ITEM 3.1TPC 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka , MN 55303 763 .231.5840 TPC @PlanningCo.com The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 2 January 2020 ACTION DATE: 1 February 2020 RE: Otsego -Corkin Estates; Preliminary/Final Plat TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND \TEM 3 .1 Dennis and Kathryn Correll own an existing 12.8 acre parcel at the southeast quadrant of 85 th Street and Nashua Avenue identified as PID 118-500-204202. The parcel, which had been part of the former Stonebrige Golf Course , was initially established in accordance with a conditional use permit approved by the City Council on 9 June 2008 to allow a lot less than 20 acres within the A-2 District. A stipulation of the approved CUP is that the parcel retained 2 development rights in accordance with the 1 dwelling unit 10 acre density allowed within the A-2 District. An administrative subdivision was approved by the Zoning Administrator adjusting the boundaries of the subject site and an abutting parcel (PID 118-500-204204) The property owners are proposing to subdivide the existing parcel into 2 lots, each of which would be allowed development of one single family dwelling. The proposed subdivision requires a conditional use permit, approval of a preliminary/final plat, and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. Exhibits: • Site Location Map • Preliminary Plat • Final Plat (2 sheets) 1 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located at the northern extent of Urban Service Expansion Area E1 established by the Sewer Staging Plan of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Development density within the Urban Service Expansion Area is allowed at 1 dwelling unit per 10 acres. The existing 12.8 acre parcel is undeveloped and has 2 development rights in accordance with the conditional use permit approved by the City Council on 9 June 2008. The proposed subdivision ofthe subject site into a 3.16 acre lot and 8.34 acre lot is consistent with the interim rural use of the property guided by the Comprehensive Plan until such time as sewer and water utilities are available. A deed restriction is to be recorded with each lot to limit future development to not more than 1 dwelling and prohibit additional subdivision. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service District. Development density is limited to 1 dwelling per 10 acres within the A-2 District. The subject site is also within the Shoreland Overlay District of a natural environmental lake located west of Nashua Avenue. Subdivision a lot with an area less than 20 acres requires approval of a conditional use permit consistent with the interim land use plan established by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision is also consistent with the stipulations of the conditional use permit approved on 9 June 2008 that originally established the subject site as a lot of record. Lot Requirements. Lots within the A-2 District must have a minimum area of 20 acres and minimum width of 450 feet. In order to maintain contiguous tracts of land for future urban development, Section 11-52-5.G of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the subdivision of lots less than 20 acres in area within the A-2 District by conditional use permit based on compliance with the following criteria: 1. All other applicable requirements of Section 11-52-6 of this Chapter are complied with. 2 . A concept plan utilizing all development rights allowed by Section 11-52- 6. B of this Chapter is submitted and recorded with the subdivision. 3. Lots are to be clustered and the overall subdivision designed in such a manner so as to provide for logical future street and utility extensions. 4. No lot shall be less than one {1} acre in size or 150 feet in width. 