ITEM 3.1TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 13 November 2019 ACTION DATE: 22 December 2019 RE: Otsego — Pleasant Creek Farms 6' Addition TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND ITEM 3.1 A preliminary plat and PUD -CUP was approved on 13 January 2013 to subdivide 19.2 acres located north of 77th Street and east of CSAH 19 into 47 single family lots. The subject site was previously final platted on 23 February 2005 for development of 209 townhouse units of which 131 were constructed and 78 not constructed. The subject site also consists of two outlots preliminary platted as future phases of additional townhouse units as part of Pleasant Creek Farms. A final plat for the 47 single family lot preliminary plat was approved on 10 September 2018. However, the developer did not record the final plat within 100 days as required by Section 10-5-3.13.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance and the approval expired. Owner OP3 Pleasant Creek LLC has now submitted application to reestablish the preliminary plat/PUD-CUP for the 47 single family lot subdivision and a first phase final plat of 4 lots. A public hearing to consider the applications has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 November 2019. Exhibits: ■ Site Location ■ Preliminary Plat ■ Final Plat (2 sheets) ■ Overall Construction Plan 0 Overall Development Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for medium -to -high density uses. Single family lots are an allowed use within these areas consistent with the City's emphasis on single family dwellings the primary housing type in Otsego. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-6, Medium Density Residential, which allowed for the townhouse development as preliminary platted on 14 April 2003. The R-6 District also allows single family dwellings as a permitted use. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses. The proposed Pleasant Creek Farms 611 Addition is compatible with the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North MD/HD Residential A-1 District Farmstead East LD Residential R-6 District Single family dwellings South MD/HD Residential R-6 District Townhouse dwellings West MD/HD Residential R-3 District R-6 District Single family dwellings Townhouse dwellings Access. The subject site is accessed from 77th Street, east of LaBeaux Avenue (CSAR 19), which also serves the Arbor Creek subdivision to the east. The roadway has adequate capacity for the approved Pleasant Creek Farms subdivision and the proposed preliminary plat will result in a substantial reduction in the traffic generated in this neighborhood. Streets. The proposed preliminary plat includes extension of Lachman Avenue and Lambert Avenue with an arrangement that is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat of Pleasant Creek Farms. The underlying right-of-way for streets within the preliminary plat was vacated by the City Council on 10 September 2018. A temporary cul-de-sac is provided for Lambert Avenue west of Lachman Avenue that could someday be extended through to the LaBeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) frontage road if the existing one -acre single family lots are redeveloped. A second cul-de-sac is added west of Lambert Avenue based on the configuration of the undeveloped parcel and adjacent townhouse development plan. The public streets are designed to be 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter consistent with the Engineering Manual. It is noted that the preliminary plat approved for developed and undeveloped portions of the townhouse subdivision provided for a 50 foot wide public right-of- way. The City allows for 50 foot rights-of-way within townhouse developments because of the drainage and utility easements overlying the common open space, but 60 feet of right-of-way is required for single family neighborhoods and this is shown on the proposed preliminary plat for Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition. All rights-of-way and street designs and construction plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 161 Street lighting is required by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code to be installed at intersections, the terminus of cul-de-sac streets, and the midpoint of blocks longer than 300 feet. The City Engineer will determine the number and location of required street lights. The developer will pay a fee for installation of the street lights with the development agreement. Lot Requirements. The R-6 District establishes the following minimum lot requirements. The proposed lots all exceed the minimum lot area and width requirements of the R-6 District. The actual minimum lot width shown on the preliminary plat is 70 feet. The average area of the 47 lots is 11,470 square feet. The proposed lots have adequate area within required setbacks to allow for construction of single family dwellings. The setback required from 771h Street is to be 35 feet to maintain consistency with the setbacks of existing townhouse and single family dwellings within Pleasant Creeks Farms and Arbor Creek, respectively. Sidewalks. The submitted preliminary plat includes sidewalks on one side of Lachman Avenue and Lambert Avenue aligned with the location of existing sidewalks in the area. There is also an existing bituminous trail that encroaches along the west side of Block 2 extending north from 77th Street. This is a private trail that was to be part of the open space within the townhouse development and is to be removed within the area of the Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition preliminary plat. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires two shade trees per lot to be installed at the time of construction. No other landscaping is required for the proposed preliminary plat. . Utility Plan. The developer has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water connections. The service lines were stubbed to the boundaries of the subject site and no reconstruction of service lines previously installed based on the Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition will be required. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The developer will receive credit for the utility availability charges for the 62 townhouse dwellings final platted within the subject site. No additional utility availability charges will be required to be paid for the lots within the Pleasant Creek Farms 61h Addition preliminary plat. The builder will be required to pay utility connection charges when a building permit is issued for each single family dwelling based on the current fee in effect at that time. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front/ Side Corner' Side Interior Rear Wetland Interior 9,OOOsf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 25ft./ 30ft. garage face 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 90ft. 1. The setback from 77th Street shall be 35ft. The proposed lots all exceed the minimum lot area and width requirements of the R-6 District. The actual minimum lot width shown on the preliminary plat is 70 feet. The average area of the 47 lots is 11,470 square feet. The proposed lots have adequate area within required setbacks to allow for construction of single family dwellings. The setback required from 771h Street is to be 35 feet to maintain consistency with the setbacks of existing townhouse and single family dwellings within Pleasant Creeks Farms and Arbor Creek, respectively. Sidewalks. The submitted preliminary plat includes sidewalks on one side of Lachman Avenue and Lambert Avenue aligned with the location of existing sidewalks in the area. There is also an existing bituminous trail that encroaches along the west side of Block 2 extending north from 77th Street. This is a private trail that was to be part of the open space within the townhouse development and is to be removed within the area of the Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition preliminary plat. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires two shade trees per lot to be installed at the time of construction. No other landscaping is required for the proposed preliminary plat. . Utility Plan. The developer has submitted utility plans for extension of sanitary sewer and water connections. The service lines were stubbed to the boundaries of the subject site and no reconstruction of service lines previously installed based on the Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition will be required. All utility plans and issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The developer will receive credit for the utility availability charges for the 62 townhouse dwellings final platted within the subject site. No additional utility availability charges will be required to be paid for the lots within the Pleasant Creek Farms 61h Addition preliminary plat. The builder will be required to pay utility connection charges when a building permit is issued for each single family dwelling based on the current fee in effect at that time. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control. The developer has submitted a grading plan and updated stormwater information for the proposed preliminary plat, which is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The existing open drainageway along the north boundary of the site and the stormwater basin at the center of the preliminary plat are included within outlots that will be required to be deeded to the City for on-going maintenance in accordance with Section 10-7-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. Stormwater area charges were paid for the area of Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition final platted for 209 townhouse units. However, stormwater area charges were not paid for Outlots C and D, Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition. Stormwater area charges for Otsego Creek will be due for these 9.21 acres at the time of each phased final plat approval for the areas of Outlots C and D Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition based on the current fee in effect at that time. Easements. Existing drainage and utility easements within the subject site were approved by the City Council to be vacated on 10 September 2019. The preliminary plat provides perimeter drainage and utility easements for each single family lot as required by Section 10-8-12.