ITEM 3.9 Revised ice and snow policy4 MAN TY O 06eF oo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Street Operations Manager Lamson December 9, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty 3.9 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: I THE CITY OF OTSEGO: X Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. No Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. BACKGROUND/J USTI FI CATI O N Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. policy was approved by the City Council on December 10, 2011. Revisions to the snow and ice control Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. 1) To incorporate policy verbiage from the League of Minnesota Cities model policy. Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the revised snow and ice control policy. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED?. No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FI CATI O N It is important that the City periodically review existing policies. The City's existing snow and ice control policy was approved by the City Council on December 10, 2011. Revisions to the snow and ice control policy are being recommended for the following reason: 1) To incorporate policy verbiage from the League of Minnesota Cities model policy. 2) To update procedures within the policy to match current practices. 3) To format the policy to match other recently created or modified City policies. These policy revisions have been discussed and reviewed at Administrative Sub -Committee meetings from September through December with the recommendation for the revised policy to be placed on the agenda for a future City Council meeting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Draft Revised Snow and Ice Control Policy • Current Snow and Ice Control Policy • Resolution 2019-81 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THEMINUTES: Motion to approve Resolution 2019-81 adopting the revised snow and ice control policy. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A SNOW j ADOPTI 1. POLICY INTRODUCTION The City of Otsego finds that it is in the best inte f<ents of the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice on City stble snow and ice control are necessary for routine travel and emergency services.attempt to provide such control in a safe and cost-effective eeping in , budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The City wil e oyipment to provide this service. This policy does not relieve th erato s, pedestrians, property owners, residents and all others that ma u ' ub ets, of their responsibility to act in a reasonable, prudent a us mann n the prevailing street conditions. 2. WHI 3. LEVELS OF SERVICE en to begin inel, jith It is the intent of the City to complete plowing operations within 24 hours of the time the snowfall ceases. Plowing will begin as close as practicable to the time the snowfalls stops; however, every effort will be made to have priority routes plowed prior to morning or evening rush hour. 4. PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULE OF PLOWING The City has classified City streets based on the street function, traffic volume and importance to the welfare of the community. • Those streets classified as high volume routes will be plowed first. These high- volume routes are those that connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police and medical services. • The second priority streets are those providing access to sch and commercial businesses. • The third priority streets are low volume residential st • The fourth priority are cul-de-sacs, parking lots, tra' d Iks. During significant and severe storms, the City must be red to move p nel and equipment to maintain priority routes first. In fulfill' e need to have all p streets safe and passable, when resources are limited, plowi II other eets may be st ed at any time so resources can be shifted to priority rout Unforeseeable circumstances may cause delays in co ng assigned plow routes. Such circumstances may include weather ns that enda the safety of snowplow operators and/or safe and effective operation o commut fic, disabled vehicles, poor visibility conditions, parked cars along ets, a o em gency response vehicles, equipment breakdowns and personnel s tag us or changes to these priorities will be made by the Street 0 ' s Manag /her designated representative. 5. WORK SCHEDULE FOR PLOW RATORS Snowplow oper will be e to wort it assigned shifts. In severe snow emergencies, operators someti ve s. However, because of budget and safety concerns, no operato ork more than a 12 -hour shift in any 24-hour period. While work breaks ante nerally operators will take breaks in accordance with City policy, pro ' the br o no fere with City services or operations. In addition, operators will wed sufficie e to meal during any shift which is eight or more hours. 6. TRAM LATIONS The Ci tsego r nizes that snowplow operators are exempt from traffic regulations set forth in o tutes, Chapter 169 while actually engaged in work on streets, except for regulations to driving while impaired and the safety of school children. Pursuant to this authority, sno low operators engaged in snow removal or ice control on City streets have discretion to disregard traffic laws set forth in Chapter 169, except for laws relating to impaired driving and school children safety, when in their judgment, it is safety to disregard such laws. The privileges granted herein to operators of snow removal and ice control vehicles shall apply only if the vehicle is equipped with one lighted lamp displaying a flashing, oscillating or rotating amber light placed in a position on the vehicle as to be visible from 360 degrees. 7. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of snowplow operators and equipment. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds and limited visibility. 8. USE OF SAND, SALT AND OTHER CHEMICALS The City of Otsego will use sand, salt and other chemicals where there azardous ice or slippery conditions. The City is concerned about the effects of such icaIs on the environment and will limit its use for that reason. 9. MAILBOXES AND OTHER PROPERTY DAMAGE Damage to a mailbox or other property along the stree -of-way isNritowplow operators face during their winter plowing requirem . The City will iew of each damage claim to determine whether the City has egal resp sibilitage and, if so, to replace or provide reimbursement for the age. Cl will be reviewed by the Street Operations Manager or his/her representative. Da s of be allowed if it is deemed that City equipment did not make contact with mailboxes er property. Mailboxes and their supports must also be able to meet t 's ordinance rds, as well as the state and federal requirements for mailbox size structur e allowed a claim. Mailboxes not meeting these requirements will n e all M. 10. DEVIATION FROM POLICY The Street Operations his/her esentative may deviate from this policy when in his or her judgmen in the b interest e City or necessary because of budget needs or other circumsta 11. TRAIL SNOW REMOVAL The Cit . e sn d ice control measures on certain park trails throughout the win rails t owe e designated on the City of Otsego Winter Trail and Sidewalk Plowing will ne o 'gnated trails during a street snowplowing event or on regular ays (Monday t gh Friday). Trail plowing will begin either during or on the first work da a snow even two or more inches or when drifting snow blocks pedestrian trails. Trails y stude walk to school will be completed to allow students safe access prior to school o w er possible. The plowing of trails will typically be done in the following priority, ho ere may be changes in the priority due to the type of snow, depth of snow or timing of sn event. 1. Trails used by students to walk to/from school 2. Trails adjacent to City streets 3. Interior park trails It is the City's goal to get the trail plowing completed in two working days after the snow event. Things such as equipment breakdowns, size of storm or difficult conditions may extend this time frame. 12. PARKING LOT SNOW REMOVAL Snow plowing in municipal parking lots will begin when two (2) inches of snow has accumulated or when vehicular movement becomes difficult. Not all parking lots will be maintained. Applicable parking lots include: City Hall, Prairie Center, Prairie Park, Beaudry Park, Norin Landing and School Knoll Park. 13. USE OF SALT OR TRACTION MATERIAL IN PARKING LOTS AND TRAILS The City is concerned about the effect of salt, materials for traction goemicals on the environment and will limit their use in parking lots for that r^hs e, it is the policy of the City to utilize salt, materials for traction or a chemical mo that provides for reasonable safe driving conditions in parking lots. The app Iii pes of materials is not always intended to provide bare pavement duringt ition, the desired results of these materials can vary with diffe peratures. The application of salt on trails is not a general 'cedinththe winter months can be unpredictable, therefor wear traction cleats when walking during the winter 14. CITY SIDEWALKS All City owned sidewalks will be plowe 15. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Complaints will be re his/her representa ' appropriate sup manner as resour 16. POLICY HIS This i of Otsego. Conditions during ided that pedestrians always the snowfall ceases. d contacted by the Street Operations Manager or requiring service will be transferred to the y complaints will be handled in an expeditious version of the Snow and Ice Control Policy. Previously: .0, 2011 cember 9, 2019 CITY OF OTSEGO SNOW PLOWING AND ICE CONTROL POLICY GUIDELINES FOR COMMENCEMENT OF OPERATIONS Snow removal and/or ice control operations will begin under the direction of the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative. Operations will begin when two inches or more of snow has fallen. Plowing will begin as close as practicable to the time the snowfall ceases, however, every effort will be made to have main routes plowed and sanded prior to morning or afternoon rush hour. For storms of unusually long duration, main routes will be plowed and sanded when accumulation of ice or snow on roads becomes hazardous for driving. Because of different storm situations and severity levels, starting times may vary. LEVELS OF SERVICE It is the intent of the City to complete plowing, widening, and sanding operations within 24 hours of the time the snowfall ceases. Major blizzards may require additional time. After a light to normal snowfall, full width plowing and cul-de-sac cleanup will be done with the first pass. However, after an extremely heavy snowfall, main routes will be plowed, followed by one pass to open residential streets and cul-de-sacs. While some isolated cul-de-sacs will be cleared completely with the first pass, most will be "circled" and plowed completely after all roads are open. By "circling" the truck will make one or two passes, usually in a clockwise rotation, leaving the bulls of the snow in the center. This policy is intended to provide safe winter driving conditions appropriate for the type of travel necessary for city streets. The level of service described may vary depending on storm conditions and other circumstances. The City will be divided into main routes, cul-de-sac routes and trail routes. Each main route will consist of priority roads, which will be plowed and/or sanded first, followed by a designated area of secondary or residential roads. The trails and paths servicing Otsego Elementary school will be plowed prior to 7 AM on school days. All others will be plowed after all streets and cul-de-sac plowing is complete. When operators are done with their assigned route, they will be assigned to help complete other routes. During an average snowfall of three inches to six inches, it is our goal to have streets and cul-de-sacs and trails plowed in eight to twelve hours. Salt/Sand will be applied during and after plowing operations as needed. SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS Operations shall continue until all roads are passable. Widening and clean up operations may continue immediately or on the following working day depending upon conditions and circumstances. Safety of the plow operators and the public is important. Therefore, snow plowing/removal operations may be terminated after 12 hours to allow personnel adequate time for rest. There may be instances when this is not possible depending on City of Otsego Snow Plowing and Ice Control Policy storm conditions and other circumstances. Operations may also be suspended during periods of limited or zero visibility. Any decision to suspend operations shall be made by the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative and shall be based on the conditions of the storm. ICE CONTROL AND SALT/SAND APPLICATION 1. First Priority Priority routes, high volume intersections, hills and curves. These areas will be sanded with the first pass of the plow 2. Second Priority Stop sign intersections, moderate volume intersections 3. Third Priority Residential intersections and streets The City does not have the equipment or financial resources to sand all streets end to end. The public must use caution when operating a motor vehicle, especially during winter months. Maintenance employees are also on-call 24 hours a day to respond with salt/sand because of ice or