01-13-20 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Call to Order.
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
Roll Call:
Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Corey Tanner, Tina Goede, and Jason
Warehime. Staff: Adam Flaherty, City Adminstrator/Finance Director; Dave Kendall City Attorney; Daniel
Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum.
Special Presentation: Swearing in of Deputy Clerk, Bethany Bentinq
City Clerk Loff swore in Bethany Benting as Deputy Clerk.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
City Adminisrator/Finance Director Flaherty requested to remove Item 10 from the agenda.
CM Tanner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion
3. Consent Agenda.
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting_ Minutes.
A. December 9, 2019 Meeting.
B. December 23, 2019 Special Meeting_
3.3 Approve City Council Special Pay for December 2019.
3.4 Approve Resolution 2020-01 Adopting Official Newspaper.
3.7 Approve Purchase of Utility Truck.
3.8 Motion to Call a Special Meeting For January 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM for Review of the City's Water
Master Plan.
3.9 Approve Resolution 2020-03 a Premise Permit for Rogers Youth Hockey Association at Riverwood
Tavern 10247 95th Street NE
3.10 Approve Resolution 2020-04 Appointing Deputy Clerk.
3.11 Approve the Funding Participation and Construction Agreement between the City and Wright
Coun .
3.12 Approve Hire of Recreation Leads.
3.13 Approve Transition Plan for Legal Services.
CM Darkenwald motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Community Development:
4.1 Corkin Estates:
A. Conditional Use Permit to allow Subdivision of Lots less than 20 acres in area within the A-2
B. Preliminary/Final Plat of 2 Lots.
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C. Vacation of Existing Drainage and Utility Easements.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The applicant Dennis Correll was present and explained the
project; the intention is to sell the larger lot and possibly combine the smaller one with an adjacent
CM Darkenwald motioned to adopt Resolution 2020-05 vacating existing drainage and
utility easements and approve a conditional use permit and preliminary/final plat for Corkin
Estates subject to the stipulations listed in the findings of fact and decision as presented.
Seconded by CM tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
5. Utilities:
5.1 East WWTF Solids Project.
AE2S Engineer Scott Schaefer presented a PowerPoint outlining the project which includes the final
deisgn for the Phase 1 Solids Project at the East Wastewater Treatment Facililty. CM Darkenwald
questioned if the bid includes the solar panel option. AE2S Engineer Schaefer explained the solar portion
will be included in a separate bid as an
alternate. CM Darkenwald asked the savings with solar and also the life span of the solar panels. AE2S
Engineer Schaefer explained the life span is expected to be between 20 to 25 years and that he will
bring back the savings data when he brings back the bid to the City Council, expected at the February
24th Council meeting .
CM Warehime motioned to approve Plans and Specifications for the East Wastewater
Treatment Facility Solids Phase 1 Project and authorize advertisement for bids. Seconded by
CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Public Works:
6.1 Consider Change Order #5 and Pay Request #10 for 85th Street and MacIver Avenue Improvement
City Engineer Wagner reviewed Pay Estimate #10 which included the change order; he explained the
increase in the amount of $194,487.60 as outlined in the staff report.
CM Warehime motioned to approve Pay Estimate #10 in the amount of $98,782.83 to RL
Larson Excavating, Inc. for work completed on the 85th Street and Maciver Avenue
Improvement Project. Seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried.
7. Annual Business:
7.1 Appoint Acting Mayor.
CM Tanner motioned to appoint Councilmember Tom Darkenwald as Acting Mayor.
Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried.
7.2 City Council Subcommittees & Liaison Appointments for 2020.
Planning Commission:
CM Darkenwald; Alternate Mayor Stockamp
Parks and Recreation Commission:
Mayor Stockamp; Alternate CM Goede
Heritage Preservation Commission:
CM Tanner; Alternate CM Goede
Public Safety Commission:
CM Warehime; Alternate Mayor Stockamp
Public Works Sub -Committee:
CM Tanner, CM Warehime; Alternate CM Goede
Administrative Sub-Committee:
Mayor Stockamp, CM Darkenwald; Alternate CM Tanner
Otsego Creek Authority:
CM Warehime, CM Goede
Fire Advisory Sub-Committee (two CC members):
CM Warehime, Mayor Stockamp
WCAT Quarterly Meetings:
City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty
City Council Representative for the 7W and Met Council Meeting:
Mayor Stockamp
CM Darkenwald motioned to approve the appointments for 2020 which are the same as last
year as noted above. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried.
8. City Council Reports and Updates.
CM Warehime stated the new Albertville Fire Trucks are in service. It was noted that Mayor Stockamp
and CM Goede are scheduled to attend the League of MN Cities Training for Elected Officials.
9. Staff Reports and Updates.
City Adminsitrator/Finance Director Flaherty stated he confirmed the date of Friday, February 7, 2020
for the Strategic Plan session. He will send a schedule once it is completed.
City Clerk Loff stated the City has received five applicatons to date for the Advisory Commission
appointments and requested a special meeting be set for Monday, February 10 at 6:00 PM for
interviews. The City Council concurred that Planning Commission applicant Vern Heidner was just
interviewed for the seat and that an additional interview would not be needed if no additional
applications are submitted for the seat.
CM Warehime motioned to appoint Vern Heidner to the Planning Commission with seat to
expire February 28, 2024 pending no additional applications for the seat. Seconded by CM
Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to call a Special Meeting for Monday, Febraury 10, 2020 at 6:00
PM at Prairie Center, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, to interview Advisory Commission
applicants. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
10. Adjourn.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion
carried. Adjourned at 7:58 PM.
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Tami Loff, City ClerkJ