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. Easements adequate for City access to Outlots A and B have also been provided between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and from the townhouse base lot adjacent to Lot 14, Block 3. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements for Pleasant Creek Farms were to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land paid at the time of final plat approval. Park dedication fees were paid for 209 units. The park dedication in lieu of land fee for the townhouse dwelling units not constructed within the Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition will be applied as credit for the 47 single family lots within the proposed Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition preliminary plat. No additional cash fee will be required to be paid for park dedication purposes. Final Plat. The developer has submitted a final plat for the first phase of development to consist of the 4 lots on the north side of 77th Street, west of Lambert Avenue. The balance the subject will be platted as Outlots A, B, and C for future phases of development. Development Agreement. The City Attorney will draft a development agreement related to the proposed final plat in accordance with Section 10-10-4.A of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution of the City Council concurrent with the final plat approval and executed prior to recording of the final plat. Section 10-5-3.13.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires that the development agreement be executed and the final plat be recorded within 100 days of City Council approval. RECOMMENDATION The proposed preliminary plat/PUD-CUP for Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition is an infill development of an existing neighborhood. The proposed replatting of the approved townhouse dwellings as single family lots provides for a desirable transition between the existing townhouse dwellings of Pleasant Creek Farms and single family homes in Arbor Creek. !! The preliminary plat/PUD-CUP and final plat are consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a preliminary plat/PUD-CUP and final plat for Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition subject to the following stipulations: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. All rights-of-way, street design and construction plans, and street lighting shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to the requirements of the R-6 District except as may be modified below: 4. All utility plans and issues shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 5. Outlots A and B as shown on the preliminary plat shall deeded to the City in accordance with Section 10-8-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance for stormwater management purposes. 6. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans and issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The developer shall be entitled to credits related to utility availability charges, park dedication fees paid in lieu of land, and Otsego Creek stormwater area charges paid with the final plat and development contract for Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition. The amount of the credit will be limited as being up to the amount of the charges due for the Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition preliminary plat. Any uncredited portion of the charges paid with the Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition final plat shall be retained by the City. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Depth Setbacks Front/ Side Corner' Side Interior Rear Wetland Interior 9,000sf. (net) 60ft. 100ft. 25ft./ 30ft. garage face 7ft. 20ft. 40ft. Corner 90ft. 1. The setback from 77' Street shall be 35ft. 4. All utility plans and issues shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 5. Outlots A and B as shown on the preliminary plat shall deeded to the City in accordance with Section 10-8-12.D of the Subdivision Ordinance for stormwater management purposes. 6. All grading, drainage, and erosion control plans and issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The developer shall be entitled to credits related to utility availability charges, park dedication fees paid in lieu of land, and Otsego Creek stormwater area charges paid with the final plat and development contract for Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition. The amount of the credit will be limited as being up to the amount of the charges due for the Pleasant Creek Farms 6th Addition preliminary plat. Any uncredited portion of the charges paid with the Pleasant Creek Farms 4th Addition final plat shall be retained by the City. 9. The developer shall execute a development agreement as drafted by the City Attorney and subject to approval of the City Council concurrent with final plat approval. 