ITEM 5.1 Tax LevyOtSegTY O o F MINNESOTA CY DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty December 9, 2019 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Administration 5.1 STRATEGIC VISION MEETS: THE CITY OF OTSEGO: X Is a strong organization that is committed to leading the community through innovative communication. 3) Adopting the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan Has proactively expanded infrastructure to responsibly provide core services. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Is committed to delivery of quality emergency service responsive to community needs and expectations in a cost-effective manner. Yes — Held on December 9, 2019 Is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities. The City Council and staff began the budgeting process back in May, and have met in nine special city Is a distinctive, connected community known for its beauty and natural surroundings. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the City Council approve the attached resolutions: 1) Adopting the 2020 Annual Operating Budgets 2) Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2020 3) Adopting the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Yes — Held on December 9, 2019 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City Council and staff began the budgeting process back in May, and have met in nine special city council meetings, which are work session settings in preparation and review of the operating budgets, property tax levy, and capital improvement plan. The proposed General fund budget is a balanced budget, with expenditures totaling $6,312,672. When compared with 2019, this is an increase of 8.61%. These expenditures are funded with property taxes being the primary source of revenue, which accounts for 71% of all revenues. The Public Utility budgets include the Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water funds. The primary sources of revenues for these funds are from charges for services to customers of the public utilities. The expenses are comprehensive, and include operating expenses, depreciation, capital outlay, debt service and interfund transfers. The utility funds have cash flow projections which are monitored and updated multiple times per year. The rates for the charges for services to customers have been analyzed, and current recommendations for increases have been included in the budgets. The respective rates will be analyzed further when the end of the year financial information is available. Staff will make a final recommendation to the Council for the 2020 rates sometime in February, with any rate changes becoming effective with the March billing. The Debt Service Funds budget includes revenues and expenditures for each of the City's seven outstanding bond issues. The primary sources of revenues include property taxes, special assessments and utility availability/connection charges. These revenues along with fund balance will repay the principal and interest on the respective bond issues. The Special Revenue Funds budget includes activity for the City's Economic Development Revolving and Tax Increment Districts Funds. The expenditures within these funds are for tax abatement agreements and TIF pay -as -you go note agreements, respectively. These expenditures are funded through a property tax levy and tax increments, respectively. The proposed property tax levy accounts for General fund revenues, Capital fund reserves, Debt Service repayments and Tax Abatements. The total proposed levy is $7,194,249. The most recent information available from Wright County shows the City's tax capacity increased to a total of $20,522,486 (9% from 2019). All of this calculates to an estimated City tax rate of 35,410, which is down (1.80%) from the prior year rate of 36,060. In the end, this means that any increase in the City's portion of property taxes is driven by that respective properties increase in market value. The proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) covers the years of 2020-2029. A summary of the CIP is included and is organized by funding source. Inclusion of an item within the CIP does not commit final approval by the City Council, rather it directs staff to plan towards and gather necessary information for an educated final approval on each respective item. Each individual item is planned, researched and brought back to City Council for final approval when the respective item is ready to move forward. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Resolution 2019-83: Adopting the 2020 Annual Operating Budgets o Budget Summaries: General, Public Utility, Debt Service & Special Revenue Funds • Resolution 2019-84: Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2020 o Tax Levy Calculations • Resolution 2019-85: Adopting the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan o Projects by Funding Source Summary POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: 3 Separate Motions Needed -Motion to approve Resolution 2019-83, Adopting the 2020 Annual Operating Budgets. -Motion to approve Resolution 2019-84, Setting a Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2020. -Motion to approve Resolution 2019-85, Adopting the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2019-83 ADOPTING THE 2020 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has on December 9, 2019, held a public meeting to allow for public comment before adopting a final budget and certifying a final property tax levy; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the proposed General, Public Utility, Debt Service and Special Revenue fund budgets and has determined the budget is adequate to fund the respective fund operations for the year 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the General fund for 2020 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $4,494,537 Cable Franchise Fees 141,000 Licenses and Permits 1,086,220 Intergovernmental 75,000 Charges for Services 202,615 Miscellaneous 313,300 Total Revenues 6 312 672 Expenditures General Government $1,462,349 Public Safety 2,609,518 Public Works 1,350,556 Parks and Recreation 764,789 Economic Development 125,460 Total Expenditures 6 312 672 2. 4. That the following revenues and expenses (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Public Utility funds for 2020 as follows: Revenues Operating $3,941,130 Non -Operating 15,239,157 Total Revenues 19.180.287 Expenses Operating $3,306,416 Capital Outlay 16,026,901 Depreciation 1,665,000 Transfers to Other Funds 287,167 Total Expenses 21.285.484 That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Debt Service funds for 2020 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $746,757 Special Assessments 423,349 Utility Availability & Connection Charges 1,881,750 Transfers from Other Funds 133,950 Total Revenues 3 185 806 Expenditures Principal $3,665,000 Interest, Fiscal Agent Fee's & Amortizations 706,118 Total Expenditures 4 3 1 118 That the following revenues and expenditures (summarized) be authorized as the final budget for the operation of the Special Revenue funds for 2020 as follows: Revenues Property Taxes $56,491 Tax Increments 261,020 Total Revenues 317 511 Expenditures Economic Development $223,788 Total Expenditures 223 788 2 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of December, 2019. MOTION made by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: 3 ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member City of Otsego General Fund Budget -2020 1,079,575 1,188,216 1,126,315 1,318,961 1,464,127 1,464,603 1,462,349 (2,254) Requested Budget 1,895,465 2,168,187 2,107,971 2,374,426 2,597,827 2,597,842 2,609,518 11,676 Revenue 8, Expenditure Summary 1,055,964 1,170,466 1,171,618 1,297,889 1,376,185 1,351,255 1,350,556 (699) Culture & Recreation 587,737 644,462 12/2/2019 706,920 763,743 763,784 764,789 1,005 Economic Development 113,579 113,311 100,371 114,260 Requested Preliminary Final - Interfund Transfers Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Budget Budget Revision Description 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 Amounts Revenues Taxes $ 3,756,375 $ 3,992,749 $ 2,274,158 $ 4,190,235 $ 4,552,957 $ 4,496,809 $ 4,494,537 $ (2,272) Cable Franchise Fees 13S,6S2 139,161 104,114 140,000 141,000 141,000 141,000 Licenses & Permits 1,363,384 1,672,906 1,620,323 982,401 1,086,220 1,086,220 1,086,220 Intergovernmental 74,081 78,437 81,754 70,800 75,000 75,000 75,000 Charges for Services 275,565 313,583 286,345 162,820 174,365 202,615 202,615 Special Assessments 8,495 6,403 2,808 5,300 4,600 4,600 4,600 Fines & Forfeitures 21,092 25,616 22,161 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 - Investment Interest 29,501 45,682 1,323,612 65,000 71,000 71,000 83,000 12,000 Miscellaneous 219,296 21,169 40,022 - - - - - Interfund Transfers 155,042 159,840 171,900 