ORD 06-18ORDINANCE NO.: 2006 - 18 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR CITY SERVICES, PERMITS AND LICENSES FOR 2007. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 2-4-2 of the Otsego City Code is hereby adopted establishing a fee schedule for City services, permits and licenses for 2007: 2-4-2: Fee Schedule: The City Council hereby establishes the following schedule of fees: A. Licenses: Liquor a. Non -intoxicating Liquor (on -sale): $ 50.00 b. Non -intoxicating Liquor (off -sale): $ 50.00 C. Club: $ 75.00 d. Intoxicating Liquor (on -sale): $4,000.00 e. Intoxicating Liquor (Sunday): $ 200.00 f. Investigation Fee (single): $ 500.00 g. Investigation Fee (corporation): $ 500.00 h. Set-ups: NO COST i. Wine: $ 150.00 j Temporary Non -Intoxicating Liquor: $ 25.00 k. Temporary Intoxicating Liquor: $ 25.00 I. Premises Extension Permit (on -sale): 2. Mechanical Amusement: $15.00/business, plus; a. Mechanical Rides: $15.00/ride, b. Pinball Games: $15.00/game C. Pool table (coin operated) $15.00/table d. Video Game: $15.00/game 3. Garbage Hauler: $20.00 4. Rental Housing License: $100.00 / dwelling unit B. Permits: 1. Building Permit: Refer to Chapter 4, Section 1 of the City Code. 2. Septic Installation/Repair: $105.00 3. Sewer and Water Hook -Up $50.00 4. Burning Permit NO COST 5. Home Occupation Permit: $50.00 6. Sign Permit: a. Up to 100 square feet $ 50.00 b. 101 square feet — 300 square feet $120.00 C. Over 300 square feet $200.00 d. Annual Advertising Structure Insp. $ 10.00 e. Temporary $ 50.00 f. Temporary Deposit $100.00 C. Development Applications: 1. Zoning Amendment (map or text): a. Base Fee: $ 500.00 b. Escrow: $1,000.00 C. Total: $1,500.00 2. Conditional Use Permit — Single Family a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 600.00 C. Total: $ 800.00 3. Conditional Use Permit — Other a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 800.00 C. Total: $1,000.00 4. Conditional Use Permit - Appeal: 2 3 a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 800.00 C. Total: $1,000.00 5. Interim Use Permit: a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ &00.00 C. Total: $1,400.00 6. Administrative Permit: a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 400.00 C. Total: $ 600.00 7. Site Plan Review: a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 800.00 C. Total: $1,000.00 8. Sketch Plan: a. Base Fee: $ 500.00 b. Escrow: $ 2,800.00 C. Total: $ 3,300.00 9. Preliminary Plat: a. Base Fee: $ 500.00 b. Escrow: $2,800.00 C. Total: $3,300.00 10. Final Plat: a. Base Fee: $ 500.00 b. Escrow: $1,000.00 C. Total: $1,500.00 11. Administrative Subdivision: a. Base Fee: $ 200.00 b. Escrow: $ 0.00 3 C. Total: $ 200.00 E. Development Fees 1. Collector Road Impact: 4 a. Clay Soils: $1,360.00/dwelling b. Sand Soils: $1,140.00/dwelling 2. Sewer Availability Charge: $6,425.00/REC 3. Water Availability Charge: $3,625.00/REC 4. Storm Water Impact: a. Lefebvre Creek: $1,800.00/gross acre b. Otsego Creek: $2,600.00/net acre 5. Park and Trail Dedication: See Section 21-7-18 F. General Government Services: 1. General Labor (minimum 15 min.): $25.00/hour 2. Copies (all sizes): $ 1.00/per sheet 3. Fax: $ 1.00/per page 4. Legal and PIN/PID information: $35.00/search 5. Zoning Designation / Flood Panel No.: $35.00/search 6. Lot Dimension: $35.00/search 7. Special Assessment Search: $35.00/search 8. Septic Search: $35.00/search 9. Recycling Bin a. New construction: NO COST b. Existing Home: $ 5.00/bin 10. Returned Check Fee: $15.00 4 G. Documents: 1. Comprehensive Plan: $ 50.00 2. City Code: $135.00 3. Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance: $ 60.00 4. Engineering Manual: $ 30.00 5. City Map: $ 5.00 6. Zoning Map - Large Scale: $ 10.00 7. Zoning Map - Small Scale: $ 5.00 8. Floodplain Map: Free 9. Topography Maps/Data - Less than 3.Oac.: $ 30.00 10. Topography Maps/Data - 3.Oac. or More: $ 15.00/ac. 11 Half Section Map Sets: $160.00 12. Wright County Map: $ 5.00 H. Animals 1. Dog License: $ 10.00 2. Duplicate Dog License: $ 2.00 3. Impound Fees: a. 1 st Impoundment / calendar year: $ 50.00 b. 2nd Impoundment/ calendar year: $ 75.00 C. 3rd Impoundment / calendar year; $100.00 4. Fowl Keeping License: $20.00 I. Public Safety 1. False Alarm Charge: a. Fire: No charge for first three (3) alarms, $150.00 for fourth alarm, $50.00 for each successive alarm per calendar year. R b. Other: No charge for first four (4) alarms, $50.00 for fifth alarm, $50.00 for each successive alarm per calendar year. 2. R -O -W Sign Recovery Fee: $20.00/sign 3. Administrative Enforcement Civil Penalties: a. Class A (animal violations): $50.00 b. Class B (Zoning (except signs) violations) $100.00 C. Class C (nuisance, Signs Ordinance, business license, and building regulation violations): $200.00 J. Engineering 1. Mineral Extraction: $0.05 per cubic yard mined per calendar year. 2. Wetland Delineation Review: $2,000.00 escrow 3. Watertower Lease: $1,500.00 escrow 4. Water Shut Off Fee: $50.00 5. Water Turn On Fee: $50.00 Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective 1 January 2007 upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: V Vern f4eidner SECOND BY: Mayor Larry Fournier ALL IN FAVOR: Mayor Fourneir; Councilmembers: Heidner, Scharber, Stockamp and Thorsted THOSE OPPOSED: NONE 31 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 27th Day of November, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO .'hier, Mayor ATTEST: C/k� JudH s n, ning Administrator/City Clerk Published: k River Star News 01-03-07