10. The final plat shall be recorded by 4 March 2020 as provided for Section 10-5- 3.6.8 of the Subdivision Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer G Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits 0 0 U Parcels F o2019 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I EXIS77MG ZONING R-6,- Residential - Medium Density District II R-6- Residential - Medium Density District —0 70 0 — r- o------- � TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED I NET DENSITY: 2.55 UN/AC 1 __ T 1 1fi� rofnags & >—Outilty Easement 17. 1 I I �rSetback Une (See 1 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) D-1cpment Dole) J2 , a ItElee —Lot Dhranaran FRONT YARD ` SIDE YARD ' {------- 25' ,-L+\ • I I II ' Number � ra,oea ,r II 35' (front yard) 4 I s,p rzbn,r , J� `Appras. Let Arae II I Satbock L—------ 2aa4 .r e I - I 70 O I I F— T —1 I -#--a� IS F -T7 I I I — — — --- ► �'T1� SII F-. i-1 -FIF L l -1 ,1 Westwood Phone (952)937-5150 12701 whlteweter Drwe. S.:te1300 Fes (952)931-5822 M1melo64.MN55333 To Fee (888) 937.5150 wvGsoodMa- xbtwoodPratmlaW Sedoek I— [ l " vet.3 . .+I, Pon wu Pepuee b7 m. a: u>aa vT R-kk— ai„e .upmlem ..e a,e I ®.ear I� rANo svavRtDR areae u,. u.. d w. 5m d amor®orw Brent Peter 441?3 ABs 11®r No. Prepared for, L3.ded: D— ®til R+md Omwle[ bI/eels LEGAL DESCRIP77ON Lots I through 4 lnclusfre Block 1; Lots 1 through 4, Inclusf., Block 2; Lots 1 through 4, lnclusfre, Block J,• Lots1 through 3 indust., Block 4; Lots 1 through 4 Inclusha Black 5,• Lots 1 through 5 incluslre, Block 6; Lotsi through 6, lnclusfre, Block 7,• Lata 1 through 8, incl..!., Block 8 Lots i through 8 lnclushe, Block 9; Lots 1 through 8 lnclusfre Block 10• Lots 1 through 8 indualm Block 11; Outlof. A, C end D; dl /n Pleasant beak Forma 40; Addition, according to the recorded plat there of, Wght County, Minnesota AND Met pan or Outlot B, PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 4th ADOMON, according to the recorded plot thereof, Wight County, Minnesota, Qfng northady of the following described I/n.; Corn—Mg of the northeast owner of sold OUOat B,• thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes J4 seconds E-1, ssumed b -Mg along the west /ins of said Outlet B, o distance of 475.00 feat to the point of beghnbig of the line to be des—bad, thence North 89 degrees 01 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of J20.JO feet to the east line of sold Cutlet B and sold line there term/haling. F..pt that port of sold Ouf/ot B, PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 41h A00/770M, descrbed as follows; Cufrunendng of the northwest comer of safe Outlet B,• thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 34 seconds East, assumed bearing clang the west line of sold Outlot B, a distance of 475.00 feet to the point of North n/00 degrees 58 thence tin 9 da 4 seconds Wase. 26 seconds E.O. a distance of 279.00 feet thence distance of 146.00 feet thence South 89 degrees 01 mfnufes 26 seconds West, o distance of 279.00 feet to sold west Tina; thence South Do distance of 146,00 feet to the point of bagf degrees 9. 59 minutes J4 seconds Eosl along sold west line, a OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC 1660 Highway 100 South, Suite 400 St Louie Park, MN 55416 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance Development Data TOTAL S17E AREA Typical Lot (Varies) EXIS77MG ZONING R-6,- Residential - Medium Density District Street R-6- Residential - Medium Density District —0 70 0 — r- o------- � TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED bj NET DENSITY: 2.55 UN/AC 1 __ T 1 1fi� rofnags & >—Outilty Easement 17. 1 I I �rSetback Une (See 1 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) D-1cpment Dole) II10� SETBACKS (MINIMUMS): —Lot Dhranaran FRONT YARD ` SIDE YARD ' 9, 450 3 SF. 25' REAR YARD 20' Number I LACHMAN AVE NE 35' (front yard) II—Lot ITL J� `Appras. Let Arae Satbock L—------ N —J Dknenslon 0 70 O (No Scat.) OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC 1660 Highway 100 South, Suite 400 St Louie Park, MN 55416 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance Development Data TOTAL S17E AREA 1`9.2 acres EXIS77MG ZONING R-6,- Residential - Medium Density District PROPOSED ZONING R-6- Residential - Medium Density District WETLAND: 0.76.* acres NET S17E AREA: 18.4.* acres TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED 47 UMTS NET DENSITY: 2.55 UN/AC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (per prior approvals) SINGLE FAMILY. LOT WIDTH ®Setback 70 ft. min; 75' t)plcol LOT DEPTH 128 ft min LOT AREA 9,000 sf min; (9,278 sf shown) AVERAGE LOT AREA 11,470 sf SETBACKS (MINIMUMS): FRONT YARD JO' min SIDE YARD 7%7, 14' Total SIDE YARD CORNER 25' REAR YARD 20' 77TH STREET NE 35' (front yard),• 35' (side yard comer lots) LACHMAN AVE NE 35' (front yard) + ALL INTERNAL S7REETS ARE 28' BACK TO BACK OF CURB, UNLESS N07ED 07HERWISE, Date XX/XK/XX shear 1 or 1 Pleasant Creek Farms, 6th Add. Preliminary Plat Otsego, Mhmesota X 0' 100' 200' N Date XX/XK/XX shear 1 or 1 Pleasant Creek Farms, 6th Add. Preliminary Plat Otsego, Mhmesota PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 6TH ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY 7HESE PRESENTS- That OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of