5. The maximum lot size for clustered lots in the Urban Service Reserve Area shall be two and one-half {2.5} acres except if one of the following conditions is met: a. Topography, soils, wetlands, or other natural features dictate a larger minimum lot area. 2 b. The location of existing buildings cannot be fully accommodated in compliance with applicable setback requirements of Section 11- 52-6. C of this Chapter. c. One (1) development right as allowed by Section 11-52-6 .8 of this Chapter is used for a dwelling located on the present parcel outside of the residential cluster. 6. A resubdivision plan for future division of each lot with availability of municipal sanitary sewer service is submitted and recorded on the deed for each lot. Principal and accessory buildings shall be located on each lot in conformance with all present and future setback requirements based on the resubdivision plan. 7. A deed restriction is placed on the parcel exercising development rights and all subdivided lots to prohibit additional subdivision unless is conforms to applicable zoning district requirements. 8. Each lot is capable of accommodating a private well and septic system . 9. The provisions of Section 11 -4-2.F of [the Zoning Ordinance] are considered and satisfactorily met. The subject site has an irregular shape due to an existing exception parcels at the northwest and southwest corners. The lot area of proposed Lot 1, Block 1 is greater than 2.5 acres so as to allow for the lot line dividing Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 to be an extension ofthe rear lot line of the existing parcel to the southwest as a continuous straight line for the west lot line of Lot 2, Block 1 consistent with the provisions of Section 10-8-4.B of the Subdivision Ordinance. Both lots meet the minimum 150 foot width requirement. Clustering provisions of the A-2 District are not applicable to this proposal to divide the 1 existing lot into 2 lots using the remaining available development rights . Setbacks. The table below illustrates the required setbacks applicable to the proposed lots to be subdivided. The proposed lots each have adequate area within the required setbacks to allow for construction of a single family dwelling. A-2 District Minimum Setbacks Nashua Avenue 85th Street From From Side Rear Centerline ROW 130ft. 65ft. 10 ft. 50 ft. 3 Right-of-Way. The subject site abuts 85 th Street and Nashua Avenue. Right-of-way for 85 th Street was acquired by the City as part ofthe 85 th Street-Maciver Avenue improvement project and is shown on the preliminary and final plats. The preliminary and final plats also indicated dedication 40 feet of right-of-way for Nashua Avenue . However, 50 feet of right-of-way is required in accordance with the 2019 Wright County Transportation Plan. All right-of-way dedication is to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Access. The subject site is currently accessed via a shared driveway with PID 118-500-204204. Lot 1, Block 1 is to have frontage to both 85 th Street and Nashua Avenue . However, there is steep slopes in the yard along Nashua Avenue that may make the feasibility of a driveway not possible. Nashua Avenue is also planned as a potential County State Aid Highway in the future as major north-south connection through the central area of Otsego. For these reasons, City staff recommends that access to Lot 1, Block 1 be restricted to only a driveway from 85 th Street. Lot 2, Block 1 will be accessed from 85 th Street as this is the only public street to which the proposed lot has frontage. Utilities. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 are to be served by individual on-site septic and well utilities. The applicant has provided a septic SUitability report that identifies primary and secondary drain field sites and septic tank locations within each of the proposed lots. The lots will also be served by an on-site well Plans for the on-site septic and well utilities are to be subject to review and approval by the Building Official at the time application for building permit is submitted. Easements. Existing easements within the subject site are to be vacated concurrent with the proposed final plat. Section 11-8-12 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed lots and over stormwater basins, wetlands and wetland buffers within the subject site. The City Engineer is requiring that a wetland delineation be prepared to identify existing wetlands within the subject site that are to be surrounded by a 20 foot buffer required by Section 11-16-5.F ofthe Zoning Ordinance and overlaid by drainage and utility easements . All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. The subdivision of the existing parcel creating 1 new lot requires dedication of land or a cash fee in lieu of land for park and trail dedication in accordance with Section 11-8-15 ofthe Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends that the applicant pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $2,640 for the additional lot created by the proposed preliminary/final plat to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements due with this application . Criteria. Consideration of the requested conditional use permit applications is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Section 11-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance, respectively: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 4 Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the site for interim rural land uses until sanitary sewer and water utilities are available. The proposed subdivision of the subject site into 2 rural single family lots is consistent with the interim land use plan policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: Surrounding land uses currently consist of cultivated fields and large lot, rural single family uses. These rural land uses are to continue until such time as urban services are available. The area including the subject site is guided for future low density residential land uses. As such, the proposed preliminary and final plat will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed subdivision will conform to all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed preliminary and final plat will not generate traffic that that would exceed the current capacity of 85 th Street from which the 2 lots are to be accessed. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: As a rural residential use consistent with the allowed density of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, the proposed subdivision can be accommodated by the City's existing service capacity. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the Corkin Estates applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a vacation of existing drainage and utility easements, a conditional use permit, and preliminary/final plat for Corkin Estates, subject to the following conditions: 5 1. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 shall be deed restricted to prohibit further subdivision until such time as rezoned to allow for development with sewer and water utilities. 2. The preliminary and final plat shall be revised to dedicate 50 feet of right-of-way for Nashua Avenue; all right-of-way dedication is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Lot 1, Block 1 shall be accessed only from 85 th Street; direct lot access to Nashua Avenue shall be prohibited. 4. The on-site septic and well utilities shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Official. 5. The developer shall provide a wetland delineation, designate a minimum 20 foot wetland buffer in accordance with Section 11-16-5.F of the Zoning Ordinance and overlay the wetlands and wetland buffers with a drainage and utility easement; all drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall pay a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements applicable to the administrative subdivision application. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk David Kendall, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 6 Site Location Roads -CSAHCL -CTYCL -MUNICL -PRIVATECL -TWPCL Highways -Interstate -State Hwy -USHwy Cityffownship Limits Oc D t D Parcels Hakanson derson MEMORANDUM TO: Daniel Licht, City Planner Main Office: 360 I Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 www .haa-inc.com FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer MEETING DATE: January 6, 2020 RE: Corkin Estates CC: Tami Loff, City Clerk Andrew MacArthurlDave Kendall, City Attorney Adam Flaherty, City AdministratorlFinance Director Dennis and Kathryn Correll-Owner and Developer Abram Niemela -Licensed Land Surveyor (Meyer-Rohlin) We have reviewed the plat for compliance with the City's subdivision ordinance and have the following comments: 1) Both lots shall have access by 85 th Street only. Nashua Avenue is guided to become a County Highway with limited access per the 2019 Wright County Transportation Study. 2) Nashua Avenue ROW shall be 50' for consideration of County Highway per the 2019 Wright County Transportation Study. 3) A wetland delineation is required. Any wetlands shall be placed in an outlot deeded to the City including a 20' buffer. The buffer must be included in the outlot(s). 4) Any drain tiles between ponds within the plat and extending out of the plat must be shown. All drain tile or overland flow from the ponds must be covered by a drainage and utility easement. , " () ,I.) lIJ 1/) ---:r tl001ll OUAR1ER CORIIER Of·j \ SECnOU 20, 1. 121. R. 2J, \IRIGHT COUNTY, WIII/ESDTA '" ~/~ () :] () -~ CO (\\ 1 ~t J'SOUTll OUAR1fR CORIIER OF SECTIon 20. T. 121. R. 23. ~.'IGHr COUNTY, "'INF.~ -"- 118-500-201306 DARfIIEt,AOAJ.f &" OAN/EllE IJ5ao 851H S1/o,'[ OTSEGO, IJll 55JJO CRAPHIC SCA LE IN FEET CERTIF'ICATE OF' SURVEY AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OF' CORKIN ESTATES EAS T um: or THr: \\£5r ---~"'--I 1/2 Of" THE SOUmCAST 1/4 Of" s£cnOl~ 20 Propos8d dmlllol}. rJl/d utility eosrmrn(, Qffl shOlffl (hu,: B,lng 5.~ f.d MI .Wlh. Unit'S! a/hentls. '(ld(l;at~ QIId ad}r.tln¥l9 lot Ilnl;~ o",J 10.00 (c./ in wld/h, unlus olh,ntln Inrf~o(,d. OIld adjonhg righl-ot-rroy IhlS OIId plot boundary linn 0$ sho'tfTI on fhe plol. EASEME NT DETAIL DEVELOPMENT DATA PMeD AREAS I I I I I I I I I Lof 1: J.16 Acr~s l ot 2: B,J.f. kres 651h S ircot NE: 0.64 Acres NashllO Ave. tiE: 0.16 Acre" Toiol Ar;reogc; 12.J2 Acres f?(ISTflIG ZoNING' A 2 AGRICULTURAL-LOUG fW./G£ URBAN SEIMCE ARrA --~ I PRINCIPAl STBllCTUBf SETBACKS FOR A-2 lONING' (FROM CfTY OF OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE) I . FRONT YAAD~ MTfRltlllMAlQR COt I fCIQR smffT 130 fEET FROM GE/ff£RUNE 65 f EU FROM RIGffr-OF-WAY WiE l.lll!ALSl1l££I 65 fEU FROM CENTERUN£ J5 FEET FROM RIGIiT-OF-WAY UUE 2. SIDE YAROS: INTERIOR: TEN FfET (10 '), CORNER: AS REQUIRED fOR THE FRONT YARD. J. RtAR .YAAD: 11ITER10R: FlFIY FEET (50'). mROUGH LOT: AS REQUIRED FOR THE FRONT YAAD. OWNER / DEVELOPER DENNIS & KATHRYN C;ORRElL PO BOX 332 ROGERS, MN 55J74 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Tho north 830 foot of th o \'(ost Holf of Ill e Southeast QUarter of Section 20, Township 121. Range 2.3, Wright County. Minnesota. Together with that port of th e Northeast Quarter of the Soulhw est QUarter of said Section 20, lying easterly of the centerline of Nashua Avenue Northeast and lying Norlhorly of th e Westerly exlansion of Iha Soulh Un c of sold North BJO feel of the \Vest Half of the Sou the ast Quo rt er. excepting thorefrom the J parcels described as follows: 1. The North 241 .71 feel of Ih e West 20B.7 1 fed, as meosured olong the West and Norlh Jines respectivelyl of the West Half of th e Sou th east Quarlerj tog eth er wilh that part o f th e Northeast Quarter of 'he Southwes t Quolter lying easterly of the cen/erline of Nashua Ave nue N.c. and lying northQrly of the wosterly ex to nsion of the Sou th lina of sold North 241 .7 1 foo! of fh e West Half of the Southeast Quorillr, 0/1 In SBc/ron 20, Township 121, Ra ng e 2.3, Wright County, Affnnesota. 2 . J. Th e west 4J9.58 (eet of the south J80.00 fect of th e norlh 830.00 feef of the West Holf of the Southeast Quarter of SectIon 20. To wnship 121, Range 2.3, Wright County, M/nnesoto, as measured along fho north and wast Jlnos Ihoreof. together with thot po rt of tho Northoast Quartor of the Southwest Quarter of saId SecHo n 20 lying eostorly of Iho conlerllna of Nashua Avenue N.E., lying northerly of tho woster~ extension of the south line of th o north roo fee t of saId West Half of tha Sou th eas t Ouor ler. and lying Sau th 8rly of the westerly extension of tho narlh line of sold south JBO feel of the north B30 feel, Wright Counly, "';nneso la. The East 420.00 feet of the North B30.00 (eet of the Wast Half of the southeast Qu arter of Section 20, Township 121, Range 2.3. WrIght County, MTnnesolo. o '" @ @ * o Ii!! fl LEGEND ~'~~2f'p~J/fJ'1To';:1fJ#!s£ NOrm) IRON MONUMENT SET P.K. NAIL SIT CAST-IRON MONUMENT FOUND ALUMINUM 04P MONUMENT FOUND OVERHEAD ElECTRIC CULVERT PVC FENCE CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE CATCH BASIN SiCN ------950-----_ EXISnNG GROUND CONTOUR (FROM UN DNR LllJAR ClArA) unary POLE TEL/COMM RISERS BfTUMJNOUS SURFACE I hersby carfify (hal lhls survsy, plan, or report was prepared by me or un der my direct supervision and Ih ol , am a Licensed Lond Surveyor under the lows o f Ihe S tate of Wnnesota. 3 .... ,3 0-. Doto~~~ Abram A. Niemela Ucense No. 48664 REVIS IO N S 1 1/25/1 9 FILE N O. 19307 CORKIN ESTATES 11/25/19 .. FOR CITY SUBMITTAL KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: Thot Dennis A. Correll and Kathryn M. Corroll, husband and wife, olVners of tho (oJ/owing describod property situated In the County of Wright. Stote of MInnesota, to wit: The north BJO feet of the West Holf of ths Southeost QUortef of Sec lion 20, Town ship 121. Rango 2J, Wright County, Minnesota. Together with thot port of tho Northeost QUarter of the Southwest Quaner of said Section 20, lying easterly of the centerlfne of Na sh ua Avenue Northeast and tying Northerly of the Westerly extension of the south line of said North BJO feef of th e \Vest Half of the Southeast Quarter. Excepting therefrom the J parcels described as follolvs: 1. The Nonh 241.71 feef of the We st 20B.71 fe ef, as measured olong the \'lest and North lines respectively, of the \'lest Half of the Southeast Quarter; together with that part of the Northeast Duader of th e Southwest Quarter lying easterly of fhe centerline of Nashua Avenue N.E. and ly ing northerly of the westerly extension of the South line of said North 241.71 feet of the Vles t Half of the Sou theast Duoner, all in Sec tion 20, Township 121, Range 2J, IVright County, Mfnnesoia. 2. The west 439.58 fe et of the south J80.00 feet of the north 8JO.00 feet of the lVest Half of the Southeast Duarter of Section 20, Town ship 121, Range 23, Wrfght County, Minnesota, a s measured olong the north and west lines thereo f. togefher with thot port of the Northeast QUorter of the Southwest Quorter of said Section 20 lying easterly of fhe centerline of Nashua Avenue N.t., lying northerly of fhe westerly extensIon of Ihe south line of the north 830 fect of sold West Half of the Southeast Quarter. and lying So utherly of the westerly ex tension of the north Une of said south J80 feel of the north 8.30 feet, Wright County, Wnnesota. J. The East 420.00 f ee t af lho North 8JO.DO foel of the West Half of fhe Southeast QUarter of Section 20, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. Have co use d the some to be surveyed and plaUed as CORKIN ESTATES and do hereby dedlcole fa th e public for public use fh e public ways and drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Dennls A. Correll and Kafhryn M. Correll. husband and wife, hove hereonto set hIs hand thIs doy of _______ ~ 20 __ . Dennis A. Correll Kathryn M. Correll STATf OF MINNfSOTA COUNTY OF ___ _ This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of _______ , 20 __ • by DennIs A. Correll and Kathryn M. Correll, husband and wife. (Signature) (Nome Pnnled) Notary Public, _____ Counly, Minnesota My Commtsslon ExpfresL-____ _ I Abram A. Niemela, do hereby certify that this pIal was prepared by mB or under my direct supervision; that J am a duly Ucens cd Land Surveyor in th e Siole of Minnesota: that this plat is D CarTed representation of the boundary survey: thot all mathematical data and labels ore correctfy de signaled on this plot; th ot all monuments depicted on IMs pIal hov(I been. or wift be co rrectly set within one YUOf,' that all water boundaries and \Vet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.0', SUbd. .3, as of the dole of th is cerllllcafe are shown and labeled on this plot; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plot. STATf OF MlNNfSOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT Doted th1s __ day of ______ _ 20 Abram A. Niemela, Licensed Land Surveyor.' Minnesota License No. 48664 The foreg oing Surveyor's Cerfificate was acknowledged before me this LIcense No. 48664. day of _______ ~ 20 __ • by Abram A. Niemelc1, land Surveyor, Minnesota {SIgnalure} (Nome Prmted) Notary Public. _____ Counfy. Min nesota My Commission f xpires'-____ _ CITY COUNCIL, City of Otsego, M1nnesoto This plot of CORKIN ESTATES was approved and accepted by the Clly Council of the Cily of Otsego, Minnesota, at 0 regulor meeting thereof held th is ___ day of _______ ~, 20 __ • and said plat is in compliance with tho provisions of Minnesota statutes, Section 505.0J, Subd. 2. Cdy Clerk Mayor IVRlGfiT COUNTY SURVfYOR I hereby certify that In accordance with Minnesota S tatutes. Section 505.02', SUbd. 1 J. this pIal has been reviewed and approved this ___ doy of 20 __ " Wflght county Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/mfASURfR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Section 505.02', Subd. 9, fox es payable for the year 20 __ on the land hereinbefore described have been pold. Also, pJrsuonl to Minn eso ta Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered th is ___ day of 20 __ . Wright County Audllor/Treasu rer By:~~ ______________________ _ Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RfCOROfR I horoby certify thoi this ins trument was filed in tho office of tho County Rocorder for record on this day of _______ , 20 __ at __ a'c1ock __ .M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. ____ ~ Sleeve -----J as Document No . ______ _ Wnght County Recorder SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS I --"fST QUARTER CORtiER Of ( SECTlOII 20, T. 12 1, R. 2J, ~~~GI/T COUNlY, M"NE~JJ.8J __ - T;;;~ N 89'''9''0'' W --:nI QUA"1fR CORllm oY S(ClI0l( 20, T. 121, R. 23. F' _ .. ' 1\ ~RIGH T COUIITY. MINnESOTA 1I0RnI»Esr CORNER Of nlE _, I SOUTHEAST 1/. OF SECTION 1 " ...... ............. CORKIN ESTATES -"-...... 1 1..{2S/ 19 ... FOR CITY SUBMITTAL -.'-... --UORTH LINE OF" THE SOU7JI£AST , 1/4 or SECTION 20, T. 12 1, R. I 2J, "RIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA '-"- -"-'- 20, T. 12 1, R. 2J, "RIGHT ~ COUNTY. MINNESOTA \ j ',I 1----~\-----==20&71--\ , ~ I ' II \, 1-,,' B 5 T H N 0."49"0" 1f ---689.74--- S T R E E T 5 89'58'25-W r'- I rASr QUAR1{R CORlim Of-I -"-"-"-"-"-'-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-•• _ •• -•• _ •• -•• -~f,fJi,~NC~NJy"VlilffES~~A~l\ ~ \---------------N~:.~:;:g;~-----~ ------_ .... I1l \ I T '-.. -.. -.. _ .. _ .. _ .. -.-.. -~ . ..., N. E. I I \ 689.81 II r "-"-··-··-··-··-'·-··-··-··-·\~.·:-2JO.B7 45B.9 ' .--' i-----------------i r----------------------------------------i I I :j J " : II ,'1 \/ ;k, :1 :' ! I ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ I (--fAST UNf OF nlE "£ST 208.71 I rr) I I ~ i \ g ~ ~: i~~~o~::~/~s; ~~~~ ~~ : : (--WEST WlE OF THE fAST 420.00 (' -40 l ito I ~ q rn I ~L) AS MEASURED ALONG mE NORm I , : ) r:o~~H~::~~/~f~~ ~~T~ ~~ ~. I il ,/-G "UI/EnlmWf " .. -.. -.. -.. _ .. _ .. _ .. -.. -'-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-'-"-"-"-"-"-'r I ~~ " I I ----I--1---, r--~ ,--SOUTH l INE OF THE NORTH ' I' I' -----I II r--:"/, I 241.7 1 fH T Of THE »EST 1/2 I, A _ I OF 1HE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF I I r_ \ p_ \ SEClION 20 AS MEASURED I I I / t-/::' J k I en"". \ ALONG lHE "£51 W/f THERfO~ I I A}~' I [ < ,C') ~~ I' N 89'49"0" 1Y \ ;'<"~'" \. (.) I I I !,-IJ I --!:.-I ---244.26---'-,-. /[." • : : A'< 1 ' ' ,. I ~~, , ' , N O:,,~ tf '~-----_=:~~a71-=-------:~~ B L 0 C K ~~i j 1 c;:5J (l~J f~rg~~~o~~~;J;J-----1 25 ().'" ,I ~ I ! i :, PO',. V 'l C/) ! ' I ~ "J ;; f-Hi: d CO" i i !r-----~~------.,·~---~-------L-I i~ ~ -i ~ T ! ; i j ! b : ~ ~ i \ 0 ~ I ~~ :tl ' .-:~~~~:k~------------~:::::~~~----------·~5.----:o .... J ~~ I--EASTUNE OF,THE ~EST m.5B fEET LOT 2 A,,<'\~/ i ~ r! '--'/-G Droilloge allul/lilly ~asemcll ls ar~ shawn thus; . I I !!,I ~.IJ>" I} S 89 "49' 10" E ,\,' (1(" J : ~I ~4 ~~ :g~p~{~~~~~[!~:gAST (l'\ : < ( ! I I " ALONG THE /lORTH ' UN[ THEREOf "V I I 1 I \'-NORTH UHE OF THE SOUTH J80.00 FEET Of' \ I . , '1 THE NORm BJaOO FEET OF THE WES T 1/2 I I' CURRElJT CENTERWI£ OF UASHUA--" i OF mE soumEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20 AS I AYe. lI.t. ACCORDING TO OTSEGO I : UEASUR£O ALONG mE WEST WIE THEREOF / ' ROAD PLAT No. j (DOC. NO. 5J7:J7:.J, I ! I' RECORDED 10/0B/l •• J) L i l ' :t : 1' ........ --roR fER CfNTffiUUE OF NASHUA ,/ ... --------- , ()" I ;":~~~.~;p A;g:D:~! (~rJ::~~~~ _",--.,-.. ,//'«----(~ I:, ~ -(' ~ I <0.'209, RECORDED 12/Il/'9B5) . _.... 0' A ~-I uj i i ' , 1--' a 60 120 ',/ I" --~7 ~~I:<~ II o~ ~ ~~ ! GRAPHIC SCALE IN HIT f~ () ~~ q -..I CC () ~~ II i '\ \ ~g I iJ:: \ ~~t :--~L--------'" ,/~ ~ G ~ ~ ~I (lC)' i 'f II j...,/i I '"-,-~~~;,,,,-V -i .-I ~'~ i ( I nv : :~ I: « ii i ", I ! :5 I, i I \ '_--SOUTH UNE OF THE /lORm BJO DO fEn i o :) I 'f' OF mE V,'E"ST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAsT , -l I ,! \ 'I , 1/4 OF srcnolJ 20 AS MEASURED ' -fJ,\ iJ:: « () 1 INCH = 60 fEET (If PRINTED fULL SIZE) Cl \ i ,l \ L . ALONG THE WES T WIE mEREOF I J.o.~r! ~ (5 't' . : ~----1 ---'''5B------,_ I ------+-------------,-----------_______ -.-l '" n::: "--.1 1·MJ ... -----_ L ___ ==~o--_______ -~-5956...c-'~-----_: ''------___ -':.... _______________ ~~,ftc.. ___ _ <C :1 \ «/ '..... ___ -,,' P I ;2 : I .. < \.,,~ ,,\ --------460.64--- I L1 « if'" A A \ ! t3 I 1:1 ! I' \j .~# ,0' S 89'40"0" E : ~-~~: "--V,EST UHE OF THE \1£5T 1/2 f_ \ (-. \ fAST LII~r OF mE---L. .. () ri' ,3: OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF (~ -' J (~ J NORTHEAST 1/4 OF '1 ~"""""~J .. __ ' , SEcnOIl 20 ... \ 'v.... r _ \/ mE SOUTHWEST 1/. : -----. ~ ~ '-~~ -\ -' J -=--: .. I .. ~! ' • DENO TES IRON MONUMENT fOUND BEAR ING ORIENTATION ' mE WEST LINE OF mE \VEST 1/2 Of mE soumEAST 1/4 Of SECTION 20, T. 12 1, R. 2J IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N 00'/0 '59" IV, o OENOTES IRON MONUMENT SIT, MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 48654 6 DENOTES P.K, NAIL SIT @ DENOTES ALUMINUM CAP FOUNO @ DENOTES CAST-IRON MONUMENT FOUNO 180 , 801119 5.00 fael ;, wIdth, unless oth~rt"se /nalco leel. ond oajNning 10 1 lines. oml 10.00 r~e/ in Kld/h, vnJeu oth~rwl$(I Indicaleel. ond odjofnlng rIgh t-of-way and pla t boundary Ilna s as shown M fhB plot. VICINITY MAP SECTIO N 20, T. 12 1, R. 23, IVRlGHT COUNTY, MN (NO SCALE) I A ! tr I ~~\:~ \ ~ I I L_ N.E. ST. NE. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS L