ITEM 3.1:"3_1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: REPORT DATE ACTION DATE; RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 27 January 2020 25 February 2020 Otsego — Great River Centre; the Village PUD Development Stage Plan 101.02 Central Minnesota Properties has submitted plans for development of a 190 unit multiple family building upon Lot 1, Block 4, Great River Centre of Otsego 2nd Addition. A concept plan was previously reviewed in accordance with Section 11-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The proposed development requires consideration of an application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 3 February 2020 at 7:0013M. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Mahler & Associates Architecture plans dated 09-12-2019 (18 sheets) ■ Schultz Engineering & Site Design plans dated 12/26/2019 (11 sheets) ■ Photometric plan dated 12/6/2019 ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located within the Great River Centre of Otsego development. Great River Centre of Otsego is within the larger commercial area planned adjacent to the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange that is to be the primary location for retail, service, and office businesses in Otsego. The Great River Centre of Otsego was approved as a Planned Unit Development District that does create opportunity to include residential dwellings either as stand-alone uses or mixed use buildings. Allowance of residential uses this area of the Great River Centre of Otsego is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and objectives outlined in the GRC PUD Site Design Guidelines related to development of multiple family dwellings. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District in accordance with the ordinance and PUD Development Stage Plan approved by the City Council on 13 March 2006. The PUD District includes establishment of Site Design Guidelines that provide for standards above that required by the Zoning Ordinance for allowed uses, building architecture, and site design. The PUD District defines three subdistricts including large merchandise/highway commercial, village commercial, and office warehouse district. Great River Center Project Area and Site Map The subject site is located within the village commercial subdistrict that is within the area bounded by CSAH 42, 85th Street, Quaday Avenue, and 87th Street. The Site Design Guidelines promote a mix of residential, commercial, and office buildings within the village commercial district to provide for a high density commercial core that is supported by larger retail at the perimeter of the Great River Centre of Otsego development. The proposed multiple family dwellings will be compatible with the smaller scale existing and planned commercial buildings within the village commercial district. Under a PUD District, the established zoning standards for a particular use within a conventional zoning district are presumed to be appropriate unless modified to meet a specific design objective consistent with the intent of the underlying requirement. Standards for a potential multiple family use of the subject site is to be based upon the requirements of the R-7, High Density Residential District and the PUD Site Design Guidelines. Building Exterior Finish. The PUD Site Design Guidelines include provisions related to architecture calling for buildings designed using clean functional lines oriented in a horizontal fashion with high pitched roof sections. The building entrance and wall sections along the structure feature flat roofs in contrast with the pitched roof of the main section of the structure. Additional metal finished pitched roofs are added along the main roof to break up its horizontal mass. The overall character of the building exterior is consistent with the GRC Site Design Guidelines. 2 The PUD Site Design Guidelines also incorporate recommendations for appropriate exterior finish materials. These material requirements have been standardized within the Zoning Ordinance by Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 65 percent brick, stone, or glass to be used for the building exterior with remaining materials allowed to be stucco, EIFS, fiber panels/siding or decorative metal. The proposed exterior finish materials consist of brick, stone and CMU veneers, cement fiber siding panels, steel trim and formed stone finish concrete panels at the base. Brick and stone materials are used for more than 65 percent of each elevation and for 78 percent of the total exterior materials exceeding the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD Site Design Guidelines. Building Height. Buildings within the R-7 District are limited to a height of 3 stories of 35 feet. The PUD Site Design Guidelines establish building height regulations within Great River Centre of Otsego that would apply to the subject site. These height standards were established to ensure that view corridors of the SuperTarget building from TH 101 and CSAH 42 are maintained while also allowing for variation in building heights within the Great River Centre of Otsego. The subject site is allowed to have a building height up to 40 feet or 3 stories. The building is proposed to be 3 stories in height, but measures 41.5 feet above grade due to the underground garage and pitched roof. The additional building height is allowable under the PUD District to accommodate the garage amenity and aesthetics of the pitched roof encouraged by the PUD Site Guidelines. lll'� I Block LLot3 i Lott � ss c Lot ilot 1 Lot 1 �O N.E. 87th Sl._._ Lot3 �I U I _ � Block 4 Block 2 _ Lot 1Lot2 yw l f 1 �riLr Dwelling Units. The table below charts the number of dwelling units within the proposed apartment building by bedroom. The area of each dwelling unit is subject to Section 11-17-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance that specifies minimum floor areas for each dwelling unit type. The floor area of each of the apartments comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Unit HL 24'storymum Proposed Floor Area Disability Units �imum)111.dg Percentage 1 bedroom Bg HL 28' 814sf.-980sf. 4 (2 story) 27.9% Maximum Bldg Ht. 35' 780sf. Maximum Bldg Ht. 40' 4 (3 story) 71.6% Lama* o Dwelling Units. The table below charts the number of dwelling units within the proposed apartment building by bedroom. The area of each dwelling unit is subject to Section 11-17-6.B of the Zoning Ordinance that specifies minimum floor areas for each dwelling unit type. The floor area of each of the apartments comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Unit Min. Floor Area Proposed Floor Area Disability Units Number of Units Percentage 1 bedroom 700sf. 814sf.-980sf. 4 53 27.9% 2 bedroom 780sf. 1,102sf.-1,268sf. 4 136 71.6% 3 bedroom 860sf. 1,568sf. 1 0.5% TOTAL 8 190 100% 3 Lot Area. Section 11-68-6.A.3.b of the Zoning Ordinance requires multiple family uses within the R-7 District to have a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet. The subject site is 380,123 square feet (8.73 acres) in area and exceeds the minimum lot area requirement. Section 11-68- 6.A.3.a of the Zoning Ordinance also requires a minimum lot area of 2,500 square feet per dwelling unit. The lot area per unit requirement may be reduced through the following schedule of allowances set forth by Section 11-68-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ Underground parking stall/du: -300sf ■ Adjacent to commercial district: -300sf. ■ Each bedroom more than 2/du: +300sf. ■ Maximum reduction/du: -500sf. The maximum 500 square foot per dwelling unit reduction allowance would apply to the subject site based on underground parking and surrounding commercial uses. At 190 dwelling units and a minimum of 2,000 square feet per dwelling unit, the lot must be at least 380,000 square feet. There is 1 proposed 3 bedroom apartment within the building that would require an additional 300 square feet or a minimum lot area of 380,300 square feet. The Planning Commission may consider allowing flexibility for the lot area per unit requirement as part of the PUD District or require that the 3 bedroom dwelling unit be converted to a two bedroom dwelling unit. Floor Area Ratio. Section 11-68-8.13 establishes a maximum floor area ratio for buildings within the R-7 District of 70 percent. Floor area ratio is determined by dividing the gross floor area of the building by the lot area. The proposed building has a gross floor area of 261,291 square feet (not including underground parking) and the lot area is 380,123 square feet. The floor area ratio for the concept plan is 69 percent and complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The proposed site plan provides that the building is to be located on the south side of the site extending along Parson Avenue, 85th Street, and Quaday Avenue. This presents a building forward design with surface off-street parking and outdoor amenities to the rear of the building adjacent to the stormwater basins along the north line of the subject site. The arrangement of the proposed building, outdoor amenities, and surface off-street parking is consistent with the recommendation of the PUD Site Design Guidelines. The PUD Site Design Guidelines establish a setback requirement of 30 feet from 85th Street and Quaday Avenue. A 10 to 20 foot build -to setback line is required along Parson Avenue to provide a closer building location along the village commercial street. The building setback 30 feet from 85th Street and Quaday Avenue and 15 feet from Parson Avenue, which is consistent with the approved plans for the Edina Realty and Lil Explorers buildings to the north of the subject site. The setbacks from public streets comply with the PUD Site Guidelines. Vehicle Access. The site is proposed to have two accesses. One access is to be off of Parson Avenue at the northwest corner of the subject site. The 2 lane access is setback 10 feet from the north property line and 385 feet from the Parson Avenue and 85th Street intersection. The 0 second access is a 2 lane driveway from Quaday Avenue at the northeast corner of the subject site. This access is 10 feet from the north property line, approximately 180 feet from the driveway to Twin Cities Orthopedic and 320 feet from the Quaday Avenue intersection. Both access locations comply with Section 11-21-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires apartment uses to provide 2.0 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit. With 190 dwelling units, 380 parking stalls are required. The site and building plans provide for 410 parking stalls with 217 garage stalls below the building and 193 surface parking stalls. The number of off-street parking stalls exceeds the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by 30 stalls. Based on a requirement of 1.0 enclosed stall per dwelling unit, 27 of the surplus stalls are located within the garage. The surface parking stalls are designed to be 9 feet by 18 feet accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles. The dimensions of the parking stalls comply with Section 11-21-7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. The dimensions for the interior parking stalls have also been designed to meet these requirements allowing for parking of a full range of vehicle sizes within the garage. Section 11-21-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that off-street parking areas be surfaced with concrete or asphalt. Section 11-21-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance requires that concrete curb be placed at the perimeter of off-street parking areas and islands within the area. The site plan include construction details for the off-street parking area consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The construction details for the off-street parking areas are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Pedestrian Access. The site plan indicates construction of pedestrian sidewalks within the subject site on the north side of the building that extend along the building and out to Parson Avenue and Quaday Avenue, as well as to the outdoor amenities on the north edge of the site. A pedestrian sidewalk is also extended the full width of the subject site along the north line. A pedestrian connection to the north between the stormwater basins without Outlot B, Great River Centre of Otsego 2nd Addition to provide pedestrian access to future commercial businesses can be constructed when the commercial properties to the north are developed. This pedestrian corridor is to be overlaid by public sidewalk easement. The submitted plans show construction of a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk along 85th Street and Quaday Avenue abutting the subject site. On Parson Avenue, the developer will construct a 5 foot wide sidewalk from 85th Street to the north line of Outlot B, Otsego Great River Centre 2nd Addition to connect to the sidewalk to be constructed by Lil Explorers. Indoor and Outdoor Amenities. The submitted plans propose a number of indoor and outdoor amenities for the multiple family building. Indoor amenities are to include a swimming pool and hot tub, entertainment lobby, and sitting lounge. These would be located on the first floor at the center of the building extending out to an outdoor patio and green lawn for games on the south side of the building. On the north side of the building, there is an outdoor pool as well as putting/chipping green and sports court and children's playground across the parking lot. Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the outdoor pool to be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. Section 11-19-2.13.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a landscape plan that provides for installation of plantings including shade trees along 8511 Street and Quaday Avenue at 60 feet on center, at the north line of the subject site at adjoining the outlot with storm water basins, the immediate perimeter of the structure, and the perimeter/interior of off-street parking areas. The developer has submitted a landscape plan that provides for appropriate. The trees proposed in the yards adjacent to Parson Avenue, 85th Street, and Quaday Avenue are to be moved to the boulevard consistent with GRC Site Guidelines requirements. The sizes of the proposed plantings comply with Section 11-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance and an in - ground irrigation system is also to be installed for all lawn and landscaped areas as required by Section 5-2-3.C.1 of the City Code. Signs. The architectural plans include illustration of potential sign concepts for the subject site: ■ The developer proposes to locate monument signs at the site entrances from Parson Avenue and Quaday Avenue. These signs are to be limited to a maximum 25 square foot sign area and 40 square foot monument area consistent with the GRC PUD Site Guidelines and setback 10 feet from property lines as required by Section 11-37-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ A sign is proposed to be mounted on the outside face of the retaining wall supporting the outdoor patio on the south side of the building. Provided this sign is installed in lieu of any other wall signage, it can be allowed at this location up to 100 square feet within the PUD District as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan. ■ A sign permit is required by Section 11-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance prior to placement of any permanent signs upon the subject site. Waste Storage. The submitted plans show locations within the principal building for waste collection and storage. Exterior Lighting. Section 11-16-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for exterior lighting so as to prevent glare from being cast to adjacent properties or public streets. Light fixtures must be installed with a 90 degree horizontal cut-off to direct light down to the ground. Light poles are to be limited to 25 feet in height. The intensity of light cast at the property lines cannot exceed 0.4 foot candles. The submitted plans include a photometric lighting plan indicating the type, location, height, and intensity of all proposed exterior light fixtures that comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 5 Street Lighting. Great River Centre of Otsego requires installation of standard (intersection) and above standard (streetscape and pedestrian) street lighting as specified by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code. The location and type of street lighting to be installed is to be determined by the City Engineer based on City standard fixtures. The developer will be responsible for the cost of the fixtures, installation, and 2 years of operation for street lights adjacent to the subject site as required by Section 8-8-7.0 of the City Code. Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements for Great River Centre were satisfied at the time of final plat approval for the initial development. However, development of the subject site with a residential use not anticipated at the time of final plat approval may require additional dedication in accordance with Section 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. ■ Commercial park dedication fee: ■ Residential park dedication fee: 8.37ac. x $7,000/ac. _ $58,590 (credit) 190du. X $2640/du. _ $501,600 The difference in park dedication fees in lieu of land dedication for the subject site based on commercial versus residential use is $443,010 that the developer will be required to pay with a development agreement. Utility Plan. The subject site is located within the east sewer district and sewer and water utilities are available to the subject site. The developer has submitted plans for connection to City utilities that are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer must pay utility availability charges for the lot with the development agreement and pay utility connection charges based on the proposed number of dwelling units at the time a building permit is issued based on the City's current fee schedule. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted plans for grading, drainage, and erosion control for the subject site. The subject site is within the floodplain and will require fill to raise the grades of the site to elevations necessary for a Letter of Map Revision approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to remove the subject site from the floodplain in compliance with Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance. The elevation of the underground garage is allowed be below the 100 -year floodplain elevation provided the criteria regarding floodproofing set forth by Section 11-94-7.C.10.b of the Zoning Ordinance are met. All grading, drainage, erosion control, floodplain, and wetland issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Phasing Plan. The proposed apartment building is to be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of the lobby section of the building and the dwelling units to the east. There are to be 100 dwelling units in Phase 1. Parking for Phase 1 will include construction of 103 of the garage stalls and 123 surface off-street parking stalls exceeding the minimum requirement of 2.0 stalls per dwelling unit. A temporary access to 85th Street will be provided east of Parson Avenue until Phase 2 is constructed to minimize the amount of pavement reclamation. The PUD Development Stage Plan application is being considered for the entire development requiring only a building permit and performance agreement in the future for Phase 2. 7 Development Agreement. Section 11-36-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the developer to provide construction and warranty securities for the public and private improvements as part of the development of the subject. Performance requirements and securities are to be outlined within a development agreement. The development agreement will be drafted by the City Attorney and is subject to approval of the City Council at the time of consideration of the PUD Development Stage Plan. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Village apartments are a high amenity market rate residential use consistent with the City's policies for multiple family development, allowed by the GRC PUD District. The proposed use is compatible with and will provide support for surrounding commercial land uses and is adequately served by existing transportation and utility infrastructure. Our office approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan application subject to the conditions stated below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval for the proposed PUD Development Stage Plan for Lot 1, Block 4 Great River Centre of Otsego subject to the following conditions: 1. The subject site shall be developed in accordance with the PUD Development Stage Plan and other information submitted to the City, except as may be modified herein subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to install the proposed front yard shade trees within the boulevard spaced a minimum of 60 feet on center, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. The outdoor pool shall be enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements of Section 11-18-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The following signs shall be allowed subject to issuance of a sign permit: The subject site shall be allowed 1 sign at each access to a public street with a sign area not greater than 25 square feet and monument structure area not greater than 40 square feet. b. A sign not to exceed 100 square feet shall be allowed to be installed on the retaining wall supporting the outdoor patio on the south side of the building. 5. The developer shall install street lighting as required by Title 8, Chapter 8 of the City Code, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied by payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $443,010 at the time a performance agreement is executed based on a change in land use in accordance with 10-8-15.N of the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer; the developer shall pay utility availability and connection charges at the time a building permit is issued. 8. All grading, drainage, erosion control and floodplain issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City as drafted by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan Great River Centre of Otsego PUD District. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk David Kendall, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer I Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits E3 c t ❑� Parcels PROPOSED USE: 190 APARTMENT UNIT BUILDING WITH UNDER BUILDING PARKING LAND USE SUMMARY LOT AREA = 380.137. SOFT. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: PRINCIPAL BUILDING AREA = 90,045. SO.FT. ASPHALT PARKING AREA = 82,986. SOFT. CURB & CUTTER, RETAINING WALL = 5,552. SO.FT. SIDEWALK AND TRAIL = 29,019. SOFT. PATIO AREAS = 4,439. SO.FT. POOL MFA = 1,715. SO.Ff. SPORTS COURT = 2704. SO.FF. TOTAL = 216,460. SO.FF. 571 PERVIOUS SURFACE: CML POND = 19,037. SOFT. GRASS LANDSCAPING = 100.313. SOFT. GROUND COYER LANDSCAPING = 36,088. SOFT. PLAYGROUND = 2,207. SO.FT. DDG PARK = 3,698. SOFT. PUTTING AREA - 2.336. SOFT. TOTAL = 163,667. SOFT. 431 MINIMUM FLOOR ARE PER DWELLING UNIT (CHAPTER 17): MULTIPLE DWEWNG UNITS SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM FLOOR AREAS PER UNI: EFFICIENCY UNITS: = 500. SOFT. ONE BEDROOMS UNITS: = 700. SOFT. MORE THAN ONE BEDROOM UNITS:- AN NITSM ADDITION 80 SO.FT. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BEDROOM. (SEE UNIT MIX CHARF) PARKING (CHAPTER 21): 2 PARIONG SPICE PER UNIT: UNDER BUILDING SPADES = 217. PROYD SURFACE SPACES - 193. PROVO TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED = 410. TOTAL PARKING REWIRED (190 X 2) = 380. LOT COVERAGE, HEIGHT & BULK (CHAPTER 68): MINIMUM LOT AREA PER DWELLING UND (MULTIPLE -FAMILY DWELLINGS): MINIMUM LOT AREA PER DWELLING UNI = 2,500. SO.FF. 2,500 X 190 = 475,000. S(LFT. PARKING SPACES PROVIDED UNDERGROUND SUBTRACT THREE HUNDRED (300) SOFT. 217 X 300 = -65,100. SO.FT.- ADJACENT SITE IS ZONED COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, OR INSERURONAL USE, SUBTFACT THREE HUNDRED DOD) SO.FT. 190 X 300 = -57,000. SO.FLP UNITS CONTAINING BEDROOMS IN EXCESS OF TWO (2), ADD THREE HUNDRED (300 SO.FT.): 1 X 300 = +3DO. SOFT. .MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE WHICH MAY BE SUBTRACTED SHALL BE FIVE HUNDRED (500) SO.D. PER UNIT: 190 X 500 = -95,000. SO.FT. MIN LOT AREA BASE CALC = 475,000. SOFT. PARKING & ADJAMIT ZONING = -95,000. SOFT. UNITS WER 2 BEDROOMS - +300. SO.Fi. MIN LOT AREA ADJUSTED GID = 380.300. SOFT. ACRIAL LOT MFA = 380.137. SOFT. VARIANCE REQUESTED 163. SO.FT. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE OF ALL BIJILGNG SHALL NOT EXCEED THIRTY PERCENT (30%): PRINCIPAL BUILDING = 23.6% THE MAXIMUM FLUOR AREA RATIO (FAR) SHALL BE 0.7: ISE FUDO = 90,045. 2NDFEDOR 7RD FLOOR TOTAL RDOR AREA = 265,406. 69.61 ALL. PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS SHALL BE LIMITED TO HEIGHT OF THREE (3) STORIES OR THIRTY FIVE FELT (35). (PER THE PUD SITE GUIDELINES THE BUILDING HEIGHT IS ALLOWED TO HAVE A HEIGHT UP TO 40' OR 3 STORIES): PRINCIPAL BUILDING = 3 STORIES PRINCIPAL BUILDING HEIGHT SEE EES CONCEPT SITE PLAN 1 r -ea -0 M RPER- PER FLOOR i z z Q iY w O (� z z O U .42 cf) o° `o z O 4.3 w F— . a O LL! 111 E N Z Z N F— W W Z J N IN o 2 o= N N N N eUQU3Q =T 1-j rC C -L W a o C7 N w z E � � p � Q SMet CONCEPT SITE PLAN AS -100 LANDSCAPELEGEND -. GRASS (SEED) W/AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM DECIDUOUS TREES ESCAPE AREA W/ROCK GROUND �TVERd AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYMBOL TAY SAFE AHEM KEY CONCRETE PAD/SIDEWALK BOTANICAL NAME SIZE ]CONCRETE PATIO 41 ASPHALT PAVING/DRIVE PROVIDE GRASS SEEDING AND AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN BOULEVARD, TYP. PROVIDE GRASS SEEDING AND AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN BOULEVARD, TTP. PROVIDE GRASS SEEDING AND AURIMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN BOULEVARD, TYP. I— — — — — — — — — — — — — — I _ _ _—__—__— _ ____—v_ - PROVIDE GRASS SEEDING AND AUtOM4TIC PHASE 1 TEMPoRAR'T SITE INGRESS 4 EGRESS IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN BOULEVARD, iYP. ,I LANDSCAPE k PHASING PLAN N NOTE: QUANORES FOR TREES, HEDGES, AND SHRUBS ARE FOR TOTAL PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 DEVELOPMENT. TREES, HEDGES, AND SHRUBS SHOWN IN PHASE 2 WILL BE INSTALLED DURING PHASE 2. PROVIDE GUARDRAIL AT AREAS WHERE RETAINING WALL HEIGHT EXCEEDS 30" IN HEIGHT. SECURE CAP WITH CONCRETE ADHESIVE CLEAR CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK IN — UNITS AND BEHIND WALL PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE SURROUNDED BY CLEAR CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC DRAIN PIPE OUTLET OMPACTED GRAVEL lEVE1NG PAD — COMPACTED IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL AT TOE OF WALL PLAITING SOIL 1-3/4.0 SR. PIPE GUARDRAIL (STANDARD WEIGHT P1.25) 0 6'-0' O.C. MAX. GRIND ALL WELDS SMOOTH, PRIME & PAINT 2' DIA CORE DRILL A EPDXY GROUT SOIL SEPARATING FILTER FABRIC PLWNG SOIL DECIDUOUS TREES RETAINED SOIL / SYMBOL QTY. KEY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE REMARKS \ �\ COMPACTED IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS FOUNDATION SOIL 41 AB AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE AGER FREMANII 'AUTUMN BLAZE' 2.5' B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK NO V -CROTCH • 23 50 SWAMP WHITE OW( QUERCUS BICOLOR 2.5' B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK NO V -CROTCH 5 AM GOLD UNDEN DLV MONGOUCA 'HARVEST GOLD' 2.5' BkB SIRVGHT TRUNK NO V -CROTCH CONIFEROUS TREES 14 BH LACK HILLS SPRUCE PICEA G -CA DENSATA 6' HL FlILL FORM TO GRADE 6 AP USTRVN PINE PINUS NIGRA 6' HT FULL FORM TO GRADE HEDGES LG GAME ARBDRVTTAE THUJA OOCIDEMAIFS'UTILE GUW 4' IT. FU GRADE TO SHRUBS ® 111 GS GOLDFIAME SPIREA SPIRE& X BUMALOA'GOLDR ME' 18' HT. -- • 113 NS ORMAN SPIREA SPIREA ,NPONICA'NORMAN' 18' HT. -- • 115 ELS LUE STAR JUNIPER (CONIFEROUS) JUNIPERUS SQUAMATA'BLUE STAR' 24' HT. -- NOTE: QUANORES FOR TREES, HEDGES, AND SHRUBS ARE FOR TOTAL PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 DEVELOPMENT. TREES, HEDGES, AND SHRUBS SHOWN IN PHASE 2 WILL BE INSTALLED DURING PHASE 2. PROVIDE GUARDRAIL AT AREAS WHERE RETAINING WALL HEIGHT EXCEEDS 30" IN HEIGHT. SECURE CAP WITH CONCRETE ADHESIVE CLEAR CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK IN — UNITS AND BEHIND WALL PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE SURROUNDED BY CLEAR CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK WRAPPED WITH FILTER FABRIC DRAIN PIPE OUTLET OMPACTED GRAVEL lEVE1NG PAD — COMPACTED IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL AT TOE OF WALL PLAITING SOIL 1-3/4.0 SR. PIPE GUARDRAIL (STANDARD WEIGHT P1.25) 0 6'-0' O.C. MAX. GRIND ALL WELDS SMOOTH, PRIME & PAINT 2' DIA CORE DRILL A EPDXY GROUT SOIL SEPARATING FILTER FABRIC PLWNG SOIL LANDSCAPE NOTES TREES SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOTRAL TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLAREIS NOT VLSIBIE SHALL RE REJECTED. DD NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK TO SECOND BRANCH WITH APPROVED TREE WRAP (FROM NOV. 1ST. TO MAY 1ST ONLY). SECURE AT 2' INTERVALS. DO NOT WRAP POPULOUS SPECIES. SUPPORT WIRE TO BE GALVANIZED. ATTACH TO TREE WITH 2' CLOTH BAND OR APPROVED EQUAL STAKE DECIDUOUS TREES AS SHOWN WITH 2'-6' LONG STEEL ORPEELED POLE STAKES STAKED AT 180. DMD STAKES 24' -30' INTO GROUND STAKE EVERGREENS AS SHOWN WITH 3-2 LONG MR STAKES AT 120. USE ONLY GALVANIZED WIRE REMOVE ALL WIRE BASKETS, NYLON TIES, TWINE, ROPE, AND BURLAP FROM TOP AND SIDES OF RODTBW.L REMOVE UNNECESSARY PACKING MATERIAL 2'-0' RADIUS MULCH COUM ONLY AT SINGLE TREE LOCATIONS (WHEN TREE ARE PUNTED IN SOD OUTSIDE OF PWITING AREAS). DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. PDSI TON OF STAKES SHALL BE ORIENTATED WITH REGARD TO PREVAIUNG WINDS 4' HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF RODTBAL PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL z i o LLz J O r) LLQ z z 0 z° O C3 W F � O W Lq >E N Z Z N d W W Z J N Q G W 7 E P4 cc r N Mn W w N _ F Yn U o 'Naa.mOcc rNi W m Q o U N z Z 0 e o x Q LANDSCAPE & PHASING PLAN AS -101 OF RETAINED SOIL / GEOGRID RBNFORCEMENT \ COMPACTEDBACKFILL EXCAVATION CUTUNE \ �\ COMPACTED IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS FOUNDATION SOIL LANDSCAPE NOTES TREES SHALL BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE TRUNK FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOTRAL TREES WHERE THE TRUNK FLAREIS NOT VLSIBIE SHALL RE REJECTED. DD NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL WRAP ENTIRE SURFACE OF TRUNK TO SECOND BRANCH WITH APPROVED TREE WRAP (FROM NOV. 1ST. TO MAY 1ST ONLY). SECURE AT 2' INTERVALS. DO NOT WRAP POPULOUS SPECIES. SUPPORT WIRE TO BE GALVANIZED. ATTACH TO TREE WITH 2' CLOTH BAND OR APPROVED EQUAL STAKE DECIDUOUS TREES AS SHOWN WITH 2'-6' LONG STEEL ORPEELED POLE STAKES STAKED AT 180. DMD STAKES 24' -30' INTO GROUND STAKE EVERGREENS AS SHOWN WITH 3-2 LONG MR STAKES AT 120. USE ONLY GALVANIZED WIRE REMOVE ALL WIRE BASKETS, NYLON TIES, TWINE, ROPE, AND BURLAP FROM TOP AND SIDES OF RODTBW.L REMOVE UNNECESSARY PACKING MATERIAL 2'-0' RADIUS MULCH COUM ONLY AT SINGLE TREE LOCATIONS (WHEN TREE ARE PUNTED IN SOD OUTSIDE OF PWITING AREAS). DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK. PDSI TON OF STAKES SHALL BE ORIENTATED WITH REGARD TO PREVAIUNG WINDS 4' HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF RODTBAL PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL z i o LLz J O r) LLQ z z 0 z° O C3 W F � O W Lq >E N Z Z N d W W Z J N Q G W 7 E P4 cc r N Mn W w N _ F Yn U o 'Naa.mOcc rNi W m Q o U N z Z 0 e o x Q LANDSCAPE & PHASING PLAN AS -101 OF \` POST CPP 1-5/BY TOP RAIL 2•f GALmLED POSE, SPACING PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS CHAIN UNK FENCE W/VINYL SCREENING PAVING/SOD 11 5/8.0 BOTTOM RAIL EPDXY GROUT r8.0 CONCRETE POST ^, I 1 FOOTING 21'n CHAINLINK FENCE DETAIL , MAINTENANCE FREE VINYL FENCE SYSTEM CONCRETE CURB W/ RADIUS EDGES UNDER FENCE TYP. 1' PLAY SAFE SURFACE 8• COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL W/SNGW MELT SYSTEM 3 VINYL FENCE DETAIL /Z - r� SIGNAGE SHALL CONFORM W/CURRENT STATE ! LOCAL CODES k REGULATIONS PANUS CORNERS, TTP. SEE STE PIAN FOR PLACEMENT, 1 PER HANDICAP SPACE 12'X 8' SIGN MN STATE DDT STANDARD 11X8• SIGN MN STATE BUT STANDARD "VAN ACCESSIBLE' 2.0 O.D. GALV. STL ' PIPE (PAINTED) GPADE/LANDSCARNG PARKING SURFACE FLOOR SIGNAGE SHALL CONFORM W/CURRENT STATE k LOCAL CODES h REGULA110NS i sIDEWAu P tato A z I SURFACE RADIUS CORNERS, TYP. N� SEE SITE PLAN PLACEMENT FOR PARKING FlR 12X18• SIGN MN STATE UNE DDT STANDARD 2•0 0- IL GALV. ST L PIPE (PAINTED) GRADE/IANDSCAPING PARKING SURFACE FIDNt INDICATES SIGN INDICATES BITUMINOUS SURFACE BLOCK 1I OUROT A BLOCK I OUILOT C ?6 BLOCK 1 TOPB6 .9 p 'LJV=B .31 0�5PGO� �po VERED�H1Ro BLOCK 1 O�SEGOPo'pN -T�---BJV-BS/27--------- A-: � -�-- OTSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK I SITE PLAN I T Tr — 5o.— , N 39• TALL 34• WOE 4• STROKE - INTERNATIONAL STANDARD HANDICAP PARKING STENCH, PROVIDE 1 PER H.C. PARKING SPACE PAINT SYMBDL (2) COATS LAGER BLUE TOP OF SDEWALK TOP OF PARKING SURFACE -� I I — wMPA TED GRANULAR FILL 1 SLOPE FLARED SIDES AT 1:10 SID Ewwx / �I A .o PARKING i sIDEWAu P tato A z I SURFACE FINISHED GRADE CONCRETE CURB h SIDEWALK COMPACTED BASE i PAVEMENT �o •i — SLOPE —� — — — =1�1—ISI ISI—ISI _ � :ISI—III—IIIA s 11=I l rh _I11.-1�I 8• WGHGUT SIDEWAUC I - 6•f STANDARD PIPE FILLED 1/2XIOXIO' PLATE W/(4)2 BOLTS INTO BUILDINGS CONI FOOTING OR PARTIAL BUILDII & ADDITIONAL CONCRETE FO REQUIRED 100 CONCRETE FOOTING } 0 z oD � � LLJ 0 z z 0 U o° 0 Z 0 fR N 0 U! L4 IINZZ N d W W Z J N Fe Q a W �2 O g�On CSN a, 7 y = W .e cV lE=Q Fy0 0 `N a OOOOGC cN+7 °w cl m a s � N a Z o a SITE PLAN AS -102 Of _ W �- w Q U= -- --- /r IF _ cz ' II Ja Q o / Sl/ r 4.1 ELECTRICAL ROOMLL- Q i _-- LL ` LLQ o (n i [ z EBB MECHANICAL ROOM I PWSE II � PLWSE I \ RIi7-11{x}' z �1FIRST FLOOR OVERALL PLAN O 0 LL, .6 O Ld La H N Z Z N d W Ww Z J N G Q o E F Z w O U r lA m N W N E _ F U O `c»uQ. opo c:) w m Q o U N 0 � w z m m N FIRST FLOOR - OVERALL A-101 OF 01 W �W ag _Q Ir 0 U= O� U Fs ® r(\W Nz VEol o 103 101 T.,rof-Y 05F OFFICE a 4CE i 107 r ---- --------- 104 �, �r-�FY --- --- RfLCEP1lON o _ ----- - 'u°�; - a - / OFFICE O 1, Toa E __- Q d6 ON�f1GE' FITNESSF1 051 iii --- --- --- --- O MAIL-------------------------------------------- O U Al i 1 112 i, Z LL , ✓��f� La. HALL --- -- --- --- i n; J O in i 1 ----------- ------------- ------ -------------- - -- LTJ � IN-HOUSE LAUNDRY Z Z FE'1" n n n 11'?: --- O ' I 1�j 1s - /�' Jt� 1z7 -- --- --- --- - o I --- 'j. 11 117 _ SITTING LOUi rL� ----1 IN RAC €SS �� 11s --' _ ;� O MECH. q ELEV. 0 BY / i- --�`i` ��--� r 129 /': jl �i - i .r •. �`�.• ii 114 `` ' vuv CRO RR f 1z°IDOz 6 %t®om„ o u ...�' I I 122 i L�� G 6N i � ' jj r r} f f 1 r____________ ___ y I � I I �QQ2��p = ii iii i i x �oU. C/3 he Lu D ---------____ i gcc 02- CO CL m O OL m - - ------------------------ 0- - 717777-77171-7, °' d� °� '� ------------- ------------------------------ -------------- E; ---- - ------ ---- W ______________� ___--__—___� �_____________ ______--- ! i;, o O n Z - So a FIRST FLOOR -ARfA'D' FIRST FLOOR - AREA 'D' A-101.3 I of - W Q U= Q _ +—F I U 6 i I 7 e LU mZ o WI V f1 / J 3 p� a S l� ol // 0 U i/ IN, P,1/1-111-1/ L� / Z Z / Elf .6/U� / I I' I 1 ul PH45E II PWSE I \ --- 0 542'-7� z OSECOND FLOOR OVERALL PLAN i�`1 O m N .6 F - b WLa 3B U) Z Z N 2 a W W Z J N c Q Q W O E F Z¢ O U T z (n W N gU Q F -FN -UN U) a ao O OC ch w m Q o U N p w Z e m m tq SECOND FLOOR -OVERALL A-102 OF W W QEr U= O� �U °s DECK - DECK 'o OPEN TO--- - LLJ JU tU 1 �aPN I i FAMILY DINING ° zo�1 0 HALL 202 CARD ROOM I -------------------- � _ ------ ®C -----` LL- / ------------ -------------- J '-- --------- ------------ --------- Z~ Ld GAME O 90" !r !/ f"no SFNR 212 '=�mµ 20 - -- - 06 I j a•°�1°':'.7-r THEATER USI ES F21 t 2 a 000 C/ILrLJ Y [IN Dw r E .LORRY I RAM GAME ���,, 207 1 MECH. 229 COMER 6 ss I I I I O -ii1 HALL 0 L5 r22a " f 1,1 J� r_IIII ; -12 -- ____---`--- ------------------- - i^ 11 I �•�, - f __--____7 !IL Z Z W ~ R I I O -PE N.'TO Q. J O QN 'Q w n F Z r O U WOMEN BEC�I l 1 I - - ��.� I I i -------= c---1 ._ F. In y W N Q U U N rn a m o ¢ c� I it it I --II I II ------------ ----------- it w r I i I I r NZ m.t SECOND FLOOR-AREA'D' A-102.3 (--,")SECOND FLOOR -AREA �D� I/r - r -r - W LU Qcc U� 0 F- i LU Qa� F // i / c^S / f 1 a 64 1A ee 1,1 - Z j° r r / EWEPWSEI \ 390'-V 59Y-7�• z THIRD FLOOR OVERAL PLAN O O N Oa F- 0 Li ui 5F N Z Z N i d W W Z J N s a Q w m 5 o € H Z¢ O U T !0 N Wcn N �a¢.mOo[rNi w m Q o U N z rn m F/1 THIRD FLOOR- OVERALL A-103 OF z O 814 SF. 814 SF. < 0 C - 1M 1 BED -1 BATH - I E B - MIRRORED 1 BED -1 BATH - I E B z O U /s. _ .-0 1/�. _ .-0 LL 815 SF. i II II i �� � �.,_ � ����" ,:I i�. ^tea{{ ` I, • 6s�.'�'•�c'P��_1��cc� ■ , i , r BEDROOMII IIUANG RM. ■II ®� ■■ii moo 3 ® , { S�S rm7l �•�� z O 814 SF. 814 SF. < 0 C - 1M 1 BED -1 BATH - I E B - MIRRORED 1 BED -1 BATH - I E B z O U /s. _ .-0 1/�. _ .-0 LL 815 SF. 815 SF. W O (n � Z Z O 0 0 0 W O w U; y Z Z N w c EI-ZFOC.:" o= 0 N N W N _ 2 f N U O `Nd a�oO2� 0 o U N p � ' Z a sn..e UNIT PLANS A-105.1 II II i �� � �.,_ ■111 s� ®� moo 3 ® , no.li I 815 SF. W O (n � Z Z O 0 0 0 W O w U; y Z Z N w c EI-ZFOC.:" o= 0 N N W N _ 2 f N U O `Nd a�oO2� 0 o U N p � ' Z a sn..e UNIT PLANS A-105.1 26'-O' 2t -O' --- ---- OF I 1 n 16'-6' 16'-6' 17T__________ _____________ -------------- 17 ITT • ' MECH iii '1 iii' 185 - W N N N o I 1 --------------- Q e. LIVINGORM. f � � � BEDROOOM -� BEDROOM � � LIVING RM. V 147 I�lj i 151 151 147 U 11 m W 1fi z o � U E 15'-6' 4'-6- '-Y 3' 6' 11' Y '-4 15'-6' I% --- -- W cLosET J o Y�,,-----' ,57 ------•--------- jr m CLOSET r - WQ EN/DI 150 LIND EN/DI DW Il__1LJ 149 i I 9 I ` i 16'-11' 2'-4' 4'-Y 1' 9'-3' Y-1'` 2'-2' 1'-5' 4'-1' 2'-4' 10'�i RM - f'--------- i; . -- i ------- ENTRY BATH I BATH RM.. i 1 1 �1; _ ENTRY o CL 14 ETAL ------- I - -- 'Jri I 1 __ 72 426 13'-3' 5'-6' 01 i O 954 SF. 814 SF. � 1 BED -1 BATH—DEN — I E B 1 BED -1 BATH — H.C. E A z O 02 1/a _ r 1 1/4• LL. � I— O U) in 16'-0' O 11 U 1 I I 'I I I I II I I I I I W W BEDROOM WING RM. 132 i 126 I _ z 4 a i � I O f.S w CLOSET ---------`--------- O w ui 131 I �W H W F-ZJN Q a W �L p cm fTCHEN/DINING n DEN p u�i C0'3 N rn N 4'-7' 2'-4 10' -ii' Ib`111 I 4 `uViaa�o0¢rNi TH RM. ENTRY 1z7 129 CLS I - 1s _LLI --_-__.....__.._ N 0 S'-fi' 8-11 r r Z IB ti; sn.a UNIT PIANS 980 SF. 980 SF. A-105.2 1 BED -1 BATH—DEN — II E B — MIRRORED 1 BED -1 BATH—DEN — II E B 3M 1/a - 1 0 3 1/4' - 1'-0 - of �W QEr U= BEDROOM 2 O� wo N� � v � o � U .\ N li T Lu V Ja _I= Qa o I �o 1,102 SF. 1,102 SF.Lr— 2 BED -2 BATH — I E B — MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH — I PE B z O U im LL - 38 --6. -------------------------------------- 0w j z z l 10-0" i 0 U i 0 i i i i i LIVING RM. BEDROOM 2BEDROOM 1 187 12 'V -T 6' 5'-6' 1'-16 n,3-o'CL I c S-3" S-2' 2-3' `` KlSFr 89 � O HALLWAY y /O\ ---------'--------- Iso F, O ui w UNDRY DW o if 1 1 1 N z z BATH RM. 181 L ET_ p=- - $ Q a W o 1 o KITCHEN/DINING i Im z0 N N ~ nIm cc 186 i �fn= W YN co d coo O Q BATH RM. ENTRY � • CLOSET m 162 173 CLOSET I i ❑ i O i i o V N ❑ 15-5' n N Z e g' o a sn..e UNIT PLANS 1,121 SF. 1,221 SF. A-105.3 2 BED -2 BATH — II TYPE B — MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH — II E B 2M 2 'T tOF II II �� II � ■ � ill, ■■�� � ■ 1 s I i � LNII �W QEr U= BEDROOM 2 O� wo N� � v � o � U .\ N li T Lu V Ja _I= Qa o I �o 1,102 SF. 1,102 SF.Lr— 2 BED -2 BATH — I E B — MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH — I PE B z O U im LL - 38 --6. -------------------------------------- 0w j z z l 10-0" i 0 U i 0 i i i i i LIVING RM. BEDROOM 2BEDROOM 1 187 12 'V -T 6' 5'-6' 1'-16 n,3-o'CL I c S-3" S-2' 2-3' `` KlSFr 89 � O HALLWAY y /O\ ---------'--------- Iso F, O ui w UNDRY DW o if 1 1 1 N z z BATH RM. 181 L ET_ p=- - $ Q a W o 1 o KITCHEN/DINING i Im z0 N N ~ nIm cc 186 i �fn= W YN co d coo O Q BATH RM. ENTRY � • CLOSET m 162 173 CLOSET I i ❑ i O i i o V N ❑ 15-5' n N Z e g' o a sn..e UNIT PLANS 1,121 SF. 1,221 SF. A-105.3 2 BED -2 BATH — II TYPE B — MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH — II E B 2M 2 'T tOF r - n n W wr n'n w N Q cc- ---------- * F LL O� •� BEDROOM 2[,,' BEDROOM 1 � RUVINGelRM. , w 2 +os' V �ya' o a LOSET' �.. — z '° 1 es .� / 1� 1 m HALLWAY 1W U Lj6, Iso - a i -------"------- a UNDR'Y DW a � �+ _ BATH RM. , 181 L' -Er p= Q x O t7s o o- KRCHEN/DINING I I m e o tes - o , �a 2._ . 2W_3' e a BATH RM. ENTRY @ CLOSET m 1e2 173 i I 3 O - CLOSET 178 v, �� 152 ____ ------T _ ....__ ` 1.1025E € 1,102 SF. 1,102 SF. %12 BED -2 BATH - III (TYPE B) - MIRRORED 1 2 BED -2 BATH - III E B imVs' - �'-o•/�• �'-�• 1,104 SF. 1,104 SF. 22 BED -2 BATH - Z O z 0 Lu O (n o Z Z a_ O U 0 0 Z O m w O w ui Z Z N y W w s ¢ ¢ � � o x I5Nrn eNa a 0 i cN+� w m Q 13 o V N r -f.. SMst� UNIT PLANS A-105.4 OF 30'-11 r- __ -_ __- i I W LLI---------------------------------;----------------- — r' r o , MEC U = ------ CLOSEL O ~ I 189 � EDROOM 2 BEDROOM p () i 180 184 ING RM. W H� 40 a _ o0 'o LAA 6' 2'-3' ir /HALLWAY �I UNDRY let �{y L Er ,afi'-7' z'- ITCHEN/DINING 186BATH RM. I-- 1.105 SF i-' 1Y-9• T-10' Z O 1,105 SF. 1,105 SF.< F - 1M 2 BED -2 BATH — V E B — MIRRORED 2`BED--04 BATH — V TYPE B Z � � 1�r - r -r O cn I � Iii Z Z O III III O +I +I 1 I I I I I I F , —561 BEDROOOM 1 LMNOM. ^Iry BEDROOM •"> 142 I 138 VUIU I 168 11'- 13'-0' '-4' - I �� o KITCHEN/DINING] y ,� CLOSET � , r --- --- - o s 14o I TH RM. O w W 1NV q Z Z F NDRY�` 4— ------ i $ a ¢ W c 5 ;2 cc rr 66 ___cm orn —F--- -- w = W �[ N ` I _ 2 F-FUo 2-2' 1'-5' 4-1' 2'-4' 12'-2� /I'. g ya m OOC cN'� BATH RM. i' `.y ENTRY I C7� 01 L 02 o I �0fi CL ��-- 'I 1 z ------- --- --- �L w 1 CP p 9'-3' fi-fi' 2Y-3' •N- Z UNIT PIANS 1,102 SF. A-105.5 2 BED -2 BATH — H.C. E A2 1a �1 ov 48._o. -------------------- ------------- ----- ii 10'-0' „ 1 i n W r N ^m •i iii MECH W i ee DEN 190 r _-- 0 F r � LMNG RM. f� ��h BEDROOM 1 187 V) V F a BEDROOM 2j 188 ^ H �l 180 i W W z 12 L---1 4'-0• 0• '-6• 1'-10 13-2 10'-0' c � H ¢o ,'` � U W — w N N HALLWAY W U r o :/0/\ 1 tst J MNDR -----"---- DW s l - L Ef p i n O 1 3 KUCHEN/DINING 186 ^ ° ENTRY u n 6-7• 2 • t73 6-6 iE CLOSEfm BATH RM. ? 178 •� fez - i 7-- ' \` --- -�___ lS 1,221 SF - ,i-_ _ ___ � 5'-6• 14'-9' O 1,221 SF. 1,221 SF. < 0 0 1M 2 BED -2 BATH—DEN — 1 E B 2 — MIRRORED 4BED--02 BATH—DEN — I E B z OL 1-T 36'-0" J O (n ------ LLJ Z Z I 19'-0• a- 00 I .. ------------------------------------------------------------T. I I 88 d v •i BEDROOM 2I � BEDROOM 1 LIVING RM. ' tao tea 187 I 12 9-T j0"L 1'-10 Ll 13'-2 0 FCLOSET' ,es CC N HALLWAY I ', cn Y w - 190 TH RM. pW o o i ENZZ N 0 LAUNDRY r 179 181 — }� - d La L Ef = a : wuj O •� __ ___ ___ t p - I J0 CS(— n KITCHEN/DINING ' DEN v3 w cele ENTRY 18s Iso e x ¢ F o 6'-P 2'- • 173 , a) 0- a�D O c M BATH RM. CLOSEfm 178U, 0 i O AUC `� _ _ _____ �y�__ i \5�5 .•„r,--'�� m G ..-:---•-•-___'_-._'__�_�_.,--� 62669' ':-_..-',..,�.. � :. �. 