ITEM 4 FleetCity of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2020 thru 2029 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source # Priority 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 206 - Capital Equipment Revolving Single Axle Roll -Off Truck FLEET -20-01 nla 3l4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup FLEET -20-02 nla Compact SUV FLEET -20-03 nla Aluminum Tandem Axle Trailer FLEET -20-04 nla Floor Scrubbing Machine FLEET -20-05 nla Forced Air Debris Blower FLEET -20-06 nla Tractor Mounted Snow Blower FLEET -20-07 nla Hydraulic Shouldering Machine FLEET -20-08 nla 2021-2029 Future Fleet Purchases FLEET -21-29 nla 206 - Capital Equipment Revolving Total GRAND TOTAL FLEET - 1 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 272,000 272, 000 40,000 40,000 25,054 25,054 10,000 10,000 23,500 23,500 8,000 8,000 15,500 15,500 9,300 9,300 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,537,759 403,354 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,941,113 403,354 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,941,113 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-01 Project Name Single Axle Roll -Off Truck 2020 Ihn, 2029 Type Vehicles Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Street Operations Manager Category Vehicles Priority n/a Description I Total Project Cost: $272,000 FLEET - 2 Single -axle dump truck equipped with a roll -off style chassis with dump body, plow equipment and anti -icing equipment. Justification 115 is a 2003 Sterling single -axle dump truck and plow. This truck is also used at the department's water truck throughout the summer. Staff is recommending that this truck be replaced with a roll -off style chassis because we have seen how useful the truck can be with the purchase of our first roll -off truck in 2016. This truck is )eing recommended to be outfitted with a dump body, plow equipment and anti -icing equipment. The addition of the anti -icing equipment will almost double the amount of pre -treating that we ,an do ahead of snow events and we have seen sizable reductions in the amount of salt needed after we do pre -treating of streets. The addition of another roll -off chassis is also needed as the JotBox unit is typically on our 2016 roll -off chassis much of the summer for blacktop patching and the addition of another similar chassis would be more economical. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Vehicles 272,000 272,000 Total 272,000 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 272,000 272,000 Revolving 272,000 Total 272,000 272,000 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-02 Project Name 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup 2020 thru 2029 Type Vehicles Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Utility Operations Manager Category Vehicles Priority n/a FLEET - 3 Description I Total Project Cost: $40,000 'urchase of a new extended cab pickup in 3/4 ton size. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification Che Utility Department is requesting the addition of a 3/4 ton pick up to provide each department member the ability for emergency response, customer service needs, scheduled projects and nobility over the large service area. Che Utility Department currently maintains four 3/4 ton trucks for six staff, five full time employees and one year round seasonal. It should also be noted that the 2020 Utility Department budget ncludes the addition of another full-time staff member to align with the East WWTF Biosolids Facility. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Vehicles 40,000 40,000 Total 40,000 40,000 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 40,000 40,000 Revolving Total 40,000 40,000 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota 'roject# FLEET -20-03 ?roject Name Compact SUV 2020 thru 2029 Type Vehicles Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Street Operations Manager Category Vehicles Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $25,054 FLEET -4 'urchase of a new compact SUV. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification Chis vehicle addition would primarily be used to support the Building Safety Department. Currently the City has only vehicle available for use by the building officials and inspectors. Due to this, he City is charged mileage on Metro West company vehicles, which is the City's contracted building official and inspection company. Since the beginning of 2017, the City has been charged 616,877, which equates to a monthly average of $544. The monthly average of purchasing a new vehicle at this price is $343, which is based on a ten-year useful life. Chis compact SUV would also be able to be used by other departments when available. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Vehicles 25,054 25,054 Total 25,054 25,054 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 25,054 25,054 Revolving Total 25,054 25,054 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-04 Project Name Aluminum Tandem Axle Trailer Type Equipment Useful Life Category Equipment 2020 thru 2029 Department Fleet Contact Park & Recreation Director Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $10,000 FLEET - 5 01 3eplacement of the 2006 Felling Trailer PW #49. Justification Che City purchased the 2006 Felling Trailer PW#49 in 2011 for transporting light equipment throughout the year. Since this trailer does see quite a bit of use during the winter months and the :railer is steel, Staff is recommending replacing the trailer with an 16' aluminum trailer. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Equipment 10,000 10,000 Total 10,000 10,000 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 10,000 10,000 Revolving Total 10,000 10,000 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-05 Project Name Floor Scrubbing Machine 2020 thru 2029 Type Equipment Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Street Operations Manager Category Equipment Priority n/a Description I Total Project Cost: $23,500 FLEET - 6 'urchase of a new small, driver operated floor scrubber that can be used to clean the shop floor. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification �urrently when the shop is cleaned, staff needs to remove all of the equipment from the shop and use the large Elgin sweeper which creates a lot of dust and is very inefficient. The Karcher nodel would allow a single employee to make rounds through the shop, in between equipment and the machine is narrow enough to go through doorways into most of our storage rooms as well. Chis machine will save staff significant time in housekeeping operations and assist in keeping a clean and tidy work area. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Equipment 23,500 23,500 Total 23,500 23,500 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 23,500 23,500 Revolving Total 23,500 23,500 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-06 Project Name Forced Air Debris Blower Type Equipment Useful Life Category Equipment 2020 thru 2029 Department Fleet Contact Park & Recreation Director Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $8,000 FLEET - 7 'urchase of a new towable debris blower. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification �turently, the City of Otsego has over 24 miles of trails and over 100 acres of maintained turf. Effectively keeping these areas clear of debris and safe for the public becomes more challenging ias the City acquires more trails and parks, trees and landscaping become more established, and the use of the parks and trails increase in use. A turbine debris blower is a multi -use towable piece A equipment that can remotely remove debris from trails, turfed areas, and parking lots. The blower can also removed snow when the amounts are light. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Equipment 8,000 8,000 Total 8,000 8,000 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 8,000 8,000 Revolving Total 8,000 8,000 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-07 Project Name Tractor Mounted Snow Blower 2020 thru 2029 Type Equipment Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Street Operations Manager Category Equipment Priority n/a Description I Total Project Cost: $15,500 FLEET - 8 'urchase of a new front mount hydraulically powered snow blower that would be mounted on the 6130M John Deere tractor that the City bought in 2019. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification Che Frontier SB 1388R is a large two stage snow blower that gives the 6130M John Deere tractor an entirely different use. That tractor will be used in our main snow fall responses with a box glow and then when we have the ability to switch implements from the box plow to the blower. The addition of this snow blower brings another large snow blower to our fleet for a relatively ;mall investment. The plow is narrow enough to help on blacktop paths and large enough to help out in areas where we have blowing and drifting concerns. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Equipment 15,500 15,500 Total 15,500 15,500 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 15,500 15,500 Revolving Total 15,500 15,500 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -20-08 Project Name Hydraulic Shouldering Machine 2020 thru 2029 Type Equipment Department Fleet Useful Life Contact Street Operations Manager Category Equipment Priority n/a FLEET - 9 Description I Total Project Cost: $9,300 'urchase of a shouldering machine that is an implement that goes on the rear of one of the City's large dump trucks that allows staff to apply class 5 or other shoulder materials to road shoulders. Chis model has the capability to discharge materials out of either side of the truck which makes it very useful for different applications. Chis is an addition to the City's fleet. Justification The City's current shouldering machine has reached it's useful life and is need of replacement. Many of the components are worn out and staff is constantly making repairs to the machine while it s being used. The chain, bearings and conveyor are all in a state of disrepair and we are being forced to get by shouldering at this point with our salt/sand spreaders. The class 5 and other ;houldering materials are quite hard on that equipment and therefor staff would like to replace the old model with the HTC 1800 Hydraulic Shouldering Machine. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Equipment 9,300 9,300 Total 9,300 9,300 Funding Sources 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 206 - Capital Equipment 9,300 9,300 Revolving Total 9,300 9,300 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Capital Improvement Plan City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # FLEET -21-29 Project Name 2021-2029 Future Fleet Purchases Type Vehicles Useful Life Category Vehicles 2020 thru 2029 Department Fleet Contact Priority n/a FLEET - 10 Description I Total Project Cost: $3,537,759 Annual Fleet Purchases Che current replacement schedule can be found in the Capital Improvement Plan section of the budget. Years 2021-2029 are presented as lump sum amounts instead of individual purchase imounts as the potential purchases in any year beyond 2020 is subject to change. Justification itaff reviews fleet condition annually to provide a recommendation of scheduled replacements along with an evaluation of the City's equipment's capability to continue providing a high level of service. A rating system has been established to quantify these recommendations based on five criteria (age, mileage, maintenance cost, condition and level of use.) Equipment is recommended =or replacement based on industry life cycles for typical equipment, age of equipment and current condition. Expenditures 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Vehicles 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,537,759 Total Funding Sources 2020 361,500 2021 208,400 2022 255,360 2023 422,695 2024 386,800 2025 669,000 2026 362,994 2027 398,210 2028 472,800 2029 3,537,759 Total 206 - Capital Equipment Revolving 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,537,759 Total 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,537,759 Thursday, October 17, 2019 City of Otsego FLEET - 11 Capital Equipment Revolving Fund Cash Flow Summary 4' Revised: October 22, 2019 7.69% 7.14% 6.67% 6.25% 5.88% 5.56% 5.26% 5.00% 4.76% 4.55% Forecast Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Comments Revenues Property Taxes $ 260,000 $ 280,000 $ 300,000 $ 320,000 $ 340,000 $ 360,000 $ 380,000 $ 400,000 $ 420,000 $ 440,000 $ 460,000 Investment Interest - - - - - - - - - - - Sales of Fixed Assets - - - - - - - - - - Sales of Fixed Assets (Est.) - 16,200 - - - - - - - - Utility Fund Contributions - 40,000 42,000 - 44,000 46,000 - 548,000 51,240 - - Transfers In - - - - - - - - - - - Total 260,000 336,200 342,000 320,000 384,000 406,000 380,000 948,000 471,240 440,000 460,000 Expenses Personal Services - - - - - - - - - - - Supplies - - - - - - - - Other Charges & Services - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - General - - - - - - Capital Outlay - Streets 402,107 - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay - Parks 53,901 - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay (Fleet CIP) - 403,354 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 DRAFT 2020-2029 CIP Transfers Out - - - - - - - - - - - Total 456,008 403,354 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 Average = $399,738 Cash Balance - Beginning 586,561 390,553 323,399 303,899 415,499 544,139 527,444 520,644 799,644 907,890 949,680 Balance Sheet Effects Revenues 260,000 336,200 342,000 320,000 384,000 406,000 380,000 948,000 471,240 440,000 460,000 Expenditures (456,008) (403,354) (361,500) (208,400) (255,360) (422,695) (386,800) (669,000) (362,994) (398,210) (472,800) Cash Balance - Ending $ 390,553 $ 323,399 $ 303,899 $ 415,499 $ 544,139 $ 527,444 $ 520,644 $ 799,644 $ 907,890 $ 949,680 $ 936,880 Cash Balance - % of Next Year Capital 97% 89% 146% 163% 129% 136% 78% 220% 228% 201% X:\Budget\2020\Cash Flows\Capital Funds 206 -Capital Equipment FLEET - 12 City of Otsego - Capital Assets - Vehicles (by Year) Unit # Department Existing Description Replacement Description Year Purchased Purchased Cost Scheduled Replacement Replacement Cost Estimate Salvage Value (Trade / Sale) Net Cost PW #15 Streets 2003 Sterling S/A Dump Truck, Plow S/A Roll -off Truck - Plow / Dump / Anti -Icing 2003 135,216 2020 