IYright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, Block 1, Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, Block 2; Lots I through 4, inclusive, Block 3,• Lots i through 3, inclusive, Block 4; Lots 1 through 4, inclusive, Block 5; Lots 1 through 5, Inclusive, Block 6; Cots 1 through 6, inclusive, Block 7, - Lo ts ,•Lots 1 through 8, Inclusive, Block 6; Lots I through 8, inclusive, Block 9; Lots 1 through 8, Inclusive, Block 10, Lots 1 through 8, inclusive, Block 11; Outlets A, C and D; oil In PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 4TH ADDITION, Right County, Minnesota. AND That port of Outlot B, PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 4TH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wrlghl County, Minnesota, lyfng northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of sold Outlet B; thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 34 seconds East, assumed bearing along the west line of sold Outlet B, a distance of 475.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, • thence North 89 degrees 01 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 320.30 feet to the east line of said Outlet B and said line there terminating. Except that port of Outlot B, PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 4TH ADDITION, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Outlet B,• thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 34 seconds East, assumed bearing along the west line of said outlet B, o distance of 475.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence North 89 degrees O1 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 279.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 58 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 146.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 01 minutes 26 seconds IYest, a distance of 279.00 feet to said west line; thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 34 seconds East along said west line, a distance of 146.00 feet to the point of beginning. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as PLEASANT CREDO FARMS 67H ADD17ION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public way and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plot. In witness whereof said OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20_ . OP3 PLEASANT CREDO, LLC (Signature) Its (Nome printed) STATE OF COUNTY OF This Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20_, by Creek, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Notary Public, My Commission Expires (9gnolura) Printed) County, /is SURVEYOIRS CER 77RCA7E 1, Brent R. Peters, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Survm)vr in the State of Minnesota; that this plat Is a correct representation of the boundary survey, that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plot; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and lobeled on this plot. Dated this day of Brent R. Peters, Licensed Land Surve)vr Minnesota License No. 44123 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of Minnesota License No. 44123. (signemre) (Nome Printed) Notary Public, County, My Commission Expires 20 20_ , by Brent R. Peters, Land Surveyor, CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA This plot of PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 67H ADD17ION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, at o regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20_ , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Clerk WIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR of OP3 Pleasant I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _ day of 20 County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITORMEASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12 there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 By Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this Instrument was /lied In the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of o'clock .M., and was duly recorded In Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document Number Wright County Recorder 20 , at Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 1 of 2 sheets VICINITY MAP No scale rrvri BORT ST NE `-Found Iron Pipe; `C ---I-Site P,,77T.H 4 I 114 i Sr NE 1 e i 215 � Q SE I SE 1/4 N 3 r SW 1/4 N ✓ I 3 - (CR 3B) 70TH ST NE Section 25, Twp. 121, Rge. 24 PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 6TH ADDITION ! I N00°58'34'W 852.45 1 l'j F. rrvri I` h4 `-Found Iron Pipe; `C a / IS /17255 -% 1 / r N00°58'J4'W IJ6.62 -t , No N OUTLOT A `)� `-orWelanEdge fd LC / 45J.49 N 3 r g^ I 3 rW / 14 .H CUTLCT ,. S00°38'34'E 453.49 - - M'HE iT oN / D"4 250 ob ,;r�, LAMRERTAY M/ENE .v� ,•� I / e +C---- V c I F c �tb4 o�q'k2 ryN I s -Drainage& P1 e E` �rF' ,g D nN IDI utrry Easement 1 h %� t`'�I[j v ' oke ry �v tii �} 9 1k1� ok Drainage &Utility Easement a� ' " hh/over all o/ G,rlot A / \ �1 f \ Dminoge h Utility Easement over on or Outi°t C fl, I2I3I 4 I p^ ✓ I8I 5 II Q1fi'°� J �� 1 I h h ow A- N r' I Nary East of outlet B--' ' Ja 1 JD v p II<\ N00°58'34"W 146.00 i t ro I�ri� F 3 I 2 — I II € y `-Edge or Wetland I O ' 1. C`5r I JJ I N I l B Iv6 5 I -- n til 5 I J'N ° N ccn.oT .. � 1 1 Ih h h P �!o h fsd=83°5728' =I 5 o E X C r —I Y �Zw I R=5.00 I 6 J I -- -_ 1 L=7.J3 3 15 I q I I _ _ �< 7 I� I I h h 1,112 I' I' I 1 2 I I 1 2 1 5 I c4tirol a rO — —H n l� € ^�°r „ vl�a B,%7I'S I I I 1 I B� S Norehwe:r comer of guars ' / ,�"� h k� • Wet line of w8ot s, / \ 4=25o2254 =252254L ' ih _99.6 i 185.41o - 146.0�- ry1 2 \/ yp•epy ` n o - 86.00 `-Found 'X' !n Concrete / 41p ry`--f h R� /Lo 75 NOO°58'34'W 99.41 N I1 S00 58'34 E --_, ry Z3 o,— ` 500°SB'J4'E 47500 rte ` OUTLOT A �" po h°Il "1/ °'75zz's4^ R" ACHMANAWNEh `, CNlrf ;J AVE NE 1p �ryry / -Edge or WUond " F',y 11 p4 d-15 Z254� 99.41 po ` s`-F—d 'X' in Concrete CUit.O T E c''� I p4�/ 4=83°5728 J4 —I .