5,� n o �2 Z 7 9' S-6• 5iA ¢' 8 � � a UNIT PLANS 1,221 SF. 1,268 SF. A-105.6 2M 2 BEO-2 BATH—DEN — II E B — MIRRORED 24BED BATH—DEN — IL PE B OF _ 1 4 1 2 /' 52'-0• ;____________________________ _-_-__________ t 1P iii MECH LL! 0 �e _ Ir r u, DEN U --- �Y Iso LMNG RM� --- O I - . S BEDROOM 21 �m�F BEDROOM 187 �i 180 � W 184 I � yIIVY w Z a 12 6 L--- 4'-0• 0' 5'-6• '-10 I, A I U y L___ - [h 41 � Z N 3'-3' 3'-2' 2'-5' CLOSET i 189LLJ i N \O/ HALLWAY U � ` 190 -------"------- a a LAUNDKY DW BATH RM. 181 Q o O M t o KITCHEN/DINING .o Ga 6'-7• 2•_ V1 "kOSETI. ENTRY BATH RM. _ _____ _____T r 11 Q 5'-6' O 1,242 SF. 1,242 SF. O U Im 2 BED -2 BATH -DEN - III E B - MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH -DEN - III TYPE B z 3e' -o• � � � -------- I J O (n � Z Z O III U I u I c L1�2 LMN BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 G RM. 187 - 4'-0' 0' '-8' 1'-10 13'-2DEN 2'-3• CLOSET 190 - c n . \ 1 HALLWAY w /so ---------u--------- I— oa o to w UNDRP �W in tZil F BATH RM. 181 L'� O 17=9 _ __ -- _ -- _ 1 0 - KITCHEN/DINING o O N N rn n xoN[�LucV 6'-7' 2'- • 20'-3' oa mocc� ENTRY CLOSETm BATH RM. 173 m � - F a 17-9' S-6• 14-0' g r � ? a N UNIT PLANS 1,242 SF. 1,242 SF. A-105.7 (2M)2 BED -2 BATH -DEN - IIII E B - MIRRORED 2 BED -2 BATH -DEN - IIII E B -0• 2 t 1,568 SF. 3 BED -2 BATH -DEN - I E B 1 'fir - �.�. ol z 0 z o D _j o (! LLJ z z o U u 0 `o 0 z O O w F axc O w ui N Z Z N d W W Z J o a a w o � Cq W N H U o `y aa. OOC C"N O F w Q o U N p d, Q sne.i� UNIT PLANS A-105.8 Du II■ EN E �-; II■LMI ,I�■�Ilr■�. a -NJ 1,568 SF. 3 BED -2 BATH -DEN - I E B 1 'fir - �.�. ol z 0 z o D _j o (! LLJ z z o U u 0 `o 0 z O O w F axc O w ui N Z Z N d W W Z J o a a w o � Cq W N H U o `y aa. OOC C"N O F w Q o U N p d, Q sne.i� UNIT PLANS A-105.8 ® 0 -mmmmm mmm ■ O2 - srmm SERI ZETA- ROOF ® O - FBER LmIF PAI solo ® O - FEER CWIT PNFL SUNG ©-mmvamn ■ Oj - sum m SRRE CALL. VOW OB - PFUM OXCEM F**L W/ KIMNER VtIDE'A' ABI - OII W. (eayVmnI CIOQ 210E • AtA{ PJ➢E 8 ABI - 3i IM< VIXIGI LF)EMf B) ❑ �D - PRE_F 00 PFE-FMO MR TFC ■g - PRE4100 PIE -R80 SnR TISI -0.1N - (91p1/p6,Woif) Y�l ylY-Ali /FRONr ELEVATION - ENTRY OrT WFY'A' (�610i 011) ISS - @ WlE B ABI - Sf WZ FRONT ELEVATION - BETWEEN END AND STAIR FRONT ELEVATION - STAIR k MOVE -IN LOBBY �2 i i ----------------------------------- OO MANUFACTURER: CERTENTEED PRODUCT LINE: LANDMARK COLOR: I COLONIAL SLATE. VILLAGE il = VILLAGE == c---erc ----------o = __- i i ----------------------------------- OO MANUFACTURER: CERTENTEED PRODUCT LINE: LANDMARK COLOR: I COLONIAL SLATE. VILLAGE il FRNT OELEVATION - MECH. DOOR 2 ,/+a . r-0 NICHIHA I © MANUFACTURER: BORAL I © MANUFACTURER: BORAL DIMENSION SERIES - RIBBED PRODUCT LINE: CWDAARCHIFECTURN-SERIES PRODUCT LINE: CAWAARCHHECNRALE -FULL MUTH 8 THIN BRICK - FULL WIDTH 8 THIN BRICK CUSTOM COLOR -SW 7709 1 COLOR: IRONSTONE I COLOR: JADELAIDE MANUFACTURER: AMCON PRODUCTLINE: MAMMOTH STONE -RC COLOR: RED BROWN BLEND © MANUFACTURER: PRODUCT LINE: ARCH. WALL PANEL COLOR: W �- W U= O I- U J Lu QF_ _2 o, Iy LLl a � a Qa f D a, 01 z 0 z o elf J O (n w z z a_ O O 01 1 All `o z z 01 O CS W F- F- _ O W {2j In Z Z N CL W W Z J N ' N Q Q = ti JON C.'3Nrn N = W Y N cN aa. ago OCC c7 Y W m Q o U N n �2 Z N y smw EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-201 OF MANUFACTURER: FABRAL OO MANUFACTURER: NICHIHA ® MANUFACTURER: PRODUCT LINE: THIN SEAM PRODUCT LINE: ARCH. WALL PANELS SERIES -TUFFBLOCK PRODUCT LINE: COLOR: ICHARCOAL I COLOR: PEWTER COLOR: FRNT OELEVATION - MECH. DOOR 2 ,/+a . r-0 NICHIHA I © MANUFACTURER: BORAL I © MANUFACTURER: BORAL DIMENSION SERIES - RIBBED PRODUCT LINE: CWDAARCHIFECTURN-SERIES PRODUCT LINE: CAWAARCHHECNRALE -FULL MUTH 8 THIN BRICK - FULL WIDTH 8 THIN BRICK CUSTOM COLOR -SW 7709 1 COLOR: IRONSTONE I COLOR: JADELAIDE MANUFACTURER: AMCON PRODUCTLINE: MAMMOTH STONE -RC COLOR: RED BROWN BLEND © MANUFACTURER: PRODUCT LINE: ARCH. WALL PANEL COLOR: W �- W U= O I- U J Lu QF_ _2 o, Iy LLl a � a Qa f D a, 01 z 0 z o elf J O (n w z z a_ O O 01 1 All `o z z 01 O CS W F- F- _ O W {2j In Z Z N CL W W Z J N ' N Q Q = ti JON C.'3Nrn N = W Y N cN aa. ago OCC c7 Y W m Q o U N n �2 Z N y smw EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-201 OF I No F9 11VIII g o iiii A a] an Nil P1111011 ME is H'Hfl 1111111111 ME - - --------- - -- -- -- ------- -- 1111151111 No Am [w —111 - - MgVIII- - iii IS 11 111111111111T R N No FFEI-01 111111111111 FRO 17 [WE i N _11911111111 W WIN 1111111111111 gn ME FBI 91 gg E 11-111 ME M MEIII SW 11111111111116 12-5 ME -al rrm-- on —Fm- on wo-al M-. H Ml: P MINE •n Frd- on on ro F-11 No So go im No go NOW 29- So I wil mmialms MM! Oman litl an ME ME AV 1111111111 ME - - --------- - -- -- -- ------- -- 1111151111 No Am [w —111 - - RN No FRO 17 So N _11911111111 ...: No _ _U No ME No go go SW 11111111111116 4117h mmialms MM! Oman litl on ME ME Ifni, WOMEN - - AV 1111111111 ME - - --------- - -- -- -- ------- -- 1111151111 OF Am -1 - - FRO 17 So N _11911111111 ...: No _ _U No [501 1111111111111 ME gn ME rol In w-72MMIZ "m a Mo. 4117h .... FFA N ... gz ag a a r 0 gg .... ME .... ME .... so mmialms MM! Oman litl on ME ME Ifni, WOMEN - - - - --------- - -- -- -- ------- -- FRO 17 IF901 ... W 1111 .... ... rol In w-72MMIZ "m a Mo. 4117h .... FFA N ... gz ag a RN No No No go ------------------------------ -- MEN -- - ------------M-2 [A 01 Fail 1171 [1117h AN [wWo is is HE No M -M HE 1111101111 a No - M H OR Ll Ul 10 11 1011 Eu W111 go go u M111111111111 211 WN No FFAW g" ... go ii - mmialms MM! Oman litl on ME ME Ifni, WOMEN - - TOC=863.24 I I I I I INV=852,74 I I I j I I I I \ � ��, 1@'FLARED I H 24" BARED ENDS [ON \\ W D w.0D I II IIII I I 1 I I I �UTL�T fl I I„ // / / .CULV INV=656.75 pUTLOT B CULV INV -856.49: LULV INV=856.70 INV-ess.oD / / // � RCBI M'85835 RETAINING WALL ..: _-� TOC=6 281 I m\\S,i LENGTH=144 LF ----- � i ------ � 11 1 INV=6 6.16 I .. \ \ \ ` INV=@55.85 HEIGHT-DT03.SR - � � _ ---- --------------------.--�Z - \� _--BM i� RETAIRMGWAI'�--- ItA - - _. - _ _ - 1 Mi Izr' 856:_------------ / `\C .597.-..._- // \ ----- �LL-------------_. B5. ._' LNGT�I1=JSO.IF I ------------------ _ -845 r'R - - \ ----- ------------------:966 ------ ------------------_:851:-------------_._-.. / f \\ \\-- HDPE- iM AM BV9Rf1199L- ._-yHGHT-.T6 B.1 -FT- RI L•1 I I T INBLTRATION I -------- - ---------- -8 - yy _ - 111 -------0@5`:_-------_--.-----/�_. I) BASIN#111BII I--Q2.6fi6------_-_--'d50t. ... -GUTTER Ii'EY �bT.�J All -QP ERM \------- --_------- j\ 61E3 (SEE]/CMI) \�^- ____.-- -- IORCFI7P.R700TL73---- "6{7:--_------- / \ ----- --- - -'TT'PVC"- iLRCB."�1R'OBTCET--, FORC`EM4117S11PLEF �, p �- - -1970 _bL65b_-- _-CF1.9I11T--� LIFT STATION #2 Q+23116.� �42'Sr NY g4.4L ---- -- sdz .�, tiillw�wl��-�.:iw,���1��� I!6 - �,-.�.-r-���_ � � _� l:vx:t•7 L��xy -- - ___r���N:x�t%� � �/�'•�� w� • col RLN CL N UN WOO ��1 UFT STATION #i m INV 86569 FI.fiA/ I 1 INSTALURAIN GUARDIAN" i GURER ELEV=86280 \ W/ SFr CURB CUT- \ GUTTER ELEV=86230 TOC=8 .43 INSTALL -RAIN Qt� \\ F� INV=85 79 119 LF C•gggT �. =86020 BIPVCEEL \ • ... k x 'x• kJFT1 LFx-7U f%1L.y1� `jkc. 7 6i:xi�1 FRx�10 LI I H Iu9. I E BLOCK 2 RIM I INV w 1 64.BD11 B-17- 7 10 RP I, }7 1 TOC=B 1.26 11 W u+ 713i I J I INV=66.71 I IZ„ 14' 1 B9 LFI 1 I 10' PVIC G O.SP,i, 1 -`�if2Y ICO I I W„ CLEEppNOU 869b0 NOTE DOWNSPOUTS RIM LOCATED AIONG THE INV 86135 PROPOSED BUILDING. AND ADJACENT TO PARSON AVE i 1 AND 85TH STREET NE SHALL / BE CONNECTED TO ADJACENT PVC STORM % Z1 SEWER VLA APPROPRIATE WY6. BENDS. AND SCH 40 I PVC PIPE. VERIFY LOCATION I 89 LF V) OF DOWNSPOUTS W/IA I U' PVC ARCHITECTURALPNS C=�0.50h II Q CLEAN UT) CO RIM 869.W INV 86190 I Ih 4a- �FI- TDPvc I 0 T O SIDEWALKCROSS-DRAIN #3 FLOWDNE-S=861.25 FLOWLINE-N = 861.20 �v%��`L':•Jp�iYll C0414@' IDI ��1 I, RIM=86050 . T r FI.fiA/ �INSTALL "RAIN GUARDIAN' WJSFT CURB CUI / \ INV=BSQ00 \ i GURER ELEV=86280 \ �, INSTALL -RAIN Qt� \\ F� W/ 547 CURB CUT SIDEWALKCRCSSDRAIN#4- NE -E=825 ftOWU60. 5B4VOWUNE-W C•gggT =86020 • ... k x 'x• kJFT1 LFx-7U f%1L.y1� `jkc. 7 6i:xi�1 -� 2' PVCT DI 1 TOC=863.65 C05 (CLEANOUT) l 0 I_ RIM=869.0 RIM INV=847,57 INV 86167 INV 1 T6C=863.65,... INV=848.63 TOC=861.67 - - INV=657,27 - - -- -- -- - - - - NOTE DOWNSPOUISLOCATEDALONGTHE PROPOSED BUILDING. AND ADJACEW TO PARSON AVE AND BSTHSTREET NE SHALL BE CONNECTED TO ADJACENT PVC STRM BIER VIA OTSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK WYL3.SENN,ANDSCH40PVC PIPE. ERIFYLOCATRJNOFPRATE DOWNSPOUR W/ ARCHITECTURAL PIANS \ C0414@' IDI s� \ \ \ RIM=86050 . T r\s�ff �INSTALL "RAIN GUARDIAN' WJSFT CURB CUI / \ INV=BSQ00 \ i GURER ELEV=86280 \ �, \\ F� SIDEWALKCRCSSDRAIN#4- NE -E=825 ftOWU60. 5B4VOWUNE-W C•gggT =86020 I���•J{ Li�xi4 1+:IC:41 �� s� flTl �I I• �� i F� C•gggT Gk1iF7 l I•i'71� `jkc. FRx�10 7 10 000 }7 PROPOSED BUILDING LF MFE 870.0) GFE W.w N LF 14' 1 I- IIR0�6T:9t�- I INV�-86N I - - SIN _ 6N 8' REIAGWALL ININ 85TH STREET NLENG H=86 LF HEIGHT=OTOISFT [•'VlG!.7 (•Yb/l x'L7 ff/F_7J�A DNA= t'/ 7 _, 7 � I�/ tiA.t�t � re>ti7.J 4 � • S r � IS 1C rI RIM 869'W INV 8w.25 68 UF I I ss� TOC=662.20 INV -6500Y X y NIM=66250 Wv=es9.so � K Z E w Z "h; i W (3 v Wm W n U z aLL$° c w W I N~ _ J U) v p _06 o n� VJ L ..m N=_ miON IS . - yR Z O OC=860.47 CG=ICLEANGVr) B69.00 9 INV=B -859.91 / m e TINV� 1✓ 1 / N z�, z I BLOCK 7 y D OC861.01 \ y LEANOUTI INV=C0V 11%-sN LT: MSIJ SN -SN- \ 0����oDO'��C P 159 TOC -661.20 INV=??? `BENCHMARK=665.50 (BB DATUM) \ R� 1 1 1 Z TOP NUT HYDRANT - \ BOTTOM OF BASIN I 0 @'SAND/COMPOST W MIX N I WIN SIDEWALL 4tj 5 -SAND/ I W W COMPOST MIX 7 BOTTOMOFBASIN 41 \ P N W H O 5'SAND/COMPOST ELEV= W8.80 MIX US�""� $ N Q Q 2 = O BASIN SIDEWALL L FSAND/Y COMPOSTMIX VARIES $ N LU Y N 4:1 4:B NATIVE MND = Q F Tn N EIEV= 858.50 SOILS Q. DO O Q ELEV= 858.08 NOTES: I. BASIN B 2 SANDICOMPOSTMIX wsSHALLRESEEDEDW/ SHALLCONSISTOF70% NATIVE �EED EAN VARIES OR S AND/ COMPOS ND I3D36 NATIVE SAND OR PIAMWGS COMPOST 5015 INFILTRATION BASIN #2 (IB2) mN NOTES: I. BASIN BOTTOM 2 SAND/COMPOSTMN 2 NTS o O SHALL RESEEDED W/ SHALLCONsbi OF701: 01 - NATIVESEEI)WAND/ CLEAN SAND 630x OR PLANINGS COMPOST INFILTRATION BASIN #1 ([Bl) I NTS 6 MASTER GRADING PLAN 0 40 SD 160 CMJ Of= 1 STANDARDS AND REFERENCES hLatefd and comivcfion mefhods specified in the plink reference the Mnnesota Deportment of Imnspmlml [NNDOT)StmdadSpecifcdiomior Comtwcfion ThConha.torshdobtdnacurreMcopydMNDOTSStandord Specifafns tot Comhuctlon and review Me specifcdion se<I... applicable b the plans. H is mandatory that the Contmat., be know,kogbk of the applicable MNDOT specification sections during consiv.H_ No additional comp.m fion WE be paid to the Contractor for addfi.nd work due to mfanliariywith the appT,..bl. sp.6ficafn sections. Contractor shoo refer to the geotechnical report for addtiond n miern-is and nmwnrn-d.JT m. EARTHWORK NOTES PROTECTION 1) The Contractor shall mountain of benchmarks, monumenh and other reference points. 9 any are diurbed or destroyed, they shall be replaced of the Contractors expense. 2). The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immedatety it any Unknown hrnctioning Underground utSfes are d<overetl during the course of the protect, which may interfere with condvcfion. The Contractor shall wait la nsivcHm,s before proceedg. 3) The Contractor shall be responsible far any carnage to functioning Underground or overhead Utility f es. Damaged Utlties shall be repared immeddey and service restored at no additional cost to the Owner. 4) The Contractor shat provide bantcades, shoring and other safety measures requhed by OSHA. 5) The Contractor shat protect all adjacent existing facilities from danage, in,bdng, bat not limned to settlement dU. to axcwmmnU erosion. etc. The Contractor shall be responsble lar the repair of such damages. PROJECT CONDRIONS 11 The Contractor shall become famla with the project site, and compare actual conditions in the field with those shown on the project drawings. The Contractor shat contact the Engineer immedatey iF any inconsistencies ore found b.Meen the existing condffons and the project drawings. 2) No extra camp.m ff.n will be allowed due to Unusual conditions which could have reasonably been determined or anticipated by enamtndon of the project site and project diawing, PLAN GRADES 11 Elevations shown on the project drawings ate finished grade elevdons, Unless noted otherwise. Elevalions not sMm1fi. y indicated shat be determined by inletpolatian of unilorm slope betweenspot elevations and/or contours, or between wch points and entding elevations. Adequate slope shall be constructed to provide post is. drainage may from sfructurex 2) If inconsistencies exist on the plans between contours and spot Nevalions, the spot elevations shall govern. TOPSOIL 1)Adequate impod,dand/or stockpiled salvageable topsolshdl be ufli d for this project. 21 Topsoil shat be free of clay lumps, mals, bush, large stones, and debris, and shat hwe a mintmum organic content of 5 percent. 3) Remove Topsoil to ft, entire depth from areas, which ae to be det,bed by new comtnmtI n work EsMing lawn meas, which.e not in the proposed comivcfion area(i) shat remain in place. The Conhaclor shall field verify t,p W depths between arty sol borings, and temwe Eno grader depth,than indcated in Me soib report H a ch condrions are encountered Salvaged topsof shall be maintained in stockpile, 4) Stockpiled fopsol shall only be used for finish gradng of now lawn areas. Excess tapmj shat be removed Dom the site by the Contractor. 5) Protect all existing town areas, plantings. and other landscaping to remain h place. Any damaged areas shat b. replaced of the Conimator's expense. UNFORESEEN OBSTACLES 1) The Engineer shall be contacted immedddy l any anfaraeen major obsl.als, ataencountered dying cor. wch as abmdm,d s. abandoned or functiniW ong lties, s,bwd=. streams m rock. etc.. w donwethich would add signifanf expense to the Contractor. 2) The Contractor shall sf l be r.pomble for completing all work required far this project where encountered ondimm may be remanaby defennbed ban a s WgedecnMcd report and review of in, project ste and conhacf documents. DEWATERING 11 Saface drdnageshdl be provfdd Bring canshucHon In a manner so a not to create a ndanc. to oda ,nI areas. 2) Al excavations shall be free of water during crosivdton within the enc -mime. D -m fing shad be omprehed by pumping o, trenching. and shd be canducted regardess of the cause, source. or nahsre of the wa er. 3) Berms. cofferdams, or pang shd be provided as necessary to protect excovdons. 4) EI avdom shall be sloped to drdn and necessary pumps, hoses and other equipment shall be promoted to keep excavdion free of water. 5) All temporary em' Mn of usedfar dewatering shall be removed from the rte when no longer necessary. FILLING AND GRADING I Rough gradng of all meas within the consivction fmits, inckd gad-orrtimse ian areas shot be rawnve obly Doth andm copacted. Th. rough gg-.,*dsub,,mde surface genershdl not be fare than than 6 inches aboor below the esf bfsh.d,.b,md. elevdiau. At cliches,-des.antl guttersshd be graded to main adequdey. The subgmde shall be evenlysloped to provide manage may hon building walls in d climcit n, at a minhmum slope of I%. The Cmtractor shat provide rounded transitions at top and bottom of banks and other breaks h grace. 2) R and backtl matremb shd be inorganic sub free of roots, rocks, boulders, and debris. 3) Bedding material or granule, backfin larger Man 2'b, Hs largest dmemion shall not be allowed within 2 feet of new underground pose. Material larger than 3 in Hs largest d r-rai-shat not be lowed within 1 foot of subgmde elevation. 4Tlnpated cd (d ,ct,d�FIN d shd bedf shat b ve a maimum of 12 percent posing the 8280 stave, by weight. propose y an mc,pendent texlfng lb fa suHabiliy as compacted ill is ihts project. The Contactor shot pay, for the testing services and Mania, a copy of the test results to the Engineer. 5) The Contractor shag flit and grade a necessary to bring wd... to required mad ow. and provide all materials necessary, whether obtained on or off the project site. 6) The Contractor shall place compacted material in uMmm horbanfd lits not encm-bg 8' in depth lar clay sells, and 12' in depth for sandy soils. ond camped as required to achieve rpeafd density. 71 Compacffanshall be obtained with Me we of Vibratory mile, or mmmerx During compaction, fill material shd contain moat,e content, a necessary, fa the requiretl compaction as ndicated by m independeni testing labosatory. The moisture shall be uniform throughout eachit. H the materiala too dry. watershd be added with appm,ed equipment and method, which a B] at wash out Me material. .11 the material a too wet. B shd be died by hanoMng. dsktng. Madill or other approved metlads recommended by the ndependent testing laboratory. 8) Areas designated for pavement in excavated (cut) areas shd) be scoffed to a depth of 1 foot. The Contractor shelf bring the wbgrade materid to optimum moils! content as indicated by the independent testing laboratory, and compact the subgrade to the specHied demfty fisted below for sok undemeaM pavements. 9) The Contractor shall not place fill mderid when either the fil materiel or the material on which 9 a to be plied. a hover. Any soft m yielding area appearing n the N restating from host rain. or arty the, n whahoer shall be scanted removed recompmted and/or otherwise rectified Eno the s rfaction of theve Engineer before arty new fill Is placed COMPACTIONTESTS I) Utility Trench Backfill: The Conimctoh independent sods fechdctan and approved Ceding laboratory shall fefy and tbePlmdd a roiiotho1. Compado of enches shall ea mnmum0195%of the maximum dr, density la determined by the al f., p n.m Ceding Ibordory) In lawn areas, and at depths grader than 3 feet below area designated for Pavement Compaction of frenches at depiN within 3feei of paved surlaces shot be a minimum of 100% of Me maximum dry densly. 2) Compacted Fl Under Pwemenfc Compaction tests shat at be rEquhed beneath new pavements. Adequate compaction of materials under pwemaMs shat be dfemumed by test rating the rubgrade. and checking to excessive mHtng. Test rolling shall be performed a per WDOT Spec.2111. 3) Areas exhbiitng a failed compaction test shd be re -compacted and re -m tested to the rdfsfacfion of the Engineer prior to acceptance of the project. 4) Copies of all compaction f.Wng and test roll m e-mrron reports shall be provided to the Engin 5)Opf .sr, marium-c-sityrelaf.brip will be determined by testing laboratory in accordance With ASTM D698 and rn-k mdensity defamindion made by Method D of ASTM D69B unless otherwise noted in these specifcdtom. SUBGRADE PREPARATION 11 Finished wbgrade elevations shall be as follows: of Bituminous pavement: 9' below finish grade. b) Concrete pavemenV.Man: 12' bdb fn h grade. c) Concrete sidewalk: e' below finish grade [Plus thickened edge). d) Lawn arrear: 4" below finish grade. e) PlaMtng more: See Lona, -ping Plom/Defab 2) The tolerance for areas to be paved shall not exceed MI5 feet above or below plan subgmde. 3) The Contractor shat protect newly grodtl seas from erosion. Settlement or washing that occurs prior to acceptance of the Work shat be repaired and grades re- 0.1,11shed. 1) The Conhaatorshill remove excess encwated material, debris, and waste mdedo, Dom the Owner's property, and legally dispose of it in accordance with d governing codes. SPREADING TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING 1) Scatty wbgrade to depth of 3' poor to placing topsoil. Spread topsoil evenly over complete subgrade as [allows: of Lown Areas on Pdvde Properly: Spread 4' lightly compacted layer of topsoil. I) Lawn Areas in Public Right-ofwvay: Per City regviremenls c) Planting Areas: See Landscape Plan/Defa'b 2)Finish p de accurately within 0.15 feet of f ah grades shown on the project drawings, less the thickness of any sod where H is to be Maisel. Sloped grades away Donn buildings to provide positive drainage. 31 Prepare topsoil wtable to receive seed and/or sod Grad B of area designated tot fopsal shag be reaonably 'Doth and even, -din accordance pe with MNDOTSc.21&5.3G -112574-4. At debns and stones exceeding 3in diameter shat be m,,,,d from the soil surface of these meas prior to seeding. Ar,m,w p mf sd by vehicles or dorage of mderid shat be plowed duked and harrowed Eno match tezhre of other finch gradetl seas. 4) Grass seed shall be in accordance with MnDOTSpsm. 3976. seed mu No. 25-131. applied at the rate of 22D pounds per acre or as indcated an the landscape plans. Match shat be appfed and di ..nchoted to all seeded are- and shall meet the requirements of WDOTSpec. 3992 Type 3 a an otherwise indcated by the Engineer. UTUIY NOTES STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS I The followin slandmds ecifcdom shall. fu Mir roeck 9 P PPM P 1 of Minnesota, PlwlUrIbiC Code.e adder hgoter 4714(MN dustry Dept. of Labor and In -Vo DLI) .)'W hat you need b know about Wilily service connedions in the MIS Mnnesota Pbmbing Code' hip://-.dfi.-g.v/CCLD/PDF/p-,..pdf A City Engineer, Assoctmion of Mnnesota (CFANQ Standard Specifications e) American Society for Te fir E; Materials IMTM) Q American National Standards kofih, a (ANSQ g) American Water Warks Association [AW WAI h)Minnesota Depadment of Tmmpodafin'Standmd1 Sp,afiawfi for Comivclion' flVN/DOT) 2) The Contractor shall comply with all local ordinances and codes 3) Cedficafiom of all Nddy maferiah. as well as shop dmwfngc shat be s WmiHed to the Engineer for review POLYVINYL CHLORIDE IPVCI PIPE AND FIRINGS -SANITARY 1) Smooth waled polyv'vryl chloride pike ant fittings shall coma( of SDR 26 or SDR 35 pipe, UA., noted otherwise, and meet the requirements of ASTM Miss and Section 2621.2A5 of the CEAM Standard 3mmificafns 2) All pipe and Bill shall be SDR 35 for deptN of up to 20 feet. and SDR 26 far d.pihs exceeding W. 31 Pip. pints shat meat the n,Wk enh of Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAM Standard Specifications. DUCTILE IRON IDIPI PIPE AND FRTNGS- WATER 1) DUdile Iran pee ant fiflIM, shat meet the requirement of Table 604.1 of the UPC. and SecHon 2611.2AI of Me CEAMSfandmd1 Specifications 2) Pipe joirb,hd meal Me requirement, of Section 60.55 of the UPC and Section 2611.39 of Me CEAM Standard Specifati.m. Stable. steel fast -ser sisal be prohibited. 