272,000 15,000 257,000 ADDITION Utilities 62,000 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup N/A 2020 40,000 40,000 ADDITION Inspections Compact SUV N/A 2020 25,054 25,054 PW#49 Parks 2006 Felling tandem axel mowing trailer Aluminum Tandem Axle Trailer 2011 5,000 2020 10,000 1,200 8,800 ADDITION Streets 6,945 Floor Scrubber N/A 10,000 2020 23,500 2010 Mack GU713 Jet -Vac 23,500 ADDITION Parks 500,000 Forced Air Debris Blower Trailer N/A Utilities 2020 8,000 35,000 8,000 ADDITION Streets PW#54 Snow Blower for 6000 Series tractor N/A 2016 2020 15,500 63,000 15,500 ADDITION Streets Hydraulic Shouldering Machine N/A 2026 Total 2020 9,300 9,300 2020 Total 403,354 16,200 387,154 32,473 2027 39,584 39,584 PW #1 Streets 2007 Elgin street sweeper 2011 77,484 2027 ADDITION Streets PW#36 Tandem Axle Plow Truck N/A 2017 2021 232,000 49,930 232,000 PW #22 Parks 2012 John Deere Z925A Zero Turn 2017 2012 10,200 2021 11,000 PW#57 11,000 PW #46 Streets 2005 CAT 908 Loader 2027 2010 53,331 2021 76,500 76,500 PW#6 Utilities 2005 extended cab pickup 362,994 2005 22,080 2021 42,000 42,000 PW #14 Parks 2018 CAT 259D Track Skid Loader 2018 2021 Total 361,500 59,124 361,500 PW#60 Parks 2018 Ventrac 450OZ 2018 52,637 2028 63,164 63,164 PW #38 Parks PW #20 Streets Atlas Copco Air Compressor 2028 2011 10,270 2022 15,300 2018 Toro 5910 wide area mower 15,300 ADDITION Parks Tool Cat 124,310 N/A Streets 2022 57,000 29,356 57,000 BD#20 Inspections 2006 Ford Explorer Streets 2006 20,153 2022 30,600 35,558 30,600 PW#50 Parks 2013 GMC Sierra 3500 1 ton 4X4 w/ low 2018 2013 31,985 2022 45,000 PW#19 45,000 PW #31 Streets 2012 Wanco Radar/Speed Trailer 2028 2012 10,313 2022 16,500 16,500 PW#7 Streets 2012 Ford F350 Pickup w/plow 398,210 2012 34,516 2022 44,000 44,000 PW#64 Parks 2019 Ford F-350 truck w/dump 2019 2022 Total 208,400 60,000 208,400 PW#66 Parks 2019 ProGator 2019 2029 63,600 63,600 PW#70 Streets PW #10 Streets 2013 Ford F150 extended cab 4X4 2029 2013 25,600 2023 37,800 2019 Stepp Hot Box 37,800 ADDITION Streets 78,000 3/4 T Ext Cab N/A Streets 2023 50,760 50,760 ADDITION Streets Parks Used Sweeper N/A 2019 2023 85,000 27,000 85,000 PW#52 Parks 2013 Ford F150 extended cab 4X4 2013 23,900 2023 37,800 37,800 PW#12 Utilities 2013 F250 4X4 w/plow 2013 22,300 2023 44,000 44,000 2023 Total 255,360 255,360 PW#56 Parks Dump Box Trailer 2014 12,000 2024 15,000 15,000 PW #39 Streets 2008 Sterling L8500 Dump Truck, Plow 2008 68,028 2024 224,000 224,000 PW#24 Streets 2014 Larue D35 Snowblower 2014 87,646 2024 105,175 105,175 PW#2 Streets 2014 Kubota RTV-X1120D Utility Vehicle 2014 9,857 2024 12,000 12,000 ADDITION Utilities 3/4 T Ext Cab N/A 2024 46,000 46,000 PW #23 Streets 2004 WRT Rubber Tire Roller 2006 12,500 2024 20,520 20,520 2024 Total 422,695 422,695 PW #8 Streets 2010 CAT 305C Excavator 2010 55,286 2025 92,800 92,800 PW #43 Streets 2010 Mack GU713 Tandem Dump Truck, Plow 2010 197,609 2025 232,000 232,000 PW#4 Streets 2015 Ford F-350 One ton dump 2015 44,095 2025 62,000 62,000 2025 Total 386,800 386,800 PW#53 Parks 2016 Ford F-250 Extended Cab 2016 40,000 2026 48,000 48,000 PW#55 Parks 2016 John Deere Z930M zero turn mower 2016 6,945 2026 10,000 10,000 PW #44 Utilities 2010 Mack GU713 Jet -Vac 2010 260,514 2026 500,000 500,000 PW #18 Utilities 2016 Ford F-250 Extended Cab 2016 35,000 2026 48,000 48,000 PW#54 Streets 2016 Ford F-350 One ton dump 2016 52,946 2026 63,000 63,000 2026 Total 669,000 669,000 PW#56 Parks 2017 Ford F-250 Crew Cab 2017 32,473 2027 39,584 39,584 PW #1 Streets 2007 Elgin street sweeper 2011 77,484 2027 187,200 187,200 PW#36 Streets 2017 John Deere 4066R 2017 41,608 2027 49,930 49,930 PW#16 Streets 2017 Bomag BW90AD Asphalt Roller 2017 29,200 2027 35,040 35,040 PW#57 Utilities 2017 Ford F-250 Extended Cab & Plow 2017 42,390 2027 51,240 51,240 2027 Total 362,994 362,994 PW #14 Parks 2018 CAT 259D Track Skid Loader 2018 33,156 2028 59,124 59,124 PW#60 Parks 2018 Ventrac 450OZ 2018 52,637 2028 63,164 63,164 PW #38 Parks 2006 Ford F450 truck w/dump 2007 32,500 2028 41,241 41,241 PW#51 Parks 2018 Toro 5910 wide area mower 2018 103,592 2028 124,310 124,310 PW#58 Streets 2018 Vermeer BC1000XL Chipper 2018 29,356 2028 35,227 35,227 PW#63 Streets 2018 Ford F-250 Extended Cab 4x4 2018 29,632 2028 35,558 35,558 PW#28 Parks 2018 Felling FT16-2 Tilt Trailer 2018 16,513 2028 19,815 19,815 PW#19 Streets Vermac Traffic Information Trailer 2018 16,475 2028 19,770 19,770 2028 Total 398,210 398,210 PW#64 Parks 2019 Ford F-350 truck w/dump 2019 2029 60,000 60,000 PW#66 Parks 2019 ProGator 2019 2029 63,600 63,600 PW#70 Streets 2016 Cimline Tack Trailer 2019 12,000 2029 19,200 19,200 PW#69 Streets 2019 Stepp Hot Box 2019 2029 78,000 78,000 ADDITION Streets S/A Dump Body Plow Truck N/A 2029 225,000 225,000 Parks Parks Kromer Field Painter/ Groomer 2019 $22,500 2029 27,000 27,000 2029 Total 472,800 472,800