ITEM 3.3A OHP 10.8.2019 MinutesITEM 3_3A 10-8-19 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson Councilman Corey Tanner Meeting called to order at 7pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. A report on the Minnesota State Heritage Preservation Office Conference which Cara Husak attended was postponed to next meeting because she was not able to attend tonight due to her father's hospitalization. Review of the Otsego Festival. Chris reported a very successful OHPC booth with the Doodlebug Bob and May Spencer loaned for the Festival on display. Cara had obtained several historical artifacts and costumes from the Wright County History Center which were fun for participants to observe and to figure out uses. We do have a candidate for our Commission who has applied for to join us. He has experience in cataloging and computer work and had a history major in college. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm. Next meeting is Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Gail Anderson, Temporary Secretary