3) 6' pipe shd be Class 52 8and larger pipe shd be Class W. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE IC900 PVCI PIPE AND FITTINGS- WATER I) Poyvtnyl chloride press,. pipe and fillings shut meal in. requirements of Table 604.1 of the UPC, and Section 2611.2A3 of the CRAM Standard Swmi1mm iom 2) Pp, joint' t me re shaeet thquhemenh of Iowan 605.4 of the UPC. and Section 2611.38 of the CEAM Standard Specifcafi.m. GATE VALVES- WATER 1) Gate valves shall meet the nsWiremenls of Sections 2611.20 and 2611.30 of Me CEAM Standard Specffcations HYDRANTS -WATER 1) Hydrantsshat meat the n.mi rn-isofSecliom 2611.2B and 2611.313 of the CFAMStandard Specificafiom 2) Hydrant, shd be Water— WB67. or approved equal BLOCKING AND ANCHORING - WATER U Wolermoin block'ng and anchonn9 shot meet Me requkamanh of Section 2611.3A1 of the CFAMStandad Specificafm 4 Provide iN,,t reaction blocking c wfing of concrete with a maumum 0 day conpressive strength of 2000 psi. 3) Place between mdul,bed ground and the fling to be anchored. Place thr,l blocking- that the pip. and Bit—joints ore acceabl. far repair. 4) Mega -Lugs may be used in feu of ilnrst block if allowed by local UHUN. WATER SERVICE PIPE AND CURB STOPS 1) Copper tubing for wrier sent,, shat ,,Me eminsm.nis of Table 604.1 of the UPC. and Seddon 2611.W of the CMMStandard Spe<ifcaliom 2) HDPE pressure pipe for water services shat meet the requirements of ASTM D2239, ASTM 132737, ASTM D3035. AW WA 0901. CSA B137.1. and Section 2611.2D of the CES MSlanda l Speiificaff m 3) Curb stops lar water services Section 2611.2D of the CEAMStandard Specifcdom HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE MDPEI AND FIRINGS -STORM II HDPE pipe and fMngs shall meet Me n.mins enfs of ASTM I=& and SecHon 2621.2AB of the CEAMStandmd SPecbcah'om 2) Pipe Wnh shot meet the requhem.nh Section 2621.M30l the CEAM Standard Specifications 3) W mum wall M.1m.ss shall be 0.035 inches for 12 and 15 rich di..h.r pipe. and shall be DDS aches for 1B and 24 Inch diameter pipe. 4) Storm sewer erasing above and within 1D 1 of exhfg or proposed water main or services sisal meet 1h, rsmin nit, of schedule 10 PVC. REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWER PIPE IRCPI AND FITTINGS -STORM 1) RCP pipe and fitting++hall meet the m*.rn.nls of ASTM C76. and See., 26213A3 of the CEAMSimdmd Specificafom 2) Pipe joints shall meet the r,qu4.,n.rb of Section 2621.3.430) Me CEAM Standard Sp-ifi anions 3) The ASTM strength class of pipe shit be Class III unless otherwise shown on the Plans. 4) The pipe sisal be drawn together by sarrte.ppm-d! method ofjm,kir g or wncling This Pressure must be mantaned unA..Wxi.M backglis plocad to keep the joint from opedg. ENDSECTpNS-STORM 1) lid s..fiom shall be provided at all pipe inlef+and odeh. 2) The end sections shall carat of rnat.dd matching Me m.ertol of the pipe. which it B being connected Eno. Mier.., andjants shat be In par M. m.,ifcafiom dasc bed above forth, applicable pipe material. 3) The last 3joinh of RCP shall be fed and the end section shall in. be provided with an approved trash guard. MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS-SANRARY ANDSTORM 1)Unlea ofherwb. noted manhole and catch ims rhucfurershillcombf of pnmast canaete. and meet the reWirement, of Section 719.6 of the UPC (sanitary SMA, and Sections 2621.2C and 2al.3D of the CEAM Standard Specificafom 2) Catch basins shat be provided with the following casfinp: of Along mbfne:27'Simct,e: Neenah 8.3375148' Tor larger) SfnUu Neenah R3(1671 b) mated (n paved area): Neenah R-2553 of related lin vegetated areal: Neenah R-256DFA w/ type "C' grate 3) Manholes shall be provided will the f.tewbg cal'ngs: a) Sanitary: Neenah R-1733 w/ concealed pick hole b)Stomr Neenah R-17WI flenm'STORM% center pick hie INSTALLATION 1) Unless otherwise noted Instate- of allwalar and sewer pipe, fillings. and appurtenances shall be as pet the CEAM Standard Specificafom. TESTING REQUIREMENTS 1) Water ant sewer pipe, fillings, and appurimmes shat be impacted a.dteded as par S,mhom 2611.3&2611.3H and 2621.31 2MI.31i of the CEAMStandmol SpeaTicafrons. 2) In the event of dcrepa,6., between the testing requirements of Me MN Plumbing Code and the CEAM Standard Spacificdom, Me fast stringent will govern BITUMNOUS PAVEMENT NOTES STANDARDS II Mmn.mm Standard Specifications Tor Highway C.rnmatior mat r ... M dW,, GRANULAR BASE COURSE 1) Compacted lhfakn.. of finished bare course: 6" 2) Process material lar agg,.g.f. base shall meal the requirement, of MNDOT Spec 313& Class 5.. 3) The wbgrade std be tested and observed 10 the salhfacfion of the Engineer prior to placement of aggregate base moted.L Install boss rrafsA.I as required to accommodate new plan gmde,. 4) Wei base material b oppmhrate opf ,,m60- content either prior to dliV,q to job site or In sooner Madicd attar being Placed on subgmde. 5) Place in layers not exceeding N thRUm.a hoose). 61 Compact Wmh pneumatic or vibml'ng steel dam roles. 7) After base course has been Eroded and compacted thme,hy wet and d oh rW wfh,oller mtl at aggregates are thoroughly embedded. 8 Al- base course to cure lar a minimum.172 hoursrim, to bfturnirm. courses (caftan P PP 1)hE, Designation Numbers far the bihmninousm sr, on this project are per hWDOT Spec MW 21 Pavement smoothness remim-enb will be waned for IN, project. 3) Density for 11. bit-irm. W h.. on this project will be the ordn.q campaclion meihod [MNDOT 236 LES ). 4) Muni— Base case shall confomr to ht DOT 2360. Type SPNW 1s 30B and shall be 1}tnches think aHercompadon. Bifumnoa S,laoe<.....tllconbrmtoWDOT2360.Type SPWEA34oBand shall be 1}inc1tes thick after compaction 5)Place no mpm1k, rtuxhsre when the ahrwspheric til rmura is below 45 degrees and far,- nor should pavement be placed under wet condifom. 6) Nixing of Poring mahre: Uniform Mxhn, of mum, aggregat, fine aggregate, mineral filer and aphalfic malarial. b)Gmdgandmbing COMomhloappfcable,ecfomofthe Mnnesota Sfandard Specifcafiansfor Highway Construction Section MM CONSTRUCTION METHODS 11 P.p.ry dean bare course and deliver hot nun mphalfic <oncrefe in clean tight ,Ndes with covers f necessary. 2) Lay to a smooth,U f .. without o.,.,a on of motenol and attain carrpaction as early, In paoble. Commence rorng while The matedalh hot (mfnmumspread temperature 250 degrees F.) In soon m it will s qmf the mIsrwBho undu. daplacem.nt or hail.. cracking and -nii-I until a m nmum of 96% of mwmum has been affained no Nrlher -rem- an be attained and all roller marks are eliminated. 3) The correlated surface: Smooth free of pocket That Ung retain water amd shd not vary more Than I/I C per foot nor mare than l/C under. 16 insight edge. Entire surface -,I Broin. No flat...... perruHed. 4)Perform all Work in accordance with the appl-bi. Ismin,menh of the Mnnesota Standard Specif,aff nsTor Highway Comfvcfn. PAINTED LINES I) Special marking part conpormd aspeddy lar striping WR,nninoa paving in one ..at. 2) Manufacturers: Prolt & Lambed. no.: Shemin Williams Co. or DuPont Co. 3) Calors: Use while paint for concrete and aph.H. 4) All arfaces to be pointed nwsf be throm,hy, .1..n and! dry. 5) Lay out painted lines with cno& on pavement in accordance with Project Drawings. 61 Accurately apply paint to the chalk marks. Usng strain machines. 4' wide stripes. 7) Appy, point in,trfct.... rdance with the m,nW,.fu.e, dreclions. &1 Protect all pant from domoge by traffic until dry. 9) Appy handcap ]ago at handicap sial. HELD GUAM CONTROL I I Aggregot. Bas. Tasfg of Me grand, base coupe shad be ted rolled and observed by the Conhadoi s independent sob lechnid.. m per IVINDOT 2211.302 (Quality Compaction Method). Once the bee course has been tested to the saihf..H.n of the Engineer, pavement may be placed b) On. m.chonical an.y,h(ASTM -2) per SW ,He yards of bee or fracfion It, re L 2) Bfumunous Tesfing of Ted lamperchse .1 111 truck. b) Ordinary compacfn fMNDOT MMSCI CONCRETE PAVEMENT. CURB & GUTTER. AND SIDEWALK STANDARDS 1) ACI 31 & ACI 315, CUL ACI M. latest ad.pfi... 2) Mmaota Standard Specifications for C.,nia- fon, most recent edff.n GRANUTAR BASE COURSE MATERIAL 11 Compacted Ihicknow of finished bass: 6"- Can ate Pavem hApmns 4' Concrete Sidewalk 2) Base malarial shat consaf of hWDOT 3149.2B25elect Cmnular Bonow. AGGREGATES II Co... WDOT Sparc. 3137. 2) Hne: Nr,DOT Spec. 3126. WATER 11 Clean fresh and potable. NODOTSp,, h,6. AIR ENTRAINING ADMpLRIRES I) ASTMC260. 2) PmAde entrainment of 4-7 percent by vahnne. PORTLAND CEMENT t) ASTM CI50. Type I plus an approved air entraining agent. or Typ. A ah-eMrdfng Porfnd cement. OTHER ADhYK1URE3 1) WDOT Spec. 3113. 21 Calctum Chloride or mot.6.6 c -toning chloride, or nff.tes shat not be aimed. PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF WM 1)C ... refs as liicaftam a) Curb and gutter. slip -formed concrete: MNDOTSps, 2461. Mx Design 3F32 b) Sidewalk aprons. incidental concrete. mania) cab & gUHec MNDOT Spec. 2461, h& Design 3F52 c Concrete avemenis: hWDOTS ec23DUJVL,Desi 3A41 I P P 0r, d) Repair concrete, talishangM concreie: MNDOTSpec.2301, hbk Design 3MIHE 2) Concrete SpaWlaaf'rom: of 3F32 }-3'sbmp, 4500 mL 58% air bl 3E52 2-5'slanp. 4500 Fort. 541%air c)3A41: 2- 5'slUmp. 4510 psi, S air of Temperetures of al concrete ding placement shat be 50 -deg F to 96deg F CONCRETE PLACEMENT 1) Placa concrete as soon as possible Her mixing Place before initial reit ha, occurred and h no event after it has contained it, water content for more than one hoe. 4 Avoid overworking canaete or lown, concrete to fall umastncted for encenive v,d,al dtancex and other situation, which con cause regregafion of Me aggregates. 3 Concrete emends she be aced in accordance with a lii<able dons of AMDOT 2301. 1 paw II Fol pP Po 4 Sidewala shad be laced in accordance with MnDOT 2521. I P 5) CUB and gW r shW be placed in accordance with MrDOT 2531. PROTECTION 1) Provide ad.mal. protection agimf min. feet and sraw before and d,irg placement and finishng of can is. 2) Protect concrete from ptemd,e drying. Provide temporary ­fta required. Keep concrete .antinaeay mid far ] days. 3) Treat concrete with membrane curing compo,W to accordance with WDOT 2531.36. COLD WEATHER CONCRETE 11 Donot place concrete when the m-opheric teMmsrolure h below oro deg.. F.. or when the concrete h lrey to d wbjected to h sasng temperat,es within 24 ho„ after H has been deported unless adequate temporary heating 4 provided. 2) Maintain canaete lenperdre of 40 to 9D degrees F. for 3 days. Protect Dom heeding for the following 5 days. 31 Noitoren mdefB may be used h the concreie. ChsmkmB mein not be used m prevent freezing Unless approved by Me Eng-, 4) Pedorm at cold weather concreting in accord with ACI W6. HOT W EATHER CONCRETE 110o not place ...cmfe when the ahnasphertc lern,,,nmre a above 100 degees F. 2) Maintain concrete temperature of 4010 90 degrees F. for 3 day,. Prefect fmm fenp.raNres over 90 degree, for the fallowing 5 days. 3) Mom.ghy wet dry porous surfaces before.-mefg. 41 Waterredueng mriiNft, will relardn8proper;,, are required for al concrete placed when in. fe mfure exceeds. degrees I 5) Pedorm at hot w..Mer concreting in accord will -1305 FINISHING t) Provide a broomed finish on axierior sldewdks and mnas union noted Whomm QUALIFY CONTROL 1) The Conimem b.11 hire an independent Nsfirg firm to provide the (Wowing tests W The independent testing technic -shall pedorm mndm field testing of The fresh canaete ncluding slump, ontfie­ .W., and lie .W.,. ASTM Cl M CI 73, 0231 and Cl 3B. Onrkforeme , of the a ntioned fest shd be pedonned on the f 1 load o concrete. ) ese b) The independent testing f-1,nisian shall cat .,of of four compression test cyfinden lar the first bad of concrete as well In I set for every IM orbic yards. or fboll-thereof. of concrete thereafter. Compression tab shall be performed on one test cylinder al ]days and Mo lest ryfnders of 2B days. The fourth fesf cylndrshall be retried in the event al f.T,g compression leafs on the -!W fest rylnders. NOTE: ALL NMROVEVIEM RELATED TO WATER UTIUMES.AND/OR LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT FFWAY, SHALL CONFORMTO CITY OF OTEWO STANDARD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE MIRY SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN IN THE PIANS AND THE CM STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, THE MORE STRING ENT SHALL GOVERN SUCH THATTHE PROPOSED UTLRIES MEET BOTH CITY STANDARDS AND THE MN PLUMBING CODE V nz LL o 9 W Z WCC maP � E NT U W LLL m z a $b W W N~ F- co m B@4} > 13 of m Um m U) ¢ Z M ON - m3. mem �mm 2 m m Q Z O (5 W Cr, F- W W e co Z Z Lu �¢¢Lu2Z'0 z CT is J O 8 N N OT< LNu camel W If m O¢ m m a 3 m d GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS C1 -F 10 01 STEEL POST PAINTED BLUE HEIGHT OF VALVE BOX TO BE ADJUSTED TO FINISHED GRADE ROD GREATER THAN 2" SERVICES WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SCALE AlhO�cno STANDARDOPLATE NO REVISED J G 3-19-18 VALVE BOX 5'-0" ALIGNMENT R REACTION DIP DEVICE STUB 6.0 FT MIN BACKING �7[2Z%�2 8" PLUG -DIP TEE SOLID CONCRETE BLOCK TIE VALVE BACK MIN 4" THICK 0.48 CuYds MIN 8" X 12" SEPARATIONFROM VALVE LOCATION ON PROPERTY APPROVED LINE WHERE POSSIBLE OR IN STORM SEWER W/ BOULEVARD. MIN, 2 FEET FROM 1.73 CuYds WALK OR CURB GREATER THAN 2" SERVICES WATER SERVICE DETAIL NO SCALE AlhO�cno STANDARDOPLATE NO REVISED J G 3-19-18 EXTENSION -'SOIL APPROVED LOCATOR ROD 5'-0" HYDRANT MARKER BOOR Hnt3ACKOF PACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANT APPROVED EQUAL VALVE LOCATION2' FEET FROM BACK OF CURB �7[2Z%�2 EXTENSION -'SOIL NOTES: MINIMUM ' ROD BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT TAGGED SANITARY SEWER WITH METAL STRIP AND THE NOZZLE 8" PAINTED BLACK. 0.29 CuYds 2. ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS, BOLTS, AND 18" MINIMUM RODDING SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 0.48 CuYds STAINLESS STEEL. SEPARATIONFROM NO SCALE I APPROVED CIT/Y� OF STORM SEWER W/ I 1.73 CuYds OtSG O J G INSULATION i REVI SED 3-79-18 O 1.34 CuYds 5.77 CuYds MIN. 2 LAYERS OF LINE DRAIN HOLES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH HYDRANT DRAIN SANITARY MANHOLES; MOISTURE(( PROOF PLASTIC 4 MIL. \LVE BOX (A(LL OR APPROVEDDO LCOUALCONSLNOT z 5. ALL CAPS SHALL BE FITTED WITH MIN. THICKNESS UGNMENT DEVICE Z - CRUSHED ROCK SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 STAINLESS STEEL Q C478. 1 CU. YD. SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE 0 O Q CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK & BASE TIE BACK THE VALVES O18" NOTES: MINIMUM 1. HYDRANT DRAINS BELOW WATER TABLE TO SEPARATION FROM BE PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT TAGGED SANITARY SEWER WITH METAL STRIP AND THE NOZZLE 8" PAINTED BLACK. 0.29 CuYds 2. ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS, BOLTS, AND i RODDING SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 0.48 CuYds STAINLESS STEEL. HYDRANT AND VALVE INSTALLATION NO SCALE I APPROVED CIT/Y� OF 16" 0.53 CuYds 1.73 CuYds OtSG O J G 20" STANDARD No. REVI SED 3-79-18 MINNESOTA 1.34 CuYds 5.77 CuYds UNDISTL I'LAN "IJ" AT BEND I z � o NOT LESS a THAN 6" o SECTION 'B' AT BEND PLAN 'AA' Alk CITY OF 2� tgo FINISHED GRADE WATERMAIN, SIZE VARIES D 16" I "I i A I r �. '. A t UNDISTURBED SOIL PLAN 'A' 0 . NOTLESS `� THAN 6" o SECTION 'A' 2500 PSI CONCRETE 28 DAY STRENGTH I z 0 CH NOT LESS n THAN 6" c SECTION 'AA' PIPE SIZE 1'EE or PLUG CROSS W/ 2 PLUGS (i.e. 90° BEND) 1/8 BEND (45° BEND) AND 1/16 BEND (22.5°) 6" 0.22 CuYds 0.15 CuYds 0.05 CuYds 8" 0.27 CuYds 0.29 CuYds 0.08 CuYds 10" 0.32 CuYds 0.48 CuYds 0.14 CuYds 12" 1 0.37 CuYds 0.73 CuYds 0.21 CuYds 16" 0.53 CuYds 1.73 CuYds 0.49 CuYds 20" 0.82 CuYds 3.36 CuYds 0.95 CuYds 24" 1.34 CuYds 5.77 CuYds 1.63 CuYds NOTE: 1. COVER FITTINGS ENCASED IN CONCRETE WITH POLYETHYLENE OR BUILDING PAPER PRIOR TO POURING. 2. CONCRETE BLOCKING SHALL BE POURED AGAINST FIRM, UNDISTURBED GROUND. 3. CONCRETE SHALL MEET THEREQUIREMENTS FOR GRADE B CONCRETE IN CONFORMANCE WITH Mn/DOT 2461. 4. ALL METAL PARTS OF TIE ROD OR STRAP TYPE RESTRAINTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR COATED WITH ASPHALTIC TYPE RUSTPROOFING. WATERMAIN CONCRETE BLOCKING QUANITIES COVER FITTING ENCASED 1 IN CONCRETE WITH HYDRANT LOCATOR ROD (FULLY WRAPPED N GASKETS REQUIRED FOR POLYETHYLENE OR JOINTS FROM 3' ABOVE PIPE INSERTS +- BUILDING PAPER PRIOR 1 M I SHALL BE SEALED (SEE STD PLATE 314) TO POURING ? Oo w v NOTES: A STANDARD PLATE N0. APPROVED 1p TnF V O OtSG� G REVISED 3-19-13 202 GRADE 4. DRAIN HOLES ABOVE NORMAL WATER MINNESOTA C . I , ADJUST TO FINISHED GROUND AS SPECIFIED VALVE BOX ASSEMBLY BASE, VALVE & BLOCKS TO BE WRAPPED WITH 2 LAYERS OF 4 MIL PLASTIC SOLID CONCRETE BLOCKS MIN 4" THICK MIN 8" X 12" NOTES: 1. ALL VALVES SHALL BE FITTED WITH EXTENSION STEMS. TO BRING THE OPERATING NUT TO BE 2' FROM THE SURFACE. 2. ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS, BOLTS, AND RODDING SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 STAINLESS STEEL. TYPICAL RESILIENT WEDGE VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION 10" & UNDER WATERMAIN NO SCALE r %tcn�o STANDARDPLATENO. 20 REVISED l! J G 3-19-18 MINNESOTA ADJUSTING RING(S) PERSTD PLATE 309 SECTION A -A PRECAST a ECCENTRIC POSITION OPENII AND STEPS ON DOWN STRUM STANDARD PLATE NO 202a - GROUT BOTTOM TO SLOPE TOWARD PIPE AS SHOWN BY ARROWS [I FORM 1/2 PIPE SECTION OF LARGEST DIAMETER PIPE l- FRAME AND CASTING PER STD PLATE 307 MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM RIM TO FIRST STEP IS 24" - APPROVED STEPS PER - MN/DOT PLATE NO. 4180 /- WAILS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST SECTIONS WITH JOINTS PER ASTM C4d3 s" D RUBBER WATERPROOF HYDRANT LOCATOR ROD (FULLY WRAPPED N GASKETS REQUIRED FOR •- J JOINTS FROM 3' ABOVE PIPE INSERTS +- WATER TABLE AND BELOW 1 M I SHALL BE SEALED (SEE STD PLATE 314) i ? Oo w v NOTES: A .0 N 1. 22" BREAKOFF SECTION A 2. LEFT HAND OPERATING NUT O PRECAST OR INTEGRAL BASE PER D GRADE 4. DRAIN HOLES ABOVE NORMAL WATER MNDOT PLATE NO. 4011 GROUT FLOW UNE MANHOLE INVERT SHALL NOMINAL BELOW NORMAL WATER TABLE TO BE AS SHOWN ABOVE BE SLOPED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH FLOW FROM MANHOLE NOTES: LINE DRAIN HOLES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH INLET TO OUTLET SANITARY MANHOLES; MOISTURE(( PROOF 0 LL PAINTED BLACK (A(LL OR APPROVEDDO LCOUALCONSLNOT z 5. ALL CAPS SHALL BE FITTED WITH O COATGRUBBER GASKETS OR BOOTS Z = BOTTOM 6. ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS AND BOLTS STEEL REINFORCING SHALL BE PER ASTM SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 STAINLESS STEEL Q C478. SANITARY SEWER STANDARD MANHOLE 0 O Q NO SCALE APPROVED w CIT/U� OF otSG�O STANDARDOOPLATE N0. REVISED J G m D O U) HYDRANT LOCATOR ROD (FULLY WRAPPED N FIBERGLASS) 5 FT LENGTH RED/WHITE WITH STAINLESS STEEL GLOBE STYLE SPRING MOUNT •- J F- 2 1/2" HOSE CONNECTION D 4 1/2" PUMPER CONNECTION 1n 0 1 M I U i w v NOTES: OZ .0 N 1. 22" BREAKOFF SECTION F 2. LEFT HAND OPERATING NUT O 3. PAINT BARREL SECTION RED TO D GRADE 4. DRAIN HOLES ABOVE NORMAL WATER rr N TABLE TO BE OPEN, DRAIN HOLES Z NOMINAL BELOW NORMAL WATER TABLE TO BE GROUND z 7 " PLUGGED. HYDRANTS WITH PLUGGED col LINE DRAIN HOLES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH Q w 8 3/wt A METAL STRIP AND THE NOZZLE 0 LL PAINTED BLACK z 5. ALL CAPS SHALL BE FITTED WITH O STANDPIPE CHAINS. Z = BOTTOM 6. ALL BELOW GROUND NUTS AND BOLTS SHALL BE CORE -BLUE OR 316 STAINLESS STEEL Q 0 O Q J W a PACER TRAFFIC FLANGE HYDRANT (OR APPROVED EQUAL) NO SCALE AftUtS2�'� STANDAR203LATE N0, REVISED �J G 3-13-18 u, CAST IRON EXTENSION RING NEENAH R-1642 OR APPROVED INSTALLED WITH SEALANT PER EDUAL WORDS "SANITARY SEWER" MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS IMPRINTED ON COVER. EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL PER STO PLATE 310 AS RECOMMENDED/ REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER. THREADED INSERT TO ACCEPT 1/2" BOLT OR RODDING. EMBEDDED PUCE BUM SEALANT INTO TOP OF CONCRETE MANHOLE AROUND EACH ANCHOR CONE AT LEAST 3". 4 EACH TO BOLT IN EACH MATCH FRAME ON 33" BOLT ADJUSTMENT RING. CIRCLE ADJUSTING RING(S) PER STI1 27 PLATE 309. PUCE TWO 1/2" BEADS OF BUFYL SEALANT BETWEEN FIRST ADJUSTMENT MANHOLE CONE RING AND CONCRETE STRUCTURE. ONE BEAD BETWEEN EACH SUBSEQUENT RING AND FRAME STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING (ALL MANHOLES EXCEPT WHERE WATERPROOF FRAMES AND CASTINGS ARE REQUIRED) NEENAH R -1755-F2, OR EQUAL WORDS "SANITARY SEWER" IMPRINTED ON OUTER COVER INNER LIU. IRON EZ STICK MASTIC THREADED INSERT TO ACCEPT 3/4" OR EQUAL BOLT OR RODDING. EMBEDDED PUCE 2 BUDS INTO TOP OF CONCRETE MANHOLE CONE ATLEAST 3". 4 EACH TO MATCH FRAME ON 34 1/4" BOLT C GASKET DIA. 316 STAINLESS STEEL BOLT BOLT 3 1/2" LONG. WATERPROOF FRAME AND CASTING (ALL FORCEMAIN MANHOLES, OR ANY MANHOLE WITHIN GREEN SPACES OR WITHIN THE 100 YR HWL AREA) NOTE: 1, ALL NUTS, BOLTS, THREADED INSERTS, AND RODDING SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL 2. CLEAN ALL SURFACES TO REMOVE SCALE OR LOOSE IMPEDIMENTS BEFORE PLACING ANY MASTIC, SEALANT, ORINSTALLATION OF FBANE AND CASTING SYSTEM. 