10-07-19 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL October 7, 2019 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: Vern Heidner, Jim Kolles, Aaron Stritesky, Charles Foster, Richard Nichols, and Alan Offerman; Absent: Commissioner David Thompson; City Council: CM Tom Darkenwald. City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Administrative Assistant Kelly Thelen. 1. Announcements: None. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 September 16, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 Great River Centre Apartments: A. PUD Concept Plan for an Apartment Building. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant, Rick and Eric Shultz, Central Minnesota Properties, St Cloud, were present and agreed with the recommendations in the planning report. Graham Mahler, 325 33rd Avenue North, St. Cloud, is the project architect and reviewed the concept. Eric Schultz stated the building would be constructed in two phases with 190 units total of luxury high end apartments. Rick Schultz said Eric Schultz would be on site to take care leasing and maintenance. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 PM. There were no public comments. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:12 PM. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission October 7, 2019 Page 2 Commissioner Nichols asked how the number of parking spots are determined. City Planner Licht answered the Zoning Ordinance requires two stalls per dwelling unit. Chair Black asked if the underground parking was in addition to the apartment rent. Eric Schultz stated one underground parking space will be included in rent. Commissioner Foster asked about future tax base with a deviation from commercial use and how apartments are taxed. City Planner Licht said it is taxed on basis of residential tax rates applicable to an apartment and valuation of the property but cannot give specific amounts. Commissioner Offerman questioned when the land use study to identify best location for future apartments would be undertaken. City Planner Licht replied it would start this fall and be ready for building plans next season. Commissioner Offerman said this is a concept plan so if the study says this is not an ideal location then it would not continue. City Planner Licht replied correct. Commissioner Heidner said he likes the look of the building and layout, but the issue is the Comprehensive plan in 2012 that has finite amount of land guided for commercial use. Commissioner Heidner added he would like to see the land use study done to determine if this is a good location for multiple family. Commissioner Heidner added that the tax base for the building would be good and could be better than a big box retail store like Lowe's or Home Depot. Commissioner Nichols agreed with Commissioner Offerman and Commissioner Heidner about the need for a land use study. Commissioner Nichols noted Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove is having difficulty with retail to move in. Commissioner Nichols added that part of Kohl's in Roseville Center is being developed into apartments. Commissioner Foster inquired how many projects the developers have done and where are they located. Eric Schultz replied there are two projects in Sartell, MN. Rick Schultz added he has been in business since 1980s and owns properties with 300 dwelling units. Eric Schultz says he owns several other buildings in eight years he has been in business. Eric Schultz stated they are working to get the process moving forward to start construction in Spring 2020. Rick Schultz said the building will take up to 18 months to construct and would be open in Spring or Summer 2021. Eric Schultz shared he knows the importance to work with City but their timeframe is an issue. Commissioner Foster asked who will be the contractor. Eric Schultz replied they have built with Alliance Builders in the past. Commissioner Foster was curious why this location and how it is preferable to other cities. Eric Schultz responded this area is Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission October 7, 2019 Page 3 growing, the school district is good, and he likes the environment the City has to offer. Eric Schultz will be living in Otsego to manage the property. Rick Schultz added they like to have their properties be close to grocery and retail. Eric Schultz said the apartments will get more commercial development going in the area. Chad Weeks, Arrow Companies, questioned if a third party is working on the report for the fall. City Planner Licht replied City staff will prepare the report and be working with the Planning Commission. Mr. Weeks described their experience in Otsego managing properties in the area with vacancies and not much demand for commercial development. Mr. Weeks added the apartment development would be beneficial in terms of attracting retailers to the area. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:27 PM. There were no comments from the public. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7:27 PM. Commissioner Stritesky asked for the timeline on Phase 2 of the development. Eric Schultz said they are hoping for back-to-back phases with most amenities completed in the first phase. Eric Shultz added each phase should take 17-18 months to construct. Commissioner Stritesky agreed with comments by the other Planning Commission members about the need for a land use study for apartments. Commissioner Stritesky liked the apartments in the middle of the Great River Centre development with restaurants and grocery nearby. Commissioner Heidner mentioned he would like to see other study done but is willing to move the concept plan to Council with support for them to decide timing. Commissioner Heidner added the concept plan looks great. Commissioner Heidner said that the time constraints mentioned by the developer are their issue but it is something for City Council to consider; the Planning Commission tabling the concept plan prevents them from going forward. Commissioner Nichols asked if the motion could state support for the concept plan but including this location in the land use study. Commissioner Nichols said he wanted to the surface area parking reduced. City Planner Licht said that the Planning Commission may motion to proceed with a land use study of multiple family land uses and support the proposed PUD Concept Plan concurrently. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend the City undertake a land use study regarding multiple family land uses and that the City Council support Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission October 7, 2019 Page 4 the PUD Concept Plan for Lot 1, Block 4 Great River Centre of Otsego subject to the 17 conditions outlined in the 3 October 2019 Planning Report. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2 Coburns: (Continued until 10-21-19 A. Conditional use permit for a commercial car wash. B. Conditional use permit for a motor fuel facility. C. Site and building plan review. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to continue the Public Hearing to October 21. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.3 Parrish Meadows: (Continued until 10-21-19) A. Zoning Map amendment rezoning from R6 District to R5 District. B. Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to continue the Public Hearing to October 21. Seconded by Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.4 Zonina Ordinance Amendments: A. Definitions. B. Exterior finish requirements. C. Residential parking_ D. Keeping of household animals and animal kennels. E. Home occupations. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:44 PM. Jerome Bauer, 6685 ODean Avenue Northeast, asked how building area will be determined. City Planner Licht read the proposed definition of building area. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:45 PM. Commissioner Nichols asked if home occupations and home business are defined separately. City Planner Licht responded that the Zoning Ordinance regulates both home occupations and home extended businesses. Commissioner Nichols asked if existing home occupations are grandfathered in. City Planner Licht replied existing home occupations have required a permit but the proposed amendment will simplify the process. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission October 7, 2019 Page 6 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:02 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: - wl'— Kelly thelen, Administrative Assistant Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission October 7, 2019 Page 5 Commissioner Offerman questioned residential parking of Class 5 vehicles commenting that usually these are not daily vehicle for residents and the more vehicles allowed end up parked on the street. Commissioner Offerman asked if there could be a specific minimum lot area required to be able to park a Class 5 vehicle. City Planner Licht replied that the code enforcement issue generating the proposed amendment effects all residential areas and is not based on lot area. Commissioner Offerman suggested preventing parking in the yard and in front of neighboring homes. City Planner Licht stated that the Zoning Ordinance establishes locations where vehicles and recreational vehicles can be parked. City Planner Licht also added there are City Codes regulating on -street parking. Commissioner Heidner questioned the allowance for a home occupation for a financial planner that drives from client to client and has assistant work from his house. Commissioner Heidner suggested allowing one outside employee to be employed by a home occupation. City Planner Licht recommended that Section K. be revised to state "Not more than one (1) person..." Commissioner Stritesky questioned how many animals overall residents can have. City Planner Licht replied three domestic animals of any one type. City Planner Licht stated that if there were a compliance issue in the future, it would also be addressed as public nuisance. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:55 PM. No comments made. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7:55 PM. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend approval of an Ordinance amending Title 11 of the City Code (Zoning Ordinance), as amended by Planning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Update on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 5. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items.