� r--� R=5.00-- �—I—^'m QTB F —1— --1 F— —1— Jo Jo L=7.JJ W" Ct10 3 I I J 3 J m 1 3° I 1 3 Io1e0 ��s,11 1 3 Ib o I I6, I s 2� oWest 11- of -,II I ., I y I I 4 A'' 14 I Outlof a I 4 Y see°30'44'W 7 I PLEASANT , I J L r ,-665 L — I _ CREEK FARMS - 41H ADDITON 6.J9�� l ---- i t,r,�rii vT ..rl �iC �nRi'v' .:,�'✓ ni✓i/I li \ 359.50 �- '"--6.92 3JO.39— N00°5B'34"W 749.89 n „nrr,n n, L7�.r; vii h'i �.:., n�✓rrlv,v 60 0 60 120 180 Scale In feet Scale., I Inch = 60 Feet Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus., I I II 5{+ I-5 II II -----1----J L---1------ (Not to Scale) Being 5 feet In width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 10 feet In width and adjoining right-of-way lines as shown on the plot. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets L -% 1 / r N00°58'J4'W IJ6.62 -t , No N `)� �-. I �o /°08'04_" L=46.87 J It Y� r g^ I 3 N ✓ yl, �N00°58 J4_W 133.72-Jry ,� Mp F� :4 4.62/ 1 I l � `( I I h43 I n^ I 2 _ I y� I------- _°58'J__4'W % rN00_128.04., h b !0� Drainage a n l Uflify Easement B l N^ 1-j"- U C 2.30.55 1. ro3--¢,aJ .0-- <_ iV 0.11-1., „ S00058'34"E 359.06 tt,� 'J c 1. „ , F� k` F� F� I I 1'� �� `15 I Y I2I I I 2 3 `'JIB I_I_ L BEARING ORIENTATION., The West line of Outlot A, PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 47H ADDITION, Is assumed to bear N 0058'34" 14 O Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron rebar set L and marked by License No. 44123 • Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 Inch Iron rebar found and marked by License No. 23021 NO IES: Drainage &Utility Easement over all of Outlets A, B. C, and D PLEASANT CREEK FARMS 4TH ADDITION, vacated per Document No. 13793936 60 0 60 120 180 Scale In feet Scale., I Inch = 60 Feet Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus., I I II 5{+ I-5 II II -----1----J L---1------ (Not to Scale) Being 5 feet In width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 10 feet In width and adjoining right-of-way lines as shown on the plot. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 2 sheets 02019 Westwood Professfor�aI Services, Inc. ' \ ,'' .FUTURE EXISTING PROPOSED Sewer —4— Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer —4— Water — Water Water —I— y ���. �C��.���\—,— — _ — — — � • -� WETLAND (TYP.) I� �� I1IIST 941.5 2 -YR HVVI-=942.6 Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Storm Sewer 1 Drain Tile00-Y 0' 80' 160' 240' r■■r I sr-_-= HVVL=944.q UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR AND/OR 0023931 OAF01.dng REPLACE ALL SILT FENCE DISTURBED BY C� I11 l Datt:10/23/19 sheet: 2 os 13 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL SILT OR WORK 11 Pleasant Creek FENCE REPAIR REPLACEMENT Westwood I— ,dr WY�w.&VU ,%ao!aN �, .. 3 m . �,- RI@2>� md. IW hn d Or as d dD.enola SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE UTILITY p�.,�,,,,,� • �! " For OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC „aKNO WETLAND o— TM _'— Overall llVerLlll O� �eu4ovi� CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. Phone (962(93]5150 12201 WhlYrvebr OrhO, Supe P300 Fa (952(93]-6822 Mlnnebnke, MN 65393 �/ NWL=944.5 nlw6 17Wa CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE CITY GENERAL [] Ply \ HWL=948.0 TdF— (988)932.5150 —h—dp— FMKda D. nagen D. —� SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL <( \ PLATES FOR STREET AND UTILITY vd Pr.W-W $"r I— VAMao Dd. 10/29/19 Lmr iiu 17716 n,.ter b'ia.e` CONSTRUCTION. 2 1A FES -50 • ' ' . \ THE VERTICAL DATUM OF THIS PLAN IS 3 • ' \ \ BASED ON THE NGVD 1929 ADJUSTED DATUM IN US SURVEY FEET. MH -11 — ... — ... _....._ \ \ NGVD=NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 12' PVC PLUG 1 MH -104 5 • \ 8' SAN PLUG 6 \ % ` �e STORM SEWER REMOVALS: — _ BMH-501 A A I STMH— 03 1 8 \� FES -535 lain xirxia O CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE IX, CATCH BA9NS AND STORM SEWER TO ROW OR STORM STRUCTURE AS INOICATED ALONG 77TH ST NE AND eLOCN 2. BULKHEAD IX. STORM CBMH— 05 9 S-538 SEWER. 