ITEM 2.1OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL ITEM 2.1 November 18, 2019 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Vern Heidner, Aaron Stritesky, Alan Offerman, Richard Nichols, and Charles Foster; Absent: Commissioners Jim Kolles; City Council: CM Tom Darkenwald. City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Administrative Assistant Kelly Thelen. 1. Announcements: None. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 2019. Commissioner Offerman motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 Pleasant creek Farms 6t" Addition: A. Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development for 47 single familx lots. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Representative of the applicant, John Bender, Civil Engineer with Westwood Professional Services, 12701 Whitewater Drive, was present on behalf of the applicant and agreed to the staff report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:07 PM. Lisa Svenddal, 7801 Lachman Avenue Northeast asked if the proposed lots are traditional single family homes versus association maintained attached townhomes. City Planner Licht said yes. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:09 PM. Commissioner Thompson asked for clarification about the cul-de-sac in the northwest corner. City Planner Licht stated it is a temporary cul-de-sac, but could be extended to Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission November 18, 2019 Page 2 the frontage road if the lots redevelop in the future. Commissioner Thompson questioned the area between the cul-de-sac and property line and what will be there. City Planner Licht replied it is the City right-of-way and that it is used for snow storage. Commissioner Foster asked if it is a concern that the prior approved plat was not recorded. City Planner Licht explained that once the final plat approved, it needs to be recorded within 100 days for payment of fees and division of property; there could later be an ordinance change that no longer meets the requirements. City Planner Licht added the issue was simply the deal in place for the prior approval of the development fell through and developer didn't want to proceed to record it. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:11 PM. Albert Svenddal, 7801 Lachman Avenue Northeast, wanted to know the timeframe start to finish. City Planner Licht said the first phase will be the four lots off 77th Street Northeast, with additional final platting likely next year. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7:13 PM. No comments made by Planning Commission. Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve a preliminary plat/PUD-CUP and final plat for Pleasant Creek Farms 6t" Addition subject to the 10 stipulations. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2 Amendments to the Otsego City Code to repeal Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance regulating storm shelters. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:17 PM. No comments made. Chair Black brought the discussion to the Planning Commission members at 7:18 PM. Commissioner Nichols asked if the City can make offering storm shelters as an option for the buyer. City Planner Licht responded that the City Attorney would need to be consulted. Commissioner Nichols would like it to be considered. Commissioner Heidner commented on the previous discussions of the storm shelters: City Council and Planning Commission need to do something for the safety of residents; Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission November 18, 2019 Page 3 the storm shelters were put in the cheaper houses and that it boiled down to profits by the developer. Commissioner Heidner added it is in the International Building Code and taken out by lobbyists for the builder association makes me more believing it is monetary and not a safety issue. Commissioner Heidner had no problem voting against it with more people in Minnesota with houses hit by strong winds. Commissioner Thompson suggested to not allow slab on grade homes. Commissioner Heidner agreed maybe that would be something to look into. Commissioner Thompson recommended not a full basement but minimum foundation. Commissioner Nichols agreed prohibiting slab -on -grade construction or requiring storm shelters as a buyers options were agreeable to him. Commissioner Offerman inquired about tabling the motion to get the additional information. City Planner Licht stated City Staff is no longer enforcing the requirement and would like to see it removed from the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Thompson asked how many houses were built with the storm shelter. City Planner Licht said he did not know. Chair Black returned to the public for additional comment at 7:22 PM. No comments made. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7:23 PM. Commissioner Heidner said he would rather see the Planning Commission vote one way or another so that the City Council could consider it. CM Darkenwald said that the options raised by the Planning Commission needs the City Attorney to review. CM Darkenwald added that the requirement currently does not coincide with the Statute. City Planner Licht said it is better to act on this proposed amendment and revisit other options as new amendment of ordinance. Commissioner Foster questioned what percentage of homes are built on slab -on -grade. Commissioner Thompson said these homes are a new alternative to townhomes. Chair Black restated no clear number of slab -on -grade homes. Commissioner Foster asked if it would include apartment buildings. City Planner Licht said it is separate because of garage space and interior corridors. Commissioner Thompson asked about the apartments being discussed along CSAH 42. City Planner Licht stated those buildings will have an underground garage. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission November 18, 2019 Page 4 Commissioner Stritesky mentioned he would not rush to enforce a basement requirement due to market demand for single level homes; he does support the proposal to require builders to provide storm shelters as an option for the buyer. Commissioner Nichols agreed. Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend approval of an ordinance repealing Section 11-17-12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. Yay: Foster. Opposed: Heidner, Thompson, Black, Nichols, Stritesky, Offerman. Motion fails 1-6. Commissioner Heider motioned to recommend City Council direct the Planning Commission to consider options for storm protection for residential dwellings. Seconded by Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Update on City Council actions. CM Darkenwald updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions. 5. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:34 PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: Kelly Thelen, Administrative Assistant