In addition, where the vehicles are taken in on the pad on northeast side would have an additional collection point also. Commissioner Stritesky asked if they have an oil water separator inside the facility. Mr. Bajgert reminded at the previous meeting, they talked about their Best Management Practices prepared by TetraTech with spill kits for any issues; there have been no environmental claims at their sites since using TetraTech procedures. The cars are leaving the same way they are coming in which can seem like a glorified parking lot, compared to a grocery store no more or less leaking oils. Commissioner Stritesky commented cars at grocery store are not mashed up. Mr. Bajgert responded the cars would leak fluids at scene of accidents and body shop, but they don't come to the location until after 7-10 days. Commissioner Stritesky asked if there could be broken glass, other debris, and containments center pulling out a car in the middle of a row. Mr. Bajgert said the bumper could be lose, but loader picks up from underneath so not much jostling as you could expect. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 10 Commissioner Heidner spotted 15 spots for leakage on the video. Commissioner Heidner added that the proposed surface is not 100% impervious. Commissioner Heidner shared that he has strong concerns about leakage of the 35 year timeframe with inventory turning over 4.6 time a year and multiple spots for fluid. Commissioner Offerman wanted to review the added value to the City and benefit. Ms. Nelson shared the slide on file from the previous meeting; based on 80 acres of development. The building and upfront curb and gutter parking are eight acres. Upfront payment of 100% of utility fees: $700,000 in sewer fees, $500,000 in water fees, $300,000 in stormwater fees. Payment for Kadler improvements $1,500,000. Ms. Nelson continued with more clarification on impervious surface; the typical section indicated on permeability of hot mix bituminous that not even MNDot would test it. Fog seal over top of millings similar to seal coat project; 6-9 inches compact base (class 5) and 2-4 inches of millings and emulsion and top with heavy fog seal from slide previous meeting. Commissioner Offerman asked about the improvements to Kadler Avenue. City Planner Licht replied from the street would be constructed from the Bury Industrial Park to 80th Street. Commissioner Offerman asked about extension of utilities with the street project. City Planner Licht said that the trunk sewer plan does not have utilities extended north within Kadler Avenue but through properties on the east and west sides of the roadway as development proceeds. The existing line within Kadler Avenue is a forcemain sized to serve only Riverwood National. Commissioner Offerman stated that his major concern is screening here and wants to make sure following up on existing approvals. City Planner Licht said Bury and Windsong in the development agreement has the security for installation, Windsong not to that point, but Bury is a work in progress. Commissioner Offerman said there is outdoor storage without screening. City Planner Licht replied the intent is to have screening in before winter. Commissioner Offerman commented on the slide with other taxes, highest and best use for parcel; dollars speak for themselves, speculate Amazon wants to pay highest taxes. Commissioner Offerman continued the IAA is lowest property tax per acre. City Planner Licht said the comprehensive plan allow for range of industrial uses. City Planner Licht added that TH101 industrial sites do not allow for not outdoor storage versus west side areas planned for more outdoor storage; this use would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Nichols said this use could be there for 20 years before a higher and better use would redevelop the site. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 11 City Planner Licht said that the incentive for the is that the property to east cannot develop until the street is in. Commissioner Offerman said that after 20 years harder to get someone out versus never been there at all. Commissioner Nichols said this use won't likely stay for 35 years. City Planner Licht replied Maple Grove is relevant; the site is under greater pressure to redevelop. Commissioner Heidner commented in 35 years, the street will need maintenance at tax payer expense. Commissioner Stritesky said the City cannot control where the traffic will go and may use Kadler Avenue north of 80th Street or 80th Street. Commissioner Heidner observed most of the other facilities shown by the developer were a good distance from residents with many trees all around it or heavily screened versus two rows of trees. Commissioner Heidner said the fence will not be adequate screening since the land is higher. Commissioner Offerman said that parcel is on a hill and can be seen from Kittredge Crossings to southeast. Commissioner Nichols said there will be industrial all around it and it will be hard to see like the one in Dayton. Commissioner Heidner commented in Maple grove industrial all around and cars that are drivable. Commissioner Offerman said that the Dayton site is paved. Commissioner Offerman commented this is a significant benefit to City but the 35 year timeframe and screening are concerns. Commissioner Heidner said he not convinced the proposal provides significant advantage to City financially; SAC and WAC and stormwater fees need to be paid since they are causing those needs; the street will need more work and the City will not have the money to pay for the maintenance. Commissioner Heidner continued that he still questions the traffic generation estimates. Commissioner Offerman asked if the area east of Kadler Avenue is planned for future residential development. City Planner Licht commercial guided office and industrial. Commissioner Nichols stated that the traffic in the area is going to be much greater in 35 years whether this use occurs or not. Ms. Nelson said that the developer is finishing the EAW with projected traffic use in region. City Planner Licht reminded the Commission that a sketch plan is to identify issues. City Planner Licht also said that the EAW is subject to City staff review prior to publication. Commissioner Heidner commented on the oil spots and difference to full pavement, what is the difference; potholes in a couple days. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 12 Jim Waters, land owner, commented it may not be the prettiest use for the land that you would like to see, but it is a major step forward for Kadler Avenue to build that street with their capital. Mr. Waters added if they built Kadler Avenue, it could take burden off surrounding properties with no assessments and can farm or develop. Mr. Waters said it is a decent deal and immediate $3.6 million in infrastructure paid for. Commissioner Heidner said Kadler Avenue north of 80th Street and 80th street are not in good condition and is not set up for heavy road traffic. Commissioner Stritesky agreed this development would accelerate the damage. Commissioner Nichols asked if the EAW would address impacts to adjacent streets. City Planner Licht responded yes. Commissioner Nichols said the Commission not answer the traffic issue until the EAW is complete. Commissioner Offerman asked if the sketch plan could be tabled until EAW is complete to make a recommendation. Commissioner Heidner commented on the need to consider environmental impact. City Planner Licht said the EAW does address stormwater drainage and environmental impacts. Commissioner Stritesky said that if IAA has been in business 10 to15 years, that is not long enough to see the effects 35 years from now with requirements being different. Commissioner Heidner added that environmental rules are not the same 10-15 years ago. City Planner Licht stated the City follows MPCA rules. Commissioner Heidner said EAW considers one or two aspects of the use not the entire thing. Commissioner Heidner continued he does not need to wait if that is and wondered what buildout of traffic did you give the EAW. Ms. Nelson said the EAW is based on the full -build out of the site. Commissioner Offerman asked about the recommendation on the term of the interim use permit. City Planner Licht said the condition is written so as to be decided by the City Council but the Planning Commission can make a specific recommendation. Commissioner Heidner asked about processing the EAW. City Planner Licht City replied that City staff approves for distribution to agencies for comments and then the EAW and comments are submitted to Planning Commission for review and a determination of there are significant environmental effects. Commissioner Nichols motioned to support the IAA sketch plan, subject to the 12 conditions. Seconded by none. Motion failed. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to not support the IAA sketch plan based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with growth management Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 13 policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. 3- 1. Nichols nay. Motion carried. 3.5 Comprehensive Plan amendment adopting the Otsego Parks Master Plan: City Planner Licht gave the planning report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 9:47 PM. No comments were made. Chair Black brought the discussion back to the Commissioners at 9:48 PM. Commissioner Offerman said the document represents City well and he thinks it is important to the City as a resident. Commissioner Heidner noticed Dan changed his name. City Planner Licht agreed and said that Administrative Assistant Thelen wanted it noted that she caught the error before Commissioner Thompson. Commissioner Nichols asked how the City determine what is credited for land or payment of cash fees, such as the area of Hansen Heights adjacent to Lefebvre Creek. City Planner Licht said that only developable upland is credited for park dedication purposes; natural areas such as wetlands and stormwater basins within Hansen Heights are not credited but dedicated to the City for stormwater maintenance or environmental protection. Commissioner Nichols stated that he agreed the plan looks good and will be very useful for the City. Chair Black returned to the public at 9:52 PM. Joanie Nichols, 1337177 Ih St NE, noticed on the maps with the borders shows Nashua Avenue being extended between 77th Street and 60th Street (CR 137) and is curious when would that happen. City Planner Licht replied Nashua Avenue will be a future county road from CSAH 39 to I-94 in St. Michael, but it is not in the immediate future. Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 9:53 PM. Otsego Planning Commission 15 July 2019 Page 14 Commissioner Offerman motioned to approve the Parks & Recreation System Master Plan as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Update on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald gave an update to the Commissioners on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald shared there is one applicant for Planning Commission alternate. 5 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht stated there are currently no pending items for the next Planning Commission items. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: Kelly Thelen, Administrative Assistant