1 CBM 502 MH— 9-5 CB —504 _ t— TER MAIL OX CS -537 2 •• _ H 10 f \ T q _ 1 8-504A i I \• � _�____ _ CB -517 J ew CBM 506 H n FES -536 12 11 MH -7 I O�MM -516 s= 10 9 — l 12 qua — 4 CBMH-515dA MH -12 �,1H-5• FPp • LIJ BMH-514 H— 13'FBIOVE C \ 1 I j! >3 1A CONNECT TO EX. ' ' ' SAN. 13 \ — — — — — — CONNECT TO R L-512 ' . i n I I V (TV) E%. STORM OT aES-532 14 CONNECT TO X. WM 6 I 14 .. FES -518 \ I _ ... CBMH- 20 — r = 15 5 STMH-519 — — — — — — L� _ 1 3A CBMH-522 2 B-523 I<C I LSI sm tarr1a25 1o-nt 11..teo3r REMOVE PLUG & 16 CONNECT TO EX. — — WM BMH-521 MH -2 I 3 F•I o [j ---- --- MH 13 4 17 ----� I - MH -14 CB -531 - f y� I --- H -11B — I - LAMBERT CI CLE NE — I L J L1Q MH, =Al + 2 -CLUSTER MAI BOXES 4 I VIII 1 v 19 /1A I - 1 2 O CBMH 528 ----� ------ L I 2A 3 CB529 I I CBMH 526 CBM —524 20 CB -527 CONCRETE ASHING STATION MPCA REMOVE PLUG 1 REQUIREMEt1ITS 21 CONNE T TO EX. SAN I O 3 4 I L L J O 21 REMOVE PLIUG & CONNECT Tp EX. WM — ' I Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance STORM SEWER CASTING SCHEDULE STRUCTURE I CASTING TYPE NUMBER TYPE DIA. 5nn FFC 1 21' 1 — 0 0 0 *STORM STRUCTURES WITHIN 10' OF WATERMAIN TO HAVE WATER TIGHT CONNECTIONS PER MDH REQUIREMENTS. SEE WATERSTOP GROUTING RINGS DETAIL X --rR�■aAA�i�+ — �C'�•�1� lid.=_.lw T'T •pith = ���r`��r��rin������Sanitary ,'' .FUTURE EXISTING PROPOSED Sewer —4— Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer —4— Water — Water Water —I— y ���. �C��.���\—,— I� �� I1IIST 941.5 2 -YR HVVI-=942.6 Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Storm Sewer 1 Drain Tile00-Y 0' 80' 160' 240' r■■r I sr-_-= HVVL=944.q 0023931 OAF01.dng Drain 0' 80' 160' 240' 0023931 OAF01.dng Datt:10/23/19 sheet: 2 os 13 Pleasant Creek Westwood I— ,dr WY�w.&VU ,%ao!aN �, .. 3 m . �,- RI@2>� md. IW hn d Or as d dD.enola �"�' PDLL II CWriFk PMT II p�.,�,,,,,� • �! " For OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC Farms 6th Add. o— TM _'— Overall llVerLlll O� �eu4ovi� Phone (962(93]5150 12201 WhlYrvebr OrhO, Supe P300 Fa (952(93]-6822 Mlnnebnke, MN 65393 �/ nlw6 17Wa , Ply TdF— (988)932.5150 —h—dp— FMKda D. nagen D. —� 1660 liighwny 100 50lltll, 5131le 40D vd Pr.W-W $"r I— VAMao Dd. 10/29/19 Lmr iiu 17716 n,.ter b'ia.e` St St Louis Park, MN 85416 Otago, Minnesota 02019 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. P011 11 I I I I II I PDE D I I I I I I I I I I I I DM I I I I I I L I I o --980-- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS I I I �] I c DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER — I L I I OPEN IROY PIPE I I I I I ® DENOTES INLET PROTECTION OPIDY IRON PAPE I I I I I I I I I I I I DENOTES BIO -ROLL CHECKS I I I �-- E.D.F. I I II I I I I FO I I Westwood Ph— (952)9315150 1270IMIu ager Dma.S1Ae#X0 Fe• (952)931-5822 M19nnetenka. MN 55313 Td RED (888)937-5150 W-0-WPI—a VAAK d Pvfedo.A1 S.Ma h. t hmby m01T Ort Mb Eim o I E I g W Q m n1 9A•Mime du.n =Wqw m ud ar I ® • d•y 0®4 E MISSIONAL ffi(K3NR ®ds tlr k- dd d . 991 b d Mme. r � % ftand;� II 'Dd. 10/23/19 U— N. 17716 EX. POND NWL=948.0 2 -YR HW.=948.98 10 -YR HW.=949.65 WETLAND 100 -YR HW.=950.46 NWL=944.5 HWL=948.0 DOUBLE ROW OF SILTIFENCE ADJACENT TO WETLAND POND 23W NW. -948.0 2 -YR HWL=948.96 10 -YR HWL=949.65 100 -YR HW. -950.46 DISCHARGE TO Unnamed Tdb. bD MISSISSIPPI RIVER 280 FT TO THE SOUTHEAST --FOUND L5 CAP Na 77255 t � EROSION CCN � _ BLANKET (TYP.)I TE PORAAYJSEDIMENIT BASIN !SIMMER 0A1TEll NEEDED I POST -GRADING 1 T j BARRIER (EYP.) AIS PRE-GRMQiG T tM+ BARRIER (i'fPJ I W r II FCI III I .S 1 1-- — — I ROCK CONSTRUC ON ENTRANCE (TP.) I _ 1 -frwv raa w. n I 51 I I)Idmld: Prepared for. OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC 1660 Highway 100 South, Suite 400 St Louie Park, MIN 55416 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 Or Ga11811.com Common Ground Alliance GENERAL NOTES: • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ME SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • RUM TO THE FINAL PLAT OR SITE PUN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL STE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WIN THE OWNERS AND FIELD -VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS • THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT GOPHER STATE 'ONE CALL' FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS AT 454-0002 • ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR TO ANY FXCAVATIOH/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COYER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EMSTING SILT FENCE ON-STE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT RED CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES HATBALES, ETC., REWIRED BY AGENCES/OWNER SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING. • THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST BE AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PEWIT REQUIREMENTS. • ALL STREETS DISTURBED WRING WORIONG HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF CRT ONTO PUSUC STREETS. • POST "VE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES. THIS INCLUDES MAINTAINING DITCH FLOW FROM THE EAST SIDE OF PROJECT, THROUGH THE PROJECT, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF STE WHERE DITCH SOTS SITE. • ALL EXPOSED SOLS MUST BE STABILUE 1 WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS OF ROUGH GRADE COMPLETION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.—ALL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SEDIMENT TRAPPING SYSTEMS INSTALLED AROUND TEEM. • PERMANENT SEED MIX SHALL BE MnOOT 2S-141. • TEMPORARY SEEDING FERM UZING, AND MUL04NG MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING UNLESS WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 50 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION. TEMPORARY SEED MIX SL ABE MnDOT 22-111. • THE SITE MUST BE KEPT IN A WELL -DRAINED CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY ITCHES PIPING OR OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS OR BUILDING PADS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. • PUBUC STREETS USED FOR HAUUNG SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOIL AND DEBRIS. STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WTH EARTHWORK ON SITE • HAUUNG HOURS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITIH THE CITY PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AREA TO BE GRADED BTH ADDITION - 17.1 AG • MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION. • EQUIPMENT STORAGE MEAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION. • WASTE STORAGE AREAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION (OUMPSIERS, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS STOCKPILES. TOILETS. AND WASHOUTS). MRM SEWER RHMOVALMSEWER RHMOVALM 10 STORM SEWER REMOVALS BY OTHERS. LEON> P011 11 medak PDE D Dvwm DM 11e d DuwLx by dd, Prepared for. OP3 Pleasant Creek, LLC 1660 Highway 100 South, Suite 400 St Louie Park, MIN 55416 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 Or Ga11811.com Common Ground Alliance GENERAL NOTES: • ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ME SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • RUM TO THE FINAL PLAT OR SITE PUN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL STE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WIN THE OWNERS AND FIELD -VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS • THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT GOPHER STATE 'ONE CALL' FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS AT 454-0002 • ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR TO ANY FXCAVATIOH/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COYER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EMSTING SILT FENCE ON-STE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT RED CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES HATBALES, ETC., REWIRED BY AGENCES/OWNER SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING. • THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST BE AWARE OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PEWIT REQUIREMENTS. • ALL STREETS DISTURBED WRING WORIONG HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF CRT ONTO PUSUC STREETS. • POST "VE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES. THIS INCLUDES MAINTAINING DITCH FLOW FROM THE EAST SIDE OF PROJECT, THROUGH THE PROJECT, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF STE WHERE DITCH SOTS SITE. • ALL EXPOSED SOLS MUST BE STABILUE 1 WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS OF ROUGH GRADE COMPLETION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.—ALL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SEDIMENT TRAPPING SYSTEMS INSTALLED AROUND TEEM. • PERMANENT SEED MIX SHALL BE MnOOT 2S-141. • TEMPORARY SEEDING FERM UZING, AND MUL04NG MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING UNLESS WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 50 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION. TEMPORARY SEED MIX SL ABE MnDOT 22-111. • THE SITE MUST BE KEPT IN A WELL -DRAINED CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY ITCHES PIPING OR OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS OR BUILDING PADS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. • PUBUC STREETS USED FOR HAUUNG SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOIL AND DEBRIS. STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WTH EARTHWORK ON SITE • HAUUNG HOURS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITIH THE CITY PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AREA TO BE GRADED BTH ADDITION - 17.1 AG • MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION. • EQUIPMENT STORAGE MEAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION. • WASTE STORAGE AREAS WILL BE SELECTED WRING CONSTRUCTION (OUMPSIERS, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS STOCKPILES. TOILETS. AND WASHOUTS). MRM SEWER RHMOVALMSEWER RHMOVALM 10 STORM SEWER REMOVALS BY OTHERS. LEON> DENOTES SOIL BORING —$� DENOTES PRE -GRADING SEDIMENT BARRIER PBT' -SF DENOTES POST -GRADING SEDIMENT BARRIER --980-- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS -X980— DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS C)­­=ro-0 DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER �—�►� DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER ® DENOTES INLET PROTECTION DENOTES BIO -ROLL CHECKS E.D.F. DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ELEVATION ANTI -TRACKING CONTROL DENOTES STABILIZATION BMP (EROSION CONTROL BLANKET) (3:1 AND STEEPER SLOPES) N 1. 100' 200' 3( Pleasant Creek Farms, 6th Add. ObseRto, ftbmeaota 0023931GDF01.dwgl TxtC 10/23/19 she 2 of 6 Overall Development Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan