01-14-20 OHPC MinutesOTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 2020 6:57 PM Call to Order 6:59 PM. Roll Call Commissioners: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Cara Husak, John Waldron City Council: Corey Tanner 1. Consider Agenda Agenda Approved. 2. Minutes Review Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. Minutes approved for November with amendment to update Jacquie's name in December's Meeting Minutes. 3. OHPC Projects a. Jacquie Rognli Interview for Otsego View — Commissioner Gail and Commissioner Chris held an interview with Jacquie on January 7t" at the Prairie Center. b. Photo organization of Otsego History — Commissioner John will be looking into ways that would be best for photo storage. Excel filing with links was considered. He will also be looking into voice to text options for converting for converting interviews to a digital format. c. Otsego View Historical Highlights — Commissioner Toni presented a booklet that she created of Otsego history articles taken from previously published articles in the Otsego View. This booklet can be placed in the public area of Prairie Center for Otsego Residents to view. d. Otsego taped interviews — Commissioner Toni will work on having the tapes transcribed to MP3 and wave files. As part of reviewing these files she found a tape of Julia May Bertram interview and because of its interview with mostly historical value to the city of Monticello, she recommended to donate it to Wright County Historical Society. This was approved through vote of the commission. Commissioner Toni made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Gail seconded that motion. e. Murder article for the Otsego View — Commissioner Cara is in progress of writing a short article. 1 f. Century Home Recognition Program — Commissioner Cara worked with St. Could to obtain information for the program that is currently happening in St. Cloud. She will have an update at the next meeting. g. New(er) Computer for HCP Project Usage — We discussed our current computer equipment and may make some changes. a. Note: If an update is needed, we will need media players to support current files. h. Legal Release Document — Councilman Corey will ask the city attorney to review the older document to see if it is still valid, update if needed or create a new document for future OHPC projects. i. Barns in Otsego — Commissioner Chris and Commissioner John will drive around Otsego and take pictures of barns in Otsego for future OHPC projects. 4. Beaudry Meadows Park Sign Update Commissioner Toni went to take pictures and find information that is needed for the park sign update both pictures. There was a vote to approve sending them to Dan. Commissioner John made the first motion to approved. Commissioner Gail seconded that motion. 5. Camcorder that uses/reads 8mm MP GX metal 120 — Heritage Day 1999 Councilman Corey will look to see if he has something that we can use for these type of records. 6. March 2020 meeting Commissioner Toni and Commissioner Gail will be gone on vacation Commission Adjourned at 7:56 PM. Commissioner Gail made the first motion to approve. Commissioner Chris seconded that motion. Written by: Cara Husak 2