171,900 201,700 201,700 201,700 Subtotal 6,038,483 6,455,546 5,927,197 5,812,456 6,330,842 6,302,944 6,312,672 9,728 Expenditures General Government 1,079,575 1,188,216 1,126,315 1,318,961 1,464,127 1,464,603 1,462,349 (2,254) Public Safety 1,895,465 2,168,187 2,107,971 2,374,426 2,597,827 2,597,842 2,609,518 11,676 Public Works 1,055,964 1,170,466 1,171,618 1,297,889 1,376,185 1,351,255 1,350,556 (699) Culture & Recreation 587,737 644,462 690,585 706,920 763,743 763,784 764,789 1,005 Economic Development 113,579 113,311 100,371 114,260 128,960 125,460 125,460 - Interfund Transfers 1,074,567 948,076 971,726 - - - - - Subtotal 5,806,887 6,232,717 6,168,586 5,812,456 6,330,842 6,302,944 6,312,672 9,728 Net Change in Fund Balance $ 231,596 $ 222,829 $ (241,390) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - City of Otsego Public Utility Fund Budget - 2020 Revenue & Expenditure Summary � I i f Description Revenues Operating Non -Operating Subtotal Expenditures Personal Services Supplies Services & Other Charges Capital Outlay Depreciation Debt Service Interfund Transfers Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 12/2/2019 Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 $ 3,097,701 $ 3,434,316 $ 3,503,724 $ 3,597,677 $ 3,941,130 2,479,019 3,425,958 296,081 198,297 15,239,157 5,576,720 6,860,273 3,799,804 3,795,974 19,180,287 434,756 442,800 426,099 479,930 580,300 338,382 424,908 381,259 421,443 510,596 920,166 861,227 1,572,743 2,172,384 2,215,520 (121,022) (3,071) 298,086 1,834,533 16,026,901 1,454,013 1,553,712 - 1,625,000 1,665,000 404,042 583,105 473,479 473,510 287,167 3,430,335 3,862,680 3,151,665 7,006,800 21,285,484 $ 2,146,385 $ 2,997,593 $ 648,139 $ (3,210,826) $ (2,105,197) City of Otsego Debt Service Fund Budget - 2020 Revenue & Expenditure Summary I Description Revenues Taxes Special Assessments Utility Availability + Connection Charges Investment Interest (net) Interfund Transfers Bond Proceeds Subtotal Expenditures Capital Outlay Principal Interest Fiscal Agent Fee's Debt Service Amortizations Transfers Out Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 12/2/2019 Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 $ 655,000 $ 655,000 $ 367,147 $ 734,293 $ 746,757 632,789 659,067 346,212 421,642 423,349 3,556,395 3,939,956 4,652,500 1,848,850 1,881,750 95,665 181,310 - - - 251,008 308,610 301,579 301,610 133,950 - 110,984 - - - 5,190,857 5,854,927 5,667,437 3,306,395 3,185,806 9,263 20,955 - - - 1,125,000 1,160,000 5,805,000 3,405,000 3,665,000 1,166,075 1,060,485 1,029,727 1,029,728 780,250 4,975 75,843 16,220 5,250 4,750 (78,883) (78,881) - (78,882) (78,882) 230,894 - - - - 2,457,324 2,238,403 6,850,947 4,361,096 4,371,118 $ 2,733,534 $ 3,616,524 $ (1,183,510) $ (1,054,701) $ (1,185,312) City of Otsego Special Revenue Fund Budget - 2020 Revenue & Expenditure Summary Description Revenues Property Taxes Tax Increments Charges for Services Investment Earnings Subtotal Expenditures Personal Services Services & Other Charges Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 12/2/2019 Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020 $ 81,385 $ 65,546 $ 30,408 $ 60,816 $ 56,491 - 96,938 48,710 96,938 261,020 61,323 - 3,975 - - 3,946 6,593 - - - 146,654 169,077 83,093 157,754 317,511 - 476 - - 1,000 92,520 144,388 151,568 150,311 222,788 92,520 144,865 151,568 150,311 223,788 $ 54,133 $ 24,213 $ (68,475) $ 7,443 $ 93,723 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2019-84 SETTING A FINAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 2020 WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has on December 9, 2019, held a public meeting to allow for public comment before adopting a final budget and certifying a final property tax levy; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State Statute to establish a final property tax levy for taxes payable in 2020 and certify the final property tax levy to the Wright County Auditor; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, AlU*4NESOTA: That a tax is hereby levied for collection in 2020 upon all taxable properties in the City of Otsego for the purpose and sums as follows: General Revenue $6,391,000 Tax Abatement 56,491 GO Improvement Bonds, 2010B 460,000 GO Improvement Bonds, 201 OD 122,147 GO Improvement Bonds, 2011A 72,853 GO Improvement Bonds, 2018A 91,758 Total Tax Levy 7 194 249 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of December, 2019. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk MOTION made by Council Member and SECONDED by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: City of Otsego Property Tax Levy Calculations Payable 2019 Revised: December 2, 2019 Proposed Final Levy Adopted Preliminary Levy Levy Description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Change Change 2020 Change Change General Revenues 3,529,352 3,766,000 3,986,000 4,210,000 4,518,000 308,000 7.32% 4,520,000 310,000 Tax Abatements 88,814 81,385 65,546 60,816 56,491 (4,325) -7.117. 56,491 (4,325) -7.11% Debt Service Series 2010D & Series 2011A 225,000 225,000 215,000 205,000 195,000 (10,000) 195,000 (10,000) Series 2010B 415,000 430,000 440,000 450,000 460,000 10,000 460,OD0 10,000 Series 2018A - - - 79,293 91,758 12,465 91,758 12,465 Sub -total 640,000 655,000 655,000 734,293 746,758 12,465 1.70%1 746,758 12,465 1.70% Capital Reserves Pavement Management 339,200 475,960 600,000 800,000 950,000 150,000 950,000 150,000 Trails Management 25,250 26,000 30,000 32,000 33,000 1,000 33,000 1,000 Parks Equipment 54,590 55,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 2,000 60,000 2,000 Capital Equipment Revolving 168,000 235,200 242,256 260,000 280,000 20,000 280,000 20,000 Fire Reserve 150,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 10,000 180,000 10,000 Storm Water 25,000 25,000 26,000 30,000 32,000 2,000 32,000 2,000 Capital Improvements - 160,200 282,500 355,000 318,000 (37,000) 316,000 (39,000) City Buildings & Property - - - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Sub -total 762,040 1,127,360 1,396,756 1,705,000 1,873,000 168,0001 9.85%1 1,871,000 166,000 9.747 Grand Total 5,020,206 5,629,745 6,103,302 6,710,109 7,194,249 484,140 7.22% 7,194,249 484,140 Tax Capacity 13,238,424 14,873,116 16,783,003 18,695,511 20,522,486 20,158,430 Growth (%) 16.55% 12.35% 12.84% 11.40% 9.77% 7.82% Net Tax Capacity 13,238,424 14,872,821 16,696,008 18,608,540 20,317,261 19,956,846 Growth (%) 16.55% 12.35% 12.26% 11.46% 9.18% 7.25% Tax Rate 37.921 37.852 36.556 36.060 35.410 36.049 Population 14,968 15,472 16,019 16,605 17,323 17,323 Tax Levy Per Capita 335 364 381 404 415 415 Taxing 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 247,859 2020 : MV Exclusion Authority Final Tax Rate Final Tax Rate Final Tax Rate Final Tax Rate Estimate Change Estimate Change :11tyof Otsego 37.921 37.852 36.556 36.060 35.410 -1.80% 36.049 -0.03% Xright County 39.970 39.599 39.946 44.273 44.414 0.32% 44.414 0.32% >chool District 39.266 36.659 36.137 32.865 32.716 -0.45% 32.716 -0.45% ichool District- RMV 19.441 19.373 19.422 19.430 19.430 0.00% 19.430 0.00% lian Appraised Value 198,300 217,206 220,572 247,859 12.37% 247,859 12.37% : MV Exclusion (19,393) (17,691) (17,389) (14,933) (14,933) able Market Value 178,907 199,515 203,183 232,926 14.64% 232,926 14.64% Capacity 1,789 1,995 2,032 2,329 2,329 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 Taxing Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated wthority Tax Tax Tax Tax Change Tax Change of Otsego 677 729 733 825 12.55% 840 14.60% ght County 708 797 900 1,035 15.00% 1,035 15.00% Dol District 656 721 668 762 14.07% 762 14.07% DolDistrict - RMV 384 422 429 482 12.35% 482 12.35% al 2,425 2,669 2,730 3,104 13.70% 3,119 14.25% mal Increase 4.Sb 450 X:\Budget\2020\Property Taxes\Tax Levy Calculations Comment Updated per County on 10-25-2019 Estimated at 99% of Tax Capacity Source = MN State Demographer The City rate is calculated by the Finance Director. County and School District tax rates were obtained from Wright County, and represent the tax rate from their respective preliminary levies and are NOT FINAL. Source = Wright County Assessor are best estimates calculated by the e Director based upon information )le at the time of presentation. These only be considered as estimates, and NOT be considered final. 12-9 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF NIINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2019-85 ADOPTING THE 2020-2029 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has determined it is fiscally responsible and necessary to develop a capital improvement plan that identifies items that may require significant capital investment; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the details and estimated cost of each item included within the capital improvement plan; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has identified probable funding sources for each item included within the capital improvement plan; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of an item within the capital improvement plan does not commit final approval for each respective item, rather each item will be presented to the Otsego City Council with final expenditure amounts and a detailed funding plan to gain final approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: That the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan, as set forth in summary, attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution is adopted. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of December, 2019. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk MOTION made by Council Member and SECONDED by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2020 t11ru 2029 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source # Priority 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 201- Pavement Management Street Maintenance -2020 STREET -20-01 n/a 471,610 471,610 Street Maintenance - 2021 STREET -21-01 n/a 749,703 749,703 Reconstruct - Heritage Hills STREET -21-02 n/a 715,582 715,582 Overlay - Kadler (CSAH 39 to 101st) STREET -21-03 n/a 73,526 73,526 Street Maintenance - 2022 STREET -22-01 n/a 1,007,627 1,007,627 Reconstruct- Walesch Estates I STREET -22-02 n/a 1,626,298 1,626,298 O'Day Acres Street Maintenance - 2023 STREET -23-01 n/a 1,341,590 1,341,590 Reconstruct - Vasseur's Oak Grove STREET -23-02 n/a 654,226 654,226 3rd Street Maintenance -2024 STREET -24-01 n/a 1,137,555 1,137,555 Street Maintenance - 2025 STREET -25.01 n/a 595,351 595,351 Overlay -Country Ridge STREET -25-02 n/a 505,049 505,049 Street Maintenance - 2026 STREET -26-01 n/a 939,274 939,274 Overlay - Mississippi Parkwood STREET -26-02 n/a 246,116 246,116 Street Maintenance -2027 STREET -27.01 n/a 1,509,492 1,509,492 Reclaim - Hall's Addition STREET -27-02 n/a 742,464 742,464 Reclaim - Deefield Acres I Hidden STREET -27-03 n/a 170,886 170,886 Valley Street Maintenance - 2028 STREET -28-01 n/a 430,149 430,149 Overlay -194 Industrial Park STREET -28-02 nla 230,066 230,066 Street Maintenance - 2029 STREET -29-01 n/a 691,294 691,294 Reclaim - Vasseur's Oak Grove STREET -29-02 n/a 529,926 529,926 1st12nd 201 -Pavement Management Total 471,610 1,538,811 2,633,925 1,995,816 1,137,555 1,100,400 1,185,390 2,422,842 660,215 1,221,220 14,367,784 202 - Trail Management Trail Maintenance PARK -1020-01 n/a 32,000 32,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2021-01 n/a 33,000 33,000 Monday, December 2, 2019 Source # Priority 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Trail Maintenance PARK -2022-01 n/a 34,000 34,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2023-01 n/a 35,000 35,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2024.01 n/a 36,000 36,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2025.01 n/a 37,000 37,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2026-01 n/a 38,000 38,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2027-01 n/a 39,000 39,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2028-01 n/a 40,000 40,000 Trail Maintenance PARK -2029-01 n/a 41,000 41,000 202 - Trail Management Total 32,000 33,000 34,000 35,000 36,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 365,000 203 - Park Development Splash Pad Improvements - Prairie PARK -2020.02 n/a Park Pickleball Courts - Prairie Park PARK -2020-03 n/a Dog Park Expansion - Prairie Park PARK -2020-04 n/a Ashwood Neighborhood Park PARK -1021-02 n/a Wilson Preserve - Boardwalk PARK -2021-03 n/a Carrick's Waterfront - Landscape PARK -2021-04 n/a Improvements Ballfields Complex - Prairie Park PARK -2022-02 n/a Concessions & Restrooms - Prairie PARK -2025-02 n/a Park Shelter- Prairie Paris PARK -2026-02 n/a Ballfield & Soccer Lighting - Prairie PARK -2027-01 n/a Park 203 - Park Development Total 205 - Park Capital Equipment Playground Replacement - Prairie PARK -2023-02 n/a Park Playground Replacement - School PARK -2023-03 n/a Knoll Park Playground Replacement- Lily Pond PARK -2029.02 n/a Playground Replacement - Future PARK -2029-03 n/a (2030-2042) 205 - Park Capital Equipment Total 1206 - Capital Equipment Revolving Single Axle Roll -Off Truck FLEET --10-01 n/a 80,000 80,000 160,000 160,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 640,000 650,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 174,420 677,147 155,040 1,006,607 240,000 240,000 65,000 65,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 250,000 80,000 814,420 677,147 155,040 240,000 65,000 1,500,000 3,781,607 240,000 240,000 75,000 75,000 102,000 102,000 843,055 843,055 315,000 945,055 1,260,055 272,000 272,000 Monday, December?, 3019 Source # Priority 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup FLEET -20.02 n/a 40,000 40,000 Compact SUV FLEET -20.03 n/a 25,054 25,054 Aluminum Tandem Axle Trailer FLEET -20-04 n/a 10,000 10,000 Floor Scrubbing Machine FLEET -20-05 n/a 23,500 23,500 Forced Air Debris Blower FLEET -20-06 n/a 8,000 8,000 Tractor Mounted Snow Blower FLEET -20-07 n/a 15,500 15,500 Hydraulic Shouldering Machine FLEET -29-06 n/a 9,300 9,300 2021-2029 Future Fleet Purchases FLEET -21-29 n/a 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,537,759 206 - Capital Equipment Revolving Total 403,354 361,500 208,400 255,360 422,695 386,800 669,000 362,994 398,210 472,800 3,941,113 1209 - Collector Streets Overlay - Page Ave (78th to 85th) STREET -20-02 n/a 226,352 226,352 Overlay - 78th Street (Page to 76th) STREET -20.03 n/a 107,049 107,049 Overlay - Queens Avenue (CSAH 36 STREET -21-04 n/a 100,958 100,958 to 59th) Overlay -78th Street (Page to STREET -24-02 n/a 374,858 374,858 Quaday) Reconstruct -Queens Avenue STREET -29.03 n/a 1,648,693 1,648,693 (CSAH 36 to 60th) 209 - Collector Streets Total 333,401 100,958 374,858 1,648,693 2,457,910 414 - Capital Improvements Roundabout Landscaping BLDG -2020-02 n/a 57,540 57,540 Server System Replacement IT -2020-01 n/a 50,000 50,000 CSAH 38 & CSAH 19 - Local Share STREET -20.04 n/a 532,653 532,653 CSAH 39 & CSAH 42 - Local Share STREET -20-05 n/a 1,800,634 1,800,634 Parkview Avenue & 88th Street STREET -20-06 n/a 791,171 791,171 Signal Light Painting STREET -21-05 n/a 33,330 33,330 CSAH 37 - Local Share STREET -22.03 n/a 87,338 87,338 Signal Light Painting STREET -23-03 n/a 30,060 30,060 414 - Capital Improvements Total 3,231,998 33,330 87,338 30,060 3,382,726 439 - Building & Property Maintenan Public Works Building - Trench Drain BLDG -2020.01 n/a 32,100 32,100 Repairs ADA Transition Plan BLDG -2020-03 n/a 13,600 13,600 City Hall - Carpet Replacement BLDG -2021-01 n/a 14,276 14,276 Security Camera Systems IT -2027-01 n/a 20,000 20,000 Monday, December 2, 2019 Source # Priority 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Automated Entry & Security Systems 1T-2027-02 n/a 30,000 30,000 AudioNisual Systems - Council IT -2029-01 n/a 150,000 150,000 Chambers ) - Building & Property Maintenance Total 45,700 14,276 50,000 150,000 259,976 601 - Water Utility Well #9 - New Municipal Well 601-2020-01 n/a 800,000 800,000 Water Tower#2 Reconditioning 601-2020-02 n/a 951,500 951,500 Water Tower #4 601-2021-01 n/a 300,000 6,300,000 6,600,000 Well #3 Improvements 601-2021-02 n/a 120,000 120,000 Well#2 Improvements 601-2022-01 n/a 60,000 60,000 East & West System Connection 601-2023-01 n/a 50,000 200,000 5,232,500 5,482,500 Well #10 - New Municipal Well 601-2023-02 n/a 200,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 Well #8 Improvements 601-2025-01 n/a 120,000 120,000 Well#6 Improvements 601-2026-01 n/a 70,000 70,000 Well #5 Improvements 601-2027-01 n/a 70,000 70,000 Well #7 Improvements 601-2028-01 n/a 70,000 70,000 Water Tower #3 Reconditioning 601-2028-02 n/a 27,000 1,750,000 1,777,000 Water Treatment - Well House #4 601-2029-01 n/a 3,000,000 3,000,000 WaterTreatment - Well House#3 601-2029-02 n/a 3,000,000 3,000,000 Water Treatment - Well House #2 601-2029-03 n/a 9,000,000 9,000,000 Water Treatment - Well House #1 601-2029-04 n/a 9,000,000 9,000,000 CSAH 38 & CSAH 19 - Local Share STREET -20-04 n/a 254,288 254,288 601 - Water Utility Total 2,305,788 6,470,000 460,000 6,532,500 120,000 70,000 97,000 1,820,000 24,000,000 41,875,288 602 - Sanitary Sewer Utility East WWTF -Dewatering & 602-2020-01 n/a 13,088,600 13,088,600 Chemical Stabilization Lift Station #7 - Construction 602-2020-02 n/a 339,513 339,513 Lift Station #3 - Pump Replacement 602-2021-01 n/a 45,000 45,000 West WWTF Liquids Capacity 602-2024-01 n/a 2,500,000 25,000,000 27,500,000 Expansion Lift Station - W2 District 602-2026-01 n/a 100,000 800,000 900,000 602 - Sanitary Sewer Utility Total 13,428,113 45,000 2,500,000 25,000,000 100,000 800,000 41,873,113 GRAND TOTAL 20,501,964 8,676,875 4,238,083 12,340,883 27,126,148 1,984,200 2,827,390 4,471,836 2,918,425 28,478,768 113,564,572 Monday, December 2, 2019