snowfalls of 2 inches or less as directed by the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative. PROPERTY DAMAGE Snow plowing and ice control operations can cause property damage even under the best of circumstances and care on the part of the operators. The major types of damage are to improvements in the City right-of-way which extends approximately 15 feet beyond the curb location. The intent of the right of way is to provide room for snow storage, utilities, boulevard trees and other City uses. However, certain private improvements such as mailboxes are required within this area. Therefore, the City will cooperate with the property owner in the event of damaged private property. The City may specify when this damage is the responsibility of the City and when it shall be the responsibility of the resident. Mailboxes can be especially vulnerable to damage from snow removal operations. The City assumes liability for mailboxes damaged during plowing if it is determined that the plow made direct contact with a mailbox that was properly placed and in the standard style. To be properly placed, a mailbox should be installed so its bottom edge is 45" to 47" above street level, with the post 36" back from the curb or front of the box. That amount of clearance is needed to keep the plow's wing from hitting the box. If there are any plastic newspaper tubes attached to the mailbox, they must be above 45" height requirement. The box's post should be securely in the ground. City of Otsego Snow Plowing and Ice Control Policy If mailboxes are not installed with the clearances mentioned above, the responsibility for repairing any damage lies with the homeowner, not the City. The City will replace standard metal mailboxes on 4 x 4 wood posts, but will not replace decorative mailboxes. The City will not repair any damage to grass or seed; will also not repair any damages from gravel being pushed into yards. In instances where there is disagreement as to the source of the damage and the responsibility, the City Administrator and/or City Council shall determine the responsibility. RESPONSIBILITY OF RESIDENTS Snowstorms create numerous problems and inconveniences. The residents will also have certain responsibilities. These include clearing their own driveways, clearing areas for trashcans, clearing around mailboxes and newspaper delivery tubes. These areas must be cleared without depositing any snow into the street. There also should not be any large piles which obstruct vision of driveways. Trash cans must not be placed on the street surfaces. The City will not clear private drives. Snow plowing can cause additional snow to be deposited in driveway approaches and around roadside obstacles. Operators are instructed to attempt to minimize these instances; however, it is not practical to eliminate this situation. Residents should be aware they may have to clear their driveways a second time after their street has been plowed. Minnesota Highway Traffic Regulations 160.27 Sub (5) Misdemeanors: It shall be unlawful to obstruct any highway or to deposit snow or ice thereon. 169.42 Sub (1) No person shall throw, deposit, place, or dump upon any Street or highway, any snow, ice, etc. GUIDELINES FOR OPERATORS 1. Operators will be required to be on stand-by and able to report to work within one hour notice from November 1St to March 31St unless arrangements are made with the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative. 2. Operators will be responsible for the vehicle they are assigned to. This includes completing a daily maintenance and equipment check before and after each shift and reporting all deficiencies to the Maintenance Supervisor. During snowplowing City of Otsego Snow Plowing and Ice Control Policy operations any and all downtime or breakdowns will be reported to the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative. 3. No snow removal vehicles shall be parked with less than three-quarters of a tank of fuel. 4. Operators shall not assist stranded vehicles by pushing, pulling or jump-starting with City equipment. Operators may assist by calling for help, offering sand, or offering a helping hand. 5. To minimize damage, no equipment will exceed twenty miles per hour in residential areas. 6. Operators will obey all traffic laws, signs, and signals. 7. Operators will report all damage to the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative at the end of each shift. 8. When plowing and sanding is complete after each storm, salt/sand should be emptied from all trucks and all equipment should be cleaned and washed. 9. When the operator has completed their assigned route, they will contact the Maintenance Supervisor and will be assigned to assist with the completion other routes. 10. Before leaving duty at the end of the shift every effort should be made to contact the Maintenance Supervisor or designated representative. 11. No plowing of private property or towing of vehicles will be permitted unless it directly affects traffic. Any questions should be directed to the Maintenance Supervisor. Every effort will be made not to damage mailboxes and trash containers or other structures in the right-of-way. ACCIDENTS DURING SNOW CLEARANCE OPERATION All accidents during snowplow operation should be reported to the Maintenance Supervisor. If the accident involves a vehicle or a personal injury, immediately contact the Sheriff Department and then contact the Maintenance Supervisor. Remain at the scene until an accident report has been completed. The policies and procedures relating to the drug and alcohol testing for commercial vehicle drivers shall be implemented in this situation. Updated 10/10/11 File: SNOWPOLIII/12 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2019-81 APPROVING REVISED SNOW AND ICE CONTROL POLICY WHEREAS, the City previously adopted a snow and ice control policy on December 10, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City has made certain revisions within the snow and ice control policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has met to discuss and review the revised policy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the revised policy shall be in force and effect upon the date of adoption of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the revised Snow and Ice Control Policy as attached hereto is hereby adopted effective immediately. 2. That the Snow and Ice Control Policy previously adopted on December 10, 2011 is no longer in force and effect. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of December, 2019. MOTION made by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: 1 ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member