3. NEENAH R-1642 SYSTEM SHALL CONSIST OF CAST IRON FRAME, SOLID CAST IRON LID, CAST IRON EXTENSION RING AND HDPE "PLASTIC" ADJUSTMENT RINGS. 4. NEENAH R -1755-F2 SYSTEM SHALL CONSIST OF CAST IRON FRAME, SOLID CAST IRON LID, & INNER UD. THOUGH NOT TYPICAL IF NECESSARY HDPE "PLASTIC" ADJUSTMENT RINGS SHALL BE USED. THE INSERT EXTENSION RINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR FINAL CASTING ADJUSTMENTS WITH THESE FRAMES AND CASTINGS. SANITARY MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING NO SCALE APPROVED ft dw tSG F 0 STANDARD NO. REVISED J GJ/`J� 3-19-18 MINNESOTA v CD Z E em° W Z 97 W m ImD(aj I/ E Zv/ N861. �w SEA Ci 0 =LLL Z a $w TJ W M- J � � � nT�wT m U� N Z VJ ¢ z Z �N= m MID O o Q Jb 0 W 0 1 wZ w e W ZLU N N 5 N 4 Q = n ED C7 U) L°iv UQI~nl�-UL�v O o_ m 0 ¢ m 0 m e STANDARD CIT`/ DETAILS C2-10 of MANHOLE FRAME AND CASTING PER STD PLATE 307 PAVEMENT MAX 4 RINGS. NUMBER OF ADJUSTMENT RINGS SHALL BE MINIMIZED TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, CHIMNEY HEIGHT I.E. USE (2) 4" RINGS MINIMUM 4"— MAX 16" INSTEAD OF (4) 2" RINGS PUCE BUTYL SEALANT 27" 3" MINIMUM AROUND EACH ANCHOR BOLT IN EACH ADJUSTMENT RING. PRECAST MANHOLE CONE THREADED INSERT TO ACCEPT 1/2" BOLT OR RODDING. EMBEDDED INTO TOP OF CONCRETE MANHOLE CONE AT LEAST 3". 4 EACH TO MATCH FRAME NOTES: 1. ALL NUTS, BOLTS, THREADED INSERTS, AND RODDING SHALL BE 316 STAINLESS STEEL. 2. ADJUSTMENT RINGS SHALL BE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE RINGS AS MANUFACTURED BY LADTECH, INC OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. ALL RINGS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED MnDOT HS -20 TRAFFIC LOADING. 4. AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, PRECAST CONCRETE ADJUSTING RINGS OR BRICK CHIMNEY WILL BE ALLOWED FOR ADJUSTING EXISTING MANHOLES. S. CLEAN ALL SURFACES TO REMOVE SCALE OR LOOSE IMPEDIMENTS BEFORE PLACING ANY MASTIC, SEALANT, 7 OR INSTALLATION OF FRAME AND CASTING SYSTEM. 6. PLACE TWO 1/2" BEADS OF BUTYL SEALANT BETWEEN FIRST ADJUSTMENT RING AND CONCRETE " STRUCTURE. ONE BEAD BETWEEN EACH SUBSEQUENT RING AND FRAME. d MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT RINGS NO SCALE APPROVED I c� F O STANDARDDBPLATE NO. REVISED <Tl t c 3-19-18 V MINNESOTA AI np 9 1 zN J 6 FAA CE OF CURB.0 A 5. 5.0 PLAN VIEW OF RAMP ROUND ALL SLOPED APPROX, 10:1 SLOPE INTERSECTIONS TOP OF CURB D 15.0 ELEVATION OF RAMP 5' 4" 2 CURB OR CURB 1" PER FT. OR FLATTER DESIGN STREET GUTTER — — — — — GRADE 1/2' PREFORMED CONCRETE WALK JOINT FILLER AASHTO M213 SECTION A—A 1. ADA REQUIRED TRUNCATED DOME AREA SHALL BE CAST IRON INSERTS AND SHALL COMPLY WITH M./DOT STANDARD PLATE NO. 7038A. PRECAST TRUNCATED DOME INSERTS SHALL BE DARK GRAY IN COLOR TO VISUALLY CONTRAST WITH THE ADJACENT SIDEWALK. THE CURB ADJACENT TO THE TRUNCATED DOME INSERTS SHALL BE HAND FORMED SUCH THAT NO GAP EXISTS AS A RESULT OF THE CURVATURE OF THE BACK OF CURB. 2. VARIES WITH CURB HEIGHT. EXAMPLE SHOWN IS FOR 6" CURB HEIGHTS. = PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP NO SCALE = APPROVED CITY OF AP �tse O STANDARD N0. REVISED JG Y 8-1B-15 _ MINNESOTA INSPECTION TAB INFI-SHIELD EXTERNAL SEAL HDPE "PLASTIC" RINGS NOTES: 1. THE ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND FRAME SHALL BE SEALED WITH AN EXTERNAL RUBBER SEALING SLEEVE, "INFI-SHIELD" AS MANUFACTURED BY SEALING SYSTEM, INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. THE SEAL SHALL BE MADE OF EPDM RUBBER WITH A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 60 MILS AND SEALED WITH A NON -HARDENING BUTYL RUBBER MASTIC. EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL NO SCALE APPROVED CITY OP Qt STANDARD10PLATE NO. RESED0TA INTERNAL MANHOLE JOINT SEAL ALL SEALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS. CLEAN AREA AROUND JOINTS WITH WIRE BRUSH AND WHISK BROOM PRIOR TO PLACING JOINT SEALS. 5' i RESTRAINING HOOP s, VARIABLE 8" MIN. ,�'°mow ✓'� PLEATED RUBBER SLEEVE 6 x 6 x 10/10 WWM 2.5 TLESS THAN 3'� NOTE: (FOR USE DEPTH OF CONCRETE SHALL ON ALL MANHOLE 1. RUBBER SLEEVE SHALL BE A MIN. OF 3/16" THICK. BE DETERMINED BY TYPE OF 2. 1 3/4" WIDE EXPANSION BANDS, 16 GAUGE FROM 3' CURB AND GUTTER ABOVE SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. SECTION AA 3. RESTRAINING HOOP SHALL BE 5/16" DIA. WATER ll TABLE TO RUBBER SLEEVE. 0 4U THE JT' WATER o` Fp A ��p0 '" 'b' rye •" INTEGRAL. EXPANSION JOINT—41. - A f-' CONCRETE CURB• AND GUTTER i TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER NO SCALE APPROVED Qt STANDARDDPLATE NO. REVISED ANURARY 2007 OTA INTERNAL MANHOLE JOINT SEAL ALL SEALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS. CLEAN AREA AROUND JOINTS WITH WIRE BRUSH AND WHISK BROOM PRIOR TO PLACING JOINT SEALS. (FOR USE ON ALL MANHOLE JOINTS FROM 10' TO 30' BELOW THE WATER TABLE) NOTES 1. EPDM FLEXIBLE RUBBER SLEEVE - 30 MILS THICK 2. NON -HARDENING BUTYL MASTIC ADHESIVE - 30 MILS THICK 6" MIN. CENTERED 6" MIN. ON JOINT OVERLAP -T- MANHOLE JOINT SEAL NO SCALE H diQ.-D �STANDAR314LATE N0. TA R/W TFT T SFf I "p L 4'CONCRETE IMNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3F52) 4" MNDOT 3149M2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE nCONCEDEWALK SECTION (PUBLIC) NTS 4' CONCRETE (MNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3FS2) i=.•�'.':3 ...: �. :;; ':..�: 4'MNDOT3149.2B2SELECT i_;' �'",•' '+='". + i .;',., ", GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS $HAL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER "DOT SPEC. 2521.3C2 n CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION (PRIVATE) NTS Ij BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE IMNDOT 2360 TYPE SPWEPWB) TACK COAT BEIW EEN BITUMINOUS COURSES 1}' BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE IMNDOT 2360TYPE SPNWMB) C MNDOT CUA s AGGREGATEBASE APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION HIS REINFORCEMENT: F4 BARS CC HCRETE IMNDOT CONCRETE MIX 34411 NOTE PLACE CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT AT THE MIDDLE OF ME PAVEMENT THTC KN E S C MNDOT 3149.2B2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE iLONCRETE APRON/PAVEMENT SECTION # CONCRETE 4 BARS 4'11111 FLOOR SUB a' YPIy. d T. " JOINT • •CONCRETE APRON NOTES: 1. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL BUILDING ENTRANCE WHERE CONCRETEAPRONS ABUT CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS 2 BARSPACING: ITO.C.FORB'CONCRETEAPRONS 16" O.C. FOR V CONCRETE APRONS HAVESHALL BE PLACED AT THE CENTER OF THE THINNEST APRON OR SUB, BUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BAR COVER OF 3' 4. BARS SHALL BE PLACED ACROSS TOTALWIDTH OF BUILDING ENTRANCE 4 APRON/FLOOR SLAB JOINT REINFORCEMENT Nrs PARKING LOT r (MNDOTCONCRETE MIX 3F52) CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINS SHAL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER MNDOT SPK. APPROVED COMPACTED 2521.302 SUBGRADE b THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK (PRIVATE) NTS O Q z° O O W (1) 0 06 W W fn Z Z (V $QQuJ:E::)o IN-ZFW-O0 J U) 0) 0 co N 1n = W Y g Gir O) aGO (r a oof L STD CITY DETAILS, STANDARD DETAILS C3-10 EXPANSION BANDS i RESTRAINING HOOP 8" MIN. ,�'°mow ✓'� PLEATED RUBBER SLEEVE CENTERED ON JOINT TLESS THAN 3'� (FOR USE NOTES ON ALL MANHOLE 1. RUBBER SLEEVE SHALL BE A MIN. OF 3/16" THICK. JOINTS 2. 1 3/4" WIDE EXPANSION BANDS, 16 GAUGE FROM 3' STAINLESS STEEL. ALL NUTS, BOLTS OR SCREWS ABOVE SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. THE 3. RESTRAINING HOOP SHALL BE 5/16" DIA. WATER STAINLESS STEEL, PLACED BETWEEN PLEATS OF TABLE TO RUBBER SLEEVE. 10' BELOW THE INFI—SHIELD EXTERNAL GATOR WRAP _ WATER TABLE) (FOR USE ON ALL MANHOLE JOINTS FROM 10' TO 30' BELOW THE WATER TABLE) NOTES 1. EPDM FLEXIBLE RUBBER SLEEVE - 30 MILS THICK 2. NON -HARDENING BUTYL MASTIC ADHESIVE - 30 MILS THICK 6" MIN. CENTERED 6" MIN. ON JOINT OVERLAP -T- MANHOLE JOINT SEAL NO SCALE H diQ.-D �STANDAR314LATE N0. TA R/W TFT T SFf I "p L 4'CONCRETE IMNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3F52) 4" MNDOT 3149M2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE nCONCEDEWALK SECTION (PUBLIC) NTS 4' CONCRETE (MNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3FS2) i=.•�'.':3 ...: �. :;; ':..�: 4'MNDOT3149.2B2SELECT i_;' �'",•' '+='". + i .;',., ", GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS $HAL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER "DOT SPEC. 2521.3C2 n CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION (PRIVATE) NTS Ij BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE IMNDOT 2360 TYPE SPWEPWB) TACK COAT BEIW EEN BITUMINOUS COURSES 1}' BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE IMNDOT 2360TYPE SPNWMB) C MNDOT CUA s AGGREGATEBASE APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION HIS REINFORCEMENT: F4 BARS CC HCRETE IMNDOT CONCRETE MIX 34411 NOTE PLACE CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT AT THE MIDDLE OF ME PAVEMENT THTC KN E S C MNDOT 3149.2B2 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE iLONCRETE APRON/PAVEMENT SECTION # CONCRETE 4 BARS 4'11111 FLOOR SUB a' YPIy. d T. " JOINT • •CONCRETE APRON NOTES: 1. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL BUILDING ENTRANCE WHERE CONCRETEAPRONS ABUT CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS 2 BARSPACING: ITO.C.FORB'CONCRETEAPRONS 16" O.C. FOR V CONCRETE APRONS HAVESHALL BE PLACED AT THE CENTER OF THE THINNEST APRON OR SUB, BUT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BAR COVER OF 3' 4. BARS SHALL BE PLACED ACROSS TOTALWIDTH OF BUILDING ENTRANCE 4 APRON/FLOOR SLAB JOINT REINFORCEMENT Nrs PARKING LOT r (MNDOTCONCRETE MIX 3F52) CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINS SHAL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER MNDOT SPK. APPROVED COMPACTED 2521.302 SUBGRADE b THICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK (PRIVATE) NTS O Q z° O O W (1) 0 06 W W fn Z Z (V $QQuJ:E::)o IN-ZFW-O0 J U) 0) 0 co N 1n = W Y g Gir O) aGO (r a oof L STD CITY DETAILS, STANDARD DETAILS C3-10 SIDE SLOPE OFTRENCHSHALL MEET OSHA REQUIREMENTS SEESPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION 1 112' FROM FRONT REQUIREMENTS 1 1/2* FROM FRONT TYPE 4 C' ILID FACE OF THICKENED EDGESIDEWALK COMPACTED GRANULAR CATCH BASINS: BEDDING MATERIAL MEETINGTHE • REQUIREMENBOF FACEOFTHICKENED EDGESIDEWALK MNDOT SPEC. 3149.2H NEENAH R-256OFA (8OLATED BEEHIVE) -TYPE C GRATES SHAPE BEDDINGTO 1 •.1..1111 ...11,11. � MATCH BELL SECTIONS c PIPE BEDDING DETAIL (STORM SEWER) MS NEENAH R-2553 (ISOLATED IN PAVED AREA) NEENAH R -ESL (N C N.A.RBHG) (ISOLATED INV GREEN AREA) TYPE"C'GRATE 2HDPEADJUSTMENT RINGS 5 RINGS MAXN4UM (INSTALL ADJ. RINGS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS) PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL WATERSTOP GASKET, OR APPROVED EQUIVALE4T W/ NONSHRINK PATCHING QS COMPOUND. AT PIPEISTRUCTURE CONNECTION GROAT INVERT TO t PROVIDEPOSgWE •; DRAINAGE TO PIPE CATCH BASIN SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMEWS OF STANDARD MNDOT PIATE4006 . ,.t`. �.. SEE PLAN FOR PIPE DIAMETER 3-0 8' PRECAST CONCRETE BASE 2 CATCH BASIN (MNDOT DESIGN "H") NTS NOTES 4'PER FTSLOP 1. FOR AREAS WHERE DRAINAGE E DIRECTED AWAY FROM HE CURB, THE GUTTER SHALL BETILTED TO CONCR DRAINFROMMECURB 2 CONCRETESHALLMEETTHEREQUIREMENTSOF MNDOT CONCRETE MIX W32 3. MNDOT B612 CURB AND GMER SHALL MEETTHE a' REQUIREMEMSOFSTANDARDMNDOTPLATE7IW a� BELOW CURB AND GUTIER I 6 CURB & GUTTER (MNDOT 8612) MS NEENAH 1?4� TRENCH FRAME WITH 1 112' FROM FRONT TYPE*C'UD 1 1/2* FROM FRONT TYPE 4 C' ILID FACE OF THICKENED EDGESIDEWALK FACEOMICKENED EDGESIDEWALK CATCH BASINS: GRADE • -4i1� 111j x FACEOFTHICKENED EDGESIDEWALK ..1111111 FACEOFTHICKENED IIIIj NEENAH R-256OFA (8OLATED BEEHIVE) -TYPE C GRATES 1i11�:1 1 •1 1 •.1..1111 ...11,11. � 111111 � 1\'•1'11 j 17 -ID' g• 18'-0' TL♦Ci 1 -Z SIDEWALK DRAIN DRAIN #3 FLCW OSIDEWALK 2' HDPE ADJUSTMENT RINGS 5 RINGS MAXIMUM (INSTALL ADJ. RINGS PER AANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS) PRECAST CONCRETE COVER PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL(S) WITH RUBBER GASKETS) ASTM 044379 SEE PLAN FOR INTERIOR DIAMETER (ID) WATERSTOP GASKET, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT W/ NON -SHRINK PATCHING COMPOUND, AT PIPE/STRUCTURE CONNECTION SEE PLAN FOR PIPE DIAMETER GROUT INVERTTO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAW ETO OUTLET NOTES 1. SEE PLAN FOR INTERIOR DIAMETERS IID) OF PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL SECTIONS 2 SEE PLAN FOR PIPE CUT-OUT SECTIONS S. CONSTRUCT GROUTED HOW LINES WITHIN STRUCTURETO DIRECT ROW TO OUTLET WITH NONSHRINK GROLR 4. FILL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN PIPE AND BARREL WITH NONSHRINK GROUT. 3. PRECAST CONCRETE COVERS. BARREL SECTIONS. AND BASES SHALL MEET ME REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD MNDOT PLATES 4011 AND 4020 4. PLASTIC STEPS SHALL BEAS PER MNDOTSTANDARD PLATE 41M AND SHALL BE PLACED OVERTHEOLITLEPIPE 3STORM MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN N 5 2-0' S'/1' 2d 2 RCURB TAPER GONCR'TE (TYPI (BOTH SIDE) SFT CURB CURB & E CUT .'.. x. nnwcU R FLARES TO CHANNEL J RAIN GUARDIAN RUNOFPTO RAIN GUARDIANLEW SEEwww.rwlguardian.b¢FOR (BOTH SIDES) INFORMATION ON INSTALLATION OFTHE RAIN GUARDIAN NOTE: 1. CONCRETESHALL BE 61N THICK OVERLYING 6" CLEAN SAND (LBS THAN 596 PASSING THE N20DSIEVE 2 PLACE EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN CONCRETE AND ADJACENT CURB/GUTTER. 3. DOWELSPACING: I8'O.C. A DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CENTER OF ME SPILLWAY THICKNESS, AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM BAR COVER OF3' 5. DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED ACROSS TOTAL WIDTH OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY 7 CURB AT RAIN GUARDIAN MS LIFT STATION #3 MANHO F5: 1 1/2* FROM FRONT TYPE 4 C' ILID NEENAH R-17331 (IETTERED'STORM') W/ CONCEALED PICKHOLE FACEOMICKENED EDGESIDEWALK CATCH BASINS: GRADE NEENAH R3067-1 TIN CBG) box NEENAH R-25531BOLATEDI ..1111111 FACEOFTHICKENED IIIIj NEENAH R-256OFA (8OLATED BEEHIVE) -TYPE C GRATES CASTING (SEE ABOVE) 2' HDPE ADJUSTMENT RINGS 5 RINGS MAXIMUM (INSTALL ADJ. RINGS PER AANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS) PRECAST CONCRETE COVER PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL(S) WITH RUBBER GASKETS) ASTM 044379 SEE PLAN FOR INTERIOR DIAMETER (ID) WATERSTOP GASKET, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT W/ NON -SHRINK PATCHING COMPOUND, AT PIPE/STRUCTURE CONNECTION SEE PLAN FOR PIPE DIAMETER GROUT INVERTTO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAW ETO OUTLET NOTES 1. SEE PLAN FOR INTERIOR DIAMETERS IID) OF PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL SECTIONS 2 SEE PLAN FOR PIPE CUT-OUT SECTIONS S. CONSTRUCT GROUTED HOW LINES WITHIN STRUCTURETO DIRECT ROW TO OUTLET WITH NONSHRINK GROLR 4. FILL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN PIPE AND BARREL WITH NONSHRINK GROUT. 3. PRECAST CONCRETE COVERS. BARREL SECTIONS. AND BASES SHALL MEET ME REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD MNDOT PLATES 4011 AND 4020 4. PLASTIC STEPS SHALL BEAS PER MNDOTSTANDARD PLATE 41M AND SHALL BE PLACED OVERTHEOLITLEPIPE 3STORM MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN N 5 2-0' S'/1' 2d 2 RCURB TAPER GONCR'TE (TYPI (BOTH SIDE) SFT CURB CURB & E CUT .'.. x. nnwcU R FLARES TO CHANNEL J RAIN GUARDIAN RUNOFPTO RAIN GUARDIANLEW SEEwww.rwlguardian.b¢FOR (BOTH SIDES) INFORMATION ON INSTALLATION OFTHE RAIN GUARDIAN NOTE: 1. CONCRETESHALL BE 61N THICK OVERLYING 6" CLEAN SAND (LBS THAN 596 PASSING THE N20DSIEVE 2 PLACE EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN CONCRETE AND ADJACENT CURB/GUTTER. 3. DOWELSPACING: I8'O.C. A DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CENTER OF ME SPILLWAY THICKNESS, AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM BAR COVER OF3' 5. DOWELS SHALL BE PLACED ACROSS TOTAL WIDTH OF CONCRETE SPILLWAY 7 CURB AT RAIN GUARDIAN MS ELEV -86300 INLET INV -85SM ALARM INV =85450 SECONDARY PUMP "OM ELEV -M&W PRIMARY - PUMP. " ELEV = 85200 PUMP"OFF'- ELEV =851.00 BOTTOM OF - WEIWELL ELEV = 849.00 DECHAR MANHOLE INV AT PUMP STATION=857.50 INV AT 5ASIN=860.50 (2) FORCE MAIN PIPES (21 SUBMERSIBLE 600 GPM GRINDER PUMPS 48' CONCRETE MANHOLE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (SE MANHOLE DETAIL) NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECT APPROPRIATE GRINDER PUMP(S) 2 PUMP SUPPUER SHALL DETERMINE SEE AND MATERIAL OF FORCE WIN PIPE 3. FORCE MAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SLOPE UPWARDS FROM THE UFTSTATION TOME CONNECTING MANHOLEATA ANNNUMOFM. REMAINING STORM WATER IN THE FORCE MAIN PIPE ATMETIME OF PUMP SHUT-0FFSHAM DRAIN BACK INTO THE LIFT STATION STRUCTURE 0. FORCE MAIN PIPES SHALL BE WYED TOGETHER OUTSIDE LET STATION STRUCTURE 4. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BESEITTO ME ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL 5. FORCE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AGATE VALVE LOCATED OUTSIDE THEUFTSTATION. ELEV-868.70 INLET INV - W&15 ALARM INV =857.65 SECONDARY PUMP"ON" HEV -854.15 PRIMARY - PUMP "O N' ELEV = 853.15 PUMP "OFF'- ELEV = 02.15 BOTTOM OF - WET WELL ELEV=850.15 DLSCHARGETO MANHOLE INV AT PUMP STATION=85&50 INV AT BASIN=860.50 (2) FORCE MAIN PIPES (2) SUBMERSIBLE 600 GPM GRINDER PUMPS 48'CONCRETEMANHOLE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (SEE MANHOLE DETAIL) NOTES: I. CONTRACTOR SHAMSELECT APPROPRIATE GRINDER PUMPIS) 2. PUMP SUPPLIER SHALL DETERMINESUE AND MATERIAL OF FORCE MAIN PIPE I FORCE MAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SLOPE UPWARDS FROMTHE LRT STATION TO THE CONNECTING MANHOLE AT A MINIMUM OF A. REMAINING STORM WATER IN THE FORCE MAIN PIPEATMETIME OF PUMP SHUI-0FF SHALL DRAIN BACK INTO THE LIFE STATION STRUCTURE 0. FORCEMAIN PIPES SHALL BEWYEDTOGETHEROUISIDE LLSTSTATIONSTRUCTURE A SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SEM TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL S FORCEMAINPIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AGATE VALVE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE UFT STATION. LIFT STATION #2 LIFT STATION #3 4 1 1/2* FROM FRONT TYPE 4 C' ILID 5 R FACEOMICKENED EDGESIDEWALK 018 GRADE 111% box -4iQ X111 ..1111111 FACEOFTHICKENED IIIIj . 11111. . 1 1111111.11 111111 � 1\'•1'11 j 17 -ID' g• 18'-0' 1 -Z SIDEWALK DRAIN ELEV -86300 INLET INV -85SM ALARM INV =85450 SECONDARY PUMP "OM ELEV -M&W PRIMARY - PUMP. " ELEV = 85200 PUMP"OFF'- ELEV =851.00 BOTTOM OF - WEIWELL ELEV = 849.00 DECHAR MANHOLE INV AT PUMP STATION=857.50 INV AT 5ASIN=860.50 (2) FORCE MAIN PIPES (21 SUBMERSIBLE 600 GPM GRINDER PUMPS 48' CONCRETE MANHOLE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (SE MANHOLE DETAIL) NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECT APPROPRIATE GRINDER PUMP(S) 2 PUMP SUPPUER SHALL DETERMINE SEE AND MATERIAL OF FORCE WIN PIPE 3. FORCE MAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SLOPE UPWARDS FROM THE UFTSTATION TOME CONNECTING MANHOLEATA ANNNUMOFM. REMAINING STORM WATER IN THE FORCE MAIN PIPE ATMETIME OF PUMP SHUT-0FFSHAM DRAIN BACK INTO THE LIFT STATION STRUCTURE 0. FORCE MAIN PIPES SHALL BE WYED TOGETHER OUTSIDE LET STATION STRUCTURE 4. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BESEITTO ME ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL 5. FORCE MAIN PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AGATE VALVE LOCATED OUTSIDE THEUFTSTATION. ELEV-868.70 INLET INV - W&15 ALARM INV =857.65 SECONDARY PUMP"ON" HEV -854.15 PRIMARY - PUMP "O N' ELEV = 853.15 PUMP "OFF'- ELEV = 02.15 BOTTOM OF - WET WELL ELEV=850.15 DLSCHARGETO MANHOLE INV AT PUMP STATION=85&50 INV AT BASIN=860.50 (2) FORCE MAIN PIPES (2) SUBMERSIBLE 600 GPM GRINDER PUMPS 48'CONCRETEMANHOLE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (SEE MANHOLE DETAIL) NOTES: I. CONTRACTOR SHAMSELECT APPROPRIATE GRINDER PUMPIS) 2. PUMP SUPPLIER SHALL DETERMINESUE AND MATERIAL OF FORCE MAIN PIPE I FORCE MAIN SHALL BE INSTALLED TO SLOPE UPWARDS FROMTHE LRT STATION TO THE CONNECTING MANHOLE AT A MINIMUM OF A. REMAINING STORM WATER IN THE FORCE MAIN PIPEATMETIME OF PUMP SHUI-0FF SHALL DRAIN BACK INTO THE LIFE STATION STRUCTURE 0. FORCEMAIN PIPES SHALL BEWYEDTOGETHEROUISIDE LLSTSTATIONSTRUCTURE A SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SEM TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL S FORCEMAINPIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AGATE VALVE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE UFT STATION. LIFT STATION #2 LIFT STATION #3 4 5 R NEENAH R4990HX TYPE A GRADE RIM=858.75 1"LIP I"UP 17 -ID' g• 18'-0' 1 -Z FLCW FLOWLNE-6.75 24"WIDETRENCH03.12Ry ROWNNE=856.25 12 SCH 40 PVC 6" D SONRY 8' SOLIMA 8'SOUD MASONRY BLOCKPRECASTOR CONCRETERDNFORCING: BLOCK PRECAST OR CASTINPIACEBLOCK ITYPI CASTIN PLAC MCK RYPI SINGLE LINE OF STEEL FABRIC HAVING AN AREA OF 0.12SQ IN PER FT OF HEGHT TRENCH DRAIN NIS L/ Z .0. O2E ;" WC -9 m�-.Ip5E z(5 NIO�O `nW mm� ZD tLLQ a Om m� W LLI N! J m n �06 a s m n� v_ n @ m v � z z «P I TND O 0 Z O 0 W F - Q R I W W B co Z Z N N 00 a@g a Q W Z) N OW] FA N U a IT F F) N o l 00 IT: E � STANDARD DETAILS C4 OF 10 TOC=863.24 I I I I I v m INV=852,74 I REMOVEIXISTINGCATCH N mV G I BASIN CASTING. REPLACE r 3 q I \ \ \ AS PER CITY REQ4IREMENTS II I Q 8 m m _________________ ___ _ ________ 24'FLARED \�3. / 1 IN I _-___ _ __-_ __ _ 18'FLARED (VERIFY W/C I / / ENDS TION NOT ECROSSSLOPEOFALL ENDSECTION Iff I O$c I f 1\INV=&55.00 OUTLOT A H /t CULVINV=656,75 NOTE CROSSSLOPEOFALL 'I NV •855.00 PRWATESSNOTEDOTHERE --- -- I w III G ! / / PRIVATESWEWALKSHALL BE OUTLOT B CULVINV-856.99.. CULVINV=856.70 2& UNLESS NOTED OTHER /'-- -J- III (III III II\ c yp� Z TOC -B 2.81 '� ,6 5,7 / � A,UNLESS NOTED OTHERWbE-- _- _-_-_-_ _--_= l0 N INV=6 6.16 f ...� i \\\ \\\\\ ���� -------------- - - '860'== -- -� _ _954 ii_'--.-..------REfAwING4llRt- ,JIIII(I 6R v I \\ \ I - _ E:'� - - - - - - - - - - ese:------- // r-- ;_._..--//7t \ �--- ^- 4BTF-- _-_-_- - 855!?=--- - _ ---_l0EIGI - �"IRIM�Ia�s835 I I Il U 2 q o -" .\ a "------------------------- --:H57':------_._---------i / /I .. \ \ \\------- -- ..HDPE------------.� 1P=wwSTAt cw-- A _,--_ .- -- llEGHi-030,gT INv��45s.65 I f„ .�,.f l \\.6s-ki'---------------------------bB81-----_-----._----/ .� fI INflLTRATION (I --- _-- - - - - LRMI4 - - --- _ \ I J \ \ __--�.2.-.--------- 'SfiTCURBLUT- I I \ _ BASIN #1111311 \ P581 GQ���, - ~ALL I I mwr 1 i I I 9- --- ------------ -- ----- 8.---- -_-------// 1 / IS 1/C41 \ \\ --.- _ - IaRCEFWBTOOICEI _- y59. - - STATION a2 i18'FIQPE I I I () d� q .• Y..__ ------ --- ------ 0�--- - FORCEhiAl1TSIRLETr+. n\ -INV _BW:So - s° �_ORCFM!'IN---_ q I f ." ----- -- -- ------ ---- -----gl------TNvea�_- 589°43'53"�� 4>i --- --- --- -- - - --- -_ EE4/C41 alz «gym ------- I II !f ------------- --------- 5 l / e6z=�- - ----- ---^ ------------- --- -- - e. z ---------------- 1 O o _____ HP ] N EX t\ ~ L--1----------------- �- --- `-------------------------\ --J Be s- dP oe=8�� _ D 80 TOC GI.36 ��vv N I �----------------- ------ --- 860---------------------� I .864 v=8 B ¢ p q C 5 \ I \\ ce4lae° IDL T \ f 1 066 a 864862 ' IX I I ZO _ a UU m o \ �!\DRAIN TILE {/� SIDEWALKCROSS-DRAIN#3 \ TRIM=85000 \ I I-'-~ \ 01 BOWLINE -5=861.25 / INV=85Q00 \ / \ I ROWUNE-N=861.20 IN/IALL'RNN GUARDIAN' (� (SEE9/062 862 GUTTER ELEV CB62B0 \\ 1 \\ CB5148'IDI �6 P F� P t \ 62 LF RIM=861.50 �, I n+ I SIDEWALK CROSS-DRAIN#4 I p 12'PVC INV=85].50 'D RY WALE 864 T \ FLOWLINE-E=860.25 06 W1, m TOC=°x'1.69 F \\ FI ILCONSTRUCTON 7 864 / �LOWUNE-W=860.20 \ / 'I 1.1 5b.62 O f � OF PHARE2 NYP) }:F INFlLTRAOON W j ~ ( - BASIN #2111321 I f EMERGENCY TOC=8 43. n N 4 T � m i INV=8.73 1 V Q irz II 1 I I \ I�K 866 0 f FBFR V I P1 ! q' 064 RETAINING WALL �_ I Z 866 y ENG H=98 LF / Q H `1�1 8, FORCEMAIN' HEIGM=0T03.5-FI N 181"FLAREOW W z mth> EID/SECTIDN d W MV 58.80 � mmo �ajE Iz co w m a o Lu BLOCK 2 I �f ��� III eo T �e uR srAT Na3�l n r ��//I y /J/� Y� zC) aLL v I SEES/ ) / / / 1 i5{ -AVON BASIN I TOC=661.30 I 1� V LJ, -I TOC=61.26 I I W c Ih1Vd858.20 1 ! I 1 BL ( W ? W CONST DRIVEWAY TO ETAINING WALUS I / / INV=6 6.71 f �„ I TO BAUNOFF / N f I TO INFILTRATION BASIN fIYPI ! LENGTIi=66 LF IFACH) N /� NOTE CROSSSIOPE OF f I I -- % HEIGM=OTO IO.S f / PUBUC SIDEVALKAND 1 I I \\\ I o /, BOULEVARDSHALL BEA I f I I Lll, 06 v n SE OT TRENC DRAIN � t},o ISOLF ` ULF O(I VJ EE/C4112PVC IB"PVC D L 35 N� t INV=COVERED D mNm PUBUC SIDE -68 LF ALKOANDPE F In I (Cfo IM=869WN0�1 BOULEVARD SHALL BEA I 1 V PROPOSED BUILDING INV=860.25 �. �� I I 88LL BB LF UP MFE=870.00 yPVC I TEMPORARY SWALE 1 ga2:� 14"PVC 16"PVC GFE=859,W / 80.5036 °� S y 133148'101 \ I I UN MARY W0' sQ50 Q f C// INIV=8B595500 n� --- OF PHASE21TYP1 / �I / SUMP 05.50 D 1,=15.66 '-- \ orb i v m /I I 6.1 ;:-" TOP OF BERM x-10.00 CONST RUCTBERMTO ICPVCSN4 /E yt ''RIA E Of f 42'26" DIRECTDRW AYRUNOFF Wl TICCA 868 1 11-gy TOINFILTRATION BASIN (TYP) Il / CO (CLEANOUT) J INV=86209 866 /� OC=660.97i}.(86900 Nl V=859.91 6 h- -r, 7 864 ,Ar 89,q:_.� BLOCK 1 .TOG�6L-1.60-L-JIL-N.Ull CO70(CLEANOUf1 COI IL:LFANOUI) `� BB tf OC=561.01 \ CIp P'62- 36LF RIM =869.9p M,� 689.00 RIM =869.00 .9.0. 16 \ IL \-_cnl14'PVCI- (INV=06r91�- I wv=e61.a7 Z-B61?D3- = x_ co12ICLEANour1 INV=COVERE I� <u SMn-S2L115N SN SN I'( N_ -SN- - �.�-5 Sw 51.1 `.:8.. 51� 'd7V=860.59 TOC=661.20 0 1 TOC -863.65 TOC=863.65,._ RETAINING WALL TOC=86220 INV=1?7 JIB INV=84757 Q� l INV=648.63 _ 85TH STREET N LENGTH=Ba -Ll INV=8500TH/ O' 5 ADD l-_- --\ HEIGM=0T03.SFim � TeNCHMAHO=86550(88 DA INV=857,27 TUM) \ D z TOC=861.67 TOP NUT HYDRANT - - - - - ol - \\ NOTE CR03SSLOPE OF NOTE DOWNSPOUTS LOCATED ALONG NDBSTH TREETNED BUILDING, I} PUBLIC: SIDEWAIKAND AND ADIACEMTO PARSON AVE AND ESDI STREET NE SHALL BE CONN/ I BOULEVARD SHALL BEA 0 TSEGO COMMERCIAL PARK WYES. BENDB,ANDECT SCH40PVCPFE ERIFYLOCATIONOFRMSEWERVLA PRIATE BOTTOM OF BASIN (5 DOWNSPOUTS W/ARCHITECTURAL PIANS MIX W MIX 11! BASIMMI) ALL GRADING NOTES: INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES: S'SANDI w W BOTTOM OF BASIN COMPOSTMIX (I 4:T W HZ- IN- O 1. CONTRACTOR SHALLVERIFY ALL IXISTMG CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATIONS. AND RIM 9. TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL STORM SEWER END SECTIONS 1. TRAFFIC FROM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTSHALL BE LIMBED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE S'SAND/COMPOST W Z J AN DINVERTEEVATIONS,OFUWNGDRAINAGEANDSANRARYSTRUMURES.LOCATION ACROSS INFILTRATION BMW AREAS, AND BE ONLY LOW IMPACTTRACK EQUIPMENT. BASIN MIX ::+++ - .. � ELEV- � 5 Q Q W 2 1- ANDSEE OFIXISTINGSANITARY. WATER, AND STORM SEW ER STUBS, AND EMTING 10. FINISHED ELEVATIONS OF LAWN/GREEN AREAS ADJACENT TO BUILDIN SHALLBE AREAS SHALLBEIXCAVATMWRHABACKHOESTATIONEDOUISIDEOFTHEARMASMUCH �;3'�,.: ... y AM S•'T''c'. .t`L":x ELEV= 858.38 N Q = GRADES SHALLAISO BE VERSED. A MINIMUM OFC BELOW FINISHED FLOOR ORTOP-O"LOCK ELEVATION. AS POSSIBLE BASINSIDEWALL y ey n +^ r_ g5 I- S'SAND/ ,..uh`;;.G'C ``...`.w- i J O (n C9 M N 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION OFTHE ADJACENT PARKING LOTAND BUILDING. THE COMPOSTMIX VARIES 1 CD = W In 2 IXEYNG TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED ROMA TOPOGRAPHICAL 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM CALCULATIONS TO VERIFY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. INFILTRATION BASIN AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM TRAFFIC AND SEDIMENT 4;1 4:\ n = W F to CY SURVEY PROVIDED BY O'MALLEY AKRON LAND SURVEYORS, COLD SPRING, MN. (320) 5905 COMRACTORE BID SHALL BE BASED ON EARTHWORKCALCUTATIONS COMPLETED BY WITHSILTFENCE yap 4 EI -EV BSNSD NATIVESAND (� Q M F U N THECONTRACTOR fx\`.y' SOILS (j) d M O Q C K: , N OF ON NORTH ENTRANCE BSTHAVENE S. 3. BEN HMAR TOP UI / QUADAYAVE NEMIDWAY BETWEEN PROPOSED DRIVEWAY EI4IRANCES 3. THEBOTTOMS WITH THEME APP BASINSSHALLBESCATHEDroAMINIMUMDEPTH c�>ar+ 125POi ELEVA710M AREROW UNEAND/OR flNEHED GRADES. UNLESS OTHERWEE "^:{'+Jr q�.Us'- NOTES: 1. BASIN BOTTOM 25AND/COMPOST MIX -ECFV=865.50188 DATUM) INDICATED . TOP OF CURB ELEVATIONS ARE 6"ABOVETHE FLOW UNESPOT OF24INCHES WITH THEUBE OFAPPROPRL4TE EQUIPMENT ITIILER. RIPPER, ETC.). �!%'.��:'�-'.3" SHALL RESEEDED W/ SHALLCONSETOFIah ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE AFTER SCARIFICATION. THE BASIN SIDEWALLS AND BOTTOM SHALL BE UNED WITH A VARIES 'Y' NATIVESEED MIX AND/ CLEAN SAND &30% 4. NOTIFY SITE CON IMMEDIATELY THA 15 SHOINCONSISTENCIESONTHARE. WHICH RE BETWEEN MINIMUM OF 54NCHES OFSAND/COMPOST MIX. SANDICOMP09MIXSMUBE OR PLANTINGS COMPOST ACTUALSRT CONDITIONS ANDWHATTSHOWN ONTHE WHICH ARE PLACED AS LOOSELY AS POSSIBLE SOILS AND 13. "EX' DENOTES IXETING SPOT ELEVATIONS. "HP DENOTES HIGH POINTS. SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH TO ALTER THE INTENT OFTHE DRAWINGS. SOILS 14. ALL PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE TOP OF PAVING OR GUTTER. UNLESS NOTED 4.ONCE EXCAVATED TO FINAL GRADE INFILTRATION ARMS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE %1 INFILTRATION BASIN #2 (1132) v N S. If REQUIRE BY iHEMNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ANDINDUSTRY.THE THAT NO SEDIMENT FROM ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY E REACHING THE NOTES: 1. BASIN BOTTOM 2SAND/COMPOST MIX T OBTAIN OTHERWISE PROPOSED REND/OR S ARE INTENDED CONTRACTOR PROVIDE HALLBPOSITIVE DRAINAGE SHALL BE L MS II OWNERORCOFANYSTORMSE ERUTILAPLUMBING PERMIT PRIOR TO THE TOWARDSCATCHBASINSAND/EQ REQUIRED LE THE CONTRACH WILL PR M INRLMORNAREQUIPM INFILTRATIONBEINGD DRIVEN ACROSS THE TOENSURETHAT NATIVE EEDMIK N SHALL GOND& OF]096 II I INSTALLATION OFANY STORMSEVER UIILMES. RESPONSI8lET0 PROVIDETHERMUIRED ELEVATIONS. WHICH WILL PROMOTE UNAUTHOREM EQUIPMENT IS NOT BEING DRIVEN ACROSS THE INFILTRATION AREAS. NATIVE SEM MIX AND/ CLEAN SAND &301 POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT SUE OR PLANTINGS COMPOST F Q THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER ONE CALL AT 1800) 252-1166 FOR A S. ONCEME INFILTRATION BASINS ARE COMPLETED ANDTHESIIE HAS BEEN UIBITY LOCATE PRIOR TOTHESTARTOFCONSTRUCTION AND VERIFY LOCATIONS OF STABIUIED.THECONTRACTORSHALLARRANGEANDPAYFORTESTINGTHE snaat m URLMES BEFORE BEGINNING WORK NOTECADDFILESFOR ESTIMATINGEARTHWORKQUANTHESAREAVAMILE INFILTRATION RALES OF ME BOTTOMS OF THE BASINS. THE TEST RESULTS SHALL ^ INFILTRATION BASIN #1 (1131) TO CONTRACTORS FOR PREPARING BIDS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE CADDFILES, BESUBMIITEDTOTHECITYANDTHEENGINEER. I GRADING PLAN ]. SEESHEES C2 B C3 FOR STANDARD DETAILS. THE CONTRACTOR WILL MEED -SIGN A HO. -HARMLESS AGREEMENT PROVIDED NTS BYSCHULII ENGINEERING & SITE DESIGN. AND AGREETO PAY A$50 PROCESSING Q FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE INFILTRATION BASINS SHALL NOT BE COMPLETED UNTIL %fir FEE THE CADD FILES WI LL BE RELEASED UPON RECEIPT OFTHE CHECK THE UPSTREAM DRAINAGE AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. ° 40 ED 160 C5 OF 10 8. ALL LENGTHS OF MOCIAT SEWER D FLAREDCULVER D PIPE SPECIFIED ON THE PIAN INCLUDE VVV THE LENGTHS OF ANY ASSOCIATED FLARED END SECTIONS. PROJECT INFORMATION Protect Drecripit- ark roj ft olot the comtrucfion of a new ap,d,wt budding with on app ro ansate brt otpni of 51.0DO SF, ce well ce p g o and dnveway areas, and sidewalk. Storni wrier managemenifar this project wll consist of fwohiltrafo. basins. Disturbed Area B lnoervio=Surface Tab.ldion (within proposed consl.cfion ea) Anticipated Dtsbrbed Area 7.2. ms Edstfng kapervi.w Area 0.0 acres Proposed Impervious Area 3.1 acres Net mpervfous Area Innis=e 1 3.1 acres Permanent Site Drainage The vast majority of sate drafngge will be routed to one of we inflratfon b=fns via surface drainage and new storm sewer The ielfin, ton bwins are shed to retain and hfil ah,14-1, of runoff (the water q.dty event) from new impervfo=are.. The inf lh-fl- bwins are desi ned to dohw a into m alcard e fond ondn system. Thh regional t Ddo g System a designed to troutdefor the rate central eeds of the project. Receiving Sud... Water, The falawing surface waters could receive storm water .,,IT from this project, and are within 1 mile of the project site Surface Water Type of Impaired Speed I/SEPA Approved TMDL Comments I Surface Water) Wderi I Wderi I f.,mpdedWderi Regional Pond Pand No No Mississippi River River No Yes SEDIMENT AND OTHER POLLUTANTS This SWPPP has been deeM.d mainly to provide erosion and moment central of ndurey -,.Wng soil, d thisA. (tis: sands. looms, and clays). Although this SWPPP SWPPP daddress poWfion prevention al other manarsade malarial,, it a assumed that these materia w .tsf of debris from snd fin structures and avem-ts to be demolished or debris and chemicals ie: fuels, new . mcg a 9 paints, etc.) resuHing from newconshuction. There we no known solitl wastes w hazardous malarial, buried below geode al this site. It such w=tats or hazed mdedals are discovered daring,,n true ion, the SW PPP Coordndor (de,c bed below) wll be mpm,bl for notifying the Bril"ess, The SWPPP wl than be reveedto adders he presence and duposd of these additional pollutants SWPPP Design Engineer and Q,,NH,,U m Design Engineer Brian J.Schdtz. PE Training Course Design of SWPPP Rech. "'Desi ofSWPPP' a are certification course offered by TrainingEnfily University of Minnesota the University of Mnnesota The Engineer's -dif cri- for"Design of SWPPP'is current, andwll expire May 31. Inshud., John Chapman 2020. Cerflcation d ... menidon is on fie at the Dales of Training Course February IS. 2017 Engine,. office and a copy can be provided up - request. TddT.smng Hours 5.5 SWPPP Cowdfnator and Qualf-fi. this Contractor shall provide an indvidd who shall serve =the SWPPP Cowdnator for this project. The SW PPP coordinator ,he oversee the implementation of this SWPPP, =well or the necessary kspectiom (described below) of erosion prevention andsedimenicmtrd BMPs, M.SWPPPCoordneorshloho-...etheinstdlafion.manfP en -.e andre irofihe BMPsio be completed accordance with ihisSWPPP. TheSW PPP Coordnatwshallbe res omible bnthe feint Gsled above don the P P 9 eriodhomihesiarfollhe r),pmheest rhm�to,h,lb,m l alef,rmtion. burin the edod, the WPPPm,up ,r,qu gbytheir t= neat uatfied (see below) representeveshafl be av )able form onsffe i.pectiotn wBhin 72 hours upon request by Me BMP INSPECTIONS h. -tion fimemn- TheSWPPP Coordinator shd impact, w designate someone ebe who is qu,hried to inspect Ise, above), the constuctbn site eronon prevention and sedmenf conhol BMPs per Me followmg fime frames: 1). Once every 7 days 2). Within 24 hours of a rain event(1/2'w greater over 24 hours) Wpecfons shd be conducted per the time homes listed hove with Me (dowing exception 1). Where pats of thecm,Wcfi,n site have permanent cover. but work remit. on other pads d the site, inspections of areas with permanent cover may be reduced to once per month . Where comhuciionffies have permanent cover on aIle osedsoi wens and no construction activity here 21 p ran sP rty s occurring d on}heons). esiem=he 12t ecietl fora period of 12 months o onstonsm bests ,pedern, how round conditions). Following the a month of permanent .... ofifl,d in construction activity, nspectiom may be terminated toll corisi.ction activity, is once again Inlded or sooner if notifad in wyd'ng by the MPGA. 3). Where work has been.wpendedde fair- groundcondtfons, iherequiredinspecffons and mafnte-nc mi-clulemud begin within 24 hours after runoff occurs d the site or prior to resuming construction, whtchever occurs rat Inspecfien Records The SW PPP Coordinator shall mahtdn i.pecfi-record during c-stuction. These mist be.co,ded in writing within 24 hours ofthe Wpection-dormdntenanceactfvfty. Thai.pecffonrewrdshdincWdethef.1-ing: 11. Dale and time of inspecfom 2). Name d person(,) concluding inspection 31. Fndngs of impactions, Incudng,.comm-ddons tar cmecffve actions 4). Corrective a,N,m taken (Including dates, tfines, and party completing maintenance ealvfties) 51. Date and amount of my rainfall events greater than 1/2' in 24 hours al. The Contractor shd install and mdntatn a rain gauge a thecarutmctimsfte n order to verify raiMdamounts. 6). 1 any dscharge a observed to be occurring erring the inspection, a record of dl points of the property from which there is o Zen, must be made, mit the to charge shall s) and Photographed. bed rap cobr. oda, floating. zefHed or suspended sdids. barn. of sheen, and othtt obvious indceors of pollutants) and photographed. 71. Documenf rf-ofmychang.t.Me SWPPPmadedWngcomtwctfon a). If the SWPPP coordinator observes that a BMP falls on v regular basis and believes that it, neHective, f shall be h0/her responsibility to notify the Engineer of arch deficiencies. The Engineer may then amend the SWPPP (see "Amendng the SWPPP') Note: Copies of all hpecihon record shd be subrriffed to the Engineer. AMENDING THE SW PPP During the con f,cWn of this project N may become necessary to amendiNs SWPPP. Should the -po.iblty of hldling, hpeefngandmantdringiheer=i-andsedent.oniroldevic.-dfechntq..d.c,bedinlhisSWPPPbetramf.r.d from Me carr -f Contractor to another Contractor w ham Me current Contractor to the Owner. the SWPPPshd bet updated P acco,dngN. The Owner well do be required to complete an "Permit Modficcton Fomi'. Should if be dete-fined, during-mhucfion by the SWPPP Coordndor. Engineer, or Regulatory Officials that deficiencies in this SWPPP ex.f, . it significant changes are made to Me design/scope of this project that impact erosion prevention and sedmenf conl,L the Engineer shd be notfied immediately. The F gineer will then review potential deficiencies and/or stgnific-i chamges}a project d=fgn/scope, and make necessary changes to the SWPPP. Aller changes are made to the SW PPP, ih, Engb,,r will issue the necessary decumenteion, reflecting the changes, to the and to the SWPPP Coord dor. The SWPPP C..dndor shd be r.ponsbleto make sure that the docurn-tefon is added to the ansite SW PPP copy mit fhd Me changes desceibed in the documenldion a implemented on-sfe. :i[T•f•T• -. I:t1=.- Materiae and c=t cfi,n methods of d BMP, included in the SWPPP shall be co per Me Mineral, Department of rrampoddion (MNDOT) Standard5pecicdions for Conshucfion, Ida i edition. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordndorshag obidnacurentcopyof MNDOTSStantl Speciricdtmsfor Consfwcti-andfarmm,¢ethems elves with the specification mcfiwe appricable to this SWPPP, as there are several BMP, the spe,ifcalty reference these sections. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordinator shall be a ecietl to be famlier with the (cable MNDOrs-Ification sections P Pp P db o.ficer-. cl addlionalco median well be aid to Contractor addlional work due unfamiliarity With g c rrp P My these speciricafian sections. 9 •9 MPCA. UndMurbed Are. H shall be the Contractors rwpomWOy 1. .=plot, the table below, which wil identify the SWPPP Coordinator and the Nshown on the I ay flags, pttred,qulficeiom. TNsp.,,-n hdlacknowledge Mdhe/shehasb-naWgnedtoseweasSWPPPCwdnatorandwllbe pan.lhe ContracI r,hdd knot.-.th&..-ttobedt.6ed-ihe,it.. Them bedone with fla zeangMeffemsistetlinMissection.byprovidingtheirsignatureinihespacebelow. %e=e notethdlhisSWPPPwlnotbe stakes, signs,'it tence.etc..andshallbecompletedprtorloMestWof,mgradngoperdians.Regardeadffederw ion considered corntete N the table below is not filed in. method the COMractorcho=es to use, the Contractor m=l commsnred, to WIhw personnel and subcontractors theillmse p not to be disturbed arW co=hudion e -Typtcalin•the identity.fiheSWPPPCoordndorhunknownuniliheprojecteawwded. TheSWPPPCoordeormaybe we= equipment (Including trucks andpersondvehicles)shot not be allowed to these identified of the project's Nmonshucifan Conference. The Contractor she minen.e compaction and preserve tops) =much as Possible a the sBe. M pervious ('green') areas that SWPPP Coordinator Company Name 4(Prhereby Office Phone # nawd Name) acknowlle.dge that I will be seting arebe Cell Phone # CoordIndw Ir eve projectheimm be responsible For ovttseeln9 the items identified in rrainine corse flair seafion. Training Edfty Instructor (Signature) Dales of Training Course Total Training Hours (Date) The SWPPP Coordndor may assign other personnel to supervise air perform the dutiesr fed above. However.incompletingthe duties rated above, at least one person shag be haloed in erosion prevention and sedmenf control = relatetl to that padcdar pad of the SW PPP. If the SWPPP Coordnafor chooses to delegd. same of the duties aW nuponsiblifies listed above to other personnel, a fist of the isnneL=wit=thebquagricdto.,shallbekeptwithmdshallbecomeport ofihh SWPPP. Thequafifceionsshallbe documented in a mmner similar to the table shown above. A copy of this list shill be provided io the Engin.m Once the project has been completed and accepted by the Owner, and Fnd SlabNzdfon has been e.tabetmd and"Notice d Termdndfon'submfff dto the MPGA, the Owner assumes mponsibmly for the long Mm maintenance of the slo-wder -lir ment system TheSWPPPCoord'ndm, ,Rbemponsblef,en,Wngfhdthe Contractorpropedydisposesofthetemporaryerosionand sediments contrd me ures wfhh W days offer site t,bdaatfm a achieved or after the temporary measures we no longer needed Record R.tentf.n The SWPPP and assocfded records shag be stored and maintaned by an employee ovrepres-faff- of the Owner for 3 years dterth-ubmissfonoflhe Notice of Termindiea(NOT) Rwp,n Hilyfwove,,e,ngthe,ecordswmbetr,,feredtomothm employee or nepre, m"Ne should the current personnel became uninvolved with the project or Owner. These re ... dsshall indud. the following : 1). The firwl SWPPP 21. Arty other star -rhe related pe -its required for the project 3). Records of d inspection and maintenance conducted during conshuction 4). AI pemwneM op.,di.n and mafnt-once agreements that have be- implemented including all fight -of -way, coniracts, covenants and other bindng mgurements regarding perpetual maintenance 51. Al required calculetom for design of the terp,ary and permanent Siormwder Mmagemeni Systems. are not essentid to the construction of the project. the Cordradorshd avoid-mirvctim haf c, and maintain the existing condition of these are=. Temporary and Permanent StabTzd- Ad exposed sail are= Including stockpies) shall be provided with temporary or permanent cover within 7 days of construction activity lempor bor peme-ntly ceasing in that portion of Mesita. Temporary or permanent dahage dfches or males, which drain off-site or to a -I e.order, and are w1fNn=fIrma! feet of the properly line or Sudace weer shall be provided with temporary wpermanentcoverwtihin24hours 0-Mruciten. Placementol}ernponey,eperman-tcovershdbe hided immediately upon suspension or completion of excavation operations. Temporary Cover. If the Conhactor chow=10 hal gradng operations in a portion of the she for the whole sitel for a period exceeding 7 days. and grading W,dton, [rough or finish grading) in the affected arc= has not yet been completed temporary cover shdl be placed. Affected areas consisting of drainage riches or males connected 1o, and wfhin, MO fned feet of a property Ina or surfme weershd be provided with temporary cover within 24 hours of connection. Dependngonthe Contracforimhedule. the temporary cove, shall comht of one of the followi,,; BM%: 1). Dho.nchored Mslch a)- Diecmchored mulch may be used in an area of the site for Me whole site) if the Contractor. hating gmdng operations for a perfotl ihd I m o fvely shod, but exceeds 7 days. b). The mulch shd be Type 3 per MNDOTSpec.38B2 of.Anadequatequ.MfyofmdchshcAbeevenlydefbutedioacm.ve9 coverageoftheexposedsols. dl. Mulch shall be placed as per MNDOT 2575.3C. el- All mulch shall be dsc an,h,retl= per MNDOT Z75.3D. Prior to the placement and d scanchadng of the mulch, the sots shall be loosened and the area on -though graded per MNDOT 2574. it. Arty are that are exposed as a result of wind action after Me fnitid much placement shat be covered with additional match to mdntatn 9M coverage. 2). Temporary Seedng with Mulch a). Temporary Seedng with mulch may be used in once of the site (or the whole site) if the Contractor is haling grading operations for a period that is relatively long. Although match stns needsfo be applied = dere bed above, once the temporary seeding/turf lis established, the mulch will no longer need to be maintained The temporary Seedng/turf well require very little maintenance. la. Pdortolhesowing oflamp,rwyaeed.th,solsshatb,[,m,nedandthe.......olh-ugh graded par MNDOT 2570. c). Conhactor shd utilze5eed Mhez 21-111. 21-172 or 21-113 per MNDOTSpec.3B76 for temporary Seedng. d). Temporary seedng,hal be sown per MNDOTSpec.2575.38. e). Once temporary seedng has bean sown, mulch shd be placed over the area as described above. Permanent Cover. Upon completion of fn.h grading and/or placement of toped, initiefon of the placement of permanent cover shd begin 'mmeddely over all exp=ed uveas. We includes area deslgnded for impervious wrfwn9 (ie: buWngs, pavements/grovel bases. sid-da. etc.). Where the construction schedule will not stow for the placement of the permanent impervious sudescfng within 7 days of the completion of finish grading. temporary cover shd be provided in these areas, as described above. until the permanent irpsev1, surfacing can be comW,ted Affected seas -misting of doing, ditches or,wales connected to. and within, MG lined feet of a property One or surface water, shall be provided will, permanent cover within 24 hours of connection. Areas designated for pe -anon} tud esfablbhmenf shd be provfdetl with one or more of the following BMP, (see plan): 11. Permanent Seedng with Mulch a. Unless dimmise noted on the lam all areas deli nded for fud est bIhnwnf shall be rovided with permanent seedin . I P g P P ran 9 b). In addHon to Me plan hcluded = pad of Hats SWPPP. the Contractor shd verify if a Lmdscaptng Plan h= bean included in the plans by the Architect. # a Landcape Architect hes,peciff cif higher Welty permanent cover (ie: sod. hydoseedng. etc.), The Cont=twshall provide irk. permanent cover h lieu of the permanent Seedng rpec;1mcI in this SWPPP. c). Pdor to the sowing of p enormfseed f1w al,hd be loosened and the me-modh...gh graded per MNDOT 2574. d). Conhactor shall utilize Seed Mx 25-131 per MNDOT Spec. M76 fa permanent Seedng. e). Pe-mentseedngshalberownp.MNDOTSpec.2575.3B. I). Once permanent Seedng has been sown. mukh shall be placed over the area= deer bed above )under Temporary Cover), unless noted otherwise. 21. Boston Control Blanket of. Boston control bi.a t shall be placed in are==shown on the pin included in Mu SW PPP. These seas shd,fll be provided with permanent seeding, = described above, beneath the resin control blanket. b). Dosim central blanket shd meet the requirements indreded in MNDOT Spec. 3885. See plan for cd.g,T(,) of erosion conholblanket. c). Boston control blanket shall be instded ce per "DOT Spec. 2575.3G2 dl. Boston control blmketspecled in drainage ditches and swdes connected to, and within M fined feet. of a property fine . surface wrier shd be instdedwHhtn 24 hours of the completion of rinish grading (ncludng permanent Seedng). 31- Rtprap al. Riprapshallbeplacedinare==shownonlhepi-includedinihb SWPPP. b). All6prap shdl be undebn with Type 4 geotexifle fabdc. The fabric shall meet the requtmmenis of -DOT Spec. 37M and shall be instated= per MNDOTSpec.25113B2 of. Ripmp materia[ shall meet the requirements of MNDOTSpec. 36DI, and shall be Cou 3, unless noted otherwise on the Plans. d). Ripropshdbeco.idered"Rmdom Rtprap'-dshdlbepl.ce .per.NDOTSpec.2511. el. Although if a pe-iHed ferthe dprap to be placed wfh machinery, Nwl be necessary lorihe C -tractor to hmd place some of the dprap in antler to provide a dense, weFkeyetl layer dstoneswHh the least practfcd quantity of vofdspace. 1). The mummum thickness d the dprap shd be 10 inches. unless ail -wee nded on the Alam. gl• Rtprap designated at the end of pipe oO h shall be placedwithh 24 hours of f.tdldion of Me pipe outlet end section. h6 Rip rapsp.cifiedindra,n.geddchesand-.i.c--actedto, and wflhh M()fined feet. of a property line w surface water ,halt be ketded within 24 hours of the cam talion of final, radn . p g 9 Sedmmt Central The (dowing sediment control BMP, shd be implemented =pad of this project 1). Sl Fen - al. Sift fence shal be installed at Me locations shown on the plan included in Me SWPPP. b). Sit fmce shd be machine sited and material shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3866. .1. Slf fence shall be instated= er MNDOTS ec-25733B2 I P P d. Slfenceshdl behfalled dor tea rodent radn erofions and shallremdnn lace and maintained I P nY uPg g g m P ad de until u rodent are= achieve Find S/abT lion see below ear N pg I I el. SNR fence shd be repaired or replaced if damaged during• or aHer, rain events, or ff accumulated sediment an the upstream side of the fence reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. Repair or replacement of sl fence shot be completed within 24 hours of discovery. fl. Portions of sl fmce may mremovedtoaccommodateshort-term activitfes, such asvehicle p ... Re. Short-term oc"Ift s shall be completed= quickly ce possble. and new sl fmce instead immeddeN after complefion of Me shod -term activity. If rointall a immtnm}, fore,=fed In Me mea future, naw sur shd be,stated regardess of if the shod term -fivity h= been ompleted or not The Contract,.,dM,d fo schedule shod term aciiv#fes during dry weather = much = pracficoble. No addhand compensation well be paid de to addBfonot all fence associated withshoA-term actiAttes. g). Temporary sol stockpiles shah be placed on the sfe in areas upgmdmt hem sli fence. Where the Contract, chooses to place femporay sol stockpiles outside designated elf fenced am=, the stockers, shd be sunounded by additional sfB fence. Undttno circumstances shall mr,pororywilsfockpiles be placed over sude a wafers, curb and gruffer, catch basin, alved inlet, or oulets, or ditches. 2). Crich B=in Protection a). WIMCO Road D,oin protectfon devices, = manufactured by WIMCO, shall be used for catch bash pmmett-on the project. WIMCO can be contacted 6(952)-2 3055, and their web page, Www.roaddmfn.com. b)."R,,dD,dnTop Slab"devicesshdbeimtdleddallcatchbasinlocdto.t.cidelycdi.pkm.m-tofthecdchbasin shuctures. "Road DrainTop Slab" devices shall remain in place and be adequately mdMdned.MN permanent Buff -hg. constructed (1, curb and gutter, pavements, and/or gravel surfacing). In areas designated far turf a l,blishm nt "Read Drain Top Slab• devices shall remain In place until Final Stabifad- of d upgodi-t crew Is established. c). UponconshueionoflhepermaneM,ufacing.the"Road Drain Top Slab"devicm,hdlbereplacedwtthlhe W PACO p.,Iuc}sp.ef 1md an the plans. The WVs1C0 devices shall ramal, n place unit Fnal SfobT lion of al upg,adent seas has been established d). The canhocie shah instal and maintain the catch b=in prdeciton devices as per the manufacturers instructions and specfricd-c 3). CuNed hlef Protection d: Culled inlet protecfion shd be provided d all culved islet locatfom hmeddely diff conshuction of the calved. Seep - Include in this SWPPP lar wised inlet )...from. b). Culled Inlet protecffon shall canstst.1 geotesffle fabric wrapped around. and completely covering the West end section. The gededie fabric shah be thesame fabric used in slit fence appIT di,nr and meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3886. cif. The cuNM inlet p.feciton shall remain in place and adequately maintained until Final SfabT di- of all upg,adeni are= has be- estabruhed df. Culled inlet Protection, shall be repaired or replaced' damaged during. ar alter, rain events, or if accumulated sedmenf aches 1/2 of the dommm, of the cd -d pipe. Repel or replacement of caved inlet protecfon shall be completed wHhn 24 hours of discovery. 4). Temp,ay Rock Comiructi- Fntran- al. Temporary rock construction entrances shall be imtalled d the bcalions shown w the plan included in thio SW PPP. See delai tar temporary rock enhance design. b). If the Contractor chooses to occas, the site from locations other than where temporary rock enfrmc,s ae specified on the plans, additional temporary rock entrances half be placed a these locations, =wit. c)• Temporary rock mhonce shall be consirucfetl prior to the slat of grading op,rdiom, and shah remark in place and be adequately maintained unfit S,d Ste,14-0- has been established tl). Temporaryrock enironces shd) be mdntdned in such a manner Mat the mhonces prevent sedmenf hackng onto .4....istreef, Ha tempwaryrockenh-cebfoundtobein,ff e,ve,ishallb,,placed or improved witHn N hours of d,covery. e. Th.C-tracforhasiheo tionto lacer e4 eotextlefdsricb-edhthefem o ..kenl,-.e. Ihefabdcm ).smnd the If. of the enhance = i twillreduce rock"slinking' into the underlying sal. ff the Canfractor chooses to use fable. if should meet the regvf,m-is of MNDW Spec.37M andshal be imtalled = per MNDOT Spec.2511.3B2 f). Heed enitrackhgfromth.sBeedscoveredonaj..entstreets,)hesedmenishdlbe-.-dwOh..t..t-..peror other approved method within 24 hours of d,wery. This shag be rine throughout crosiwctton of Me project. This sediment may be returned and graded over exposed areas of the site, or deposed of off site per MPCA requirements. The City may order street sweepng to be performed at Me Conhacfoe, or owners espenseH City staff find that construe - activities activities are resulting in sedmenf or debris being tracked onto City streets. 5). %ter Logs al. Flier logs shall be nstalled at the loceliom shown an the plan Included in this SWPPP. b). Flier logs sh.11 c -Bt of Type Wood Fb. bb.1h and meet the requirements of MNDOTSpec.3897. cif• Attt logs shall be installed as per MNDOTSpec. 25I33F. d). Flyer logs shdI be installed immeddely offer placement of erosion control blanket. el. Flier logs shall remain in place lorihe fife of the project. and shd be allowed to degrade noMaNy Dewded If dewatering of ready subsoil. required fa the Neve the pump dcharge shag be treated prior fo discharge offsite alinto a Sudace order. Treatment of dcharge shall be roductetl c. the we of a "Dandy Dewdebg Bag' (w approved equivalent), os awfacheedby Dandy .o e"D hc. Dandy edngg y',h anbe,l d, contacted 3dMd1 , and fhefrweb page e ww.dandand sp effi. m. the"Dandy Dewatering eag'shall be insialed. ufil¢ed, anal moiMoinetl per this manufacturers Instructions and specificatio.. Once dewdedng order h= been ireded if may be d,chaged off-sffe or to o,,I,cewde, The discharge shag be visual, checked to ensure the it a relatively clean and not Ably ofiff nt from any receiving waters. H d charge lis noticeabN'ddy', the Engineer shall be contacted as additional treatment method may be necessary. Adequate erosion central shad be rovided at the otnt of dchar a if it a located In an area with es osedsds or established lad. %h erosion conhol may..nsM of tempora ly placed alp rap, or other approved enegry CEssepdfon me=urea. The type of erosion control m,=, shd) be d the Conhactor', d refon, depmdog on the bcdion of Me dewatering dcharge and the unique site charocteris' . The erosion contrd measures shd be effective antlshd be maintained ad,q,,fe1ysuch that no er=ins occurs at the Point of dcha,ge. Pollution Prevention Management Sold waste accumulated during..n tructim, Including c,11,,f,d mailmen}, construction materials, floating debris, onstructton debris, paper, plasffe, and other repo! wades shall be disposed of in accortlmce with MPCA disposal mquimmentc 1). Buildngprodudethdh-ethepdentialtoleachpolutonts,halbemdntain,dundercover(e-g,.pl=tic Meetingor }empeary roofs) to prevent the dcharge of pollutants or protected by a simlady effective means designed to minfm¢e contact with stem wrier. 2). Pesticide; herbicides, ins-fiddes, fedlaers, treatment chemicals, and landscape mahetak shd be maintained under ver (e.g.. pl=tic sheeting ortempaary roots)fo prev-f the discharge of po0ufanis or prdeded by similarly effective means designed to mtnimies contact with st.-ch., 3). Hwardow mdedals, toxic waste. (inducing oto diesel fuel, g=ene. Mdwlic fluids, point solvents, peholesxrsb=ed prodscts,woodpresema es,addtives,curingcompound,mWacid)shallbep,ped/dared Insealedcmtafn.,to prevent spite, leaks w other discharge. Restricted access sforag, a re=shall be provided to prevent ancidien. Storage and dposd of hazard-, w=tis or hazardous mded.6,h.l be les campli.nce with Minn. R. ch. 7045 [ncludng secondary containment ce applicable. 4. Sdidwwfeshatbestared.edecfedanddis Deed.) ro cam fanc.wHh W,R.ch.7035. P P PerlyIn P 5). Palobi.tolelsshallbeposffienedsothetheyaresecureandwinotbetipped,knocked avec Sanfarywasteanus) be disposed of property in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7041. The Contractor shall take steps to prevent the discharge of splled or leaked chemical. Inducing bel, from arty area where chemical or fuel will be loaded. unleaded including the use of dip tam or absorbents unless hfe ble. The Contractor shall conduct fueling in a contained.... No, Infeasible. The Contract, shall eruv,e ad.qude supplies are wadable d d times to clean up dscherged materials and the m appropriate dsposel method is available far recovered spilled materials. The Contractor shall report and dean up spills Immedwtely as required by Minn. Std. § 115.061, using dry clean up measures where possble. 1 the Contractor washes the exterior of vehicles or equipment on the projectfNe, w=htng shd be limfad to a defined wee of the site. Runoff from Me w.hfng area shall be contdned in a sedmenf b=In or other,[nldy effective controls and w=te ham the w.htng acfivtt "hal be properlydisposed.LThe C -had. shah p,Medy use and store soaps, det.gents, or solvents. No engine degmank g shd be dlowed on sBe. The Conhactor shl provide effective containment ford liquid and solid wades generated by washout operations [concrete, stucco, point, f. -,.l .=e els. curing compounds and other co.Wction materials) related to the coretrudbr, ccfivrfy. The liquid and edd washout wastes shall not correct the ground, and the containment shall be designed so the it does nal resuff n .n.11 fr,n the washout operations, are=. liquid and solid wastes shall be deposed of property and in the pli-c. Lties CA ul-Aog must band other installed djacentwader washout f..Tty the re quires sfe personnel to utke toper pea FINAL STABILIZATION And Stabilae- shd be considered established ante the following requirements have been achieved 1). Allsol dheling aclviti. d ol the site have been completed and d ss are stabil dbya unit.- perennial vegoidve cover with a density of 70 percent of its expected find growth density over the entire pervious surface area, or other equ valent mea. necessary to prevent soil failure under erosive condtom. 2). The pe -anent stone water management system. constructed and. operating are designed Temporary or permanent sedmentdl.. b=f. that ore to be used ce pe -anent weer quality management b=ins have been cleaned of my ... umulated,edimmt. All sed enthe been removed from conveyance systems and ditches arestdelzed with permanent cover. 3). Ag temporary synthetic and structure Brost- prevention and sediment contrd BMP. have bean removed from the project site. BMPs designed to decompose ansite may be left In place. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The Contractor is so o.ibe f, the of an elands streams treams lakevda other wd s reserers of the lely resp I ler w Sid, as the t General Sfo-Weer Pe-ff ground roadw ,valorise or other property damaged I Y ) g w p Peaty g r construction activity related to this project. Besid.ihe NPD6ttmit.PCA General Sfo-WaMPearr . the Caniractorshdlaboobtainall otherneceua local P ry governmentdamnsandap elated to sto-wriermanagement. and erosion andsedment conhd'd appficdle lie: Watershed District City, MNDOT. etc.). Ihfs SWPPP is hfmded to provide a plea for addressing the erosion prevention and domwder management haves ocided with this project. 1114 to be used in c,6unefion with the project Plane, specir-fiers, and the MPCA G-ttd Strom Weer Perm'd. In addf-1, the SWPPP, the Owner, Conhactor. mdSW PPP Coordndor shelfamlw.e themset .. wfh the actual requirement, indcded fn the MPCA General Storm Water Permit itself and are responsible for compliance with the permit's terns, recrAmments, and condlom. The Engineer can provide a copy of the permit upon request. m 9 N N J k_ M W C0 F- U J_ U V Z E LL ego W ai m> W( or Z�'/^ O b O vJ NmvD Ur W mp O W aLL�v Z wW W > 13 D� v r W U rr^^ VJ «m pply= Nor memm �Nvl m 7 O Q Z O W W (n F = r W W e to Z Z N N $ < > WW or, � z rr l 7 NW In N 0 < If) N to 0- co O ¢ m v m S e SWPPP - NOTES C6 -10 00000 40'O 00000000 11 CONSTRUCT BERM AROUND ENTIRE WASHOUTARFA 1.TART OF ALL BE PRIOR TO THE '00 000000000 0 000000^ 00000 0000000 00000000 000000000 00000000000000 000000000000000000 II BUMP FOR 00000000000 KEEPING RUNOFF O O ON SITE 0000 0 TIONCONSTRUCTED START OF GRADING OPERATK)NS GRADING OPERATIONS. 2 THE ENTRANCESHALL BE GRADED SUCH THAT POSITIVE DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 PROVIDED. 3. THEENIRANCESHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION SUCH THAT B PREVENTS MUD TRACKING OFFSITE ADDBIONALROCKOR REPLACEMENTOFTHEEN ACKOANCE MAY BE REQUIRED PERIODICALLY IFMUD STARTS TOTRACK OFF SITE 6' CA -1 COARSE 4. THE ROCK ENTRANCE MAY BE REMOVED JUST PRIOR TO THE AGGREGATE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE. NOTE PIACING FILTER FABRIC UNDER THE ROCK ENTRANCE MAY REDUCETHE AMOUNT OF MAINTENANCE C WOULD REQUIRE TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MS 3 PLASTIC ZIP PES AT LEAST 1"APART OFSTEELPOST GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 3' WIDE -FLOW T -POST Y FROM r 11 CONSTRUCT BERM AROUND ENTIRE WASHOUTARFA 1. RIP RAPSHALLMEETTHE '11'IuIIIII SEPRO2'DEPM 1. USEPROPEREQUNEDOVER. THATTHESOIL6 EVERT 5' (TTP) SPEC. 3601 SUITED. NOTNRNED OVER. 2 SEE PLANS FOR CLASS OF 2 AFTER SILT FENCE INSTALLATION, COMPACT THE SOIL MATERIALS PER MNDOT 3886 IMMEDIATELY NMITO THE GEQTEXTILE BY DRIVING INSTALLATION FERMI 25I3.3CI OVER R WITH A TRACTOR TIRE AT LFASTTWICE 3 SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) NIS 1 ITO 3 I�— A CHECK SLOT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TOP \ / OFSTEEP SLOPES (4:I OR STEEPER) WHERE EROSION CONTROL \� BLANKET IS PLACED AS PER THE FOLLOWING: I. DIG 6'X 6'TRENCH 2 LAY BLANKET END INTO TRENCH \ 1 STAPLE BLANKET IN BOTTOM OF TRENCH EVERY 1 FT A BACKFILL TRENCH WITH SOIL AND COMPACT 5. IF SLOPE LENGTH (L) IS GREATER THAN 100 FT DIG A CHECK SLOT 1/3 FROMTHE BOTTOM OFTHE SLOPE AND STAPLETHE BLANKET IN AS IN THETOP TRENCH. 4 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET M6 2 CONCRETE WASHOUT MS 4 STAPLE PLASTIC SHEETING CONSTRUCT BERM AROUND ENTIRE WASHOUTARFA 1. RIP RAPSHALLMEETTHE I EVERT 5' (TTP) SPEC. 3601 I 2 SEE PLANS FOR CLASS OF ROW\ RIP RAP SLO ' 3. D=PIPE DIAMETER IN FEET 1.BOTTOM OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE (SEE PIANS) -I OUTLETS ON STEEPSLOPES I - I IT la ZRAP0. RIPRAPFROMTHEOUREF TO ME TOE OF THE SLOPE 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE WASH LIQUID FROM T FABRIC�MINIMUM CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA AND DEPOSE OF PER MPCA REQUIREMENTS WHEN WASHOUTAREA 6" BEDDING PER 10 MIL PLASTIC RIP RAP AT PIPE OUTLETS BECOMESHALFFULL 5 MS SHEETING UNER PLACED WITHIN WASHOUT AREA 3. CONTRACTOR SHALLSELECTTHE MOST OPTIMAL LOCATION FOR THE CONCRETE WASHOUT 2 CONCRETE WASHOUT MS 4 NOTES: 2'(TYP) 1. RIP RAPSHALLMEETTHE REQUIREMENTSOFMNDOT A A SPEC. 3601 2 SEE PLANS FOR CLASS OF ROW\ RIP RAP SLO ' 3. D=PIPE DIAMETER IN FEET f y S (SEE PIANS) -I OUTLETS ON STEEPSLOPES I - SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH ZRAP0. RIPRAPFROMTHEOUREF TO ME TOE OF THE SLOPE MNDOT3I33TYPICGEOTEXTRE FABRIC�MINIMUM 6" BEDDING PER MNDOTSPEC. 3601.28 RIP RAP AT PIPE OUTLETS 5 MS :"X2'X 16 WOOD STAKES EVERY I2'O.C. TOSECURE FILTER LOG NOTE FILTER LOGS SHALL CONSISTOFTYPEWOOD OBER e10ROLL PER MNDOT 3097 6'-T' FILTER LOG INTERTWINE OUTER MESH AROUNDSTAKES. ROW\ SLO ' f y S NOTE: ALTER LOGS SHALL BE INSTALLED -I PER MNDOT 071W I - NOTES.. 1) STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN IMO GROUND ATAN ANGLE OF 45° WITH THE TOP OFTHESTAKEPOINTBTG UPSTREAM 2) ENDS OF MULTIPLE LOGS SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM OF 6' WITH BOTH ENDSSTAKM FILTER LOG DITCH CHECK NTS (7 Z O b � 0 W Z mWj w V m m�aj E W m �� U c Q z aT�N d LL) w N �- m m w n N 2 VJ « rm p�ON= N«r mmu`4 m O m Q O Z O 0 w F w w e FoH--1 Z FZH-- 0 w W Z F o Q Q w 5 Z¢ O U m O D co csma 6 m a m 0 2 m m a e SWPPP - DETAILS C7 Flo 1 I 1 I K / 1 I � III BLOCK 2 I — Im � I m .D. o CATCH BASIN PROTECTION EE � m BL OCK 1 10 CY CLASS BI RIP RAP I m N N _ I r IO CY CLASS III RIP RAP OVERLAYING TYPE 4 �GEOTMTEFABRIc GEOTDT EFABRIC ITYPI \IHEELD VERIFY OUANTITYI I , I I I I J Q PI VERIFY' OUANTTY) i I TN PERU WIT rF�1 I \ IIIfdIAITEGORY3 I ROSION COFRROLin de �PF4 ICE O Id ww 6 to Z Z N N 8 6 Q = o 2z ) 'III II QANKET(TYPI �arT CATEGORY EROSION __���"=�___�_ II IIIII\\ f �OPNROL 1:' u ..szw�� a-srsryrs.=ru..vsru-.gra-r�ti�^. ea - JI II SWPPP - PLAN VIEW } ---------------'655:___ _ — i�� !(, ,i I� rt+fCIV♦I _ y,y�rf•—.•<LrGrrl�rfI rfri'•el�It t�jl`'r@i�7?iy101frsi'.?✓4erir'�t3 firm �gQ j�Pl.•!IIy�•":3'p�i'�Q4j j<J+.�'.R'yi Yar••1wrrLe. fti�I l4SJ4�» :`:: Qi Hta .GiLr+. +� Gni r.�41S~' jR3��: rrr'\•'L'GA. :`r_cs �v...'r' ri r��: rz :.i eF_r ••- s� I ALL X11" —--------- _i�IRyy7ETERSILT----_—_ JI 11 \ I X..; CATECTON 3 1 I 1 I K / 1 I � III BLOCK 2 I — Im \— I SILT FENC r ...TTT--- \ \ "\DRAIN TILE INFlLTRA1pNBA51N INSTALL �L CATEGORY3EROSION I 106YOCLASS III RIry i 1 COMROI BLANKET RAP VERLAYWG\ I (~ \ InPI TYPE4 EOTEXTILE \ SLITT FENCEAROVNDJ\ ALONG CONCENTRATED \ I TCATEGORY3 SWALE (TYPI FABRI )PIP) CATCH OTECTIBASIN \ I�PITRAIION BASIN \\-+°.o'/_--I EROSION CONTROL PROTECTION \ RNCPERIMETERSILT I I I I I \\ I SER I I RI CATEGORY 3 EROSION I I \\\\ CONTROL BLANKET ALONG I \ CONCENTRATED ROW I n FYP) I / 1 7C=66L30 1 .IV:855.20 I I I _ I I —INSTALLCATCH BASIN PROTECTIONITYII \\ \I I I I I I I CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL I BIANKET(TYP) I PERIMETERSILT FENCE ITYPI L=15.66 — — — R=10.00 D=89°42'26' cTOC-863.65TEMPORARYRO� INV -847 57 O CONSTRUCTION ' ENTRANCE IIYPI 1 I 0, ems ..I V.iNa,rS �� I�CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL 'A4yjet� BLANKET [TYP) OE M& ra 1�• • •<S est - G.���... j GSL II�' -� 2_�rY3'_.9�4I:Ci4ilYFCH2I�'_< S, _•_I ,� ����� ! -.+�,:Yrm3: •r y r- .�.-4iru.iura.�:r c ter.--rs.�s `,'j'' rasw�a"i`.�>:eas..:.e=•�.+�c•a%B�g��'�o.�+�+ea._z•. _e-�'.arremF • .. .. .ET NE • -. _.. COMMERCIALOTSEGO 'A' PROPOSED BUILDING / \ MFE=8]0.110 GFE=859.00 CATEGORY 3 O 862.20 i EROSION CONTROL LNV-8500Y� IANFT mP1 \ CATEGORY3 0 I I V=COVERE�_ BENCHMARK=865.50(88 DATUM) TOP NUT HYDRANT CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL— BLANKET(TYPI IWALLCATCH BASIN PROTECTION (TYP) SILT PENCE AROUND — INFILTRATION BASIN ITYP) CATEGORY 3 EROSION COI BLANKET PYP) ITYPI 4S TOC=661.20 INV=??? moE W Z mm W C� ^'@) E Z W mm v V c x=F z DLLm� Ww c �� a J > b Q U I m Z ram O �N_ 11�m3"r mNN CATCH BASIN PROTECTION j1YP) � I m .D. o EE � m BL OCK 1 10 CY CLASS BI RIP RAP I m N N � OVERIAYMGTYPEd \ I r IO CY CLASS III RIP RAP OVERLAYING TYPE 4 �GEOTMTEFABRIc GEOTDT EFABRIC ITYPI \IHEELD VERIFY OUANTITYI I , I I I I J Q PI VERIFY' OUANTTY) �1+ ''3` I TN ]FIELD I \ IIIfdIAITEGORY3 I ROSION COFRROLin I O Id ww 6 to Z Z N N 8 6 Q = o 2z ) 'III II QANKET(TYPI i 1 CATEGORY EROSION __���"=�___�_ _—.— IIIII\\ �OPNROL ______________ JI II SWPPP - PLAN VIEW } ---------------'655:___ _ — i�� _____--__--.�— III 1'. I \ / I ALL ---- -- —--------- _i�IRyy7ETERSILT----_—_ JI 11 \ I \ I CATECTON _ _—_-POVF{tIAYING— —__ :B R, _—EBOSWhmaNmor _ 'flB6L—_BIgNKBT{P'R)- r—_FENCEpYPF— _ --- _ �II�9fALL 041CH BAST I �PROTE�CTION PR�TELTYON RYpI J -1 _—_1YPF_4 SaEQIEd71fE_ ___ _--EABRIC{LYPI-----IBb6ayv.9 ---____ _— _-----_i — —�__ �. I U _�.___.---- 1 ""w --_ "CATEGORY3 00 OQ O OO 15 Z EROSIONCO 7JL _ BIANKET ITYPI $ 1 \ .o [T �, . .... ,./. - TOC- 61.36 O F \— I SILT FENC r ...TTT--- \ \ "\DRAIN TILE INFlLTRA1pNBA51N INSTALL �L CATEGORY3EROSION I 106YOCLASS III RIry i 1 COMROI BLANKET RAP VERLAYWG\ I (~ \ InPI TYPE4 EOTEXTILE \ SLITT FENCEAROVNDJ\ ALONG CONCENTRATED \ I TCATEGORY3 SWALE (TYPI FABRI )PIP) CATCH OTECTIBASIN \ I�PITRAIION BASIN \\-+°.o'/_--I EROSION CONTROL PROTECTION \ RNCPERIMETERSILT I I I I I \\ I SER I I RI CATEGORY 3 EROSION I I \\\\ CONTROL BLANKET ALONG I \ CONCENTRATED ROW I n FYP) I / 1 7C=66L30 1 .IV:855.20 I I I _ I I —INSTALLCATCH BASIN PROTECTIONITYII \\ \I I I I I I I CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL I BIANKET(TYP) I PERIMETERSILT FENCE ITYPI L=15.66 — — — R=10.00 D=89°42'26' cTOC-863.65TEMPORARYRO� INV -847 57 O CONSTRUCTION ' ENTRANCE IIYPI 1 I 0, ems ..I V.iNa,rS �� I�CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL 'A4yjet� BLANKET [TYP) OE M& ra 1�• • •<S est - G.���... j GSL II�' -� 2_�rY3'_.9�4I:Ci4ilYFCH2I�'_< S, _•_I ,� ����� ! -.+�,:Yrm3: •r y r- .�.-4iru.iura.�:r c ter.--rs.�s `,'j'' rasw�a"i`.�>:eas..:.e=•�.+�c•a%B�g��'�o.�+�+ea._z•. _e-�'.arremF • .. .. .ET NE • -. _.. COMMERCIALOTSEGO 'A' PROPOSED BUILDING / \ MFE=8]0.110 GFE=859.00 CATEGORY 3 O 862.20 i EROSION CONTROL LNV-8500Y� IANFT mP1 \ CATEGORY3 0 I I V=COVERE�_ BENCHMARK=865.50(88 DATUM) TOP NUT HYDRANT CATEGORY 3 EROSION CONTROL— BLANKET(TYPI IWALLCATCH BASIN PROTECTION (TYP) SILT PENCE AROUND — INFILTRATION BASIN ITYP) CATEGORY 3 EROSION COI BLANKET PYP) ITYPI 4S TOC=661.20 INV=??? moE W Z mm W C� ^'@) E Z W mm v V c x=F z DLLm� Ww c �� a J > b Q U I m Z ram O �N_ 11�m3"r mNN CATCH BASIN PROTECTION j1YP) �� OF F .D. o EE � m BL OCK 1 Z TN I O w U O Id ww 6 to Z Z N N 8 6 Q = o 2z N Q CT i J O EA q m N Y U U ¢ i u~i lm Lv (1j)) a m O ¢ m m _ V O a Y' g 9' SWPPP - PLAN VIEW 0 40 80 1- CV OF 10 CURR A GImFR AS PER CITY PROPbSED ZIR �,� ----- - Mr _ � ::. . DRIVEWAY I I / U .__.�.__.._ __._. cincwe vronce�.oei. e� T kINSTALL"RAIN GUARDWN' .,, ., .,,._� Y ,.,,,,,_•_,_ _ 1 E .., ..-.,.,..,.. /UIWIY EASEMENT IIYPI V lE//.. O/(/ t uy) R p L=15.bb PUBUC CONCRETE a SLOG 850. �\ 8'NC SANITARY SERVIC / (WATER / INV 60 L SIDEWALK ITYP) ' R=10.00 A\ t� xNV o I R o k RPEQUIRFMENISI CONNECiTOE\6TING 9' NG \ 4 \ _ 9R �p P� 10'F D=8904?r?brr PEDESTRIAN RAMP SANRARYSEW PUBUC CONCRETE 1/ \ \\ 1 \ AS PER CITY - HYD / / / n I V =849.09 SIDENALK ITTPI 2 . / OL-Bb0.97 t W DIEL = 1 REQUIREMENTS PER CITY C _ ( tl' I V 1BEQllIREMENTs1 _ 7 D SIG 6 G G VERT INV=8 e - BLOCK 1 N OC=861.01 \ INV=LOVERE�—SN \ \ I SN—SN_ I /� 57a-AN�51� 5N TOC=861.20 �(v-o O 1. I� TOC=863.65 �/ MY DRIVEWAY ENTRANcSw/ TQC=86365 RETAINING WALL TOC=66220 /� INV=7?1 O INV=847.57 VALLEY GURERAS PER INV=848.63 STREET .,^i LENGTH •84 LP CBY REQUIREMENTS •��-'`- HEIGHT' &sFLm INV-8500k� BENCHMARK=865,50 (BB DATUM) \ O� R� z TOC=861.67 ' CONNECT TO RTING TOP NUT HYDRANT r( IX N� -T INV -857,27 _ _ RUA M86275 ITER MAIN \ �( ' - - - - ETTAPI ( - �REIOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT, AND CURB $ GURER INV W,E=849,09 JREMOVE EKISFING PAVEMENT, AND CURB & GUTTER AS NECESSARY FOR NEW UTIUTY CONNECTION. r AS NECESSARY FOR NEW UTILITY CONNECTION. CITYREPU,RCE IFEWNNT, AND CURB &A+v/Iu L (_O COMMERCIAL PARK REPLACE PAVEMENT, AND CURB$ GUTTER AS PER O CITY REQVIREMENIS. vv �( V CITY REQUIREMENTS. W f O RES UTILITY AND SURFACING NOTES: @ ra z z N N WATER AND SANITARY SEWER UTILITIES SURFACING N Q Lu In 2 = O I. WATERMAINAND ANY WATER SERVICE UNESSHALLBEPLACED ATAMINIMUM DEEM 7. PRIORTOCONSTRUCTION OFSANRARYSEWER.AND ORDERING ASSOCIATED 1.SUBGRADISSHALL BESCARIREDAND/OR COMPACTED AS NECESSARY TO ATTAIN F z I- U U m OF 8 FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE. MATERIA THE CONTRACTOR'S PLUMBING DESIGNER SHALL PROVIDETHE THE REQUIRED COMPACTION DESCRIBED IN THEGENERALNOTES (SHEET CII. L O N (3)N N ENGINEER WITH THE TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS IDFUS) FOR THE INTERIOR TESTROLUNGOFTHESUBGRADESHALLBEOMERVEDBYAQUALIREDGEOTECHNICAL in = W Y UING AND SLOPE OFTHESANITARY SEWER ENGINEER ORTECHNICAN. LOCAMMaHIBDNGEXCESSIVERUTTINGIPERMNDOT u = F G% ir 21FCONFIICR ARE DISCOVERED WHERE WATER MAIN CROSSES BUSTING SANITARY PLUMBING TO VERIFY THE CORRECTS SERVICE SPEC.2111I SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF ME ENGINEER PRIOR TO U Q F U .N... SEWER, SERVICE UNES, OR STORMSEWER, THE WATER MAIN SHALL BE RAISED OR THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTION TESTING IN UTILITY TRENCHES SHALL BE U) t1 m O Q LOWERED APPROPRIATRY WHILE STILL MAINTAINING A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 FEET BELOW PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENTTESTING FIRM FINISHED GRADE OWNER/CONTRACTORSHALL OBTAIN A PLUMBING PERMIT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY PNORTO THE INSTALLATION 3. INS IATION SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERESTORMSEWER CROSSES OF ANY SANITARY SEWER OR WATER UTIUTIES. CONSTRUCTION OFSANITARY 2 GRAVELBASE COURSES SHALL BE ROLLED AND COMPACTED. TESTROUINGOFTHE SANITARYSEWER, WATER MAIN. OR ASSOCIATEDSERVICES. INSULATIONSHALLCONSIST SEWER OR WATER UTILITIESSHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AFTER THE PLUMBING GRAVEL BASESHALL BE OBSERVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER TO VERIFY STABILITY. OFANB XB+T SQUAREOF3-THICKRLGIDINSUTATION. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED PERMIT HASSEMOBTAINED,ANDANYANDALLPEMNENTCOMMENTSHAVE BETWEENTHESTORMSEWER AND PIPE CROSSING WITH THE EDGES OFTHE INSULATION BEEN ADDRESSED ON TILE PLAN AND IN THE PROJECTSPECIRCATIONS 3. ALL EXISTING BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE EDGE, WHICH WILL NEW BITUMINOUS p PARALLEL TO THE PIPING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE N OR CONCRETE SURFACING SHALL BE SAWCUTTO OBTAIN A VERTICAL EDGE p V 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE UNE CLEANOUTS AS REQUIRED BY THE 4. MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE EXPANSION IOWiS SNAIL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE NEW CONCRETE ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE AND AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERESEPARATE CONCRETE 2 3 POURS ABUT EACH OTHER. 5. SEESHEET C4 FORSTORMSEWER GRADING, AND SHEER C2$ C3 FOR MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS RELATING TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE UTILITIES. S. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR APRONS, WHICH ABUT DOORWAY OPENINGS SHALL BE UTILLITY & PAVING TIED TO TIME FLOOR SUB WITH #4 BARS ALONG THE ENTIRE WIDTH OFTHE DOORWAY. PLAN �� OF O QCONTRACTORSHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS AND EIEVAT10N5OFALL EXSEE DETAIL ON SHEET C2 ISTING 0 � So 160 Aft. IES PRIORTO ANY CONSTRUCTION. & SEESHEET CI FOR SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS, AND CURB AND GUTTER. INV=852.74 I I 1 0) I I I s I CONNECTTODMTING WATER MAIN I N 6 (WETTAP) I N ---- EXISTING� HYDRANTI I I� sl II I � =E EXISTING PAVEMENT, AND CURB &GUTTER I I II II I J — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - AB NECESSARY FOR NEW UTILITY CONNECTION. II I ( /( I/ REPIACEPAVEMENT. AND CURB &GURER qSI II I OUTLOT A h ({/ CULV INV=656.75 / / /(( ., C OUTLOT B CULV INV=856.99ULVINV-856.70 _�- _t=._1= CITY REQUIREMENTS. I I I I I _ _- j I 1 s 1 I m co TOC=62,61 INV=8 6.16 I m\\3T \J �\ '/l _-RETATRIRG wAtT-==lJIM4 IPurrH t\H� ING.ID rB co .M� ___ _ =� I \\\\ \\\\ `-�- 'G _. --------------- / _,T` C --647:="PP=={(7( \ �= \ ).Sr:_�H55.- - \ I -:056:_______-_____-_ = _.___ _ISOlE. ._jBW i/ _ _ __ _ / = :85A: _-HEIGHL-e re aa -ii. _ -...0-ll &I,�,�. ER -.�- _ ITWP�I I /I O DRMEY/AUTTERANCE W/ VALLEY GUTTER AS PER I I� I \ T ________________________ I ( _ :Rp.l I \ -BBA_________________--_-_856:(I 95i'----____-----_.� / %\ �\ \\----_-_ II \ \ �.--__-- ___856:...-_---.�//` -_____- _--E85]______-i`` -'-pROppiEp'Nfj_______. '-FE IABI RA P`AS PER I I I CRY REQUIREMENTS I T .19; --_ SDEWAIK-___;B5U---------------/ // \\ \-___-_ _ _-_SDaWA7.K-- - �" .,.-D""`UTILI5 TYT�SFA7EBR.RYP �NCBEFE ,JR \ _--__+ -- 4\\----_____ 89o42 iBM - "45°B CONNECTTOEXISTING _____ __ __________-.- X4,2 ... .. .. .. ... .. .... ... .... .:.. a .. ':. •.+ •... ..,.; .�...•e... .. •. ..+.. ... __- .. ., - ---_- .... - _ WATER MAIN IWETTAP) __ ______ _6DIP _ _ -�� ___ �Y\2ZS9ENQ- .�T yT/ E�. / \ \--`� \\ PROP E \\ W/TS-R GURBSVi ROIAN'`/ GUTTER ECF\ B61R0 -- TOC= 61.36 O RllhUNOH3 PAVEMENT (rYAj w - ` -T��„-� —` --- \ r(C225c BEND �� ��\ / 01 Lhjp ENi li�'P �Lml \ SIDEWALK CROS RAIN #4 .- ROWUNE-E 860.25 �/ ROWUNE-W=86031 \ _ -- I L-8 I NV= 5 ( INV= 7.54 MATCH ISTING U GUTTER AND CURB&GURERAS \ _7/ r"ISEE TWFI- ---- \ ., PAVEM MIIYPI (- �REMCTVER&EXISTING NECESSARY FOR NEW UTILITY CONNECTION. I ra PEDESTRIAN RAMP TILE \\� 6DIP \ 6P DIP 4 j ' / PED IAN RAMP N z REPLACEPAVEMENTAND •: AS PER CITY/�B612 EQUIREMENR /�\DRAIN \\� I 11 _________________1--------------- ---------// \'. CURBS . GIIRER (TYP) U, I ASPF EQUI EMENR O CURR A GImFR AS PER CITY PROPbSED ZIR �,� ----- - Mr _ � ::. . DRIVEWAY I I / U .__.�.__.._ __._. cincwe vronce�.oei. e� T kINSTALL"RAIN GUARDWN' .,, ., .,,._� Y ,.,,,,,_•_,_ _ 1 E .., ..-.,.,..,.. /UIWIY EASEMENT IIYPI V lE//.. O/(/ t uy) R p L=15.bb PUBUC CONCRETE a SLOG 850. �\ 8'NC SANITARY SERVIC / (WATER / INV 60 L SIDEWALK ITYP) ' R=10.00 A\ t� xNV o I R o k RPEQUIRFMENISI CONNECiTOE\6TING 9' NG \ 4 \ _ 9R �p P� 10'F D=8904?r?brr PEDESTRIAN RAMP SANRARYSEW PUBUC CONCRETE 1/ \ \\ 1 \ AS PER CITY - HYD / / / n I V =849.09 SIDENALK ITTPI 2 . / OL-Bb0.97 t W DIEL = 1 REQUIREMENTS PER CITY C _ ( tl' I V 1BEQllIREMENTs1 _ 7 D SIG 6 G G VERT INV=8 e - BLOCK 1 N OC=861.01 \ INV=LOVERE�—SN \ \ I SN—SN_ I /� 57a-AN�51� 5N TOC=861.20 �(v-o O 1. I� TOC=863.65 �/ MY DRIVEWAY ENTRANcSw/ TQC=86365 RETAINING WALL TOC=66220 /� INV=7?1 O INV=847.57 VALLEY GURERAS PER INV=848.63 STREET .,^i LENGTH •84 LP CBY REQUIREMENTS •��-'`- HEIGHT' &sFLm INV-8500k� BENCHMARK=865,50 (BB DATUM) \ O� R� z TOC=861.67 ' CONNECT TO RTING TOP NUT HYDRANT r( IX N� -T INV -857,27 _ _ RUA M86275 ITER MAIN \ �( ' - - - - ETTAPI ( - �REIOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT, AND CURB $ GURER INV W,E=849,09 JREMOVE EKISFING PAVEMENT, AND CURB & GUTTER AS NECESSARY FOR NEW UTIUTY CONNECTION. r AS NECESSARY FOR NEW UTILITY CONNECTION. CITYREPU,RCE IFEWNNT, AND CURB &A+v/Iu L (_O COMMERCIAL PARK REPLACE PAVEMENT, AND CURB$ GUTTER AS PER O CITY REQVIREMENIS. vv �( V CITY REQUIREMENTS. W f O RES UTILITY AND SURFACING NOTES: @ ra z z N N WATER AND SANITARY SEWER UTILITIES SURFACING N Q Lu In 2 = O I. WATERMAINAND ANY WATER SERVICE UNESSHALLBEPLACED ATAMINIMUM DEEM 7. PRIORTOCONSTRUCTION OFSANRARYSEWER.AND ORDERING ASSOCIATED 1.SUBGRADISSHALL BESCARIREDAND/OR COMPACTED AS NECESSARY TO ATTAIN F z I- U U m OF 8 FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE. MATERIA THE CONTRACTOR'S PLUMBING DESIGNER SHALL PROVIDETHE THE REQUIRED COMPACTION DESCRIBED IN THEGENERALNOTES (SHEET CII. L O N (3)N N ENGINEER WITH THE TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS IDFUS) FOR THE INTERIOR TESTROLUNGOFTHESUBGRADESHALLBEOMERVEDBYAQUALIREDGEOTECHNICAL in = W Y UING AND SLOPE OFTHESANITARY SEWER ENGINEER ORTECHNICAN. LOCAMMaHIBDNGEXCESSIVERUTTINGIPERMNDOT u = F G% ir 21FCONFIICR ARE DISCOVERED WHERE WATER MAIN CROSSES BUSTING SANITARY PLUMBING TO VERIFY THE CORRECTS SERVICE SPEC.2111I SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF ME ENGINEER PRIOR TO U Q F U .N... SEWER, SERVICE UNES, OR STORMSEWER, THE WATER MAIN SHALL BE RAISED OR THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTION TESTING IN UTILITY TRENCHES SHALL BE U) t1 m O Q LOWERED APPROPRIATRY WHILE STILL MAINTAINING A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 FEET BELOW PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENTTESTING FIRM FINISHED GRADE OWNER/CONTRACTORSHALL OBTAIN A PLUMBING PERMIT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY PNORTO THE INSTALLATION 3. INS IATION SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERESTORMSEWER CROSSES OF ANY SANITARY SEWER OR WATER UTIUTIES. CONSTRUCTION OFSANITARY 2 GRAVELBASE COURSES SHALL BE ROLLED AND COMPACTED. TESTROUINGOFTHE SANITARYSEWER, WATER MAIN. OR ASSOCIATEDSERVICES. INSULATIONSHALLCONSIST SEWER OR WATER UTILITIESSHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AFTER THE PLUMBING GRAVEL BASESHALL BE OBSERVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER TO VERIFY STABILITY. OFANB XB+T SQUAREOF3-THICKRLGIDINSUTATION. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED PERMIT HASSEMOBTAINED,ANDANYANDALLPEMNENTCOMMENTSHAVE BETWEENTHESTORMSEWER AND PIPE CROSSING WITH THE EDGES OFTHE INSULATION BEEN ADDRESSED ON TILE PLAN AND IN THE PROJECTSPECIRCATIONS 3. ALL EXISTING BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE EDGE, WHICH WILL NEW BITUMINOUS p PARALLEL TO THE PIPING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE N OR CONCRETE SURFACING SHALL BE SAWCUTTO OBTAIN A VERTICAL EDGE p V 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE UNE CLEANOUTS AS REQUIRED BY THE 4. MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE EXPANSION IOWiS SNAIL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE NEW CONCRETE ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE AND AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERESEPARATE CONCRETE 2 3 POURS ABUT EACH OTHER. 5. SEESHEET C4 FORSTORMSEWER GRADING, AND SHEER C2$ C3 FOR MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS RELATING TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE UTILITIES. S. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR APRONS, WHICH ABUT DOORWAY OPENINGS SHALL BE UTILLITY & PAVING TIED TO TIME FLOOR SUB WITH #4 BARS ALONG THE ENTIRE WIDTH OFTHE DOORWAY. PLAN �� OF O QCONTRACTORSHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS AND EIEVAT10N5OFALL EXSEE DETAIL ON SHEET C2 ISTING 0 � So 160 Aft. IES PRIORTO ANY CONSTRUCTION. & SEESHEET CI FOR SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS, AND CURB AND GUTTER. 1 1 I II — — — — — \ I x=s�ae1 6 a III I/ NLV iIJV=656.75 � I�__�------__�_—�i—___--- OUTLOT B COLV INV"856.99: LVLVINV:856.70 \ I I �C4W= 1' I ��� --- \_—� J_IIII I`,II\ / W W _— __ ______ —-�I�is4111\�E __ '0i 3a'_-- � ____._ —3TA'iQ \ \ ' , — _—_-s 4Y_BENg �I \ I I 03 m 0m yyj p O« C 1 I\ — — z o --------- I_- C m ------------ -STA 2 9f �l 6i16 TEE \\� ('� r \ L \ \ STA 6TEE \ \' / — $ J \--- — TOC=_�i ItJV, / N N y J \ •. N ` - ------------------ --------- ------ \ I G. W ` CONNECTTOIXl511NG l TREi�3 _ STA 1-�2 -{ --- r — — --s- — — —— ----- I \ ` CONNECTTO IXISTI 1 I G I Z m �' W R m l DW77rNVATER MA IN ` 6"22}°B'END I, SIZE SLLO ATION00 (FIELD ERIFY \ A.��—J I / \\ \RA 6-93 \ \ \ \DIP WATER MAIN \ a SLLEf.DL82 OCAflTIONIELD E &. \\ \ \\ I I O «E« ''ZLc c p LV IV '(\,\ \ STA 2-0t:ll�l I 6"MAIBEND Cv I I / 6''2\}°BEND I I INV= �6J \ I .-L Ty/ �T- 5 ¢ o O O N O h=8 A3 I I\ I \\ I I I /� `\ f, M \ \\ L � 1V=65.731\ i \'I I / \ \ f I H z taW m 0 I II I " EP I L TII —dOZ I pG891.26 W IT20 Vi-RR'6L1 ' NK956. I 4 1 W A W E w oma ol P z— o U% m m O L' I .`pa,:—_.... \\ \ roc=862A �, Oc=BA.3s INV:fOYERED ARD "�N /... LLI 0 alit �"I /' J/ �/ yt /4 / m 'D LU LLJ 1 IV TN✓- i R " ¢ 5 06 w n m a=89°42'26° I \ � � /!,, \, i \ \ \ OF -860.97 . ht GRED RE PLAN PLAN VIEW U 1` _ —6 6 6-6—G _ - _ G-� �� —_ — �/ J NV= n' - / ` I 1' i 4 hS \\\\\\\VVVI \�� PLAN SCALE: 1"=50' ¢ z (%) �o� — m --_ ..:,T17S B6` /I 4., .r / / to I \ BLOCK 1 I 0 ma 870 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .870 - B65 . . W91RE. PROPOSED . GRADE. . . . . . . EXISTING. GRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 865 d N p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 860 .� ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o _ ---1860EXU . . . . . . . J 7.5 FT MI PRQPO$ED , STA 4-24 7.5 C MIN. ER OVER STA 7-62 --.'-GRADE 9.5 FT M1 PROPOSED. . Q COVER WATER ER' IN (TYPE GRADE - FORC6M4IN INV-860.15AT W ER MAINRYPI _ IINV=859.75 AT CROSSING COVER WATER ER. IN ITYPI GRADE. 855 CROSSING. 5TA9 74. .855 Z 10 HE INV = CRO PE— :&48 AT G .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .6..DJP 6..ZNP . . .tio r . . I . .. . .850 850 . . . I 0 . 845 CONNECT DIP WATE STA0-00( SIZE8L0 IX6TING MAIN ELDVERIFY ' TION) . . . . . . . . . CONNECTTO EX DIP WATER MA 1G-34Ifl STA 62 SEE B. LOCATIO 11NG LD VERIFY I . . . . .845 W O C6 I W " e N Z ZW N cm W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �p Q Q r .840 840 . 8 j Q= W Y O � cq co x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROFI E VIEW co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORILONT LSCALE:.V" 0' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VERTICALS ALE: 1"=5' . . . . . . . . . .835 . 830 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .830 . v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an<v1 WATER PLAN & . PROFILE C10�F10 O+DO O+So 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+OD 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 / LEGEND 5 STONLPW-1fi-50- INDICATES STORM SEWER LNE LYTEP0.0 INDICATES SAN MARY SEWER UNE INDICATES UNDERGROUND WATER DRIVEN AT 9000W INDICATES UNDERGROUND GIS INDICATES UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC E INDICATES IRON MONUMENT PLACED ECFS-321- 1.2A-NW-GZ- INDICATES IRON MONUMENT FOUND E.RF A IED A❑ 1 (---------------------------+ INDICATES STORM M1NNH0IE INDICATES SANITARY MANHOLE INDICATES CATCH 9A.SIN INDICATES WATER VALVE INDICATES HYDRANT INDICATES PDWER POLE INDICATES 1 CMC PEDESTAL INDICATES TEIFPYONE PEDESTAL INDICATES SIGN INDICATES SRU—US SUi - 2 �: . 'a+ zf•- '-a? ✓����sx--_�i � u . a ..;u-' . za �' s) za u •. ;'w na i •``_,.; a 1'4 /Ila•-� --------------- -- LEGAL DESCMPTOM 1 ti ---------------- --------- ---------------- - ---------- -- a.-- 0.4-------------------------- 1.2T11, ------------------P I 2 'ut i.� I--_—_^ _:cross• I u w I I „ v I 1 \ I I e u I .0 ].r A 'tA '1l 's, 'u r .\ •;! i '+ )� % , v)aM vleW Scale -1° - 90R 5 STONLPW-1fi-50- D6 LEDs LYTEP0.0 KEENE WW -G3-3 DRIVEN AT 9000W E SCONCE SCONCE E PHILIPS GAAOCO ECFS-321- 1.2A-NW-GZ- (2) LEDGINE SLD IIGNT E.RF A IED A❑ -4 ARRAY(E) ECF -Small, BB D—EN AT Lz— 32 LED'f, 4000K CCT, TYPE 4 OPTIC, N, SNleld 5 PHILIPS GAADCO ECFS-32L- 1.2A W (2)LEDGINE SLD LIGHT Ec4F4,m LED -N -G2- -S ARRAY(S) AT A. ECF -Smell, [] CC 1200mAE. 4000K CCT, TYPE 5 OPTIC, No SNIdE SIGNIFY - NO MN LO LED, CCT RDE W/LED O FF HADCO LIGHTING A REBEL MODULE, ID LED, REBEL, CR4000K @ )DO m4 1 G., ECFS-32L- (Z) LEDGINE EcoFmm 530-NW-GZ- ,H. SLD LIGHT ARRA(S) A. LED ECF -Small, ^❑ GG DRIVEN AT 530mA 3Z LED% 4000KCCT, TYPE 2 -HIS ofnc, H.—Ide _.I SNw­. .